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kot feet edisi
commiepedotroons posting below
capitalisthagloveraryans posting below
are you the one that always want bago?
kys pedotroon
kotbros we're so back
He likely is if you check the timestamps >>203809975 >>203810007
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this looks like something out of r/boomerhumor
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Is this edible?
Apparently its really bitter and not edible.
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can't tell for sure, but it's better not to eat shrooms larger than a cock. japanese matsutake is probably the largest shroom you can eat without getting trippy
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Any plans for malmingan?
That's a different tangalog. Anyone can falseflag (like the one that replied to you)
newfag detected
redpill me on brunei
for a developed country in SEA it seems like a mystery to me, more so than isolated countries like north korea
Have you look in the mirror fugazi oldfag monkey?
they ride golden lambos and stuff
that's all i know about them
my people
No such thing
I know a friend whose mom works as a maid for some rich guy there
Cortez won
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you're welcome here mi amigo
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kys pedotroon
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Why do filipinas go abroad more than filipino men? Are pinoy men too incompetent to compete abroad?
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i pee'd on that one specific dead wood for years.
every couple of weeks some shroom are missing, then i realize some niggas in my neighboorhood are eating it
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I wonder how many more decades nettouyo can talk down Vietnam like this? >>203807528

Two decades maybe? Even a decade from now, Vietnam will probably be on Malaysia's level, and some Japs are already moving to Malaysia these days (for retirement). Don't even get me started about young Japanese willing to work hard labor in Australia like some thirdies. Schizos really lack self-awareness.
Singapore is East Asia.
If you become developed you graduate from being SEA.
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mlaysian male be like
You know you're firstie when filipinos go to your country for work
>Shocked from his recycled ragebait #3729
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if you still pirate for animu/manga then you have no shame
you have money to buy cigarettes and play online slots but don't even want to support the industry you like
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just woke up
Manga costs thousands for booklet tier pages nigga.
more feminine jobs like maid or nurse are available since firstie women can't be assed to do them
the japanese women treat their own men quite bad, I had seen it in Shanghai almost a decade ago.
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>Latin America
Is "south" the problem?
This guy is something else.
aint clicking that shit nigga
all organic compounds are edible
we brics now
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not my fault Toei went full retard regarding distribution of their best anime of 2024
They were once a powerful kingdom that took almost all of Borneo, barring the interior and south. They maintained good relations with a lot of the local sultanates in the area, but they had a lot of internal problems. Each time some rebellion happened, they portioned off a part of their land to whoever helped them out (like the Sulu and the British). Eventually they shrank to where they are now, and instead of joining Malaysia, they went their own way. I don't know if they found oil first or later, but that's what helped them maintain their wealth and power and why they're reluctant to be part of that country.
The Sultan of Brunei gave out a nice testament to our Second President in his posthumous book.
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total Denisovan victory
Was Putin always that short? I thought he would be taller than Xi.
Hate how we still pretend being neutral is the best foreign policy for us.
Meanwhile the ones siding with either side get massive investment while we're only left with the leftover crumbs.
Nobody likes a fence sitter.
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are you like that (and this)?
That's why we're more into the OECD thing, though I dunno what Prabowo's planning with that now that he's in charge.
>you have money to buy cigarettes and play online slots
I don't do any of that, therefore I'm justified to pirate shits. Also I bought shit tons of physical Manga.
Which candidate should I vote next so indog will lean towards westoid?
simple as
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Ask again in 5 years
We still don't have any probable candidates and no one know if prabowo will makes it
pls seek help
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>Hate how we still pretend being neutral is the best foreign policy for us.
it actually, really is desu, back then and now.
>massive investment
yep with no string attached right? (see sri lanka as example, or africa, wow)
you are one naive motherfucker
which block do you think is OECD for?
basically last presidential election is
Anies = West
Prabs = Center bit West
Ganjar = East
next presidential election is too far to see, but I think democrat will end up having actual chance to seize it.
hopefully prab will, got lots of allies and connection to him, its what best for Indonesia (and personally myself)
jawak menace, how can we combat it?
Damned if you do, damned if you don't, might as well go fuck it and do it.
>damned if you don't
really now?
>UPN Veteran
Damn, that guy might be my sister's coworker.
Nigga if I could somehow pirate cigarettes I would. Never play slot or other judol tho, FUCK gambling man. Fuck giving my money for free just for it to circulate outside my cunt's economy or worse, just to sit around hoarded in some fuckers bank account on a tax haven fake "countries".
Democrat needs a new face, don't think Baskoro could carry them
Non-cukai cigs exist, but it's super risky to play with iy, espcially for the store owner.
The profits are also stupidly small
mamsir, i can see his nipples
So sad rn
does mlei feels some connection to their weird estranged cousin living on tatar pasundan exclave?
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Reminder that we are NOT gay!
I am hungry but too lazy to make breakfast.
Looks like Ayen
Only exists to give the west to portion off part of the Borneo oil fields for themselves and get a better deal on over having to deal with the Malaysian state oil company
That's a man
RIP /asean/
>damned if you don't
we can still import foods,
yes importing foods is not crime
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I accidentally clicked off catalog and got confronted with this picture.
Why are indogs like this?
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what is the meaning of life..
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what is even the advantage of joining brics? making it even easier for the chinks to dump shit into our country? i'd rather have indonesia just stay being a partner country for both oecd and brics.
>Nobody likes a fence sitter.
Nobody really likes each other. It's all about benefit & profit. If you are weak enough or retarded enough to get ripped off by your allies, they will rip you off without blinking.
>Hygiene Technicians sleeping at their job
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I'm thankful for being neet than being a wagie that gets fucked by natural disasters, employers and the people over the phone. Can't say I feel bad for them.
cute boys
But our ambiguity is important for stability, unless things have changed today.
Indonesia does get a lot of foreign investment. I mean, the Philippines is a western bootlicker but you're double the wealth compare to the average filipino.
This was at Cubao?
That's scary as fuck, I was there yesterday evening and it wasn't this bad
How long do tropical storms last? Jeez.
Do Filipinos not have a lot of foreign investment? You have US military bases there, right?
>sore throat
>Nose mucus fall down all the time
>Pain im the backside of my eyes
>Pain all over my body
I dont wanna die, i havent marry yet. I want to have my own kid. Fuuuuucckkkk
That's why allied countries strengthen each other. Meanwhile, if you're weak and have no allies (and have no nukes) then you're pretty much fucked. True, being neutral is better than being erratic and opportunistic like India, but that's a pretty low bar, considering India's foreign policy is notoriously bad.

