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praxis edition

OLD: >>203781912
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>praxis edition
Funny, commies bitch and moan about "white terror" all the time.
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I ran out of ideas
it's probably good bait tho
>our turn
for what? kys yourselves?lol
God tier bait.
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Drinking tranny piss
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thanks bro
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The only communist troon here is myself and I'm probably also the chuddiest person in the general.
so true sis! the fact that you'd be the first to be shot is irrelevant
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The one thing communists got right is anti-capitalist sentiment. You’d all follow me because you know I’m right.
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>chuddy communist
no such thing
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>the fact that you'd be the first to be shot
By who?
>if you support economic planning you must love niggers and jews and women!
Insane that westoids believe this shit
anyway, let's bait mango now

the top left :^)

they're pretty dumb

did you have an actual point there, or was that just a desperate attempt at a snide remark?
the inability to measure inputs and outputs effectively is precisely one of the reasons why central planning in the USSR failed
you can wave your hands all you want, but when you're dealing with an economy as vast and complex as a superpower's, accurate data and efficient logistics are critical
if you want to pretend otherwise, that's fine
something tells me you're going to struggle to explain how an economy that couldn’t even distribute bread properly wasn't crippled by its inability to manage resources
Wtf did that monkey really hit the sleeping Albanian with a stick??
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>chuddy communist
That’s a Nazi, sweety.
>the top left
The graph is bullshit anywah and measuring 'authoritarian' on a scale is retarded.

>the inability to measure inputs and outputs effectively is precisely one of the reasons why central planning in the USSR failed
No it isn't and the USSR's economy wasn't centrally planned at all.

>did you have an actual point there,
Sigh, excuse me for 10 minutes while I pull up a newspaper from 1919.
>if I don't like non-whites I have to bend over to Krupp and IG Farben
eh, did you just claim the USSR's economy wasn't centrally planned? that's like saying water isn't wet if you're going to deny something universally recognized, at least bring some actual evidence
maybe that 1919 newspaper you're about to dig up will reveal that Stalin was secretly a free-market enthusiast I'll wait
you're trying to make this sound like some obscure topic that only you, the enlightened one, can grasp
it's a classic tactic
explain how a system that set production quotas for everything from wheat to steel, dictated what factories produced, and controlled prices across the board wasn't centrally planned or are you going to tell me the Ministry of Economic Development was just a friendly suggestion box?
any sign of our king?
what do Albanians think about communism in their country, Albania tried to go its own way and I feel like it's largely ignored and little is known about peculiarities of your political and economic system. I only know there was a Polish communist fascinated with Albanian system who defected from communist Poland to Albania
still missing

the same as the rest of the east with their ostalgie
whats life being surrounded by hot blonde babes?
i see them here all the time during summer
>whats life being surrounded by hot blonde babes?

without SSRIs - pure suffering, just like licking candies through a paper

with SSRIs - i don't care, i have no sexual drive at all
>the same as the rest of the east with their ostalgie
i mean from the ideological point of view - do you think your system was somehow better than anyone else's?
great another loony for our bin
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you’re cute
Guess most of the people have decent lifes since i saw nobody incelwalking at 10pm outside but me
>eh, did you just claim the USSR's economy wasn't centrally planned?
>you're going to deny something universally recognized
It is recognized the layman. Not by any scholar, i.e me.
>at least bring some actual evidence
What you want a document that says: USSR is not le planned bros nevermind!
There is no single document that says this.

Rather you have to understand how the economy of the USSR operated.
USSR had no central planning, period. They had no vertical integration. Single American corporations had far more 'planning' than the whole of the USSR. Go actually get something made in the USSR and hold it in your hands. Try interchanging an SVT 40 magazine from Tula arms factory and one from Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. You're gonna have a bad time. With commodities like tractors the tooling would vary by the factory. There was no standardization in the USSR that you would see in a supposedly 'planned economy'. The whole point of a 'planned' economy is the efficient allocation of labour time and the reduction of waste in the form of labour hours. Plenty of labour was wasted in the USSR and the 'planners' made a note of this.

If you want a good book see pic related:

>you're trying to make this sound like some obscure topic that only you, the enlightened one, can grasp
Yes because very few people do, much less are interested in doing the reading.
>maybe that 1919 newspaper you're about to dig up will reveal that Stalin was secretly a free-market enthusiast
No it will just show in an easily digestible poignant way why the USSR will collapsed written for the common people.

Now hold on a second because I was too busy replying to you.

I'm not dying for your business interests little bro no matter how much flag worship and wheatfields you show me.
more than 10 minutes passed, so I'm claiming victory by forfeit
another chud rejected with facts and logic
>The developed and conscious proletariat is shouting "Long live Lenin!", thinking that they are shouting "Long live socialism!". They do not realize that they are actually crying "Down with socialism!". The false shepherds are deceiving the masses, who are ready to swear by and die for the new and distant ideals, believing that what has been established in Russia is socialism. This is a colossal lie! The government which has been established in Russia is only a fraction of the socialist party. The proletariat in Russia is labouring just as before, and they are being exploited just as before... We understand perfectly well that some writers coming from bourgeois circles have sympathy for Communism. In Russia there is a State, a Government, an order, a bureaucracy, a police force, militarism and hierarchies. But socialism is not to be found. There is not even the beginnings of socialism; there is nothing resembling a socialist regime. Leninism is the perfect negation of socialism. It is the government of a new caste of politicians. That is why it is very difficult to find apologists of Leninism among the talking heads of Russian and Western socialism. The most violent reactions against Leninism did not come from the bourgeois, but from the very men who fought and suffered for the redemption of the working masses. These men are Plekhanov, the master of the Russian Marxists, and Kropotkin, the apostle of anarchy. The demolition of the Leninist methods of government is not the work of the Times, but of an Axelrod, leader of the Russian Socialist Revolutionary Party; Vasilii Sukhomlin, long-time collaborator of Avanti!

>The manifesto of the Russian workers' party and the Menshevik socialists were not printed by Corriere della Sera, but by Critica Sociale . They were not invented by us "renegades" - who in this case (strange, but true!) Are defending socialism! - the pages of Bernstein, Kautsky, Eisner, Troelstra, Branting and countless other socialists, who took sides against this caricature of 'socialism' which took place between Petrograd and Moscow. Totomianz, veteran of Russian cooperatives, who in the latest issue of the Social Criticism by Filippo Turati, prints these eloquent words:

"In the end, the Bolsheviks have created not a true democracy, but the name of the mob, an ochlocracy that does not stop in front of any terrorist means in a war of extermination against the bourgeoisie and intellectuals."

