DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese: of older threads: requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: >>>/jp/djtPrevious Thread: >>203836516
>>203949467>四字熟語も漢文の一角ですよ>皆には興味を持ってほしいYes. It might sound threatening, but 四字熟語 actually appear here and there in ordinary speech.The following are all thread titles on 5ch. #1>【AUD】豪ドルのレートに一喜一憂するスレpart5439#2>たまにVIPにも支離滅裂なレスしてるガチの統失いるけど#3>ワイ、静電気のせいで疑心暗鬼に陥る#4>ワイ将、入社10日目で既に四面楚歌になる#5>闇バイトで騙されるようなバカは自業自得#6>24歳やけど一念発起して医者か弁護士か会計士目指すことにしたand much more.
>>203950033Selamat pagi ( ˘ω˘)スヤァ
>>203950174>>203950300what a grateful dawn do we have! \(^o^)/オハヨー sirankedo :3
>>203950300「selamat pagi」をそのまま和訳すると「おめでとう朝」になるんやで
selamat shinji :3
>>203949066omg you reminded me that there was a new chapter today
I'm confused by this>うん、切符を買ったし、ホテルの予約もしてある。What is し doing here?I think it's the stem of する Also>色々な人と付き合ってきたけど、いい人はまだ見つからない。What is と doing?
>>203951038>I think it's the stem of する Not in this case. し is used as an ending particle in subclauses when listing things, like in this case "bought ticket, have done the reservation". The list could also be longer if there are more things to mention: 切符を買ったし、ホテルの予約したし、荷物を揃った。 I think using し isn't strictly necessary here and it could be left out, or replaced with と to connect the listed things. と would sound more neutral and using し is more causal, but I'm not sure how to fully explain what kind of a tone using し here gives to the sentence. Note that し is not used as a general "and" word like と, so you can't replace と with し when simply saying X and Y like in ビールとポテチ。>What is と doing?It's used in the sense of doing something "with" someone. The speaker has associated with many kinds of people. It's also necessary here, if you dropped it from the sentence it would sound weird. Another example would be like 友達と遊びに行った (went playing with friend). You might know と is used like 'and' when listing things (like お酒と肉を買った). The "doing something with someone" usage is kind of the same thing, you're just saying you AND someone did something. In English too the words "and" and "with" can be used to express the same ideas ("went playing with friend", or "friend and I went playing").But と is not literally the same as the English "with", only in the "and" sense. For example, you wouldn't use と when saying you did something with a tool or an object. So 鉛筆と絵を書いた is wrong, it should be 鉛筆で絵をかいた (painted a picture with pencil).
し is "and" for connecting clausesyou can't use と as "and" to connect clausesと is only "and" when connecting nouns
コーヒを飲むし、すぐウンチが出ちゃう(し)"he drinks coffee, and he poops right away (and stuff)"コーヒを飲むと、すぐウンチが出ちゃう"when I drink coffee, poop then comes out right away"
>>203951792Ah thanks, I forgot about the し thing that had just been covered lmaoAlso same with とGoddamn it I have a poor memoryThanks
コーヒーと ウンチ(と) を間違えると、それは大変"if you mix up coffee and poop, then that is big trouble"
>>203951874>>203951947Ah, my bad. I wasn't thinking clearly and somehow forgot とafter a clause is of course the conditional.
>>203950753If only she'd release new chapters more quickly>>203951086プロトス>but why are you thanking me
>>203952306yeah, though this time was the unusual 3 week gap.
>>203952306Because you sent it to me so nicely as if I had asked
I 'read' my first tadoku pdfI had to learn what the volitional conjugation wasFeels good
>>203949066just got my first Nihongo Jouzu
>>203955107>「ですね」を入力したIt's hard to put my finger on it, but something feels off with「ですね」を入力した.If it were me, I'd say 「ですね」と入力した instead.>全部消さなかったThis is grammatically correct, but the 全部消さなかった here gives the impression that you deliberately left it as is.It's better to say 全部消して(い)なかった or 全部消すのを忘れた in my opinion.Sorry if my explanation is unnecessary.
初霜も おきにけらしな 今朝みれば野辺の浅茅も 色づきにけり
おほかたの 秋の空だに わびしきにものもひそふる 君にもあるかな
熱さまシートが切れた タスケテー
I already know what I am, you don't have to remind me
Thoughts on turning off subtitles and only looking up words by listening to them and then searching them up? Only resorting to subs when i didn't hear what they said.
>>203957082熱いシート?><I can't be the only who thinks "shit" when I see シート...
マイ・ワイフ (婿入り)
>>203958979This is just my opinion but I think it works well to train your listening comprehension, much better than having English subs visible all the time. But only if your skill in relation to the stuff you watch is high enough where you don't have to look up very many words, otherwise it might becomes annoying. I also watched some stuff with j-subs recently and it was nice, trains both listening and reading at the same time.
>>203958979You mean Japanese or English subs?
