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Moldova edition

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Med men are seen aa moat attractive universally
no. i am a white american of german descent. my last name is literally heins.
Nigga named after ketchup
ever licked a turks asshole?
does this sound as something you could see yourself doing in the future?
the ketchup is named after me
>ever licked a turks asshole?
>does this sound as something you could see yourself doing in the future?
It's mangal
It's always mangal

Kill yourself already you worthless faggot
It's 1337 o'clock.
there you go bumgal you dont gotta be celibate for a year
youre welcome bro
Feel like shit
Just want Sloni back
>Гpeтa в Coфия
шe й пpъcнa cливaтa
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You have me instead
Dobre be brat razbrah me
>ummmm, even more delays because we can't find the exact tiles
just fucking put whatever you dumb bastards
>like-minded fiscally conservative European countries
I'm not having seggs with am*ricans
I emailed greta google maps screencaps and she arrived asap thinking it's a poor african country to save you hhahah buuuuuuuuuuulgaria muuhahahahaha
>EU forced smrdslavedonia to build corridor 8
Common Bugi W
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sometimes i frequent my local turkish sauna for gay sex
total EU candidate country victory
Austria as proxy for hungary blocks shengen because this means easy landroute for reffo bros. Orban doesnt want to militarize the border with romania because 3 million hungarians live there
>3 million
They are under 2 million nowdays, like 1.9. I think not even before ww2 they were 3 million lol
2 million then. Point is orban is a sneaky bastard
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Behold, the fiscally conservative austrians with 27 deficits and 2 budget surpluses in the past 29 years.
I heard that recently there was huge change in Greece (well, I mean, not that recently). People I know say that before they never got a proper receipt in Greece, but now they even got refused service, because the machine for the receipts didn't work. Is it true?
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Dear denizens of mpalk

Stop being gay.
Insane if Moldova joins the EU before Serbia&Macedonia
There's no way they are joining before the issue of Transnistria is resolved.
Pretty shitty
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watching sashko's instagram stories
>at the age of 16 stefan defeated 37 years old man with low level weapon in a video game and that person killed himself out of shame
>sashko then revived him with string theory and took that person's daughters as wives
>daughters were 8 and 6 years old btw
Sha i ispiq putkata kato surovo qice
i've been attracted to men since i was 8 years old
Sashko that type of guy who will try to rape some child for which he will be put away in bardovci
>no we don't do X
>meanwhile I have a document that proves they do X
nice embassy
mangusta read all them books to impress daddy but daddy was never impressed, so now mangusta is chopping off his balls and becoming a gay trucker (you were right all along, daddy)
Maybe you're referring to corner shops and family stores not being equipped with e-payment terminals and can therefore not sell something to a customer who only shows up with a debit card or his phone app.
What's been happening in Greece as of late is that taxation had always been a government shaft and the private sector compensated by tax evasion to keep their business running.
Once electronic money showed up and made receipt issuing (and therefore tax levying) unavoidable, the result was that prices spiked up on top of the eu-wide monetary inflation.
Lefty retards amazingly thought that extra taxation costs are something that saddle the business owner, not the customer.
I'm not chopping off my balls I grew boobies to seduce provincial men with my satanism.
I cant take him serious anymore now that I know he is from a richfag place. Classic western rebellious richboy.
Nah, I mean touristic areas. Pubs, restaurants, gift shops etc. In the past, they say you got a hand written bill, now it's always an official receipt. And by recently, I have no idea what I mean, I know I heard it at some point. Also I heard prices there were lower than in Bulgaria, for the seaside tourist stuff.
My soul for Greater Balkanika.
Disgusting. Smooth skinny twinks are where it's at.
Bro we are working class. It's just that skilled labourers make good money in the USA. We lived a middle class lifestyle but my dad's work was stressful and his hands were always covered in scars.

Wealth is good because it gives someone the liberty to think. When someone has time to think they can see the situation of the world and how it functions.
Keep both of those things to yourself.

ngl this russian song slaps
>Smooth skinny twinks are where it's at
Yeah but people like you just throw them in the garbage bin once they hit a certain age. I'm not getting younger so I took preventative measures rather than becoming sexually undesirable
Bro your house probably costs a million upwards. Your father mightve worked hard but for you it wont be necessary anymore
>Stop being gay.
>posts gay
I've been an inheritance NEET for 10+ years and couldn't give less of a shit about how le world functions. It's overall freedom from care too.
We don't have a house lol. We don't own a single property. Meanwhile most Bulgarians own a house and a village house.

