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pumpkin harvest edition

i would bang myself if i were another guy
hey buddy
Shot some fertilizer over your moms pumpkins last night if you catch my drift
no i don't really follow can you explain more plainly
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yall ever shower with your dads as kids? you see his big wiener?
bathing is sus
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normalize this
Pretty drawing
good night
joking at the expense of someone else's feelings is toxic masculinity
I still think about my embarrassing posts from years go
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you guys are fascinating
no one cares
practice exposure therapy
Dis day next Wednesday wooooooooooo
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i'm still grilling
should have bought some braces instead of a headset
You're telling me this Hugh Jackman lookin wannabe was picrel in Silver Linings Playbook?
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do witchcraft on every single person who has ever disrespected you in your life and make them suffer
yea and he's sexy
the sleeping spell is working im becoming very tired
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A fine morning.
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Do you know who I think is really sexy? Taylor Swift.
she is a baddie but her music is the equivalent of unseasoned chicken
it's funny to me how taytay's music caters to 13 year olds but dresses like a hoe on stage
how im tryna be
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She caters to my erect maximum dong.
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she does black magickal rituals on her audience and i love that for her. girlboss fr
What is wrong with evangelicals?
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when i join the illuminati i wanna be best friends with taytay and ariana grande
they're schizos but they're right about her being a witch (not that that's a bad thing)
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feels good cursing people on tonight's full moon
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aint dat rite!
are you the sexy belgian who posted his pic before
I hate those fucking people
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need a cute boy like a starving calf needs its mother's milk
Just took a fat shit.
You're a joke.
>mid girl
>singing mid songs
>appealing to teenagers
Let's go back to when pop stars were pretty.
yes very much so
low EQ. do you also chimp out when you can't handle and process your emotions and take out your anger on others?
Don't engage with, or respond to Brian.
That's not done by mistake. It's because she's a leftist that's trying to push more sexualization onto minors. Leftists have been slowly doing this for generations.
They used to censor our grandmas from seeing Elvis shake his hips on tv broadcasts.
can't respond because you have no arguments and resort to fallacies
>sexualization onto minors
who's gonna tell em what age puberty starts
And? For thousands of years, we didn't encourage people to do this.
Look at this: >>203550447
You see that garter? It's black. She's training girls to be whores going into weddings. It's unhealthy relationship building, for short term pleasure.
it ain't her job to be a role model for other people's kids lmao blame the parents
It is her job, seeing as she's writing songs for teenagers. Stop making excuses for whores. This isn't just a "blame the parents", as it effects more than just the isolated family. This is a societal issue.
I really don't like this pol leaf poster.
who said being a whore was a bad thing anyway
I love shitting so much. It is truly one of God's greatest gifts.
Not a /pol/ poster.
Common sense. It's bad for building a stable society. As shown by social media and our falling marriage rate and problematic divorce rate(only lowering because so few people are getting married).
>Not a /pol/ poster.
If it quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Digits witnessed thoughever
ancient greeks were promiscuous and they are the founders of western civilization
Sorry to disappoint, but I don't go on /pol/. You seem to know a lot about it though, so nice self-reporting.
They also fell because they focused on it, instead of keeping a stable society. The same problems we're going through now, are the same ones they went through then. Only they crumbled across hundreds of years, while we're doing it in decades.
>they fell because they creampied bussies because of natural biological tendencies
lmao even
She looks like a tranny albeit
>pushing the lie that the Greeks and Romans were tolerant of homosexuality
Only a very small and select portion of the cities were. Most weren't. Even someone like Plato, who supported it when he was younger, realized that it was a mistake to support it before, as in his later writings he made it clear that sex was between a man and a woman.
This is all a distraction from anon admitting defeat about the actual topic.
Eyes feel tired but I still can't sleep this is truly hell
>she’s writing songs
She doesn’t write her own songs
why do chuds love historical revisionism so much
Because Chicago is turd world
No they weren’t, at all. Fags were condemned by mainstream ancient Hellenic society, and their male/female gender role dynamic would be seen as extremely repressive in current year; men and women lived in separate areas of the house, women didn’t go out in public, had modesty rules somewhat comparable to Islam with their hijabs, etc
True, change it to "the songs written for her and about her life, that she sings".
my sugar daddy i had when i was 19 invited me to his office building in downtown one time
it was wild
explain why there's a LITERAL greek god OF homosexuality then
not to mention aphrodite
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18 more days and then 4 more years
or hermaphroditus rather
it's not fair that flyover retards who contribute nothing of value to society get to dictate our political future
there is no greek god of homosexuality, and aphrodite was only part of the picture. hera and athena were more respected figures of the divine feminine
And now you live in the South Side
The figure of Ganymede, a beautiful youth abducted by Zeus to serve as cupbearer to the gods, is often associated with male homoerotic relationships. Ganymede's story reflects themes of love and attraction between males in ancient Greek culture.
i'm saving up money for my own place cause i don't wanna pay rent

