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coven cat edition

the glowies and three letter boys are fucking us
rise up sheople
the more this country rots and festers the more people like me prosper
i'm off
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I'm a glowie
Nu-country is just pop music with a country twang and that artificial clap sound. There's the odd country artist that still makes good country music, but they're a tiny corner in the country music scene.
how do mexicans deal with fucked up crushed nachos? this shit's more retarded than a trailer park
How is that?
The fucking sauce is fucking with my stomach
Have a lovely evening, be safe and don't drown in da tub
jelly roll and his flying monkeys are straight up autotune and no twang
Zach Bryan is sovl though
watching destiny
Destiny? You mean the cuck guy?
No he is watching destiny aka the threads if fate. Nigga's a seer.
destiny destroying this chud right now
Went out for dinner for mommy's birthday. She had a nice time I'm glad
Jelly Roll is a rapper, I still don't know why he's doing country. Also the entire industry is basically addicted to auto-tune, so I'm not sure why you're calling him out for it.
He's got that voice.
The best part is when your dad gives her that birthday clapping, u nawamsayin?!
your mom shares a birthday with margaret thatcher and george floyd
Destiny is that cuck guy. I can't wait for Trump's appeal to finish, because Destiny is going to lose his mind. Youtubers are going to farm his rage for days. It's going to be great.
You are so childish
i will find love and it will be good
he just looks stupid and has a stupid name and my sister mentioned him once, I don't know any other faggots. He actually looks like the fat americans in AI generated truck ads
Might go to Japan and do this
my favorite artist? Riff Raff
Mine? Kid Rock
I like some of his rap, we used to listen to it while cooking, but everyone knows him for Save Me now.
That's how women are and it's endearing

Pretending women are the same as men has been a disaster.
mine is Lex Steele
Everyone I know who listens to Jelly Roll is obese just like him
I had to quit school in elementary because of recess, too many games
Same, I also want to go to a host club, they seem like chill dudes, and I want to know how they do their hair.
I also want to go to maid cafes and shit. So many weeb things to do
“Got more ice than Edmonton” is an all time Riff line
I was introduced to Jelly Roll from a 50 year old thin woman in a kitchen.
I like being fat. I like taking up space. I like leisurely reclining. I like when people notice. I like when girls get scared.
Riff Raff is somehow jewish. and his real name is "Horst"
Please lose weight
No its because shes doing this to get at me
Have you noticed that every white rapper is covered in face tattoos besides Ian? Really makes you think.
Em has face tattoos?
Mc lars was not covered in tats
Take your meds
He’s a guy who got famous out of nowhere. Of course he’s Jewish.
If you don't get the tats you inevitably become like Lil Dicky
I mean, you didn't even think about Lil Dicky when you wrote this post, that's how bad it gets
Blonde has face tats?
Vanilla Ice has face tats?
I will never take medication i will never touch grass
niggas be like
"this nature too scary"
I'm sweating like a damn Gesundheit
they all are, it's no coincidence
he doesn't seem very jewish to me
Bro WHO???? lmaooo
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Been watching Hammer films lately. Good stuff.
My fetish is being completely subservient to women in home life (cooking, cleaning laundry etc). My girlfriend loves it, and makes me wear skimpy things while I work.
She's cheating on you.
You don’t need to insert your fetish into this.
Reminder that 80s hip hop was about having wholesome fun and resisting oppression, and one of the first subversive hip hop acts to incite rebellion against family and bad morals was the Jewish hip hop group the beastie boys
I am behooved
What does this have to do with my post
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Anyone else get a sudden urge to carve ducks?
everything is sexualized and if you sexualize everything you're subhuman. if you chase sex you're subhuman.
you're just mad you didnt get any clussy at the joker movie
What's clussy?
what turning 40 does to a mf
what's louis ck up to these days
Thinkin bout upping the number of boiled eggs i eat a day
Thoughts /cum/mers?
Louis CK made a skit where he made fun of christians for being anti masturbation
Funny how that worked out isn't it
What's low quality bait?
I wouldn't blame Beastie Boys, pre-fame Tupac was clearly a fag and it was all a persona that we saw.
this nigga eatin eggs
Clown pussy.
Believe someone the first time, when they tell you who they are.
