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affirmations edition

i only got one in connections today
Who else fuckin a torta rn
i haven't done it yet hold on
up late, strokin my shit, u kno how i b
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no spoilers but i know literally nothing about that category i messed up so otherwise i would have gotten perfect
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You must choose an English football club to support. Which do you choose?

>I don't like soccer
>I don't know anything about soccer
>I have no connection to England
Doesn't matter. You must choose a team.
>wordle in 4
its over, im well on my way to developing alzheimers at this rate
can you give me a list to choose from all 3 of those things apply to me
you could also just pick one you think i'd like
I'm all wax, no wick
wax has a lot of uses though
you could be bikini wax and get to see a bunch of pretty girls so buck up waxy
gn sirs
scunthorpe united has a bunny mascot so them
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good night
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>Scunthorpe United's official team mascots are 'Scunny Bunny'...
>visit outer /int/
no wonder everyone stays in their generals
i look like that
yeah it's pretty bad every thread is just
X women LOVE Y men
Don't know why I started reading guys stories of being with escorts, but some of this shit is really entertaining in a tragic way. Sensitive hopeless romantic dudes are going to get their souls destroyed by this shit.
Despite his faults, things only got worse with the outing of Russian janny.
why would those stories destroy anyone's soul
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Thoughts on Diplomacy?
I prefer war
it's the participants in the story, not the reader
has no one taken ireland?
Literally impossible to find people that will play a full game.
oh, how is it soul-destroying for the clients?
based spooky season poster
>mexicans bought multiple cars to get around government bans on certain car numbers on certain days
how do i get into this carmaxxing mindset?
Ain't nobody got time for that!
This dude ended up getting waaayyy too personal with his first time girl who he was also the first john to her. They both broke down crying at the end and awkwardly left each other. Nigga spent his life after that trying to see her again, learning the language and finding a job to move to Europe. Kept writing love letters to her and sending shit and the agency didn't like how attached he got. He hired another girl just to end up crying about the first one and even though she didn't give a fuck about him at all for some weird reason she was jealous he kept talking about the first girls. Agency sends him a message back showing first girl kept the flowers he gave her and called him her American boyfriend. Dude started getting hopeful. Later on though he finds out she found a real boyfriend and quit the business and moved away.
Dude literally changed the course of his entire life because of a single tender night with a girl.
nta but probably guys who lose their virginity to an escort and form an emotional bond with them, getting their heart broken by the reality that she's just doing a job
i can see that being devastating to an emotional guy, and it can make him jaded and ruin his view of relationships and sex
It's just one turn a day for two weeks with some occasional diplomatic work in between.
can't help but laugh at that, i see what you mean. how pathetically tragic
Have an average iq of 87 and eat Wet Burritos and salsa tatameda every day
My sleep schedule is fucked so I am staying up all night and day
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my bed time is in an hour
that trick never works for me i always nap in the middle of the day i have no willpower
I tried that yesterday and fell asleep at 5am
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This was John Carpenters best film
I wish michael myers was real
good night
It was good but not as spooky as Halloween 1978
I don't have a good feeling about this
Won semantle
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2am caesar salad
good night
good night
2 am sleep sesh
this some booool shit
this will be me in 30 minutes
link that game again it was fun the last time even though it was hard
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One thing I was floored by in the US was the movie theaters. A lot of them are mom n pop, give you a poster, while here it's your standard issue Cineplex.
you asked to take the posters or what?
this is hard but i'm working on it i got one word that's tepid
There were always piles for anyone to take.
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Good night!
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it is also my bed time
good night
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Looking at pictures I took through this year makes me sad life goes by so fast
Me, I just woke up

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