>Countless times, and especially since the Bern congress, we have produced irrefutable documents of the true nature of the Russian regime. Who does not remember Alexeyev's letter and that of Plekhanov's widow? We reaffirm that Leninism has nothing to do with socialism, yet the official Italian socialists, with threatening shouts, are calling for aid to save Russia. But Russia does not need to be saved, because it is in no danger whatsoever.

>Whoever supports Bolshevism—get it right in your head, my dear proletariat!—it is not through the strength of the Russian people this regime survives, against which anarchists and social revolutionaries have repeatedly risen again, with attempts mercilessly suffocated in blood; who supports Bolshevism is not the famous 'red army' that exists on Trotsky's papers, not in reality. The newspaper Humanitè of May 30, bears the testimony of Mr. Paolo Birukov, who, speaking of the Red Army; in this and significant way expressed:

"The Russian people are peaceful, they hate the war today, like yesterday, as always and put up a fierce resistance against conscription."
>Other than the enthusiastic response to the mobilization orders, according to the "barkers" of the proletarian skulls of Italy. Mr. Birukov says something even more interesting.

"There are as many deserters in the Red Army as there were in the Army of the Czar . It happens that a regiment does not arrive at the designated stage because all the men have strayed along the way(...)"

>And is it this army of stragglers that stops Mannerheim and Kolkhak? Never again. If Petrograd (St. Petersburg) does not fall, if Denikin marks time, it is because the great Jewish bankers of London and New York so desire, linked up as they are by racial ties with the Jews who, in Moscow as in Budapest are taking revenge on the Aryan race which has condemned them to dispersion for so many centuries. In Russia 80% of the Soviet leaders are Jews. In Budapest 17 out of the 22 people's commissars are Jews. Might it not be that Bolshevism is the vendetta of Jewry against Christianity? It is a subject certainly worth pondering. It is entirely possible that Bolshevism will drown in the blood of a pogrom of catastrophic proportions. World finance is in the hands of the Jews. Whoever possesses the nations banks controls their politics. Behind the puppets of Paris stand the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Schiffs, the Guggenheims, who are of the same blood as the masters of St. Petersburg and Budapest. Race does not betray race. Bolshevism is defended by international plutocracy. That is the essential truth. International plutocracy, dominated and controlled by the Jews, has a supreme interest in hastening all of Russian life through its process of molecular disintegration to the point of paroxysm. A paralyzed Russia, disorganized and hungry, will tomorrow be the place where the bourgeoisie—yes the bourgeoisie, my dear proletarians—will celebrate its spectacular abundance.

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The USSR was socialist not communist. In 1958 they had a capitalist counter revolution that led to oligarchs controlling the country and people’s lives. Not that I care since I have distanced myself and want to create something new and more suitable for my people. The Soviet Union? Mao’s China? Everything outside my borders? Not my problem.
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The kings of gold believe that Bolshevism must live now, to better prepare the ground for the new business of capitalism. American capitalism has already obtained a great "concession" in Russia. But there are still mines, springs, lands, workshops, which are waiting to be exploited by international capitalism. This fatal stage in human history is not skipped, especially in Russia. It is useless, absolutely useless, for the advanced and even conscious proletarians to warm their heads to defend the Russia of the Soviets. The fate of Leninism does not depend on the proletariat of Russia or of France, much less that of Italy. Leninism will live for as long as the kings of finance so desire; it will die when the same kings of finance decide to kill it. The anti-Bolshevik armies, which from time to time are affected by a mysterious paralysis, will become simply overwhelming at a given time which will be chosen by the kings of finance. The Jews of the Soviets precede the Jews of the banks. The fate of St. Petersburg is not determined on the icy steppes of Finland, but in the banks of London, New York and Tokyo.

>To state that the international bourgeoisie now wants to destroy the Soviet Regime is to state a gross lie. If, tomorrow, the plutocratic bourgeoisie decides to destroy it, they will have no difficulty whatsoever because their "accomplices", the Leninists, already sit and work for them in the Kremlin.

—The Accomplices
Published in Il Popolo d'ltalia, June 4, 1919
so your argument boils down to "the USSR wasn't centrally planned because I said so, and also because they made shoddy products"? that's an impressive stretch, even by 4chan standards you've conflated poor execution and lack of standardization with the absence of central planning, which is just intellectually lazy
you're pointing to differences in factory output and standardization issues as proof, but all you've done is highlight one of the main flaws in their planning, not disprove its existence central planning doesn’t mean perfect standardization; it means central decision-making, which was very much present in the USSR, even if the execution was a disaster the fact that they wasted labor and resources only reinforces how poorly the system worked, not that it didn't exist
you’re also leaning hard on the "I'm a scholar, you're a layman" shtick, which just sounds like a fancy way to avoid providing real evidence I get it, you're trying to seem authoritative, but dismissing common knowledge without solid proof isn’t the intellectual flex you think it is
as for your attempt at a book recommendation, that's cute, but one book cover doesn’t magically rewrite decades of economic history so how about this: explain how Gosplan, the State Planning Committee, which was responsible for setting economic goals, production quotas, and resource allocation across the USSR, wasn't involved in central planning or were they just a group of friendly dudes making suggestions over tea?
I'll be here waiting for the next revisionist masterpiece

Part 1
>tatars are lying and making things up
so we're just throwing everything at the wall now?
you've dumped a lot of text, but most of what you're citing doesn't actually address the argument about central planning, and instead spirals off into rants about Jews and capitalism impressive how quickly you went from denying central planning to ranting about the Rothschilds, but none of that has anything to do with the reality of Soviet economic structure
it’s clear you're leaning on all this obscure historical noise because you're scrambling to avoid engaging with the actual points you bring up Mensheviks, anarchists, and even desertion rates in the Red Army
okay, cool story, but how does any of that prove the absence of central planning in the USSR? answer: it doesn’t
instead of throwing everything you can think of into a post to overwhelm the conversation, how about we stick to the central issue? prove to me that Gosplan wasn’t involved in setting production quotas, managing resource allocation, or controlling industrial output you can't, because it’s all well-documented
the fact that Leninism had flaws, that there were critics of the Bolsheviks, and that some opposed the system doesn’t negate the existence of central planning, it just highlights how badly it was implemented but sure, keep spamming, each irrelevant post just makes it clearer you’ve got nothing real to back up your claims

Part 2
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The principle remains the same: the current system is predatory and needs to be cast away. How other people, whom I have no authority over, do it is literally not my problem.
that GET checking bulgar is gonna lose his mind
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>The USSR was socialist not communist
Socialism and communism refer to the same thing. That Lenin came around and said that they are not in some propaganda leaflets doesn't mean they are not.
>In 1958 they had a capitalist counter revolution that led to oligarchs controlling the country and people’s lives
No, lol. The economy of the USSR functioned the same under Kruschev as it did under Stalin.

