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Victory Edition

Previous: >>203679024
first for sexo
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>It's ok to be gay

The biggest lie modern society has told
shoot me
that cat? a flaming homo
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I will never be a Norwegian drinking soymilk and riding my electric bike on designated bike highways in Bergen on my way to a union meeting ;(

why even live
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hey anon, you probably think this is cool to post! and some would agree! but Spinster is Ace and doesn't appreciate these overt references to sexuality, best not to make any of us uncomfortable so /cum/ can be more welcoming to all!
If you were fine with shrooms you'll likely be fine with DMT
First time I took it, I some crystal DMT into a cigarette and the cherry of the cigarette turned into a morphing animal head
Then I walked through a marble hall as disembodied hands were handing ancient looking books to me
Walked into a giant room that turned into a black void and I saw a giant snake creature looking at me
Woke up and walked outside then thought I could see myself from third person and thought I could control the wind
you sound like you get zero pussy frfr
Gay guy told me I was good looking but not his type because I looked too straight
>Spinster is Ace
idk what this means
facial recognition software can detect homosexuality with 80% accuracy off of the face alone so i believe that.
I love Greek naming conventions. When I was learning Greek I started noticing how ancient niggas names were really statements. Pandora means all gifts, Dimitios mean follower of Demeter, one of my favorites is Aristophanes coming from the Greek "aristos" (ἄριστος), meaning "best" or "excellent," and "phanes" (φαίνω), meaning "to appear" or "to show" so his name means Best Looking, motherfucker
That's okay! we're all learning together! Ace is short for Asexual. Folks who identify as asexual experience little or no sexual attraction to others. Asexual folks, or “aces,” often identify somewhere on a spectrum that includes their emotional, spiritual and romantic attraction to other people. They may not want traditional intimacy but still crave human connections! Hope this helps anon~
>No I am white and he is mexican
lol gross dude
I want you to kill yourself
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I mean I feel like its not too hard to tell when a man is gay sometimes
Not sure if it’s skeletal, hormonal, or just the way they hold themselves
But most the the time when you find out someone is a homosexual, it’s not too shocking
Same with lesbians
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>contains no froot
Everyone who plays Clark Kent looks a certain way
That is, of course, until DC makes him black
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Went to the gym like a hecking good boyerino
I met a bong here in Jalisco, I thought he was from Los Altos since he was speaking perfect spanish
Careful, Ive been fooled by lesbians before
Wow, that’s a really unique way to seek attention. Maybe try something less extreme next time? joking about unaliving isn't cool and might cause some people to relive trauma! be better anon
Cats are dumb as fuck. They're only good to be eaten
What does that have to do with Fruit Spins?
People with Greek origin names are simply a higher class
Semite names need not apply
they are still making the Black Superman movie written by Ta-Nehisi Coates btw
You are without value
Slavs have their own unique look
nothing, obviously
Some Canadian right winger claimed it was as easy as buying your way to Canadian citizenship now, is that true?
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this was truly hilarious, the best way your gimmick could have ended
Crazy how they’re gonna have Denzel Washington play Hannibal
Even if he were black for some reason, Hannibal was like 30 and they’re gonna have some fucking geriatric pretending to be him because nobody will ever once again acknowledge that a young man can become great
you/they didn't make a point. they just strung words together
Running low on alchy but too lazy to go to the liquor store
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yes we have one of the easiest paths to citizenship of any country, part of why we have infinity jeets here
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After this case and the next case, I only have 2 cases of beer left
>Napoleon died at age 51, 6 years after being exiled
>almost universally depicted by actors in their late forties or older, even in his youth
>in the Alamo movie Santa Anna was like +60 but in real life he was around 40
They do be hating on young people achieving anything. We always think historical figures should be old, it's weird
How much betrayal can one man take. It hurt
i love orangeyutans, their like red grillers
you know how your folks would say weed or alcohol weren't so dangerous, but that they were "gateway drugs"? like booze could lead to heroin? that's kind of how i feel about people who are gay. being gay itself isn't so dangerous, but it can lead to fetish or disease. there should be commercials like beer ads. "please gay responsibly"
The founding fathers were young
William the Conqueror was young
I hear all the time that men are less mature than women now
Women outnumber men massively in education and boys are being left behind but unlike when it was girls it not a massive emergency that needs immediate attention
Feels like in there’s almost someone attacking young men and trying to pacify them
why dont you hawk tuah on my thang
you're stinky
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are you brown or white
>being gay itself isn't so dangerous
Depends on where you live and how ugly you are. You're bound to get a disease eventually
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itt divine tier country
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he's 100% proxynigga
doesn't seem that great
you don’t understand
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all the Scandis and Finns I have ever met were hyper-normie and not at all like the /int/ memes would lead you to believe. Imagine a whole country of turbo-normies + some refugees, that's Norway
What's your definition of 'divine'? I'm pretty sure it's subjective anyways.
