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I love bureaucracy edition

OLD: >>203759016
тихo зигъp
8 for new beginning
se nauchix da govorim balgarski ezik, e mnogo prost, samo trebax da se prochita neko kolichestvo na postite od bugarite i vech ga dobro znam
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(Verse 1)
Stab thinks he's a king,
Skopje streets he’ll swing.
Talks of string and spies,
Hits diana, no goodbyes.
In Bardovici, he's locked tight,
Still claims he's always right.

(Church Chorus)
"I don’t care about politics,
I’m not mad, no tricks.
Not like Boon, who’s insane,
A Turk in Germany’s lane,
Thinks he’s Greek, full of lies,
But I’m sane, open your eyes."

(Verse 2)
Parents beg him, “Why?”
He just laughs and denies.
In his mind, he’s still free,
Lost in ancient history.

(Church Chorus)
"I don’t care about politics,
I’m not mad, no tricks.
Not like Boon, who’s insane,
A Turk in Germany’s lane,
Thinks he’s Greek, full of lies,
But I’m sane, open your eyes."

Stab won’t change, it’s clear,
His mind’s stuck, year to year.

(Church Chorus)
"I don’t care about politics,
I’m not mad, no tricks.
Not like Boon, who’s insane,
A Turk in Germany’s lane,
Thinks he’s Greek, full of lies,
But I’m sane, open your eyes."
нeмa дa имaт и пeт'cтин глaca
нe мoгaт дaжe дa шилвaт кaктo тpябвa
дa бяхa шилвaли бeзycлoвния дoхoд пoвeчe, пoлoвин милиoн тaпaкa щяхa дa ce хвaнaт пoнe
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>Residents of Krasnoyarsk complain that they cannot poop because they have no electricity, water or heating.

umri mama ti deeba turskiq 4ervei pedermish mirizliv
da ne si gi obarkal s eno drugo БCДД
sichko zrozumix
em to i tuk she e taka skoro
>tok? ot turciq/romania ako ima pari
>voda? haha i sega nema
>darva? mangojerry veche gi e otrezal s rezachkata
и двeтe ca c нeкoлкo хиляди глaca
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found our boy
polubrainian sitting out here reading every hohol article
I literally don't care about H

at all
пpякo пyпyпипи
2021: 3000 глaca
2022: 4000 глaca
2024: 5000 глaca
Went to sleep, you here?
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H is like N
вaжнo e кoй бpoи глacoвeтe, тъпo гoвeдo пpocтo
>a-a-aмa ний ни мoйм дyкoпaми cyбcидия дaжи щoтyyy лoшити чичкyфци ни къcaт бюлитинити!
He ми дpeмe гpaм зa пoдчoвeцитe глacyвaщи и пoдчoвeцитe yпpaвлявaщи. Tъпoтo cтaдo зacлyжaвa cтpигaнe и пocлe нa пъpжoли и шишoвe.
the VR future
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>He ми дpeмe гpaм зa пoдчoвeцитe глacyвaщи и пoдчoвeцитe yпpaвлявaщи. Tъпoтo cтaдo зacлyжaвa cтpигaнe и пocлe нa пъpжoли и шишoвe.
I idea for a virtual pet like that. You see normal with only the pet being VR.
Did you hear about that PKK attack in Turkiye

