Learning Languages to Pick Up Girls Edition>What language(s) are you learning?>Share language learning experiences!>Ask questions about your target language!>Help people who want to learn a new language!>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!>Make frens!Read the wiki:https://4chanint.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Official_/int/_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_WikiUseful links:>Free language-learning book archive:https://mega.nz/folder/INlRkAQC#CthKI9-_kmDNyrOx12Ojbw>Books on linguistics and language courses:https://mega.nz/#F!Ad8DkLoI!jj_mdUDX_ay-8D9l3-DbnQ>Assorted language resources and some nice visual guides:https://pastebin.com/ACEmVqua (embed) (embed)>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:https://archive(dot)ph/x0dFH>List of trackers for most language-learning packs:https://files.catbox.moe/nmrn8x.txt>Ukrainianon's list of commercial courses from rutracker.org:https://archive(dot)is/R2feT>Russianon’s list of comprehensible input resources:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wXd0V32TjCFsr1-F_en_lA4MI-i7JtyYf26cWLtPRec>Massive collection of textbooks on various languages, sorted by familyhttps://theswissbay.ch/pdf/Books/Linguistics/>/lang/ inpoot torrentshttps://rentry.org/inpootPrevious: >>204395580
>>204485559>not a single per centage englishthe west has fallen
>>204485769What are you talking about? French and German are both up there :^0
>>204485559Here is everyone's daily toki pona song :^)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf4psPeNDqg&list=PLQ3tG459XwlSg3aajZjz-a4p5jHoKleCF
>>204484569that is really useful how did you measure your progress? how did you know what level you were at?
>>204485938I didn't realize I posted a playlist and the second song made me laugh way much more than I should have.
>>204485768>not Irish or Navajoretard
>>204486004Not even the Irish know Irish...
>>204486034That's why learning Irish is fun. You can be condescending against all Irish nationalists and they can't clap back
>>204486110I do that just by being English and existing...
>>204485938What other conlangs have actual content created in it? Besides Esp*ranto of course
>>204485939>how did you know what level you were at?Mostly by measuring my vocabulary size and taking sample tests.A1 = 500 wordsA2 = 1000-1200 wordsB1 = 2500-3000 wordsB2 = 4000-5000 wordsC1 = 7500-9000 wordsC2 = 10K-15K words*C2+/Native like = 20K+ words*The range is large, because exam difficulty varies depending on the language.
>>204485768indo european minds can not comprehend this
>>204485559polish being more useful than russian is a lmao moment for russian nationalistsalso wtf is south korean and how is it different from north korean?
>>204486498It's not a "more useful" chart. Just a shitty survey
>>204486222Lojban has a lothttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEen_TdvuC0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjG2vtMOI7cInterslavhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5U99Xplw5shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L34Qt_bR7hoWeirdly a lot of Khazdul and "Dwarvish" which is a Dwarf Fortress offshoot:Khazdulhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wIShPoAWywhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkO2lfw-mn4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Ak93JgJeQDwarvishhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02nLHpSLTxohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1gF0uhHsqk
>>204486533wtf is your problem? do you want to fight me?
>>204486567kalama musi pona a a a.Good song!>>204486498>wtf is south korean and how is it different from north korean?Its literally Korean stuck in the 80s and evolved differently enough that North and South have a hard time understanding them unless the South Korean knows a lot of archaic Korean words.
>>204486269I'm the anon who asked you earlier. Can you please tell me how you dealt with verb conjugations? It's the most challenging aspect of Spanish for me and the one that's keeping me behind the most. You said you gooned conjugations at A1 level but was that it? Did you just... memorise them through mass inpooting? That's certainly what I did with English (and to some extent French and Japanese) but it's so hard to replicate this process in Spanish and wait for verb conjugations to click and stick into my mind, it requires immense time and interaction with the language. When I'm at a government office here or need to explain something very important I get frustrated because I know the vocabulary and grammar needed to express myself but then I have no clue how to properly include verbs into the sentence. At this point I'm considering going through those verb drilling books... perhaps that's what I need to do if I want to improve quickly at a targeted weakness
>>204486575I really wish Simon Swerwer would re-record these bangers with studio quality. I love zooming in and hearing my dwarves sing their drinking songs.
Navajo verbsModes:>Imperfective>Perfective>Progressive>Future>Usitative>Iterative>OptativeAspects:>Momentaneous>Continuative >Durative >Conclusive >Repetitive >Semelfactive >Distributive >Diversative >Reversative >Conative >Transitional >Cursive Subaspects:>Completive >Terminative >Stative >Inceptive >Terminal >Prolongative >Seriative >Inchoative >Reversionary >Semeliterative Should I dabble?
>>204486883If you do you'll be able to read the Enigma Code.
>>204486785>You said you gooned conjugations at A1 level but was that it? Did you just... memorise them through mass inpooting?No, I mean I did grammar drills, but I was mostly done by A2. I only recall revising conjugations a bit when learning about the subjunctive. After that, input reinforced them and I also learned certain irregular verbs through input (e.g caber).Drill the following verbs:>ser/estar>ir>tener/haber>hacer>saber/conocer>poder/deber/querer>hablar/decir/oir>vivir/quedar>sentir>comer/beber/olerAnd you are mostly set.
>>204487479thanks anon, will do.
Once I'm happy with my Latin, I will pay homage to my ancestors and learn Finnish at least to B1.
>>204488729It's my favourite language. Shame there's nothing to do with it
How many words until I can understand most of the dialogues on genshin impact? (not including when characters who speak weird like zhongli or fischl, or when they say too many fantasy terms, just the everyday conversations)I know about 2000 now and I'm able to understand some sentences, but not enough to follow the plot
>>20448887390% of Geshin Impact's dialog is "genki desu ka, onii-chan"
>>204488843you can play csgo and chat with drunk finns, always a good laugh
>>204485559Are preverbs and prepositions hard for anyone else or am I just retarded? Regardless if its in English or in another language I always struggle with these ideas and I have no idea why.
>>204488924No it's not, I've been learning Japanese and playing Genshin some years ago, it has pretty extensive vocab. For example when I was doing a quest of Sangonomiya Kokomi there was pretty advanced vocabulary usedI don't remember if it had furigana?
>>204485559The Holy Trifecta wins once again.
>>204486269How did you know your vocabulary size?
>>204490485usually, there are tests for most major languages out there. You just type '*languageName* vocabulary size test* in google and it gives you a bunch of them
>>204486269Just as a sidenote, these numbers are a bit arbitrary because different languages have different vocabulary sizes. English has way more words than most other languages. I'd say I'm C1 or C2, but my 16k words is a really small number, most natives would have it in the 22-30k range. This number would be much smaller for other languages. Here's my English results, will post Russian test in a jiff to prove my point
>>204491135ok nevermind I scored 27k in Russian, I was wrong, apparently.
quaestiò ad neolatinistàshow should we express degrees (weather)? maybe with sum? for example>it's twenty degrees outsideuìgintì gradùs foris sunt*>it's a degree below zerogradus sub ze(phi)rò est*
Reposting in this thread:What is the interview process like for German grad schools?What is the interview process like for French ones? If I have good grades and worked in a prestigious public service organization, is this enough to aim as a foreigner for ENS-type schools, or is that all in dreamland?