>>203959525japanese subs>>203959480yeah but i think i probably focus too much on the subs even though i can't really read. i will turn the subs back on if I find it too difficult but i'm watching a lot of let's plays and it's very easy usually.
>>203959597If your vocab is good you might wanna turn them off and train your hearing, otherwise it wouldn't make a difference (if you can't tell a difficult word by looking at it, I mean)
>>203959746I'll try it for a while at least. My vocab isn't that good but I'm definitely looking up less. It feels easier to focus on what they're actually saying but it could be my imagination.
I know that I'm stupid and not good at anythingI know that I'm not okayI'm know that I'm not allowed
bump tower stands on the edge of timeUpon it stands the astral mindThe burning chaos-sphere seethes behindOurs to see, yet we are blind時之境 塔独立更其頂 天心現境之外 沌界沸我等盲 目不見
Retard here, should I start by memorizing hiragana and katakana before anything else?
>>203963054ok, I'll trust you polandbro.
Yojijukugo of the day夢幻泡影 (むげんほうよう)人生のはかないことのたとえ
槿花一朝(きんかいっちょう) 槿(むくげ)の花は、朝開いてその夕べにはしぼんでしまうことから、はかないことのたとえとして用いられます。一炊之夢(いっすいのゆめ)唐代、立身出世を願う盧生という青年が、邯鄲という町で出世がかなうという枕を借りて寝たが、夢から覚めるとまだ粟すら炊き上がっていない短い時間であった、という物語に由来しています。人生朝露の如し(ジンセイチョウロノゴトシ)「漢書」蘇武伝に由来し、人の一生は、朝日が射せばすぐに消えてしまう露のようにはかないという意味です。泡沫(ウタカタ)水の上に浮いているあわ、はかなく消えやすい物事のたとえとして用いられます。蜉蝣の一期(フユウノイチゴ) 人生の短くはかないことのたとえです。一場(いちじょう)の春夢(しゅんむ)人間の栄枯盛衰は、春の夜の夢のように極めてはかないものである、という意です。
>>203952514I'm only reading the tanks, so around 6 months gap here :')>>203953139Oh shoot, I'm sorry>and I thought they were just ignoring me>>203951038>>203951072If you're still around, might still get some use out of it
>>203964674>>203964918I wish we had UFO and other japanese instant soups. We only have Korean ones.
>>203964674>>203964918always wanted to try these. i've seen so many youtube videos about cup noodles now. when i go to japan i'll try a bunch. but i also really want to go to restaurants
>>203964038It's from the poem at the end of the Diamond Sutra 金剛経>一切有為法All conditioned dharmas>如夢幻泡影Are as a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow>如露亦如電Like dew, or like a flash of lightning>應作如是觀One should establish a view such as this>佛說是經已,長老須菩提及諸比丘、比丘尼、優婆塞、優婆夷、一切世間天人、阿修羅,聞佛所說,皆大歡喜,信受奉行。When the Buddha had finished teaching this sutra, the elder Subhuti, along with all the monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen, and all the devas and asuras of the world, heard the Buddha's teaching and were each overjoyed, and with faith memorized it and carried out its practices
>>203956798>>203956984I'm not him, but I'll write my opinion.>「全部消さなちゃった。」"ちゃった" is casually "てしまった", so it's as unnatural as "全部消さなてしまった" and needs fixing.Starting from a simpler sentence,>全部消さない>全部消さないでいる(#)>全部消さないでいた>全部消さないでいてしまった>全部消さないでいちゃったYou'd probably wonder why the step marked with "#" is necessary. This part is difficult to explain, but one syntactic reason why (#) or other possible step is needed is that an auxiliary verb for the past "(なかっ)た" and "しまった" cannot coexist. So I used ている->ていた here.>全部消さない = not to delete all (of the sentence) >全部消さないでいる = to leave some of the sentence undeleted>全部消さないでいた = to have left some of the sentence undeletedSo (私は)全部消さないでいてしまった(or いちゃった)。 = I have mistakenly left some of the sentence undeleted.This would be one of the translations of what you wanted to say.>「全部消しちゃわなかった。」This one is grammatically correct as it is. But the meaning is not the same as the first one.Again, starting from a simpler sentence,>全部消す = to delete all>全部消しちゃう = to delete all mistakenly >全部消しちゃわない = not to delete all mistakenly>全部消しちゃわなかった = not to have deleted all mistakenlySo in other words,(私は)全部消しちゃわなかった。 = I escaped mistakenly deleting the entire sentence.orI escaped mistakenly deleting some of the sentence.(It can be interpreted as either a total or partial negation.)
>>203956984>>>203954593>>英語上手でだね。>「ですね」を入力したが、全部消さなかった。And this might be nosey, but if I were to write your original post in a bit different way, it would be something along the lines of>最初「ですね」と入力していて、「で」を消し忘れた。(I initially typed "ですね" and forgot to delete the "で".)