You cannot have a 'counter revolution' in the form of a mode of production lol. You can't pick up a gun and say "CAPITALISM NOW" lol.

Also fuck you for interrupting my flow.

>and also because they made shoddy products"
No, it wasn't centrally planned because firms competed with one another for a buyer. You cannot have 'buying and selling' in a planned economy. It's a contradiction in terms.
>it means central decision-making
Of which there was none. Mostly because 'central planning' is another contradiction in terms.

Papa stalin telling 5 different tractor manufacturers to 'make tractors' and then having 5 companies produce 5 completely different kinds of tractors isn't planning by the definition of the concept.

>gosplan setting economic goals
Yeah, no shit. Governments tend to do shit like that. Once again papa stalin saying PRODUCE 50 TONS OF GRAIN isn't planning. Every Government does this and the soviet union is no exception. After all they are buying that grain, selling it on the market, and then importing machinery. It's buy sell buy sell. You wouldn't have that in a planned economy at all. Even the USA today employs price controls which is why dumb boomers think america is failing because it's socialist. A planned economy would be the absence of exchange in its entirety.
>doesn't actually address the argument about central planning
Except this was not posted to argue against central planning. I posted this to explain why the USSR fell. Answer is simple. No more loan money.

>but how does any of that prove the absence of central planning in the USSR?
Evidence, not proofs. Proofs is for mathematics. I'm demonstrating you the evidence. You're giving me the counters and I'm giving you more evidence.

Except your counters are just abstracts. 'Muh gosplan' decides everything. Yet even though in western economies the banks are the ones that decide the flkw of currency, yet you aren't here arguing westoid economies are 'planned'.
>No, it wasn't centrally planned because firms competed with one another for a buyer. You cannot have 'buying and selling' in a planned economy. It's a contradiction in terms.
this is a pretty weird take
you're acting like competition automatically negates planning, but that's just not true you’re confusing the presence of internal competition with a free market; sure, firms might have competed, but they were still operating under state-mandated production targets and quotas Gosplan dictated what needed to be produced and in what quantities; just because there was some degree of internal competition doesn’t mean it wasn't centrally planned
>Of which there was none. Mostly because 'central planning' is another contradiction in terms.
now this is just wordplay
you’re trying to redefine the term so it conveniently excludes the USSR, but that’s not how it works a system where the state sets production goals, decides resource allocation, and controls prices is, by definition, centrally planned, even if it was chaotic and inefficient "central planning" doesn't mean perfect or seamless control; it means a centralized authority directing economic activities, and that’s exactly what the USSR had
>Papa stalin telling 5 different tractor manufacturers to 'make tractors' and then having 5 companies produce 5 completely different kinds of tractors isn't planning by the definition of the concept.
again, you’re confusing bad planning with no planning at all if Stalin’s directive was for these companies to make tractors, and they made different models, that’s a failure of execution, not an absence of planning I mean, seriously, if your logic was sound, then by that standard, every failed policy in any government would mean there was no policy to begin with, absurd

Part 1
>Yeah, no shit. Governments tend to do shit like that. Once again papa stalin saying PRODUCE 50 TONS OF GRAIN isn't planning.
interesting how you’re minimizing this, as if setting production targets for everything from grain to steel isn't exactly what central planning is if setting specific, nationwide production goals for the entire economy doesn’t count as planning to you, I have to wonder what you’d actually consider planning, psychic mind-melds?
>a planned economy would be the absence of exchange in its entirety.
this is a strawman; planned economies can and do have internal exchange
it's just that the exchanges are controlled by the state, which is exactly what the USSR did they had state-run stores, state-set prices, and a state-run supply chain you're making it sound like the presence of trade automatically means a market economy, which just isn’t the case

Part 2
For me it's the greatest act of nitschean heroism, the kamikaze. I imagine being an American onboard a US Navy vessel watching this pilot dive at 550km/h towards your ship armed with nothing and strapped with explosives, unreal.
>Except this was not posted to argue against central planning. I posted this to explain why the USSR fell. Answer is simple. No more loan money.
so your argument is that the USSR's collapse was purely about losing external funding, but that's an oversimplification that ignores the structural problems that brought them to that point in the first place even if loans dried up, it doesn't explain why the Soviet economy was stagnating and struggling to innovate
it wasn’t just a money issue, it was a systemic failure to modernize
one of the biggest issues was the refusal to automate and adapt; if the USSR had properly embraced automation, they could’ve drastically increased productivity, reduced waste, and streamlined resource management instead, they clung to outdated, labor-intensive processes that couldn’t keep up with the demands of a modern economy, they had the technical capabilities, but the political class and bureaucracy were too entrenched and afraid of losing control to allow real innovation to happen
with automated systems, they could have managed inputs and outputs with precision, cut down on inefficiencies, and improved the quality of goods across the board
it's exactly what modern economies do, stocks are traded by bots, supply chains are optimized by algorithms, and production lines are automated to ensure consistent quality and output if the USSR had adopted even a fraction of these methods, they wouldn't have been so dependent on external loans in the first place
but they were stuck in a loop of overcentralized planning and manual processes that could never hope to react quickly to market demands or shifts in resources automation would’ve been their way out, but instead, they let the bureaucracy smother any attempt at modernization

Part 3
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reminded me of this banger
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Leftypoo gets all mad when I point out that Bolivia is the only semi decent socialist country to ever exist.
victory by forfeit again and now going to sleep
shan't be replying anymore
dont die gneral i got you
>but that's just not true you’re confusing the presence of internal competition with a free market
There is no such thing as a 'pure free market'. You are using your ideology to argue against the fact that the USSR had markets while in reality every market known to man has had some kind of regulation. Soviet union had far more than most yet it still operated operated under the laws of capital and the anarchy of the market.
>again, you’re confusing bad planning with no planning
'Planning' exists as the solution to anarchy. Anarchy in production meaning autonomous enterprises that function (whatever may be their legal form of ownership) according to the rules of capital within the framework of the market. In an economy where production is split up among tens of thousands of autonomous enterprises it is of little importance whether legal ownership is in the hands of the state, the people, or whatever other entity: production in such a case can only be regulated by the market and not by a plan.
>again, you’re confusing bad planning with no planning
Planning of a socialist society does not preoccupy itself with prices, still less with money or the profitability on invested funds – as did the Soviet plan. It is concerned only with use-values, that is to say the utility of the product and the time necessary for its manufacture. The soviet 'plan' is figured in terms of commodities, money, and rates of growth. The plan of a socialist society knows neither commodities, money, nor rates of growth.

