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30k steps evening volcelwalk edition


Incel in denial
gotta go fast >>203642786
I'm a fakecel but I wish I were a truecel
I want women to desire me so I can reject them so my /balk/ frens can recognize me as a volcel
all incels are volcels tbqhwy
Is this based on the prostitute proximity postulation?
This is what incels tell themselves at night to save face
What is it like to live somewhere where you can go for comfy evening walks like this and not exist in constant fear of a gang of thugs robbing you at gun/knifepoint? I'm so jealous.
Thanks for remainding me I will go to incelwalk soon
Something you take for granted and never once think about or value, unless you go to Paris or New York or something
we need a new word for niggas that want commited romantic relationships but cant get any cause theyre lazy/autistic, if it was truly just lack of pussy that was bothering them they wouldve paid a prostitute a long time ago.
I suffer in America
Why two threads
Try going to Cayir, Timmy
inrom (involuntarily romanceless)
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Good luck bro, I am still doing it
Basically only part of Chair I've been to on foot is Charshija

Kinda mental how you can live in Ushkub your whole life and never once have to go to Chair or Shutka
God this is fucking depressing. Not your picture, but the reaction it triggers in my brain. I see this and I immediately think about getting jumped and robbed. To you it's probably just a nice picture of a comfy walk.
Even monks engage in sodomy, no such thing as a volcel
yalls are a bunch of inroms
Have any of you niggas been to Gazi Baba park forest?

Kinda mental how the biggest park in Ushkub is in the Islamic area so half its residents have literally never been there
>spurned: to refuse to accept something or someone because you feel that thing or person is not worth having
hahahahaha ya'll niggas spurned

>jilted: suddenly reject or abandon (a lover). "he was jilted at the altar by his bride-to-be"
hahahahaha ya'll niggas jilted

>lovelorn: unhappy because of unrequited love
Yeah bro, was there the other day
I kneel.
Incel walked through countless gypsy ghettos and nothing ever happened
Nothing happens here bro

I also walk and explore shipo neighborhoods alone, although their neighborhoods are super ugly people are cool, internet civilized them also
>tell me you're brown without saying it
vote 8 next week for a new bright beginning
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Post images the encapsulate the feeling of cyberbullying someone until they kill themselves
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these niggas are 26 mln people utterly reliant on food aid with completely insufficient domestic agricultural to support their own population
I wonder if niger and nigeria have a rivalry
It's your job to feed them Chud
they can harvest my sperm
Roaches are dumb, gay and vulgar.
Where are they hiding all the greatest literary, musical and philosophical works of the ottoman empire?
It reigned supreme for 600 years, they must've produced some truly sublime cultural output in all those years.
They produced mangal through sodomy
Whatchu gon' do 'bout it?
yap yap yap like a woman
>mangal was not the pedo
Unexpected plot twist
murk loar faggot
>he had a mangal, vute, tranlo or tranita moment
You walk on dams right? Do you listen to any songs?
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found one
Mental how Chinkily they drew themselves
Listens to slavi trifonov bangers only
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>i live rent free in /balk/s mind
yмpи мaмa ти дeeбa зaблyдeнa coдoмитcкa
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>be me 15 years old
>year is 1994 and live in sweden
>my croatian family is over
>uncle, a croatian ustaše
>have a serbian friend and his syster over
>uncle gives death stare
>"oдy cpaти нa зaхoд"
>friend goes to toilet and leaves me with his syster in my bedroom
>his syster flirts with me
>we start making out
>uncle walks in
>uncle is pissed and yells "KOJI KURAC SE LJUBIŠ ZA ČETNIKOM?!"
>her brother see's all this
>uncle kicked out
>we continue with our normal business
this my friend is why you don't make love with the ethnic group a specific family member doesn't like
shut the fuck up
It was real in your mind bro
What do you mean dams? I walk Kozle-Nerezi-Gjorce-Saraj and back
Nope, I don't listen to music. Imo walker should be constantly aware of it's surroundings
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The pancreatic cripple is too ashamed to post here after everyone chose this thread over the one he made
lmao get jilted retard
Finally something more fake than our national economic reports until 2009
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Cъбepи пpиятeлитe cи и eлa дa мe биeш.