>>203965489>I escaped mistakenly deleting some of the sentence.For some of the sentence, I could escape mistakenly deleting it.(I've rewritten the last sentence before the brackets, which I think was even more weird than this one.)
>>203965489Sorry for posting again and again.I should have mentioned other usage of "...てしまう", "completely".All I wrote about "全部消しちゃわなかった。" can be interpreted in this sense by replacing every "mistakenly" with "completely". The outcome turns to be(私は)全部消しちゃわなかった。 = I didn't delete the sentence completely (on purpose, not by mistake).
>>203965489>>203965675the catholic invasion of Japan has begun, I see...
>>203968638>Visual kei is a Christian PsyOp too :^)
>>203968638Japan's invasion upon itself has been around for some decades, but THIS scale is unprecedented. It could be that the positions are being reversed.
Poor Buddha must be turning over in his grave... I feel bad for him as I'm a Rinzai(=臨済宗派の) Buddhist according to the registration.
>>203971025I used to be made to chant that when I was a child.
>>203971395gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
>>203970506>so are traps then>>203970572I should've guessed lol
On a bit serious note, Catholicism's influence on Japan is nothing new. When the Roman Church split in the 16th century, Catholic missionaries spread their mission to Asia and other parts of the world, coincidentally at the time when the technology of navigation developed greatly in Europe.At that time, Japan was in the midst of a civil war where samurai clans (such as the team led by Oda Nobunaga) of different regions were fighting each other (=戦国時代).Against this background, a number of daimyo, or shogun who ruled a certain region, and some people he ruled, converted to Catholicism. This movement gave birth to a force that couldn't be ignored any longer, and during the Edo period, grew up politically and militarily besides the faith to the religion. They valued their faith over the rule of Japan by the Tokugawa family (=徳川将軍家), let alone the imperial court, which later led to one of the most cruel religious wars in Japan.
>>203972691Christians and young boys, an inseparable combination~
>>203967131>>203965675>>203965489>全部消しちゃわなかった = not to have deleted all mistakenly「accidentally did not delete all」みたいな意味があったと思った。詳しく説明してくれてありがとう。 ちょっと賢くなった気がする。
since when is this thread on here and not on /jp/?
>>203980487Only for the past 8 years.
>>203980487>/jp/We're not weebs.
>>203980633Yes we are
>>203980487Its been here for as long as i remember. This DJT is like /jp/s djt but its slightly less autistic memery and more learning focused.
>>203981096The tripfags and "personas" on jp are somehow even more annoying.
Although trips are great and I encourage more people to use them!
/jp/ thread is garbage. No one even speaks Japanese there
>>203981340Yeah no kidding. Woe to ye, who hath encountered a /jp/ tripfag.I went to /jp/s djt a few times for a couple of days when i was starting out thinking it might be at least somewhat valuable as a learning resource or place to discuss Japanese. What i got was a a fucking THREE THREAD LONG argument between tripfags and some anons about some youtuber called matt vs japan. It wasn't even in Japanese. I never went there again.
>>203982589>I never went there again.Well, i should say i never went there again with the intention of treating it like an actual place of learning.
>>203982921It's less common but you can use an indigenous word "子袋(こぶくろ)" instead of a loan word "子宮(しきゅう)". In ancient China, it seems the womb was thought of as a palace("宮") of a baby, and later Japanese borrowed the word.
In the 無量寿経 sutra of immeasurable life, some beings born in the pure land of 阿弥陀如来 are described as being born there is embryonic form rather than spontaneously as mature beings. >彼國人民 有胎生者 汝復見不There being some inhabitants born embryonically in that land - do you see them?>對曰已見They answered saying, "yes, I have seen">其胎生者 所處宮殿 或百由旬 或五百由旬 各於其中 受諸快樂 如忉利天上 亦皆自然 The palaces 宮殿 in which those embryonically born beings reside are sometimes 100 leagues, sometimes 500 leagues in height, and within each of them they experience all pleasures, the likes of those found in the Trāyastriṃśa heaven, these all spontaneously formed. These beings are born in this state for having doubt in the Buddha's wisdom, and are punished by being unable to see 阿弥陀仏 or hear His voice for the first 500 years of their birth in the Pure Land, although they do not suffer physically
I've nearly read through the essential grammar guide but I don't think I've retained much
Today I learned: あおい
>>203985746The joke is that all of it is essential grammar you need every day and the actual obscure or unusual grammar isn't even in his guide
Heh.>>203985746Normal to not remember everything, engaging with Japanese stuff and looking up what you forgot will reinforce it~
>>203985850autoddler pussix phychoooo :O
>>203985746Use it as something you constantly go back to if you end up stuck and keep reading. It'll stick eventually.
>>203985959I'm having to constantly go back and forth because I'm forgetting shit whilst I go through it lmao>>203985850Yeah it's helping but also I'm worried because looking at yomitan definitions it sometimes feels like I could easily miss conjugations and particles if I'm not on the look out for them >>203985842How much of this is fundamental grammar and not weird vocabulary, contexts or exceptions?