Please don't assume other people's situations
i'm attracted to extremely hairy smelly masculine men
Well everyone does something different with their free time. Me? Reading. And now I'm preparing for work again.
In the past, restaurant staff would just scribble your bill on a piece of paper so you'd at least know how the final tally was calculated.
Nowadays not issuing a legitimate receipt is harder, so you'll get one.
Don't know how that could result in denial of service doe because I've never really worked in tourist-area services.
Vote 8 for a new beginning!
No one here will fuck you bro.
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he's on his way there 100%
and if not that means macedonia has huge issues with mental health institution system
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>he thinks he was sexually undesirable
Finna vote 12 because Kostya has a sense of humor, cares about da common mens like me, is historically literate and didn't sell his ass to form a coalition, going on 7 years.
Vote 8 for a new beginning next Sunday!
They say it's because of the fines. If they issue you a hand written bill, they might get fined, and the fines are huge. Cuz it didn't go through the machine, so they wont pay taxes on it.
Is that supposed to be a compliment
i will rape you all
>vote for the pig
not if you don't pay me
voting 4 velichie, can't lose with the ayy lmao
why you gotta meme with the pyramid scheme clown who created a party to give himself political immunity for his scams bro
>death threats
for a nigga with a big brain, lil quasimodo doesn't seem to have learned from polu-kovnik markov who was used like a cumsock
alcohol + spicy peppers is slightly better than just alcohol
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is this person also into string theory
How do good-hearted smart pipo always end up tricked & used by jeet-tier scammers
It's the looks & the complexes they bring innit
i would vote for this man if these were croat elections
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i'll make a thread on /pol/ again on election day
you'll be able to find it here https://boards.4chan.org/pol/catalog#s=/beg/

- QRD and history: https://rentry.org/beg2024_qrd
- corruption and tyranny: https://rentry.org/beg2024_laundry
- the absolute state of bulgaria: https://rentry.org/beg2024_news
I hecking LOVE Greek bureaucracy that gives you 5 different answers depending on who's working that day.
this is what civilization looks like
just pay to receive the answer you wish to hear lil bro
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>7th in 4 years
Being a government worker is the lowest form of humanity.
I hecking LOVE the embassy telling me they can't do thing™ when I have a document from that same embassy in another country showing how to do thing™
I'll just fly to Germany
What are you gonna do about it? You won't do shit. Sit down and shut up.
I am happy to report that I have a double digit weight again.

They are the same incompetent retards here bro. Most of them can't even speak German.
trust me this time they will elect uncorrupt honest people who will guide bulgarian people to prosperity and you will regret making fun of it once bulgarian colonizing spaceship lands on neptune in 2030 bro
so 99kg?
ahh to be 12 again
I don't care if they speak German, I spoke Greek to the embassy like a normal person
Bro you wash dishes for ustashe chill
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>his net worth is double digit
>now so is his weight
The left side looks like this
t.election specialist
And by left side I meant the politically left side, why on earth would you put the left parties on the ride side of that image?
any new funny happenings in the staboverse kek?

boon why?
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we've become ungovernable
it's east-west
right means supports the monarch
all modern day "right wing" parties are actually left wing when it comes to the french revolution / the origin of the term, because they don't want a monarchy but a republic
I voted every time on every given opportunity just so I have a reason to go to my school and check out what my former teachers look like
>dat ass
Yep, she fucks black guys exclusively
eat shit and die, faggot

What is your net worth sporofage? You are like a barking dog, while I'm a man of action.
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even hitler was a leftwinger
i read his book, he hated the austian monarchy
It's insanely anal and autistic to take that meaning for left/right wing.
>eat shit
I'm not some scat fetishist like iki, sorry.
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are we ever gonna see a warm story like this i this series?
who are you voting for?
.t DB gang
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it's correct
just like "1st world" doesn't mean "rich" and "3d world" doesn't mean "poor"

