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rattled freak lmao
Nasty skank
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.
got the gay poo-orn on
Cornish men learn to breed. Your people are floundering in need. Your son's on 4chan posting sneed. Your daughter's crying coz Kaba's killer was freed. You didn't pay your license now your lawnmower's seized. Get them in school speaking Kernowek. Get them off tiktok filling their minds with dreck. Get them off vapes and off the steam deck. You aught to keep them all in check. For times are changing across the realm. We'll needs god's help with Keir at the helm.
fuck the IRA, fuck the IRA
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Disease and depravation stalk our land like two giant stalking things.
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Wanted to name dogberge Ayla but mumbaum wouldn't let me
The IRA shot at the British army from crowds of peaceful protestors, and then Paedophile Irish Catholic priests hid the machine guns under their robes
Making a song on Ableton
Hope Gerry sees this king!
thursday bokkle of wine for me
Cornish is a dead meme language
Literally no native speakers since the 1700s, and Cornwall has been just a county of England since the days of Alfred
Its not like Irish or Scottish Gaelic where it actually used to be a widely spoken language of a country, and is still spoken today, where attempts are mainly just at conservation and perhaps some revival
I'm English and I say Tiocfaidh ár lá.
British state and British police have no place in Ireland, just like Israel has no place in Palestine.
Imperialism and colonialism, and terror to support those acts are evil.
Low IQ rorke incel edgelords posting Hitler quotes and calling child murder "based" seemingly can't figure out why most people in real life agree with me and not them according to all reputable polling.
just smart tactically
seething ir*oid scum get your own thread stop leeching off ours
linking an old with 300+ posts as the new im sure is a spainfag gimmick
no one else would do something that unfunny
Spainnonce is here
I used FL Studio and everyone laughed at me...post yours?
How's freshers week going lad?
nice to see a fellow woke poster
The British Army also notoriously fired on British civilians during Bloody Sunday, wrongfully imprisoned hundreds of young innocent Irishmen on suspicion of being IRA men with no trial, and on several occasions shot and killed Irish civilians for no reason. See Aiden MacAnespie.
the point is the thread is not yet at bump limit, it's not complete

not difficult to understand, and not a gimmick. it's vital to the success of the general
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>I'm English
>British state and British police have no place in Ireland
Why's that then
The Irish are English, same as the Scots and the Welsh
Iria is the one anime that seems to be inspired by a dream
The Irish are so stupid they plant bombs then tell the police
eat pork go rorke
27 year old loser virgin namefag
yank doesn't understand humour colour me shocked pissing and shitting
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this one? I will watch it
just bought some curtain wire
they’re active x
>If you aren't an incel neonazi you're a zoomer!!!!
>wrongfully imprisoned hundreds of young innocent Irishmen on suspicion of being IRA men with no trial
Oh diddums did young Paddy join the terrorist organisation and then get sent to prison, poor little lad
Friendly reminder that anime is for nonces.
I think the last user died in the 1890s and the revival started less than a decade later.
Wish she'd nonce me
just activated some yeast
would like to learn welsh as an englishman but the type of people who speak it are usually the most insufferable millennial civnat resentment fuelled retards ever
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atleast you didnt reply with your tedious "lol this nigga got tricked" in defense of your horrible gimmick

2024... I am forgotten
welsh people?
need a smelly gf
Why not learn Old English if you’re going to be larpy
yeah exactly
Every poster but me is spaino
it's mental how many websites are absolute dogshit. just tried to apply to a bank and they made it so that the little account pop-up to pick what kind of account you make, forces both the X and the Select button to be perpetually outside of the phone screen so you can't actually interact with anything and need to scrap it all and do it on a PC instead. mental. absolutely mental.
The UVF is nothing more than a far right drug dealing gang nowadays that occasionally drunkenly beats up the random Irish pensioner or graffitis on an Irish persons house if Rangers lose.
doesn't seem like a great plan to me
Is this spaino's latest gimmick?
Going back to the anit-Irish posting?
you carnt do that
just activated some almonds
lol this yankeedoodle got tricked
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based veitch lmao
some websites aren't made for phone use
they have to specifically make a mobile version because of issues like that
Can you give me an actual reason
It’s not like you’re able to engage with more culture knowing Welsh
>it's mental how many websites are absolute dogshit
it makes sense honestly. there is no amount of money that can make someone who doesn't care perform

