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big john edition
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If'n ya cannae be arsed to make a thread proper-like, refrain from the creation of it
Rotary motor
Rotary motor
>dumbass nigger comes in and says everyone is wrong to worry about being a virgin
>say that Maslow said you need to worry about personal relationships if you're safe and secure
>I'm the contrarian because you and some other nigger said something contrary to the rest of the world
Damn you're just retarded huh
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its coming
Sex is not a personal relationship equivalent
Meaningless sex does not fulfull need for love and affection
I hate blackpill kikes so much bros
>>say that Maslow said you need to worry about personal relationships if you're safe and secure
ah yes again, b-but THEY said you need it!
do you conform in every aspect of your life just because someone says you need to?
Wtf don't do that
Jurassic park if he real
I don't think it's wrong to worry about it, I think it's wrong to prioritize it
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>Ummm >>203562569
>What's this?
you being retarded
come join EU4 game /cum/
We are returning
With your post. Not ironically if yours were I mean it's completely real
Anon I'm sorry but you seem kinda stupid
The whole point is that being a virgin means you've had no gf ever and it's been repeated over and over that they don't just want to lose their virginity but want a woman in their life
You're just being optuse on purpose
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So you’re the social climbing trailblazer who said that you need to worry about trailblazing instead of women
Why does anyone who’s worried about women have to justify themselves to you, but you don’t have to justify your trailblazing?
Net worth?
Bank account balance?
I already told you, I never asked anyone to justify anything
I'm sorry my words got you so upset but I'm simply sharing them, I don't care if you listen or not, it's not my life
I'm coming to America if China invades you. Sarge says that I get a dodge charger out of it
Ummm I literally said you’re either him or the other retard
You posted that as some kinda gotcha?
Me watching the elites plant trees and bringing back wooly mammoths to pretend like it's the first time again when humans come back from the mass extinction
just finished tending to my client >>203554910

i've seen spirits and sorcery manifest with my own eyes
i had my first sexual experience with a man at 8 years old
how else are you supposed to describe places like that
what are your third spaces? walmarts? parking lots? no offense but you should be euthanized.
Ah so you admit you're a broke hoe who can't get women and tries to cope by saying you're focusing on your money and career but you actually just have neither
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>brian and ratpedo hours
sure, let's go with that
Post your W2 right now
Brian you missed this post >>203559267
My hands are cold bros
Gonna make a covfefe to warm em up
of course, here you go:
I was so cold in the barber shop today i was literally shaking
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Bad thread
I don't remember telling you that you can respond to me, Brian
Video pause to see if the psychologist comes back...
Thread sucks, I'm going to /tv/
Later losers
bye faggot
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take care, brush your hair
**cums on your hair**
you are not a threat to me
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thats what you think thats not what you know satans magic is on my side
I made up my own dish
It's methylated spirits or campfire starter in liquid form, and in the bottle with about 20% left you put some teabags in. I did two
Leave it for a few months. They probably even last forever in there (just in case the nukes drop)
They burn for ages so just light them on fire using crumpled up paper as way to make a nest and then drip the left over spirits on it, and light with a strip of paper
Put a grill over it, or use a deep fat fryer mesh cage turned upside down
Cook the meat on top of it for 7 seconds each side. Either eat it or take it off the grill and move it up and down on a spatchula to get the liquid out
Cook it until whenever you want

The only risk with this is the microplastics in the teabags. A tip for making sure your mesh is fine is using the fire to sterilise it. They burn for ages
Have water nearby and a way so that overflow can spread everything out. You can use water to put out the fire
day 4 of sandwiches only, havent cooked chicken since saturday
im going to develop colon cancer from all these processed deli meats
but corned beef is just too good
Barber called me a kid even though he is only 4 years older than me i hate looking so young
Something which I might do next time for the piss with sand in it is mixing potassium permanganate with aluminium powder and then adding the weird yellow (and red) crystals in the solution which is alcohol and that is put there after decanting most of the water and mixing the rest into alcohol and hoping that alcohol and water is going to be miscible with alcohol like in alcoholic drinks instead of it forming layers. Also what's the deal with that
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do witchcraft on him and make him suffer
is it true that americans get up in the middle of the night to eat?
only to pee and drink water
Probably not mixing it in water if it makes K2O. Probably doing it in CH3 (the alcohol) bevause tjr csrbon will help protect the hydrogen
only if there is something especially tasty in the fridge
shredded cheese straight from the bag
i am not meant for this world. i am meant to become a blood thirsty god who kills and destroys
based knuckle dragging caveman turbocannibal
You are meant to be on a watch list
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i am a divine being of great power
Pretty sure one of the houses in my neighborhood is being used to house a bunch of dementia patients or something
>there's an old man who sits on the front lawn staring at the grass
>old man who barks out the window in the morning
>old woman who just says "Excuse me, sir" over and over and over and absolutely nothing else
What state makes your butt smell the best?