The first video, 2pac was 17
The second video, 2pac had just gotten out of prison and had just survived an assassination attempt and had to sign to a gang label to survive. He was in a state of paranoia, and that's how he created his masterpieces all eyez on me and 7 day theory

The whole "2pac was a fake gangster" thing is said by people who don't know the whole story

This song is describing genuine fear and paranoia
You should eat more eggs
Need a bitch to lemme fuck her in clown makeup
I know his story, and I still think it's a persona.
It's all theatre.
I enjoyed the first Joker
What is that video supposed to prove
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Based Cesar Romero enjoyer.
lots of canadian geese flew over my house yesterday morning. wish those wretched canadian beasts would stay in canada
That Tupac and Biggie never actually hated eat other and it was all dramatic theatre for teenagers to feed off of. They were both millionaires, laughing their way to their mansions.
2pac getting shot 4 times is what turned him against BIG
And the beef between them ultimately resulted in pac getting killed because Diddy put a bounty on pacs label jewelry
A hell of a publicity stunt
>A hell of a publicity stunt
As we've recently been shown, Diddy is unhinged. So yes, it was all publicity that Diddy took too far.
Maybe for Diddy, not for Pac
It's hot as hell out
mexico isn't sending their best
It was for Pac also. Don't you remember how quickly after he was killed, that Biggie flipped to singing Pac's praises?
its raining here. gray as FUCK. but its not that cold.
I don't remember that, but big was never that invested, he never even dissed pac directly
Pac was the one who got shot and went crazy
woke me and my cat up with their honking
Future should have more songs like Oath where he's actually rapping verses instead of mumbling hooks
one thing about indians you tell them the place closes at 9 they're gonna walk in at 8:58. kill them all
If it was so "real" then Snoop Dog shouldn't have gotten over it so quickly too. I think you bought into the theatre of gangsta rap.
Next, you'll be telling me that Ice Cube and the other members of NWA were actually mad at each other, and it wasn't just a dispute with the record label.
Just good theatre.
My cat and I*
The King and I?
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you lied
It's very hard to believe its all theater when the whole situation popped off from a genuine assassination attempt.
I don't deny it was varying degrees of fake from the perspective of others, but Pac definitely went crazy after getting shot and then imprisoned.
50 cent said that after you get shot, you either go crazy from paranoid or you become unstoppable.
reddit post
reddit post and I*
how many "gangsta" rappers have been killed or arrested while dealing drugs?
can we PLEAASE talk about the costco guys situation
It's 50 for me (virginia)
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nah couldn't see it
what the heck are you yappin about lil bro??
is it so much to ask for a hot meal on the table when i come home to my empty house where i live alone
>Pac definitely went crazy after getting shot and then imprisoned.
>50 cent said that after you get shot, you either go crazy from paranoid or you become unstoppable.
Theatre. 50 Cent's also said in interviews that the shit between him and The Game was so The Game could get some easy PR.
Di you mean the famous ones or random hood trash that emulates the theatre?
Because the random hood trash probably makes it a high number, but they're retarded enough to believe the black equivalent of wrestling is real.
You're delusional If you think 50 being shot 9 times and then the hitman being killed shortly after was theater
trannies don't get hot meals
I don't think he was dealing drugs when it happened but Big L was shot on the same street where he posed for his album cover
trannies get this penis (if they're in the 0.00000001% of attractiveness)
I was not popular in high school
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Yeah, it's dinner time
yall niggas aint broke a law in your life
Everyone below this post is a non mammalian synapsid
The rapper Cam'Ron just revealed the circumstances that resulted in Ls death

I think it's pretty cool for him to reveal this hip hop history to us
corn dogs are so fucking good, bros
Underage drinking
Smoking weed
Consuming psychedelic mushrooms
Taking molly
when i was a skater kid i often ran from the police and succeeded every time.
shomer shabbos
You're retarded for not understanding what I said. Not him getting shot. How he describes it to the public. He got shot. But "you either go crazy from paranoia or become unstoppable" is theatre for rappers.
People get shot all the time, and they just go through some physio, and go back to leading a normal life after. It's not to say that there's not some mentally ill people who don't go crazy, but that's not the norm.
But if you say the normal thing, then it doesn't boost your image.
