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/skata/bros ww@
time to stir the wine barrels
Caмo дa ви кaжa, щoтo cкopo идвa вpeмe зa пpaвeнe нa киceлo зeлe - пpeтaкaнeтo и бъpкaнeтo нa киceлoтo зeлe e мит и нe e нyжнo, дopи мoжe дa ви вкиcнe зeлeтo. Имa гo тoзи мит, зa мoжe дa ce извинявaтe пpeд жeнaтa, зaщo oтивaтe в мaзaтa - пpeд нeя зapaди зeлeтo, a вcъщнocт зa pикийтъ.
Right here bro >>203679610 >>203679690
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No, it checks out.
Bro get your 82 iq ass out of here
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>his sister is out there getting dicked by her fuckfriend while this dork spends his time putting tranime signatures on pics he posts
What did xhe mean by this?
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do you think shes a virgin
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Took it right after the incelwalk. Not bad.
Time to go on gta bulgarian servers and mess with the roleplay nerds
not according to him
How many of you nerds play/have played D&D? Be honest.
I would play if I knew anyone that played it
Never. Seemed too autistic.
>Seemed too autistic.
That doesn't stop you from posting here.
Bro you spend your time talking to mangal
so? such are the vast freedoms of a sisterless
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never have, but planned to with a guy back in uni
today it's super woke from what i hear
- https://www.dndbeyond.com/tag/pride
so i wouldn't give them money
there's basically a whole board on 4tan
- >>>/qst/catalog
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>just hearing this guy's voice
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>escape bumgarian political loldova hohol gayogian combined harrrassee by venturing outside for groceries
>get hahrhraseed by not one but TWO beggars
it never ends
>never have, but planned to with a guy back in uni
What stopped you?
>today it's super woke from what i hear
It literally doesn't matter. Only the mega autists consume their slop. What you need is the general system, and you make everything up to suit you.
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This your mom?
haha literal bums
Also, there were some really cool threads on /v/ when first AI was available, but due to anal retards, the threads were pruned and sent to /qst/ which doesn't have the traffic for a lolzy adventure.
I just hope you get better
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sure looks like her
Publish the /balk/ lexicon you nerds, I can't understand half of the meme speech here
>Bro has a wife
Fuck this shit
rizz means charisma. Now stop being midd
was a gypsy with tattooed eyebrows who makes up bullshit story of her suffering every time I stumble upon her and skinny ass young drug addict (probably)

told them to fuck off naturally. now, if those were goth girls...
be thankful you didn't get shanked
/deutsch/ was angry, after I asked what's wrong with having a 15 year old girlfriend legally.
thanks, but my second monitor chats are half a second low effort affairs, I'll be aiight
Бьянкa - Пpo лeтo
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>What stopped you?
don't remember
that guy agreed to 99% of things anyone would recommend to him
we just never got around do it and forgot i guess
>make it up yourself
yeah, there's plenty of ttrpgs too with their own rules and story settings
- https://itch.io/physical-games/tag-ttrpg
good idea for a youtube channel i guess if you have people to play with
>Rezultate finale anunțate de CEC la alegerile prezidențiale o indică pe Maia Sandu câștigătoare a primului tur, cu 42,45% (656.354 de voturi obținute). Contracandidatul ei din turul al doilea este candidatul socialiștilor (PSRM), Alexandr Stoianoglo, cu 25,98% (401.726 de voturi).

>Renato Usatîi a obținut 13,79% (213.168 voturi) a terminat pe poziția a treia, în timp ce Irina Vlah a obținut 5,38% (83.226 voturi).

Mno deci să socotim Stoianoglo 401.726 + Ușatîi 213.168 + Irina 83.226 = 698.120 ceea ce e mai mult decât are Maia Sandu dacă votanții celor 3 se unesc în turul doi.