Ass Washington
Looking at old pics of One Direction and the fashion trends makes me feel so old damn...
hail thyself
become a living god
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Why not "hand" instead of "butt" and "ass"?
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embrace your inner evil
What did the bread say when it was about to orgasm?

Oh god I'm gonna crumb
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I hate people
They mean nothing to me
I hate people
I hate society
I hate people
The things they do and say
I hate people
I wanna dig their grave
I hate people
They're always in my way
I hate people
I hate the world today
I hate people
I wanna terminate
And annihilate
probably hawaii, theres a sizable jap population there so they probably have some good bidets
each supercontagious flu added to the mix makes life slightly more shit yeah, but people who make this shit their identity have problems too
been farting up a storm
I want to scream
but i know
it's my own damn fault
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Because I was about the go shower and my ass was kind of sweaty and really needed a warsh
>I hate people
Don't forget these are always cringe words from a fatally flawed person
Wish I had a cat 2bh
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I got one a few weeks ago
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Ouch! Can’t believe it happened again!
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a lot of chinese cars in mexico don't work but people buy them because they are cheap and then make cope posts on the internet saying that you are a US agent for telling them that it is not normal for a new car to stop working after a week.
Look at his tiny white mittens haha
Hello fellow whiteys
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I don''t get it
that's his mom
god I hate skype/teams/zoom interviews
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more
Found another reality glitch that gives me infinite pussy
I don't know anyone who's name starts with the letter F.
i hate these retards if they love mexico so much why do they live in usa?
because mexico is ran by mexicans
I know a Fernando at work
>father asks me how to make non-toxic weed killer yesterday
>tell him
>today he informs me that he sprayed the driveway
>"oh, did you make the stuff I told you about?
>"no I just used the regular stuff (the mega-carcinogenic shit)"
I'm tired of this retard
very very bored today think i will go buy a 6 pack and do some day drinking
i have diarrhea
Found out insurance no longer covers my psychiatrist's office
Fuck UHC.
shit is a scam anyway
is that a vaporeon in that pic?
>he cant recognize the OG 151
you don't know any Filthy Franks?
why are boomers so neurotically pathologically obsessed with weeds anyway
It might be a cultural artifact from when people grazed milk-bearing animals on lawns, as the presence of certain weeds could affect the flavour of milk, butter, etc, making it considered lower quality, and worth less money
cannae believe boomers really listened to slipknot
im lagging you bloody bich
what's up with ainu being related to sentinelese anyway
No. It's an artifact of them being a fucking retarded mongrel generation
was it boomers who ripped up all the native north american grass and replaced it with european turf or was that done before them?
holy shit turn on the news guys!!
cold snack in my walkable third space
They don't actually love mehico, because if they did they would live there, as you say.


they don't really have any other identity besides being Mexican so they have to play that up, especially as they realize black gangster culture is gay (many of them adopt that at first and then realize blacks are...well...yeah...)
Psychiatry isn't.
All insurance is a scam. They do nothing but move money around and take a cut of it. Bunch of parasites.
Brian needs psychiatry also electroshock therapy
god dammit no matter how much I shave it looks like I still have a goatee
have you tried having Goatse instead?
>they don't really have any other identity besides being Mexican so they have to play that up
I don't understand that you have to pretend to be something, just be you, god almost everyone in mexico hates mexico.
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Copped me some corn dogs at the target. Man the tax downtown is cuhrazy. But Imma binge on corn dogs this weekend
if i lived in the usa i would burn mexican flags and throw bricks at businesses with mexican flags or coconuts like brian.
Shameful bait to get yous.
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I invested in some corndogs like 2 weeks ago, threw em in the freezer, and ate half of them last saturday
good thinking
Before them
The outlines of the various parts of New York, California kinda look like a happy merchant.
Das it
The Valley is Staten Island
One thing the US does, maybe on purpose maybe not, is strip any sense of identity from people. This is especially true if you're left wing, that's why they all identify as gay or disabled or pandemikin or trans or whatever. Because they can't just be an American cause that's like, vaguely racist or something in their eyes.
some boomers embrace it
Nothing ever happened
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what games
>American cause that's like, vaguely racist or something
that's why everything calls itself “something-american”, never just Americans.
Would you rather live in a lefty but white city like Portland, or a city with a sizeable black population?
Thinking about boobs, or rather fondling them. Not in a sexual horny way, but on a loving and romantic way. God I am losing my fucking mind.
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>calipoornian migrants or black pipo
Shartland actually has a sizeable black population, but they all live in the ghetto
I went to portland I want to say 7 or so years before the liberal takeover and it was beautiful

damn shame whats become of it
Race over ideology always.
They could be le based black guys in maga hats, I would still prefer to live near faggot shitlibs.
>to say 7 or so years before the liberal takeover and it was beautiful
did you mean to say 37 years ago?
are you guys ever gonna grow out of your chud phase
Imagine jumping from current thing to current thing with the rest of the cattle and calling it growth.
i already live in a palce with a sizeable black opulation and i would literally never ever move to a lefty shithole on the west coast, would sooner kms
Should I go for a joggy woggy?