I don't understand you have this constant suspicion when it's clear what each block wants, what the consequences are, or why we've had problems with either in the past. We know siding with the West means more globohomo. We know siding with China means more authoritarianism.

Lastly, keep in mind that our current stance on neutrality isn't based on a real conviction. No real agenda whatsoever to ensure peace and neutrality in the region, only empty rhetoric. That's not being principled. That's cowardice. Ideally, I support neutrality and defense-only military too, but only if we withdraw ourselves from the Non-Proliferation Treaty and start arming ourselves with nukes (with the stated condition that we only use them in our territories when invaded). Otherwise, it's not a realistic stance to have.
its aids
>Do Filipinos not have a lot of foreign investment?
We have call centers but Jeets are the investors now. We don't have manufacturing compared to Vietnam and Malaysia.
>You have US military bases there, right?
Until the 90s, no. Anyway, don't worry about your country's alignment.
Im perjaka
>Indonesia does get a lot of foreign investment.
Compared to Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines, not really. The Philippines probably gets less than the rest of the Western camp because they've assessed your country (and probably ours too) and thought you lack skilled labors (low labor quality), too much corruption, and so on.
Filipinos were pretty good in the 50s-60s, they could bounce back. Indonesia has always been on the climb without reaching the top.
But we're talking about foreign policy here. Being open to westerners doesn't matter.
Any scuba divers here? Have anyone tried wreck diving at Tulamben? Planning to get a wreck diving specialty
No. You get more bilateral treaties from the US, Taiwan, Japan, and SK than us. Even though they think your country is a meh ally capability-wise, you're still their ally, and you have proven yourselves to be a reliable one in the past.
>>203815827 (me)
This was yesterday, apparently
I had the wise idea of spending 30% of my daily wage on a Grab car instead of being stingy as usual and taking the bus
This one in particular stuck around for 1 more day when it was expected to leave the area sooner
I swam in the ocean once but they said you shouldn't go too deep lest you fuck up and get poisoned by the oxygen.
Was it always this bad? Or has it gotten better this year?
>poisoned by the oxygen
Deepwater diving is truly for hardcore chemist
>get poisoned by the oxygen.
at that depth i'm pretty sure the pressure would have already got to you
I would stay inside in that weather
>Was it always this bad?
we've had worse, but imo the frequency of typhoons with this level have been increasing the past decade. either that or they come one after another, like two typhoons a month for te season
cute girl
is she indon?
Close, oxygen toxicity is not really a concern in scuba diving unless you're breathing enriched air. The main concern is actually nitrogen narcosis, which can make you stupid underwater and then leads you to do stupid things and die.
This is why the recreational depth limit is 40m, at deeper depths the high pressure causes more nitrogen to enter your bloodstream (Henry's law) causing severe narcosis.
Actually divers don't get crushed by ocean pressure because our bodies are mostly water, which is incompressible. The increase in pressure only affects air spaces such as lungs and sinuses, which are prone to collapse. This is why if you were to swim in a pool and then dive to the deep end of a pool, your ears start to hurt. Scuba diving fixes this by filling our lungs and sinuses with compressed air which matches the surrounding pressure.
those girls are underwater!
Still able to smell & taste stuff. Just finished eating bitter melon
Getting fired is worse than getting killed by a typhoon here
To be fair, getting killed by a typhoon is pretty comfy. You can sleep forever!
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Embarrassing the country.
She looks like my cousin.
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what's this about us joining BRICS? real?
Dude you been living under a rock or something? Anyway, final steps.
She's Chinese, don't worry
Hardly anything special, though it is slightly surprising that a rich chinkoid did it
>I'm thankful for being neet than being a wagie that gets fucked by [...] people over the phone
Holy zoom zoom
Why is phone anxiety prevalent in your generation?
pedotroon posting below
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>you have money to buy cigarettes and play online slots
