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Talk to the hand edition.

Previous >>203588977
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Good morning sisters.

You wouldn't get it.
I love making my characters try on different clothes.
Wake up /med/ders.
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Good mornings Sirs.
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Its over.
20/09/2024 - 85.2kg
20/10/2024 - 87.4kg
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It happens often. It sucks, but if you manage to stop that upward trend, you're going to make it, simply later than expected. You need to focus yourself.
This is all because of this brown slag you've been posting
Those 3 weeks or so that I spent sick has trashed my discipline with food and I'm still yet to reach the 10km mark again, blaming both my indecisiveness on which route to take and hunters for making me have to change route in the first place.
Good morning /med/, I don't have any hangover and the sun is shining which are great news right now. I'm going to slack a little bit more in bed and then have breakfast and prepare the lessons for my pupils before heading to the village.
Magyarbro, yesterday night I came across at a bar one of the hot girls of the gym I used to go, the tall one with average chubby face, thick legs and ass, she was wearing a short skirt. You can't imagine the suffering of not being able to sniff that ass. Body similar to pic related.

>blaming my indecisiveness on which route to take
You know the problem, unlike a certain blob.

>don't sell me an outhouse and tell me it's the Taj Mahal.
>yeah, stop doing that.
I don't know who you're referring to. I even know which direction I should take. I guess I'm being lazy and feeling comfortable in my current established route.
I'm referring to the video I posted.
I see.
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Good morning /med/, preparing for the wedding, I don't like this shit VGH
Thank God I haven't been to one in ages.
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>get bullied early game
>some nigga want to surrend, others including me refuse
>we get back almost even
>mfs on my team just suicide themselves 1v5

Just fighting 4v5 without the guy who has half of the kills is quite retarded, but the suicides.. REEEE
I usually prefer skinnier girls, but that girl of the gym has something that I don't know how to explain.
Now that's a tit-monter : >>203620011
Thinly veiled cock archived thread.
That's an anchor.
Hello frens, yesterday I was at a friends birthday and we did some escape game Fort Boyard shit with plenty of challenges that needed brains, brawn and skill.
I was able to help out a lot for the skill/physical ones and it felt really good.
I had to walk along a wall locked shoulders to shoulders with another guy who walked on the opposite wall. Plenty of climbing and acrobat stuff.

Also the nurse friend didn't have anymore fun anal insertion stories but showed me pics of a dead guy with 2 dicks, some dude who had eaten hundreds of metal spoons and another of a brain oedema (swelling brain) so they had to remove a part of the guys cranium and the brain got out outside and swelled like Jimmy Neutron.
All that just in our local hospital.
Having to use both hands to squeeze the lizard could mean that the hands are too small or the lizard too big.
>harlot's opinion

Into the trash it goes
Harming one's own skin is self destructive behaviour and shows bad decision making skills.
Over for chudcels
Brescianon keeps winning.
Holy moly, I wasn't aware that Shrek is anti-me

>I love making my characters try on different clothes.
Can relate

What is she talking about? Every tradch(a/u)d I know is good looking
Let me guess, an online prostitute wrote this?
I persevered with FMA:B and it's really worth it after all!
Don't engage with ragebait. We all have our preferences and it's alright.
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>Don't engage with ragebait. We all have our preferences and it's alright.
Seven (You) in a row.
I kneel, quite a feat on such a modest general. What are you gonna do to celebrate?
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Might touch grass this afternoon and see what God has in store for me.
Lads, that young Greek waitress is just too cute, girls never smile at me and she does it every time, I got to TIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPP
Don't fall for it, don't be another naive tourist who tips because she smiled at you.
Are you some kind of (you)mancer?
Fall for it, be another naive tourist who tips because she smiled at you.
Going to make potions with those.
Patata l-forn bit-tiġieġ for lunch on a Sunday as God intended.
Simple as.

Rice, ham, green pesto for me, a simple meal since it's late already
Better than nothing.
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You'll be invited to our wedding, fren
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>"Bubble butt" starts playing in the gym on the speakers built into the ceiling
>k, whatever
>squat, leg press, hip thrust
>look at my shorts as I'm doing leg presses
>my fat ass ripped through the fabric around my
Just kill me already. That song playing just made things worse.
1x12 90 kgs + 5x12 92,5 kgs squats
5x8 65 kgs leg curls
1x12 50 kgs + 4x12 60 kgs calves
1x12 140 kgs, 1x12 150 kgs leg press
3x11 95 kgs hip thrust machine (5 kg increase at the cost of losing a rep, I'll take that)

YWNBA (You will never be aryan), your eyes are dark blue and not light blue. It's over for us Centralyurocels.