the top software engineers work at top companies (google, apple etc) and banks get barely sentient morons who can't really write code
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So was the fucking IRA, lad since around 1969.
running out of things to post
just activated some charcoal
fucking hell do you just sit here posting 24/7
get a life
I can't stand shinji who the fuck actually likes evangolion there is a reason why gurren lagann is better
Bobby Sands must have looked very pretty in his size 6 burial smock LOL
the garlic cloves

get them planted
out of ideas for a Halloween costume.
spainmong trailing her on a jet ski
israel's biggest fan charles veitch
Shan't be wearing a red poppy since I don't support that we've currently done over 3000 reconnaissance flights over Gaza, over 1000 espionage flights over Gaza, and 150 weapons cargo flights to Israel this year alone.
Can't support those who are committing genocide.
what are you doing with your life
give me some tips maybe I'll do that
pot bellied with twig arms and 'happy' with my george jumper
she's legal now
any size 5 feet man in
There was a British YouTuber who went around the world in a sail boat he somehow was dumb enough to go through the Strait of Magellan
granberg was unfortunately irish but supporting the ira as an englishman is such a strange cucked mentality yes lads thank you for bombing my country
Hate it when you have to put the takeaway bags in the bin. Why can’t modern life be easier?
something to do with international waters?
wtf based I'll be wearing two now I know that
get a job
save up for that yacht with her pocket money did she
sick of it jeremy I'm sick of it
Getting this evening's PJW
im a rorke English nationalist (according to leftypol standards) but ive always disliked the history of conquest in Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. should have just been good mates with them and lived and worked peacefully and happily with them.
thats broadly the case these days i would argue but the unfortunate history lingers on
All I can wonder about is how she handles her fanny leaking blood. Women are not built for an adventure of this kind.
get the fuck in
Ah the gay porn political commentary I see
Didn't see this.
Good lad.
fucking stupid faggot
nothing more than a leftist from yesteryear
It's about international solidarity against colonialism and imperialism, doesn't matter who is being occupied.
Bobby Sands munchy box and the cheeky fuckers didn't put anything in it. I'm fucking fuming. £25 wasted
This but with a breathy voice
Honestly both are cringe
Asmongold is my favourite American
There are 3 types of men in this world

Men with something to live for.
Men with something to die for.
Men with something to kill for.
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roight proper banger blower ding dat notification bell cheers full on slab posh pants shenanigans bugger all worth the luck bung a cable in it
About what I expected from the low iq nazi mongs here
Colonialism and imperialism are good things though (When you're the one doing them)
how many hours a day do you spend posting on 4chan
Just had to look up who Bobby Sands is, lads

Seems like a waste of time. Personally, I'd have worked with the British to have a better life for myself
is it really that much of an issue? take a box of tampons, throw it into the ocean after using it
Girl at the chinky had a breathy youthful voice on the tele
Might pop an erection when I go and pick it up later
They're objectively evil since they cause untold suffering and death
Adolf Hitler is dood, wat nou?
i hate israel/da jooz but i'm not going to sit and cheer for the sandniggers either
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Mad how they're on Black Ops 6
Remember the first one coming out like it was yesterday
kimi yo tobitatsu no ka
Mad how I'm doing calf raises and getting high on Vyvanse right now
All I need is a gf and my life would be perfect
Woman at the gym asked a black guy if he was african and then asked if he was part of the windrush generation and the black guy had to explain the difference between Carribbean and African people to her.
>getting high on Vyvanse
Not to me though
Didn't happen though did it, spaino
didn't happen though did it?
didn't happen thought did it
bobby sands living rent free forever in snout brains
interesting. learned something new today
Makes you feel good as fuck mah jiggaboo
Specially when you exercise and code in between sets
Amphetamines really do make you feel like a god
that isnt objective
How so?

Wasn't so was was it
Even death didn't free him then. Peak
Feel like you’re unconsciously merging your characters here me lad
you're a greek paedophile though who thinks 10 year old emma watson is the most attractive a female can ever be
how can i be anazi if im gay?

check mate
have to drive to the airport and i really dont want to
"Imperialism" is just the natural state of geopolitics
Don't like it, go live in a shed in the woods
ain't clicking that
dutch women
It did happen and both the black guy and the woman spoke to me on separate occasions asking me how I am etc.
Imperialism is throwing your toys out the pram because you got outskilled
alri negro
Ernst Röhm