But i dont do any of those faggot things.
stealth chinkoid shill post
How did she conceal the 9 months of pregnancy?
She crammed her kid inside a cereal box. Shouldn't be that big
So she brought a cereal box with her for 9 months?
lil baby always looks at me funny
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is this you
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no, i look more like this
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Nice try but I'm not giving money to Israel.
Caper kontol
no more rain
haven't had rain in weeks
now there are wildfires
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You will never be a catgirl
They can see the devil inside you
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Karaoke night anyone?
Vietnamese nationalists like boast about the greatness of their civilization, but I see no physical evidence for what they claim whatsoever. There are no beautiful castles like in China or Japan, no artistic paintings, and no notable armor. The imperial capital of Hue looks dog's shit, especially when compared to Angkor Wat or the Summer Palace. The only thing they good at is breeding like animals and through pure numbers overwhelming artistic peoples(champa) into extintion.
poor girl ;(
Why do you have that low of an opinion of your own culture, Vietbro? When it comes to architectural works in ancient Vietnam, you could say that the climate isn't super conducive to it; a lot of them could've been worn out by time.
You also have the Ao Dai, so Vietnam has pretty dresses, right?
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You guys have the right to boast because you aren't a failed state like the Philippines. You'll look back on this post 20 years later when you start getting Filipino migrants and filipina wives to circumvent your declining birth rate in Vietnam.
Life is pretty boring don't you think
Shut up D*gar
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i forgive you
lol boomerhumor
jokes bapak-bapak
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If you have a job I'm automatically hiding your flag.
i have zero (0) hours next week dough
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You still need to look for a full time job
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why are women like this?
h- hot
>angela white on jav video
I hate women
a. white's phenotype what i use to identify australian girls
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quick maths, anon
I have RM30, which should I buy?
>RM13 cigs
>RM20 gas
Gas so you can work for Mr. Lim's bonus this year
i buy cigarettes because I already stole RM20 from Mr. Lim and used that to buy gas instead
how much fuel do you get for 20?
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RM2.05/litre so thats about 10litres
i drive a hatchback so that much is enough, lasts me like a week
dandandan is free on youtube
I think for 20 ringgit you could only get 2 or 2,5 liters here
the need to accept isreal thing to get accepted into oecd might be deemed insurmountable now
subsidised by the government :)
our prices are one of the cheapest in SEA
pic is about diesel
Very good. No wonder there are so many cars in Malay
Have some self-respect, stop watching self-insert slop.
fun things are fun
thats the funny thing
our cars are one of the more expensive in the region
import cars are heavily tariffed, and local cars are shitting expensive
peep the basic model, the 1.3 one - is 120k kroner a lot in Norway?
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Is Malay still in the "middle income trap"?
>120k kroner a lot in Norway?
I mean, new cars are crazy expensive here too. 300-400k NOK is a "cheap" new car. Median salary is like 610.000 kr per year.
Bird gallery
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big kot!
guess we have to count our blessings
>middle income trap
i'm not smart enough to answer that
theres an anon who used to work in a bank here, he can probably tell more
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whats the true power of this?
i don't think we have myvi here but if that car closest equivalent is honda jazz here, then malay car is cheaper than in indogland. much cheaper.
go go Vietbros
kot collar or choker?
my fav porn star
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looks too big
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kys pedotroons
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wake up, asian
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pagi pogi laofren