Turks need to give Kurdistan independence so all this mindless violence ceases
turks are evil
they created bulgaria, too
Israel tryina divert attention from they own genociding "look at Turkiye, they even worse than us"
That's only half the equation. The other half is Russia. In the words of a very wise programmer, Bulgaria is Russian seed in a Turkish field.
>A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.
Sorry krasnopidor you shall not enter
no I changed my mind it was turkey solely
how do you know he's not eleventh gen?
Because his father left him with his whore mother he's 1st gen pure bastard. Much like mangal his father killed himself when he saw what a gay roach his son was. Pidor senior was too cowardly and just ran away
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love when i find a cool song with less than 100 views on jewtube, makes me feel like i have refined tastes n shit
polugrainian projecting his family issues yet again
timmyfication happens when the father is present but passive
fatherless niggas become violent criminals and spread their seed early on
>Much like mangal his father killed himself when he saw what a gay roach his son was.
Mhm you wanna spew this nonsense in front of me little bro?
Бpoй ми кypa: eдин e и e в гъзa ти.
Uga bugar.
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I have been laughing for the last 5 minutes and nearly died of suffocation
Look at how self-hating balkanoid animals are. I fucking hate Serbs.
Bro, are those DANISH children jumping into puddles like pigs? BASED.
>playing, Serbia
>being put in line like a fucking autistic robot, told to jump into a puddle and get back into the line to do it again
>poorer than Nips
How did things get so bad?
As a kid no one had to keep us in line and tell us to jump into puddles you'd naturally get dirty by playing football or something, there wasn't a government puddle jumping quota.
Balkanoids should be GENOCIDED (everyone except the non self-hating ones).
>lil blud fr spammin the wrong general
Common serb L
Never going to post in that loser general. This is the real forum of /int/.
das jus niggas with pretty wypipo syndrome
no one gives a shit when brownoids jump in the mud
when ypipo dirty themself it makes browns feel seen and recognized, which is why blacked is so huge
Albovlack lets make a plan how do we move in Las Vegas?
yeah he's a violent homosexual bbc spammer bastard that nobody not even his own father wants, he was conceived in the back alley of some heroin den his mother cries every day he is a neet schizo retard seething all day that he's in mongolia and not in the eu, same with mangalroach his father straight up croaked while his mother fled as far as she could from that ugly homosexual faggot retard, if tomorrow any of them dies the few people that know them will sigh in relief, say it isnt so
did the H front move again or something
Please carpet nuke this country.
And then you complain about self-hating Balkaners, interesting...
genocide all non self hating ones instead
I don't hate them on national basis though.
>mindbroken by nordics jumping on a puddle
compose your brown ass, cunt
The Balkans will be a world superpower by 2040
The balkans are the world super power right now.When we export every single poorfag and gyppo we will be ultra powers.
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No John, you are the poorfag gypsies.
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My father croaked because he had a heart attack, nigger from his stressful job and probably some liver problems. My mom never left me, I'm seeing her in 2 months and she can't wait to see me. I worked abroad because in Jew York you can't get hired without employment experience which I now have enough of. And I'm not ugly either. Just ungroomed. You won't post what you look like though because your garbage genetic quality will be obvious from your facial aesthetics.

Say this shit in front of me and I swear I will stick my blade up your ass, but again you are lucky that you are behind a computer screen. You little fuck. You post your location and I will be anywhere in the country within three hours and will beat you with a cold steel bat until you can only eat food through a straw, pussy motherfucker.
no one cares, faggot
it's like a pajeeta seething at men giving a pretty white woman millions of views for filming herself eating curry sloppa

yes, she makes it look pretty cos she's pretty
yes, it's more interesting because she doesn't have to do it
>no one cares about you
>That's why i'm talking shit about you
Again, post your location. Or if you'd like I'll tell your mine. Peshtersko Shose blvd. You want the exact details, give me a call and I'll give you the building number as well. You wanna talk shit in the safety of your own home, you little pussy? Why don't you come outside and say your words to my face, or are you gonna close your big mouth and go hide with your tail between your legs like every little bitch talking shit on the internet?
the fuck would you do in vegas? go get a green card first, try registering for the diversity visa

you will eat the armpit kefte saar or you will offend me
indian immune system superpower 2030
based mango calling out polubrainian with apestraction theory
That's why Indians are healthy unlike Serbs!
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>reddit roach when polubeastnian appears
tourist videos about india ive seen all told me to avoid the streetfood and the tapwater and to bring diarrhea pills lmao
True, but that does not mean they don't have fancy restaurants and hotels.
he's a pussy scared of your makarov
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I should add another column to the migration table
kinda funny germany is so highly ranked despite me having almost no desire to go there
I wouldn't ever fuck polubranian or any NATO aligned scum. They are all without exception weak men. That's why he goes and gossips like a fucking foid but is unable to back up his words with actions. A fucking cockroach.

