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can I get uhhhhhhh edition

previous >>203428583
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What a naughty boy! UwU
You've never dated a French girl.
I could kick his ass
this is the perfect woman I'm afraid
if a woman like this asked me to kill, I would
im a khhv
bitch looks like clive warren
currently eating a poptart
see >>203431367
That's a man
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I almost agreed from the thumbnail but realized it wasn't her
waiting to slice into this banana bread (cake)
**cums on your cake**
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playing old retro games on an arcade stick feels so right, bros
looks like a boy lol
What kind?
I too am in Ohio
damn bro, my condolences
>sexualizing baked goods
80 IQ spiritually dead retard
Swag in ohio
Which state is known as the treasure state
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pirate island
nationally mandated pixie cuts for females
this is a conspiracy by Big Scissor
best cut is the one i have (wolf cut with bangs)
Hey Brazil fren did you have a good day?
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Federally mandated brown girls for every white male
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What sick, demented god would structure life this way
me on the bottom
any hoosiers in?
short wolf cuts are good but pixie cuts are still superior (there is no contest pixie > *)
Except no real girl comes close to anything 2D or 3D animated.
Let's say I hypothetically engineered a complete shitbull Holocaust, worked out the resource requirements, logistics, extermination methods, etc. would that be something to put on a resume for supply chain management?
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what games should I play on my 2011 linux laptop?
stop drinking covfefe
That looks good on a lot of women, but not all of them. For example if her hair is fine and limp, or if she has a low forehead, it doesn't work well.
she has a cute smile but imagine seeing someone filming themselves on the bus like this
I am wasting my life and I'm afraid
I said brown not black
I loved Fable, Haven't played homm and not much aoe
It's not too late to change
who cares. if you waste your whole life you won't be around to regret it
gn sir
i studied ancient techniques from the japanese master Hitolmi Hiyahomo
good night
why does this website keep eating my posts this has happened twice in a row now
Fable would be goated if there was like 3 times more content
is tea okay
Matt cmon
same except im not afraid for some reason
it is
I am zuper gassy
not really but not the worst too just boring day and dysphoria hitting a bit as always ty for asking hbu???
i dont really like short hair (even tho some girls match perfectly with them) so idk about that i prefer the medium length lol
yeah wolfcut needs a bit of volume thats why i like it my hair is not 100% straight its a bit wavy (not curly) so i like it and i always wore bangs so i think im just too used to it to change lol
I was personally trained in ninjitsu and sushi making by Matamaka Hiroyito
>why does this website keep eating my posts this has happened twice in a row now
my antivirus was being gay as fuck and kept blocking posts here, not sure if you might be having the same problem.
Boomer detected
Imaging needing software to prevent yourself from downloading a virus
you need to get some personality traits besides being a tranny alright
mega fart incoming
okay good cause i had some chai earlier
i don't think so, i don't think i have an antivirus unless it's a setting i can turn off im on mac
just visited /mu/ for the first time in years. it's somehow more homophobic and racist than /int/
>Imaging needing software to prevent yourself from downloading a virus
a lot of malware in ads, and every now and then i do catch a stray ad even with an adblocker up.
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Here spinster this is for you in case anyone is mean to you, you can post it
if you save this to your device you need to be run over with a steamroller
It is cute, unlike you
i saw that /bleep/ was finally dead, along with butthew
Maybe his parents finally forced him to get mental health and addiction treatment
He's right
you gonna spread butter on it?
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This is what I look like
Do you still want me to be run over?
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strawberries from the store taste like nothing
give me garden strawberries or give me death
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>This is what I look like
>Do you still want me to be run over?
i put sugar on my strawberries
I guess you can't live a bad life and expect good things to happen to you
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I don't know. I don't know you personally and I'm not in a "kys" mood right now. Have a good night.
All I saw was a person in leggings doing a cartwheel and I became mildly aroused
Rest of the video made me want to kms
oh dear
that freak is ugly
looks like casey neistat
based reconciler
What do pdiddy and typhlosion have in common?
to get to the other side
What do they have in common, anon?
Do you guys feel like you will never find happiness? Like all the work and effort you put in is for nothing? Like nothing ever works out for you?