>>203985998You mean miss as in reading them but somehow skipping them and ignoring their meaning? Or as in getting their meaning wrong?Fwiw you could always ask here if you don't know / are unsure about something>ロシアの裁判所がGoogleに20000000000000000000000000000000000ドルの罰金を科す、ロシア国営メディアのYouTube上でのブロックが数年間にわたり続いているため>20000000000000000000000000000000000日本語だとにひゃくこうって読めるけどそっちの言語だとどう読むの?
>>203986173trillion区切りでずっと続くんかな? 知らんけど( ˘ω˘)
>>203986631sugoi :O
extremely large numbers in japanese come mainly through buddhism>自我得佛來 所經諸劫數我が仏を得たるより来たりて、経る所の諸劫の数は、From the time that I attained Buddhahood onward, the number of all the aeons that I've passed through>無量百千萬 億載阿僧祇無量の百千萬の、億の載の、阿僧祇としてIs an incalculable number of hundreds of thousands of myriads, of hundreds of millions of quattuordecillions of infinities>常說法教化 無數億眾生常に説法して、教化す、無数の億の、衆生をAnd always I have preached the Dharma and guided incalculable hundreds of millions of beings though this time,>令入於佛道 爾來無量劫仏道に入らしめて、爾れより来る無量の劫はCausing them to enter the Buddha path, and for all these incalculable aeons,>為度眾生故 方便現涅槃衆生を度する故の為に、方便として涅槃を現すFor the sake of saving these sentient beings, used skillful means to show them nirvana,>而實不滅度 常住此說法而して実は滅度せず、常に此こに住まって説法すWhile actually not passing on into extinction, but dwelling here at all times, preaching the Dharma
>>203986883Is this kanbun?I hope to learn kanbun eventually>>203986136Yeah being unsure what a particle syllable is doing in a sentence and not knowing how to find info about it
>>203987083>>203987010Ah yeah usually dictionaries / google will be a good bet, but if you're starting out can also be handy. And don't be afraid to just ask!
>>203987144Ma Ji Ka! (マジか)まあ僕も専門外だけどね( ・ิω・ิ)>>203987149>まじ卍マジ鉤十字(゚A゚;)ゴクリ
これは、日本語で何と言いますか。This is a bit of a confusing sentenceThis is on the chapter of と representing direct quotations or interpreted quotationsCan someone help me conceptualise how this works?
>>203990136what's denoted by this と is like a full sentence that you would say. It's a bit mixed up in this example because you also have to consider that answering a question is done by just replacing the 何, どう, どこ, etc with the answer.So imagine the answer insteadこれはペンと言いますlike that, ペン is how you would name the object.Something like that, hope that's clear but I think you'll get the hang of it with more examples.
いや俺が! (; ・`ω・´)∩
>>203990390I saw another website which said it could translate as 'that'Is that wrong in this instance?So it's like 'as for this, with Japanese what is it that is said?'
Where can I find raw manga?
小狐汔濟 濡其尾无攸利The young fox is nearly across—but then he wets his tailIn nothing is there benefit
>>203991623im sorry. i teased a jap flag who is a resident of DJT and hate japanese as hell. and she got mad (-_-;)mobs dont ban her for some reason.
and she is baking /日本語スレ/ one after another right fucking now.
>>203991702Awesome, thanks a lot
>>203991778You dont have to apologize. I'm just curious as to why the JP thread has a high percentage of straight up nutters.What about the radiation guy? And the Korean schizo? and the schizo Japanese guy thats obsessed with the Korean schizo? and 工作員?They're all fucking complete nutters. I mean if it were a single troll it would be one thing, every general has at least one, the JP generals are rife with them for some reason.
>>203991778>im sorry. i teased a jap flag who is a resident of DJT>>203991809>and she is baking /日本語スレ/ one after another right fucking now.>>203988553>>203991449>>203990685>>203990435all the 4 /日本語/ threads are highly likely baked by her who hate japanese as hell and is a resident of DJT
>>203991919as to the current things >>203991938from my understanding, its a legit mental middle age woman poster who hate jap as hell
>>203991919if you want, i would link her posts here. and you might understand why she the resident of DJT started going banana :)
Please don't bring this trash in here :)
she has multiple personalities when she make a post. therefore i dont think that you guys are able to tell her posts in japanese apart.
>>203992080>Please don't bring this trash in here :)sorry but poster with jap flag on her who is the resident of DJT is making problem outside of DJT right now.i teased her and she went banana.
she just baked another /日本語/ スレッド.>>203992176iirc she was once contained in mental that she went banana, she might not be able to stop it by herself.
look >>203991911she just again baked another /日本語/ スレッド.you guys dont know but she the resident of DJT has been trolling /日本語/ スレッド for years.
thank you guys for reporting her.jap posters are not able to report her.
>>203992173Only 荒らし I see here right now is you :)
>>203992325>jap posters are not able to report her.+ for some reason.