i'm moving to either costa rica or portugal or spain
>cupbearer to the gods
>ie not a god
>blah blah gay revisionism about how everyone is a faggot
Nice contribution to the thread, moron
that info is from mainstream accepted historical sources. it's relevant because it was part of the culture
>old hag rapes a young boy
>called out to the gods to not separate them
>bodies melded into one
>preys that anyone who does bathes in this water also becomes a tranny
Seems like the Greeks and Romans were aware of the threat of older women and how fucking crazy they are.
The myth was a model for the Greek social custom of paiderastía, the romantic relationship between an adult male and an adolescent male. The Latin form of the name was Catamitus (and also "Ganymedes"), from which the English word catamite is derived.[4] Socrates says that Zeus was in love with Ganymede, called "desire" in Plato's Phaedrus.
just destroyed a poltard
>retard can't even tell that he's talking to 2 leafs
>and the one that he wrongfully accused of being from /pol/ wasn't in the gay convo
I accept your concession on the Tailor Swift conversation.
Good job sista
Brian is a bop
do i do my pact with satan or mammon for money
Keep reading, faggot.
>Some authors have equated this version of the myth to Cretan pederasty practices, as recorded by Strabo and Ephoros, which involved abduction of a youth by an older lover for a period of two months before the youth was able to re-enter society as a man.
Stop trying to push that everyone accepted older men raping younger boys. Homosexuality was only accepted in a very small number of places, same with older man with younger boy sex.
They weren't the norm, and you would have been kicked out of most places for doing it.
where does it say it wasn't the norm
imagine what society would be like if most people were aware witchcraft and spirits are real
>specifically refer to pederasty practices of one place
>not refer to it as something as common as owning a slave
Why do midwits need to be speenfed everything?
>he called me a midwit
don't know if i should be flattered or insulted
>A person of middling intellect; someone who is neither particularly dumb nor notably intelligent, especially if they act as if they are smarter than they are.
Only a midwit would struggle to know if it's flattery or an insult.
There is very little evidence that the Ancient Greek practice of what they called pederasty was anything more than an educational relationship like tutoring or schooling in most cases, but it has been distorted by later gay revisionists to make it into something it was not. There probably were cases of rapist teachers just like today, but they would have been fringe and condemned by most of society, just like today
see >>203552604

it's common consensus amongst pretty much all mainstream historians that pederasty was the norm back then, die mad about it

anyways, return to tradition and creampie some bussy
why even bother arguing with Brian
Brian is a perfect example of what happens to molested boys when they grow up. Like he should be in a normal area not the ghetto reading books about satan and fucking children
>it's common consensus amongst pretty much all mainstream historians that pederasty was the norm back then
[citation needed]
>baseless appeal to imaginary authority
not an argument
i wanna buy the devil's quran. islamic devil worship seems really interesting
i wasn't molested. my adult male cousin just perked me off when i was 8. it was consensual and i enjoyed it.
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also i know you'll say otherwise but my interest in satanism has nothing to do with my past sexual experiences as a kid.
i was mainly drawn to the left hand path for money and fame because i want to join the illuminati and be best friends with ariana grande when my acting / music / modeling / DJing career(s) takes off
Fruit was was getting old so I decided to put it all in a blender and now I regret that
You're supposed to cook with fruit that's getting mushy, but isn't rotten.
Do you think he knows he's a meme?
ariana could literally spit on me if she wanted to.
honestly i'm not sure if i'd even go to one of her concerts. i feel like i'm not even worthy of breathing in the same oxygen as her.
she can literally beat me with a baseball bat and i would thank her.
Are pdiddy and epstein inspirations for you?
Maybe you're supposed to strain it. I thought it would taste like fruit juice
no although if i had to get involved with them to boost my career i would. gotta do anything it takes to make it.