Ive been doing this for about a month now. Im 48 percent done with the refold spanish 1k deck. Everything was pretty smooth until like 3 days ago and now I feel like im struggling. I'll look at card sometimes 10 times before I get through it. Is this normal? Should I pause on the new words for a while or bring it down? Im only doing between 10-15 new ones a day. First new lang ever so Im not sure if this is normal or I am retarded.
>>204492600Centigrade is just a combination of two Latin words anyway, so you could probably just say centigradus/centigrados and be understood.Romans didn't really have a uniform system of temperature measurement. Galen suggested one but it never caught on.
>>204486883No wonder the Japs were fucked trying to crack this code in WWII lmao
Reposting my inpoot list for Spanishhttps://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Portadahttps://es.wikivoyage.org/wiki/https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Portadahttp://www.cuentoscortos.com/https://www.textos.info/https://www.gutenberg.org/browse/languages/eshttps://www.gob.mx/https://www.usa.gov/es/https://www.lamoncloa.gob.es/Paginas/index.aspxhttps://www.exteriores.gob.es/es/Paginas/index.aspxhttps://www.bancosantander.es/particulareshttps://www.mercadolibre.com.mx/#from=homecomhttps://www.recetasgratis.net/https://www.amazon.es/https://forocoches.com/https://www.tripadvisor.es/https://www.metromadrid.es/eshttps://www.tiempo.com/https://www.fotocasa.es/es/https://www.kiwilimon.com/https://www.reddit.com/r/mexico/https://www.reddit.com/r/Colombia/https://www.reddit.com/r/Espana/https://es.indeed.com/>>204486785I memorised the verb conjugations with Anki and from then on just practised a lot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekbrF0qzWYUWest Frisian is the best language
>>204494222>I'll look at card sometimes 10 times before I get through it. Is this normal?Yeah don't worry about itTry not to get frustratedIf you're worried about it taking up too much time cut it down to 5 or so cards and really try to focus on the one's you're currently learning but I think you can do it at 10 cards a day no problem
>generic snownigga ooga booga niggërfaggøtsen language spoken by 15 and a half people?>omg, so important!!!>italian? >meh, just a hobby languagethe polack mind surely works in mysterious ways
What's her accent I think it's very distinct from othershttps://youtu.be/9T2nD6I2DzA
>>204497113she has a lisp
>>204495458okay thanks
I’m still a virgin neet in my country. I wanna rope unironically but I got a few job interviews for retail crap. I don’t know if I’ll be able to svffer my way to age 30 at this rate, might have to check out early at some point if it gets to be too much.I’m still learning Russian and am about to inpuuuuuuuut for an hour.
>>204497356So let me get this straight... You're going to kill yourself... Because your still a virgin? Why such a drastic step when you can just pay a girl to do it?
>>204497508You fool, it was never about just the sex, it’s about all the little cuts and bruises my psyche sustained alongside the loneliness that’s pervaded every fiber of my being since I was old enough to be sentient, it’s about the stifled sentiments I’ve held in my heart since I could talk because I never could trust the world around me, it’s about the little disappointments man must face every day when he goes to interact with the world, it’s that even if I did attain some success now it would never wash away the anguish of the past just like in the count of monte Cristo where Dantes literally becomes a mega rich Chad but can never really heal from the horror of his 14 years in the bastille, I wish my only problem was no le pussy, but it’s the cherry on top of absolute shit. FUCK
>>204497621I'm literally 34 and recently unemployed, I'm also losing my hair slowly and I'm also a virgin. If I can find a way to deal with it, you should be able to deal with it too.
>>204497652Heh, I guess the redpill is that ther’s no limit to our suffering is there? You convinced me in one sentence lmao, perhaps someday I’ll take a fat does of DMT and wash away some of the pain for 5-10 minutes to experience something new, and then see the world with fresh eyes. The will to live is strong, I’ll have to be killed by life to truly be dead.
>>204485559>Hindi isn't on the listIt's over...
>>204497682>Heh, I guess the redpill is that ther’s no limit to our suffering is there?The funny thing is suffering feels like it lasts forever but eventually you become use to it and you no longer suffer. You just got to keep walking through the tunnel to the other side to see the light. You should start by getting one of those shitty retail jobs, from there you can either start to research education or ways to learn a skill to get a better job. If you don't want to do that you can start working out, ironing out your finances. Pour all that love you were denied by others onto yourself. Cream always rises to the top. Despite what I've told you, I'm pretty content with my life, but also I've been alone so long that its weird now to really do anything else but stay alone.
>>204497734Literally all Indians speak English, even if its basic English to do commerce with. Only thing that gets in the way is the accent.
>>204497760Not here, they don't.
>>204497770Damn, didn't know they existed.
>>204495623u mad, pastaboy?
New challenge, translate this passage into your TL:The father and his son sat on the riverbank, lines cast out over the water. The sky was fair, and the sun's light glinted on the water, casting little gleams across the waves. They had been there for hours, watching, waiting, speaking little. The son turned to his father, asking, “When will we catch one?” The father smiled and said, “Patience, lad. The fish come in their own time.” And so they waited, with a shared hope between them, their lines swaying in the gentle water flow.
>>204485559>Korean lang is less valuable than Portuguese and Polishkkeutnada
I wonder if brexit has changed that a bitAlso not sure why Cantonese is at 12% lmao
getting close to b2 in frenchjust got to keep keeping onwgmi
>>204498713>Old EnglishSe fæder and his sunu sætan be þǣm ēa brince, mid heora līnum āwurpen ofer þæt wæter. Se heofon wæs sweotol, and þæs sunnan līeht glīsend on þǣm wætre, scinende lytle glēamas ofer þā yþa. Hī wǣron þǣr lange, wacigende and bīdan, lȳt sprǣc betwēonan him. Se sunu wende tō his fæder and cwæð, “Hwænne willað wē ān gefon?” Se fæder smylte and cwæð, “Bīda, cild. Þā fiscas cumaþ on heora āgenre tīd.” And swā hīe bidon, mid gemǣnelīc hopa betwēonan him, heora līna styrigende on þǣre sēfte strēame.>DanishFaren og hans søn sad ved flodbredden med deres liner kastet ud i vandet. Himlen var klar, og solens lys glimtede på vandet og kastede små skær over bølgerne. De havde siddet der i timevis, kigget, ventet, og næsten ikke talt. Sønnen vendte sig mod sin far og spurgte, “Hvornår fanger vi en?” Faren smilede og sagde, “Tålmodighed, dreng. Fiskene kommer på deres egen tid.” Og så ventede de, med et fælles håb imellem dem, deres liner svajende i den blide strøm.>Oakspraek - my Anglo-Frisian conlangDe faeder and his son saten on de riverbanke, linen anbewarpen out ofer de water. De lyft was skir, and de sunnes light glimmered on de water, anbewarpende liten gleams ofer de waven. Dei had ben der for ouren, waechtsjende, waerjende, spekende litel. De son turned to his faeder, askende, “Wen sal we an fynden?” De faeder smylte and saide, “Geduld, bairn. De fisk komen in deir own tid.” And so waerden dei, mid a doled hope bitweon dem, de linen swaiend in de soft stream fram de water.
안녕 >>204497621>>204497682Bro you need to do something constructive like lift weights and fix a computer or something. Better than playing around and feeling sorry for yourself.