You're still down 15 kgs or so, so it's definitely not over.

>thick legs and ass, she was wearing a short skirt
Can't fucking suffer in Spain. Fuck off.
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A minor setback. I blame the cold weather, which stimulates the appetite.
If you let your enemies define you, you've already lost, my sister
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I'm my own greatest enemy.
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>Houses in Sliema vandalised.
>Seemingly it is a bunch of alt-thots doing it.
Kek. I swear, it is a different nation up there.
I blame myself desu.
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Catnigga is this true?
>Can't fucking suffer in Spain
Not being able to plapp her counts as suffering
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Yes, but take away the nice background in the second picture and replace it with grey, decaying buildings and maybe a few jeets here and there.
That pic you posted looks kino tho
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"Kino" and "soul" are just words that rich people use to describe poor people countries. I'm glad you're enjoying your cyber poverty tourism, but it's much less "kino" when you have to exist here every day.
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I keep moving forward until my enemies are destroyed
I dont know, it doesn't look that bad from that perspective, i guess you have to take into account that most people liv8ng there are pajeets
>1x12 90 kgs + 5x12 92,5 kgs squats
Why don't you try hitting an 1RM in the squat?
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I will pray for this woman's soul. May the tattooist who did this to her be punished in proportion to his sins, and may she eventually find her way back from the darkness.
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I hear nothing
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Just because I'm the ugliest man she's never seen doesn't mean I'm wrong.

I hope she at least spared her feet from the Devil's Ink.
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I never addressed your look? Nor i ever intended to, i simply reject the belief that tats are intrinsecally ugly
Scribbles that look like shit are bad, but proper ones look good, also i'll let you know that i don't have any tats on me
Also, your 1RM bench?
It’s Sunday afternoon, all /med/s are with their lovely wives and family, enjoying picnics at the park, talking about the beauty of red falling leaves and making plans for a nice dinner late at night.
I'm studying for work since i have to do a presentation tomorrow. I suffer.
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I ran out of Maltese coffee.
Today's training.
Pull ups 1x18, 1x11 with bodyweight.
The first set has a lot of shitty reps to be fair, when I tried to do a third set my right arm started hurting a bit, this time it seems to be the triceps.
Enough training for today I suppose.

Your taste is slowly improving, good
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After the magyaroid, I think you have the strangest and least comprehensible taste in women. You are an agent of chaos.
What do YOU mean?
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The woman above is objectively uglier than the Serbian, yet you proclaim she is more attractive. I struggle to understand it.
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Laid in bed for two and a half hours. VGH. Guess this week was a bit harder than usual.

He thinks you're a fakecel obviously.

>Why don't you try hitting an 1RM in the squat?
Because even if I put 2,5 kgs too much weight onto the bar I won't be able to stand up fr fr. Also don't want to hurt my back. I like high reps on squats for some reason tbf.
Also, talking about 1RMs, I don't think there are any exercises where I tried hitting 1RMs. I wouldn't even try with barbells, but I should with machines tbf someday.
Have you tried not being a pussy?
Anyway there are rack with safties, I failed quite a few squats in my life.
Still not going to mess with my back fr fr.
Also, isn't it pretty useless in the sense that I could have instead done let's say 9 reps which would have given me more benefits than barely doing 1?
>Have you tried not being a pussy?
No which is what led me down on the right path (vidya instead of sexsex with different women every night).
Are you talking about the brown slut? I thought she was italian

The blonde cutie he posted now is a few levels above the serbian turd
And btw, do you think 12 reps with 92,5 kgs is good after almost 5 months of squatting?
(I know I'm a walkmaxxed chad, but I'm talking about the average joe)
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>Anon kiss me
>shittalking Stephanie Muhdick
What a horrible taste you have.
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Stop whining.
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Am back; what did I miss ?
You have kots for every single situation
>Still not going to mess with my back fr fr.
Squatting heavy isn't bad for your back, I haven't hurt my back with years of heavy training.
I only hurt my back two times, it was roughly one year after I started training because my deadlift from wasn't on point, since I fixed it I haven't hurt my back, and I would have hurt my back too if I were for reps with lighter weights.
>Also, isn't it pretty useless in the sense that I could have instead done let's say 9 reps which would have given me more benefits than barely doing 1?
For hypertrophy a 10 reps set is better, but doing singles is good to increase maximal strength and increase motor unit recruitment, which should translate to more strength even when doing higher reps sets.
Also, it gives you the benefit of knowing how much you can lift and it's quite fun to do.
It's very good, even considering you were doing sport regularly before.
My squat took more than a year to get there.
Magyaranon being a pussy.