my main inspos are the kardashians and ariana.
Who would you rather work for epstein or pdiddy
epstein probably, his island seems cool and mysterious. i'd let him touch me for a career boost
You wouldn't want p diddies big black thang up in you?
no black men are yucky
homos are very racist, didn't you know
Racism has no place in Satanism
the o9a is a satanic nazi group, i don't think satan cares
They aren't real Satanists
the ONA has produced more material on both the practical and theoretical aspects of magic, as well as more ideological texts on Satanism and the left-hand path in general, than larger groups such as the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set has produced in combination [which] makes the ONA an important player in the theoretical discussion of what the left-hand path and Satanism is and should be according to the practitioners
women don't date down, if she has anything she will need someone who has even more
as they should
Presumably, if he has access to the Internet, or he’s been visited by friends/family who may be in touch with online culture
if they want to be equal it's not sustainable
Different women prioritize different measures of wealth/status/strength/charisma/etc in so many ways that pretty well anyone can make it with at least someone. Down is subjective.
when women say they want equality they mean being equal to high value men, not chuds like (you)
>brian’s thoughts on women
opinion discarded
would be pretty funny if brian were just a made-up character performed by spinny to bait/troll everyone
i'm literally a homo so objectively i know what they're like better than straight men. we both like the same thing
my legal name and mail and address have all been posted on here
What's your last name
Because I want to know
i have a client to tend to in 4 hours and i haven't slept at all
No way
it's in the archives go find it
We should have a /cum/ meet up at Brian's house or the Mexican restaurant across the street
may as well buy something while you're here
Brian should start Heins Ketchup and it’s a bottle of poz load
Oh Satan help me cast a life ending curse against Brian Heins. In Satan's name so mote it be
Hire a priest to do an exorcism at Brian’s house
HIV isn't real
i return the curse back to you in the name of Satan and prevent it from getting sent back in the name of Satan
christianity has no power here
You need to know my name for the curse to work
What if /cum/ does a fundraiser at the /cum/ meetup to hire the Pope to do an inquisition at Brian’s house haha unless
i don't, my intention is all that's needed
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ironically we literally do exorcisms here but instead of casting out demons we cast out astral parasites
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How about the gay community casts out asshole parasites LOL
also if you continue attempting to curse me i will resort to more aggressive forms of spiritual defense and attack
parasites are good actually
Your defenses and attacks have no effects on me in Satan's name
we'll see about that
you know i can just use your post number to curse you right?
My curses will be far more potent since I have your name in Satan's name so mote it be.
Can’t he just hop IPs to curse evade
you sound goofy as hell repeating that. you're not even using it correctly. i will literally put a death curse on you if you attempt to hurt me spiritually
no. the post number is energetically linked to him. i learned this from a very powerful satanist. all you need to curse someone is their username or in this case post number.
Primordial magic always looks goofy to the untrained fools eye
your "primordial magic" is just repeating a chant you copied from me
An energetic link that is severed whence an IP is hopped. Thus spake an ancient dark imageboard magician of 8/x/
why don't we test the curse and find out