Paзpeшaвaм ти. :)
I dont know how its in english but you walk on a sidewalk near a river which is on a higher level rised by ground to prevent flooding
Oh yeah, very often
ти знaeш пa ce пpaиш дeкe нe знaeш
дeкa cи гнaceн жoлт тaтap
ej cea кe ти eбaм пичкy мaтep
jac cyм cpбин, ти - глyп тaтap
Yes bro, also the region around pmf
Unironically there is not a single place in Skopje greater area I haven't been including shipo places like Hasanbeg and Aracinovo
How can you walk that much, i get bored fast i know all the surroundings been through them too many times and nothing ever happens
>there is not a single place in Skopje greater area I haven't been
Even to the parts of Shutka that look like New Delhi?
mpased ntzoni guokar
how can you be safe walking alone at night in the same city stefan janev lives in?
Once you walk huge distances for like 10 days it becomes like drug, so if I don't walk at least 10k steps a day I couldn't sleep at night and have enormous energy spikes

I was on Shutka couple of times fo explore their pazar, walked on the main street
>I was on Shutka couple of times fo explore their pazar, walked on the main street
New Quest unlocked
Time to explore the grim parts of Shutka
sashizo's insta rants now are somehow making even less sense than the nonsensical stuff he used to post
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I have met Sashko like dozens of times
>inb4 his schizo rants
It was unintentional/accidentally and I don't haras him
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>the reaction it triggers in my brain. I see this and I immediately think about getting jumped and robbed
American mental illnesses
>if I don't walk at least 10k steps a day I couldn't sleep at night and have enormous energy spikes
this nigga grew his mitochondria till they gave him extra stamina and now he has to walk to exhaust them lmaooo

this nigga jason statham from krank fr

Which part of this makes little sense?
Nigga just wants to go full Elliot Rodger on some hoes
is that stefan's cake on the left?
cant open
outside the window bro
>dijonka acted like a 5yo while I was being hearsayed by police and she took a photo in germany so I'll destroy german economy
are you afraid you might actually stare at him and he knows you know who he is?
No Sasho is on the right drinking cafe outside
The thing is I was with 2 friends and Sashko went to the toilet that was behind my back to check how awesome he is and the friends who sit opposite of me facing Sashko smirked at him(little they knew I post on 4chan and know Sashko online for 10 years)
hahahahahahahahaha with that haircut and braces and the way he said "ththring theory" he's such a meme
have you ever seen him with another person? or it always alone n crazy?
Makes perfect sense
He thinks like a 5yo himself.
No I respect his privacy although I've seen him a lot around sk. I pretend I don't know him and simply pass by but then remember about his crazy posts and smirk for 20mins
oh yeah now I see it
he blended in with surroundings like a true cia operative

better not tell them about stefan or they might harrasse him for lols and god knows what he gon do
Bro say hello to him
Rude ass nigga
is he talking 2 himself? how does he act?
So the thing is I turned right as he entered and smirked because flashbacks of decade on 4chan while my friends probably thought I smirked because of Sasho's hair or something
Then Sashe snaps and decides meowkov's son sent him to harrassee and takes a photo of him and uploads him to insta with captions like "this is the guy who posts about black dicks on 4chan" and now cel grad mu se smee na 4chanecot too
He looks very cool and calm, I think he roleplays his life on social media and 4chan
I've said hello to Sashko thoughbeit
Yeah at this point everyone in Ushkub knows him, it's like saying hi to the local loon beggar. He doesn't know you're from 4chan/balk/.
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Why did xhe do it?
I'm eating the chicken bro
Also 99% of albo IPs are now range banned so it's kind of a pain to post, I had to restart the router 24 times for this one
pay for his drink and give the bartender a name from the sashoverse like bobo krtolica in case sashe asks who did it
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>balkans are so small everyone meets each other by just going outside

no idea
the humanity has gone bonkers it seems
Kek he's completely schizophrenic
>oh yeah
somebody should sample that into a rap song fr goes kinda hard
>humanity has gone bonkers
Maybe it's the unusually active Sun.
it's insane, I see people from work all the time when wandering around the capital
it's like it's a village
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Actually insane. Genuinely afraid to go back to muttmerica.

Bulgaria is so heckin wholesome and safe and I'm gonna be afraid to go out at night again.