He's known as "Catnigga", that might give you a clue in the matter.
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If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.
Literally and figuratively nothing.
Did he post pics of thicc women that are judged fat by some other medders ?
I can see that given the 88 replies today.
Good lord this is literally /ded/
>Did he post pics of thicc women that are judged fat by some other medders ?
No, he's scared of lifting.
Isn't he super jacked from his daily training ? I feel like lifting weights should be a cake walk for him.
This is the Serbian >>203521360
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>but doing singles is good to increase maximal strength
Huh, I thought 4-5 reps were better for strength than 1.
Anyways, I will do the impossible and try a 1RM RDL.

How was the wedding? What flavour was the cake?

>super jacked from his daily training
I have feminine hands and that's all that matters. No matter how much I cope by building abs/legs/arms/chest, my hands will instantly give women the 'ick.
I got duped it was more of a coffee to celebrate after the wedding that already happened some months ago.
Cake was good it was a fraisier (strawberries)
Cute, and who is the brown turd>>203633213
>Good lord this is literally /ded/
Honestly better to have a low level of activity with high-quality cat-related posts, than /brit/spam or dead internet theory bots replying to each other.

Let the normies kiss their wives and girlfriends. They'll get bored of sex eventually and come crawling back.
>Anyways, I will do the impossible and try a 1RM RDL.
I'd recommend you to do a conventional DL for a 1RM, you'll move more weight than on an RDL even if you don't do it regularly.
Good lord, fat Borts and Humers
We need more Bort plates
need a Hogby gf!
Also go wash your hair Jorch, you dirty piece of shit
If I can't control the negative and slam weights I'll get btfo'd from the gym though. I assume you drop the 250+ kgs whenever you lift above that number, or am I mitsaken?
Also, have never seen anyone do a deadlift so far in the gym. Only saw a nibba do a rdl and even that was only once.
Humby looks like mr beast
I don't drop it, I hold the weight until hitting the floor.
I lower the weight fast, but never drop it.
>I lower the weight fast, but never drop it.
prove it
If it goes down the same speed it would if you were to drop it even if you keep your hands on it that doesn't change anything
Kek are you looking in the mirror?
I am clearly linking the post i'm talking about, malteser
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he is protecting the hot sexsexsex woman from your lies and bad taste
No, I'm just annoyed about this being blown out of proportion.
She looks italian, it's normal you feel attracted to her
I did arm curls for 30 mins and am now sweating like a pig, what was the last workout you did, /med/?
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Why did you have to bring Maltesers into this, they never did anything wrong.
Chocolate is innocent.
Holy shit man.