>>203992237>she was once contained in mental asylum.いや、どうやってその情報を知ったの?事実ならこわっ。
this is my asylum and you are all trapped with me
>>203992388Hot. Which of us is playing the doctor?
>>203992362X aka twitter
くいて ぐいでうつる ってぬむぶ んです してたべる たべって ぃんごをたべってたつ たって かく かいて しぬ しんではなす はなして。。つずくいでいて ぐいでうつる ってぬむぶ んです してたべる たべって ぃんごをたべってたつ たって かく かいて しぬ しんではなす はなして。。つづいで(?)
>>203992388>>203992414I'll be the daughter :)
>(903 KB, 3508x2480)画像をキリックして画面が壊れてしまった方々大変申し訳ございません
>>203992503Ah, the plot of teaching feeling.
もっと知りたい, もっと知って欲しい話遮るチャイム 夕日に染まる君バイバイって言いたくない!
Sorry to ask a stupid question, but how else do you guys say 炎上する in English?The word 炎上 here means to get harshly criticized for something (especially on the Internet).I know the phrase "under fire" can be used in this sense because I happened to see an English sentence like:>人種差別を助長する動画を上げたインフルエンサーが炎上中>An influencer under fire after uploading the video that promotes racism
>>203993394I usually say "to take flak" over something
>>203993394I think "under fire" is the most common. The only other one that comes to mind is>in hot water"streamer in hot water after uploading a video that promotes racism."if you feel like they're being criticized unjustly, you could also just use "attacked">attacked"streamer attacked uploading a video that promotes good pet care"
>>203993590>>203993592Much appreciated, those help a lot!
>>203993592>"streamer attacked after* uploading a video that promotes good pet care"i made a mistake.
this is Nara Park, famous for its many deer! sirankedo ;3
>>203991919>You dont have to apologize. I'm just curious as to why the JP thread has a high percentage of straight up nutters.Have you seen any of the national threads here? It's the theme of the whole board.
>>203996717It could just be that there are worse ones but i cant read them. Like maybe the Finland general or something. But out of all the ones I've been to that i can read, JP's has by far the worst ratio of actual insane/psychotic individuals compared to normal posters./dixie/, /cum/ and /brit/ aren't anywhere near as bad.Even when we had the polish raw meat anon it wasn't even close.
>>203997375>JP's has by far the worst ratio of actual insane/psychotic individuals compared to normal posters.Like what kind? I don't visit that general
>>203997375If you would ask me which is worse, /deutsch/ or nihongosureddo I would be hard pressed for an answer.
ID無し掲示板の性<Sa・Ga>って奴かな( ・ิω・ิ)フッ
Guys, nasty people who have no common sense are everywhere not only on the Internet but also in real life.The best way to deal with them are to avoid fighting with them and thoroughly ignore them no matter what they go on about.It's not worth your while to tell them to stop harassing others.
>>203997817It was hard to meet good person in my entire lifw
>>203998200same same
Translating in your brain sucks especially when you are native English speaker. Because language structure is completely differentJust don't do it when you read it or speaking
Indeed you should not attempt to translate sentences. Its enough to understand.
痒い所に手が届く。 ^^
>>204003094eventually all of the japanese side of the internet will be closed off at this rate...
>>204002043a japanese flag here once told me that it's better to say 箇所 than 所 when referring to a part of your body
>>204004333痒い所に手が届く sounds perfectly fine to me.It's a set phrase for convenience, usefulness, and handiness, so nobody would say 痒い箇所に手が届く.>it's better to say 箇所 than 所 when referring to a part of your bodyEither is fine if you indicate a part of the body.In my opinion, 箇所 sounds slightly more formal.
>>204005314whoop, I didn't know it was a phrasesorry!
Is this a correct way to write "despite being ..."?>人口の13%であるのに。。。
>>203999031How do you stop.
>>204013654It's hard to explain this to a monolingoid, but you can just have multiple languages in your head working in parallel. You don't need to channel all other languages back to your original language. When I write out a post in English I don't think about what I want to say in German first, I just say it in English in the first place.Sorta like that.
>>204013654You should be able to consciously stop yourself from doing it, though there's really no need to do so. You'll ease off from it naturally over time
>>203949066daily reminder to read the official DJT guideDJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: - rikaitan site:
Have you ever before seen someone act as conceited as this little faggot over something as facile as learning English? >>204013787
>>204013787It's weirdly only a thing when I'm reading but not hearing and writing.
>>204013654You will just get used to it. Most of things in life you first learn by doing consciously before the motions become reflexes. It's like driving a manua... bike.
>>204013968So I'm supposed to spend 6 months studying Grammar and grinding anki before I start inputting?
>>204013968Interesting. Is it true that once you get to the more immersion part of the learning the ease and quickness starts to compound?