im already up though
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>wake up, asian
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stop fooling us, state your planet ayylmao anon
pagi ges
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it's still 4am here tho
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i'm the laomutt
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i'm in this thread too
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it's okayy :3
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thought so, your VPN is always wacky

how so? im not even using a vpn
okay, i will start wearing ties
calves workout cures homosexuality. focus on calves.
halloween soon
my party is tomorrow
wow. social guy!
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you can come too
>too lazy to play vidya, even rhythm games arent fun anymore
>too lazy to go to some stupid faggot rave
>too lazy to get another job
>too lazy to study math or cs even though i used to love it
>getting yelled at even though i do chores every day
>too lazy to enroll in a course they are useless anyway

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what is it then? a vps? I mean the system always changes your flag.
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get fit
It's time to learn real men's job like farming kiddo
it's either my isp provider's carrier nat doing stupid shit or my proxy client making me connect to random servers in bumfuck nowhere. i just do it because french ips are often rangebanned when it comes to media posting
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how to into farming as a BIPOC in yurop?
thank you!
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agriculture should be in your soul if you are lao, DOVGH
Malay only does office job
why is it always serumpun lol
malay and indog men are either 3/10 dysgenic uggos or gay catnip twinks
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Warkop vibes

Oh, good morning, /asean/
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new pajeetnesian moment yesterday
>raped by 13 neighbors
>forced to marry someone
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kot thread
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>woke up masturbating instead of heading to work or going to school
this is how far the peak of my life will go
Bantuin aku cari pacar dong bang
>working on sabbath
good goy
simple as
>my skin on my penis tip is shedding and flaky
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Should i harvest?
could get twice bigger but but smaller one taste sweeter
choose my son yield or quality
Wait a little bit more, shit could get real big after some time.
Israel is attacking Iran that means that Trump won the election and WWIII must begin before he sits in the White House again.
Annabel Redd
>wake up and getting ready for work
>ww3 just started
What's for breker
do you guys really
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wtf is this real?
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sabturday already...
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Nah I'm a neetchad
Wash your dick
Please keep your zesty activities in moderation
shut the fuck up tangalog
Guys modal menanam jamur berapan yah guys? Media tanamnnya ambil dimana? Pengen coba2 numbuhin sendiri, tp gak tau mulai dr mana. Gw orang sulsel, susah nyarinya dimana
don't force this shitty meme
It’s the fucking weekend can you guys give it a break
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Create your own thread
This guy is a fucking terrorist holding this thread hostage
what is this mental illness called
Idk why janny let’s shit like this slide tbqh
jetta cute
Here’s your stupid isolation thread
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Blind fuck >>203845913
He’s gonna spam until it hits the limit anyway
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having a cottage cheese with dill
Untuk start, order media tanamnya aja dulu lewat online soalya udah banyak bisnisnya, cmn brp ribu per botol. Mending beli banyak sekitar selusin atau lebih buat tes dulu. Taruh media tanamnya di tempat gelap sama lembab.
Guess he went back to sleep lol
i am wagie, and i'm in my cagey
We out here

why are you like this?
go bago go
Nigga be eatin mushrooms
mushroom is good tho
which retard made a new thread so soon?
still too soon
It was 300+ already until janny nuked bagospammer's posts
Imagine how many cats you have to slaughter to gather that many bumps.

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