Gonna buy a pistol when I get there asap
why did he wait that long to shoot
Because he would go to jail and blm would have riots if he shot earlier
You can't just shoot at brave hecking POC trans queens, Chud
I have a different impresion. I live in a small city and rarely meet anyone i know when lurking in the downtown or in neighbourhoods. Its crazy actually, its like those i know migrated or dissapeared.
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How do i cope with being vastly intellectually incapacitated?
Be my BF
Become physically incapacitated and collect gibs
just do what you do best and dont think about it
>The video of the shooting emerged just months after Wilson revealed in a post on LinkedIn that she had become certified in “adult mental health first aid.”
>Wilson, who attended Georgetown University on a basketball scholarship, became a motivational speaker to young female players after graduating, according to her online obituary.

Why does this shit always read like some clown plot
that is a good thing though
I can't im superimposed on being a retard but still much smarter than the average person, which is not mutually exclusive.
Not really, im a collectivist
Wut dat mean, crakka?
massive headache
this is god(stefan janev) punishing me for telling the maqe to harrasee sashko(god)
>niggas acting like there aren't designated parks everywhere where the whole neighborhood goes to walk
at most zoomer firsties just don't get out much
the meme park around the meme lake?
I've lived in this city for 4 years and never set foot there
world's gone mental eh
you're so cool bro you're so based
never set foot in there whoah
Greeks let you in on their smart people stuff then say shit like that fuck you
ne e edin. dvama sa.
>Greeks let you in on their smart people stuff
Damn you must've gone mental too. No one's safe from mentalworld.
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>me when I open /balk/ thread
>awkward silence
say some balkanic things you dogs
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>sorry we didn't know it was (((serbian)))
*beats chest aggressively and lets out a primal roar*
Kelly is a bot i told you 2 years ago
A photo of a passable nigger tranny with bibisi would destroy this website forever
it's cute how this general gets traumatized by pseudo-nojko but forgot all the scat and maymun porn spam
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i cook my tea in a dzezva even tho i have a teapot available
anyway, time to touch pedal
>nigga cooking tea
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don't worry bro, I only go work, home, and shopping
i also use a plate from the teacup set as an ashtray
thats my daily 2 balkanic statements right there
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Why do people online keep confusing being prepubescent and the age of consent?
Only one of these is a "pedo"
you should use a trip so people don't confuse you with me bro
fuck, all the hassidics are out
must be one of their days
I thought he was you bro
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it's okay bro, the brat appears to copy my shitposts to sow discord
as expected of the eternal albo
>my shitposts
Odds of this argument working in court bro?
courts in alboland have a 7 year backlog
odds are in my favor
>He finna be in jail for 7 years before his trial starts
are we the only 2 albanians here or what
I remember there was once an Albanian general in /int/
that's not how it works
you sue now and the court gives you a date 7 years from now
7 years pass and the statute of limitations is over and your case is dropped meanwhile you've paid the lawyer for 7 years
the end

I'm not an albo bro
but I'm basically the only guy under this flag
I think there's like 2-3 other people that sporadically post
>you sue
No one sues you for being a pedophile bro
It's not civil procedure

You get prosecuted and put in jail awaiting your trial
>nfsug beaten
>nfsug2 beaten
>nfsmw beaten
what now

still giggling
there was, but then all the redditors that got lured here normied out
nfshp2 for ps2
or ridge racer 2 for psp
both with dual shock
If you don't want to hire a hooker aren't you technically a volcel?
now you must beat the wagie challenge
you aren't prosecuted for being a pedophile, you're prosecuted for either violating the law by boinking a kid or having illegal images of kids getting boinked
>put in jail awaiting trial
>what is bail
>what is house arrest
I don't think I've seen anyone on the news actually stuck in jail until trial, everyone asks for lightened security measures
>albanian prosecution

incels seethe at volcels for some reason
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are you mentally prepared for some insight drops? he's been making some string theory drawings in his previous stories
Bro, you thought your pedophilic nature would result in a civil trial

You would actually gain face by admitting to be retarded
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how am I supposed to know what you're talking about bro, we went from shitposts to jail
cba really

2 more weeks tops bro
saw some pale angel with some shitskinned spic midget. mood ruined
You deserve it for living in great satan
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haha suffer
That should give you hope for yourself
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Don't like el trumpo very much, but this is a pretty good stunt.
way browner, shorter and spicier than this. bowl haircut too
I'm an incel monk
haha, still not gonna vote for war with iran tho
>man and woman walking together? they're fucking!
bro... it could be her pimp
Israel isn't gonna ask you
hmmm didn't think about it that way, you just put my incelic mind at ease
>chink flies still around
it just doesn't end...
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Is there a Bulgarian equivalent to 4chan/something awful?