>>204014718From my experience learning other languages once you get to immersion stage you'll feel like everything you did before then was simply just 'learning to learn' and that the real learning has only just startedOnce you start immersing you'll no longer have to drag yourself to study and you'll generate massive amounts of motivation immersing in the content you care about I'm not sure if Japanese will be the same though
>>204014718Over time sure. At the start it's a pain in the ass actually and at some point your ceiling becomes the material you actively engage with. Not much to be learned from going over slice of life shows for 10 years.
>>204014850How jarring is it to switch from one manga/anime to another?It's not just vocabulary but also the slang that I'm worried about
>>204015070Japanese is surprisingly consistent I feel. I get that people go on about regional this and that and Kansai dialect and what not but it's all quite easy to understand no matter what.English is way worse than that. Try watching something like The Wire (which really tripped me up the first time I watched it a million years ago) and then stuff like Banshees of Inisherin. I have not found anything remotely close with Japanese.
What is your motivation anons?
>>204015241 about this?
>>204015458See I have never seen stuff like this in a piece of Japanese media, while I have seen pretty jarring slang/dialect in English media.Besides, it seems even Japanese hardly understand it which is the point of the whole clip.To add to the point above maybe just a little bit: Of course authors have their preferred way of talking/writing but in manga particularly that does not really come into play that much compared to LNs or novels. The thing that will rather trip you up early is switching genres. Say going from fantasy isekai to scifi or something. But that will happen with anything at the start.
Speaking of media I think the whole localization stuff that's been doing less 1:1 translation like *some* fan subs used to and more fluff is hurting people. You don't get as many weebs who learn some Japanese compared to the late 1990s to early 200s. I've heard of people from Mexico who learned English by just watching tv in English and doing nothing else but I don't see how that's possible. Would it not just sound like gibberish to you?
>>204015599I posted it as something unrelated to the discussion, only in regards to the general statement of Japanese being consistent. >See I have never seen stuff like this in a piece of Japanese media,Besides close dialectical pairs like Kansai and Tokyo/standard Japanese, dialects in Japanese can be unintelligible between each other. a table showing how well a Kanto region native can understand various dialects.>Of course authors have their preferred way of talking/writing but in manga particularly that does not really come into play that much compared to LNs or novels.Depends entirely on the author. I remember for example 勇気あるものより散れ would have furigana used for the purpose of translating various dialects to a more standard form.>>204015867You don't really learn Japanese from watching subtitles regardless of translation directness. > I've heard of people from Mexico who learned English by just watching tv in EnglishIt's possible for children but as you get older language learning that way becomes impossible, like biologically. Another thing is that Spanish and English are super close as languages compared to Japanese and English, and everyone gets some English education in school even if often mediocre.
If you never took an English class in your life, sure. But kids in Mexico have English in school. I suspect if everyone had Japanese classes in school things would turn out similar.However even then, Japanese is much more dissimilar from English than Spanish, which makes that gap harder to bridge.On another note: With recent advances in machine translation and the sort of crap I see online now, I truly believe we will see an overall decline in peoples abilities to speak foreign languages again in the future. You can now instantly translate a website into your language, get automated subs and what not. In the future this is going to become ubiquitous (if it isn't already). I have seen some websites auto tranlate content for you already. If at some point you don't get exposed to other languages like that any more, people are just not gonna pick it up like they did the past 20-30 years.
>>204015456I just want to play video games
>>204015456I am proving to myself that I can do it. I feel like a shonen protagonist at this stage.
>>204015241My question was more likeI've spent a long time grinding a 20 chapter shonen about a high school fishing clubI've decided to go read a shoujo or seinen manga about a high school fishing club (maybe a university club for the seinen)Am I going to be made to feel like I barely know Japanese making this transition because of how different it all is? What about if I start reading a shonen or shoujo manga about a high school mahjong club? Also people say that yotsubato can be hard because she speaks in a childish way, is people speaking in an incorrect way generally reserved for child characters?
>>204015867I did 4-5 years of Japanese class in school and I watched a lot of anime and all I picked up was some very basic vocabulary Feels bad
>>204016386>Am I going to be made to feel like I barely know Japanese making this transition because of how different it all is?Going from shonen to seinen stuff will see a big difference in vocabulary for sure, on top of that you won't get any furigana which you usually get with shonen manga but that was not your main point.You can expect the topics to become more complex and thus the language as well. It's not like the language will change so drastically on some grammatical level.>What about if I start reading a shonen or shoujo manga about a high school mahjong club?You'll learn a lot more 麻雀役 for sure. But overall everything set in a school tends to share a lot of vocabulary.>Also people say that yotsubato can be hard because she speaks in a childish way, is people speaking in an incorrect way generally reserved for child characters?Or mascot or other joke characters. Or foreigners. It's a bit hard to pick up but once you get it, you get it when some character is supposed to feel "off" in their speech.
Isn't there some VTuber who learned Japanese later in life and gets made fun of for how she talks. I think it was the Rabbit one or something. I don't really keep up with that stuff but she had big knockers.
