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Belgium edition
this is the one
this this this is the new (singular)
(8) these boys they all want to get in me (8)
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is this the thread?
drinking a water
RIP Liam 'in' Payne
Evening lads
You ARE going out shagging soon, right lads?
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doing a tier list
not nice is it
yeah just bought my extra small condoms and got my lynx africa on
fuck off 190 you mentally ill freak
just hang yourself you waste of oxygen
it is nice for human trash like you
Fuck's sake I still haven't got my Black History Month decorations up
(8) all night all night long (8)
Reminder Israelis believe non-Jews have animal souls, they don't believe we're human but merely animal souls wearing human skin.
Doing a Mary seacole wank
Funny given how creepy most Jews are
mad how jews are literal demons pretending to be real jews
Not a fan of them if you catch my drift
What do you mean?
>no friends
>no money
>no job
>no career
>autistic agoraphobic

Couldn't be more over even if I tried
most well adjusted brit poster
ktim exactly, only I'm also trans and have a chronic pain condition
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ahahahaha robyn what are u like x
chuckling at how leftypol exists because of jews and how leftypol hates their creator
Insane the spawning ability of these Hamas command centres
Seem to always spawn next to refugee camps and children's hospitals
Well it certainly could since I see you haven't mentioned NO GF
Don’t take it all too seriously fren. We do what we can
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Jewish men usually seem ok.
It's mostly just the Jewish women I don't like. Take all the negative characteristics of regular women, multiply them by a billion, and that is what a Jewish woman is like. If you have ever had the horrific misfortune of interacting with one, you'll know what I mean.
I give off Rockstar Vibes.
like you gona shoot up the school cos u're bullied?
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This guy neetmaxxed until he was about 30 then set in motion one of the best TV shows ever made.
Can you guys say corrrr for me?

take out as many as you can on your spree
believe in yourself
might crack open the final bokkle
not clicking on that
can't be arsed
get a little paki fella on a bike to bring you more bokkles
based and inspirational
think the person who created home depot was in his 40s
people who think it's "too late" are masochistic freaks
What will happen if Trump actually gets assassinated in the next week or two?
I see that Belgian poster ruffled a few feathers eh
It looms
just started me cos im going out soloclubbing
t. soloclubbing lad
rat-like not creepy
Muslims aren't allowed to have alcohol.
keep getting calls from the exact same scam number and it's scaring me now
Open individualism is a view in the philosophy of self, according to which there exists only one numerically identical subject, who is everyone at all times, in the past, present and future.[1]:617 It is a theoretical solution to the question of personal identity, being contrasted with "Empty individualism", the view that personal identities correspond to a fixed pattern that instantaneously disappears with the passage of time, and "Closed individualism", the common view that personal identities are particular to subjects and yet survive over time.
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Paul Floyd
Back when kids weren't allergic to gluten, nuts, dairy, oxygen, water, and was able to eat what they wanted without being offended by it.

Annette Penk
That’s when dinners were made from scratch and not a processed product in sight. China plates and real cutlery, Not plastic.

Gideon Hall
From when society actually gave a shit enough to feed kids at school properly