I feel like that constantly.
They're both into children.
Sounds like you need to learn to enjoy the journey instead of romanticizing the reward/goal
femcel or tranny?
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i'm subanimal. i'm a grub. i'm ruined. it's not enough that i should be killed, i have to be humiliated and made an example of
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Just popped a cheeky bit of flan in the fridge to set for taco Tuesday. I used to think why bother going through so much effort, but I've learned that effort makes things more worth it
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do the flashbacks ever stop
i will not disable my adblocker what does it say
I feel like I am solely consumed by visceral anger and hatred. It becomes my motivation to wake up and has made me unable to enjoy film, social media, and music the way I did before. I feel pain thinking about how I was happier when I was brainwashed and ignorant. I am enlightened but full of nasty evil thoughts and nastier eviler emotions.
let's try setting more realistic goals than happiness
Why are you angry and hateful? Your post is vague.
Hidden files from Pokémon Gold/Silver show that Typhlosion originally had lore where he was in a romantic relationship with a human female child
you could probably read the story on /vp/ but tldr is typhlosion is a psychotic kidnapping rapist and that typhlosions are likely half human.
This. Do you wish you lived in a society with different values, or what?
which one do i believe
Blackpill shit dead on the money when they saw women don't even see men they consider sexuality unattractive as not even being human.
Women being nurturing, loving, and empathetic beings my ass.
There's nothing more darwinian and eugenicist than a woman's sexuality. Not even saying it in a women owe me sex way, but they legit do not want you to live. Just look at the way they talk about short guys holy shit.
Trying to smoke but my cart is clogged :/
tru, but dont nobody want to hear that
women don't see people they're not attracted to, and say 'damn i want that dude DEAD'
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Never in a million years could I have guessed that I would learn today that Typhlosion is a child rapist
idk how my package arrived a few towns over but not at my local mail place
I'm pretty sure mail is just a modified pachinko
Journey sucks. I have no friends. My only form of socialization is talking to my family and posting on here.
What's going on with Typhlosion?
Usually they won't even notice you exist, in that case I guess you can safely just go on with your life on your own. But not ever dare attempt to flirt or approach her in any way. Women get absolutely savage if their monkey brain thinks their eggs are in danger of being fertilized by an unworthy inferior male.
Creepy Japanese game developers originally wrote him to be a kidnapping child rapist, according to recent file leaks from Gold/Silver
He got caught with pdiddy.
what's your favorite pie? apple pie? dutch apple pie? blueberry pie? cherry pie? pumpkin pie? sweet potato pie? pecan pie? custard pie? chocolate pie? lemon meringue pie? key lime pie? strawberry rhubarb pie? peach pie? banana cream pie? a meat pie?
just stop
i don't like taking ibuprofen but i think i have to now
Both having friends and being friendless have pros and cons
It's easy to focus on things we don't have and pretend everything would be better if you only had those things. But if your perspective is fixated on "thing I don't have" then you'll just focus on some other thing you don't have if you did have that thing.
Instead, focus on what you do have and be thankful. Life will always bless you and test you simultaneously
I got a package for you
*grabs crotch*
apple pie is my favorite pie but i prefer cobblers
If you met some cool people, would things be good? Or would those people not find you pleasant to talk to? (I'm not judging, just curious what the situation is.)
If you're a 7+ than you simply haven't experienced this.
what is wrong mijo?
Nigga what?
apple pie and pumpkin pie
If we shared interests I think it would be fine, it just seems like this is the only place in the world where there are people that share my weird interests. Probably because we're all hiding in our parents basements.
neck hurts. shouldn't have sat around playing vidya all day lmao.
apple and strawberry-rhubarb are great
Just Google "Typhlosion" and you'll see the controversy
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I'm single because my parents were in a relationship like this
dungeon and dragons is satan worship
just look at all the queers and tranoids who play it
theyre all members of a satanic cult
i'm sorry but that drawing is pretty funny
what's funny about that
is that not normal?
gonna make cum shoot out of my penis soon
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Is this true?
in english, doc
the situation isn't funny at all and i'm sorry you had to deal with that
but the little thought bubble just made me laugh that's all
inside: evil chud thoughts
outside: haha damn oh wow oh really damn that's crazy oh for real damn damn that sucks aha wow
i like "torta holandesa", it means dutch pie. funny thing it has nothing to do with netherlands but its named like that for personal reasons of the woman that created that pie
very tasty anyway
why is peach cobbler more popular than apple cobbler or cherry cobbler or blueberry cobbler?
My mom would always complain about having to do all this housework and angry he wasn't supporting her attempts and making my siblings and I help her. From his perspective she was a stay at home mom who didn't have a job so doing housework IS her job.
They also never kissed or showed affection towards each other at all. In fact the one or two times I saw them kiss it was really jarring and uncomfortable to me, because I had never saw them do that.
Obviously they got separated
you're describing conversations i have with my sister
Blueberry cobbler is the best if these
And black berry cobbler
That sucks, but it does make sense. What are your weird interests?