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What sense, can there be for a socialist planning to measure a rate of growth of total production? Planning is guided only by the utility of the various objects and the amount of labour necessary for their production. The only rate of growth which could be measured would be that of the actual physical production of each use-value taken separately. But there again, what would be the point in measuring this? If the needs of the society for cars are estimated at 20 million in one year, and 25 million the next, the plan must organise this extra production. But what sense would there be in glorifying the rate of growth of 10% in automobile production? What sense would there be in trying to overstep this rate if this does not correspond to the needs of the society? And what would be the sense of always wanting to produce more automobiles since there will be no profit to be made?
>but that’s not how it works a system where the state sets production goals, decides resource allocation, and controls prices is
The Soviet state was in control of all the registered handicrafts, small mechanical workshops, shops of all kinds, etc?

In the USSR there exists that feature which is characteristic of all capitalist industrial structures: a myriad of small and medium sized businesses (generated by the market and constantly growing) dominated by a lesser number of big enterprises and a very few giants.

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>it's just that the exchanges are controlled by the state
As opposed to capitalist economies? This is also done in all countries through fixing the prices of the principal products, providing subsidies, stockpiling commodities and most importantly controlling credit.

In 1974, Russian industry consisted of 48.578 autonomous state enterprises. The USSR lacked those conditions outlined by Engels as necessary before planning begins to make its appearance – concentration and monopoly. The bulk of the production in the USSR was produced by SMALLER FIRMS. Soviet industry was much LESS concentrated than that of Western countries.
>interesting how you’re minimizing this, as if setting production targets for everything from grain to steel isn't exactly what central planning is if setting specific, nationwide production goals for the entire economy
Targets do not 'plan' anything because they are as a general rule only projections of tendencies already present in the economy. The 'planner' has no control over the dynamics of production, he is no master of the economic machine, he can only follow it as best he can by trying to predict where it will take him. He fixes not production, but the index – an extrapolation of past trends.

Pic related:

>so your argument is that the USSR's collapse was purely about losing external funding
It was losing buyers.
>it doesn't explain why the Soviet economy was stagnating and struggling to innovate
The soviet economy was stagnating and struggling to innovate because it could not sell it's commodities for a profit. It failed because it was not profitable. As does any business. As does any capitalist economy.

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>The bulk of the production in the USSR was produced by SMALLER FIRMS. Soviet industry was much LESS concentrated than that of Western countries.
nigga just lost thrice
>two underage gypsies killed taxi driver (a woman)
>angry mob comes to lynch gypsies, sets several houses and cars owned by them on fire
>police arrives just in time to save gypsies
surreal shithole
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>those damn bumanimals are chimping out again
>I need to hurry up on my work to leave this planet sooner
Explain i have autism
whaddafugg deez bot niggas tombaut
They used to be powerhouse of the Balkans and now they're Turkey extended.
an autistic rendition of the age old it wasn't real communism dispute
What is communism?
gn balk
i was bored and wanted a (you)
le bad of course
imagine wastin time on shit that's vulnerable to interpretation instead of doin NOTHIN
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I'm sorry for yelling at you and calling you retarded today baby C:
that tembel maymun rehab room better post a bibeo tomorrow

turks didn't bother naming this nigga, they just called it "lazy animal"
yell away,
once you go soft it's over
>once you go soft it's over
Hm? What do you mean?
don't lose heart, don't let in self doubt and become apologetic
Can't wait to overthrow that cringe faggot H*tler in the new Goy4 dlc and play as based Goebbels.
I am soft though, really soft. Trust me. C:

I cry like once a week.
well you did say you have a lot of onions in the fridge
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yeah... that's totally why.
what homosexual moguls of balk are rambling about this time
when that XK hits
I want a nerdy gf that will play Crusader Kings 3 with me, I will not settle for less
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Some time in 2019 I was posting on /leftypol/ and arguing with commies about the things commies argue about. I got banned by them for 1 year. Got a new IP and continued the argument and then I got permabanned. Topic of discussion was very similar to what I was discussing with albovlach.
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>Some time in 2019 I was posting on /leftypol/
You can get that pretty easily so long as you don't mind the penis
Where else can I argue with self proclaimed marxists and leftists bro.
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if she looks like this I ain't saying no, you get me
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That's a pretty mid tranny bro.
I am a humble man
You're down bad, man.
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Future of Bulgaria once I get into power
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oh brother...
What's this
What's this
1. An oregonistic artbecky
2. A montegristic artbecky avoider
I'm having boob pain.
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can u three form a union outside of EUrope?
don't flatter yourself, your millennialcore mid wouldn't have been worth a reaction
it's just that croatia continues to bring me suffering
imagine the cancers you have wrought upon yourself
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At this rate they might turn out nice. It's a shame I have to hide them from everyone. But if and when I do get to the point where I can't hide them... THAT will be funny. Heehee.
a revolution would have been really funny...
I'm not a revolutionary I'm a putschist. Revolution takes upwards of a century. I only wish to set the groundwork for those who come after me.
yeah yeah that, but instead you're gonna abdicate your calling to delve into self-indulgence...
No. It's good to indulge in the self. Especially when it's something like this that releases a lot of stress. Makes me more functional in real life.

Too early to judge me if I abandoned my calling. Now let me tell you about another secret. Trucks are the arteries of the economy. If you get them to strike the economy also halts. Unionizing every trucker in the country will do me a lot better than recruiting for my incel rebellion. Will be able to find a lot more higher quality people too.
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what you're gonna muscle these niggas out? and I'm not so much judging as questioning two clashing realities that do not square together.
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I guess the leadership is already estrogenic
I'm pretty sure the kurvat is just bisexual.
The thing about unions is that like all organizations they are oligarchies. The people in control have their own agenda and generally today's unions are just interested in higher wages (i.e bribing the workers so they don't throw a fit) It makes me sympathize with the union busting of the Fascists and Bolsheviks respectively.

Now a union with POLITICAL GOALS is a whole different beast. I need not eludicate what my political goals are because I think you have a general idea. But I think my #1 goal would be completely putting an end to immigration.