Don't want to be around english speakers anymore
/g/edditor bout to get his first poster that ain't one of his personas
is this a trauma response to getting molested by an english speaker or what?
I've never been molested sweetheart, but the answer is simply that I do not want to be around people who use the internet primarily in English. Reasoning is quite obvious.
your only options are to learn russian, chinkspeech or japanese, else there will be no escape from the claws of the anglojew
russian is also comped, I don't know why I put it there. but perhaps in the future...
No because I am not interested in hearing Chinese or Russian propaganda either. I say this as someone who slightly prefers Russian propaganda but I still abhor the Russian state.

I plan on pretty much leaving the internet. I feel like the only people I get along with are 35 year old balkan boomers.
I don't dare ask what kind of getting along that is. but it seems you're ODing on commitments lately
golemy tzrny tzrnczugy mygo razturat szupakot
Bro you should murder Bumgal when he's back in New York
I have better conversations with them. I think in a more similar way to them. I've even gotten phone numbers from taxi drivers because we would discuss politics and the state of the world.

My only limitation here is language. I'm working on solving that problem

And now that reminds me, I am going to go to my shooting range tomorrow and I'm going to buy the instructor some wine.

Haven't seen him in a while and I want him to know I haven't forgot him. Will shoot a tokarev.
why would I do that?
this nigga more likely to claim him for his self
To save us from his homosexuality
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i think i watched all sing along with mitch episodes on jewtube and i cant find any more online, fuck you amerikkka and jewish producers for not archiving my favourite pensioner tv show
what's problem with zoomers?
I would have to get genocidal to even make a dent
>what's problem with zoomers?
They don't give a shit. Litterally the only person I ever got a long with was my dad. Another balkan boomer. Friendship is not possible for me around these parts.

Truck driving will do me a lot of good. I will get to see the country and not have to worry about people talking into me ear.
Also my mom is angry thar I want ro be a truck driver and she says that hopefully i fail the test

She tells me to go work in an office. I hate that
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Your parents bust they ass to get you to muttistan only for you to become a shrub tradie.
Didn't ask to be born in muttistan. Father also said he kind of regretted coming. Dad wouldn't have minded me being a tradie if anything he would be proud because he always thought of me as a dumb faggot.

Would have rather been born in BG. International truck drivers make 6k monthly here. Downside is you're on the road and don't see family. I don't care about that. I'm either in work mode or not in work mode. Coming from home and having 4 hours to myself doesn't relax me. Truck driving seems like a good option. Also seems likena great opportunity to meet people from all ocer the country.
you have nurtured in yourself a very militant personality, it is the boomers who do not care so they are able to overlook it
every man gotta go against his mommy at some point in his life, just say reassuring things to her but follow your path anyway
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>Greta Troonberg is in Bumgaria
I'm militant because of my surroundings. On 4chan I am incel fascism lover. IRL i am just a regular faggot. I literally still get teased by teenagers for being a fag here as an ADULT bro. I just wear sweatpants and a regular jacket. I don't dress proactively. I've been in a right wing rally before and people called me a fag and said i should leave so i don't make them look bad.

So yeah. On 4chan incel fascist. Irl i am the rainbow that ruins the family. Talking shit about the jews doesn't make people see me as less of a faggot. Just a less brainwashed person. Over here people dont have the same spooks as they do in the west. I love it.
which came first, chicken and egg situation
will you ever move on? the challenges on the street are made in the expectation of an answer. without an answer they will keep coming forever
I'm militant because I want someone to pin me down and fuck me. How about that?
no, that's not why. I think that also came later.
My sexual awakening was before my political views.
your political aesthetics have old roots
All i want is to be not surrounded by foreign people and not be a slave to money. 200 years ago I would have been seen as a left wing radical. Today i am a nazi.
no, that's just the pr stuff
the essence in your heart is different
it is not the sort of thing that could have ever been born out of a normie
Well I am delighted to hear that you don't think of me as a normie. That makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. I'm not a fan of having such opinions because I can't larp as a normalfag. I'm hyper emotional and sensitive so being the type to admit slavery is natural is really disgusting to me. Sans my harsh words and my militiancy I am a gentle soul who has been absolutely WOUNDED. Had my circumstances been different I would not have had these views.

