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hobgob edish
>the s-curve ive been talking about
Probably the gayest post in /brit/ history
how do you see what the trip turns into without posting
and worse, canadian
the mum off friday night dinner looks just like my mum when she was young and fit
fucking horrid
why is olive oil still so expensive?
Anyone remember their first post on /brit/?
What was it?
Iran (and by extension, Hezbollah) supports trans rights, treats trans women the same as cis women.
The UK does not.

Makes you think...
Should you have to take a test to use the internet?
bro started analysing a dick's angle like he was in a maths exam
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keep reading suicide websites and thinking about it too much then catch myself doing it and ask myself what the fuck am I doing and then somehow lose the depressive urge to do it
something about the cronem
>wahh wahh im gonna filter you im gonna filter youuuu
then do it faggot stop pretending you're going to you've been saying this for years now yet still get mad about leaf posts
What do you propose should be in this test?
lump between his balls and arsehole larry
Imagine being obese and a carb addicted fool who sits in this general 24/7 lmao
His only source of entertainment are the characters he plays
Hope you pay your taxes, you need to pay the food bill for him
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Nuke America so they can have a chance of creating something genuine and historical instead of doing shit like this everywhere
whatever filters out the brain damaged interracial spammers
Probably some boring blogpost
everyone's just a bit excited because a lad from one direction has died
All I've eaten today is 2 Greggs vegan sausage rolls and a tin of beans.

What about you?
190 is GAY and SHORT
I find them a bit bizarre, I don’t really get what they get out of spamming the thread 24/7. But tbf I get that’s a bit hypocritical coming from me. I don’t really care that much either way though, if you are so invested in this thread that things on here genuinely piss you off you have no life lol
Disgusting obese sack of lard
Useless waste of oxygen who's death would benefit everyone, even strangers online
How sad is that
All day. Every day. God almighty i come at any time and hes doing it.

Actually fucking sickening
Mental how big they are
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i'm not allowed in, but it can't be worse than here
toast, then cheesy beans on toast at lunch, and a pizza for dinner
It's a racket controlled by the Pope.
Your whole world you sad act
Spainmong literally needs a bolt of lightning to kill him as soon as he crawls out of his basement
It isn't
yeah you find your own posts a bit bizarre? mad
something about poo probably aha
You're always so calm, cool, and collected.
Some of you cunts give me the fear man
don't know why I keep going
it would be so easy to just end it but so hard at the same time
Literally not me lad but tbf I don’t blame you for thinking it, I did kind of bring that on myself
You are utterly demented.
You are like everything wrong with everything, if that even makes any sense.
Well done, you won, you enlightened me to just how far some people can fall off.
Why dont you use your trip
Right, I'm done.
Praying to every God under the Sun that every /brit/ porn spammer poster dies in the next 5 minutes.
Time to let the big man in the Sky deal with them. We'll see if it works.
Will you all finally admit that it is mental how badly I mindraped him?
Is life really a zero-sum game? I am not convinced.
it got perm banned because he posted cp on /sp/ during the euros
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Nobody calls me stupid or inane when the porn addicts spam the thread.
Every cloud has a silver lining I suppose.
Good lad
Why do you have so many pictures of little children on your devices?
turn on vpn
annoy people to the point of getting this flag filtered by most users
he leaves due to no attention
back to normal
just spent an hour and half talking about films with my dad. was nice. the trick was apparently just talking about all the old films i've seen lol.
fish and a rice cake. then i'll have me fish
and a rice cake
stop playing games you low IQ obese troglodyte
a normal poster wouldn't think they're "a bit bizarre" but extremely annoying
>trying to reason with heathermong
good, better than being on /brit/ getting spammed by sick freaks
Sometimes I wonder how they got here. Are they posters who have been posting in /brit/ since 2013 and have just gone insane due to ongoing neetdom and/or virginity? Or are they new schizos who have blown in from /r9k/ and /b/? Would be legitimately fascinated with who they are and how they became this way.
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how is one supposed to store bananas? i got a bunch of bananas which were yellow and put them in my cupboard and the next day they were all spotty now 4 days later the last ones have started to open up
He must do this when its 9pm because thats prime time or something.

