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I'm a little bird eating berries yum yum yum yum yum
rorke lost
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Alri lads
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really glad i outgrew racism :)
sometimes i like pretending i have someone "with" me

i show them things that i already know about

they usually have the same opinions about them that i do haha
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cleaned up the flatto for the man to come take photos of the place
shame about all the ugly furniture that belongs to the landlord really otherwise it might look quite comfy
fucks sake yank cunt, I said I was making the new, not on this
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I didn't have my first kiss, first shag, first parties, etc. until I'd left to go university

I was a spotty autistic shut-in freak during secondary school and my parents pressured me into focusing on academics, so now I'm on £80k at 26... but I sometimes wish I could've just been a normie who shagged in their teens, dossing about, smoking drinking exploring, having the time of their life with their mates. Did it all in uni, but still.
What RIGHT Wingers get WRONG about the Allison Pearson Scandal

Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me.
moving out?
>do a spontaneous "dom" scenario for the first time, in which I call the FWB to come over and without warning take her to the couch, tell her to take off her pants, slap her bum, scold her, finger her, and fuck her
>she asks afterwards whether I've "ever done anything like that before"
I probably betrayed my inexperience
rentberg's selling the place and i have no desire to buy it
let's cuddle on the sofa together ok
Thanks for posting but don't care at all
getting your own place or remaining a rentcuck?
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>rorke lost
i like that
tell me about the guitar
how did you buy it?
yeah rentcucking for the next 12 months at least
i start a new job in december so timing isn't the worst
Those are called Beautyberries. I have some growing outside my window. They are edible but don't taste very good.
didn't ask incel
dr. roberts please call the page operator, dr. roberts please call the page operator
>A Metropolitan police officer is under criminal investigation for potential driving offences after a heavily pregnant woman and her unborn baby died following a collision with an unmarked police car in south-east London in October, the Independent Office for Police Conduct said.
awful bastards
I heard people make jam out of them
in florida
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the cronem are gettin dey waves done, sending snapchats to leng tings
that guitar was a gift for my 16th birthday
>a heavily pregnant woman and her unborn baby died
>her unborn baby died

but it's just a clump of cells though, not a person
>a heavily pregnant woman and her unborn baby died
You can, they taste better when you cook them. They just aren't very sweet and are a bit bitter. Florida Coffee berries are about as plentiful and taste better imo.
got the heating on first time this year and it lush
no more sitting in the cold because who am I trying to impress? no good for the mental health
nope I will have it on as much as I want. Got plenty of savings to pay off octopus if i need to mental health comes first now
whats it like knowing your eyeballs are going to be on fire for an eternity when you are burning in the lake of fire
ikea has zero nice coffee tables
wahey local news
so basically any country that defends itself against a Russian invasion is Hitler? That's how they actually see the world. If you defend against our imperialist invasion of your country then you're Hitler
but are they a pretty purple color?
smoking a 'ly
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>whats it like knowing your eyeballs are going to be on fire for an eternity when you are burning in the lake of fire
oh my goodness she's started putting kisses on her texts!
very little reason to seriously believe this shit and it's very american that you do

an empire ran on hopes and dreams and it's running out of steam, no wonder so many of you still cling to religion
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>Roller skater drags dog-walker, 88, to her death after getting caught on her leash
bravo merseyrail
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im hitler you dildo licker
just drank wee
77 Percent of Dog Owners Fear Their Dog Will Eat Something They Shouldn't
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actf ulrr daaa iiii omll
The dog didn't really seem affected by it but the old woman fell and died. To be fair it was like a long invisible string
i once drank a pint of my wee when i was very drunk.

urine therapy and that

does anyone like german sectarian music not a catholic

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the cronem are gettin dey braids done
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the scrandemic
do you WFH? Or neet?
one of my weirder exes just messaged me to say she's been fired again, because five different regular customers at the
pub or wherever she worked complained about her in one night. She can't explain how but she said she was just bantering with them

five complaints
i genuinely don't even know what "cloves" are

i know cloves of garlic, but people refer to "cloves" like it's a plant unto itself

don't know what it looks like or what it's used for or what it comes from
lovely white and bright outside
might go for a jogule
*cuts rope loose*
bigger plate i beg you
theres a spice called cloves that come from the clove tree
they taste like old people smell
you know you can just use google right
it's a very pungent tropical flower
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it's a spice you dumbo
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pop em in your rice may em smell nice
getting their nails done next?
Angela Rayner is pushed by Sky News
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no they are pretty though
they taste faintly of melon
are you southern by any chance?
>but people refer to "cloves" like it's a plant unto itself
Shall remain forever a mystery
Well, if you see it historically...they are kind of right
nun he cud do tho
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I love clove gum
love it
The phallus of the carnation
The West has always hated Russia and Russians because they've successfully proven themselves as a strong, traditional, conservative alternative to the neoliberals and they despise them for it.
no one liked russia pre-revolution either
broke one of my teeth on one of these once, ended up needing a root canal
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corr yeah alright
they are pretty
I'm assuming they have lots of caffeine in them?
UK is worse now but used to be better
>At 16, she gave birth to her first son,[8] Ryan, with her 19-year-old boyfriend, Neil Batty. Recalling her experience of being a teenage mother on a council estate, she said that Ryan's birth "actually saved me from where I could have been, because I had a little person to look after."[75][76][77] When Ryan's partner had a daughter in November 2017, Rayner became a grandmother at age 37, giving herself the nickname "Grangela."[77][76]

