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thanks hiroshimoot
very much at the rail station
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Alri lads
>20% of households earning $150,000 are living paycheck to paycheck, according to Bank of America Institute's findings.
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*gives it a good sniff*
Earn 30k but have over 103k saved up cos I'm fiscally responsible
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take it to /biz/ cunt
You mean the train station / railway station, I presume

Or are you at one of those big warehouses at the side of the railwau where they actually store the sections of rail?
earn 26k and have 4k in "savings"
same but with different numbers
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Do you have and lusty danceband music in england?

because yanks consoooooooooooooooooooom on a scale unfathomable to most
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was very disheartened when i learned that these things are among the most retarded mammals to exist
You fucking nazi prick, need you to give 30% of that to pay for migrant hotels
a trait common to Australia
Yeah what ones
marsupials in general are incredibly fucking stupid
you ever look a possum in the eyes? their eyes don't even move, they're completely soulless creatures. cute though
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i dont even consoom but we have to save a lot for retirement since we won't have social security or pensions
>their eyes don't even move, they're completely soulless creatures. cute though
Sounds like women
love opossums
hate possums
simple as
I think women's eyes move
Chinyank in?
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i really want to take a bunch of koalas and transplant them into california somewhere, i think they'd do alright there
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Apparently the eucalyptus they eat is poisonous and has very little nutritional value so they eat a lot of it which is why they sleep so much

but instead of evolving to resist the poison they evolved a skull that is basically a built-in retard helmet to protect them when they fall out of the tree
it diego day

it diego day

*does the happy dance*
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look at his little hands
are opossums those really faggy ones whose main survival tactic is playing dead?
repulsive slug of a man he is
Wouldn't know mate
our bears would shit all over ausfalian wombatdodoos and faggot ass spoiders
never understood why your possums are irish and ours arent
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you better watch it
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That's a bit over half a year of wages for me

I assume this is probably a month for you
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just want a le quirky gf
america is an irish country
one of my earliest memories is staying in a holiday shack with my mum and a random possum came in and just hung out with us for a few hours
Was playing scrabble online yesterday and my opponent played poos and skids

Was it one of you?
Stop spending so much
Looks like she crawled out of a john hughes movie
atrocious outfit, is she autistic?
I'm giving up on 2024, and I'm goi g to reinvest my energy in setting up 2025 to be my year
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aggg ulro dooo ibwf oesy
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>Teenager, 18, who arrived in the UK on a small boat in July is charged with murder after asylum seeker hotel worker, 27, was stabbed to death at railway station after a row over biscuits
El flato rato
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it's true. we're an anglo-irish-franco-italian-portuguese nation
Just did a bolognese-style poo
mmhmm coffee from the motherland x
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saw this lad in a tree next to my balcony when i was on holiday the other week
yeah well australian dollars and amerodollars are different due to higher cost of living in the states. that's middle class income in the us
lots of drama at toil recently
LOVE spreading gossip
need her taken out back and shot
lack of naira enzymes does to a mf
I used to imagine koalas living in the eucalyptus trees behind my house
Love walking around in old clothes looking like a dole bludger when I'm really probably in the top 10% by wealth
>higher cost of living in the states
>higher cost of living in the states
mmm yes, the one single cost of living in the US
same in LA as in Mississippi
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rape apologist
reaching dangerous dangerous levels of don’t give a fuck about my wfh job. Never did give a fuck but with everything going on in my life atm I couldn’t think of anything less important right now. Literally just sit and play fifa all day
supposed to have an interview for a more senior position in office next week as well lol
.....is this marina del rey? venice beach? why?
a house is a thief as my grandad used to say
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your rent and grocery bill are lower than mine
Love fried potatos and eggs me
wanted to join a biker gang but then i found out modern biker gangs in australia are all full of arabs
what happened to the racist beardy whiteboy gangs of yesteryear?
spaghetti bollocknaise
yeh, how can you tell? there was a festival in san pedro that me and a few m8s went to.
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Rate my life
this is per-week
shitting my guts out
why do you always add kisses to your posts
Deary me
the places with low cost of living also have low incomes so it's basically the same all over
egg prices are up 200% and cost like $3/dozen now. gas is up 100% to near $3/gallon (£0.61/liter). milk is $4/gallon (£0.81/liter), and so on.