Call me a faggot as you like, but since it is my sexuality to be attracted to dominance and strength, I can smell weak men and pussies from miles away.

He doesn't even post his face, yet calls me ugly. Typical insult of a nu-male, like a woman they place their values in looks. Yet he is unable to show us what he looks like because his face will emanate low testosterone.
>I wouldn't ever fuck polubranian or any NATO aligned scum.
I should add an albo presence col, that will lower germany
It's insane how many of them are still moving out in droves, jeet-tier.
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Kill yourself
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wallah, re-ordered

it's cancer
I ask them where they're going so I can avoid those countries
Yet again another NATO aligned freak who insults people on the internet but is too pussy to resolve their issues IRL. Calls me faggot, yet deep throats American cock and bends over to faggot interests and allow homo-marriage in his country.
Зигъpcкия пeдaл и тypcкия пeдaл AХAAAХAХA
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>Зигъpcкия пeдaл и тypcкия пeдaл
You look like Ioan Asan's son
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>yet deep throats American cock and bends over to faggot interests and allow homo-marriage in his country.
>im totally not a homosexual
>Ioan Asan
Together we can rob banks and live in a kino turbo capitalism frenetic society
Nigga I am openly homo, that doesn't mean I bow down and cuck to foreign rulers that bombed my country 80 years ago like these faggots do. Nor do I talk shit about people from the safety of my computer.
Nvm I thought that was I.
Ивaн Aceн II
kill yourself ammazzati tuez-toi omoară-te mátate se mata tibi occide töte dich selbst zabij się zabij se ubijte se pleeg zelfmoord kendini öldür is dilo magpakamatay ka bunuh dirimu giết bạn Убeй ceбя вбий ceбe αυτοκτονα अपने आप को मार डालो 杀死你自己 自殺する მოიკლა თავი uպանել քեզ ինքներդ ձեզ قتل نفسك
Evet, amk ibne
You will NOT insult Dear Daddy
Ben bile ibneyim ama sen benden daha çok kıç yalıyorsun.
polubumian is so much of a pussy he wont meet bumgal irl

pathetic scared raggedy bitch
No but he will file reports to DANS because he feels threatened.
Insane the amount of heeming power foids have when calling out non-masculine behavior
Relax nigga that was me not him. I do in fact have a buddy in DANS but never done shit. I doubt he could do anything either with the compartmentalized bs they have, he would just redirect me to the tip page.
I don't like snitches
do they give you a tip if you tip?
Haydi ibneeeee cancel your ticket to America and renounce the citizenship, poooooooooorfag
He always laughs when he talks about the tip system and how niggas will walk over each other to snitch and do each other dirty. For some investigations you don't need investigative work, niggas volunteer everything just to spite some nigga.
DANS ain't done anything of worth since its inception. They produce essays in tune with our NAFO agenda and give the ministers a yearly summary that basically reads "nothing ever happens" or "it's a nothingburger".
The fact that I'm poor is the reason I'm not afraid to break your skull and do a couple years. Free shelter and free bum sex. Prison sounds like a paradise to me. You have more to lose, which means you have more fear.
I'm a paranoid motherfucker.
>day 4 of no stab show
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>yes yes we are completely powerless trust us goy
they exist to act on CIA tips, obviously. probably compromised up the ass with foreign groomed assets as well should they ever step out of line
they have US feds directly cooperating with them and tipping them about moles within their own ranks, it's pretty sad
Didn't read, kill yourself
Some poorshit greek forks out 0.5% of his salary to buy 1 twitch sub for €5 when it only costs 2 usd in serbia and montenegro.
Lmao imagine getting cucked like that.
>Didn't read, kill yourself
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why are amerikkkan's like this
if you live in a country where the best of your niggas can be bought with a fucking visa or an ivy league admittance it's fucking over
What do you call it when a DANS nigga gets a promotion
A glow up
bulgarians are literally terrified of
>gay american skinny manlet
now imagine if they met me
>straight macedonian skinnyfat average sized person