>questioning two clashing realities that do not square together.
Why won't they. Will my boobies get in the way? They're not THAT big anon...

Most unions are shit (reactionary) and they must be destroyed. Nothing screams revolutionary like high skilled boomers making 6 figures with 401ks. Even a part of me would take action to tactically supress wages within certain economic sectors. I'm evil I know.

Then why doesn't he want to sperm me?
Because you're repulsive.
Nah uh if I was he wouldn't acknowledge my twinkishness. Repulsive twink is oxymoron.
So since I'm going to bed allow me to explain what I mean by political goals...
>oh? So you're gonna sign in a deal to let in 100,000 rapefugees eh?
>well fuck you! this economy aint gonna move then!
And this will keep going and going until we sign a law saying we don't accept no mo' foreign labour.

Now the aforementioned sectors that need to be destroyed. Service economy. That shit must be killed and 'woman' jobs need to be removed. Question is how. With control over the government it's easy. Through labour action it will be hard.
maybe you could exploit a union radically politically, but I imagine you'd have only one load to blow and then you and all the work you put into it are burned. it's more of a rogue action really. the union archetype necessarily converges towards the transactional as it ages, you want sustained political action, it's called have a political party.
Political parties are just as bad as unions. Especially one that runs in office and tries to gain majority vote. They end up becoming a part of the state machinery and grow less radical. You cannot exactly overthrow a state in which you are an organ of.

You need to do a lot of things at once. You have to have people in the government, AND you have to have people overthrowing the government, AND you have to have people striking. There has to be a perfect storm of all the right people in all the right places. It can be done but it will take years and a bit of luck.
>There is no such thing as a 'pure free market'. You are using your ideology to argue against the fact that the USSR had markets while in reality every market known to man has had some kind of regulation. Soviet union had far more than most yet it still operated under the laws of capital and the anarchy of the market.
this is a classic bait-and-switch
you’re conflating "regulation" with "central control," and that’s not the same thing sure, every market has regulations, but the USSR wasn't just regulating; they were setting targets and directly controlling production across the economy the chart you posted actually backs this up: it shows planned targets versus realized production, a clear sign of a centrally directed system, even if it didn’t work out as intended
>’Planning’ exists as the solution to anarchy. Anarchy in production meaning autonomous enterprises that function (whatever may be their legal form of ownership) according to the rules of capital within the framework of the market. In an economy where production is split up among tens of thousands of autonomous enterprises it is of little importance whether legal ownership is in the hands of the state, the people, or whatever other entity: production in such a case can only be regulated by the market and not by a plan.
you’re being deliberately vague here, trying to blur the lines between a planned economy and a market-based one yes, the USSR had enterprises, but they were still operating under state-imposed quotas and targets, not independently making production decisions based on market forces the fact that they couldn’t hit those quotas as seen in your chart doesn’t mean the system wasn’t planned
it means it was poorly executed they were trying to control a complex economy from the top down, and when it didn’t work, the plan failed; that doesn’t suddenly make it a market economy

Part 1
>Planning of a socialist society does not preoccupy itself with prices, still less with money or the profitability on invested funds – as did the Soviet plan. It is concerned only with use-values, that is to say the utility of the product and the time necessary for its manufacture.
you're trying to redefine planning to fit your idealized vision, but that’s not what the USSR was doing they set targets for production (as shown in your own chart), they controlled prices, and they directed resource allocation, all core aspects of central planning whether or not this fits your vision of a "true socialist plan" doesn’t matter; it’s what they were doing, and it’s how their system was structured
>The Soviet state was in control of all the registered handicrafts, small mechanical workshops, shops of all kinds, etc? In the USSR there exists that feature which is characteristic of all capitalist industrial structures: a myriad of small and medium sized businesses (generated by the market and constantly growing) dominated by a lesser number of big enterprises and a very few giants.
you’re trying to make it sound like the presence of smaller enterprises means the economy wasn’t centrally controlled, but that’s not accurate the state didn’t have to control every single small shop to maintain control over the broader economy
controlling the major sectors (like steel, coal, oil, tractors, and automobiles as seen in your chart) was enough to direct the entire economic system the existence of smaller enterprises doesn’t negate the fact that production was dictated by state targets; it just means they weren’t able to fully implement their control over every aspect of the economy

Part 2
>As opposed to capitalist economies? This is also done in all countries through fixing the prices of the principal products, providing subsidies, stockpiling commodities and most importantly controlling credit.
again, you're blurring the difference between state intervention and state control capitalist economies might regulate prices, offer subsidies, and manage credit, but companies still operate independently, making production decisions based on supply and demand in the USSR, companies were told what to produce and how much, regardless of actual market conditions, completely different situation your chart shows this: those production targets didn’t come from market forces, they came from a central authority, which is a hallmark of central planning
>Targets do not 'plan' anything because they are as a general rule only projections of tendencies already present in the economy.
so you’re saying because targets were based on past trends, they weren’t "real" planning? that’s just not how planning works setting production goals, even if they’re based on past data, is a form of planning; it’s literally trying to direct future outcomes based on what was observed in the past the chart you provided shows clear evidence of attempts to manage and direct the economy, even if they missed the mark; calling those targets "projections of tendencies" doesn’t change that

Part 3
>It was losing buyers. The soviet economy was stagnating and struggling to innovate because it could not sell its commodities for a profit.
and why couldn’t they sell for a profit? because their goods were poorly produced, outdated, and the system wasn’t competitive on a global scale this comes back to my earlier point about automation
without modernization and efficiency, their products couldn’t compete, and they were forced to rely on external loans and outdated methods if they’d automated and modernized, they could’ve streamlined production, improved quality, and boosted competitiveness, but they didn’t, and that’s why they couldn’t sell or innovate
>The bulk of the production in the USSR was produced by SMALLER FIRMS. Soviet industry was much LESS concentrated than that of Western countries.
yet they still had centralized targets and quotas to meet, and that’s what you’re conveniently ignoring the fact that they had small firms doesn’t negate the existence of planning; it just means their system was decentralized in execution, but centralized in control the numbers in your chart show they had planned production goals across various sectors, which is the essence of central planning, even if it didn’t look like the "monopoly-driven" model you’re picturing

bottom line: the USSR was a centrally planned economy, as evidenced by the production targets and quotas set across industries, the top-down allocation of resources, and the centralized control of key sectors your attempts to redefine what constitutes planning, or point to smaller firms as a sign of market-based operation, don’t change the reality of how their system worked