it's even worse for meals. a mcdonalds combo is like $20 now when it used to be under $5.

its getting crazy here mate.
a festival in san pedro? that's crazy
was it in that park where the korean friendship bell is?
anyway I've spent a fair amount of time in the marina del rey area... san pedro too and palos verdes
all along the coast really
650 dollars per week?
greasy spoon near me does a great full english hash brekkie
I have literally no fucking clue about NZ prices
Can you switch to an all-lamb diet to save money?
at least your gym is cheap
What's with the Portugreasers?
pooing my little bum off
>$2600 per month rent
Lush that
Im gonna bleed in the clubbbbbbbbbbb
I got weed in my luuuunggggs
i hope you're keeping in mind that that's 1560 yankbux
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Lamb is very expensive here, which is strange because we are a major producer

yeah, it's really clean and well equipped to which is nice
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this is NZD so its $1560 USD
the next plan of action is to try and get her pregnant so she stays with me
and that’s not rapey because i always ask before cumming in her and lately she’s been asking for it even since we broke up
so ill just have as much sex as possible and hope for the best
dunno which bit it was in desu, but the sun went down behind the stage every night it was very nice
drinking foam
still pretty high tbf, do you live alone? i'd consider getting at least one housemate unless it's a super small place
in american terms
>wages: $510 USD per week ($26520 per annum)
>groceries: $90 USD per week ($390 per month)
>gym: $4.20 USD per week (nice)
>rent: $390 USD per week ($1700 per month)