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>it's going to ask you a ques-
just replaced my old laptop screen after 10 years
>gets spit on his food
>they put 7 nuggets instead of 9
>gets a cold stare by the server
that is why I stopped going to restaurants
thanks anon how kind
Gonna eat a salad and slice of leftover pizza for dinner when I'm home
Alcohol inventory:
Two little bottles of Sutter Home Merlot, three 50ml bottles of fruity vodka, and a lot of plain club soda and seltzer
chatgpt hallucinating HARD again. cant see how this thing will replace me
all the AIs have gotten worse as they get used more. Allowing more jeets to use a service objectively just makes eveything worse. See my country for an example
thought about putting a 1080p IPS display in my x220
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what software or app are people using to make these
all very acidic above the shoulder mostard shit
the chinese one is mostly uncensored
I'm sorry, that violates my guidelines and boyhole
Can you blow my whistle baby
Decided my fursona will be a horseman with a giant penis (but the twist is that he's straight)
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cummypies, im drinking covfefe
incredibly low quality posts, all homosexual. Not a coincidence

"hailuo ai", it says.
That's pretty sad, its unbelieveable tv shows used handicapped people for views. Our tradition is to just switch channels since its bad karma for us to bully the mentally handicapped
Nurdles are the new current thing
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kill all women
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fk looks like THIS?
carrot topped
Move to Afghanistan if that's your prerogative
This is 100% truth.
I'm staying with water and green tea today. Hopefully no alcohol until Thursday night at least. I've made that last week
I want a bicycle, not sure what kind.
I'll be riding a little town, and a lot of dirt roads, but no long journeys.
So I'm leaning toward a BMX bike
What the hell is going on in the USA why isn't anybody talking about this this is insane!
The first election I could have voted in was in 2012 but I've never done it and still don't plan on doing it.
I'm not allowed to vote anymore
be careful, I got a warning for posting a McDonalds and Pmurt meme
Your mom is a whore
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sexo con mejican cummy bummy
Are you tall? I've heard people from your country are tall.
said the forbidden words, tranny janny won't like that
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mfw all the non shitposters get 3 day vacations in mexico
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>foreign flag = anon from that country
unfortunately not how /int/ works
her bangs/braid or whatever look stupid
my browser blocks too many plugins to watch tiktok
but judging by your flag, i think your video sucks and i hate you and i wnat you dead
get a used flar bar hybrid/fitness bike
>decided to 'treat' myself to some steak and potatoes instead of my usual post workout meal
>it's actually worse than the food i usually eat
i see
i know it's mostly because im not that great at cooking steaks but jeez man
but those don't go anywhere
Uh oh janny alert
Still seething about iraq I see
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Make this the next OP image
is your video about iraq?
>fucks up a steak
>blames the steak
What did you do to it?
they REALLY seethe about mentioning upcoming election. Starting to wonder if they have some sort of standing order. The site is going to be completely banned come November
I'm not giving Xi my personal information
even road bikes with skinny tires can handle dirt. piece of cake
do you have many cases of dengue fever this year?
last time someone did that the tranny janny deleted the whole thread instead of just the OP image. Must be a Dreamer/DACA baby or something
i didnt blame the steak i complained the meal was not as good as my usual stuff, i know i didnt cook it the best but desu the taste was kinda lacking too
>prime rib seasoning
>both sides 2 min on med high heat in some oil
>rest 2 min
>blast 30 sec per side on high heat to crust
>rest 3 min before eating
it just didnt taste as good as the chicken i make with chipotle honey rub every day desu
potatoes were mid too
ima just stick with chicken/eggs/rice/onions as per usual
Haven't checked into that
You'll never know now
Fun fact: The janitor is has a commission-based bonus ($0.00/ban) on top of its hourly rate ($0.00/hour)
We already knew the wokies refuse to date someone who's not like them.