Part 4
balkmuns sleeping
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Why are breast implants and lip fillers so common plastic surgery for Balkan кифли but BBL isn't?
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all of them are shit and make them look more disgusting
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brazil is Balkan
have heterosexual sex immediately BRO
interview status?
None of that is common on balkans.
I actually got a warehouse job proposal but the business is so niche I doubt they pay anything at all despite me being assured it's in fact worth
something to do with AIROBOATS I shit you not
accept the job king, any job is better than nothing at first because then you have experience
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Looks like the next set of elaborations will be presented to the staff of the Bardovci Institute of Madness
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Here take this
imame negar v besepe
Very turko-mongol post.
insane y'all keep replying to mangal roach day after day
objectively this is not balk no more
rename it /mango/
I can't understand how people drink this rancid liquid yogurt instead of cool drinks like coca cola or Pepsi
>under cooked dough slop
>white "cheese"
shan't be replying any longer after my third consecutive victory
They simply need to follow my example and tell it to kill itself, eventually it will
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least autistic nordcel
Good morning kind sirs, I am currently on my way to lift man made metals. Now fridays usually are rather on the explosive workout side so I am expecting quite a decent session. Of course as every friday we are gonna be lifting through working hours
So what is considered "not rude" according to these plebbitors? Bending over and asking to get fucked in the ass?
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Our target audience is japanese girls of questionable age. We don't really care if some smelly turk from the island of toiletus doesn't like our yogurt.
boomers should kvetch about the milk deals with japan like they do with the gold
2/10 bait, try again
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Japanese samurai eat yogurt to stay strong and successful while anglo peasants and fatmericans eat eek fake yogurt to stay fat and retarded.
The choice is clear.
when I go to japan I will only buy bulgarian yogurt to oppress smol makkkedonia and support the tatar menace
I've encountered a píngjǐng and need to work towards my tūpò.
>gold thing gets you 1.5%
>kvetch for decades
>milk allegedly gets you 0
2/10 greek iq
bro you stalk a schizophrenic from a shithole early in the morning
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this is just teasing fat people
no job is better than shit ass job
>Kelly and Iki both in thread
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shto banicite v kamflanda sa gadni
accept the job churkado and join billionaires row
tsk tsk, high time preference shrubhymen post
der bre ist geistig gestört
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he must be paid by mcDon
why is this deranged guy fixated on this word?
Mercenary Iki Boon is trying to atone for his life as an enforcer for a ruthless kebab syndicate. Running from his past, Boon moves to a remote area in the Pacific Northwest, where he meets a struggling ideal wife and her son. When he finds the pair living in fear of criminal kingpin Kelly, Boon realizes the only way to protect them is to do what he does best, to eat him alive.
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bro this is our relationship
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bro is about to realize the full meaning of the word
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it's okay boonche
kelly's a pale einjel so you couldn't resist
Watch your mouth. I'm older than you, so you must show respect to the elders.
You deplorable individual, I am certain that my mental health would not have deteriorated to the point of developing schizophrenia had we engaged in a professional exchange of business insights rather than exchanging insults.
Furthermore, I vehemently denounce the moderators and their families who have condoned such behavior.

I wish for a calamitous event to befall you, resulting in your descent to hell, such as colliding with a gas truck that subsequently explodes.
Bro stfu
I always showed you respect and what did that get me? You promised me a pale greek virginal angel and i still ain't got one.
Kelly, if you had a sister, would you give her to Iki?
And whatchu gonna do bout it tho? Daz rite u gon do NOTHIN ma boi jus SIT DOWN bruh
Man made lifting session concluded. As expected it was a strong one. Have a blessed day kind sirs
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proud anglo tax cattle
Show me the exact post please.
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imagine paying 40k a year for an albo to sell drugs
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the fact that people like this have the right to vote is hilarious
this is what tutorial countries turn you into
mental how they didn't just gun them down at the border and be done with it

ngubu and tonibler are housed in hotels for 3 years until their asylum claim is processed
Kek and wagies are paying for it
half the comments are muh human rights we can't just let them die at the sea fags, as if 1. it's your job to save them, 2. ardit with an iphone 16 pro max hidden up his ass that paid 10k for the ticket is actually in need of asylum
you could probably legitimately prosecute them as national traitors desu
Ngos.. Sashe was right
it's all about money in the end
turks or gipis?
Wtf, when did iki do this comedy skit?
after I gave him some business tips
eastern turks are closer to the balkans in spirit than the chink greek anatolian mutts in the west
Time to abandon thread. Have fun with n*jko.
91 albos and 297 greeks in japan according to their statistics institute

just filter your flag bro
Хaхaхaхa зaпиcвaм ce
>taq muzika
>that greek flag
utube has audio translate now
We are planning the destruction of firomistan
Thoughts on "twang"?
Abe kato te hvana da te pomackam malko kato domasen liubimec makedonce malko pu pu sakam da imam 4 malki makedonceta vkushti da si gi mackam ama i ponekogas da gi biem
im straighter than an arrow but too many peepoo have thought that i was gay irl so theres a good chance that ill accidentally sperm some dudes bumgaria at some point in my life, such is life
>I'm straighter than an arrow
>posts trannies
no idea what that is