Terry Brown
Times were hard but my parents payed for my lunch five shillings a week .So if you cant feed dont breed .
fuck off 190
string yourself up until you stop breathing
Is rat-like not creepy to you?
they are allowed to deliver it thoughbeit
don't participate in the pedal paki economy me
in english, doc(tor of philosophy)!
literally me, despite all that I know that universe will give me a pretty british gf.
was just saying all this down the pud
Chances are at least one of the people reading this post will die from Dementia/Alzheimer's
Mental to think about
Your gimmicks are all stale man you have lost all creativity and drive and just spam shit to annoy people and have them tell you to fuck off
Remember when you used to have people guessing and arguing with each other about who's who and what's what?
Now everyone just wishes you'd die
It's sad but you can only blame yourself
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taking a stroll through the animal kingdom
Pubs are quite grim when you think about it. They're places people congregate to temporarily drown away the shiteness in their lives surrounded by other grim twats.
going by the lcak of socialisation
low iqs
and drug abuse i think a lot of us will unfortunately
Wow, you copy pasted something you didn't understand from a book you didn't read in a thread where it is off-topic and extremely low quality. Good job.
This is ironic given I’m not the belgian cuck and am just pouring oil on the fire
new creps
pedal to the metal
mental how easy it is to bait you into your cringe posts
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Doing a toilet check one mid-week afternoon and found that one of the men's cubicles was just covered in shit. Someone had clearly got to the cubicle just in time for their arse to explode, and the results were all over the floor, the toilet, the seat, and the walls. The person had also left their shit-filled underwear behind. I noticed a shitty footprint and tracked it all the way to the culprit, sitting calmly at their table having clearly just bought a fresh pint and smelling very, very strongly of their own shit. He even had the gall to act surprised when I told him to get the fuck out of the pub.
incel creep you make it grim by being there
KYS 190
do it
get a belt and just string yourself up
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Love the thing me
When you see these big public gatherings of Orthodox Jews or Muslims
Why are there never any women present? And where are all their women, since they aren't there?
Do you reckon he's alright
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fs got no crisps in
I can feel it, a brand new poo is on the horizon
>a book
Wiki article
With me
>24 years old
>no friends
>single for over a year
>haven't had sex in over 3 months
>make less than $100k
>have to live with a roommate i hate
>failing my masters program
in their house looking after their 20 kids
american christians are the jews XL bully
Be honest, would you shag Hunter Schafer? If nobody else would ever find out?
omg im 24 and havent had sex in 3 months!! life is so le bad!! i dont even make 100k!
shut the FUCK up
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One week remains.
Pretty good description
>recounts grim story
>tries to deny pubs are grim
Most intelligent pub dweller
Would you be alright if you became a rock?
I'm quite a doom and gloom guy myself but people like Scott Ryan help me think things can get better.
i'd only shag her if people did find otu what a flex that is
She any good
Don't hear of many women guitarists
Or any whatsoever actually
american protestants*
the jew and the protestant fear the righteous Catholic man
Listening to a livestream by Megacomrade Clement Eranomigho Edegbe
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Is there a term for when people reply to only part of an email? Does my absolute nut in when I ask two questions and an office admin answers only one of them in her reply, completely ignoring the other.

Happens nearly 100% of the time with zoomer staff. Most older people seem to comprehend that multiple things can be said in one email. Is this brain rot from instant messaging?
And we're their hamster.
Endlessly spinning around in their little wheel, but with no real effect other than making the world laugh at us.
>if one bad thing happens at a pub then all pubs ever are always awful
most logical pub hater
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It lush
Yeah loads of words for those kind of people
bit mental to think about, really
three kinos down the hatch today, might go for a cheeky fourth
being a doom and gloom person is understandable
too many fake positive people who are arguably worse than that
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There was one Baptist preacher from Texas who was very redpilled on Jews. He was a rare exception to the stereotype. His name was Texe Marrs.
Basically any Jewish conspiracy that /pol/ talks about, I guarantee you Texe Marrs has been discussing it since the 1980s. I showed him to catyank once.
Texe Marrs passed away five years ago RIP
which ones?
I'd just be beating up all my enemies
Yeah I'm not arsed who finds out in this hypothetical
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I thought Israel were going to strike Iran?
Funny how that has been memory holed
Stick to bombing hospitals
no he looks like a man with tits bolted on
the prince of egypt, alien romulus, the princess bride
Grim stuff only happens at grim places
Four kinos? Four, Jeremy? That's insane.
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>pasta delivery
>alien romulus
so it was actually good?
I heard mixed reviews from friends and posters here
Using my psychic powers to mentally torment Bibi Netanyahu
anyway I'm off to the dark room to get wanked off
they'll do it in a week's time, october is basically all just jewish holidays
where la? somewhere in dalston i might see you there? haha
Used to watch Brother Nathanael and David Duke on YouTube and was really into that whole /pol/ stuff in my teens

I 'grew out' of that nonsense and expunged it from my mind when I went to uni because I was sick of being a freak

But many years later and I've been coming back to it. Just seems to explain a lot of things you know...
Getting comfy for this tonight.