I grew into it
you would never say that to their face
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been up since 11pm last night
bout time to go to bed then innit, its almost 1
say what
why not, would they beat u up?
Some decent cities like DC have large black populations.
its 2 for me i do feel shleepy though
i live in the blackest state in the union and the blacks here are chuds too
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leafoids did the meme
Emaciated soy-consuming skeleton mutters under his breath, "You'd never call a black guy a violent animal to his face. Because he'd beat the shit out of you with his.... big... strong... manly black hands... mmm...", he begins panting and salivating a little bit.
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>Some decent cities like DC
dc is a shithole outside of the non black areas
chuds cant stop thinking about BBC
Niggas on /pol/ are really mourning and crying about Sinwar's death and pretending to be white westerners
Why don't they admit to being diapora or using VPNs?
Nobody actually gives a fucking shit about the leaders of Hamas, only thing anyone in this country cares about is the civilains
I live in DC. The Virginia part though
>mention black guy
>little gay boy instantly thinks about his dick
Classic development.
what are you doing on /pol/ in current year
Wanted to see what the schizos were up to
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This could be me and the Swedoid but he plays too many games
pol is brown people, my evidence is that everyone there is some kind of immigrant in europe or america.
The israel and palestine current thing is as retarded and irrelevant to me as the ukraine previously current thing. Both events are happening on the other side of the world, involving people I have no relation to. Anyone who takes sides in this is no better than boomers worshipping niggerball.
wow you're so special
Portland is probably the whitest city of its size in the US by a significant margin.

What is your definition of decent? Wealthy?
if you want to see what schizos are up to go to /x/
Your special little boy type special, or hockey helmet indoors shortbus spaghettios miasma special ed type special?
Those are two different types of schizo
this guy is so cool he doesn't care about anything other than BBC
Uh oh, looks I mindbroke him. Now all he can do is impotently grumble under his breath while posting about nigger dicks to no one in particular.
DC is pretty wealthy, despite the inequality and high cost of living. There's also a lot to do and see.
this is why you never had sex
wasn't internet archives attacked for not supporting palestine?
How come the most evil people came together against Internet Archives?
You can throw this line out of nowhere about any male public figure you dislike and any response his followers have will be nothing but cope. It's the perfect drive by shitpost.
>Yeah right, he's a class A cuck who lets Tyrone fuck his wife and his daughters
for not having a palestine flag on their twitter or something.
another chud obsessed with BBC
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$350k NW at 29… still a virgin.
I’m fucked.
>brings my sex life into it
I know all this talk of niggers got you riled up, but please do not pull me into your weird fantasies. You won't bait me into talking about that just so you can get your rocks off. Now go take a cold shower, or eat a raw potato before posting again, you little freak.
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hate hate HATE zoom interviews
really triggered that chud
Same. I was closing a deal recently and the notary had us all get on a Teams call so we could finalize the signing. What happened to doing it in person? Fucking hate this era.
You win. I concede. You are way too epic for me. You owned me with facts, logic, and your sharp wit. I am indeed triggered. Seething, even. Malding, if you would believe it.
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my mommy gave me 500usd for my birthday, what should i buy?
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Leafoids need their penisoirs slapped
new skin for your favorite league character, 24 case of modelo, big fat juicy steak, save the rest
I don't play that thing
god I could go for a steak right about now
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1 large dildo to milk your messican bum bum
youre lying paco
i could legit go for some mexican food, carne asada and rice
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a hooker to play with your pecker
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>youre lying paco
why would i lie ? i don't like that game it's full of poor people and schizo
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true american soul
fat asian guy wildin out on the street
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wtf. why you making me cry?
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it's your fault for talking about having sex with hairy mexicans.
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i thought you were a cute twink
so many people here are born in october. it's a cursed mont
most people try in december and january
Real mfers are born in June like T-word and Kanye
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literally I am this guy
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Men are born in winter, boys are born in summer. Simple as.
am i a cute boy at least?
nice idea
thinkin bout making a burrito bowl for luncheon
im sheepy
come here little sheep these shears are NOT for cutting your fleece dont worry
based sheep rabbi collecting sheep foreskins
annihilated yet another fruit fly
hmm yeah im thinking burrti bowl, miller and a nap
get jeff shick from IBM on the phone
>burrito bowl
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love these little guys. Had to pick a bird to do a report on in 3rd grade and I picked these
How many towns are called arlington
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the gr8 deb8
You know all rhe stuff that goes inside an american fast food burrito? Like rice, beans, pico de gallo, meat cooked with "taco seasoning" and cheese?
Its all that in a bowl not a tortilla
it's just rice and beans with a bunch of mexican things on top
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a salad?

