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lavender edition

I don't care that I offended californians and canadians. I'm standing on business.
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new Deer hunter remake looking FIRE
When's beautiful girl edition?
youre not black
where 2 cop?
just hush we are starting off fresh in the new thread
i could easily kill both of those security guards
>japanese "acting"
God bless.
1st amendment.
bugarians have nothing going on in their lives. They have to attack us.
making overnight oatmeal in an empty energy drink bottle with porridge, milk, butter, honey, a little bit of salt, a little bit of vodka to see if in the future it works in an empty vodka bottle to give it some more flavour, and now im drinking a box of milk with rice crispies in it
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what did you think cologne is?
Who watches this infantile shit? What's even the appeal? I'm bringing so hard I think I pulled a muscle
lazy moonshiner
shine your wet light on my dry lips
youre a coal miner
and that bottle makes you stumble and trip
and mama cain't take, that bottle from you,
they say sunshine is happy,
lord moonshine is too.
Nah, self defense. Don't talk shit if you can't back it up.
i don't care i just want everyone to stop fighting today is a happy day
Stunad. "Toilette" in French is like the area for your habadashery, your closet, your "getting ready" area. It doesn't literally mean toilet.
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i use this
We won't have peace until Bugarians and Eurachnids are exterminated from /cum/
bath and body works my love
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i wear versace cologne every day because i'm worth it
When anime tries to be cool is peak cringe
mihai isn't dead i searched the obituaries and couldn't find him
I’ve used this since college
Women tell me they like it pretty often
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lavender kitty
all my colognes were purchased by my parents
nigga your entire country shuts down whenever theres a new episode of dragon ball

you are brazillian
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This is my shit right here. Expensive but worth it. Sometimes you just gotta pay more for quality, you know?
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50 dollars for 3.4 fl oz?! i'm not trying to get nickel and dimed here
stare women down in the streets
I don't care if you were triggered
It's time to leave, Bulgariptera
it suits him
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I dont wear cologne because I dont know where to meet women
we usually buy during the holiday sale (3 for 1)
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the official dinner. plain rice and turkey breast spiced with salt, pepper, garlic powder, chilli and parsley
Let it all out buddy. It's gonna be ok.
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I smelled this in the mall once, pretty good but $100 for 3.4oz?
mousey !! >,<
post a reggie
looks good. enjoy
i don't wear it for women, i like smelling nice and people in general treat you better when you smell nice
La stessa parole, but it don't mean the same thing. Words can have more than one meaning
shut the FUCK up, distefano
HIS peenis
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i use this on formal occasions
rifles are really only good for military, you're not shooting at people on the other side of the field if you're a civilian
Based fellow nice-smeller
>French teacher says it means "toilet water"
>she's originally from France
>random burger says "nu-uh"
Who do I believe? I wonder.
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you are this kitty >>204671334 (on formal occasions)
Dumb ass nerd fighting about etymology instead of actual modern meaning
Bet you he screams about tomato being a fruit instead of a vegetable and thinks he's right
Uhhh.... what about for hunting?
You know, hunting rifles?
Ironically my two favorite perfumes are American and British.
wow 4000 dollaras a month to live in NY. woaw. like 50K a year
I'm addicted to CK2 again
the world is ending in my opnion
Looks tasty but it needs sauce
Tomatoes are fruit, they're just savoury and not sweet.
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>you're not shooting at people on the other side of the field if you're a civilian

O-of course not...ha ha..that would be crazy...
dipotassium carbono
Mine is British-Malaysian

What do you wear bud

>there are "men" out there who have never taken an animal's life
Pathetic little boys desu
My late lunch/early dinner was tuna, sauteed cabbage, and brown rice with Sriracha mayo.
yeah exactly
what's ironic about that
Literally unironically
>Tomatoes are fruit
And also a vegetable because vegetable is a culinary term
Cucumbers, avocadoes, olives, peppers, zucchini, and squash are ALL "technically" fruits
If you want to use the scientific instead of culinary term, fruits and vegetables are different parts of a plant. Vegetables are the leafy green parts while the fruits are the budding parts.
I'm a brit hater and the American house is based in Portland and we all know about Portland.
taking an animals life isn't something to aspire to
go to the grocery store if you're hungry hunting for sport isn't necessary
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Before I started dating and married my wife we were coworkers. A couple of us needed an apartment and some of us decided to share a townhome and split the rent. It was during that time we started dating
Before that though, one time she was gonna be gone for a trip and she asked me to take care of her dog and take it out and all that. I agreed because this was my perfect excuse to go into her bedroom
I went into her room and took all her panties, bras, sexy clothes, high heels and put them in my face, my mouth, rubbed my cock all over them. I masturbated with them and put them back
Later on we started dating and she never knew and I never told her
Jason is on steroids and lifting heavy now
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going to go outside because i need to go outside more often to ever have a chance of someone loving me
One time when I was like 8 or 9, a baby bird had fallen out of its nest and was chirping in the grass. I picked it up and put it in a towel. My friends didn't know what to do so I said he was chirping because he's hungry and they asked me what should we feed it and I knew birds ate insects. But we couldnt catch any flies so we caught a butterfly and chopped it up (gruesome) and tried to feed it to the bird with tweezers.