And if your Nazi pals ever won power you'd meet the same end
made £1200 today
this but brown people immigrating en mass to the UK
Er, lad, what?
school trip with the female students into international waters
heard from very good sources that wasian/hapa girls actually smell bad
Think youre repeating yourself here
saw this yesterday
Bizarre post
interesting article
ernst rohm got killed by nazis in a purge you historically illiterate tard
big if true
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yankbros????? please address the allegations
I'm not Irish

what would I be seething about? you went mental calling people peado fenian bastards for saying that the british army and loyalist paramilitaries colluded during thatchers day, a literal fact since admitted by the British state
probably year 9 girls and lower
wonder if this anon is still here
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the fuck is an A2 paper?
BBC trying to make us all believe the Turks are the good guys and Kurds are evil, just because theyre out NATO allies.
When in reality Kurdish liberation fighters killed 5 Turkish military officials who want all Kurds dead and were planning how to eradicate Kurds.
I think the A2 stuff is listed on printers but I’ve never paid attention to that. We go off dimensions but there’s really just legal and letter and that’s what I’d say if I said it out loud
What a weird thing to fixate on
What is girls who weren't alive when I was drinking 3 Hammers cider in a field on firday nights?
thought the popular belief was the other way round, the kurds are the good guys
dont think the media has ever been anti kurd
Kurds are just Iran-sponsored terrorists
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Exactly. What did you think I was saying you illiterate yank retard?
you heard me, nonce
why did you even bring him up then? idiotic
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What the fuck they actually do this haha
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True, same way the IRA were just USSR-backed agitators
Always funny when 'freedom fighters' think they act in a vaccuum and actually matter, in the modern world they are literally always serving a larger power's purpose
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Popular belief is Kurds are good, since they're moderate, secular, liberal socialists fighting for freedom against an authoritarian, Islamist, Turkish state that wants to eradicate them.
But the past few days the BBC have done articles portraying Kurds as evil terrorists and Turks as innocents, because Kurds did an attack that took out 5 military officials and because Turkey is our ally.
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brothers gf is living with us, everytime i go out for a virgin walk she says im like a serial because i dont say i leaving or when i come back in. said he thinks i have dead bodies hididen in my room

me .004 seconds after getting my winky out
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ah yes another silly french concept
they were funded by the ussr but were a local organisation of men
without the eastern bloc or gaddafi its unlikely they would have done so well but it was always a local group of irishmen buying guns and gaining intelligence from britains enemies
Surprised you have the intelligence to turn on a computer, fucking lard for brains yankoid
>Popular belief is Kurds are good, since they're moderate, secular, liberal socialists fighting for freedom against an authoritarian, Islamist, Turkish state that wants to eradicate them.
I don't think anyone really spends much time thinking about Kurds
They were briefly on the popular radar when ISIS was about but you're delusional if the general public thinks about them in this way in relation to Turkey
bit dark out
>brother's gf
>she says
>said he thinks

So, who has the bigger willard, lad? You, your brother or his he/she sex partner?
>you're a gay nazi like this fella who got killed by nazis for being gay
very logical!
toxic ball of negativity... hey its you!
Wish she'd nonce me
fancy some biscuits
clocks went woke
This, ask a normie who the Kurds are and they won't know
Keep embarrassing yourself
>IRA were just USSR-backed

The kurds lost the state race eimple as
Okay and?
gearoid go and suck the shit out of liam neeso's arse you smelly little woke ira supporting flag burning cunt
Hello Mehmet Turkoglu
why so hot in my room tho
it's like calling strasserites nazis when they got purged by nazis also
your brain simply just doesn't work right im afraid
It's true
Honestly would rather Turks and Kurds were tossed into the black sea so Europeans could repopulate the land
Can still get nonced even as an adult
so this is it... the last /brit/....
wouldn't that be nice
are you toxic

or are you virtous
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god save the king and all that
Cocks too big so I have to wear special pants
it appears we have run out of things to talk about
surprised it took this long
the noncer
or the noncee
made my mum cry because I spoke about the global jewish banking cabal and how the intricate web has culminated in /brit/ being spammed by interracial garbage