Anyway I am absolutely broken. I have to find out how to a haul a shit ton of appliances out of my apartment and rent a garage probably to store them in. I have no one to help me. Maybe my ex will but yeah. I'm ruined. I feel like I'm starting from scratch again. I feel awful.
by militancy I was not necessarily talking about the political stuff by the way, but that your very personality is militant. you are argumentative for its own sake, no matter the topic. I would say that you should change this, it has its merits, just make your peace with it.
have you thought about negotiating with the landlord to sell them off? maybe he wants them. you're be aiight, youth is just the right time for throwing shit at the wall until it sticks
I'd suggest raping her but she hit the wall hard
I am argumentative because I am extracting gorilla energy from balkmaymuns. I also like reaching 'truth'.

I don't like throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. I don't want to leave the appliances with the landlord. They are a bit too 'artisitic' and I don't know if most people want to deal with a gas stove that operates like it was manufacted in Western Industrial Zone B during USSR period. I am broken. I weigh barely 120 pounds and I don't have a car. I cannot move all this shit.

And I don't like moving around. I don't like taking planes and I absolutely do not like traveling. I just want to be at home doing domestic duties that's it. It's the only thing which I enjoy. I can cook and clean and take after children. I would much prefer this than literally any kind of job in the whole wide world.
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The face this lil midget would make when she's getting bumgarian'd by 3 bumgarian gorillas

I bet you she likes getting manhandled like that
surely there are moving services then. my balkan intel network says that at worst you pay a couple of the town gypsies to get a job like that done on their chink threewheeler, tho there better not be anything they can steal
you were so high energy when I brought this up last time, what went wrong?
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hypocrites must die
gud najt balk aj go shklepp
good night
haha, suffer
gn bro
I don't want to leave. I want to stay. I sacrificed so much to get here and now I have to go back again. Granted it's only for a little bit but it's still a retreat. I'm all alone again. And I also have to remain celibate for another year. I gained land but now I lost it.
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Because of you mango doesn't sleep at all
Please have mercy on him
Fuck off cunt, I'll fucking slit your throat the next time I see you IRL. You're a narcissistic freak and I wish you burn in hell.
dynamism is good, ain't nothing strategically unsound about what you're doing. strategical retreat is all
Dynamism is good for the dynamic. I am a homebody. This is the equivalent of shoving a 'dynamic' person in a fucking cage, man.
some dynamic people would benefit from being temporarily locked up in cages, yes. all according to their needs
Well since you asked why I am so militant and argumentative it's because I am always under stress. Because people like you assume they know what's best and assume that everyone can be made to fit in a box, and all those who don't are mentally ill.
I only desire one thing, and it's the opposite of fitting in the box. if you can weaponize your mental illness towards being fruitful that would only be a plus for you, after all it's not exactly a hot take that mental illness and creativity go hand in hand together.
Not wanting to sit in a cubicle for 8 hours a day is not mental illness. Americans are the most mentally ill people in the world. Except they call their illness 'culture'
great novelties and culture has indeed been born out of wanting to avoid the cubicle. perhaps the severe tension in Americans is also what makes them great.
The only thing that makes america 'great' is money and military dimination. All Americans are my enemy. You are no exception. Evropa may have surrendered 80 years ago but I never signed any peace treaty.
>You are no exception.
ouch, right in the heart
but this is very funny for reasons that will not be made known
You are the one who cucks for america and thinks it can be 'fixed' when you are nothing more than an immigrant opportunist just as much as I am. I at the very least don't pledge allegiance to an economic zone. I'll use it for my interests but that's about it.