I swear you don't understand how much of rap is just applied marketing.
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I'm better and more worldly than all of you because I did LSD. I have self awareness in spades. I'm introspective. Not like You. Don't fucking forget it
i remember my dad called the cops on a bunch of skater kids for being on his property and they started crying
I don't admit to my crimes.
>But "you either go crazy from paranoia or become unstoppable" is theatre for rappers.
He wrote it in his book
Either way, the pac situation was real at least for Pac. I don't know why you'd concede 50 being shot as being real but not pac when they both resulted in people being killed
me and my friends would throw our skateboard in the tall brush and split up and just walk down the sidewalk pretending to look on our phones and the cops would cruise past each time.
Was Drake vs Kendrick real
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wanna smoke but I don't have a lighter with a working flint so I have to ignite a napkin on my electric stove to light my lighter, then light a candle so I can use that
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>wanna smoke
t shirt i wanted from hot topic was sold out
This was real Drake was insanely profitable and now he's not. What could destroying that be worth to anyone. He had an army of normie moms who thought he was just so cute and cool
No, Kendrick is a industry rapper made in a factory
So is Drake but that's obvious. People think Kendrick is real but he isn't. Just an image.
nope but I've wanted to carve a wooden doll character from an obscure soviet styled game for a while now
2007 type post
>t shirt i wanted from hot topic was sold out
You got no halloween rizz
What t-shirt was it?
I look insane in my anime merch I'm big and fat and I have a big beard I look like Ulysses S Grant and I rock anime
gonna smoke a joint and walk around outside for an hour in the chilly air listening to music
just bee yourself and own it anon
What was it, Invader Zim? Nightmare Before Christmas?
>He wrote it in his book
Even more theatre, because he's selling a product directly.
>but not pac when they both resulted in people being killed
I believe he was shot at, but I don't believe all the beef that goes with it. What don't you understand? Pac was an opportunist. So he turned that shitty moment into something that made him look even more ganster.
Only a small handful of rappers continue to do illegal things once they get rich, if they did anything illegal at all.
It's all just theatre. Otherwise "winning" wouldn't be resolved with being a better rapper to the public, but they'd solve it with actual drivebys. But they don't. Famous rapper get charged with things like illegal firearms possession at worst.
Diddy is the anomaly, who actually became more of a criminal with money and fame.
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people always talk about someone lacking self awareness but a lack of intrapersonal awareness is much more common
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>gonna smoke a joint and walk around outside for an hour in the chilly air listening to music
don't think i'll hit my calorie requirements for today
100% of the people who knew Pac say it was real and have done extensive interviews about
Let me guess that's all theater too
People don't get shot multiple times and think "I am going to make so much money from this" and then go and get themselves shot again
I hear mountain biking is popular in canada
They made songs dissing each other in an attempt to have the public take one of their sides to be labelled the GOAT's GOAT.
It was no more real, that people shitposting on Twitter though. Just two people trash talking, that will never start shit in real life.
That's actually pretty neat. I thought it was going to be something Steven Universe related
Knew someone from school who had a shirt like this except it was Star Wars instead of Halloween
you are here seething and I'm about to enjoy the crisp weather and supreme serenity of a sleeping city with a tasteful musical backing to appreciate the little things in life
nah i aint no bitch ass soyboy
oh my science is that japanese freaking text
I feel firmly the sight and judgement of the Christian god
god's work
halloween is satanic no clussy for you incel
>star wars t shirt
I hate Jamie Lee Curtis so much
Nice infinity trips
Time to repent anon
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>Let me guess that's all theater too
People don't want to trash his image, retard.
>People don't get shot multiple times and think "I am going to make so much money from this"
Yes they fucking do. We literally saw it this year with Trump. He got shot in the ear, and immediately did "Fight Fight Fight" to try and get as much favour from it as possible. It was so effective, a photographer went out of his way to capture this angle.
okay anything for my little "blood god" *puts more cranberry sauce on your turkey* his majesty better clean his plate
This is Sister Souljah. Public Enemy, Security of the First World, and all allied forces are traveling west to head off a white supremacy scheming to destroy the national celebration of Martin Luther King's birthday. Public Enemy believes that the powers that be in the states of Ohio and Florida have found psychological discomfort in paying tribute to a black man who tried to teach white people the meaning of civilization. Good luck brothers, show 'em what you got
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>you are here seething and I'm about to enjoy the crisp weather and supreme serenity of a sleeping city with a tasteful musical backing to appreciate the little things in life
she was cute in halloween
He actually was
Something can simultaneously be theatrical and genuine
At 1:40 Pac calls out the people who had him shot by name
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>hip hop fans ITT
can't believe wiggers actually use this internet forum
just watched destiny absolutely gape this chud
like literally gape?