Got a girlfriend but we don't exactly go to the pub or anything. FML.
I don't want you to wank me off diego
hope everyone in Gaza is vaporised and it's turned into a holiday park for Israelis and westerners
here it is
NTA but it's okay.
Not as good as 1 or 2. I'd give it a 6.8/10.
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the cronem rushing to clock in for the night shift at the gherkin x
nah, started ok, got real shit. some of the sets were nice
you are severely mentally ill
how about compared to prometheus and covenant?
oh you called it kino so i just presumed you meant it was good
this + Israel annexes the West Bank

in one or two generations the Arabs will gain political domination and the whole issue won't be relevant anymore. and there'll be loads of peng peng peng PENG arab/slav halfbreed girls
any kylie gesualdo man in

Watching Scottish football highlights, this is my Saturday night
mum saw my bank balance today and went feral
jealous bitch
she only saw the £3k in my current account and not my £80k in saving sinvestments and all
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Oh it's definitely better than Covenant at the least
go away and kill yourself obese incel faggot
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string yourself up and die
think yourself lucky. ungrateful sod. gazans cant watch telly
alright i'll get it downloaded for a spooky evening sometime soon
walked past a dark-skinned negro today and instinctively thought of the gherkin
this place has ruined me
Yeah told my gf I have like £110k in the bank and she's never been the same since
bore off spaki
ACK yourself
got £90k in the bank and an undisclosed sum in deeply underwater cryptocurrency investments
cant tell if chappell roan is fit or minging
i'll save you an hour or however long the video will be
the answer is a resounding NO
I have never saved money in my entire life and I'm 33 years old
what does she want? big wedding? be a stay at home wife? 7 month holiday around the world?
where is catyank
I want to talk to him
never used to affect me but it actually hurts walking past couples now
you mean you bought shitcoins
dont understand why my mum was seething
yeah she's struggled in life but surely she should be proud her son's doing alright?
i buy her nice presents and pay her bills/rent sometimes when she needs it, ungrateful cow
Need naked men lined up in cages like cattle, being milked by machinery for their semen like some perverted dairy farm.
said it was a kino, not is was kino
he was in /cum/ earlier spamming about star wars
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Miss Liam Payne lads
He was my friend
One of the good ones
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I've got a gf and it hurts walking past couples because I feel like I can do better
Sounds 'orrible I know
emily in paris but it's a porn of a girl called emily fingering and pegging a girl called paris (not paris hilton as she is too old)
just done a cum
yeah thanks for clarifying
you are an obese depressed loser lmao
string yourself up and choke to death you freak
you saved it and didn't just throw it out right?
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I really need to take a chillpill
My jaw is always clenched. I noticed that I clench my jaw when I speak as well, probably makes me sound like a psychotic mong.
I still have no idea what the phrase "liberal arts" means
she's heading to louis vuitton isn't she... oh dear LOL
just bought mum a £350 tablet last month and she has the gall to go off on me cos i have money in the bank
fucking bitch
might buy some new socks
some nice ones with padded heel and toe
kick the bucket you loser
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Estonia outdrinks the entire world.
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im adopting a dog!
could be a sign of brain bleeding
only a few months left I reckon
This is how it all kicks off-

Israel bombs Iran
Iran launches a ground invasion of Israel
Russia and North Korea take kiev
China takes Taiwan
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8/10 revenge imo
i put the tissue paper under my bed
she's abusing you call the police
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I'm a-dogging a dopt!
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he got done so badly lmfaooooo

>Iran launches a ground invasion of Israel
from where
Pleased to announce the migraine I had the last 3 days has now almost entirely gone away
two more weeks
>some people dont have dish washers
never really thought about this but it's true
Well probably from Iran dumbass
last time l had one of those l threw up. You poor lad.
world famous Czech pintmen
I have £12k in the bank which isn't a lot but my dad found out and started acting like I was a millionaire and I could afford to move out.
Didn't listen to me when I explained it's barely a years rent and it took me multiple years to save it up.
yeah I don't have a girlfriend
my grandmother has one and hates to use it
says it's too slow
the sausages

get them returned
12 year old girl and a croptop
nothing ever happens
be quiet
are your parents poor like mine
Mad how back in the day at Dreamworks Prince of Egypt was the big ticket project because it was more worthy animation style and they thought a biblical epic would make a motza at the box office
And people who fucked up on that film got banished to the basement to work on the CGI film with the bloke from Wayne's World who'd decided to change his accent halfway through the voice recordings
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fuck off 190
snap your neck
iran already holds the high ground they're never going to invade anywhere. they can just pop off rockets forever until we're all read
don't understand how anyone lives like that
I get a headache and I want to kill myself after a few hours
some people in my family get them too and say that there are lots of new treatments out there that have made a huge difference, so take a look into new medications that might help
Die you Belgian nonce
good lad
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War soon boys
And it's all your fault
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timmy's wife about to fuck up his amex card on another handbag LOL
Hmm if YOU say that it might actually be good
any recommendations for my fourth and final kino of the day?
I'm doing my part!