>Cake was good it was a fraisier (strawberries)
Yet you dare tell me you suffer in France. You clearly don't.
I'm currently eating some skyr yoghurt I mixed with some sugar-free red berry syrup, so I too can't say I suffer.
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They are guilty of being delicious.
Total Maltesers Degustation & Digestion
To celebrate the Portucaust?
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I am attracted to tall white blonde nord women (don't tell this to the gf)
Who said i celebrate the Portucaust? I'm not Portophobic
I don't like her at all, i dislike her bikini marks her face and her tan
what about conguitos?
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>I don't like her at all, i dislike her bikini marks her face and her tan
you are in n oposition to dislike a woman
Tolerable, but maltesers are way better
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>Going to the gym wearing a costume on halloween
Would be kino af if I had some lad to pull this shit with.
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what will /med/ dress up as for halloween?
Last year I was bateman this year I will be Doflamingo
Blonde worshippers are spiritually Indian.
I am not? If i had a gf at least i have to be attracted to her no?
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>If i had a gf at least i have to be attracted to her
never had any of them
just ate some lokum with coffee and also cashews covered with salted caramel
thinking about downing some more beers while watching F1 before the end of sunday depression fully kicks in
A British Governor.
Your statement speaks volumes about you brescianon
Maltesers are sweeter, conguitos are just a nut covered of chocolate
anyone had skittles before ? i think they SUCKS
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>i think they SUCKS
big agree frfr nocap
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I'm going to borrow a pair of glasses and dress up as a chud. Might rant about the commercialisation of Halloween and how it's drifted from its Celtic roots, and how kids in the UK call it "trick or treating" these days instead of "guising".
I hate that intense, brief moment of disappointment you get when you accidentally mistake Skittles for M&Ms.
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>I hate that intense, brief moment of disappointment you get when you accidentally mistake Skittles for M&Ms.
Don't really know that feel, as I tried only once, but kind of expected it to be the same thing.
Literally wanted to spit them out but I was inside.
They're nice.
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It's phisically impossible for medders to figure out when they are talking to Brescianon and when not.
I wanted to tell him he's talking to Piedini, but really I wasn't sure.
I have money on Inter to score first goal
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Shit happens
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>/med/ders woudln't sex her because she has a small minuscule tattoo
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Good night med
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I would plap her hard and deep (aka "get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant") and breed like no tomorrow, i don't get why the hate for some ink
There are way better reasons to address if you don't want to fuck her
Bonne nuit Brune/Moselle/rest of frenchposters, zot allors
We're the 3 tattoo chads here
Doing Bateman like I planned last year. We could have been dressing buddies.
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French people in general hate candy, so Skittles must have been doubly disgusting for you.
I don't even see the see the tattoo. It's highly likely she could have tricked me into having sex with her by hiding her tiny tattoo.

Also, ugly hands for a woman.
This song is fire

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What about piercing chads? (Only tasteful ones, like nipple, never belly).
I’m amazed how they managed to stretch the song for more than four minutes and have it sound great. They truly are the best French house act.
Why not belly?
I was joking to be fair, song is a little dumb, they have better songs
>song is a little dumb
It’s a classic.
>why not
The same way tramp stamps are horrible.
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>Only tasteful ones, like nipple
>ugly hands for a woman
I disagree
>Doing Bateman
>We could have been dressing buddies.
unfortunately I wanted to change subject
>i don't get why the hate for some ink
us shitalians (and gironde) can't understand the problem apparently
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I will debate you if needed.
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Just like I would not debate with a negro about his inferior culture, I will not debate a moor about his inferior taste
We agree on something.
literally put on the game on the 'puter and they scored in the next 7 seconds
>never belly
Should i choose violence?
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Absolutely abhorrent post.
Not only I’m a moor, I’m also very black.
Portuphobic scum.
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Looking at that picture, my point still stands.
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Juego set y partido
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Thank you thank you for the supportive words, my gnome fren.
Meaty cazzo pocket, would
Just because i put a dot at the end of some sentences doesn't make me andalusanon.

Heh, i'm playing with your mind.
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I will accept your comments with asceticism, as a complete human can't have evil inside him, this is just another proof (if we ever needed one) of how great portudaddy is.
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I feel confused and uneasy, so I’ll now take my leave to try to save face.
I don't have any video to show you, maybe in a few days I could edit a video to post.

I agree in the sense that if the floor isn't prepared for it, it can break it too, but there's a difference.

It's not hard for me to do that because I have a good grip, plus in powerlifting competitions you can't just drop the weight so I have to train this way.
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portuchad has sex and you don't THO
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>has sex
More importantly, he could breed. No one else could.
Andalusianon here, you have shit taste.
I'm against portuphobia of course, but piercings are ugly get them out of my sight.
It's not that I wouldn't be with a woman with a few piercings, but I don't like them.
I don't like earrings either.
I will have more children that him doe.
prove it
indeed God bless him and his family
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Another day of NEETdom.
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>shitalians yet again deceived by me
>it’s day 371948
>they still believe in me
Are you into nuns then?
If it's a young nun I'd love to plap the religion out of her.
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Based gene spreader. Do you think any woman will complain to the clinic when the kid comes out black?
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I believe in you doe, but currently he has the overwhelming upper hand.
Lunga vita
I recognize that butt.
That's a sin
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The doctor gives them the most appropriate sperm, besides, they're told what they're getting
no refunds
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>get pregnant
>kid comes out
>full climbing gear
>shouting chud phrases
>t-this is not what I orde-
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Cease the nagging.
Is chud-ness genetic or environment? My parents aren't chuddy at all, both me and my brother are, but i have the excuse of being unpopular with girls, he's Chad
no cap they're already lucky to get access to my sperm, bitches be waiting for years for it
this is not like the denmark company selling on catalog
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Culo flour my mouth