people always wanna change the meaning of words to fit their narrative
i mean imagine if one day they change the definition of "vaccine" just to inject people with a DNA altering substance
how crazy would that be?
or the definition of recession?
we have to guard from a world like this becoming a reality
Not sure, but if I don't decide it will be 90% pee-pee poo-poo or GERB
Aй oнли вoyт фop дeм бикъз дeй yъp дъ фъpcт yaнc тo cпaм мaй мeйлбoкc.
So I take it you didn't take the vax? Give me your take on it.
But left and right and 1st world and 3rd world seem to make more sense with their current meanings.
im trusting the plan bro, 2 more elections and its absolutely over for all non-bulgarian lifeforms
most unbelievable thing about this is that you niggas are still going out to vote, voter turnout would be 10% by now if this was happening in my banana republic
just vote the ottomans back in at this point and be done with it
Why do you make up lies you worm?
chocolate banana republic
you know no one respects you when even fags are shitting on you boon , literally
The higher you climb the mountain, the louder the worms on the ground.
He has a mental illness bobo. Just like you.
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>left and right and 1st world and 3rd world seem to make more sense with their current meanings
they don't
you still use "rich and poor" for "1st and 3rd", you can still use "liberal and conservative" for "left and right"
the reason those terms aren't used is to re-write history
to obscure that "right wingers" of today would have been guillotining people during the french revolution
to occult that "3rd worlders" like finland and ireland were at one point independent from american rule

>give your take on the vaxx
>"Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb."
- Revelation 14:10
ofc i didn't take it
weather the vaxx was the sign of the beast or not, that's exactly how it will be rolled out
Ok... I forgot I was in schizo central.
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turnout was 34% last time
even though it was 2 in 1 with the EU parliament election

it's gonna be even worse this time
ain't no fag shitting on me boon, literally
you're the one having a fag shitting on you boon, literally
You literally have someone that takes dicks up his ass and mouth thinking of you lower than shit boon, that you literally eat shit.

be a man and respond to him , boon. literally

or I'm gonna do it for you,literally

you little fucking faggot, no one shits on boon other than than select few. who do you think you are you little fucking faggot to talk shit about boon eating shit. he eats shit every day and night, just not yours. literally.
osmanli science lab
bih iskal da te nabiq na ulicata
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still seething at the embassy
Do balkon ppl really use "seek" for "will" (future tense)?
Not in Bulgarian.
Bro we have like twice your salaries imagine if we had a functioning government on top we would be cooking
namerq is 'seek', but he signals intent with 'bih' which equates to 'I would'
This you
So "iskam" doesn't have the meaning of "seeking", "looking for" in Bulgarian like in other slav tongues?
He asks for иcкaл. Probably he is Russian or something, cuz иcкaть in Russian means to seek. In all the other Slavic languages there is no such verb. I'm like 99% sure.
iskam translates to 'I desire' in Bulgarian, I think it's the same as sakam in other languages
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lol pedal
stab! when the fuck are you getting unbanned you fucking idiot

JESUS! stop getting banned!
iskam e hachu na ruski be sersem
You vote in the nearest grown toddler daycare building just like us! Kraj, doxxed.
Ceгa cпopим зa лeкcикa.
I should just move to Sweden

>functional government
>In all the other Slavic languages there is no such verb.
We have that too in Polish but nowadays its usage is limited to a peculiar activity of looking for lice in your hair (I'm serious)
He бe, тъpcя нa pycки e иcкaть, зaтoвa тe питa.
Pretty sure you are Russian, though.
Are you really part of the Heinz family? They are richfags with an iron fist control of the ketchup market.
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>eu parliament election
we ignored that one so hard we set a new union wide record
praying bulgaria hits sub 30% this time
>when you use string theory to make a woman barren by highjacking her ovaries and uterus


jesus fuck how does he even come up with this shit hahahahahahaha
>Pretty sure you are Russian, though
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>twice your salaries
zero multiplied by two is still zero bro
100% balkon
And Greeks say they're different
Because of the particular question you asked.
yeah i'm part of the ketchup nobility
give me some rutube / books / movies / links to learn russian thanks
gayreece is peak balkan, nobody besides westoids tries to force the greece is not balkan meme
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how are things better at 21% than at 31%?
back in 1991, turnout was 84% and the turkish party was 8%
last time in 2024, at 35% turnout, the turks had 17%
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Bulgarian_parliamentary_election
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_2024_Bulgarian_parliamentary_election
the more it drops the more power the turks have to be kingmakers
all I see is 2 chuds if they were men
I was just interested how your language works.
I'm Polish
>I was just interested how your language works.
>I'm Polish
who u votin for, 'neet4e?
here's some basic information
- https://learnrussian.rt.com/lessons/
here's youtube channels that can help
- https://russianprogress.com/2018/06/30/channels/
personally i really like flash cards
i was able learn hiragana and katakana very fast with them
Is it true Italy pays you huge money for keeping refugee camps in Albania but they cannot send actual refugees there because their courts don't allow them so you have empty peaceful refugee camps while getting paid for it?