A 6 foot 5 inch black dude who makes 6 figures in finance, got rejected by all the black women, because he said he wasn't voting.
It's one of these. Once he says he's not going to vote, they all start popping their balloons, one black woman stomps the balloon to pop.
It was a campaign ad for the coconut tree. The tranny jannies will probably give me a 3 day ban for saying the name.
it will be some paved roads, some cobblestone, but mostly shitty potholed filled gravel roads
are you near the jungle
>blapipo video
yeah, i wouldn't watch that even if i could
Is that before or after taxes
Ah in that case it's because steak isn't as good as chicken
Twirly moustache $500/bottle Scotch-type "men" will tell you you did something wrong but not even a $1000/lb Wagyu Kobe Nagasaki Bukakke Steak from Hiroshima itself will be as good as well seasoned and cooked chicken
get a gravel bike, or something with front suspension
i just don't like steak. at all. i cooked one myself, didn't like it. i went to a restaurant a coworker recommended that had good steak, didn't like it. and a relative cooked some steak one holiday, everyone at the table was raving about it, still didn't like it! i just don't get it. it's either cooked to a crisp and chewy, or tender and iron-tasting. i must just be a food pleb. only steak i have ever enjoyed was a steakburger.
>not even a $1000/lb Wagyu Kobe Nagasaki Bukakke Steak from Hiroshima itself will be as good as well seasoned and cooked chicken
negro tier post
After taxes, but it also includes benefits of up to $0.00 for medical, eye, and dental coverage and covers up to 0% of any prescriptions
flat bar hybrid/fitness bike like a trek 7.3 fx or something similar
Faggots think all of validation revolved around sex
>googling hiroshima, the first result is about the bomb not the city itself
>s... sex doesn't matter...
Then there's nothing wrong with being gay
going to forbid myself from making beef until i get a cast iron that MUST be the problem, im not supposed to make this shit in a copper pan
Sorry I can't hear you over the ripping hot pan I left my $2.5/lb skirtsteak in for 25 minutes
*gets out the ketchup bottle*
you mean women
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Because they are woman-brained
Cast iron is a meme for pans
Stainless steal is way better
But what you actually need to do is get a cast iron griddle
I also wouldn't season it with prime rib seasoning, just salt and pepper
how come some countries get several generals but americans get literally only one. Dixie doesnt count since its like 3 trannies samefagging plus some tourists.
im getting married
Yeah they are tall I am 5’10 and everyone is always half an inch or more taller than me and I'm the same height as most women
used to be both a /CHI/cano general and a /USA/ general. You could always post another /USA/ or start a new experimental general
I get you.
I also don't like to eat steak because the one that I buy comes from your country and is of the cheapest kind here.
I went to Veracruz last month with the family to visit my wife's family.
>"Anon, the Rivera's killed a cow and they asked us if we are going to buy some steaks or anything you might like", said my wife
>"Sure, anything that you like." I replied
>"Thank you!, I'm gonna order a kilo of steak, another kilo of ribs and another kilo of skirt, is that ok?", my wife asked
>"sure", I said
I gotta be honest, when she showed me what she had bought, the meat was so aromatic, fresh. Not to mention it was really flavorful and my wife just grilled the steaks with salt. There's something wrong with industrial farms
some cunts get no generals THOEVER
I got married the day of the Hamas attack on Israel
congrats if real
fuck you to hell if this is some attention seeking gimmick
name a single countree with no dedicated general
>more married people in cum
we're seeing a generational shift
>something with front suspension
do fat tires help like a suspension?
I will be shopping used, so only so many choices
>do fat tires help like a suspension?
No, man
What the hell

nigeria. there used to be an african general but that was abandoned
the entire Caribbean minus the Spanish speakers, the entirety of Africa minus the Arabic speakers
i lied im not getting married
i made guacamole
now it's sitting in the fridge getting chilly before i dig in
my ancestors are smiling down upon my bounty
>I got married the day of the Hamas attack on Israel
Do you know how little that narrows it down? congrats on getting married
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thanks for reminding me
both fat tires and a front suspension will improve the quality of your ride on the conditions you mentions (gravel, pot holes, cobblestone)
but >>203690845 is right in that front suspension is necessary for mountain biking far more than fat tires.
da big un that started this war and got Sinwar, Haniyeh, and Nasrallah killed
October 7th 2023
Thanks anon
only 108 more hours until bathtime
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Tomorrow I'm going to the next town over's butcher, to buy at least 10 lbs of beef fat and maybe some pork fat. I might buy more, depending on the price. Going to render it, and make my own lard. It's super easy to make. My garage is going to smell like beef tallow for days.