>>204494928it's not really about the noun but rather about the verb/syntactical structurelike what verb should we use and how should we form the sentence
I'm not going to learn language outside english because 1. I'll never be a native of that country2. I'm not welcome3. I'm too white for latam and too brown for nordics(shitalian genes)
>>204501047>1. I'll never be a native of that countrySo?>2. I'm not welcomeJust don't act like a loud mouth faggot and you'll be fine.>3. I'm too white for latam and too brown for nordics(shitalian genes)Latin America has plenty of whites, but yeah don't bother learning Scandi languages because they all speak perfect English. Why not study Italian?
>>204486004What do you mean? There’s usually three ; tú, thú, tusa. Unless of course youre counting prepositions
>>204501047>1. I'll never be a native of that countrycry me a river bitchImagine being a monolingual beta, couldn't be me
>>204498735even a conlang with no speakers besides yourself has more value than polish. communication with polacks has negative value, might as well go to the zoo to communicate with a baboon there at that point.
It fucking hurts not being able to make threads about language related stuff because I'm still blocked from uploading files (it's been more than a year)>what did you dolive near schizos
>>204501321>don't bother learning Scandi languages because they all speak perfect English>perfectThey all "speak" English but it varies from perfect to good enough. Good enough is fine for basic interactions but for anything more than that the average person who isn't a language nerd or English nerd is going to get tired of it and not want to speak to you. It's worth learning the local language if spending any significant amount of time there.
Google translates this as "open the suitcase" but i translate each word individually and theres no "open" anywhere. Can someone help me to understand this sentence? Why does "open the suitcase" start with machen sie? I translate it as "do it"?
>>204505546aufmachen = open up
https://youtu.be/_TU4nJTrYEUI'm just wondering if that's typical of an Asian English accent. Does it sound too weird to native speakers? Indian accent versus this accent, which one do you prefer?
>>204494222>I'll look at card sometimes 10 times before I get through it. Is this normal? No. This is a mistake people often make with flash cards. They see a card, get it wrong then click again without having done anything to get the card into their head expecting they'll just magically get it right the next time. If you got it wrong, it was for a reason and you need to make an effort to encode the card properly this time.Look the word up on wiktionary and check the etymology. It's probably a Latinate word so see if there are any English words you know that use that as a root and make a connection between that and the word you're trying to learn. There are also a lot of words like conjunctions and such in those refold decks which are hard to learn out of context, in those cases you should just make a mnemonic based on sound similarity. Google 'keyword mnemonic' if you're interested.
>>204505599Thanks. So why doesnt he say aufmachen?
Thanks, I will do just that.I had a change of mind today and realized language learning is fun and just doing it without expecting some $$$ opportunity is OK. My parents can gtfo, not everything is meant to be a side hustle.
>>204505667Meant to reply to >>204483220Why is 4chan asking me to wait 800 seconds before I post? It's like this gayass site is begging me to quit it for good.I am not giving this shiet my email
>>204505649It's imperative so the auf detaches and goes to the end of the sentence
>>204495623brother, he said "important..of job opportunities"there's no need to be mad that your economy presents fewer economic opportunities in the minds of poles than the scandi countries do
>>204495623I am learning Italian. Italian language is simply not as strong as Norwegian or Swedish in terms of job opportunities and CV boost. There are many Italians in Europe, it is easier for companies to find someone knowing Italian when needed, the Italian economy is rich, but I would rate it as weak in the group of the strong ones. Don't be mad.
>>204498713Πατὴρ καὶ ὑιὸς καθήσθην περὶ ὄχθῃ ὁρμιὰς ἐμβεβληκότε ἐν τῷ ὕδατι· ἀιθρία ἦν καὶ αἱ τοῦ ἡλίου ἀκτῖνες ἤστραπτον αἰόλαι διὰ κλυδωνίων· τετηρήκατον μακρὰν ἐκεῖ φρουροῦντε, ἐπιμένοντε καὶ μόγις διαλεγομένω· ὁ δὲ ὑιὸς πρὸς τὸν πατέρα στρεφθεὶς «πότε ληψόμεθά τι;» ἔφη ἐρόμενος· ὁ δὲ γελάσας «θάρρει» ἔφη «ὠγαθέ· δάκνουσιν οἱ ἰχθῦες ὅτανπέρ σφιν ἀρέσκῃ»· τὼ οῦν ξυνεμενέτην εὐελπίδε ὁρμιῶν ἠρέμα τῇ ῥοῇ ἀκολουθουσῶν
>>204502102You're so butt hurt because some polish guy said that swedish is more useful for job opportunities than shitalian (it is) lol
Latin’s actually not that hard, guys. Especially if you know Spanish or another Romance language and speak a case language prior. I’m going to ancient language max and learn Greek too. That should be interesting after.>>204495339I’d put Archive.org on there, but they may be too in a fragile state. Still lots good there.
>>204508599What non-ancient langs do you know?
>>204508599I had a friend try to convince me to learn Koine Greek but I literally couldn't be assed.
>>204494222>>204505645Yeah, you can use mnemonics, you can also picture the word in your head, you can say it out-loud, you can do more work to make the flash cards work better. At less than 1k words you're at such a basic level that you really do have to get the words down well, you'll be using them a lot.It's different once you get to uncommon words but if you're just working on the common ones you have to get them down the best you can so they don't trip you up the next 3,000 times you see them, so you can focus on the more uncommon ones.
>Brief periods where instant and effortless understanding of a language is peeking through, that pressure in your head when you're concentrating or seeing something new is gone and it all just makes senseWow, it's literally that easy, you just have to input more and read more.I've started watching a 40 minute video every day before work, then when I get home I watch 1 more bare-minimum, plus read. I think this stuff has exponential gains, not diminishing returns. 30 minutes a day wouldn't have done shit, 2 hours a day is way more than 4 times better.
>>204508705Spanish and Russian. So it isn’t that difficult. I’m reading basic Latin stories as input and that’s probably making it better for me.
>>204498713Mit ihren Angelleinen in das Flüsschen ausgeworfen saßen der Vater und sein Sohn auf dem Flussufer. Der sommerliche Nachmittagshimmel war heiter. Das Sonnenlicht funkelte an das Wasser und warf kleine Schimmer über das Wasser. Inzwischen waren sie da stundenlange gewesen und dabei schauten sie sich die Wasserfläche an, wartend auf irgendwelche Bewegungen. Nur wenige Wörter fielen zwischen ihnen. Nach einer Weile wandte sich der Sohn zu seinem Vater und stellte ihm eine Frage, "Wann werden wir endlich mal einen fangen?" Der Vater lächelte und antwortete, "man muss Geduld haben, Junge. Die Fische kommen , wenn sie kommen." Und darauf warteten sie mit einer gemeinsamen Hoffnung. Ihre Angelleinen wiegten sich hin und her in der zarten Strömung des Wassers.