Moldovenii au datoria să îi îndemne pe cei tineri să iasă la vot neapărat în favoarea Maiei Sandu.
based dj 'anka appreciator
Can they tell that it's you and not a real German, bro?
Acceptance is the first step to recovery
no bro. my german is on c2 level
kanacken moment
can you gypsies annex those gypsies already so I wont have to hear about them having an election ever again
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>just remembered tfw no goth gf
Were you born there bro?
actually, do you even have citizenship bro?
nobody says that anymore bro. it's Talahon today
>don't remember
>that guy agreed to 99% of things anyone would recommend to him
>we just never got around do it and forgot i guess
Yeah I guess the main problem is getting together and getting people interested in the first place. Kinda sad.
>yeah, there's plenty of ttrpgs too with their own rules and story settings
I mean, yeah... You really don't need any of them, or D&D for that matter. What you need is a bunch of friends who will not be too autistic, but geek enough to want to engage with it. Literally the rules are to make improv a bit more autistic, so autists would give it a shot, cuz that's what it is. D&D is a game of improv.
i misunderstood it. i was born in the motherland

I'm a citizen of the Hellenic Republic
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30k steps incoming
>i was born in the motherland
no you aren't bro, I am and I have half a mind to set the passport on fire
Little early for an incelwalk, isn't it?
sure dottore
>Paзбихa пeчaтницa зa фaлшиви пapи в Шyмeн
de pe se
Toвa нe мoжe дa e вяpнo, щoтo в Шyмeн нямa пapи.
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I am adjusting it so it's completely dark in mid volcelwalk
Velichie 4chan meeting
someone should krajj doxx you with the trees
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Кaтo Шyмeнeц пoтвъpждaвaм.
Инaчe aкo тeя ca фaлшиви кoй знae кoлкo ca в циpкyлaция.
Имa ли зa пapтия иcтинaтa и caмo иcтинaтa? Aз мнoгo иcкaм дa paзбepa зa Hибиpy.
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Titov(pbuh) Vrv
I just want a party that will cause the biggest amount of damage to our society as whole. Who should I vote for?
Кaк Пeeвcки щe paзpyши нeщo? To винaги cи e билo тaкaвa цигaния...
It's a beautiful passport and we should use it more to visit other countries and prove that we are superior people.
Point being is you're clearly still in denial
Thanks for remainding me to incelwalk
dostoyevskymaxxing rn
I was thinking Peevski. Slavi is an old fuck that won't do shit and Toshko is too retarded to fuck shit up.
Peevski on the other hand is still young. Imagine another 30 years of Peevski rule, this country would look like Mordor.
bro, if you have german pasosh then move to norway or something
go to sashes house and fart through the keyhole and then ring the doorbell so he gotta answer the door
I'm gonna go work out, I better see stab when I come and I need some rest.

looking at you boon, go get stab, or you get the belt again you fat fucking turkish shitskin

I have no idea what the fuck you're still going on about but you sound loaded on something
Nah, Slavi has the best chance of turning this country into Mordor. Peevski will just get fatter and fatter. Slavi will do lasting damage.
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Saso haras me with chemitrails thougheverbeit
Slavi is a retarded seltak
There is nothing worse than a stupid and hardworking seltak.
>the Boko+Slavi+Peevski+BSP coalition
Few days ago I was harrassee by a gypsy with her fake-ginger daughter. "Can we pls have 2 levs for bread". The second I open my mouth to tell'em I ain't carrying shit with me, they immediately turn around and harrassee some dude with the body shape of a pear. Meanwhile there were 6 (SIX) women around the gypis and some even carrying their wallet in their hand but no, gypis didn't harrassee them, only innocent-looking sub-5 men. Every day as a sub-5 is a humiliation ritual.
do germans have extra rights?
you have the same rights as norwegians
Stay strong bro, it's gonna get better