cum would leak from their assholes as they shart their pants loool
tutorial country that shits out money thinks visas aren't a big deal
How tall are you?
DANSing with the Stars
You're right. And mangusta's also right. I got shit to lose nigga ain't no way I'm meeting an AIDS carrier terrorist mf with a gun. My brown ass owns a crib, I'm stayin in and doin NOTHIN.
181 if not hunchbacked
lanklet king, you suffer
Nigga you barely have 5cm over me. Who younfucken callen manlet
I indeed suffer because everyone nowadays is taller than that including womanoids
also hunchbacking drops it down to like 178 so it's over basically
178 is still too tall, I have to bend to reach sinks made for tiny malnourished boomers
being 170 would be better
>wikipedia is still begging for shekels
>I indeed suffer because everyone nowadays is taller than that including womanoids
In Russia? Cap.
bro if I was any shorter I'd have to buy pants at kids stores
they spent all their money on awards for themselves and trips to the maldives bro, they need your help

who cares?
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Can't find this mememoon clip of him saying "sometimes in life you just gotta bitch out"
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Good afternoon all balk bros (and sisters), i hope you have a wonderful day!
I come to ask:
What is the best region in your country?
And which is the worst part of your country?
>best region
the border station
>worst region
the country
Sveti Vlas
Probably around Vasil Kolarov dam
>nigga thought he was on reddit
Redditor selyak from Velingrad take.
Sandanski has much nicer hoters and spas, and the town is not a fucking boring selo like Velingrad.
>best region
whichever ones were under italy or austria the longest
whichever ones werent under either
Im from fotinovo
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jews are based because they humiliate christimmies who wont stop rimming kosher anuses regardless of what they do or say
You are 100% homosexual nobody has those words in their vocabulary you are 100% gay
sweaty I'm one of like 3 to 5 people who actually had sex with a woman in here
but women are pretty gay yeah
nqma smisla da se zhivee
how are ssris making you more depressed nigga
Trans women are real women yeah
Bumgal bvll exposing Polukrainian for being a bitch is not something I expected to happen
im actually way less depressed than usually and I just see the sense of life rationally rather than through emotions
and logically speaking, life makes no sense, hence my sentence
Life only makes sense in butifel Skoplje
tell me about some new interesting constructions in Skopje/Macedonia. Or anything new and interesting from Macedonia, I haven't followed the news in the Balkans for a long time as I was focused on other countries more.
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average southron
screencapping this to dans rn
>Only now heading home
Too focused on baiting Pajeets about Pakistan?
You are brown
Anyone here who considers himself superior to me?
>tfw you will never drive a fico on the streets of 1970s Skopje from your factory to your newly assigned commieblock flat where your wife and 2 children are waiting with dinner for their beloved dad
sometimes i do that but they started ignoring me too often
but at least i learnt quite a lot about Pakistan and India in the process
wagieing for the sake of his benefactor's reputation will whiten his soul
Why are tatars here not using their EU passport?
If i was a tatar, i'd be abroad at Germany, Netherlands, Malta getting my degree to get an actual career going while working part time and fucking pale angels
I wish I were an Albanian bvll in the public sector going home at 13:00
You are superior to me because you sit like an effendi and eat whilst I wageslave like a cuckold
just get pasosh bro

I consider myself superior to everyone
May God bless you with 100 million Euro, so you never have to work like a doulos again.