>>204508599desu I think people massively overestimate how different it is to English. Superficially the grammar is very different, and it has quite a few declensional endings and verb conjugations when you count every version of every regular paradism and every irregular one. But in the grand scheme of things I would say that the logic of the language is closer than something like Russian or Hungarian. The fact that an English speaker will go into it being able to guess the majority of the vocabulary (if they really try and consider obscure English words) is pretty helpful. >>204509547Some people are terrible at focusing for short periods and some people are terrible at focusing for long periods I guess
>>204498713>>204498713>latinepàter filiusque apud rìpàs sèdere, lìneae pòsitae supra aquam. caelum beàtus erat, atque sòlis lux radiòs passim èmìsit(**) nìtendò aquà. ibi hòrìs manuerant, specientès, exspectantès(*), parum loquentès. filius ad pàtrem conuersus est, "quandò" petièns "capièmus?". Pàter subrìsit(*) atque "habeàs" dìxit "patientiam. uenient piscès ut uelint". manuere ergo, spè inter ambò partìtà(*), lìneìs vacillantibus(*) ab aquae flùmine.(1/2)
>>204511379>françaisle père et son fils s'assirent(**) sur la rivière, avec ses lignes sorties sur l'eau. le ciel était beau, et la lumière du soleil luissait sur l'eau en expulsant des rayonnes à travers des vagues. ils y restaient pendant des heures, en regradant, en attendant quelque chose et en peu parlant. le fils se tourna à son père en disant, "quand va-t-on chasser un?". le père sourit et dit, "n'aie(**) hâte, gosse. les poissons viendront quand ils (le?) veuillent. et ainsi attendaient, avec de l'espoir partagè entre les deux, ses lignes en se balançant avec le flux(*) doux de l'eau.* means i had to look the word up** means i had to look the conjugation up
Could anyone hear the sound of the blank, in this nsfw gif?> obsessive-compulsive ------- seizure (English) https://www.redgifs.com/watch/puzzledbotheyas
>>204512680"Wago"? and I think she calls him Caesar.
>>204512680>you're an obsessive-compulsive wacko, Caesar
>>204512680You watch this garbage? Her accent and voice is atrocious. That vocal fry is awful.
>>204508599>>204510670Latin is so similar to German, and then there’s the massive pile of Romance words we recognise from English or because we’ve borrowed them. This and the fact that you don’t have to reproduce the language makes it one of the easiest languages to learn. For English and German speakers, it’s probably the easiest after Scandinavian and Dutch
So what kind of content can I consume in hungarian?I suddenly felt very funny wanting to dabble in it
>someone took the time to adapt toki pona to Tengwar and Norwegian Runes.Why...https://www.omniglot.com/conscripts/tokiponatengwar.htmhttps://www.omniglot.com/conscripts/tokiponarunes.htmThe toki pona runes are actually pretty cool but I've always liked the aesthetic of how runes looked.
>>204515567I learned latin in school before teaching myself german, and I def agree. Lots of similarities. Not having to reproduce is also enticing. You basically just have to worry about reading. Been thinking about going back to it myself and brushing up with pic related.
>>204518090Victor Orban speeches
Why is the Hungarian orthography such a mess
>>204518090Sorry I don't have any Hung Aryan content, but I don't judge.
Midterm exams are coming and my German class requires me to continuously study and prepare so I can always understand the information.I feel burned out and can barely study for uni and study german simultaneously.Please give me tips on how to x3 my work ethic?
>>204519944Not using social media including 4chan. Pomodoro method or anti-pomodoro method (learning for long period of time without break; idk if it works, I have no scientific papers on that). Fresh air and some body movement like walking. Socializing irl when you don't study. No sugar breakfasts. Caffeine or less caffeine (too much increase anxiety). Learning outside your bedroom or even house.I have no proof that this works, I just made it up, but it's the opposite of what I do rn, and for the past few days I've been the master of no-productivity.
>>204520388thank youill do that
>>204518590I don't know what I'm reading but Fabellae Latin is the best to learn for the amount of works it covers?
>>204485559is French still this relevant after 12 years?
>>204520627Only if you are French.
>>204519944Ich empfehle dir, einfach mit dem Deutschlernen aufzugeben. Ich sehe deine Erfolgsaussichten dabei richtig schwarz. Es wäre vernünftiger meiner Meinung nach, wenn du dich auf konkretere Angelegenheiten konzentrieren würdest, z.b. auf das Bestehen deiner bevorstehenden Prüfungen. Sprachenlernen liegt dir nicht was völlig okay ist. Niemand kann alles leisten. Es ist einfach nicht dein Ding und es gibt nichts falsches daran aber es ist längst überfällig, dass du diesen unbestreitbaren Fakt akzeptierest und dich irgendwie damit abfindest, anstatt uns endlos so weiterzutrollen.
>>204485938I'll post another song next thread to prevent spam, also daily is kinda tiring.
>>204520525I don't really understand your question. My understanding is that Fabellae Latinae is a supplement to Lingua Latina proper. I don't think you'd want to use it solo.
>>204520817I hate how close the Italics and Etruscans were that they were basically the same people. I'm curious how much the Greeks bleed off of them considering that when the Greeks made contact with them initially the only Greek who didn't consider them Barbarians was Pyrrhus of Epirus.
>>204520733is that the same guy who still hasn't decided which language he wants to learn? hasn't he been pondering for months now?
>>204520486Although dropping caffeine when you take it too much is not pleasant for few days. Same with taking it too much when you are not used to do it: don't drink too much coffee / energy drinks then.Pomodoro method: I heard that's works and have scientificTM papers but I never read it and this method never worked for me, breaks only disrupted my concentration. Maybe it depends on the person.My friend doesn't use his phone or the internet at all for the first two or three hours after waking up and he always studied well and was motivated to work during the day. Maybe it's the light from the screens, maybe the design of the app somehow affects the brain, or maybe it's just a coincidence, but it's worth a try
>>204521171*it has scientific papers
>>204521004I am 100% learning German, and 95% will only learn German.French is a possibility, but I don't know. I might just learn German alone because German is the most useful of all non-English languages.
>>204521004for years, actually
>>204521297If you are being utilitarian about it you'd learn Chinese and Hindi then hate your life because you end up dealing with Chinese and Indians who are not only very xenophobic but are also crazy disrespectful if you know their language. They'll accuse you of "translating poorly" at the best and they'll say you are outright lying at worse.
>>204521004>monthsMehr wie Jahre (und ich meine das buchstäblich).
here are all the languages I want to learn, ranked after priority. very indo-european, but how do I become interested in non IE languages? Of the major ones (Turkish, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Finnish, Arabic, Hebrew), which one do you think suits my taste, and which one will teach you the most about alien linguistic concepts?
>>204521403>>204521403i might learn German (1st), French (2nd), and Mandarin (3rd) but I don't know.I change my mind quickly, right now, I am burned out and fully absorbed by the amount of midterm exams I got, so it makes me not want to learn a lot of languagesBut once those exams end I'll make up my mind
>>204521004I've been here since early 2020 I think. I originally came here to learn Turkish because I thought I couldn't get my university application approved here and so I would have to move to Turkey.However, as time passed, I actually managed to get accepted in a uni here so I dropped the "going to Turkey" idea.After that, I kept lurking this place and thought, "that looks cool, maybe I should learn a language like these people?"I tried dabbling with Spanish first, then dropped it to dabble with Russian, and kept doing that for 3-4 years.Now, for some reason, I suddenly became fully interested in learning German and have made the commitment to doing it.Now I am actually learning a language ~ German.
>>204521886Don't listen him. I believe in you Jordanon.>>204521403>Chinese and Hindi>utilitarian Muh, number of speakers. It doesn't matter so much if you want to be utilitarian and your number one priority is not being globetrotter in Asia
Where do mexicans talk on the internet?
>>204522074You haven't seen the Indian dispersion lately? You're argument still stands with the amount of people in China but those two nations are chosen not because of their number of speakers but the fact they represent 2/3rds of humanity sitting under a single government.