I am not as successful as a Norwegian zoomer because I don't listen to Andrew Tate
Not what i would call it but sure i suppose
respect to the motivated go getters out there who actually kill themselves while the rest of us can only daydream about it
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how am i supposed to enjoy slop when i'm dead
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>kill themselves
I hate people who pretend they will kill themselves to get attention especially women on the internet.
from personal experience people who want to die kill themselves without saying a word
There were boomers that listened to slipknot? Only people I knew that did were about my age. Maybe 30 at the oldest
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good afternoon
It's not the us that does this to the people here, it's everyone else. Practically since it's inception the West has said that the US has no culture of its own (with some rare exceptions like cowboy/western) so it naturally follows that the people living here adopt the culture they most closely relate to
tears in my eyes thinking about how kind i am
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I just voted to increase sales taxes on guns, and use the money to fund mental health programs.
Not that big
what was your last kind act
>money to fund mental health programs
lol they will only steal the money and treat the patients the same or even worse.
i dont remember
all the videos on the deepfakes site are loading slow as shit
well if you can’t even remember the last kind thing you did how are you in tears at your own charity
my roommate bought a package of diced onions
didn't know that was a thing
there's few worse feelings in life than buying a tasty meal and immediately dropping it on the ground spilling it everywhere
i know i've got a good heart
there's this country called brazil. they claim to have invented the air plane
new godspeed album is very mid
I'd give it a 6/10
Oh fuck the phone just started making beeping sounds like it turned on, I'm the only one in the office, this place is haunted
i'm sorry buddy
i believe you, you should do something kind today
call your mom and tell her that you love her or maybe do a favor for somebody
Saw them live 3 years ago
Dope band but i dont really listen to them anymore since getting a job, not enough time for hour long albums
American culture in korea
True, you should listen to Sodom's new album instead
Like this post for you or a loved one to suffer a brutal attack from an escaped chimpanzee.
This is from that really stupid movie with the clown that kills people with slapstick right?
yah nah
Obviously i dont care if the bill is successful. I just want to be part of a team.
What do you listen?
>scummy opportunist that will do anything to survive
Great movie
What do the moon runes say
i kind of want a gf
jazz, 80's club pop, nu-wave, and boomer rock
google translate says 'sweet'
nigga you are mexican
bee aced I got my bf in to midwest emo finally
Seattle instituted a tax on ammunition at 5¢ per round, which was billed as being used to pay for firearms safety classes and mental health programs. The money actually went into the city's general fund (this was of course disclosed by law, but most people don't look into it) and there has never been a public safety course offered by the city to this date.
keyboard is fuckig broke from all the smashig i've give it ow the key ext to m wot work
I don't like this new gimmick of yours. Please stop.
why did you smash your keyboard doofus
He's probably just saying that so you stop bothering him about it and just fuck his bum already
cause my metal health is shattering ad my fits of rage have reached a terrible level
paco i wanted to let you know this burrito salad is really good man
probably seething that the laffs lost in the 'yoffs(again)
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I found out that the rich Jew who always brags to me about his life on a server is bald, that's enough for me to cope about my life.
are you seeking treatment for your explosive outbursts
you should if it's effecting your quality of life like this
nice post picture
i already ate half of it but i will take one right now
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it doesnt look this yellow irl it's just a poor picture
rice, half a can of black beans, diced onion, lime juice, salt, some habanero hot sauce, shredded cheese, shredded chicken seasoned w chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, salt and pepper
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looks good
are you gonna get that big yoocy steak for your birthday
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yep, on sunday I will go out to eat with all my family, there is a good brazilian restaurant that has meat in swords.
i love brazilian steakhouses
very nice enjoy my friend
once again starving
based proana god
eat something
I'm as racist as the next man but I will admit to having jungle fever
So many black women have amazingly sculpted asses
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels
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you can eat at a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight but you can't just stop eating entirely
i'm only real life racist against blacks and indians and the chinese
i would impregnate a latina or a vietnamese
try and stop me
Look, it's America so obviously there are a lot of hogs
I didn't even say MOST black women
I'm racist towards black people but I've slept with a couple black girls
Never considered dating one though
good afternoon pls post more cinnas
Watching one of those COPS knock-off youtube videos and I see a couple of black girls with really nice asses
if you're as thin as a rail i may be able to, little skinny boy
seriously though go eat something please, even if it's something small
here's a wallpaper for your phone
tomato juice on the rocks
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