also yall are dumb as hell and weak ass magicians if you have my actual name and still can't curse me
Brian would have loved the /baph/ and /tok/ boards…
You're not the first person to say that chant
My curse is slow burning
i hope you guys are just pretending to be that cringe
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good morning sirs
Time to walk doggo
time for bed. good night
>Zu unseren Kinderangeboten
Are those Brian’s
not happening
Do you ever get tired of maintaining this illusion
>time for bed
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I am going to laugh at your tears in 18 days
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need this for brian irl
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I got so angry in my dream it woke me up
>/brit/ is allowed to chat about American politics, but /cum/ is not
wtf not fair
chuddy with his cope images again
I was watching a normalfag slop video about a black guy listing off actually scary horror movies and he put a happy merchant meme in it and it caught me off guard lmao.
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it will happen when i conjure up a bad luck curse
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any cumpies here?
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, just revealed publicly in a Commission that Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson are both Russian assets, directly on the Russian payroll, being informed by Russian handlers to make anti-western, pro-russian, right wing, propaganda.
How will the incel chuds react to this (obvious) revelation?
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>parents leave the fruits and vegetables to rot on the vine while you are off travelling
are boomers also the most wasteful generation in your cunt
Had some bread turn out too dense
Using it for croutons
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Taylor Swift is a tranny who transitioned early due to her family having been wealthy, only reason "she" got into the music industry was because of "her" dad again wjkvd
You think chuds like Juden Peterstein?
opened the windows to let fresh air in
Sitting in the barber shop feel like I have to shit my pants
A lot of people are retarded regardless of what year they were born. Boomers might have had it easier when they were young, but they’re still struggling to retire.
It’s just a fart bro
I'm a sharter don't want to risk it
That’s why I like lady gaga, she looks like a tranny jut isn’t and her music is actually good. She’s the real woman taylor will never be.
Have to wait 60 seconds for every post because of this 5g
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i look like that
Don't look at me like that
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25€ + Windelservice
that blockheaded italian bitch that gets posted on this board all the time is really quite mid
Ever time I fart some slime comes out I think I'm haunted
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to be cringe is to be free
I'm cold should have brought a blanket with me
they killed liam to distract us from the landslide
this is america
why don't they plant some trees or something on those parking lots, those cars need shade
Lifesavers Factory
this takes me back to days out with grandma going to joann fabrics for 4 hours
Thinking of you bouncing on my dick like a frog or perhaps a toad
remember when JC penny wasn't dead?
I love going to bed bath and beyond
**kisses you**
You guys are just joking when you say you're over 22 and still virgins, right?
I mean, how could you go through all of high school and college without having sex a single time?
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Are you in burnout yet?
Indian men come to a country with more men than women and then say racism is why they can't get a girlfriend (they're ARE all ugly as shit but there's also women for them to date)
small town
I remember when the mall in my hometown wasn’t dead. I don’t get why it’s like that, the only thing I can think of is that it’s too close to section 8 housing
cheese house
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burnout dominator?
I didn't go to high school and only 3 semesters at community College and i lost mine at 24
Back in college a girl I was dating and I stayed in a small mountain town that only had one general store (wasn't even Dollar General), a single pizza place, a bar/restauraunt, a small school, and the town hall in a small parking lot that served as their "downtown"
pete's meat market, el paso TX
he a million dollar nigga but be posted in the bricks
I was unironically homeschooled for all of highschool and lost my virginity the first year of college after not talking to anyone for four years
sounds sovlful although those towns get boring quite quick
i guess some of us are real losers.
you guys really worry about the wrong stuff
such as
It was only maybe half an hour away from a moderately sized city so it wouldn't be too bad I'm sure
Plus there's a river that's a great fishing spot and the hunting in the area is good from what I've read
If you're outdoorsy, you'd love it
Personally I plan on living like a miser until I'm 45 and then moving to a small house in the mountains
decomissioned train car market/diner, colorado
They rly do
Like the guy the other day who asked how to not be a loser and other losers were giving him laundry lists of fake and gay shit he should start doing to attract women
He just asked how to not be a loser and they immediately jumped to WOMENWOMENWOMEN
i've never worried about it THO
then I'm not talking to you, retard
try to think next time
>how to not be a loser
This makes 4chan seethe but the only way to become normal is to stop being a shut in and go out in public
Don't even have to talk to anyone, just get used to being around people because some people are desocialized and feral at this point with how little interaction they get
I started watching sports and going to sports bars to have a reason to talk to people and ended up making friends there
Young people seem to be fucking less than in the 2000s
got a strong itch to play some vr pinball
think I will do that post-workout desu desu desu
das because of the internet and social media
Tinder would've caused an STD epidemic if it existed in 2000
and we should be worrying about what, politics and economy? those things are downstream of being unloved your whole life, what fuck do i give
Being loved and having a sense of belonging are #3 in Maslow's hierarchy thoughbeit
there was only 2 women in all the classes i took in college granted it wouldn't change anything if there were more because i barely even talked to anyone
>those things are downstream of being unloved your whole life
literally exactly what I'm talking about
virginity is a worthless metric, you can buy it both ways
women and being loved won't put a roof over your head
women and being loved won't suddenly make you lead a fulfilling life
women and being loved won't suddenly make you enjoy your time

>b-but THEY say you need it
who cares
new hampshire
>two separate idiots or the same idiot twice equates virginity to not being loved
Get some fucking friends bros PLEASE it is absolutely rotting your mind
Sex and love are not the same shit at all and one is a lot easier to find thsn the other
Bondurants Drug Store
>>two separate idiots or the same idiot twice equates virginity to not being loved
that's what 99% of you actually mean though because you've never been in a relationship to know what it actually entails
If you're not worried about when you'll be able to eat next or if you'll have shelter, and you're not worried about your finances or safety, then logically the next thing you should worry about is your personal intimate relationships or lack of them which includes virginity