Really fell off with my German Learning this year. Been learning since March 2022 and I'm still not great. I used to do this everyday without fail. Yeah it was mostly only duolingo at first but it was something.I can go to Germany and get around using only German and I can watch like hour long documentaries and understand most but I would've expected to be better at this by now lol. Think I need to actually speak online but I'm a pussy ffs. 2025 will be the year I get good.
>>204523121What languages do you speak and what uses have you found for them? The Indian diaspora knows English and diasporas in general should learn the native language of the host country.
What do I do once I become fluent in French?
>>204523872Celebrate with a chocolate croissant and a pack of smokes.
>>204521813Cool list, but why is swedish so much lower than the other scandinavian languages?
>>204498713Der Vater und sein Sohn setzten an dem FlussUfer, Angelnleinen hinausgeworfen. Der Himmel war schön und der Licht des Sonnes gläntzt auf das Wasser und shickt kleine Strahlen über die Wellen. Sie waren Stunden da gewesen beim Beobachten, Warten, Kleinsprechen. Der Sohn dreht sich um seinem Vater und fragte, "Wann fangen wir einen?" Der Vater lächelt ihn an und sagte, "Sei Geduldig, Knabe. Die Fischen kommt wann sie wollen." Und also warteten sie mit einer gemeinsamen Hoffnung miteinander, ihren Leinen in die leicht fließenden Wasser treiben.
>>204523666English, Hindi, Chinese, Latin, Low German.>The Indian diaspora knows English and diasporas in general should learn the native language of the host country.True but no one is going to learn Japanese, despite the huge amount of the global economy they own as their population slumps. India or China will one day be economic powerhouses one day, if it happens in our lifetime, we'll have to wait and see but if I was to futureproof those would be the two languages I'd suggest to people.
>>204523872major in french literature lmao
>>204521813Japanese is alien in a bad way. Hate that meme excuse of a language, so go for that one I guess.
>>204521813>Brazilian Portuguesedrop it for Portuguese Portuguese>Nordic Languages>Russian>Greek>Italian>Neanderthal :^)>JapaneseFine>Spanish>Polish>KoreanDrop it>FrenchIts okay okay because I like their music, if they didn't have that it would be useless.
>>204523442make a twitter account and argue with people there. That's what I do and it's improved my german
inpooters could make me nut in 10 sec with those dich suchen lips of them
>>204521813Mine. I could swap Portuguese with Spanish, same with Dutch with Swedish.
>>204527531Based and Europilled. Shame about the A tier (except Italian of course)
j'ai jamais compris comment il y a des gens qui aiment la musique française, je n'ai trouvé que deux groupes que j'aime issus de la france et l'un d'eux chante en una langue construite.
>>204519944qi gong, unironically. Find a 10-minute routine on youtube and do it once or twice a day, will make you less sleepy and give you energy and focus.Oh yeah, and if the guy in the video is a little too gay or you get a less-than-desired effect just watch a different video and try that routine.
>>204515341 I just love this kind of fucking fry
>>204526629I'm already a Dutch literature major
>>204527531I could swap Spanish and Portuguese or Dutch and Swedish. I also feel like Scandinavian languages should be higher, and I forgot to add Serbo-Croatian to tier C. Slavic languages are not my priorities but it would be a shame not to delve into Slavic languages a bit since Polish is my native language. >>204527654Why? I put Japanese and Brazilian as two distant and exotic languages, which are at the same time cultural opposites of each other. Brazilian Portuguese is more "singy", I like it. Portuguese is too melancholic for me, I already speak Polish and have Italian on my list. Dutch and Italian are easier alternatives to German and French, but I also like them as people >>204525878It doesn't matter if you don't live in India or China. Or work in international trade or logistics, but even then you have to look at the major trading partners of the country you live in. Also, the Chinese will learn English before the rest of the world learns Chinese. Americans don't learn foreign languages, Europeans are too autistic about their own languages, Chinese or Hindi as the global language can't work.
>>204524551Not german but some noticeable mistakes here.>Der Vater und sein Sohn setzten an dem FlussUfersetzen means put/place. It can be used to mean to sit down with a reflexive object (sich setzen) as in Darfst ich mich neben dir setzen? You want the verb sitzen. >der Licht des Sonnesdas Licht der Sonne. You got the genders mixed up here. Can also write Sonnenlicht. > gläntztshould be glänzte> beim Beobachten, Warten, Kleinsprechenstrikes me as awkward, but idk. A real german would need to chime in. >Der Sohn dreht sich um seinem VaterI'd use sich zu wenden personally. > Der Vater lächelt ihn annice use of anlächeln but should be lächelte. >Die Fischen kommt wann sie wollen.Die Fische kommen, wann sie wollen>Und also warteten sie mit einer gemeinsamen Hoffnung miteinander, ihren Leinen in die leicht fließenden Wasser treiben.end is kind of a mess. Pretty sure that mit in miteinander can't extend over to ihren Leinen, which is what you seem to be trying to do here. Also it'd be in dem leicht fließenden Wasser. >>204527450>dich suchenlol
>>204527774I like french fries :3c
>>204528524>Americans don't learn foreign languagesYou don't need too when the only superpower in the world.
>>204529359>only superpower in the worldfor now
>>204531077Of course.
>>204528524as american i am learning french but i am starting to think i should have learned some asian shit because them bitches thirsty
>>204485559Do you agree with him in your country?
>>204532801Examples of context dependent language?
What a day
>>204532801>>204533014Examples of context independent language?
>>204532727Why not Spanish? It seems by far the most useful language for a burger.
>>204533014Sounds like autism. Theres much more to a languages than whether a word has multiple meaning. For example, in vietnamese, the way people address one another in every day speech makes their mentality of the older person always being right very understandable.eg: bố ăn cơm chưa?literally translated each individual word means "dad has eaten rice?"Or "con đang đi chơi" means "child is going playing"This is literally how vietnamese talk to one another. They literally have to remind the other person of their role in the relationship in every fucking sentence. They gain respect not by being capable and strong and brave and smart but by being the older person.For me it makes it inferior to languages that just use you and i.
>>204533195I'm not a burger but I've heard a lot of Americans say that Spanish is basically only useful for customer service jobs and low-class jobs such as construction where you're forced to work alongside Spanish speakers. Spanish is weirdly becoming more widely spoken due to immigration even though there is a clear trend where each generation speaks it significantly worse than their parents, even in areas of the country where the concentration of Spanish speakers is pretty high. This is probably because it's not the language of high society and upward mobility. Also, the concentration of Spanish speakers is extremely low across almost the entire country. Some parts of California, Texas, Florida and New Mexico have high concentrations. Apart from that it's only a few small communities dotted around the country. A large majority of Americans never really need to interact with monolingual Spanish speakers.Burgers, please correct me if I'm wrong
>>204534536They don't NEED to, but the opportunity is there more than any other language.
>>204534599They have the opportunity to learn a lot of languages. If they don't want to talk to latinos irl but do want to talk to French people online, and want to make money dealing with French businesses, they will learn French.
>>204528524>Dutch and Italian are easier alternatives to German and French, but I also like them as peopleIf you were recently talking about wanting to learn French, Spanish and Italian but couldn't decide which, then added German, Dutch and Swedish to your list, decided to focus on French, then decided that French was too difficult and wanted to switch but also learn another language at the same time because you feel compelled to enjoy all these cultures through their respective languages before you hit 30 and your life becomes miseable, and are now saying that Italian is an easier alternative to French, you are retarded
>>204534649Talking to people online is a meme.