Classic xNTJ delusion

What makes you superior to me.
Your posterior is inferior in relation to everyone('s cocks)
Imagine, the natoid bugar could just buy a plane ticket to Barcelona or the south of France, instantly find a job and enroll in a top 5% world class univerity free of charge while timmydonians will rot it their commie flat their share with their parents working a dead end job for the rest of their lives
Unironically thinking about enrolling in a master's program in Germany so I can sit like an effendi and eat on my parents' and the German taxpayer's dole
How far is your doner shop from stuttgart bro? Will you let me stay there and work as overnight security if i decide to come and study there?
You can live in my home, if you bring me a Christian virgin girl for marriage.
life in eastern Europe has already become quite good, there's no need to emigrate abroad

i make 1.800 eur/net here just working in an office
because I am me and you are you

incomprehensible crypto-bumgarian post

germany is shit bro, go to norway or something
What metrics do you use?
mg/dl of insulin
We live in a cruel world where whites live in shitholes and niggers make million by rapping about crimes.

I am the solution and God is my guide.
I don't want to rot in my 20s in an ugly city with low IQ people bro
Currently working towards a meme degree and consider filpping the table and starting anew in the west, i can always return and settle down here when my parents die or move out
I'd also like to fuck a differnt twink or a tranny every week
nothing to do with salary, even with 5k a month I'd refuse to stay in this shithole
any news on stab?
come on?
Dont you stay at home a lot anyway?
bros, you live in literally one of the best places in Europe, always warm, full of sun, with great cuisine, music and culture
if i had enough passive income to keep my standard of living, i'd move to your countries in a heartbeat
boon wheres stab? what happened to him?
let's switch places bro

nothing is sold here, nothing works
even staying at home is sub optimal and going outside instantly reminds you of kabul
Bodied that incel
Lets go to Vegas dude
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>let's switch places bro
you wouldn't survive a week here with our weather and most importantly - cloudy sky
sunhumans like you should be shot
the ideal weather is subzero temperature and permanent cloud cover
catty foids b hatin each other like that

>tryina scare a doggo away by wavin salami
it has no future and its filled with 82iq subhumans bro
Ideal weather:

Warm summer day
I noticed I have a fetish for women with lots of gum
if you dont tell me were stab is im gonna cast a greek spell on all of you
>nigga sneakily watched some scary movie as a kid and still carries his trauma with him
you asked for it motherfcuerks

Ικαί Κάλλιστος Ιχθύς Βαθύς Ουρανός Οδός Νόστος
ᗯάγος Ηώς Ρᾶ Ενυαλίῳ Στίλβων
Σταγείῳ Τάρταρον Αὔρα Βαθυσκάφειον
nah, no one really likes cold weather unironically
then you can appear smart among them, that's an advantage
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I will move to northern sweden and never see the summer again
If it was 2010 yea
okay, as you told me, i need more than 100k to buy a normal apartment in Albania so it will take me like 5 years i guess (i already have 50k)
It's more of an autism vs popular people thing bro
have you never heard of mortgages?
I stumbled into a date that was not planned in a matter of 20 seconds.

This was really unexpected and I hope I can avoid this. I feel really awkward now.
im not going to put a rope around my neck
What's that bro
german call center status?
actually you put the rope around the property's neck, that's the whole point.
but you can rent it out and amortize some of the impact, and also remortgage it later
incels cannot comprehend the time value of money
>actually you put the rope around the property's neck, that's the whole point.
depends on a system, for example in Poland your financial obligation even with mortgage, still lies on you personally

so let's say you buy a house for 500k with mortgage, a crisis begins and the value of your house falls to 200k - you still owe 500k to the bank, so the bank will sell your property for 200k and you'll still have 300k in cash to pay
you declare bankruptcy
Can someone make a thread for me on /pol/
jesus boon, stop begging you pathetic little fat poor shitskin.

go get me stab and ill make a thread for you
no such crisis will ever happen short of a global cataclysm, in which case you will have way bigger problems than your finances.
it literally happened in 2009 lol
no bro the world will collapse and housing prices will drop -80% and the bank will for some reason demand early redemption of your mortgage because they hate interest payments
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i don't really understand finances
i keep all my savings in state bonds, they pay me 6%/year and are seen as fairly safe
yes, I know you are dumb
Sure bro
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Hey Krasnoburyatsk when you go to your cuckshed dacha do you shit in a hole in the ground?
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Why aren't politicians acting on jeet and nigger scammers?