The thing is hes here all day and just turns it up a level at certain times, honestly just bizarre, how can you live like this? I honestly think he must have a carer or something
yeah /brit/'s demented these days. there's like 6 posters and 4 of them are the same fella.
/brit/ is a government programme for keeping tabs on you and driving you insane
wildfires damaged a lot of the trees
you buy the green ones. don't buy the yellow ones.
just remember the mongs on here complaining about quality are the same mongs that post about their poo every morning
I am among the most annoying most retarded most gay obsessed boring dickheads this thread has ever seen and yet I am still a tall handsome shagger big cocked wealthy homeowner
Mad how he used to call me heathermong just for making new threads before him
Yeah hard to say, but it's a good question. Undoubtedly you'll have migrants from /pol/ and /r9k/. I am beginning to think AI is involved somehow.
up the bum
Diego Day tomorrow
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how is it possible to be so needy
watched death wish 3 with my da last week
least mentally ill dtfic post
cant wait to have a daughter
>call on God to kill the porn spammers
>it stops

uhm, atheistmongs????
oh really? they go that quick?
Banana hook in the open so the ethylene gas they emit doesn't make them ripen faster
buy green bananas and only 2 at a time
filtering everyone except me
that way i know that the thread is of good quality
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Reminder "heathermong" is a combination of Spainmongs racial/political obsessions + any other poster that isnt him who he dislikes


he's a /cum/boy now
shouldn't have mistreated him so
oul' charlie boy sure hated them browns and blacks haha. is death wish 3 the daughter rape one?
leave /brit/ to the schizos and mentally ill
let them live in their own feces and rubbish
there is no such thing as "filtering". You cannot "filter" posts. Its a meme, like when people used to post sage in threads and neko in the options field. It does nothing.
One time a few years ago I got "done" something fierce while shitfaced and spent like 40 minutes spamming /brit/ with tranny shite. I regret what I did and haven't done it since. But I can imagine some sad bitter little twerp who gets routinely sent flying "snapping" as it were. It's a pretty fun feeling until you take a minute to reflect and realise how pathetic what you're doing is.
>Watching this film for the first time
>They mention the prospect of a new Star Wars movie
>film released in 2014 despite being 12 years in the making
Thats a bit cursed
all just a chinese psyop innit
cockmogs me
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>so dis yo first time at da gherkin?
Mousey flicking on the kettle and firing up a food review video
the psyops are all from five eyes
that cunt on the right is a midget
>haha dude I just spent nearly an hour spamming trannies xD
Stop replying to yourself fat cunt
Seen it. It was meh
lads, i've got a confession to make.

i've never eaten a sausage roll.
great, as if things here cant get any worse that nonce is due in tomorrow
Yank owned mousebussy >.<
just leave them on the bench me. when they're spotty, that means they're perfectly ripe
thanks for the banana knowledge
feel like im a prime example of the bystander effect
buy ethylene online
You should be euthanized
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ten years already? time flies
Diego is what /brit/ makes him
Just don't talk about his imaginary friend in the sky and he'll be fine
i love death wish but 3 is the weakest in the series in my opinion
If youre gonna force all these cuckold and generally shit memes atleast do some good ones
Adam cant have any more than 105 IQ
no that's the 2nd one this is a taste of the 3rd
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i'm afraid it's true. i associate them with brown sauce and i dont like brown sauce and so i've never eaten one. other things i've never had include:

>a fry
>fish and chips
refer to
i thought diego was supposed to be spainnonce? who the actual fuck is diego
no problem. not a big fan of apples so i eat a banana every day but only like them when they are just ripe, if they get black spots or split i dont like them anymore.
Please just fucking DIE ALREADY
Need shoe recs
no, just got food autism
I asked you guys if you thought Wallace from Wallace & Gromit has a BWC
i liked the Death Wish remake with brucey willis
mmhmm hahahaha
i dont believe anyonehas never had fish and chips wtf
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trying to find a new hobby
any suggestions?
it's very quotable and hammy fun
firing up the tor browser
here lies a yank
never scranned
go make a discord to talk to each other in
Learn Esperanto.
cooking is fun and rewarding
what for?
same thing as before. i associate fish and chips with vinegar and i dont like vinegar and so i have never had fish and chips.
I've never ordered fish and chips from a chippy. There's always been something else on the menu I prefer
The six million
He was a poster that used a name every Friday for years then stopped posting here and now the parasite pretends to be him for yous
All lowercase, posts pop music videos, argues about Christianity all the time in a standoffish manner, etc.
Allegedly looked like Diego Rivera but short, also allegedly a landlord in London, real name Spencer
its fun im just saying i think its the weakest in the series
i dont eat sausage rolls or pies with sauce
yeah im a freak i know
prefer not to say
Birdwatching, photography, woodworking, reading, coin collecting, stamp collecting
do you want it to be something that gets you out of the house or something you can do when the weather's shite that isn't just browsing the internet?
Dunno what you mean by that
You're on /int/ so I'd wager learning some sort of language might be fun for you
Notice how both the UK and Belgian porn spammers return at the same time?
both. need to start multiple hobbies as i dont really do anything desu
Hows the wife spainlad? Going to the beach tomorrow?
You sound schizo as fuck. Half of those are me. Your pattern recognition is atrocious.
>enter pro-Israel thread
>Latvian, Polish, Ukrainian, American, Romanian, and Swedish flags everywhere, goreposting
Makes you think.
... at a chippy?
asking my cuban gf what hobbies would be good to pick up so i can tell that lad the suggestions
Mad how mousenonce was right about Spainlard being a gimmick parasite/necromancer
Yes? Does your chippy literally only sell fish and chips or something?
asking my guatamalan gf what hobbies would be good to pick up so i can tell that lad the suggestions
is birdwatching in the uk good? i have never seen a bird out in the wild that has interested me. but when i was on holiday in america i did...
feel like
whatever happened to the dutch interracial poster
Mad how theyre trying to psyop me into being both Pro Israel and Pro Russia
Buying a one way ticket to Nicaragua
You lads want owt?
fish and chips is clearly the reason u go to a chippi eunelss it's a shite one
lived in hampstead too in a big house
I am pro Russia and Palestine.
Take Spaino with you
I am without a latina to join in with
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He began using a Canadian VPN to tear us apart
cuban gf says you should pick up salsa, dominoes and cooking. hope this helps mate. she recommends trying a nice ropa vieja or tostones recipe.
Not sure what this image depicts
I've noticed, we've all noticed. But who do we know who's sad and lonely enough to spam an anonymous general all day with a VPN?
Love Russia
Love Iran
Love China
Love North Korea
Love Cuba
Love Vietnam

Simple as
>*lispy manchild pedophile voice*
Most of the chippys here are ran by the chinese and egg fried rice tastes better than chips
heard they killed the lad from one direction and feasted on his flesh in all around satanic ritual
sad day
>he has to use captcha to post

i might learn how to draw. that'd be a good hobby. would be fun to draw little characters for the gf.
Subconsciously hate Spain
And same for Belgium
Hate Canada
Hate Netherlands
Thanks alot spainCUNT
what about chicken goujons or sausage and chip or a curry half n half or a gravy chip?
Mental how there is only one autistic incel that does this on 4chan
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>pass user since 2017
omdz he doesn't know there's captcha solvers nowadays
dont get me wrong spainnonce is obnoxious, but the little freak who CONSTANTLY talks about him ALL DAY EVERYDAY AND ACCUSES EVERYBODY OF BEING HIM needs to be shot dead pronto
Powerful post
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>paying for captcha solver
Every post is his at this point. Hes getting so giddy doing this, he just cant help himself. He probably convinced himself him talking to himself isnt even him anymore.
Got lots of mouth ulcers cause I don't sleep or eat my greens
started Smallville from where l dropped it first time round. The paramedic was Doomsday the whole time what a twist
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This is spainnonce I can tell
i have a confession to make
i am the singular braldeyposter
its free mongboy
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Would like to remind you all that my webm of a peng naked lady got nuked by the janny in under 2 minutes and now I have a 3 day ban on my wifi. Meanwhile Heathermong and Spainnonce have been spamming this thread for almost 3 hours now.
Honestly hilarious how Israel had to call in an airstrike/tank to kill the Gaza leader who was fighting on the battlefield
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bird watching as a hobby in general is quite good i find. you can take it as casually or as seriously as you like, you can do it solitary or try find some friends and for the most part people are pretty friendly and welcoming in it
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grim af
only whites here
lmao go mcdonalds you grim freak
pass isn't
was struggling to word it so I wouldn't get this response
I don't get it. What's hilarious about that?
>he cant afford £20 for one year on the website he spends the vast majority of his neet life on

you do you lil nig

would it be weird as a male to start crocheting?
Just realised that I'm actually quite stupid
go to mcdonalds for a curry half n half? what are you on about
>bragging about paying for 4chan
and i thought I was the most retarded leaf here
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>They reportedly gave a standing ovation as the van carrying Payne's body was driven away from the hotel, lit candles and wept before dispersing
Shows how cowardly they are. They're only good at bombing from afar.
you need to remember that literally everything is in the male domain and women merely stole it. you think a woman invented crocheting? no chance.
>Heathermong and Spainnonce
Not even different people anymore, maybe heathermong was another person once upon a time... who knows
I like going out looking at birds
Mental how detailed some blokes get about it but they're still good lads
*heroically stands on a table as the guards are about to take you away*
Still don't get it. What's the punchline?
People who work in military and spy roles helping Israel have to be the most soulless sociopathic freaks on the planet.
business idea: make a trip called spainlad and heathermong and really mess with the mental health of the mong detective on here constantly talking about them
combine bird watching with journaling
Im off to take a shit, have fun in the VPN dollhouse.