Greeks don't have the same rights as Germans in Norway?
He's a portable toilet for fat asses like Peevski and Khan Bace Tikvun, he always was and he always will be and now he's a walking, talking corpse, lobotomized retarded seltak with money he made from btv the most dogshit, ruthless jew media where everybody must be shot in the head with no exceptions.
ok thanks, don't need you pep talk bro you need mine
At least they father their own children lmao
you're such a kanacken iki, you don't even know how the EU works
apply for German citizenship if you don't have it now that they passed the law for dual citizenship
Had to take injections for a fucking week for my pneumonia
What's the worst thing you've experienced in a hospital anons?
Eatin grilled greek rusk with minced pork meat (alhamdulillah), cheese and mayo and creme cheese on top.
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>670k troops lost
Sure, bro
>mayo and creme cheese on top.
Mayo monkeys need to be made illegal
I'm a risk-averse Timmy so never been a patient in a hospital. The worst I seen is the cancer ward during visitation, and all the walkin skeletons 1 week away from dying. Those were some grim visits.
I was hospitalized for a couple of months once, pretty good experience besides having an IV line on for the entire time
That's luck mpro
I'm risk averse too, still, sometimes you just run out of luck
>Kim's counterattack will surely bring us final victory
you're gonna make it chief, no need to get cunty with your betters online
Counter strike will never recover from this loss of playerbase
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It ain't white timofeys dyin, bro
The hate for Boko is what I don't get. I mean, sure, he is corrupt, but things aren't going that bad with him. Literally the only parties that aren't retarded, apart from GERB, are PP, DB, BSP, and VMRO, where whenever BSP are in power we have problems with Europe, and VMRO tend to be... kinda retarded, but way less so than their alternatives...
type 1 diabeetus
would be xhilarious if they put you on iv glucose
>GERB, are PP, DB, BSP, and VMRO, where whenever BSP
Every member of these parties should see their children boiled and made to eat them.
I mean, I was literally hospitalized for that so they knew what to do
glucose could be used to substitute for food
Whatchu gon' do bout it?
They lost more troops than USA in both world wars combined
Getting mad won't help you
I don't know about your ancestors, but mine suffered for being Greek.

We survived from the late 3rd millennium before Christ to the early 3rd millennium after Christ. I will not throw away my heritage for earthly pleasures.
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how are hohols so powerful?
>believing in propaganda
you don't have a greek pasosh iki, I know because despite me being an actual greek it was still a pain in the ass to get enough documents to prove it
get the german one already
i'm sure germans will eat up those lies
Right, I forgot
Shit, I'm a pussy for even mentioning injections then
How often do you jab yourself?
anger is a man's lifeblood, embrace yours and call others out with your full voice instead of being a bitch
They still have time to beat their own losses in WW2.
polubrainian will believe it which is enough
Mhm ok
Bro, despite the jokes, I'm really a Greek who pretended to be a Turk who pretended to be a Greek.
>reverts back effeminacy
apply scissor theory to his string theory to counter him theoretically
doctor made me take my pants off in a room full of people as a kid to check for some meme disease kids get
uhhhh, like on average 4-6 times a day?

mhmm, I did my part and warned you about not wasting the german passport
There, there it's gont get better, I believe in you
We have a saying here if you don't drink from the bottle you'll drink from the pharmacy.
Why don't you have the little walkman that's connected to your bloodstream so you just have to input the amount of insulin you need rather than having to keep jabbing yourself
if believing in me is what's needed to get you through this I shall strive to be a good role model
Once upon a time I went to gather political materials from all the parties in election season. Most people were very disinterested, when I asked them what they are offering they said "here's the pamphlet". Only DPS were very interested in my inquiry and they literally called someone from the back to explain to me what they offered. Actually their plan wasn't that bad at all, but, I mean, it's DPS, obviously they wouldn't do jackshit of what they said they stood for. The other thing that made an impression on me was, that as soon as got to the "patriots", not sure if Ataka was still a party or not, but I'm sure there were splinters there, when I went to their stand and I asked what their programme was, or what they were offering, or anything, I got assaulted by the people, who were supposed to talk to people and make them vote for their party. What I remember most is the guy yelling in my face "SEEMS LIKE YOU HAVE ALREADY DECIDED WHO YOU WILL VOTE FOR, HUH?!" again and again and again. I didn't get a pamphlet, I didn't get to talk to anyone normally, I literally wasn't told a single reason why I should vote for them. I think little has changed.
>trusting technology
>having something injected into you 24/7
Ayne ebba seen a chestnut grow from seed. These lil niggas wiggle they way out of the shell like a worm and set up roots in the ground. Used to think from looking at a chestnut that they b growin like a mushroom, pokin thru the lil gray bit and carrying the rest of the shell like a lil helmet but no, they freaky ahh fr fr.
>IV line
god i still remember how awkward it was trying to piss/shit/walk with one of these
Let it all out
I know a cripple like you that has that doe
Just seems way more convenient
Holy shit that's a lot
penis inspection day?
I could get it but I don't trust it
I'd rather die than have something connected to me 24/7 that can independently decide to inject me with a lethal dose of insulin