>>204534536Basically right. Spanish is also burdened with negative connotations here that it probably isn't laden with in Europe. When I hear spanish I immediately associate it with a. being forced to learn it in school and b. poor immigrants. Also, any hispanic worth talking to speaks english and as you said successive generations of hispanics speak less and less spanish anyway. That being said Spanish is the only language I've ever had a chance to even use here (albeit when I was in NYC not at home in the midwest, where I literally never hear it unless I go to a soccer game or a real mexican restaurant). Last point, no one thinks speaking Spanish is cool. It just is. Where as if you speak french/italian at least white women here will appreciate it and if you speak german/russian/sth else dudes will be impressed.
>>204538737>women like the romance languages (bar spanish)>men like the chud languages
>Did something that guarantees my sole commitment to German onlywill I regret dropping French as the next TL?I won't touch French until I am a B2+/early C1 in German. Maybe never.And, if I do learn French, then that's it, in that case, I'd only maintain English, German, French, and Arabic.
>>204540248STAY AWAY FROM MY TARGET LANGUGES JORDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>just learned that serbs say ciao toowhat in the actual fuckwhy did no one tell me before???
>>204538737>>204538976>The students learning Mandarin in London >All of them are men >Learning Korea in London >All of them are woman Does it happen in your target language
>>204538737>>204534536it's different in Germany. Here you encounter Spanish speakers in big cities and university towns. In most cases, they have a upper middle class background. Practically no one thinks of Spanish-speakers as being less cool or poor immigrants. In school we had to choose between French and Spanish, but everyone chose Spanish.
>>204540441cope pig copei've been learning German for a month nowi know how to introduce myself and conjugate a few present tense verbsdie die die
>>204540441I share your pain Portugal-bro. Take solace in the face that he will never learn either.
>>204540594Women LOVE korean here. Honestly attending a korean course would probably be a good way to meet someone, except that they are all k-pop/k-drama obsessed femcels. >>204540598Ya I expected the perception to be pretty different across the pond. How do germans view polish? I imagine similarly to how we view spanish.
>>204541125>a monthSTOP AND REFUND YOUR COURSES NOW JORDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>>204541334I'm worried, he seems different somehow. Surely he won't actually learn German, will he?
>>204540536Germans do too, but we usually spell it tschau.
>>204541125Das wollen wir mal sehen...
>>204540536>>204541578Here it's "Tchau"
>>204540536We used to as well, but it's fallen out of use and is considered dated slang.
>>204541540oh, just wait. ill just finish my midterms and study 4 times as much as i do nowi will be A2.2 within 3 months inshallah
>>204541540Vielleicht hat er sich wirklich geändert aber ich mache mir auf gar keinen Fall große Sorgen darum. Würde immer noch davon ausgehen, dass was nagelneues vorbeikommen und ihn ablenken wird. Ich finde es auch eher auffallend, dass wir ihn noch nicht etwas auf Deutsch schreiben sehen haben. Es deutet alles darauf hin, dass es nur eine oberflächliche Änderung ist. Also kein Grund zur Sorge meiner Meinung nach.
>>204542099Ich meine, ich habe Deutsch lernen angefangen seit ein Jahr und ich schreibe nicht so viel hier auf Deutsch. Also ich würde nicht jemandem nach einer Monat viel erwarten.Aber ja, ich bin auch zuversichtlich, dass er aufgeben wird.
>>204542099>>204542583Er ist nur ein Anfänger und deshalb sollen wir nicht viel von ihm erwarten. Trotzdem muss er mehr Einzelheiten über seinen „Fortschritt“ erwähnen.
>move to TL country>commit some petty crime, the kind of stuff that gets you locked up for a few months at most>be forced to interact with the other inmates in your TL>profitrate my plan. or come up with a better one if you can.
>>204542786Es stimmt
I hate do support in English.I yearn to ask questions by merely inverting the verb.
>>204543024Just what kind of interaction you can learn from prison beyond "¡Oh no! ¡Mi jabón cayó!" and "Chupame la verga maricón"?
>>204543446i mean pretty sure it would go beyond that if we're locked up together 24 hours a day for months. gotta pass the time somehow. im sure they would find it amusing that i got myself arrested only to learn the language too and willing to help me in my quest.
>>204543446>¡Mi jabón cayó!"*¡Se me cayó el jabón!
>>204543446besides i would never leanr sp*nish. it's homosexual and gross. literally just sissified portuguese.
>>204543024>*deports you*
>>204543628why would they do that
>>204543573>¡Se me cayó el jabón!..."the soap fell itself (from) me" huh. I can't still fully wrap my head around these alien romance constructions but thanks greekbro
>>204543651>some tourist stole an old lady's car>should we give him a shelter and 3 meals a day for longer than his visa's duration or send him to his country and let his own government deal with him?>hmm, tough decision
>>204543808but i committed a crime there. i've been a bad boy and i deserve punishment. they can't do that!
>>204543582>homosexualThe exact reason why I learned it>gross, sissifiedNo, it's unironically manly, not effeminate like some other romance languages out there>Verification not required
>>204540536Viets say "chào" too! Damn there must be an austroasiatic-european missing link
>>204543837You're right>*bars you from reentry*
>>204544016t. jewish demoralization shill
from English study shithole in SK, an anon asked like this >I came from the bottom, it's literally a zero base when it comes to English>learning English for 2 weeks for test>The sentence I'm currently memorizing is "It's because the movie theater has a partnership with local restaurants.">I'm memorizing about 50 sentences a day at this level>I spend about 3 to 4 hours a day on it... I got to say it's bloody slowIs it technically possible? Honestly I don't remember the first time I started to learn English so I can't tell whether it's kind of humble bragging or not
>>204543628*Wegwerfen meinen Pass und danach Verüben ein Vergehen*Nichts persönliches gemeint, Hans, aber nun musst du mich ernähren und unterbringen (und noch dazu meine zwanzigköpfige Familie einschließlich meiner beliebten Ziegen)
>>204546444Weird sentence to memorize, but maybe it's a sentence for a test so who knows. . Wouldn't say it's a good way to learn though, but he's right, it's "bloody slow" no matter what
>>204543867>No, it's unironically manly, not effeminate like some other romance languages out thereWhich ones are effeminate then?
>>204547460Do you think memorizing 50 sentences in three hours is 'bloody slow'? I can't imagine this with my target languages at the A2 level.
>>204547749I read it as "learning English is bloody slow" rather than "memorizing 50 sentences"
>>204541502>except that they are all k-pop/k-drama obsessed femcels.They either like k-pop or k-drama or more likely they are all feminists and they want to interact with Korean feminist.
>>204543446the guy from midnight express learned turkish in real life nonetheless
>>204549782makes me wonder if there is some chick out there learning korean bc of the 4b thing
>>204540594I've met like 3 other men studying Korean over the last 3.5 years here.
>>204551122And how many women?
>>204528575Thanks.You are right about all the spelling mistakes. I wasn't being very attentive and was trying to be sort of off the cuff, hence all the little mistakes. I had just talked about sich umdrehen a few days ago so probably it was on the mind. I think maybe I agree wenden would be better.My use of miteinander was to avoid the use of dazwischen to provide the "between them" part. Gemeinsamen Hoffnung would be enough to convey the meaning but not the feeling. You are right about the genders. I always fuck those up when I stop paying attention. I don't really know how common juxtaposition is in German but my "feeling" is that it isn't, so translating "shared hope between them, lines swaying" is awkward to translate.