>>203993394For some reason in German news they keep using the word "shitstorm", which I really cannot stand. Not only is it a foreign word, it's also vulgar on top of that…>>204016972>she had big knockersSo literally every vtuber that isn't pedo bait?
>>204016972Is there? In my experience, speaking Japanese in N4 level is enough to get "日本語上手" from Japanese people but if you make a tiniest mistake in English then EFLs make fun of it.
>>204017890I very specifically remember that being an aspect people liked about her. She spoke it fluently but she uses a lot of archaic textbook style speaking mixed in with anime shit. Didn't see her in the Hololive list so maybe she's gone.
I'm past all the dates and times Managed to get my review time down from 20-30 minutes to 10 minutes Also managed to install a Japanese input method now I can type words like 龍笛と雅楽I feel like it'll help me learn to recognise characters by writing them out on a keyboard >>204016661That's a reliefThanks
>>204018248You are probably talking about the dragon. She graduated like 2 years ago.
>>204019691What you mean Coco? im pretty sure she quit, but didnt she join vsyojo after? im pretty sure shes still around.
>>204019815Yeah its kson
Why is 千円 pronounced like saiyan
>>204021362because of saiyans are the saviors of the earth ;3
>>204021362 about moraic nasalIt's not just n sound
Obviously everyone is different but some sources I look at say it will take 10-15 years to be competent in Japanese. r/LearnJapanese and NekoNekoTalk (Dead Forum) would say this a lot. Now I'm about 4 years in and currently N2. Does it really require another 6 - 11 years to be actually fluent? That seems so insane. Or are people just over stating it due to them being retards.
>>204022196I mean, if you want to sound exactly like a Japanese person, maybe that isn't unrealistic but why would you want that? the issue may be your definition of fluency against theirs.But you already know all of this.
>>204022196I depends on how much work you put in, theres no real set time frame really. If you're somewhat young, stop using your native language completely and spend every day using Japanese all day then you could probably get at least close to native level fluency within like 1 or 2 years.If you read a single page of manga every week and thats it it'll probably take even longer than 10 - 15 years.Due to people putting differing levels of work in and even different age groups learning at different speeds, saying "it takes __ amount of time to achieve __ level" seems kind of pointless.I wouldn't worry about it anon. Just keep at it.
>>204023130ジョニ赤わかる( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
>>204022196I think it depends on how you define fluency. I sometimes talk to non-Japanese clerks and have never had a problem with their Japanese. For example, I've once asked a non-Japanese clerk to measure the size and weight of a parcel, calculate the postage, and prepare it for shipping (all in Japanese). Everything went on smoothly. I don't know how much efforts they have made, but I don't think all of them dedicated more than a decade to learning Japanese.
I'm aiming to get a pretty decent level quicklyI want to be able to read easier manga and watch easier anime without a dictionary and to be able to read more difficult manga and easier novels with a dictionary in about 3 yearsI have no interest in speaking at all
>>204023512actually a year of consistent immersion should be enough to get you to this level. what's harder is getting your reading speed to native level. that would take years. personally i've been reading for more than 2 years and i'm not even close.
let's do Multi modal practice, sirankedo >:3
>>204023856Yeah that's fineI've already studied two other languages, one to about 2/3rds of my English reading speed and the other to about 1/15ths of my English reading speed and I'm satisfied with itHonestly I figured developing a listening ability would be the most difficult part
誤爆に動じない切り返しが見事でござる( ・ิω・ิ)
>>204026453「切り返し」ならぬ「斬り返し」だね (武士だけに)
>>204026626こりゃ一本取られました! ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~‧+
>>204026626ねえ、にぃにぃ、お返事しなよ! >>203755815
>>204027015>矛盾していますが。ここ萌えるとこ( ˘ω˘)ウムッ>ぬるっと(゚A゚;)ゴクリt. one not yurianon