the truth is too much for some people, their minds too dark
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Jarvis, rape the disabled
average britposter
>guy says nazi stuff
>I say that's Nazi stuff
>he says how can he be a nazi if he's gay
>I point out Ernst Röhm was a gay nazi, and that being a gay nazi is stupid since Nazis inevitably turn on and kill their gay allies
>Yank retard wanders into the conversation and starts drooling about how "uhm actually da Nazis killed Röhm!!!"
>I point out yes, that my point, gay Nazis existed and it was as retarded then as it is now
>Yank continue to have a meltdown failing to understand my point ad nauseam
Had to tell my dad I was a targeted individual and how I simply must now he a recluse and can't go to me distant cousin's wedding
Even gave him proof of the AI voices that haunt me
He has since ghosted
Go back
Something inherently pathetic about the police pointing tasers at murderers
Nigga mad that his world is American now
Yeah where has this weirdo leftypol who calls everyone "guys" and "nazis" come from
>every word is American!!!
great another drooling retard
cornish diasphora
>got bantered by protestants so hard he joined a terrorist organisation
>tried to blow up a furniture store but got caught because some random civilian parking their car at the exit to the building and called the police
>rubbed poo on the walls of his cells
>starved himself to death because he didn't want to do "prison work"
a true irish hero
comes from guy fawkes so technically british
if you get purged by a group you are not part of that group
easily summed up there
2 at the most
a freedom fighter so he were
*slaps your GFS as while she's quivering*

Woo thanks brudda I needed to get my nut off NGL I ain't used a condom
>Ernst Röhm wasn't a real nazi!!!
wrong and fucking cope
delusional yank tard
what did the furniture shop do to the irish republicans?
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Why is youtube recommending me femboy history videos with 20 views?
Love lifting weights and scranning mountains of protein
The greatest joys in life truly are the simplest of pleasures
A board in America described as a 2x4 is in fact not 2foot wide and 4foot long

This is America
Furniture more complicated than a three-legged stool is a symbol of imperialism in Ireland
>>Ernst Röhm wasn't a real nazi!!!
yes.. that's why they killed him
because he didn't actually hold up to their standards
use your head please you stupid cunt kek
how the fuck do i know
knows you're a nonce
starving yourself as protest to a foreign army occupying a fifth of your homeland is honorable
I do this too. Whenever I see "13 does this that or the other" my mind immediately appending it with "using mummy and daddy's money" and then I get really bitter that my parents never gave me thousands of pounds to do stories that could get me fame and fortune.
She never sailed round Britain she used the Caledonian canal the cheating slut
never happened
what's that apostrophe doing there
>makes a silly word for pedophile
Shows how much character Brits have and how much more pleasant daily interactions are with strangers
Leftypol has no shame. Even when that black guy went round london injecting people with cancer he still stood up for him
fucking kek
im glad everybody on /brit/ came to a consensus that scots is not a language but a dialect of english
Don't see how that's related
same, nice to agree on correct things isn't it
The first can has been opened, lads
It's lovely
Leftypol getting his 50th booster and feeling fit as a fiddle
Rorke laying in a hospital bed with a respirator from 'rona
Not really, it's pathetic
>not authorised by any candidates or candidate's committee
reckon because the democrats are fully aware of how stupid these adverts are and realise that bullshit like this is how they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in 2016
>Violence with injury rose to 562,000 incidents this year, up from around 376,000 last year.
>Overall, violence is some two-thirds lower than in the 1990s.
People in the 90s got battered
right it's settled. Im doing Halloween as one of the Top Gun pilots. No homo
haha it do be like that
google sees the relation, that's why they correctly identified you as a nonce
I never got the jab and I'm the most leftypol there is
I feel so much better not drinking
Leftupol having normal sex
Rorke threatening to leave his blind gf unless she gets fucked by several African men at once
me stood at the Wetherspoons bar about to order another 3 for 2 deal of 3 pints of thatcher blood orange
scots is what rabbie burns wrote in and what scottish lowlanders spoke prior to the acts of union. it split from middle english quite early on and retained a lot of old pre norman features. it was a seperate language from what the english spoke by 1700 even if it was largely intelligible. Think Spanish and Portuguese.

But that doesn't really exist anymore. 3 centuries of union has sort of phased out this unique Anglic variety that was already quite similar. What the Scottish working class speaks today is not Scots but is heavily dialected English with some Old Scots influence. The speech in and around Glasgow or rural Ayrshire is more a creole of Scots and modern English.

Its complicated.
Don’t think we can really comprehend how much the male sex has been reigned in and our impulses subdued. Boomers used to be randomly violent to one another just for fun
Selfish cunt putting the immunocompromised folx at risk
I think the week before some loyalists had blown up a catholic pub and killed a bunch of civilians, so I think the idea was to do seek some sort of retribution
>I'm being electrically shocked and tortured by remote machinery and AI voices are tormenting me to death and my recurring nightmares are about not remembering murdering people and feeling all the guilt and anxiety of being taken in by the police
>I can't kill my baby
Might learn Korean for a laugh
Don't understand jfs who come here and get angry when everything's in English
>You can't do that!
>You can't say that!