>>204551219Didn't really count, but I once attended a trial lesson at some language school, and I was the only guy out of 13 students.
>>204551122Languages overall seem to attract women more than men. I study English and German at a university, and on most courses women make up around 95% of all students
>>204552259That's good, you have access to young women and you share interests with them. Walk into any comp sci or stem class and it's a sausage fest.
C2 German input:https://x.com/captivedreamer7/status/1847753981881442514
>>204552259>I study English and German at a university, and on most courses women make up around 95% of all studentsAre the classes literature-focused?
>>204552388True, but I've no interest in the women, so there's not much benefit having so many women around
>>204552416>Stephen Hawkangzkek
>>204552666Some, but not all. I like literature, so I've taken most of the optional literature courses in English, but the ratio of men to women has been consistent across all courses
>>204552755I've had a similar experience but I always assumed it was because literature is a more popular interest for women
>>204552416>wir müssen die gleiche Sprache sprechenUnd wieso tut er es nicht?
>>204524551>>204528575>>204551786Most of it is correct but there are many small mistakes so instead of pointing them out one by one I'll just give you the whole text and mark the corrections in brackets.>Der Vater und sein Sohn setzten an dem FlussUfer, Angelnleinen hinausgeworfen. Der Himmel war schön und der Licht des Sonnes gläntzt auf das Wasser und shickt kleine Strahlen über die Wellen. Sie waren Stunden da gewesen beim Beobachten, Warten, Kleinsprechen. Der Sohn dreht sich um seinem Vater und fragte, "Wann fangen wir einen?" Der Vater lächelt ihn an und sagte, "Sei Geduldig, Knabe. Die Fischen kommt wann sie wollen." Und also warteten sie mit einer gemeinsamen Hoffnung miteinander, ihren Leinen in die leicht fließenden Wasser treiben.Der Vater und sein Sohn [saßen] an dem [Flussufer], [Angelleinen] hinausgeworfen. Der Himmel war schön und [das Licht der Sonne glänzte] auf [dem] Wasser und [schickte] kleine Strahlen über die Wellen. Sie waren [stundenlang dort und haben beobachtet, gewartet und wenig gesprochen]. Der Sohn [drehte sich zu seinem Vater um] und fragte, "Wann fangen wir einen?" Der Vater [lächelte] ihn an und sagte, "Sei [geduldig], Knabe. Die [Fische kommen] wann sie wollen." Und [so] warteten sie [zusammen] mit einer gemeinsamen Hoffnung, [ihre] Leinen in [dem] leicht fließenden Wasser [treibend].Some notes:"Das Licht glänzte auf dem Wasser." (Dat.)"Das Licht schien auf das Wasser." (Akk.)"auf" + Dat. is used for locations, whereas "auf" + Akk. is used for directions.>Sie waren Stunden da gewesen beim Beobachten, Warten, Kleinsprechen.You could write it like this, which is grammatically correct, but sounds stupid:"Sie waren mehrere Stunden da gewesen beim Beobachten, Warten und wenigen Sprechen."If it wasn't for the adjective "wenigen" it would be fine, but "beim wenigen Sprechen" just sounds strange.>Und also warteten sieUsing "also" to mean "in this way" is an outdated usage of the word that many Germans don't even know.
>>204552416This must be D1 judging by my comprehension.
At this point, I can only read French fluently. Je peux l'écrire mais seulement à peine. Can't really understand it spoken (j'ai besoin de sous-titres). I haven't bothered practicing speaking it at all.Do you think I'm good to go input only from now on and shift my study focus to German?
If you are learning German:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cSfFhHT_pxd_vvq9zDPtaAsLAEGnFV2W
>>204554750>Jojo sucht das GlückNicos Weg is better
>>204552416>not posting the whole thinghttps://x.com/KrahMax/status/1849547371446927658>>204554301>This must be D1 judging by my comprehension.lel
>>204552259English was 90% women on my uni, German about 70%
>>204554412Funny thing is I am the reverse of you (I did German first and now I am learning French). I'd work on your listening some more in French first and then move to German. I basically don't actively study German anymore and primarily maintain it though listening to podcasts, twitter, and the occasional book, but really the podcasts I find to be the easiest way to ensure some daily exposure, hence my recommendation to improve your listening before undertaking german. I'm of the mind that one should be pretty comfortable in a language before adding another. I tried juggling Latin and German when I was in college and my Latin ended up falling by the way side. The same hasn't happened with German and French because my German was so much more established. Idk just my 2 cents. Viel Erfolg//bonne Chance
I feel so dissapointed in Refold. I remember when it first started it felt very stripped back and refreshing in a world of language learning advice which is overblown and just trying to get as much money from you as possible with flashy graphics and convoluted advice. but now they're just doing the same, even the shitty courses with the "THIS IS ACTUALLY WORTH 10000000 PESOS BUT WE'RE OFFERING IT TO YOU FOR ONLY 100!!" It's such bullshit i despise the "language learning community"
>>204555584Apart from their decks. What information do they have which you can't just get for free?
>>204555782exactly, they're just magically pulling these "courses" out of their arses basically just for people who are too lazy to do the actual work of immersion, so they pay X amount to have someone tell them in excruciating detail what to do.
>>204555953You've just described every language learning app/course ever. You don't need any of this in the internet era when you've got instant access to an insane amount of information on practically any language and when you can hop on some discord server and talk with a native speaker in a minute should you wish to.
>>204556079It is more retarded with Refold thougheveralbeit.Other courses and programs have more of a meta approach by teaching you about the language and explaining grammar rules.Refold is literally overexplaining "just immerse for 1000 hours bro" and charging money for it.
I went to a taco shop for lunch and while waiting for my food there was a Spanish language telenovela on the TV. I understood loads of what was happening, I was actually incredibly pleased with myself about it.We're all gonna make it bros. Just keep studying
>>204555563Danke mein Freund. Can you recommend any beginner/intermediate German podcasts? J'en ai marre de regarder Ben und Holly.
>>204556258You did something you would have usually done in your own, closed monolingual world yet through your new skills and through the cracks in your new reality you heard the sounds coming from a hyper dimension that has always been there but lost in the background noise. The cracks will get bigger and one day you will step through them. A whole new world is waiting for you there, with people, with music, with sounds, with love.
>>204557082https://learngerman.dw.com/de/langsam-gesprochene-nachrichten/s-60040332I've shilled this before. Basically I would read the days news here and I added any words I didn't know to my deck, then I'd listen to it a few times through the day. I did that for about 6 months and then moved on to real stuff. I never really used anything else (didn't like Nicos Weg or the Easy German youtube channel, but you could check that out). I found that the first season of Pokemon was a good first show to watch. The Dub isn't too hard and the subs are pretty close to the dub, which helps.
>>204555584The value I got out of Refold was the guide that was co-written by Matt and the high-level discussions about immersion learning on the discord server and nothing has changed there, you can still get that for free. But very few people are willing to invest the time to read or watch videos on the topic or god forbid, experiment and tinker until they make it work. They expect to be spoonfed every step of the way, and that's what the courses are supposed to do. They're also building an app because most of the casuals can't seem to sustain their motivation and need some kind of streak counter and jingle trophy every time they finish 10 minutes of immersion for the day. Ultimately they're just trying to make immersion learning more accessible for the normie masses and make money doing it.