>>204027307Heh.>>204027550えっ、あんたがごちうさやわたゆりやくぅくぅ大好きなポスターじゃなかったんですか?>>204027621>>矛盾していますが。>ここ萌えるとこ( ˘ω˘)ウムッ萌えも何もないですよ?>t. one not yurianonSounds off, maybe t. non-yurianon or not the yurianon would be better
>>204027906>萌えも何もない感じ方は人それぞれだ正解は無い! >:3>would be better慣れないことするの難しい ><
>>204028486>もしかしてうちのロリコン先生?多分、そうだと思う。彼は「アイドルマスター・シンデレラガールズ U149」のキャラの画像をよく投稿するみたいだし。それよりもyotsubaポスターはどこへ行ってしまったんだろう…
i study everyday for small portion of time but i don't know what the hell am i doing my old skull is so thick, feels like nothing happening to me
Yojimbo of the night魑魅魍魎人に害を与えるさまざまな化け物のこと
>>204031891>處處皆有 魑魅魍魎 夜叉惡鬼 食啖人肉Everywhere one looks, there are demons and ogres, yaksas and wicked spirits, eating and devouring human flesh>毒蟲之屬 諸惡禽獸 孚乳產生 各自藏護And all types of poisonous creatures, and detestable birds and beasts, nurturing their young and breeding, each storing up and protecting their nestsfrom the lotus sutra魍魎 can also be written 罔兩, which is found in the 莊子, but had a different meaning:>罔兩問景曰:「曩子行,今子止,曩子坐,今子起,何其無特操與?」景曰:「吾有待而然者邪!吾所待又有待而然者邪!吾待蛇蚹、蜩翼邪!惡識所以然?惡識所以不然?」罔兩 (often translated Penumbra, the edge of a shadow) asked 景 (Shadow, as in 影): "Once you went, but now you rest, once you sat, but now you rise, what is your lack of special fixedness?Shadow answered: "Do I have something I wait upon that makes me so? Does the thing I wait upon have then another thing it waits upon that makes it so? Do I wait for a snake's scales, or a cicada's wings? How could I know why it is so? How could I know why it is not so?"this comes immediately before the famous passage about not knowing if one is a butterfly or a man
I only eat balls
>>204028486>>204028651I posted >>203754969. I have said this multiple times before, but I sincerely respect the farmer-cum-fluent English speaker Japanon (>>204028651). I love to attach random images to make my posts look friendly. This habit, combined with the fact that he and I seemingly have kind of similar tastes, might sometimes make it difficult to tell his post from mine, but I have no meaningful intention (let alone evil intention) such as imitating him and fooling other posters. Getting back to >>203754969, I wrote it when I was midnight high and I'd rather prefer it ignored, but to elaborate the charm of it, though the impression I received entirely is difficult to verbalize and that is even more so in English, for one thing, I felt it strange and lovable the word "矛盾" in a formal announcement. If the author felt the statement was contradictory, she could have just correct the message properly, or rather, she didn't have to bother to point out that herself in the first place.That being said, come to think about it, it is very cringe to ponder on someone's personality based on her message alone (or more precisely, with her works put together).PS. Though it is off-topic, but I especially like the scene in the ep2 of the anime where VA of MC (Ogura Yui) is shouting "オーダーを言えよ!!" in her mind, and I repeat it over and over again as if I was addicted.
>>204032749金剛デース! (違
>>204032598>食啖人肉nooooo, don't eat peens, you know! Xc
ちょうど今、28Cだな〜エアコンつけたい ><
ギャグ漫画…かな :3
夜叉という言葉に身を呈して意味や context を与えていますちなみに私はスパムです
>>204034086>42 ななしのよっしん 2016/01/23(土) 02:02:55ID: bTpjOnEdz6 >夜叉の構えから左手回して8時の方角>手と足の形がファになる>このネタ知ったとき素直に関心したわ>特に意味ないフレーズかと思ってた> 0 0しかし何が「夜叉」なのか未だにわからない…
仏説摩訶般若波羅蜜多心経観自在菩薩行深 般若波羅蜜多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄舎利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色 受想行識 亦復如是舎利子 是諸法空相 不生不滅 不垢不浄 不増不減是故空中無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色声香味触法 無眼界乃至無意識界無無明 亦無無明尽 乃至無老死 亦無老死尽 無苦集滅道 無智 亦無得以無所得故 菩提薩埵依般若波羅蜜多故 心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離一切顛倒夢想 究竟涅槃三世諸仏 依般若波羅蜜多故 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提故知 般若波羅蜜多 是大神呪 是大明呪 是無上呪 是無等等呪 能除一切 苦真実不虚故説般若波羅蜜多呪即説呪曰 羯諦羯諦波羅羯諦波羅僧羯諦菩提薩婆訶
and the thread ends...>would love to make a new thread but 4chan banned me from uploading pictures... :(
posting some funny Japanese legend I read today.兎は「私は隠岐の島からこの地に渡ろうと思ったが、渡る手段がありませんでした。そこで、ワニザメ(和邇)を欺いて、『私とあなたたち一族とを比べて、どちらが同族が多いか数えよう。できるだけ同族を集めてきて、この島から気多の前まで並んでおくれ。私がその上を踏んで走りながら数えて渡ろう』と誘いました。すると、欺かれてワニザメは列をなし、私はその上を踏んで数えるふりをしながら渡ってきて、今にも地に下りようとしたときに、私は『お前たちは欺されたのさ』と言いました。すると最後のワニザメは、たちまち私を捕えてすっかり毛を剥いでしまいました。それを泣き憂いていたところ」>言、吾與汝競、欲計族之多小。故、汝者隨其族在悉率來、自此嶋至于氣多前、皆列伏度。爾吾蹈其上、走乍讀度。於是知與吾族孰多。如此言者、見欺而列伏之時、吾蹈其上、讀度來、今將下地時、吾云、汝者我見欺言竟、卽伏最端和邇、捕我悉剥我衣服。因此泣患者」from 稻羽之素菟 in 古事記
>>204037648いい子いい子〜 :3