tummyberg is doing me in
utterly ruthless pootoil today
how to have sex
Yes but boomers so they were able to actually afford a house despite being poor and now don't understand it's not the same as 30 years ago
why, what's happened now?
dad's got a headache 24/7 because he's addicted to prescription painkillers
ninth gate
you're not funny 190
you're a fucking nutcase who should put himself 6 feet under ASAP
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his last good film
LOL aint dat rite
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Get this - Yanks call paracetamol a "tylenol"
yeah we do too
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Just realized that this "toilberg" "mumberg" "dadberg" meme is an antisemitic dogwhistle
Shame on you brit
no they dont they arnet that stupid
what do they call an ibuprofen?
190 mate you’ve won, they’re all fucking seething, go easy on them eh lmao
what are you the jew police?
berg is norwegian
very good post the non conscious cucknadian is the inverse tasteometer
kill yourself you deranged freak
They also call it ibuprofen
that wasn't me actually
you need to string your belt up and put your neck in it
Tylenol also has caffeine in it because yanks are insane drug junkies
Get this - people who aren't yanks use "phone" as a verb
i.e they say "phone me" instead of "call me"
would just throw my phone at them instead. ridiculous people
child of dunwich rise
saturday no friends incel freak meltdown
Advil and Tylenol
they can't be real
the cool canadian is here btw not all leaf posts are mine
Spainpaki has a strange obsession with 190. Really wishes he could be a shagger who gets all the attention, but he'll NEVER be 190 because he's a boring virgin freak.
blog on
we invented the language
we'll use it however we want
neck, noose, now
wrists, slashed, now
I mean this sincerely
kill yourself
many people don't even know they're ibuprofen and paracetamol
Need a willard inside me ASAP
Cmon guys! Can’t we all just have a good time?
uh oh incel meltie incel meltieee!
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do it
it'll only take a second
fuck off spaki you tedious freak
my fart woke up the miss, lol
dudes can't we all just get a bong?
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You Know I Had to Do It to Em
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yes lad, yesss
Thoughts on the ongoing civil conflict between Beijing based Communist Chinese forces and the Taipei based Nationalist Chinese forces?
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How do you actually break up with someone lads?

She's such a misery
mad how spaki has your brain on the ropes you think anybody that doesn't want you spamming your inane drivel in /brit/ 24/7 is him
kill yourself 190
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I dunno it’s all a bit mean in here
Makes me sad
Just tell her you've realised you're actually gay
lf l was China l'd do long term subversion and generations of spies slowly turning them communist
based and hydepilled
mad how his life's work is spamming this general 16 hours a day for an audience of like 50 anonymous strangers
how do you rip off a bandaid?
Fuck off 190 no-one believes you when you call others 190
*gives you a hug*
/brit/ lads are my only friends these days
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>neck, noose, now
snap your neck you retard
considering the amount of people that filter or simply scroll right past his drivel it's more like an audience of 5
These posts were made by the same person on different devices
seriously though he's actually obsessed with 190 lmao

it it because he was a rorke?
the noose ready
the neck in it
the time? now
190 was a commiemong FOLC
do it
your life is worthless
you spend every second of your life here spamming
you would be freeing yourself from this hell
love you lads x
you were having a melty about trump in the last thread 190 you retard
only a severely disabled loser with absolutely nothing else going on in his life would spam like he does
The Battle of Leyte Gulf is considered the largest naval battle in history:
When: Late October 1944
Where: The island of Leyte in the Philippines
Who: The United States and Japan
What: The US launched an invasion of the Philippines with an armada of over 300 ships, while Japan sent nearly 70 warships to stop it. The battle was a turning point in the Pacific War, ending the Imperial Japanese Navy as a major fighting force.
Other notable naval battles include:
The Battle of Cape Ecnomus
An ancient battle between the Roman and Carthaginian fleets, which some say was the largest naval battle in history by the number of combatants
The Battle of Jutland
The largest naval battle of World War I, which took place between the British and German fleets in 1916
The Four Days' Battle
A battle in 1666 that some say was the greatest sea fight of the Age of Sail
mmhmm aint nun he cud do x
bore off 190
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We shall be the fuzzy little centre of positivity in /brit/
No wikipedia articles Toby.
do it
get a belt
hook it up
get a stool
hang yourself
someone make a proper new
me peeping through the fence
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flip flopping between finding this Belgium's imitation of Jamaican guys amusing and offensive
Why do some guys get all the fun eh

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