Lard's not crazy expensive or anything, it's basically the same price as butter and margarine.
>mountain biking
this nigga is riding on light dirt/gravel and road
then what are they for?
jbp fell off
nothing he says is interesting anymore, even his schizo xitter posts are boring
I bought half a bull a couple years back and used nothing but beef tallow for a whole year
>beef fat
ok lil retard buddy
ah okay, I'll show what I got in a week or so
oh, is that it? the cow here is just over-processed? shit, i'd believe it. good cars and guns. food? not so much.
Better grip and traction, it helps make it feel softer like suspension as well but good suspension is more important
Based. Do you remember how many pounds of beef fat you ended up with?
I live in Tijuana
That's SoCal weather
dem gorilla grip azns mang
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Does spinster have that gorilla grip pussy or that hot dog down a hallway pussy
they do be hittin
she has that infant grasping reflex pussy
i need a latina with a gorilla grip mouthussy
It was a little under 100lb of tallow
I resold a lot of that meat and tallow to family members though
I said I was probably buying pork fat too, lil retard. The butcher said they don't usually have much in the freezer, and I said that he can check tomorrow when I get there. They slaughter way more cows there, so they usually have a good supply of it.
She said she was a virgin with body image issues. Please don't bully her too much
i'm just playing games
i know it's plastic looooooove
bro same
>She said she was a virgin
I eat little meat other than some fish and a little poultry
she never said that. she's used up
only two more weeks before i never have to care about politics every again
Yeah I rather buy cars in the U.S.A than here, as you guys have more security measures and are cheaper than here. A buddy of mine went to the dealership to buy a Ford Lobo ( F-150 in your cunt ) and the police sent my homie to jail because the truck was was stolen.
only virgin i know is the virgin mary.
grown ass woman posting in 4chud with aging incels and wierdos saying shes virgin baka
Gorilla grip
Trust me on this one, lil bro ;)
gooning to porn girls on twitch
Yeah, you'd have to eat beef for every meal, to get through half a cow before it starts getting freezer burnt. My parents used to buy half a cow and a pig, when we all lived at home still(family of 6). I think they would buy one every year.
dreamt that i was in a parallel universe being adopted into my family and they were all introducing themselves to me for the first time.
the kind of person that has this image saved on their computer is beyond helping
very sad
business idea: unalive myself
i'm in
>She said she was a virgin
"Was" being the keyword there.
If you were a leafoid you could just apply for it
My parents did and still do the same thing but my dad is the BBQ boomer meme so they go through it fast enough
Also don't put the tallow in the fridge unless you're saving it for a long time
if spin is a virgin then im not an incel
I said don't bully! :(
i wish
kys schizojeet
>Also don't put the tallow in the fridge unless you're saving it for a long time
oh shit i put mine in the fridge after opening bc it said so on the jar :(
yeah no but she probably has a mid grip kitty. nothing compared to those TIGHT pale asians with their sikly hair and anime haircut
you are doing no. 1 right now btw
the way virgin men talk about women is really gross
t. man who has gotten pussy
i just feel bad that someone has this much hate in their heart
They say it to be safe and not get sued
It just makes it harder to use
It's because women are still an exotic other to them
Yeah seriously, the way they put the pussy on a pedestal is just pathetic
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>i wish
no you don't, did you know in Canada we stick jeets in giant tandoori ovens? Oy vey like annudah shoah it is!
your momma's pussy? YIKES
yea well i got pussy like a hundred times. yeah like at least a hundred
what habbind
did boss throw in her in the oven?
she cute. would sessso
She thought it was a toilet that she could curl up in to relieve herself
I don’t know where the Asian tight thing comes from. It’s the same as any other pussy
everybody was virgin once
you don't know me, spare me they pseudo-psychoanalysis
revenge for that indian nigra that crashed into a schoolbus and killed like 30 kids?
no for real tho
Her boss confused her for a patty of cow shit
She was trying to hide from her male Indian coworkers. Wal-Mart is trying to memoryhole this entire thing
no it isnt.
t. knower
i have nothing against you personally i'm just saying that it's a sad state of affairs and i wish we could all just get along and not hate each other and dehumanize one another like this
im gonna leave it alone now i hope you have a good day
I’ve been with Asian girls and normal girls and it’s the same THOUGH
>Also don't put the tallow in the fridge unless you're saving it for a long time
I was planning on canning it and putting it into my walk-in cooler, with the rest of my canned goods.