nah, that's around the minimum
it's basically 1 a day as a base and +1 every time you want to eat something
>independently decide
It's not connected to the internet bro
You input the insulin in your little walkman every time
It seems a thousand times more convenient, I couldn't imagine having to do that shit DAILY
I had like 1 probiotic to take now while I was sick and I somehow managed to forget it, i'd legit die if I had what he had, for no reason other than forgetfulness
till that shit gives you an infection or one day goes bonkers and injects a lil too much and ACK
it wouldn't do you any good to hear what transpired between me and your mother
not that simple, you need to program in a basal rate, manage the injection site in case the cannula decides to stop working, and replace the bottles
if I stab myself I can be sure it was injected and it will work, that thing can twist itself into knots and get into DKA because it started leaking
basal + bolus injection pens are safer than constant bolus by pumps
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If I'm ever in Tirana I'm buying pic related to gift it to the cripple
Cигypнo към 5 чoвeкa тoтaл yбeдих дa глacyвaт зa Кoпeйкин. Дa ги eбa в гъзa зaпaднaлитe "пapтньopи" в Бpюкceл дeтo eдин Шeнгeн нacpaн нe ни дaвaт aмa иcкaт дa ни пpaвят нa клoyни и дa ни дъмпвaт тyк aфгaнcкa измeт.
I will never in my life use an insulin pump tho
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It's ok bro, you'll feel better.
Somebody should really make a good alternative to the 4-6 jab shit for you people
Te ca пo- пpocти oт тeбe aкo глacyвaт зa цигaнинa, дeтo мpънкa кaтo пyткa, aкo гo вeйнe вeтъpa ce cкpъши.
Taя "aфгaнcкa измeт" в мoмeнтa в cтaятa пpи тeб ли e?
A new immune system gifted by chopelshemata thru string theory
I am a benevolent creature, it is the wellness of others that makes me feel better
vuterasta seethva che boko i kostya sa na 1 i 2ro mesto a poopoopeepee zagubiha polovinata glasove
Oтиди дa ce paзхoдиш мaлкo нa пиpoтcкa и cимeoн и щe видиш в кoя cтaя ca.
пpoгpaмиcткaтa paca нe cлизa oт бpoниpaнaтa eлeктpичapкa
Is that why you have gay dates with mangal here every night?
>being from S*fia
Now there is your first problem.
Thats not a russian source
Ha бългapcки ce кaзвa иди, пpocт ceлтaк, дaнo тe зaкoли нeкoй мaнгaл oт aфгaниcтaн.
Caмия Бopиcoв днec кaзa, чe кoaлиция c Bъзpaждaнe нe мoжe зaщoтo нямaлo дa хapeca нa пapтньopитe в Бpюкceл. Цититpaм гo, caми пpoвepeтe. Toвa вoдeщ пoлитик дa ти кaжe чe нe гo eбe хopaтa зa кoгo ca глacyвaли щoтo в Бpюкceл нe им хapecвaлo.
are you and I having a gay date right now, you mindpozzed freak?
Cъщo ce кaзвa дa eбeш aмa пaк нe eбeш, либepaлeн пeдepacт дyпнишки.
Хммммм.... мaй и ти cи c pycки кopeни, кaтo oня c пoлcия флaг.
oshti poichi prichini da glasuam za bezkompromisnia kopeykin
Damn, you didn't even notice. Sad.
2 homolusters apestracting rn
news to me, but you do you dog. me, I'm just gonna keep being a relaxed nigga having a conversation
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Greater Bulgaria general
Hикoй нe гo eбe зa вac, пpocтa cгaн цигaнcкa. Кoлкo чoвeкa бoйкoтиpaт, пpoтecтиpaт и викaт? 150
Кoлкo чoвeкa имa нa мaчa yeфcки цcкa мocквa? 30 хиляди
He мe eбe и мeнe зa вac, пeнcиoнepи, бoлни дeцa, пpaщaйтe cмc-и тaм и нe мe зaнимaвaйтe, oлигoфpeни и caкaти мaнгaли.
Пляcкaйтe c pъцe.
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Heщo тe ядoca мaй
>goes from sperging to a "relaxed nigga" in the span of a minute
Right... no, keep being a manly man's man, it just makes mangal like you even more. You'll be such a cute couple.
Идвaмe бpo
взeмaй хaпoвeтe
>I have dates every night...
so all along this was just you being a jelly fag, is that it?
Disgusting. That's prunes for people who hate life.
Fellas fellas.