Oh and the Israel shite, that can get nuked too please.
state of you going to fishies to eat like a child
meanwhile his gf receiving favela luv rn
That some sort of nightjar?
The completely neutral "Canadian" who shows up to say "heathermong" randomly and samefag for Spaino. Yeh that one.
business idea: have a wank
Got a lot of sympathy for the Palestinians. Can't even imagine how harrowing it must be to be replaced in your own lands by a hostile people with an incompatible culture completely against the wishes of the natives.
With Jews, you lose
Uhhhhh lads why has Sydney Sweeney gone buff?
what ARE you on about?
*pulls down your trousers and exposes your tiny one inch wonder to the rest of the thread*
Give everyone name on anonymous thread. Then play dollhouse.
start bowls now and you'll be shit hot by the time you're old
trying to get an edge going to I shan't
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ello chaps
he has an entire cast of /brit/ characters he's made up in his head
yep its a tawny frogmouth which is pretty much just a nightjar
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I'm real though
Landlordberg informed me today that rent will increase 74% next month
Love the veiled sarcasm of this post.
Not informed enough on birds to do that. Journal entries would just be:
>saw a few brown birds with big beaks
>saw a white one but it wasn't a swan
>threw some bread at some ducks
Esoteric Bronze Age Zionism
Why's that then
/brit/ becoming a shithole mirrors Britain
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Imagine being Liam in heaven, finally being given more press and attention than Zayn and Harry and the Jews put the death of some other faggot onto the front page
Is this work safe
deeply regretted that wank. one day i'll see the inside of a prison cell
At a large dinner then fell asleep midwank
Just woke up. Fear I may have buggered up tonight's sleep.
there's a nobule in it, so no. and that's before they start murdering people
uve been done childoid
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It's not funny to joke about what you're implying
Mental how fucking tired I am all of the time
peng straight porn=BAN
gay nigger spamming=nothing
the fact they felt the need to say that makes it so bad omg
Brush my teeth twice a day and have done for years, but they're still yellow. How come?
>in heaven
lol no
When he hit the ground I guess you could say Liam was.....in payne
might post it again
im sorry
wait so, kids allegedly cannot consent but their testimony is considered gospel in a court of law?
libertarians be like yeah we should legalize drugs and let all those crooked pharmaceutical megacorps sell heroin too!
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ah... hello all
Reading some of my most mentally ill posts right now lol
diet and genetics
You lot are funny
Funny guys
Liam Payne was based.

Literally. He was freebasing cocaine.
it's time to stop
Teeth are naturally yellowish, stop listening to the yanks trying to sell you bleach to pour in your gob
gotta start somewhere mate
Just did a poo
what for lad
get my steps in today, bail conditions say im not allowed out after 9pm
Limmy analyses Liam Payne's downfall
whole lotta [Deleted] ITT
all me
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I feel like that other leaf is ramping up to post something really bad so I'm leaving to go play yugioh
Zionism is British so yeah
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*pins to /brit/*
Love dossing about. Love doing nothing. Love sleeping. Love snoozing.
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you what
>Visegrad 24
Would genuinely love to see the Polish cunts who run that Katyn'd
Scran desu
i like that image ...
how's it going lad
The reaction that men have to this (revulsion) is what women feel about most dick pics
>the day the war in Ukraine started
>Russian and Ukrainian version of fortunate son was made
carry on my fortunate son


i dont get it

you have everything in the world materiallly

why ruing yourself on drugs

makes no fucking sense

you can do anything you want go anywhere. buy anything. loaded

yet you waste on drugs

fortunate 12 year ols daughter
>you have everything in the world materiallly
including drugs
The new 'eitch

nice reddit spaces mate
nice colours and font, iconic rose
Grappa Krovi
why were you posting porn earlier
bizarro 190
190 is a well known bag lover
He'd support him
rich celebrities COULD be using their fast fortunes restoring steam locomotives for the masses to enjoy, but instead they waste it on drugs
crying shame
Nah someone did a cover to fortunate son in both languages then it was banned in Russia

this was you

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