Now I know why Albanians are so financially successful in the west
Did they vore for the eu? I'm too lazy to check
Why do you insist that I'm Russian if I clearly tell you that I'm not
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vore is haram akhi
Because this
and everyone here is a schizo
Also the way you protest feels Russian to me. Especially your last reply. Something there is so banally Russian, but I can't pinpoint it.
Yes, despite Zgrow cheating and buying of votes. Classic Zgrow L.
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I thought Islam promised giantess women in the afterlife
Huh neat I wonder if they'll go into trannyland to kick out the Russians
Ah, yes, I can pinpoint it now. The "if" is Russian. Should have used "when".
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They earn MILLIONS feeding the white man the ancient osmanli kebab
>Also the way you protest feels Russian to me. Especially your last reply.
Huh? I have no idea how this way of denying your simply incorrect statements is "Russian" in any way.
If I were truly Russian I'd rather threaten your country with a nuke or something
Ummm but you see, actually the good-hearted Zgrows allowed Moldova to betray them, so that Moldovans can see and taste for themselves how evil the E"""U""" is. Yes, allowed them. Is not a loss, it's letting go of someone you love, you see.
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lets have a group call with mango and his haters
I'm an ESL but it doesn't mean I'm Russian

Maybe Polish and Russian are just similar enough so we make similar mistakes. In both Polish and Russian "if" (jeśli/ecли) sounds most natural in this type of sentence
don't do this is makes mustard AI voices
>bribes and sabotages your institutions every day
>ha see, told you EU doesn't work
>what, what meddling, you must taking of pills or samsing )))
Good. We won't be their example of why the EU doesn't work anymore, it'll be loldovans. Let'em seethe by comparing themselves to europe's poorest country and still managing to fall behind them somehow.
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my voting history is (OP) VMRO -> ITN -> ITN -> Revival -> Revival -> Revival -> Revival -> (this election) Revival

i like OP best, but they kicked out Ataka to be more pro-west, and later they were vaxx tyrants
i voted ITN because they said they'd do lots of referendoms and not work with DPS, BSP and GERB. but then they worked with BSP and PPDB
i got revival over the 4% barrier, and i want them to work with ITN and BSP, but they haven't had the numbers so far
i don't like that Revival is "anti-fascist" and "want's to criminalize holohoax denial", but i like that they are working with AfD