total bigod win

>straighter than an arrow
>dick is fine
>i'm wealthy
>posted from my Xiaomi
Bro I dropped a glass of ajvar in row 5 go clean it up
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What does the 5 year plan say about you becoming redundant until 2026?
Thoughts on jason luv getting cucked bro?
no idea what that chart even shows, thousands of what
Average code salary in bg 23 compared to 24. Have in mind that country average salary rose by nearly 20% this year.
well then apparently mine also went up by around 20% so I would be fine
what does a drop/stagnation in salary after the covid pump have to do with redundancy
Дa здpaвcтвyeт кpacный тeppop!
Coding became a mass phenomenon whilst the open positions for coding are decreasing year after year. Market corrects the salaries according to universal market rules, lower demand whilst at the same time increased offering.
>ochlocracy that does not stop in front of any terrorist means in a war of extermination against the bourgeoisie and intellectuals."
Sounds fun, Nietzscheans howling
yep, it's why junior positions are basically dead, they overhired during the pandemic
>increased offering
there is an exponential filter when going up a seniority level if you're classifying things properly, and plenty of devs get stuck
some juniors will be eternal juniors, some mids will be eternal mids
there is demand for experienced developers while demand for juniors that just cost money is dropping
Even if plenty do get stuck by more people having junior skillset it is just a given that more will develop senior one as well so demand for seniors will also be flooded. Its over at this point your whole plan needs to be thrown in the bin bro but gg for trying. It is OVER (so over).
>directly controlling production across the economy
Again, no they weren't 'Directly controlling' production'. You cannot make an economic plan without having concentration.
>it shows planned targets versus realized production, a clear sign of a centrally directed system,
These 'plans' don't plan anything at all. It can only project the rate of growth of industrial production. Why don't you look at the graph? With coal you see great effort in its production because world prices have soared, coal exports earn hard currency. With gas, contracts for large deliveries were signed with the US and West Germany; automobiles, those factories have been imported and entirely installed by Western capitalists. All of these commodities made to be exported for buyers and for the accumulation of capital. It is capitalism by very concept of the word.
>but that’s not what the USSR was doing they set targets for production
Again, setting a target isn't planning. You have upwards of 100,000 firms each doing their independent activity which is precisely why no 'plan' is able to be realized. They are without exception either under or over target. How can a planned economy have overproduction? (i.e: waste) You concede that the 'planning' was a failure: but the reason planning failed is because the economy was not planned at all.
>you’re trying to make it sound like the presence of smaller enterprises means the economy wasn’t centrally controlled
>control over the broader economy controlling the major sectors
It wasn't. see: >>203802658
Majority of the production in the USSR was produced by SMALLER FIRMS.
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I know it's important for maymunjans to own expensive shit to appear rich but see it the other way, my XiaoMi phone (based) doesn't advertise me LGBTQhhfjsjjsjhdkd wallpapers on June or Basketball American ones at the Dindu History month
demand for seniors cannot be flooded really at most they'll work at 10% effort in a position that pays a bit less, tech has insane margins
it takes around 8 years of consistent upskilling to qualify as a senior and combined with the prevalence of B2B freelancing, emigration, and stupid amounts of money it means there's a constant outflow of people from the top
Never praying for Angelos ever again to be honest, he keeps promising me pale greek virgins and never delivers., starting to think he is actuallya turk.
How could i have been bamboozled like this? I went every Sunday to church just to pray for him for the past 3 years and fuckingnothing to show for it. Even thought about switching from my Xiaomi to an iphone.
>doesn’t negate the fact that production was dictated by state targets
No, production wasn't dictated by state targets. Production was dictated by the needs of the market. Of which the state obeyed, as I have demonstrated with the fact that coal is produced not for social needs, but to be exported to the world market. What decided what was produced in the USSR was not social need or a plan, but dictates of the world market.
>you're trying to redefine planning
An economy is either planned or not. Socialist planned economies refer to a very specific phenomenon.
"From the moment when society enters into possession of the means of production and uses them in direct association for production, the labour of each individual, however varied its specifically useful character may be, becomes at the start and directly social labour. The quantity of social labour contained in a product need not then be established in a roundabout way; daily experience shows in a direct way how much of it is required on the average. Society can simply calculate how many hours of labour are contained in a steam engine, a bushel of wheat of the last harvest, or a hundred square yards of cloth of a certain quality. It could therefore never occur to it still to express the quantities of labour put into the products which it will then known directly and in their absolute amounts, in a third product, in a measure which, besides, is only relative, fluctuating, inadequate, though formerly unavoidable for lack of a better, rather than express them in their natural, adequate and absolute measure, time. Just as little would it occur to chemical science still to express atomic weights in a roundabout way, relatively, by means of the hydrogen atom, if it were able to express them absolutely, in their adequate measure, namely in actual weights, in billionths or quadrillionths of a gramme. On the assumptions we made above, society will not assign values to products"
>be me
>buy Mi9t like 4-5 years ago for ~300$
>still just werks without any issues
>battery is fine, charges fast, lasts for a good time
EVERY phone I had before this one had a lot of problems. I do not have a single complaint about this chinkphone, except that it has a crappy camera at night. But I heard newer chinkphones have better cameras, but still not as good as the other brands. I don't really care about it though.
That's showing more than half of production happened at enterprises with over 1000 workers
The USSR was entirely socialist between 1928-1988
Restoring private property under perestroika caused its destruction
Show him the port of Piraeus instead of leaving
its word chinkshit bro the stuff is permanent
In a planned economy the producers have no need to know the relative values of their products. It knows neither the market nor commodities, and still less does it know money. It knows neither selling nor buying and thus it does not know prices. All of these were features of the "soviet planned economy"

>companies were told what to produce and how much
And who told them? The state? What was the purpose of this state direction? Exchange on the world market. production for profit.
>regardless of actual market conditions
Already demonstrated you this is not true with the case of coal, gas, automobiles. all these produced to be exported at market price.
>so you’re saying because targets were based on past trends, they weren’t "real" planning? it’s literally trying to direct future outcomes based on what was observed
It directs production according to the price of goods. As with any market system. The antithesis of socialist planning.
>and why couldn’t they sell for a profit?
Now hold on for just a moment, why would a planed socialist state be concerned with the profitability in the sale of goods at all? lmao. socialist planning is production for utility. not for exchange on the world market. you self deboonked yourself because of the fact that in USSR it was the profit motive which dictated production. not the socialist plan.
>their goods were poorly produced, outdated, and the system wasn’t competitive on a global scale
Rather that the input costs were higher than output costs. It was easier to sell off the unprofitable firms and failing firms and start anew. This is precisely how the oligarchs emerged. the seeds of oligarchy already existed in the soviet society itself. In other words the USSR functioned completely under market laws and died by them.
>yet they still had centralized targets and quotas to meet
The only centralized target which was to be met was the profit motive.
>it just means their system was decentralized in execution
you cannot have a planned economy without centralization for reasons I have already explained.
>bottom line: the USSR was a centrally planned economy
You literally just conceded was decentralized lol. So the USSR was a centralized decentralized economy? lmao. WTF?
> centralized control of key sectors
absolutely false. again you can see here >>203802658

Smaller firms producing the majority of output is the negation of planning
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Fucking hell the 2000 characrer limit is abysmal especially on mobile. Other boards have 6000 character limit. Fuck this shit.