Fundementally I have never changed. Only my tactics have.
obligation is born out of the self, and travels through your social network, one step at a time, from you parents, to your siblings, to your friends. I am simply a rooted person, I was born this way.
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>And then, when being is sufficiently uprooted and waking-being sufficiently strained, there suddenly emerges into the bright light of history a phenomenon that has long been preparing itself underground and now steps forward to make an end of the drama—the sterility of civilized man. This is not something that can be grasped as a plain matter of causality (as modern science naturally enough has tried to grasp it); it is to be understood as an essentially metaphysical turn towards death. The last man of the world-city no longer wants to live—he may cling to life as an individual, but as a type, as an aggregate, no, for it is a characteristic of this collective existence that it eliminates the terror of death. That which strikes the true peasant with a deep and inexplicable fear, the notion that the family and the name may be extinguished, has now lost its meaning. The continuance of the blood-relation in the visible world is no longer a duty of the blood, and the destiny of being the last of the line is no longer felt as a doom. Children do not happen, not because children have become impossible, but principally because intelligence at the peak of intensity can no longer find any reason for their existence.
about as profound as having the water cycle being spelled out. I have never said America is ascendant, only blighted, and everyone knows this hence the chosen solution is to import more population. but there is reality and then there are dreams
>At that point begins prudent limitation of the number of births. In the classical world the practice was deplored by Polybius as the ruin of Greece, and yet even at his date it had long been established in the great cities; in subsequent Roman times it became appallingly general. At first explained by the economic misery of the times, very soon it ceased to explain itself at all. And at that point, too, in Buddhist India as in Babylon, in Rome as in our own cities, a man's choice of the woman who is to be, not mother of his children as amongst peasants and primitives, but his own "companion for life", becomes a problem of mentalities. The Ibsen marriage appears, the "higher spiritual affinity" in which both parties are "free"—free, that is, as intelligences, free from the plantlike urge of the blood to continue itself, and it becomes possible for a Shaw to say "that unless Woman repudiates her womanliness, her duty to her husband, to her children, to society, to the law, and to everyone but herself, she cannot emancipate herself." The primary woman, the peasant woman, is mother. The whole vocation towards which she has yearned from childhood is included in that one word. But now emerges the Ibsen woman, the comrade, the heroine of a whole megalopolitan literature from Northern drama to Parisian novel. Instead of children, she has soul-conflicts; marriage is a craft-art for the achievement of "mutual understanding"...
>At this level all civilizations enter upon a stage, which lasts for centuries, of appalling depopulation. The whole pyramid of cultural man vanishes. It crumbles from the summit, first the world-cities, then the provincial forms, and finally the land itself, whose best blood has incontinently poured into the towns, merely to bolster them up awhile. At the last, only the primitive blood remains, alive, but robbed of its strongest and most promising elements. This residue is the fellah type.

>If anything has demonstrated the fact that causality has nothing to do with history, it is the familiar "decline" of the classical, which accomplished itself long before the irruption of Germanic migrants. The Imperium enjoyed the completest peace; it was rich and highly developed; it was well organized; and it possessed in its emperors from Nerva to Marcus Aurelius a series of rulers such as the Caesarism of no other civilization can show. And yet the population dwindled, quickly and wholesale. The desperate marriage-and-children laws of Augustus—amongst them the Lex de maritandis ordinibus, which dismayed Roman society more than the destruction of Varus's legions—the wholesale adoptions, the incessant plantation of soldiers of barbarian origin to fill the depleted country-side, the immense food-charities of Nerva and Trajan for the children of poor parents—nothing availed to check the process.
don't you think there is something unfair about facelords getting all the cred for knowledge that millions of faceless incels have trivially independently derived while still in high school?
I don't know what else to say to this, other than that these circularists miss out on an alternate future, the true nightmare of heat death, where with the aid of technology society gets locked in in an eternal state of stability where nothing ever happens. Collapse slop might have troubled 20th centuryists, but this is what troubles the contemporary man.
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>we'll like... live forever thanks to technology dood!!!
that's not what I said you halfwit. it will be a global africa locked in that state forever because no collection of people within it is capable of outputing the energy required to overthrow the technological investment that has been put into it.
No, that's what you are amounting to. That the organism will be successfully replenish itself, thanks to technology.
of course not, cannot beat thermodynamics, it will just be an extremely slow, tedious and optimized death. unless the salvation of an asteroid or some other globally cataclysmic event comes and introduces some chaos into the system.
Retard, clearly I am not talking about outlasting the explosion of the fucking sun. What I am saying clearly is that faustian civilization is already fucking dead. It's a fucking corpse still on life support. Insane if you think otherwise.
no you're being metaphorical. you may rail at its cursed existence but it will continue to live on, maybe even incomprehensibly longer than the shape of civilizations as they have been until now, like a silverfish that has reached the end of its revolutionary road.
Dude you yourself proudly proclaim yourself as an incel monk. You are sterile and dead. Just like the civilization you laud. You are not rooted. You are the last man of the world city.
I am joking you twat,
though I have sympathies for the monk life, it is never in the form of rejecting the world and locking yourself up in some mountain. Temporarily that might be a good idea to detox and recompose yourself, but if I ever was a monk I would be a traveling monk, mind sperming niggas up and down the world
You are almost 30 with no kids bro. Best you'll be able to do at this rate is 1 or 2 and changes are if it's a son he will end up as an alphabet faggot considering it's what is taught in schools these days. Your bloodline is finished.
my mind is unshackled by such histrionics, let the rng make what it will of my kids past my own best efforts, they have their lives and I mine, and one bad apple will be nothing if I can have millions
You're straight up deleuded bro. But enjoy sending your kids (if you have any) to a school where they are the only 'white' kid in the class where they are taught how to choose their gender and how everyone lived in slavery until LGBT rights and MLK.
if they're anything like me hopefully they pretend to be sick every two days and cut half the schoolyear and cut any class they feel like and never do homework but still get straight As because all the teachers love them.
Why don't you get a wife before you talk about the grades of your hypothetical children?
why don't you?
We are on a sinking ship whereas I accepted the fact it's sinking you are still making up copes because the band is still playing their instruments.