>>204557120Thanks Baudrillard
>mfw I le learn les nombres français from 70 to 99
>>204557582>https://learngerman.dw.com/de/langsam-gesprochene-nachrichten/s-60040332Oh la vache, quelle découverte. It's above my current level but this will definitely get perused regularly once I'm there. Vielen Dank.
>>204558306I was not aware of this phenomenon but I looked it up and it's retarded as fuck
>>204558481same. First time I've seen it also, GJ Frenchies
>>204558384fourscore and nineteen
Is he right?https://youtu.be/Dig0V4p69FM
>>204559095>thumbnail crosses out Duolingo>video recommends Duolingo???
>>204559095>didn't even mention playing RPGs with a lot of dialogue
>>204558481>>204558521it doesnt hppen only in frenchhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaktovik_numerals
Hey guys, tomorrow I got a mini exam where I have to introduce myself (very basic).Can a German help check my pronunciation and understanding?If I get a really good grade in the certification exam, I might get to learn another language for free! Which will be French, if that happens.This is my vocaroo:https://voca.ro/1lFe93kVWYBq
>>204499271Hmm weird, some danish sentences are easier to read than your Oakspraek.May I ask how you determine gender and their subsequent article? "de water" feels really strange to the ear, since (I think?) in all germanic languages its neuter.
>>204501403Dabblers always learn Celtic and/or mesoamerican langs, not fucking Hungaryan
>>204553762Thanks anon.I know all these rules but clearly they don't connect when I'm writing in the moment. Those and the spelling mistakes embarrass me in retrospect, normally I can spell quite well.So you'd say that the only wrong usage was the treiben/treibend mixup, instead using it as a noun phrase and not another verb phrase, and then the beobachten, ... part? Could you explain why the infinitive noun form sounds bad? I know that zum/beim Verben have specific uses, zum being mostly "for the use of" Verben and beim meaning "in the case of" Verben. Is it just that "beim X, Y, und Z" sounds fit here?Also is there stylistic room to say something like dazwischen or miteinander or would that not sound correct? Often my German is very English in phrasing so it's hard to tell. I probably also got the usage of 'also' from reading too much Mann and Böll. I've learned lots of words my coworkers tell me no modern German would know
>>204556258congrats m8
>>204561422>issch bin Yoordanon lel Not terrible I guess. Do not do french though. If anything keep working on your English while you do German.
>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acad%C3%A9mie_Fran%C3%A7aiseDoes your Lang have such an agency?
>>204552943Women have more of an interest learning languages than men do, irregardless of literature. They have a fascination with it that men don't normally have, to the point where if you ever mention you know another language around a woman they're immediately impressed no matter the language. For men they usually don't care.
>>204485559How is German and French rated so highly for business when literally all of them speak English really well?
>>204566445>FrenchDo they? They have some of the worst English proficiency in Europe. You can even see that just browsing /int/
>>204566566The French people I see here have good English
>>204559095I tried joining one of those language exchange servers and talking to natives literally did my head in, it was a total nightmare scenario and I don't think VRChat would be any easierThe video is pretty retarded for not mentioning RPGs like >>204559501 pointed out but that is probably more a byproduct of the youtuber being a normie and preferring learning through social interaction. And don't forget about>You can learn sign language through gaming and discord servers
>>204566445when will this meme ever come to an end
>>204566803How’s it a meme I’ve literally met Germans who speak better English than me
Holy crap… Academics are on another level. I’m such a mediocre struggling with one language while this guy beats himself over the fact that he “only” knows 10+ languages. Why was I born like this, God?
>>204566865No you haven;t
>>204561422I understood everything but some of the pronunciation was a bit off.The "ch" in "Ich" is not pronounced like a "sch" think of it as the "h" in human. You actually made the correct "ch" sound for another word, so you are close.The "ü" is not pronounced like an "u". Make a "u" sound and then hold the sound. Slowly shift the vowel you are making to an "e". Right after the initial shift it will come out as an "ü".
>>204567107Sanskrit and Pali are Gnomic?Classical Chinese I get that and it's something I found difficult but Sanskrit?
>>204566865I think that says more about you than them.
>>204561661It's all "de" for now, I still have to go through my spreadsheet and add the appropriate articles.I'm using "it" and "de" eventually, but this is just a rough draft for now. I greatly appreciate the feedback.
>>204485768people who use duolingo don't love verb conjugation
>>204552259Women are social creatures though and are probably a lot more likely to go to classes
>>204567107people who claim to know this many languages are usually full of shit. memorizing a phrasebook is knowing a language according to them.
need some spanish CI thats native but easy, not dreaming spanish or a kid show
>>204570843I don't think David Bentley Hart is reading phrasebooks and certainly not Greek, Latin or Classical Chinese phrasebooks
>>204571969he certainly doesnt speak fluent Latin or Classical Chinese either come onthis guy speaks 10 languages the way i'm a math PhD because i know basic arithmetic
>>204563341We have "Kotimaisten kielten keskus" (Kotus), though it also handles a couple other languages spoken in Finlandhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institute_for_the_Languages_of_Finland
>>204567107Academics usually do not speak their languages of study because they don't need to. All they need to know is the grammar, because vocab is searchable. It's not the same as the average language learner who, say, knows quite a lot of vocab but perhaps is unsure of the correct grammar.
>>204572941>kotus>kot POTUS
>>204567107>Western and EasternNever heard of these languages before
how many languages then can only truly know (without living in all of the coutnries)
>>204575209At least 1
>>204572447Who said anything about speaking those languages?>>204573627Ok but trying to read native level texts and not having a large vocabulary is an awful experienceEven more so when you're reading serious literature, non-fiction and philosophy
>>204570989https://refold.link/spanishhttps://comprehensibleinputwiki.org/wiki/Spanish>>204575209tree fiddy
>>204575209I'm going to have to discover that for myselfIn my opinion truly knowing a language would mean that I could read it almost as effortlessly as I can with English but I haven't reached that level with any of my languages yetI'm hoping that I can get to that level with 5-6 languages
German is really hard...
>>204577077So is my dick, as it happens.
>>204577077idk to me it's pretty easy
>>204575911>I could read it almost as effortlessly as I can with NLI can do that with English.>I'm hoping that I can get to that level with 5-6 languagesWhich ones?
>>204577077What are you talking about, german is the easiest language to learn in the world. For 95% of the words you just know the meaning.
>>204570843Was watching some tv show with a bunch of normies doing shit I can't remember a while ago, might've been cooking shit. One of them claimed to know 3 languages (french, german and spanish). He brags about it to another guy about how good he was in french. Does the usual "parlez vous francais?? ca va???" crap, then the other British guy just starts throwing french at him and he immediately clams up. This is what I imagine the vast majority of people to be like when they say they "speak" multiple languages. 5 canned sentences and very little else.
>>204579072Normies are ngmi. I have humbled many people who claimed to be fluent in English, when in fact they were B1 at best.
>>2045752094 if you’re average, 6 if you’re really intelligent.
Thinking language learning has anything to do with intelligence is not very intelligent
>>204575209If we talk about full native-level proficiency, i think 3 is a realistic limit.
>>204579700Yeah, that’s why retards are polyglots am I right? Fucking imbecile.
>>204580213What you just did is something called a "non-sequitur". I could explain what this means, but instead, I'll put this simply to you:You have once again shown yourself to be the biggest retard in this general. Get back to failing at French