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Damn who is reporting everything? What a bitch lol
I think it's a regional southern thing
do you like pie and cobbler served hot with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?
pretty much everyone but me is a dawdling ruminant sleepwalker. in a different time you'd be paying me a grain tax
that's a bit personal
It's been over half a decade of having to hide my power level and not say racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, and misogynistic things to my family and friends.
Recently though I've been talking shit about trannies and indians with my sister.
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I need a Chinese or Mexican gf
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Just shaved my asshole with lubricant
it was popular in upper class homes in the antebellum south, so once the ingredients to make it became cheaper after the war and canning got better it became more accessible
le mouse molester (LMM)
I’m pretty sure the only people who don’t prefer it à la mode are lactose intolerant, i.e. they can’t have it the objectively nicer way without shitting themselves
Women with genuinely flawless and perfect bodies are rare but they do exist. And that's only within a brief window of their lives since aging and life events will cause flaws to appear.
White women are masculine
I'm in full body pain from working out
That means I'm doing it right, right?
>take tiny East Asian wife
>have tiny manlet hapa son
>son can’t attract a wife
>broken branch ancestor cry
Same thing with men, but to be honest a perfect pretty boy is actually a bit effeminate to me. Like being a man means you need to have some physical damage to your body. Otherwise it means your a freeloader and a parasite who isn't contributing.
take an epsom salt bath that will help you a lot
No tub unfortunately. Can i eat the epsom salt?
let my nigga go he dindu nuffin
That why you bust nuts until the womb runs dry and get as many daughteru's as you can
not necessarily
it could be a sign of poor recovery or improper technique. When I started working out I'd be sore for a day or so but after a few weeks it stopped but I kept making progress. But I know one guy who like never sleeps and always eats shit and he complains about being sore all the time as if his workouts aren't trash and it's not him failing to recover.
I enjoy being handsome
how about apple pie served with a slice of quality cheddar cheese?
i dont think these two flavours would go well together
i gotta kill myself
The part where he talked about those who sook power on the back of the tiger only to wind up inside(implying the tiger ate them) was sweet
I switched up my routine and got insane doms after the second push day (especially shoulders) for some reason. I went hard as fuck though
Its just normal soreness, nothing seriously hurts.
I'm not eating enough either probably
no don’t do that
History, occult stuff, crusader kings. Just weird stuff. Everyone either plays shooter games or sports games. I've never really met anyone all that into history.
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imagine going to the moon and being like "yeah that's enough of that"
Continuing one’s patrilineal/Y-DNA lineage is the priority task THOUGH
i have heard of people doing this before but never seen it irl
but that other anon is right those two tastes don’t really go together imo
you have brown skin lol
Dont care, line the Chinese honeys up, I cum in them, simple as.
what reason is there for going
If you just started working out, you’re probably experiencing DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). It’s most intense when you start working out, but then subsided as you make it into a proper habit in your life.
Made of cheese i heard. Well aged by now too i reckon. It would fetch a hefty premium.
do some tests o algo
it's a good launch pad for going to the rest of the solar system
we have here in brazil "romeu e julieta"
cheese and goiabada (its very sweet) and very good. the mix between sweet and salty can be heavenly sometimes
other dusty barren shitholes
I prefer their cigars
sounds good actually
I keep ramming eggplants into my anal cavity. I have a dangerous addiction.
thank you for sharing that with us jason
The prospect of mining asteroids for rare metals in quantities that’d be unimaginable on Earth is kind of interesting. Otherwise, we’ve got plenty of uninhabitable shitholes like Antarctica or the Sahara that we can LARP Mars Colony in for the time being
do you prefer macaroni and cheese baked with a breadcrumb topping or baked without a topping? or stove top? how about bacon added? or frozen peas? with hot sauce or mustard powder? kraft with ketchup?
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May be going to the Cheesecake Factory with Mom and Dad this weekend
heightmogged by two women today
What races were they?
topical. brave. poignant.
everyday occurrence for me
Its hot when a woman is taller than me
do you add cut up hot dogs to your macaroni and cheese?
I switched up routines recently. It is just doms, but shocked it's hitting me so hard. I've been back to lifting for a while now
one black and one white. the black one i think was taller, i judged her to be maybe 6'5 and the white one was probably 6'3 but i'm terrible at estimating height. they may have been taller. the white one was with her husband or boyfriend who looked 6'7 or 6'8
Are you Hispanic?
no fortunately
You just got unlucky? Damn. Sorry bro.
Nope, I'm white. Are you saying that brown people share my interests?
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it's the kind of over that cannot be fixed
875 words into my 1000 word essay and I don't know what else to add. My muse sleeps. Surely this will get a good enough grade?
He is. He's right.
just finished watching edge of tomorrow (again)
watch beyond tomorrow, a very comfy christmas movie that I really enjoyed
good cruise kino but the manga ending was much much better
It depends on your location, but yeah, I can easily believe it's difficult to find people in your area who like history. I'm saying this as someone who majored in history.