>father is chud
>mom is anti-chud on some issues, ultra chud on others
>be chud
>sis is art-hoe that keeps spouting the same nonsenses Andaluzanon says (the antithesis of the chud)
Maybe 50/50.
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andalucel is actually chud
determinism is a very chudish school of thought
What does my understanding of physics has to do with politics?
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What I'd give...
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literal nazi
>>sis is art-hoe that keeps spouting the same nonsenses Andaluzanon says (the antithesis of the chud)
Please ruin my life portusis
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>posts belle delphine
>reminds of that HS girl I shitposted about
Fuck off and good night.

>see the see the
What living in London does to a mf.
Bell Morphine.
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I will avoid engaging in a pointless argument, but (You) know this is for you.
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>What living in London does to a mf.
Just letting you know that I keep a list of everybody who has ever wronged me, and I recite it to myself every night before bed.
Sorry, she’s taken.

Belle is the definition of mid.
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>Sorry, she’s taken.
I bet they're the size of an 1885 British crown.
Portusis is taken, Lusitania is saved, billions shall be born
Fucking hell, I sweated bullets throughout the whole match, but in the end we won and that's what matters
ok arya
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A true British rose.
Haaha serves him well

Damn nigga, you like risk by the way, they were close to scoring a couple of times
the bet is first team to score, i did it at about 30' in when inter seemed to dominate
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Like the proper leftoid she is, she doesn’t want kids.

I laugh every time.
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Alright guys, while you are all busy talking about pussy and what not, I'm doing something a tiny bit more serious aright? I"m not here to play around.
I spent the last few hours compiling a horror short compilation for an official Halloween lunch break at the office. (yes, I'm a glorified happiness manager)
What do you think of the line up?

Starting with a classic, one of the earliest youtube horror shorts as we know it
this one's 10/10
Some J-horror
I'm staying away from analog horror with too much lore or stuff you need to see many videos to understand but Local 58 and Kane Pixels have to be included
This one is sublime, even if a bit too violent but it's just too good not to include. I'll give a trigger warning though first.

Might include more.

Belle is the definition of plap plap.
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>Like the proper leftoid she is, she doesn’t want kids.
She will freeze all the eggs. Then say it's somehow men's fault.
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Wish I was a detective
New day, same old story. Wet pavement and broken bodies.
I want to leave the city but it keeps calling me back. Keep looking at bodies long enough and you're bound to end up one soon enough.
By the way, regarding the tattoo issue I am in complete agreement with my Italian brothers
If a girl is sexo, she is with or without ink on her skin, it's utterly irrelevant
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couldnt have said it better myself
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I am 90% memeing about tattoos, I just want to provoke chaos and fan the flames of misogyny.
I would have sex with a tattooed woman, even though I don't like tattoos.

All four of my siblings have tattoos anyway. I stand alone: an island of purity amidst a sea of degeneracy.
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Shitaliani uniti
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>mfw nephew wants to put the chewing gum tattoo on me
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I'm going to attempt to watch these, although there is an hour's worth of content here (shortest French lunch break) and I will not be able to give my feedback for some time. I may also need to take breaks inbetween to despookify myself and reset my mental state.
When is your job interview doe
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Next Thursday. I'm not looking forward to it at all.
What chewing gum tattoo? I'm searching my mind for what Simpsons reference this could be and I'm coming up blank.
KEK God bless you
divisi da fattori geografici e socio economici uniti nell'amore per la figa
I agree
I admire your bravery and await your report! Put yourself in a wagie mood and tell me how you would feel watching those. I tried to make it not too spooky
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Classic but pure kino, feels like an episode of the Twilight Zone. Didn't piss OR shit myself, but it was still great.
7/10 moderately spoopy, would get spooped again. Sex with Christian girls.
2/10 not spoopy, didn't enjoy
Seen this one before (think it might have been you who posted it). 8/10, shat and pissed myself, pretty sure I have a curse on me now.
Pretty mysterious and enjoyable, but kinda low effort and not especially spooky, 5/10.
Think you posted this one before too. To be honest, I preferred the back rooms when it was just an endless landscape of randomly generated misshapen rooms without the spookmonster present, but I did mildly piss and shit myself at points in the video.

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