Your move albovlach.
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I had 700 euro phones back in the mid 2010s and they were shit, I've been thought Samsung, Sony, HTC, even ASUS, all of them have been shit
Ever since I switched to XiaoMi I had no issues ever, aside from me bricking my Redmi Note 9 pro after a fall

>muh tsinkshit is more expensive than ur tsinkshit
Oh I forgot to tell you about the camera, go to Play Store and download an app call GCamator and use it to find a GCam apk for your device

GCam is sometimes better than the stock xiaomi app
I do have that. I know the photos are shit partly because of the worse software. My brother is deep into phones (I hate phones) and helped me out a bit. Thanks anyways.
I've personally never had an expensive phone, usually buying something a tier above lowest priced ones, or just getting my older brother's phone when he would replace his, but that's the thing, every phone I bought would have some issues, for example one would heat up while getting used and especially during calls.
Then I got Xiaomi and became quite happy. Everything worked nicely. I realised that it's so because they cut back on camera to keep the price lower. Fine with me desu. I had crappier phones with better camera but what is that worth if they're garbage.
Crazy that a few days ago Iki actually admitted to having f20, i think his form is milder than Sashkos and he takes his medicine.
There are 2 options hereeither he lied about about having f20 and it's part of his larp or he actually has it and unironically believes everything he says here.
I still believe his chances of adjustment are higher than Schizo Janevs, can't remember the exact post where he admitted to having been diagnosed with f20 but i am sure he will deny it
iki should get a job so he has money
There is a difference between buggy garbage like your Xiaomi and a world class product like iPhones.

Have you ever seen a white politician with a Xiaomi phone?
You keep saying that an iphone gets you pale virgins but you went to greece multiple times and you still haven't attracted any greek virgins to marry you.
What do you think you're doing? Do you concede?
Would you marry Angelos mango?
Ikiboss obliterated
Not even a schizophrenic hallucination can save him from this one!
This was his last response when i asked him the same question.
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No. Ew.
Pic related
Why not? You have similar views aside from christianity.
cease and desist from posting my images
further argumentation with someone who insists water isn't wet is pointless
Isn't he the one that keeps telling me to kill myself?
>the soviet economy was planned because everyone says it is!
Lame and anti-intellectual. They produced goods for profit. Not for any socialist plan.
Look at this anglo devil, should Iki marry her?
Angelos(Iki) is the Iphone enthusiast future fascist dictator of the balkans you newfag >>203815826 him
you are repeating three utterly unrelated claims to refute a fourth
if I even bothered to divert my attention to refuting them you'd make up three more claims for each of those three claims leading to a perpetual yappening, you woman
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oh, i call him iki. not angelos. also know. isn't he fat and 90kg? everyone keeps calling him ugly. i cant date an ugly guy. im chad only sweaty.
How is the fact that commodities in the ussr were produced for the profit motive unrelated to the fact that it was markets which determined the production of goods in the ussr. How the fuck do you think you can have prices without a market.

My position is that of the same as many communists. Do some reading:
Just yesterday you were calling out polubrainian for acting like a woman by calling you ugly andnow this?
You are as schizophrenic and mentallyunstable as the average foid, you're probably gpoing back to kike york to get fucked by niggers
I didn't call him ugly to attack him lmao, I said that he is unattractive to be my dating partner. I want to date my looksmatch

Polubranian called me ugly to insult me. Not call me too ugly to date for him! Haha.
Classic 4 thinking she's an 8

Ikibey IS your lookatch sweaty
Don't remind me of the match bro, I got angry over it yesterday, I can't believe we kicked out Jovanovic and in his place we keep hiring useless morons in his place

As for the whore, she should go fuck some turk like Iki
You're not a politician though, you're a ghetto poorfag

Now I'm asking again, post your iPhone model number bro
the only 8 itt is me
The only 10 in this thread is me. (cm).
You're a diabetic unwashed manlet bro

who hurt you bro
I'm at least a 5 sweaty. You cannot be a sub 5 twink.
>Smaller firms producing the majority of output
But they didn't
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Bro do you think I will somehow find a girl at my vacations who will come with me to Germany?
Socceris all about money innit? Chelsea can spend 300-400 million a season on players a season while Panathinaikos can spend barely spends 15-20 million, soccer is a joke, that's why i only watch combat sports
>calls others poorfag
>owner of an Xiaomi
The table >>203802658
shows 61.5% of Russian industrial production was carried out by the 5300 largest enterprises (a total of the last three lines of the table). In the United States in the same year a slightly larger portion of industrial production (65%) was carried out by a mere 500 firms

In that year 1973 the annual statistics for USSR show us that 31,1% of industrial production was carried out by 1,4% of the enterprises – numbering 660. In the United States the same percentage (31%) is accounted for by 50. In Great Britain in 1970, 50% of industrial production was carried out by 100 firms .

The soviet economy was demonstrably less concentrated than it's competitors.
finally reached 70.9kg
down from 77 in August

minimum goal: 70.0
maximum: 65
Im up to 87 from 68 had breakfast today for the first time in like 10 years.
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79 KB
who won?
im already after dinner and still below 71 so it's a good sign
Just measured. I'm 54.7 kg ;3
it will be purely accidental, ill still remain gold star heterosexual cos accidents dont count
coffe acquired

stab status?

boon u seen stab?
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1.23 MB
1.23 MB WEBM
Panathinaikos has a retarded owner who also controls the Greek government Pravda tv channel called skai, he should really eat shit and die

>second time he avoids my question by repeating his previous post
I accept your surrender, poooooooooorfag
I have never enjoyed living in the world
Sertraline is your friend, friend
Im not depressed Im nihilistic >>
nigga doesn't even know what the word means

so true, closetking
It doesnt matter
I kneel before makkkedonian ingenuity
>inb4 I'm not makkkedonian
it doesn't matter
what country should i play
pick that blue worm below bosnia
meme game
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355 B
355 B GIF
I must make the same post every single day because bumgarians or however the mamaliga is boiled
The repetitive "nihilistic" gyppo actually loves bumgarians, he said multiple times that he wishes he were bumgarian
it's montenigger
how so?

and im gonna play russia again, but this time more aggressively. being #1 is not enough.
Trust me bro
His ass
Get a better mod lil bro
What's wrong with crimea mod?

You wanna play??
bro all you do is being poor all day
Hold up are you mango
He lives in the land of his ancestors while you are a slave in the degenerate cesspit known as goymany
Ummm yeahh??? Why? Who are you?
Understandable, an obvious upgrade
I'm not telling you good victoria mods
Шибaния пeдepacт зacиpa якo
Why not? Don't be mean. >.> And crimeamod is already a good mod. TGC can't run on my laptop.
jesus is he dead?
Pshek aka serbkovic on vpn is especially salty today >>203817846
Rick sent him to bardovic 2 weeks ago bro, he ain't coming back
mpalkan-chan nema tozi problem

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