it just sounds like you need a better job mate. I made $40k USD ($67k NZD) as a 20 hour/week grad student in uni
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I think Lamb is probably expensive most place because the time/meat yield ratio is low
A leg of Lamb here thats only 2 lbs is literally like 40 dolars before tax
catbergenstein the fourth! how nice to finally meet you! ~
whats with all these retarded cats
Chris Kabadabadoo
Guerilla creampie warfare
I'm trying to get a better job
My job is actually also decent as well, like I'm not working at McDonalds or a Janitor anything, it's just NZ pay is really low
highly early for my interview
might doss for 10 mins before walking up
ahh I see it looks like it was down by the harbor maybe? interesting
Sir Chris Kaba
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My neighbour raises sheep in his backyard, maybe I should ask him for some
avatar use
i reckon people should have to do a few days of community service dealing with blacks and bogan degenerate methheads before any criticism of the police is taken seriously
good lad. did you go to uni?
uni opens you up to like 4x the pay instantly. i made $75/hour in my internship
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morning lads
must have flushed the bog about 10 times and the shite is still stuck in there
>uni opens you up to like 4x the pay instantly
the student debt makes it not worth it
dont remember asking
Move over here x
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I did not go to uni
lamb is the lushest meat
throw the chav down the well
went to gymtoil, did 3 sets of pullups, then buggered off to mcdonalds and viciously scranned a mcflurry and 20-piece mcnugget in my car
My CV is barely competitive in NZ
I've got no shot in the UK lol
total chav death
curbstomp chavs
tombstone chavs in to the pavement
throw chavs in shark tanks
poison the wells of chav communities
throw sand in the eyes of a chav
spit in the meal of a chav
Its really really good.
uni isn't necessary in australia and nz like it is in the US and UK
among the cruelest of meats too
might shave my head and grow a goatee
Alright Kane
well it's not as bad as veal, at least the lambs get some exercise before they're killed
Probably a link there
whats a maxibon when it's at home
might look into blocking websites at the router level. Too much shit online wasting my time
Australia seems based because it looks like one of those places where blue collar workers rule and make good money
Alri Heisenberg
Alri Derek from American History X
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this was more the look i was going for
It's a temporary trend
You looking to get raped in jail or something
Don't see why Indians can't be constructuon workers and miners for cheap
Open the floodgates, Australia
Chris KWABa was a criminal African buckbroken by Aryan Europeans
not only that, but if you want to be a doctor or a lawyer, you don't need an undergraduate degree first to start studying medicine or law, you can just jump straight into it out of high school
If you've never cried from listening to a piece of music or reading a book then do you really have a soul
Dont know what you mean
Seems to me like it was always like that.
What would supplant that? Do they have an Apple or Google or something?
>you don't need an undergraduate degree first to start studying medicine or law, you can just jump straight into it out of high school
Same here
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Any Scythian man in
no, i'm not racist and have no intention of curbstomping any n-words, i just want to look racist
Laura Palmer's Theme gets me misty eyed
interesting, i thought uni would be as big of a racket in the UK as it is in america
It’s chud autumn
people who bought the snake oil like to tell you it is
Eric Clapton's Unplugged session for me
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>Giving Indians access to heavy machinery and dynamite
dominic littlewood on a mad one
i graduated with $0 in debt (well technically i had $20k debt because i took out student loans to buy stocks)
dunno how it works in nz but it's well worth it in the states. especially since most professional jobs require one. i took a few years off and instantly went from $20k-$30k jobs to $100k+ after graduation
could've sworn I clicked /brit/
What the fuck sre you talking about
You must have misunderstood several words and phrases to arrive at this confused post
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a gu gld groi oobo owe fs y
because those are our jobs, fuck off
They’ve already got nukes, same with Pakistan. Keeps me up at night desu
in the time it took you to kick off and flail like this, you could've just actually read that post and understood it
No it isn't, not even remotely
We have a cap on tuition fees for one
Your mum keeps me up at night heheheh
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I did NOT cry while watching Bridge to Terabithia when I was a kid
No cap?
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Grab your very own slice of London life, a snip at 700 grand.
Without referring to the noise me and your mum made last night, tell me what you think a racket is
>We have a cap on tuition fees for one
they're still through the fucking roof though aren't they
my degree cost about $12K AUD, which is fuck all compared to britain
Your mums minge speaks to me at night
British degrees are worth more
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Did you guys every watch this movie when you were little?
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you think that's bad? try living in NEW England
if you went to oxbridge then maybe, otherwise no one gives a toss
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This was sad :(
sweating my cock off
as someone who has had mental breakdowns in public it makes me cringe to see videos of people having mental breakdowns in public
done im
been watching these clips from my 600-lb life where the thumbnail just straight up lies about how much the person weighs
don't like being clickbaited >:(
imagine waiting 4 minutes to samefag
Chonker x
What happened mate
australian tradies earn more than british doctors but they're all broke because they spend all their money on booze, gambling, and prostitutes
got called a racist in greggs
Dropped my golden gaytime
you dropped your done card mate
some of us have time x
Think this applies to yanks too
All their "auto loans" and credit cards and ubereats
uni is only a racket if you're a retard. i went to a state school so
>$64k tuition
>$16k tuition discount due to good grades
>$52k in grants and scholarships
>-$4k net price
if you go to expensive schools and are poor, you can get even more aid/scholarships. sticker price is rarely paid.
got accused of not being racist enough in michel's patisserie
Good VB
Good Chinese takeout
Good Chinese pussy
my car payment was $400/month but i paid it off so the new expenses are >>203811942
open the fucking discos
we have to get the herd immunity
Don't recall asking
end credits theme of the first patlabor movie
you asked when you posted about yank spending
open the fucking discos
gagging for a crisp
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Think something was in that pint
its half 4 and i havent slept yet
my car was making a clicking noise earlier but it's stopped now so i'm sure it's nothing
watch simpsons online free
Maybe there was a catchy tune haha
sex videos
get the phone put down and try not to think about me too much as you toss and turn
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Just recently purchased myself a 150$ Italian military knife because I wanted it
yeah i was listening to my rob zombie playlist (which is just dragula on repeat)
dem yungins cant wait
Wow think of all the envelopes you'll be able to open with that
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i got a cpap and keep waking up in the middle of the night
tiger tiger
so many memories there
my wrist is fucked
open my fucking arse
gagging for a cock
Basically the weekend if you think about it x
is for me, already 5 beers deep x
Eating bread
Are you all yanks? Didn't think so
got to cook for my mardy ungrateful girlfriend later wish I was dead
Why did you want that
Mouthyank's here
Coping over his ugly chink wife
brits are the most insecure posters, always starting arguments for no reason or trying to sound hard or scary
im hard and scary
where are you?
Rich coming from a scot
Earn 41k, got a 10k cash emergency fund and 53k stocks and shares aged 29. Got a gaff as well
LOVE my 600-lb life
mental to think that people this enormous were unheard of 30 years ago
it's hell isn't it. can't leave then either
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Modern Britain.