It died an hour later.
if you look like that i will love you
im within the ballpark of looking like that, possibly sounding like that too
at least you tried, once baby birds are out of the nest it's pretty much a death sentence unfortunately
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>I went into her room and took all her panties, bras, sexy clothes, high heels and put them in my face, my mouth, rubbed my cock all over them. I masturbated with them and put them back
Tell me more personal stories
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Why does it matter who killed the animal?
I've also helped my grandfather slaughter cows and pigs.
i only like jasmine rice(pic related)
running out of nogf posting
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sexo con mejican bummy
Basmati is better though?
i'm just saying having to kill an animal to prove you're a "real man" is stupid and outdated
real men are gentle and have restraint
I lost my virginity after accidentally taking meth and went like 20-30 minutes without cumming. Got bored and stopped before i came. Never knew if it counted as losing virginity
when i was a kid i jumped on an aquarium tank, it shattered and a bunch of shards went into my legs and i almost lost my legs
going to have an energy drink at 9PM
I lost my virginity to a girl I met on interpals
basmati and wild rice are the worst
goodness i bet you have some crazy scars
how are you doing now?
Don't pretend you wouldn't do it if you could. Especially to a girl you know would wear it after
Going hunting isn't the same as being an unfeeling mass murderer
Real men hear the call of the wild
>sexy clothes
Pretty sure she was seeing someone else.
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The dust has finally settled on the field of human clay
Just enough light has shown through to tell the night from the day
We're incomplete and hollow
For our maker has gone away

yeah well i'm no marathon runner
By sexy clothes I mean tiny denim shorts, crop tops, etc. Stuff girls wear when they want to look slutty
Seems like Biden and Clinton were right about the Serbs after all
if you're concerned about being a real men you're not a real men
i just don't trust someone who is okay with shooting and killing a deer for no reason other than it's fun or something it's just really distasteful and i've never been interested in guys who do that
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Pushed my brother off a cliff into stinging nettles, only time he ever got what he deserved
>denim shorts, crop tops
But that's not 'sexy'.
theres another one of those fast little spiders and this one likes to wait until i go to sleep and then drop on my from the ceiling
as well as dropping in other places
i still dont know if it makes webs but it would be an idea if it makes a bunch of low webs as a net over the floor to know where to drop better. and it isnt random becauase every time it drops int he same place and runs down my tshirt
do you have nerve pain? can you walk okay?
>stupid and outdated
It's absolutely not. You're too comfortable and dependent on a failable technology. If the sun belched forth an EM burst that fried earth electronics then where would you be? You have NO idea to do without electricity, and that's dangerous. Nothing is a sure bet and Murphys Law still dominates. Be prepared.
starting from today i will devote every day to one chapter of luke's gospel. read the first chapter three times today
even though all of the spiders of the same i shouted at it so it fucks off i want to wait and see if it eats the bed bugs
It is to me
if the entire earth lost all of it's electronics in a single solar event i'm gonna be real with you chief one of the last things i'm gonna do is go hunting
sex cute nerd doctor mike. sex sex
like i said if things got really bad of course hunting is okay
but they aren't and hunting for sport just rubs me the wrong way, sorry
You'll never get it because you don't have a Y chromosome and never got the hunting gene that's passed down from father to son
There is nothing more soulful for a man than going off into the wilderness alone then killing and eating it
What'll you do when all the store bought food is gone or spoils?
Every man should know how to hunt, farm plants and sew, and basic first aid.
You wouldn't immediately start hunting other people to take their resources?
bought chinky earbuds today, i'm hopeful that because it's detachable wires they wont break as quickly since the wires are usually the failing point and those are cheap to buy
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oh yeah? well i got the gene for becoming a terminally online cat poster. don't see much advantage in that
goatse yourself
be the next pompeii. thousands of them did it
It's better to hunt your food than buy cold dead meat from an industrial slaughterhouse. It's more honest and puts you in touch with the natural order
the thing stopping you from armed robbery is your bing bing wahoos? don't tell your therapist
Its fun AND tasty you spoiled retarded bitch
we can just agree to disagree
yeah you'll be working a glory hole for scraps cause you'll be a scared little beta
Are you gay, bi or straight mousey?
tfw no stoic therapist gf
Fishing is hunting for sport thoughbeit
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Now I saw a face on the water
It looked humble but willing to fight
I saw the will of a warrior
His yoke is easy and his burden is light
He looked me right in the eyes, direct and concise, to remind me
To always do what's riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight

Again I stand
Lord, I stand against the faceless man
shut the hell up. you'll probably be living in an underground subscraper, living an underground subsistence life from toiling away on The Tunnels for meager neoplasmins
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>he doesn't watch and read bushcrafting material in preparation for the quickly approaching end of all civilization
post sexy women
i don't fish i just thought the pic was funny but whenever my brother would fish in our pond he would catch and release which is okay i think, it stresses them out but it's not gonna kill them
wypipo gettin rope-a-doped
how many dimensions
ok if you like that stuff as a hobby but try not to be so cringe about it
Annas archive has downloads that are 50 books in one
maybe printing out some books and wrapping them up could be useful
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hahaha this guy is nuts
That's the highest level of Wing Chun in action.
>but try not to be so cringe about it
Umm I'm not, hunting is necessary for all men
she looks Mexican maybe
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and why he angy
now post her nipples out
he's fucking nuts
gr*y squirrels
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È basta per nuje e pe vuje
i love fox squirrels so much they get really big
I replied to you here by the way: >>204671051
gimme a T for texas, gimme a T for tennessee
gimme a T for texas, gimme a T for tennessee
gimme a T for th*lma, woman made a fool out of me
squirrels can have a bit of soup as a treat
i dont know what Th*lma is
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I know many communities of squirrels that live exclusively on cream of mushroom soup
i look like that btw (the bunny)
this is so sweet what the hell
literally me and who
say something racist and funny
n me
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he needs to learn some manners
cute bunny though
you just know
Growing up in San diego this used to be pretty common. I didn't know how good I had it boys
both the mom and daughter are weirdos
Can't blame the bugger if I'm honest
economic libertarianism
why is it always white women with dogs that do this
That's it, I'm calling the cops. I can't believe people are this irresponsible, what if someone gets hurt
rest in peace peanut
um hi all
She's 'o pazz' but at least it's funny
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You cannot have your life in order and be here, between a job, gym and literally anything else you want or have to do there's no time
stop recommending me your disgusting smut that you pretend is good fiction you bitch
OK sorry and i didnt write down my smut anyways yesterday...
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>Only the Latina thinks it's gross, the white girls are in agreement
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sex with redheads
Pa los mexicanos, ¿cómo es diferente tu país después de la elección?
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Soon I will undergo gas cylinder safety training because I'm learning to use a machine that requires a hydrogen tank.
sex with redheads
she's not pretending.
pay attention so you don't get hurt later on
Feeding a squirrel is fine but I don't think I would eat from the same dish that a squirrel is eating from, because who knows what diseases the squirrel is carrying
this is based. i hope that you have fun
if your fiction refers to a character as a 'dominant daddy' i am not going to read it
then don't. she still believes it is good literature
and i have some canned chicken soup
Only monday and I'm already about to get hammered. It would be nice to die in my sleep
I genuinely hope you're trolling but this is a more normal board so you might actually be a woman and some women are actually this retarded so you might be legit
if you die in your sleep, it would be from choking on your barf. you deserve a prettier corpse. come on man, we can do this one more day. one more hour.
good post
i'm assuming they can't make a connection between having a hobby and ASPDs killing their childhood pets and whatever other unlucky animal runs into them
posts like this help me stay clean, thanks. but don't do it to yourself, it's not worth continuing down the path
shit post
What do i care what my body looks like when I'm dead lol
That is, unfortunately, the best-case scenario
sticking out your gyatt for a rizzler
youre so skibidi
well what if you float out of it like the cartoons? you'll be enjoying your halo and harp and then look back and go, "aww! they're gonna find me like that?!"
gonna shower
Idea for the afterlife: my soul gets to travel through time so I can observe every event in the history of earth.
That would keep me occupied for a while
If anything the vomit would hide my horrific visage
Feel bad for whoever cleans it and see what is hiding underneath...
ok cya Jason
i don't know how your puke works, but mine doesn't usually cover my entire face
it is his fault that that market is bad
Mine is very oily and viscous. It coats things like nickolodeon slime
its people like him
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thread theme