I sexted with spinster on Snapchat
grim thread
I want to fuck a Japanese girl at least once in my life just to see if it's any different. As a proud white male I've only had white women, which I'm fine with, but would like to know what Japanese pussy tastes like
>fk is sexting his mom
Tallow does go bad. You should just take a little bit of it out to get to room temp, and keep the rest in the fridge, like you’d keep a little of the butter in a butter dish, and keep the rest cold.
Would prefer a Mandy thread desu
How hard is it to get your driver's licence in the US?
very easy
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>The two both were dog moms, something the two women bonded over. Evans leaves behind Nix, an Australian shepherd, while Wileman owned Riley, a Chiweenie mix.
holy kek
hot gay sex
The main difference is that there are weird racial hierarchy dynamics at play, and culture shock misunderstandings happening all the time; each party doing things that are rude or offensive all the time without even realizing it. Overall negative experience, and people should just keep amongst their own.
arguably too easy
fucks sake, it's 2pm, why is this thread so horny
Ah good thought you'd be filling your fridge up unnecessarily
>walk-in cooler
Got one of these too because the people who lived at my place before me were Depression era and were terminally afraid of not having enough food
Just need to go to a restaurant supply store and get stocked up on plastic storage containers
I downloaded it most for (you)'s it's not an accurate statement of my beliefs. I don't even hate women, I don't hate anyone really as long as they aren't some kind of minority.
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words words words words
you have to do literally the bare minimum
>According to reports, the victim was working a bakery shift when they became trapped in an oven with temperatures exceeding 500°C (932°F). The circumstances surrounding the incident are currently under investigation.
>A 22-year-old international student, residing in Canada on a student visa, met with a fatal accident while working at a Walmart store in Halifax, Nova Scotia, last night. According to local sources, the victim became trapped in an oven and succumbed to severe injuries. The circumstances surrounding the incident are currently under investigation.
Jeets are dumb as fuck.
Not to mention they get constantly bombarded with weird propaganda about how you’re an evil racist colonizer blah blah blah, which colours your relationship to some extent
I have it in little jars because I like to keep everything sealed until I use it desu
no amount of 'rizz' is going to help a 40 year old balding indian janitor
wew lad
halifax mentioned
>Not to mention they get constantly bombarded with weird propaganda about how you’re an evil racist colonizer blah blah blah, which colours your relationship to some extent
If she is actually from Japan she will never be exposed to that
I have never once felt any sympathy for military deaths tbqh
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peanut butter cookie test batch in the oven rn
i know it smell crazy in there
Is Shartmart going to keep selling food cooked in the same oven that had a Pajeeta cooked to death in it?
>Jeets are dumb as fuck.
The ones we have here on TFW or student visas are unironically too dumb to work at McD's. They need coaching on the most basic tasks.
t. has had the misfortune to manage a team of jeets
**gobbles them up**
sorry anon
Make that pussy SQUIRT
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When will the first Canadian break and just unleash his anger in the worst bloodbath the country has ever seen
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She’d have to live here since I’m not moving to Japan, which means she’d be exposed to Canada’s “whitey is… LE BAD!” incessant propaganda campaign
relations with india are plummeting, i'd say two more weeks
i'm fucking gay y'all
>“whitey is… LE BAD!” incessant propaganda campaign
even with this, most East Asians are too out of the loop to pick up on this. Only the 2nd or 3rd generation whitewashed ones say stuff like that.
if feminists did anything but just pay lip service and complain about big boobie video game characters they would acknowledge that importing these indians is a disaster for women, they can't be reeducated or integrate
absolutely disgusting state of affairs i weep for canadian women
Squeezed my fingies under my desk :/
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personally i believe the mass import of south asian sex pests is critical to the success of the beta uprising
Anyone else here at a healthy weight and BMI?
74% of Americans are overweight or obese
65% of Canadians are overweight or obese
If you're not, you're automatically elite
>Ah good thought you'd be filling your fridge up unnecessarily
Thanks for having my back.