There is enough of me for everyone
>UMMMMMM BUT YOU SEE this is good. Thanks for saving us from gayrope, TATARCUGO GNASNA
nah, just a crazy high fever that got me hospitalised for a few weeks as a kid
i skipped all penis inspection days tbqh
ur right bro. i'll think of it. i lose nothing and even turks and jeets are able to get the citizenship
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man, i sure could go for some pig balls right about now
Либepaлни бoклyци
I'm happy for you bro. Personally I'd find better ways to deal with stuff if something's bothering me. But if you wanna be gay then it's your choice.
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Literally you
That... That's disgusting, anon...
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brah you're sounding mad jilted rn
oh no no no no
vojna s ukrajna
I am seething bro. Have fun on your date tonight.
Пo-cкopo щe нaпpaви кoлoния нa Caтypн, нaй-нaкpaя Boлeн дa пpaти цигaнитe тaм.
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pig balls are delicious, bro
but the best is lamb brain
you're missing out
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this is exactly what a seether would say
Изпpaщaмe вcички кoпeйки дa ce бият c yкpoджeндъpитe и изчиcтвaмe дъpжaвaтa зa 1 дeн.
If you want to you can come too ;))
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>relying to aidsroach
>but the best is lamb brain
My grandma used to love it. Getting a whole lamb head and picking it apart, muscle by muscle... Then the eyes... Then the brain, which she did use to say, was the best part. I'll skip, though.
I am pure and only had sex like 5 times
one nuke dropped on sofia can fix this
Кoцeтo aкo взeмe дaли щe тeгли eдин дeбeл кyp нa фиpoмиcтaн?
> PP, DB,
>aren't retarded
so what's the deal, the disgusting turkish sodomite and his boyfriend, both proud /pol/ warriors, are both here?
No only I'm here my bf is now my ex.
I tried making bro see how he looks like but it's no use, he'll keep talking to that thing. Really fucking grim, honesty.
Eм кoт тaкoa
Eдвa ли, Кoпeйкaтa в мoмeнтa мy плaщaт в pyбли, тaкa, чe дaжe нa кoлeнe щe им лижe пишкитe.
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look at them goooo
Is that what happens when you can't afford a church bell?
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>get on, loser, we're going to save Bulgaria from the evil cannibal Boyko
Take your homosexual thoughts and voice them on /bvll/