I see where this is going. I chose castration.
and I am telling you I would love for it if the ship was sinking, the mother of all plans would bear wonderous fruit, but my greatest fear is that it would come right up again like the flying dutchman.
you didn't choose castration for any other reason than that you wanted to, because you are a slave of circumstance.
I only say the ship is sinking because the average 100 IQ normalfag doesn't mind living in a multi-culti hellhole. Autistic balkan roaches like myself do. The ship is sinking for normalfags whereas for me civilization ended 80 years ago with a swan song in the form of culture and art 60 years ago.

I castrated myself because I do not see a future in democracy which I would like to be a part of. I'm trying on creating an alternative but it seems that I will more than likely die in the process. I chose castration because it extends my youth and will at the very least allow me to be somewhat intimate with the incel monks I plan on extracting vigor from.

If all that fails I just enjoy living in sodom as there is no other option. But you best believe I'm not bringing up children in this 'multipolar world'.

At least I die in the last gasps of my nation breathing air.
there is no rhyme or reason to your castration outside of the pathological impulse that you are not powerful enough to resist. Seize control over your person or make peace with it, anything else is a fruitless charade. A person without inner tension has no energy to offer to the world.
My enjoyment in it and the powers I will acrew will prove my decision to be rational. Just you wait, these are the elementary stages I am in and I am functioning the best right now than I have in years.
it is a mathematical certainty that you will not. the more you give in, the less there is in you. like a serial coomer. like a drug fiend
her handler was rockfeller or something
damn, his train of thought is all over the place
Nah uh. Totally wrong on this
Good morning kind sirs, we are lifting man made metal today again. So far the workout is going rather sloppy
Hamster slave freak.
jas sum bel srbin
ti жolt
>entire night full of mango degenerating even further
brat didn't even last a year
Workout finished, session with overall mediocre intensity. To my excuse I have only slept a little over 3 hours so my batteries were kinda empty. Didnt give up too much though and fought through it. Have a blessed day kind sirs
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From nigger heats to mongolic colds in one month
Marica Iztok fags on suicide watch.
I want to suck on her tiddies
Nothing can get me harder than beating up a woman.
being a trucker will absolutely heem his mental and probably turn him into fatgal too, should be interdasting to watch
mpased, good job bugi
aj da ja ebem
Bukvalno ja
>As someone from LATAM who made this move 10 years ago my best advice is: Don’t do it

The best situation is to stay in LATAM working for a US company, salaries in Europe are shit, taxes are insane, and CoL is extremely high

Not to mention the housing crisis, your first struggle after moving is to find a place, and it can take several months, And when you finally find it will be an overpriced crap old apartment.

Europe is a dying continent, stagnated for decades, being swallowed by the US and Asia, in a couple of decades the only thing left here will be for those who fancy visiting old churches
lol, even spics don't want to come here
So true!
europe is a muslim shithole
This but Bulgaria instead of Europe
I pray to God you get your divershitty visa to the US so you'll finally have the honor of paying taxes to feed basketball American dindus
When the pederAsttican learned to hate
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me in 15 years once I gain 200 pounds, start balding, and retire

you reminded me I need to take a picture to apply for that
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>coбcтвeнo имe
>бaщинcкo имe
>фaмилнo имe
i wonder what middle name kids of 2 lesbian mothers have in bg
>a fag