Your interests are niche, but it sounds like you have a lot of them. That's good, because it makes it more likely that you'll find someone with overlapping interests. I hope you do.
baked with breadcrumbs for sure
no bacon or anything like that
Thinkin bout going to arbys tomorrow
Idk where else to get a reuben
damn thats a cool gun
get a 92fs
Yeah it looks pretty sweet because of the scaled serrations but functionally it isnt that good because of the caliber and it only holds 8 rounds per mag
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I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can
For freedom of every man

For the lives all so wasted and goooooooooooone
i don't see what makes apes so supposedly smart. they can be trained to roll a cigarette but that's just because they have hands if a dog had hands it could probably do that too. what's the greatest feat of ape intellect
>christmas movie that I really enjoyed
not him but are you the hallmark anon?
idk how much this is clouded by nostalgia, but i recall liking when friends’ moms would cut up hot dogs into mac and cheese
Where do I even meet people? Where do people make friends?
they look really good
sign language
they probably give pretty good hugs too
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goodnight and sweet dreams
Which one? the weenie that watches them unironically or the one who watches them to get drunk and laugh at their tupid plots
Handguns have limited utility, outside specific scenarios. AR or AK platform, I’d say
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I thought about it for awhile but I really dont like the way the 92 fs looks personally.
>sign language
food me give food give me food food me me give food nipples food nipples give me nipples food give
Goodnight Matt
more hand specific skills... curious. maybe what you people call smart is actually just having hands
latter but i dont think he's drunk
Because of recent state laws I can only purchase a ar with a fixed magazine or a ruger min 14
Saw a really cute white girl with a mini skirt and entire bare back exposed at the korean palace. Took all my willpower not to stare
of course not, I only watch hallmark movies in december
1911s are a firearms enthusiasts gun and always will be. Oiling them up is an aesthetic experience.
Also I don't know about you, but I still wouldn't want to be shot by a .45 even if there is ballistically better calibers nowadays.
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the hi-power looks nice too
>state laws
Those fags should meet a shotgun with a fixed magazine tell ya hwut
Lame. Mandatory fixed mag laws are retarded
Nah 1911s are sweet, what I am saying is 45 acp is pretty much only suitable for use against people, I kind of want something like a 10mm 1911 for outdoor hiking and shit.
I'm in Cali and I went with the SKS. It's the most practical rifle I can legally own.
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for me it’s Atlas fĂºtbol club
MGMT released a new album and nobody fucking told me?
Woke up screaming top my lungs again. Fucking terrifiyng dreams
Y'all be some pee pee heads
Is it a Chinese Sks?
Yeah its gay and an illegal law but if the people in power enforce it and the federal government does nothing about it thats just how it goes
Maybe it wasn't good
>Is it a Chinese Sks?
Yeah in pretty good condition. I think it's a commercial norinco one that got imported before the ban on chink imports. It was missing the bayonet but I just bought one on ebay in really good condition also.
Hi powers are sweet but they are known to be dogshit functionally and have a kind of shitty trigger
good night
Hell yeah dude
pretty good so far
nuh uh
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gave my love to a shooting star
how often does this happen
Meetup.com, or something similar, might be worth a try.