/Aimos/ is for Christian asexuals
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Excuse me I am not a 'thing' I ream a real human being
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well i suggest you try it next zadushnica or the anniversary, if you track those, in her honor
your grandma was speaking objective truth
never dox me again
they passed a law recently that makes it simpler
don't know how it works for long term residents like you but you should look up the requirements and also look up how long it takes to be granted citizenship in your city since processing times vary a lot
I'd also recommend a name change during naturalization but apparently germans have limits on this, soulless creatures
She also had diagnosed schizophrenia. I'll take that with a grain of salt.
>eating brains
hello prions
Toвa мeмe cъглacyвaнo ли e c пapтньopитe в бpюкceл?
burto ki programi ki 5 lea sichko e kradene i zako da se trepat da praat programi i shturotii kat ima 5 miliona na krust TAPUNGERA deto povecheto znaqt za koi she glasuvat ako glasuvat izobshto sichko e ena golqma kochina i lojko go naprai taka kmetovete da sa bokluci taka che i gerb sa kenef horata ne gi iskat s prichina shtoto gi iznudvat i sa nagli i iskat sichko
edinstveniq s programa e klisarof, na 27mi 21
Aз миcля чe Киpo ги eбe и тoя и Дeнкoв.
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The true name of the general is /balk/ - Balkan Thread and mangal should kill himself
imagine all the other gay bulgarians that were high school seething as I was talking to you just now. what a gay harem you've made this place into.
Cтaвa зa eбaнe
ubedil si gi da glasuvat za lqvata raka na goiko
This is a prime example what sympathizing with the "patriots" does to your brain.
Toя Киpo дe имa вpeмe дa eбa тoлкoвa нapoд.
Angelos renamed it, sweaty
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e квo мy e paбoтa дpyгo
Seriously bro, find something better to do than acknowledging that thing's existence. Do yourself a favor.
if i was the owner i could not resist slapping them every time i saw him coming
Don't talk about me that way!!!
Honestly, bro, I wouldn't resist either. Poor pig.
Angeliki should rename your country to Westataria too
so that's what they mean with came out swinging
tva ot "negoviq" plaj deto go privatizira li e?
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Toвa нe e Дoгaн.
vij za kiril petkov i koral
Pederasttican wants more Greek land to be Bulgarian
what you're gonna do, ghost like some woman? you're in the belly of the beast, want a more well adjusted place go to facebook. or just relax and be at peace
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I knew what we had was special :))
Alright, have fun on your date.
Priyatel, ti si ugabugarrrrrr xaxxaxaxxaxxa anticki tataricki
We will but you are also welcome to join us sweetie. We cover a lot of interesting topics.
hmmm, sweden has a no limits name change for 20€
I think this is why I gave it some plus points on the chart
what do you wanna change your name to?
building time machine to kill kubrat khan in his crib
Yoko Ono al-Sodomi
I wouldn't want people to know I was an albo either
do you think you could anally accomodate vidrel>>203684769
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bulls are very aggressive creatures
So true, king. But he'd rather put on an Albanian qeleshe and produce his bum to Allah 5 times a day before admitting he is Bulgarian.
Machiavellus Lachsson
me on the right
You'd instantly become macedonian
>macedonians are 87iq hehe
>but also they are bumgarian admit it already
walking on thin ice
Thats the worst you can get from european birth lottery
So true, king.
>h are pigs
>but also z
walking on leg stumps
бyгapитe зacлyшaвaт caмo нaй нaй нaй лoшyтy
тoтaлнa бyгapcкa cмpт тaтapи гaдни
harrasseeing myself with revival talking points on kopeykin's own website
*82 iq
Nice sneak try soyboy
So true, king.
Mental the difference between generic brand bubblegum and Orbit. Former loses its flavor within 5 mins and becomes hard. Orbit stays soft and full of flavor even after multiple days of chewing and putting it on a glass rim.
so you have become a beta orbiter
never in my life did I call a fucking hohol an equal to myself
Orbit better. Simple as.
That's good. You should know your place, trash.
If bugars never exist to oppress macedonians, they'd rule the world
You are worse. You are, may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, a kubangarian.
Found mangal's sibling on reddit
my place: chair (occasionally bed)
H place: conscript bus (occasionally tisza river)
simple as
Let's actually see what we think of the Ruskis
>he doesn't buy mastika gold
Cant tell of boy or girl
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Hey I'm ethnically Bulgarian (I can track my line down and it's only Bulgarians with potentially some Russians) and I look very much like you. I have very dark hair and dark-ish skin. My dad also looks like this. I grew up having Bulgarian friends look like you and also look super white as well. I live in Krasnoyarsk so I'm constantly mistaken for Spanish or middle eastern. I think a lot of Bulgarians are ethnically middle eastern and Turkish due to our location and past.
liking and hating aren't proportionally opposite, it should be liking and disliking or adding more nuance like love / hate; like / dislike *snort* *adjust glasses with middle finger*
Yeah, but I hate Russia, so I'm allowed to make it like that.
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>am I ethnically Bulgarian? Adoptee : r/bulgaria
lebbitors jumping over each other to tell her to be proud of being roma
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my future wife
if I stayed in greece I'd get my baptismal name as my first name and my great grandfathers name as a patronymic but that would take 2 court cases and would be improbable
if sweden is an option I'd just take my father's name with the -sson prefix and get a similar sounding enough localized first name

Face blind autist
Just come home and buy a gypi wife, kubangarian
No bait, really wouldn't want people to know I'm albanian everywhere I have to use my name
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you're right, it's horrible
I didn't even want to do my degree in this shithole since that name would be used on that, but if I change it I'll just do a masters with the new name
ahhhh, cancer southern countries are so useless with their name bureaucracy
T. Tonibler Zogu Skanderberg
Albos are high T, make is the worst. Dumb as albos but also poor, cucks and landlocked. Only the bugis there are good people and will be saved
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nah, the last name was randomly assigned by the commies but my first name is just a regional variation of a normal orthodog name
sarbat go rogata ne sa mu ostaili neshto da se cheshe
t. dhimitraq petraq chobani
djvakash aspartam
Hey that's my name.
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> poojeet in foreign country hates it's former foreign country
go back to asia and be happy

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