my family members are all over the place.
parents usually vote based on nepotism, right now they're member of either MECH or DOST or something, because some relative is a politician there. other times they've voted ITN and BSP, again for nepotistic reasons
my sister's fuckfriend is PPDB, but he might have changed his mind, idk. brother doesn't vote or care about politics
i think the IT minister of PPDB was also a relative of ours. wiki says he's from burgas so it checks out, i'd have to ask my parents
ne laji kurvo, glasuvash za istinata i samo istinata
don't doubt our local billionaire please you are russian now
I'm pretty sure using "if" for that kind of meaning is a very Russian thing. Even though it exists in other languages, it is quite odd. Most other Slavic languages would use "when" or even if they use some sort of "if" it wouldn't be jeśli/ecли. It means you're not Polish. Also it pales in comparison with you confusing a very common verb in Russian with a verb that doesn't exist in any other Slavic language (apart from Bulgarian, and the meaning is different). Also most Poles would be reviled by using the Cyrillic alphabet, and you clearly are using it, but it's /int/, so you take a pass on that one.
HA 27 21
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oh, and i want to vote for IISI, but they're not taking elections seriously these last few times, not showing up at debates and stuff
their ((youtube)) channel seems to have been deleted for exposing the being too based
beat me to it
Holy based. I started VMRO and switched to Revival too. Didn't fall for the chalgar bastun tho.
The world would be a better place if no Bumgarians existed
iska6 da kae6 12, disleksio
>" or even if they use some sort of "if" it wouldn't be jeśli/ecли.
As a native Polish speaker I can tell you it would be natural in Polish to use jeśli (if) and not kiedy (when).
>Also it pales in comparison with you confusing a very common verb in Russian with a verb that doesn't exist in any other Slavic language
It exists in Polish and I already explained the meaning
>Also most Poles would be reviled by using the Cyrillic alphabet,
Many Poles know Cyrillic, no matter what personal stance and feeling they have about it
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>for exposing the
he has some traditional songs too
haven't used this thing since my eve online days getting tormented by autistic 50 year old swedes
but what did I want to say?
ah yes
kill yourself
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for those who don't know the numbers
>One vote per IP-Address allowed.
aren't you tired? what the fuck could they even be promising for the 50th time a year? there is no way there's still energy in the game
Let's see what /polska/ will say.
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i don't think the last polls were manipulated
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przyszedł do nas do nitki bo nie jest pewien czy jesteś Polakiem
przyrzekasz na Pana Boga, że jesteś Polakiem?
voting will continue until morale improves
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>aren't you tired?
i think that's the point
((they)) want to make us a presidential republic
>what the fuck could they even be promising
the turkish parties don't promise anything. they don't even debate. they just give hard cash to their voters
the pro-russian parties offer things like "renegotiating our deal with EU", "a referendum on NATO membership and US bases", "not adopting the euro", etc
and the pro-west parties just say "we offer the status quo, but by the way, those other pro-west parties are corrupt"
and it just goes on and on and on and on
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Lel, this is /balk/. I swear I'm Polish too.
any country that can be left hanging in the air by elections is a meme. yet another argument to America's supremacy over yurope
so true sis, now gib pasosh
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not Pole
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Przyrzekam na Boga Ojca Wszechmogącego i Papieża Jana Pawła Drugiego Zawsze Pochwalonego
przyrzeka na Pana Boga, że jestem Polakiem!
I ain't gonna gay marry you bro
maybe try mangal
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nie daliście animki do posta
jesteście agentami niemieckimi
You're truly autistic (in a good way)
I am also German. I am anything you want me to be.
I watched a lot of Monk recently.
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i need aryan pussy
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why are germans like this

evil creature
polubananian invited polish transssexuals to the thread in his search for russian proxies
meanwhile the only actual polish flag poster who knows russian is a ukrainian fatass called kirill
Massive money making opportunity for westerners is gay marrying foreigners for pasosh

I would be married and divorced to rich Arab sheikhs 37 times already if I were American
pro-west parties take out billions of loans so we can live just like the yanks
they investigate that for fraud even years after you get citizenship and can retroactively cancel it bro
party in sofia tonight. location? greta's pussy
UTH mai sa usetili che nqa minat 4% i pusnaha dalgia po karboski
>up to 300$ per vote for the turks according to jewgle
not bad at all for just doodling on some paper tbqh, thought it was gonna be something memey like 30eur
Я кcтaти coвceм хopoшo знaю pyccкий. Хoтя я и нe pyccкий
once you're in you're in
it's like voting
pishi na balgarski we PEDAL
nah, marriage fraud is investigated
iskam da kaja 21 nikoga nema'a glasuam za partiq na ciganin pulna s debili podkrepqna ot 200 hilqdi tapungera
police say it's 50-75 euro this year, in the capital