If you don't find any groups dedicated to one of your main interests, look for one where you can speak intelligently about the topic. Go to some events and talk to people. If the group has a friendly vibe, go to more events in the future. Maybe you'll have an opportunity to get beers and talk to some of the members more socially. You might find people interested in topics you like, even if that's not the main topic of the group.

You can also advertise your own group. Choose a topic that might have some hidden fans in your area. Schedule an event, like "talk about history in the park" or something. Go to it. No one else will come, so you just read a book for an hour. That's fine. Do it again next week and the week after. Eventually, other people might come and that will be cool. Try a different topic if necessary.
I really wish it would rain
i like cool underground music that you boogers have never heard of
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a fine mechanical device
1:30 am? Sounds like a perfect time to make bratwurst.
same but not in a snobby way it’s just nobody here is in the target audience
i have one of these its not that one specifically though
its 10:42
he's clearly hallucinating
alec baldwin slaughtered an entire casting crew with one of those
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Well, he gave her a dimestore watch
And a ring made from a spoon
Everyone's looking for someone to blame
When you share my bed, you share my name
Well, go ahead and call the cops
You don't meet nice girls in coffee shops
She said, "Baby, I still love you"
Sometimes there's nothin' left to do

Oh, but you got to hold on, hold on
Babe, you gotta hold on
And take my hand, I'm standing right here
You gotta hold on

Well, God bless your crooked little heart
St. Louis got the best of me
I miss your broken china voice
How I wish you were still here with me
Oh, you build it up, you wreck it down
Then you burn your mansion to the ground
Oh, there's nothing left to keep you here
But when you're falling behind in this big blue world
This nigga lives in commiefornia
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das right
Based, so do i
he would be on set and dry fire it at the producers and yell "BANG" and do the same thing with a 'finger gun'
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Fuck I want a 357 mag so bad to shoot true 1700 fps out of
its 4 o clock in the morning. why on earth are you making bratwurst?
To the rapfaganon. Fuck you. The tranny jannies gave me a 3-day for mentioning the Trump assassination. Not only are you retarded, but your retardedness ruins my day.
I wish i was part of something bigger like a band
what is his last name was jump, and he played jump by kriss kross during his rallies?
that looks ugly compared to the other one
ripping ungodly amounts of ass rn
this is healthy, humans are social apes and are not meant to be alone
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Nah gp100s are sweet
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What's the difference between a mormon and a moron?
when you take a shower and your undies are laying on the floor, do you ever sniff them? to judge your personal hygiene
no, and i find that idea disgusting
what's the difference apu
no because i love myself unconditionally
nobody does that
you can always do better
i brought my laptop to the kitchen and i was hanging out in there after i cooked and i took my headphones out and i had no idea how loud this new dishwasher is
i'm always either wearing headphones or have the tv on i had no idea

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