I just did, bitch
only thing he could do in prison
it was a hunger strike to be treated as prisoners of war and not as terrorists. lots of ira prisoners done it as a protest for 5 demands

the right not to wear a prison uniform;
the right not to do prison work;
the right of free association with other prisoners, and to organise educational and recreational pursuits;
the right to one visit, one letter, and one parcel per week;
full restoration of remission lost through the protest

They didn't just do it cause they were in a huff. Despite Sands dying it worked and the wishes were granted. He also became a global martyr for Irish republicanism so it's not as if he was a failure.
those bloody royalists always buying furniture
It's over for cork
I'm a man who does that
I can't complete with Indian men in the sexual marketplace

Where does evil come from?

what do you mean "where"

from a human being

always a human being

and only a human being

a human being is a work-related


of nature

an error

if humankind



from flora and fauna

the earth will regain

its beauty and lustre

nature its purity

and innocence

human beings are the only beings

who use words

which can serve as tools of crime

words that lie

wound infect

evil does not come from an absence

or out of nothingness

evil comes from a human being

and only a human being

we differ in thought - as Kant said -

and for that matter in being

from pure Nature
You want to kill babies la?
You're a twisting fucking cycle path
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maybe - but he didn't die for that. he died for this.
plus since the ulster-scots have been there for over 300 years by this point, I don't think it's entirely fair to call them a "foreign army."
Anybody who moves to any other country and doesn't learn the language should be shot and deported in that order.
I dont get why they complain at all. If I came from a shit hole like Sierra Leone or Sudan or something and managed to get to Germany, I'd get my head down the rest of my life and just be grateful I live in a secure country. But instead, these people are going on to the Guardian and writing shit like "Its time you gave us reparations and benefits, this country needs to change"
just seen the gollis are trying to get reparations again. they really do never fuck up, do they?
Anybody who moves to any other country should be deported
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Indian women BELONG to White men...man I need a harem
>big booty latina
>sexy pajeeta
>cute breathy nerdy white girl
>peng asian ting
Then and only then would my life become anime
So in the next 10 years ireland will be reunited and scotland will be independant and the uk will pay reparations for slavery and then the indians will ask for reparations and then we'll give the falklands back to argentina and then cornish men will rise again
the british security forces were the foreign army
it was always a war to reunite ireland not to ethnically cleanse the ulster scots
will muhammad al-bin muhammadajeen be an Englishman in 100 years?
could be a wank and early bed kind of day for me
it's backed by america because it weakens the european economy (which is what america ultimately wants)
everything racially based like that is always 100% backed by the CIA. BLM riots is a great example of it
*Gives your pregnant gf herpes*
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not a skerrick
its not african and indian immigrants that ask for it
its 3rd generation carribean london raised students and twitter mongs thinking that as soon as the evil white man pays them reperations everything will be fixed
>Its complicated
But the main thing is - Scots are English now
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reminder that 50% of black women have genital herpes
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maybe if you cathcucks hadn't been so blood-thirsty the British Army wouldn't have needed to be there to stop you from massacring civilians over bullshit that happened 200 years ago
and killing civilians and 1000 out of 100000 british soldiers was going to achieve that? in the 1990s?
Scots are not English because they don't live in England
>only thing he could do in prison
Yeah so he shouldn't have gone to prison if he wanted to be "honorable"
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>I don't think the kava's ever going to wear off
don't believe that image personally
must be a grim disease to have
haha hope i’m not late lads got some great posts for this thread
the fun thing about them too is that you can breed them and still have white passing kids
my nephew is half-indian and he's whiter than me - blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, but he doesn't sunburn and his skin is really clear
They live in Northern England
It was an honorable goal to begin with
The British Army was actually welcomed by most Catholics as a peacekeeping force cause there was a lot of violence and Protestant violence on civilians (as well as both sides), but after Bloody Sunday the trust was gone, the relationship went south and the ranks of the IRA swelled
>but after Bloody Sunday the trust was gone,
After the IRA manufactured a massacre of innocents by firing upon British soldiers from the crowd
Smart play to be fair
he wanted to free his country
flippant. good word. flippant
I am taig man 1,000 DEAD SQUADDIES
they shot and killed 14 civilians
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we don't need new
Britain cries out for a free and independent Scotland.
Just wish those drug addled leeches would vote for it and fuck off already.
I know what you're trying to do the full
>oh x people speak english therefore they are english
but you just sound like a spastic
communing with the russians on.. lets just say.. a certain valve game
I think I'm Shadowbanned
How are the Scots culturally distinct from Northern English people?
going paki shop for some biscuits, anyone want owt?

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