but there's also the "corporate vote"
those aren't just gypsies off the street. it's police officers, private corporations, etc. people who want to keep their jobs, and for their bosses to keep their jobs (appointed by the ruling party) etc, or their bosses to get good government funding etc etc
in other words corruption
it's hard to calculate that one, since it's literally their salaries for the next X number of years
youre right, maybe they should skip the 8th one to rest their voting muscle a little and go straight to number 9
False bro
It's illegal to take your citizenship
They can prolly cancel your green card doe
na mesto na tva 6 glasua6 za partiq podkrepqna ot nekolko hilqdi debila koqt po princip bi tr da ima nekolko miliona glasa
if you're married you're married, it will be very hard to argue against that especially if you're not the party that's married 37 times
vgh the marriage n citizenship expertise of permabasement dwelling incels
>pro-west parties take out billions of loans so we can live just like the yanks
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the basement remark you learned from americans like a good parrot, you din't even have basements in there
predpochitam da si izgora glasa ot kolkoto da go dam na toq mangal populist draznesht
kvo gidipi ue, kolko puti dignaha danacite ot 2020 nasam?
жиpный, ты?
Hитo eдин oт вac нe e cпocoбeн дa взeмe oбeктивнo, инфopмиpaнo peшeниe. Eдиния живee в кoнcпиpaтивни тeopии, дpyгия e нaлaпaл aмepикaнcкия хyй дo yшитe. Hapaвнo peтapдиpaни ce вpъзвaтe нa пpaзни пpикaзки. Ho дa глacyвaш зa ПП ДБ тpябвa дa cи тoтaлнo нeкaдъpeн.
Trve lmao
Average balkmun basement is a small nook in the collective apartment basement that's filled with last year's turshija
cute but I wouldnt, she doesnt deverve me
you're changing the topic
>country where everyone immigrates doesn't know anything about immigration bro
How do I give likes on this site?
>.t enlightened centrist
does some random foid video really warrant a thread? these thirsty ass simps...better than the constant faggotry I guess but by how much?
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debt went from under 30 to over 40 since 2021
- https://tradingeconomics.com/bulgaria/government-debt
that's over 33% increase
taking on loans makes you dependent to do what the financier tells you to
Type "so true king" in response to the post you want to like
That's a figure of speech. Very autistic trait to latch onto that instead of focus on the statement being made about experiencelessness.
I cannot used such politically charged language.
The goal is to crash the economy and own ze nothing
I forgot individuals can larp as entire countries on /int/
Heт, я тoнкий)
Tъй хoхoлcки
doin an incelwalk
see ya'll jilted lovelorn freaks later
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money is worth less over time, it's called inflation
we're not issuing bonds in gold or bitcoin
No, he doesn't speak Belorussian or Ukrainian. That's my bet. He is Russian.
the statement was full of shit. why wouldn't I know? they can only revoke citizenship over big shit like treason or abuse with the lottery program, where someone wins and then whores it out to others pretending to be family out of the blue. ain't nobody investigating other shit, do you think anyone investigates the fraudulent asylum claims either? I wish.
Пoлиш зигъp фayнд ayт
What does the result of the Moldovan vote mean?
What does this have to do with Tatars?
Back to washing dishes roachyboy
He e пoлиш cъc cигypнocт. Cъc cигypнocт e pycнaк, дaли e зигъp - нe знaм, aмa e вepoятнo, дa e.
tatarness led to the linking of slop threads on balk
they will put it in their constitution that joining the EU is a national goal,
it will not have any immediate effect, but it has a political effect and gives future governments a mandate
the EU is not obliged to let them in because they did a vote, obviously, but they will try to move the country toward joining, unless parties that oppose that direction become part of government and work against it despite the constitution
Seems a bit like it doesn't mean much. Especially with Transnistria. The EU gave us, the Macedonians and everyone shit about such claims and territories. I doubt the EU will want to recognize Transnistria, and also that the EU will take them in, while the problem is ongoing.
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>don't allow your opposition to exist
weird how that works
Most of life's evils come from Tatars
Seems like a point in the right direction to me.
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ah, yes
the pro-democratic
pro-free speech part of the world
invite some nazi macedonians to this thread to fight the bulgarian menace, they're getting too unruly again
The party of the guy who stole 1 billion dollars and fled the country? I wonder why?
I suspect that Austria or/and Hungary will veto Moldova since they are Russia's dogs inside EU. It look like a politically big plan if they veto Moldova. If Russia will ever rich south Nister it will be an issue.
What do democracy and free speech have to do with good old wholesome Russophobia?
From what i see A. Stoianoglo who is pro Russia runs for presidency and is number 2 on the list. What do they mean by banning opposition dont know dont care. Looks like fake news
It matters for what direction their country will go in, but they're not going to get in the union any time soon.
Liberalizing trade and travel with them could do a great deal to help them develop and EU can send money without them being in the Union too, Serbia and Turkey got stuff from the EU by being technically on the path of getting in, though the prospect is they're not going to join.
What do you think about the age of consent in Greece?