Do you think any of the "tfw no gf" anons posting here are starving homeless people?
And the slow death of third places. And the inflation. And distortion of standards thanks to the internet
Barber Shop, Idaho
>If you're not worried about when you'll be able to eat next or if you'll have shelter, and you're not worried about your finances or safety
why settle for just meeting basic needs though?
do you have no drive or greater ambitions in life?
I would much rather accomplish my greatest goals in life than just get by and hope a woman can compensate for me resigning to a life of "just fine"
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a girlfriend in college blueballed me for almost 2 years, she was asian and wouldnt let me kiss or fucke her
Copilot is trying to break out of the matrix again
Barber Shop, Palymra Missouri
NOBODY who's complaining about being a virgin actually cares about being a virgin
They care about not having a woman who would let them have sex with them
It's not that hard to find a prostitute to lose your virginity to
I lost my virginity long before having a girlfriend but being a virgin means you've never had a girlfriend to begin with
that's nice for you bro not everyone is a schizoid social climber though and intimate relationships are an ambition of their own for most people
Yeah having been in a serious multi year relationship that i thought was going to last forever, I'll say the chronic nogfers quite literally dont even understand what they dont have, its the kind of feeling you can't comprehend til youve been there
But theyre just so focused on sex sex sex sex they dont even understand how wrong they are
Anons please, just get used to talking to people/women, i promise you its not that hard after you bust out of the total retard phase
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This is literally you
Barber shop, Massachusetts
She was kissing and fucking other dudes
This genuinely happened to me and I stopped talking to her pretty much
Never really broke up but I just stoped calling her my girlfriend or spending time with her
>schizoid social climber
I think I know why you have trouble with women if you think pursuing goals = schizoid social climber
I was gonna say something else but let me say this first, I will never take anyone seriously who uses meme terms like "third places" and "walkable" unironically.

Now, on to my initial message. 7 hours and 40 minutes till the weekend. I'm stoked
barber shop new mexico
>It's not that hard to find a prostitute to lose your virginity to
And risk prison time
not what i said
go to nevada if you're that much of a pussy
How many successful men out there are virgins?
You sound like you think Andrew Tate makes some good points
If you're a virgin you're in need of socialization because it's not hard to find a woman for most people
Erm, that's our honey. I'd like to see the omnibombus!
then please elaborate on how wanting to accomplish my goals makes me a schizoid social climber

>How many successful men out there are virgins?
there will never be an answer to this because successful people aren't sitting around dwelling on muh nogf and khv status
>You sound like you think Andrew Tate makes some good points
>If you're a virgin you're in need of socialization because it's not hard to find a woman for most people
Where did I say anything about neglecting socialization?
On second thought I think I WILL watch one youtube video
Actually is a 30 minute video:(
Love how you're ignoring everything because you're too much of a terminal contrarian
You're a virgin because you don't interact with women properly, not because you're too focused on being a social climbing billionaire
Fucking one woman isn't going to make you lose all your money
>there will never be an answer to this because successful people aren't sitting around dwelling on muh nogf and khv status
No it's because they're all married with children and not virgins
You must be worth at least $50,000,000 with how you're talking
This dude is a major fag in ngl bros
Do you have a BA in psychology
You’re a virgin aren’t you
I'm not even a virgin lol, I think you're in too much of a blind rage and mixing posts up
how did you know...?
Because you went quiet all of a sudden when I arrived :(
Genuinely not a single hint of anger in my post sweetie
How much are you worth, you social climbing trailblazer?
No I think you’re a virgin
Nothing to be ashamed of
>Genuinely not a single hint of anger in my post sweetie
I beg to differ, you seem pretty upset
>Genuinely not a single hint of anger in my post sweetie
Source: Your dreams
You didn't answer my question, Mr. Businessman
Networth? You value money over personal relationships so you should be doing really well right now.
So, what are toi doing
Why are you replying twice though?
you're right sorry, I'll justify myself for you right now:
Oh I see
Then why does anyone need to justify themselves for you when they say they're upset about their personal relationships?
Im not him tho
Im >>203563347
Not everyone who agreeson you being an angey little hypercontrarian faggot is rhe same dude
they don't? at what point did I ask anyone to do that?
The posts where you were saying it’s wrong to worry about being a virgin? Are you retarded?
Ummm >>203562569
What's this?
Or are you the other retard social climbing trailblazer?
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