Also Diddy/puffy diss at 50 seconds is kind of haunting
I'm chi
Chud will gape his gf
What makes you so certain we're white?
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>watched destiny gape this chud
stay jealous of this chud
tiktokkers won't last 7.343 seconds watching this
I really think you've bought into the image of gansta rap being real, and no amount of me showing otherwise will do anything to change it.
>you can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic their way into
Take some time and learn marketing and advertising. After you're done, apply it to the entire genre of rap.
For the longest time, I bought into the whole story around Kurt Cobain's death, because I was too emotionally invested in his music. Once I was able to distance myself from it, I realized all my mistakes. Hopefully you can do that one day with rap.
Black political power has peaked. Democratic politicians are obsessed with not upsetting the Hispanic vote (which will be bigger than the Black vote for the first time, ever, this cycle)
Just watch. In 2040 president Hernandez we'll be signing another crime bill, with 2 strikes not 3 this time
I feel crazy. Nobody recognizes this epoch-defining truth but me
from bad to worse
Leafs won't last 1 second.
>Video unavailable
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country
just demolished 4 corndogs
I don't think gangster rap is real, I think a situation that resulted in people being shot and killed was real
did you eat them with mustard?
I think you're too emotionally invested in it still.
yeah more gaped than my asshole after taking a huge shit
I think you've observed lots of other media stunts that were theatrical and projecting it into this
No, I think you don't realize how much of rap is theatrical. Pac got killed because Diddy is a fuck.
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>he didn't get a perfect in connections today
hawk tuah the polls
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Was pac jumping the Crip that killed him also theater?
Theater that nobody could see except on obscure Vegas hotel security footage?
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they went back to baby mode today after too many people complained that it was actually somewhat difficult yesterday
business idea: hit man service, but only targets annoying 4chan posters
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Once you internalize the theatrics, it becomes second nature. It's all his persona that consumed his life. Ruined the fag.
One of rap's GOATs is a fag fake thug.
Once you become rich and famous, you think you'll be untouchable.
what does LED stand for
I think the jay-z & nas beef was real and could have led to violence
>nas planning on hanging a dummy replica of Jay-z at a concert
>jay-z's mom calling to tell jay to apologize to Nas
business idea: hit man service, but only targets tranny jannies
You're literally making this up as you go
The jay z nas disses were wack as hell. This beef was so overrated. The highlight of this beef was jay z showing prodigy in the dancing outfit at summer jam
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I like this image. It reminds me of when I was a cat
light emitting diode.
i'll send an invoice to your mother
>You're literally making this up as you go
None was made up. You just don't like seeing behind the curtain.
Increasingly convinced I'm actually some sort of generational artistic and linguistic talent and I fucked up by being here all the time and accumulating a large number of people IRL who don't like me
100% of the people behind the curtain say it was real
100% of the people know not to trash talk someone that's worshipped.
too much celebrity worship going on in this thread
for me, it's ultraclub4k
People talk shit about 2pac all the time
You aren't in the culture
not club penguin?
for me its this
I love hip hop and 2pac is my favorite rapper but I don't get to talk about it very much
didn't even know they renamed the cleveland injuns :/
is pac gonna get justice or is diddy going to slip the noose?
Diddys life is over bro
lesbian eating dapuss
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In Japan, the host club ecosystem is actually totally circular, the vast majority of the girls who pay to spend time with the boys are prostitutes who work nearby.
This makes the neighborhood of Kabukicho a kind of bizzare money pit, with the only real "input" being foreign tourists with their big hairy viking bodies and their big cocks. I saw this firsthand, it's real.
Watching Diddy's lawyer trying his best to defend his client is great
>well I think a thousand bottles is a bit of an exaggeration, and Americans do tend to buy in bulk
Have you ever noticed that personal trainers are always manlets?