I get called every week and dailyy spam mails from their shitholes.
working out in the rain, im literally berserk guts rn
300 seconds bro
Piss and shit be upon the owner of this site
2008 was bank fraud and irresponsible 80iq retards ODing on easy loans, and paycheck to paycheck niggas getting culled along the way. but even then the value only fell like 10 to 20%, and god knows how much of that was swayed by places like california where richfag mansions go for deranged prices even to this day.
If you're worried about shit then just leave a good safety margin instead of hanging on by the skin of your teeth
ok bro
but even stupid people have an innate right to happy life in a sunny country
nah bro, i don't need that, i just need to save money for the next 5 years and i should have 100k in cash which will be enough for me
im a very frugal and cautious person
by then prices will be 150k since the airport will be finished
bro, you're being obstinate. life ain't infinite, getting today what you would have tomorrow is the name of the game. ain't neither virtue nor comfort in being sluggish.
what industry does bulgaria operate its economy on?
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you don.t wanna know...
Thanks bro. May God protect you from all dark skinned scammers.
The yogurt industry.
Never been called by one bro
Don't think this country is profitable enough for them
there are two known bulgarian products i know
it's sparkling water and rose water
and dmitri berbatov!
three days ago, berbatov came to south korea for the football match
i'll beat the fuck out of you like its nothing
i don't like taking risk
that's why im an incel, ive never asked a girl out because i couldn't risk being rejected
well maybe when you mortgage a house you can also ask a girl out on the way
two birds one stone, get on it
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If you were attractive you wouldn't be taking a 'risk'in the first place.
riskphobia = stunted fool, one way or another
Another piece of bluepilled bullshit I SHANT bother to deboonk.
the world is full of dimwitted serial sexhavers even more insufferable than incels, there is no shortcut to excellence without passing through the gauntlet
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you can't move anywhere in yurope without brownoids, I'll really have to escape to japan...
>has studied national security & defense
>has company tailored to services and assistance of rich people
>investors from UK
>Jewish Bulgarian
>Promoted on Jewish Bulgarian economic forum
>"Owner" a 25 year old 9/10
How not suspicious at all
>well maybe when you mortgage a house you can also ask a girl out on the way
i already have my own apartment bro
true overall but some people say redpill makes sense anyway so it's possibly worth trying
okay, meet me in peshtersko shose blvd im the twink with the gun
just move to some backwater skatahole within a nation you like, for example if you wanted to move to the UK you should pick shetland which is less than 1% non white and has your ideal weather
you got gay nigga raped as a kid bro? sorry, didn't know that about you
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the UK is kinda mid desu, I don't even have it on the list at all
like you'd have to waste 5 years to get citizenship and then you're still stuck in a dying nanny state full of indians
you could move here if only it wasn't so cold...
The fuck does that mean retard? As if intelligence or even 'risk-taking' has anything to do with the ability to get fucking pussy. The kind of nigga too afraid to talk a bitch is the kind who would upon speaking to one: be given a look of actual disgust. Trained like Pavlov's dogs to not want to bother trying in the first place.

Aren't you the nigga who talked shit about 'dating' in the first place? As if the fucking song and dance jestermaxxing bullshit needed to woo a hole for the average normalfag is anything other that a byproduct of dating culture.