>Got one of these too because the people who lived at my place before me were Depression era and were terminally afraid of not having enough food
Something similar for me. It used to be my grandparent's home, after they retired from farming. They lived through the Great Depression, so they were used to growing their own food(they tended to their vegetable and flower garden into their 80s), canning, and they shared the walk-in cooler space with my parents.
It still has the custom built potato bins, with removable shelving on top. They weren't paranoid of running out of food, just living the same life they had always done. The only change was that it was a walk-in cooler, instead of just being a naturally cold room in the basement, like their parents and grandparents had.
>Just need to go to a restaurant supply store and get stocked up on plastic storage containers
I've been slowly replacing all of their glass jars they used for canning, because they keep breaking after 50 years of use. They had an entire cupboard of spare glass jars, that we split between my parents and my siblings, when my grandparents died.
no. woefully underweight. all i need is a harness and loincloth and i could start shouting threats a he-man.
North Americans are so fat that they think obese is overweight and overweight is normal
enjoy your biurned mouth
I guess so
5ft 11in 160 pounds
this is true
being a normal weight will get you backhanded compliments like "they need to eat a sandwich' or 'you're all skin and bones' like no im the normal one, you're the unhealthy one here
my bmi is 18.8 (healthy bordering on underweight)
My BMI is 22.7 but I want to lose about 10 more lbs.
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im underweight
looks good, but try this
add chocolate chips and make drop cookies
Of course. They'll just have the next jeet wash it out and continue on.
>The ones we have here on TFW or student visas are unironically too dumb to work at McD's. They need coaching on the most basic tasks.
I've had a few friends who have worked at Timmies throughout the years. Some from when they used to actually do their own baking on site. They've all said that it's for retarded people who don't know English now. All they do is open boxes of frozen doughnuts, and put them on trays, then press the button on the oven that looks like the doughnuts that need to be cooked.
Tim Hortons died twice. Once when Burger King bought them, and a second time when they jeet'd their staff.
Considering the RCMP warning the government about civil unrest, when we finally realize how fucked we are? Soon enough, I'd imagine.
I never understood the idea why people go to bars to meet romantic partners
Like I understand the idea is "just because someone is at a bar doesn't mean they're a bad person" but is the clientele of a fucking bar really the romance roulette wheel that you want to spin
five nine. i'm the skelly. actually, come to think of it, skeletor was pretty beefy. his face was burned off. i'm just some random video game skeleton haha
look, just take my arrows so that tutorial message will go away, okay?
I'm a healthy BMI, university graduate, my parents loved each other, I have a strong work ethic, and I'm still a failure.
There's nothing elite here.
people go to bars because they like drinking and talking.
meeting women is just an incidental activity
they said they would pay me today and they didnt fucken pay me bros.
You sound like a cute twink redditor, Im 5'7 and would dominate the fuck out of you
I keep getting told I'm too skinny and they act offended when I tell them I'm at a healthy weight and I'd be overweight if I gained weight
i have not seen one cinnamoroll post yet and its 4pm can someone check on spinster she might have ODed
i think my amount of body hair would kill whatever fantasies you're entertaining.
ive seen some slav kids around here in the pnw. they look very young but im shit at judging peoples age. they could be 14 or 24.
whats it to you if they dont want to get blown up in a war they dont agree with
sounds nice
>instead of just being a naturally cold room in the basement, like their parents and grandparents had.
Mine had a root cellar too, but the entrance was its own little building outside
It's still there but now it's just used for storing lawncare
probably wageing? does she even work?
Why are you using cuck metrics
Why are 80% of my countrymen borderline nonfunctional retards
she got icked by the talk of gorilla grip
Why are they "cucked"
what's wrong?
people love them, and then they say why didn't I ever think of this

I also freeze butterfinger cookies, then scrape the chocolate off, crush them with rolling pic in a zip-lock, then add the little chunks to snickerdoodle but I don't roll them in cinnamon only sugar
>but the entrance was its own little building outside
Like you see in movies, where they have to go into the basement during a tornado?
I think more people should do gardening and canning.
Thinking I should apply for housing assistance. Can't stand these loud relatives
post new NOW
Because only cucked self hating Americans go out of their way to use non american metric
Why? It's a compliment
5'11 ~165lbs im doing fine, I'm skinnyfat dadbod with a huge chest since i started lifting.

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