Go out and make connections
cool, very very cool
who conquered peru
want to shave my beard because I lost weight and want to see if my jawline looks better at twink weight but I'm scared I'll just look like a bitch
Petting doggo
Who is Cortez?
Are you both sharing the same braincell
Cole knew it was fake and that's why he dropped out
me and ur mom are sharing the same bed
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500 words into my 1000 word essay, it's going well considering I had two weeks to do it and I started 2 hours ago. Give me encouragement to finish it.
>go through whole distortion word
>only have one dusk ball
guess I'm reseting for the next hour.
You can do it anon
fuck you i hope you fail
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Brazil, after taking the Good Neighbour focus.
good luck anon
Get the FUCK out of here and go finish it
me bottom right fr
what kind of underwear do /cum/ boys wear?
Thank you.
i usually thongs
silk boxer briefs, or nothing
big old man flannel boxers
what cuban leader did fidel castro overthrow in 1959
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cooking dinner now that im clean
it’s white sauce noodles with angel hair pasta
try to work in the phrase "and that's all she wrote" at the end of your essay
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>new horizons
Blue with a pineapple pattern
Been wearing boxer briefs but since I've been going to the gym they don't fit over my quads :/
Spinster please be
yeah and mental illness
Animal Crossing was better before it became like the Sims
Maybe I should try to hide a n word in there somewhere with a cryptogram.
boxer briefs or these legging type things I found
I hate animal crossing because it pressures you into playing every day and punishes you if you don't
But I haven't played one since wild world so maybe it's different now
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dollhouse sim*
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>abloo bloo, I have to play the game
Anime boobies
Boxer briefs
you guys are just joking right you don't actually play this gay baby game right
>legging type things I found
can you show? sounds comfy
You know what your problem is? You don't sit in a $700 chair
You browse this gay baby website
The Sims is a dollhouse sim
everyone here is actually in middle school
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>cant enjoy comfy games
I've only played wild world, new horizons, and pocket camp, and they're all pretty familiar to play. I don't really care for pocket camp as much. I also liked miitomo but none of my friends play it and it defeated the whole purpose of the game.
life was about 600% better when I was in middle school
I'm the reason your life is 600% worse now.
life was better when i was a fetus
Middle school fucking sucked
The only part I remember fondly were the 25 minute lunch breaks where I got to sit and chat and mess around with my friends
I had a $25 wooden desk chair from Ikea for like 7 years and the second I changed it I had back problems. Really makes you think
I don't actually have them rn. I like them because I can wear ankle socks with boots and they're another layer to keep warm
the grumpy characters were the best part. Soyfags can't deal with meiwaku
Man I just love it when you put in an application and get no fucking reply. I understand some places, but I put in an application at my college 2 months ago and got fucking nothing. Are there even jobs out there? Is anyone really hiring? I don't believe the labor shortage shit for a second.
hr is overwhelmed with job applications bud since supply is greater than demand
Dating apps make my stomach turn. Waiting for a response and whatnot not a fan of this communications
Then what was all that shit a while back about a labor shortage? Also the job still shows as open, evidently they're still hiring for the position.
Just jack off, way easier.
They're hiring but they have 100s of application to deal with. Also, they don't close the job until someone signs the offer letter.
A strategy I always see is to ask people who already have the job how they got it https://youtu.be/lEGzPWb-oFw?si=2gcpr4Jed8Syaj41
idk maybe it's extra for a minimum wage thing but maybe it could work
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there are femboys that post in /cum/.
Animal Crossing DS is so nostalgic for me
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what is canadian tire and why are they scamming me
this is how japanese people go fishing desu
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need alcohol
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I'm sober tonight. Trying to reduce my drinking since I sleep and feel better without it unless it's one drink with dinner.
Did they refund you in Canadian tire money?
How would you feel if a woman squirted in your face while you ate her out?
someone make the new im making dinner and watching the kitchen tv (kitchen tv is not an old lady thing i just like it)
it was kc tire and it was canadian tire
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too early
nah... i don't really feel like it
Nukes are fucking fake
How would you feel if a girl tried to lick your arsehole after licking your balls?
that would never happen

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