Bro, I'd instantly kill myself if I was a fag.
Just send them pic related bro, those DEI hires handling the application won't know the difference
Just put the pleskavica in the bag poorfag
I don't look like that tho
They don't have to know!
>have been pulling my balls' hair forever
>still have hair on my balls
one of life's mysteries
how the fuck do you think hair works
>not being able to creampie bussies without worrying about pregnancy
sucks to be you 2bh
Yeah no, kill yourself pedo
pederasty is ancient greek tradition
gotovo je
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t. wide ass making up stuff
every single roach in the entire world is gay as hell
>trusting some random infographic over well established historical consensus from mainstream sources
gay king is horny today, go find some basketball American to give you monkeypox and stop annoying us, bro
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all men are gay. or at least a 1 on the kinsey scale.
Should i stop fake losing my shit to generate more yous?
>5 r9kcel I have no gf threads up

the closer to 3 the saner you are
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Poll or actual result?
>53-47 lead for No before diaspora vote count
>50.3-49 lead for yes when diaspora votes were counted

Oy vey, totally natural result, very organic da
Actual results, its done. We did it.
result, diasporoids SAVED™ moldova
Diaspora also means moldovians who live in Romania, most of their diaspora live here actually.
Moldova in EU means it will never unite with you bro. Also now there will be legal battles about vote validity
There are many heterosexual fags bro

You're one for your NATO worship
Actually, you can make political union between two countries inside eu.
Diaspora shouldnt have any voting rights. Funny that Moldova will be in EU prior to NMK
the goal of ever closer union is to abolish countries, what's the point when there's schengen and free movement
I'm X on this scale.
What will they gain by this? Even now they oppose it let alone when they dont need your passport to travel
Military and security
Human sexuality is a disgusting aspect of the human condition

I wish we still lived in a Shariah county where everything sexual is forbidden outside the marriage your parents arranged for you
There is already free move between Moldova and Romania, all you need is id card.
What are the rules of the referendum? Do you need 50% + 1 votes? Is it legally binding?
Doesn't the Schengen area whine about this?
You have no military to protect them of the only threat they face. Makes no difference. This referendum big L for Romania
the eu has a mutual defense clause

so there's no point, you're basically the same country if they don't need a permit

RO isn't in land schengen
I know. Same as us. No idea exactly what it means to be in Schengen by "air and sea", though. Is it just that if you go by plane or boat you don't do passport control? Why do they whine about land? If they are saying the reffos - they are the worst kind of hypocrites.
Yep exactly.
>Doesn't the Schengen area whine about this?
No why would they, we have special political relations with Moldova.
Still, we have better military than Moldova.
it's bitching by the netherlands so trucks don't all pass by romanian and bulgarian ports
Did not expect you aaying stuff like this
Makes sense. The Austrians were bitching about it before that, I think. What was their problem?
Do any odd perfect numbers exist?
I'm here for 2 years retard and I'm coming back after 1 year because i'm getting employment training
it's the group of the frugal four, they just alternate vetos so it doesn't look bad
if netherlands can't keep vetoing something because it would look too bad internationally they drop the veto and ask austria to do it while the netherlands vetoes something austria doesn't want
i'm a proud faggot and i get off on being perverted
So who are the other 2?
Netherlands didnt veto România and Bulgaria last time, it was Austria. Tldr Austria is Russia's lap dog and will do anything to veto for unrealistic reasons to create divide and increase euroscepticism
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The Albo?
i'm not albanian. i'm american. i live in chicago.
Oh. You're someone else. Carry on.
So even worse - you are a Bulgarian.
Bumgarians disgust me
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just google it bro
>Гpeтa в Coфия: „Пpocтo cъм нa пoceщeниe“
Пpocтo шe й пpъcнa cливaтa
>Ha peфepeндyм Moлдoвa кaзa "нe" нa пpиcъeдинявaнeтo към EC
>Пoвeчe oт пoлoвинaтa oт глacoпoдaвaтeлитe в Moлдoвa oтхвъpлихa пpeдлoжeниeтo зa включвaнe
дopи мoлдoвa ги питaт дaли иcкaт дa ca в ec
>Whats their problem
Proxy for hungary
>flashlight founder sued his own sons when they tried to make an alternative product
Albovlach grindset.
EU chads we won again, russophilies on suicide watch
Just wait until stefan janev finishes college so he can sue his parents for making him schizophrenic

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