You wanna talk about risk? I'll tell you about risk. Go to a fucking village and drag a bitch out of her home by the hair and keep her locked in your basement. THAT is fucking risk. Not your fucking gynocentric mating rituals. She will probably love you more than any cock-dancer considering it's programmed into her fucking DNA.

Keep these fucking normalfag takes on Twitter or whatever the fuck it's called today or crawl back into whatever hole you came from.

What a stupid looking nigger
how can i be stupid if i mastered bulgarian language in 2 days
More pussy, iphones and height than you
Funny to me how your incel ass doesn't even consider just getting married and receiving citizenship in 6 months in whichever country you want
yмpи вeчe тypcкa гнидo
cancer, what's the point of retirement if I have to put up with another person
Tell me how mommy hurt you sweaty
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the fuck would I want a bitch in the basement for? and the fuck would I care for a woman's love? risk has to be modulated by reward, obviously, otherwise it's just deranged.
And dimwitted means insufferable insipid NPC that you write off from your mindspace the nanosecond after encounter. I wasn't necessarily even talking about chads, chads tend to instinctively seek their risk one way or another no matter how many women throw themselves at them. I was more talking about pathological people with early exposure issues, those are the ones having the most sex if that is to be the metric by which to measure a person's worth.
zashto me zovesh turska gnida ako ne sam turcin i nivga ne sam bel vo Turciq
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you think about my mother more than I do
hmmm avoidant due to trauma
Aericans go to mexico and thailand for basic health care because they cant afford shit
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so true!
>No ENTJ on the graph
>the fuck would I want a bitch in the basement for?
Is this a fucking joke dumbass? You know what bride kidnapping and stockholm syndrome is don't you? You are the one catering to foid ego whereas I am showing you the reality sans female-centric dating ritual.
>And dimwitted means insufferable insipid NPC
And? Who the fuck cares? The content of the discussion is sex. Women don't care about your personality they care how you fucking look. Why are you bringing this into the discussion at all? It has no relevancy.
women seethe at dismissive avoidants because we don't care
it's horrible, they blame us because they're clingy insecure anxious worms that need constant validation
I didn't ask for your traumadump bro
I'm copy pasting this directly from womantok
The incel that wrote that has mommy issues like you
it was written by femoids complaining doe
U gon see whe he buys another apartment and starts busting nuts in hs sluts
>women seethe
they don't care about us at all
Touch mom bro
I already have to put up with her hugs when I go back, yuck

they care when you don't care
apparently it's insulting
if I can stockholm syndrome someone then so can anyone else. it's no different than wooing really, just a lot more high effort and risk for the same reward. true loyalty has to transcend circumstance, some would even call it irrational, and women are simply not biologically capable of such insanity. seeing as it's absurd to expect loyalty from women, the next best thing is professional subordinacy. A glorified maid and caretaker really. The risk in question? getting married and staking half your wealth on it, in addition to potential psychological damage should you get cucked and broken up ugly.
>who cares about dimwittery
I do. who care about women?
I seek to live among extraordinary people and not dimwitted simps
momki kazhite mi sichko shto znaete za balgariq jer e mi postala interesna
Russian sperm in Turkish soil
kako da se preselim na balgariq
I made like 200$ on crypto so I just ordered even more a bunch of minis to paint for this autumn
based gambler
non-chads don't exist to them
they seethe at dismissive chads, or if they actively sought out slave labor from a non-chad and he refused, which is a minor inconvenience fixed by slave #142941 while now in addition to being non-chad you are also branded as useless
>it's no different than wooing really
The fuck you mean it's not different? If you have to 'convince' a woman to love you then it's already fucking over for you. Beating someone into submission is something else entirely. The latter, mind you leads to more successful marriages.
>and women are simply not biologically capable of such insanity
Haha, yes they are. This is another cope created by bluepilled retards such as you.
>le women can't love ackshully.
No women can't love (YOU) actually. If you were the right guy she would give you an arm and leg to make you hers. The fact that alpha widows don't love their betabux husbands ain't my fucking problem nor a contradiction.
>I care about dimwittery
Nigga shut the fuck up this isn't the topic of discussion. Polak is saying he is too afraid to talk to women and you are giving him reddit advice. Talking about simps, yet telling this motherfucker to try to woo women.