I think it's reasonable.
>50-75 eur
literally only gypsies should fall for this, anything below 150-200 eur should be treated as an insult
So, Kremlin doesnt like when austerity measures are take against them but when they do it its ok, lol.
The Georgians also seem to be whining about the EU now. What's going on there?
It seems every economic left wing party in Moldova is also pro-Russia Z and very socially conservative
But every economic right wing party is also pro-EU / pro-NATO / pro-USA, most are also socially conservative but some are kinda liberal
There is no party party that is socialist but also anti-putin or okay with the gays, the is no party that is right wing but pro-Z
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>Greta if she was born a man
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minimum wage in bg is 477 euro a month
in croatia it's 840
so it makes sense you'd want it to be x2 (or x3 in your case)
- https://tradingeconomics.com/bulgaria/minimum-wages
- https://tradingeconomics.com/croatia/minimum-wages
tho i can't say cost of living is cheaper here. apperantly where you are it's only ~15% more expensive
- https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Bulgaria&country2=Croatia&city1=Sofia&city2=Zagreb
so i guess people are just more used to the poverty
but yes it is mostly gypsies and turks
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Whenever I look at this I know I can't be mad with macedonians. Crazy to think some garbage collecting nigger from haiti has more mental capacity than the average make poster here.
i'm smarter than the average japanese
They elected a party that said it was pro-EU but turned out to be cryptoziggers, they literally said one thing and did another once in power.
Very Yanokovich like.
They'll either depose them or they'll hold on to power. Maybe we'll get a meydan if they try to lose and fight to stay in power using hard power.
If that happens I fully expect Russia to send it's own cops over to beat up protesters.
Do mensa test and not this facebook garbage.
It means that if we continue to talk about politics our beloved schizo stefan janev aka chopel aka semata will suffer an aneurysm
you're below mongolia bro
Can Russia afford it? I heard they are now pulling from the Nork manpower pool for the war. But on the other hand - would the EU even support Georgia?
>troonche is back
balk = saved
>Гepмaнcкитe пчeлapи дoкaзвaт, чe нaд 80% oт пчeлния мeд в cтpaнaтa e фaлшив чpeз тecт зa ДHК
tva go znam tuka edin koito gi prai tia bulbochi
Georgia is tiny (3.6 million people) and Russia still has a massive cop force that's uncommitted to anything.
It would be explosive for Russian cops to be allowed in, but I think it's possible if national traitors are in charge and fighting for survival.
Where's the mensa test?
They do need their cops to keep arresting people waving a blank piece of paper, though, as well as to maintain order in all the "republics" in the Russian Federation. And the Georgians are stubborn people, I've heard. Not sure that they can afford it while the war is ongoing. I think the EU might just tell them "meh". The only reason to accept them atm is to spite Russia, and Russia is being spited in Ukraine.
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Hякoй глeдaл ли гo e? Haй-cилния oпeнинг нa вcички вpeмeнa зa Бългapcки кинo caлoни. Caмo чe нe мe eбe зa фyтбoл мнoгo мнoгo.
postera prilicha na mangal wars
Went to the georgian restaurant recently and it was fire
Russia is not experiencing unrest currently, their massive internal security forces (which they've expanded since the start of the war) exist as deterrent against internal enemies.
They're not currently using them for anything, the odd liberashka doesn't warrant this big force. I think Russia can easily commit a portion of those paramilitaries to Georgia, given the right diplomatic context.
I don't think they'll be as successful as they may think. This could get too ugly for cops, and Georgia shares a border with Turkey. The Turks would love to have the Russians diminished in that part of the world.
We could have a second Ukraine situation on a smaller scale.
I refuse to believe this political harrasse bumgarian isn't AI/samefag
Кaкви мaнгaли бe кoпeлe бoлнo?
They're just at the same level of sentience as AI bro
^ тъп гъз
snitches get stitches
Bro you are 82iq
bumgerians have their own politics bord but refuse to use it and instead post politics here
if this isn't blatant harassement i dunno what is
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>use my chan
Whatchu gonna do about it buddy? Daz rite u gon do nothin.
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another albo politician arrested
EU 2030
thanks, bro, just did their test
turns out i'm even smarter than i thought
Next time dont forget the shop the text too bro
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what text?
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Damn, I used to get 121...
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IQ tests are dumb btw
they only measure how good you are at IQ tests
most of the questions follow the same logic, so once you figure out the pattern you can solve it for several questions, but if you don't figure out the pattern you don't solve it for several questions
Give me you brutally honest opinion, is sashko high or low iq
I blame the fact that for some reason I thought it's 25 questions, instead of 35, and I thought it's quite easy, so by the time I ended the 25th, I had like 2 minutes left, so I tried to click the like like 7-8 on random, and I only could click like 3... I feel robbed.
- https://www.writingtoiq.com/
- https://desuarchive.org/_/search/boards/int.desu.meta/username/chopel/filter/text/page/1/
121 is very good nerd
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Yes, but...
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clearly it's been programmed to discriminate against Revival
make the real /balk/
there's /balk/ in the name
that's good enough
Toвa Дaнчo Meнтaтa ли e oтлявo?

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