this was me now she’s left me and now i want to die
do everything you can to make it work
you seriously do not know what you have till you lose it
Feels like pornstars from like 15 years ago were a lot hotter than the ones they have around today.
Mad how speakers corner used to have people like lenin, Marx and George Orwell there back in the day and now it’s just a bunch of brown runts arguing about hadiths or whatever
grow up you wet wipe
rorke going out to seduce women by telling them he's got buffalo '66 on dvd
lol sort yourself out lad. you won your freedom and life begins now
Applied for a £9k raise. Be nice that innit?
brotha goin thru it
>Dani Daniels
>Malena Morgan
>Megan Rain
>prime Kendra Lust
Yep, I'm thinking it's kino
might have to up the pension contributions to stay a lower-rate taxpayer again
depends on the budget as well, probably
im fucking 25 now with no desirable qualities for a woman
no hobbies
no friends

it’s over for me
had my chance and I blew it
how come harps are womens instruments
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this 8pm in the land down under (where women glow and men plunder), what time is the sun setting for you lads?
and worst of all, the trait that's most unattractive to a woman - clingy and desperate
long fingernails
same for classical guitar right but thats a mans instrument
This person needs to chill
Dunno 5:30 or summat like that
Will be 4:30 on Sunday
after this Sunday it'll be like 16:30
17:52 today, 17:50 tomorrow then 16:48 on Sunday. Grim times ahead.
not even going to make jokes that's just tragic. praying for you lads
I love pomegranate.
love the cosy dark evenings
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g go gro alof uowy dbs ie o
it is what it is
we have the Danish attitude of hygge in Winter
I've got something cosy and dark for you x
dude what are you a freakin commie bro? bruh
Not as nice as cost light evenings though are they, let's be honest
Can you fuck off you soulless little golem
Truly the lowest of the low
At least the schizos are human
appreciate it
harps are for anyone
Not me. Bored out of my mind when its dark out and cold.
interviewtoil completed
absolutely did not need to wear a tie but I suppose that's just how the cookie crumbles
hope you feel better someday
You're saying you crushed a cookie during your interview?
Looking more official for interview is mostly never a bad thing
im one step before you wondering whether she really likes me but i know ill miss her if i end it now
me too
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We can only hold on in hope for better times.
for me it's nikki rhodes
At what point does he move from the Canadian flag to the Aussie flag? I’m always sleeping when it happens I think lol
What makes you post AI gibberish day after day, or are you too much of a coward to confront your motivations
shouldn't eat during job interviews lad just wait til after
Mate it was never gonna work if everything hinged on her being with you. You need to have more about you than that.
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need a stockholm syndrome gf
*Wish I were dead
might play the resident evil 2 remake
doing bong rips in the backyard while the possums play around me
have I got the heating on?
yeah I do, yeah
Just done my first interview of the day. Lad turned up wearing a tie lol, thinks it's still 1957.
salarymongs really love droning on about their salary as if anyone could give the slightest infinitesimal of a plank length of a fuck
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bit bloody misty out
gone for a little walk between my interview and going back to current toil
took half a day so it might look a bit suss if I rock up at 10 all suited and booted on dress down friday
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Love smoking weed me
Hate weed culture
Simple as
oh my days
earn 93k me
me? no. Not till November 9th.
what makes you engage in battles of will with strangers on the internet? I'm not actually interested so don't bother answering
>Hate weed culture
Posting pictures of your weed is weed culture, mouthy
I cried reading the bible
little lads you lot
east coast
WE THE PEOPLE are One Nation Under God
Remember, no Dog Shit Yank editions, Yank
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sheepsies have a graze
little black face fella wondering what I'm up to
can you dig it suckaAAAA?
same here pal
Got single pane sash windows so that's my excuse
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when will the cozzie livs end
can you go and pat them
what a pane in the sash haha
Ooh i wanna abuse her
leave them alone
good lad
im 190cm 190kg
don't think so it's private property
also I say leave the lads alone when they're trying to eat
Need concrete poured over every inch of this
I'm her after 15 minutes to say

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