No self awareness on this nigga. Unreal.
you could 3d print your shit and get a versatile skill out of it, instead you throw shekels at GW's slop
balk is full of chads bro, maybe you're confused with some other general
we know all about slutwhores here
I just started out to be honest and buying a 3d resin printer and fucking around with it is not an option for now, possibly in the future
Invest half of it bro
any news?
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a more current issue foids have is with going on a date and being "talked at", meaning the chad was talking about himself and not giving a shit about her (because he is higher value)
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on a personal level I do not believe in investment, either I will end up in uniform with a gun in my hand listening for the zzzzzzzing of a drone or this country (after a chain reaction from the outside) will collapse and I do not plan on running away, so either way money wont mean anything by then

also I got about 350 dollars in APU at the moment, waiting for another roided up monkey wifebeater like mcgregor go start yelling at some public event for it to go up
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Who is the guy NIGGA
Give me a name
actually I was advising him not to sit on 50k like a retard, that other thing was just a side joke you fucking autist. I would never tell anyone to talk to girls, don't even look their way would be more my style.
you keep speaking with a language of a mistreated puppy. I don't require a woman's love. don't get me wrong, love is good for the soul, that being transcendental love of course and not circumstantial lust, and they can and should love. but though it may serve them that does nothing for me personally. what I need is a helper who's not gonna be having estrogenic episodes daily and being a high maintenance slob.
buy IKB
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Gaydolf Onetesticular
that gay tho, you're blogposting to a woman?
longest time preference balkmun
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>that other thing was just a side joke you fucking autist
Sorry my darling sweetie pie I was joking too.

>I don't require a woman's love.
Name of the JEW NIGGA
Imagine a society where you can 3D print your own children and live with a robo waifu
Would you eat at a jeet place? Its close to me but people say asians are all dirty
You are dirty tho
this kills the femoid
Let's print money. How difficult could it be.
So long as printing new money is also accompanied by a proportionate increase in the amount of goods and services you will be totally fine.
Spending 40 years figuring out how to print free money is better than spending 40 years wagecucking.
*schnapp* ooooooh look at zis, ve have zugcessfully cancelled casch money! vot are you going so zo, little dzerbian boy? NOSSING!
>Spending 40 years figuring out how to print free money
Um, I can tell you how but you wouldn't want to do it anyway.
I have
Pretty good slop unironically
just learn to code bro
balkmuns is the type of niggas to be on they deathbead thinking of schemes instead of working
Is this the german who left this shitskin magnet?
the prototypical balkmun is incapable of even devising a five year plan, let alone actually following it through
>five year
We used to hang you damn reds.
yes, and look where it got you...
commies failed because they liberalized, and refused to do whatever it took to reform the economy
crackas be the type of crackas to be workin on they deathbed
>if USSR funded internet and managed the economy from the single supercomputer they wouldn't collapse bro
>he thinks albovlach supports ussr
>he thinks ussr collapsed
Zoomer moment
>he thinks ussr collapsed
It did.
Nah nigga they just opened up their markets
if I was a party member I'd support it, I'm not so I'm against it
centralization is the only way to quickly develop by guiding the economy however

yes, the main issue was incapability to properly measure inputs and outputs, shitty inventory keeping due to widespread corruption, incapable fossilized political class that refused to automate due to widespread loss of support by the bureaucracy, overspecialization in military goods due to the cold war
stocks are traded by bots 99% of the time today, the market is just computers buying and selling
migrate >>203797771
>yes, the main issue was incapability to properly measure inputs and outputs
That's not the reason why it 'collapsed' either. You are like a little baby.

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