It's pretty simple, really
>don't leave a tank upright and unattended without securing it to something
>if you can't secure it upright, lay the tank down
>use the fucking valve cover, that's what it's for
>don't use damaged tanks
Idk if they'll require you to check hydrostatic testing dates or anything, that may be a maintenance department thing where you work
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*gets shot*
erm imagine having to pay to not die this was never a thing until recently where i can just get shot and not die and it should be for free
very selfish
mine is very thick. it always makes me cough terribly, i hate it. i actually re-throw up from gag-reflex from it.
kek same. i really want to travel back to 1AD and see jesus irl
i would go 1BC and say "i cant wait until my friend comes at 1AD" and the others will say "1 what?"
i mean i would go 2 years back in time from 1BC and tell the dinosaurs "i cant wait until 1BC" and then i bet theyd say "1 before what?"
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I'm a small person
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it's a vrchat hotgirls AIWaifu SoothingVoice Relax Cozy Comfy Female vtuber Anime kind of night
>1 ad
>see Jesus
Anon, I...
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At least the left isn't a science denier
insane asylum background noise ASMR
feels more like a redgifs muscular girl night to me
i get warm fuzzies when she kisses the screen and says my name
Stanley cups have lead in it
Don't reply to or engage with mousenonce
I have a family member that is trooning out
So depressing
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Copilot removed the typing effect again :3
where is he i'm gonna reply to him right now just to spite you...
there you are, HI MOUSE!
*waves like a retard*
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I'm pretty sure I've met Jesus already. I bought some swarma from him last wednesday
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me + who
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And tony soprano
Me too. Not sure what to do about it
did science give him those titties?
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>At least the left isn't a science denier
my internet keeps shitting itself
ASMR prompt
audio files from category horror
To a lot of people, science is about opinion and interpretation rather than evidence and reflection
phantom nightmares haunt the abandoned asylum asmr to fall asleep to
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hi-fi beats to have a panic-attack to
Why would you have anything to do about it? It’s their choice, you don’t have to play the stupid pronoun game but you can’t stop them.
>I'm a girl
>but you have a penis
>but I feel like a girl
>suck my dick
science means doing what i tell you to
who is this btw? does she do more?
yeah shes really good at
pretending like that
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another rejected job application
doctor i am pagliacci
You're probably a faggot homosexual
insane asylum asmr
layered with
fire crackling sfx
phantom nightmares scream in the asylum asmr to fall asleep to
everythings on fire too
but complete darkness at the same time
milada moore
I gotchu
i think people with other-than-what-you-think-when-you-see-them pronouns would win more support if they didn't mind simply correcting people. if i was addressing a guy as "sir", and then he went, "doctor.", i'd think he's an egotistical dick. but, i would then say, "doctor whoever". i've seen the guys pretending to be girls and i'm not going to incite anyone with that physique. lmao
https://i.4cdn.org/int/1731956967138096.jpg sexo
just ripped ass
canadaanon is the plug for the good quality content
>other-than-what-you-think-when-you-see-them pronouns
Woah there chud, are you admitting to assuming pronouns?
I want to though
Things are fucked up out there, stay strong anon
dealer plug or plug as in a stop?
Case in point
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uhhhh bros?
12 hours
ohh and now the American wants to talk suddenly baka
every country that isn't america knows america is run by the long nose tribe.
call me old fashioned, but i think words have meaning so that we can communicate ideas to one another
Antisemitism will destroy america
ducks out for harambe
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Bruh you are ETHIOPIAN
wtf is going on?
Words only have meaning if the person using it knows what that meaning is. If they don't, then language is always evolving so words mean what people think they do (or something)
isn't your country where the holy grail is?
Multiple people with severe mental illness spamming the general at the same time
I want Sannas toes in my mouth
ugly flat hag tho
what if i just durrr tell them what the word means?
this seems to work well enough in mathematics and philosophy, where defining new or specific terms is common and necessary
No you're thinking of the Ark of the Covenant
I don't believe I fairy tales
Binland mentioned :DD :DDD
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ah yes, that's it, and the caretakers all go blind I heard
dicks out for mommy
show us some pics you take there
Congratulations, you are smarter than 100 million Americans
Por fin, un mexicano. Le quiero preguntar, como es diferente tu pais despues de la elección
milk truck arrive
ok thanks for posting her @ but im bored now .-.
I was mostly making fun of people that get defensive about it, as I've often told people what a word actually means and they've usually shot back with "ya well that's not what most people think it means so that's not what it means anymore". Like alright, let's just start making shit up I guess. It's a legitimate phenomena, like the word meme changing it's definition quite dramatically and in a short period of time, but it's more often than not just an excuse
Imagine wasting a japanese woman like this. Replace her with an american one

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