white 'culture'
sounds like you have shit teeth
yes thank u for posting this on the internet daughter
The West didn't like Imperial Russia because they were strong and made them look weak.
The West didn't like Soviet Russia because they were strong and made them look weak.
The West didn't like the Russian Federation because they were strong and made them look weak.

Nothing has changed.
Do you know what "neoliberal" means?
>paki mash
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>Neil Batty
photo man due here at half 12
he'd better not be late
nah bc they are pointy it wedged itself down between two teeth and did a micro crack which took a long time to rot completely
for me?

250g egg whites
1 medium egg
5g butter
packet of frozen white rice
some soy sauce

thats the lunch
clove gum is perfect in the autumn
on a chilly evening
clove gum clove cigarettes cinnamon gum a big warm coat and warm oriental perfume
a little bit of bourbon
Globohomo that support the current world order.

I'm not even a chud. For context, I fully support abortion rights which is something retarded right-wingers get fixated on. If women want to kill their own babies then let them.
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just lift and do nofap bro
Might base my entire personality around the courier from skyrim
no they actually don't contain any
it gets its name because it apparently resembles a real coffee berry or something
I have heard some people claim it has DMT though, not sure if does or how to extract it.
Psychotria nervosa is the species.
anyone here do combat sports....
the only one that isnt homo is ju jitsu imo, japanese. u can also legally own a sword but never use it hehe
bit triggering that texts screenshot
I do wrestling.
once got into a fight while playing footy
christian right wingers yeah. cus they think God is forming the mongol baby,

its the perogative of retards to kill things usually
penis de milo
Global Homosexuality
love it
>Globohomo that support the current world order.

No. It means the idea of "laissez faire, lessez passé" (allow the trade, allow the passing -of ships) , of classsical liberalism,rehashed for the late 70s and 80s as a means of deregulating labour laws and expanding markets. It was the right wing who was its staunchest champion. Thatcher is a prime figure associated with neoliberalism. Neoconservatives in the usa were neoliberals.
heating is not an issue in the bedroom because i've just been sleeping in full pjs with a jumper on
never had the heating on at all last winter when the ex lived here because, joking aside, someone to warm you up during winter is a hugely under appreciated benefit of having a gf
Great Shitain
love it
The dismissive arrogance behind this post is why the rightwing hasn't had a victory in decades
And Poorthern Direland
Sigh, guess it’s time to update the filters
being australian in a hot sun
my ancestors fought the law and the law won
sleep naked with the window open me
don't like being hot in bed simple as
mental how
mad that
foids are always cold they just sap your heat and energy
Third world country
The United Wogdom
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The law always wins
Doesn't fit with the measure
what about trump?
wrestling is actually good. seen a few videos of people suplexing an attacker to the concrete.

in ju jitsu i learnt 1 suplex but mostly you reap or throw them then break something.

luckily never had to use it tho
me when I assemble an ikea flatpack with the mrs
>tfw under floor heating
>tfw wood burning stove
>tfw max cozing
ever fancied starting a fight with someone in the wild so you can put your skills to the test?
they had to let him win this time since the 2020 election was so obviously rigged they had to maintain the illusion of democracy
probably get shanked where i live lol
Always wins for the elite mind you
Just got woman in a boardroomed at work and told to "calm down"
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WELL? Are you calm?
when a cherry is red its ripe for plucking
when a girl is sixteen she is ripe for f...
actually dont you lads worry about it
Rich fucking cunt

How fit is the mrs.?
I was a bit wound up and understandably so
They're sending me to Preston
i fancy a poo
Gone round to see mumberg and she's blasting heating at entirely unreasonable levels. Couldn't even sit in the front room I've had to go in the kitchen and open the back door
Wrestling is very intense and it's kind of easy to injure yourself but very rewarding. Not something I would advise anybody to just get into unless they have experience with a similar kind of sport first.

I took up training because I've been living in fear perpetually the past few years. No reason why mind you, I just feel like I'm going to have to fight for my life any day now. Life is good. I really wish we had guns.
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>luckily never had to use it tho
photo man still not here
i'm gagging for a coffee but i don't want to create washing up
Drinking coffee out of my $100,000,000,000,000 mug
the £10k i put in to crypto in march is now worth...£6745
pretty grim but consider at its lowest it was down to about £2.5k
quite confident i will more than make my money back in the coming months
yeah I often get too hot around your mum's place
forever using the back door an' all
Drinking cum out of my $100,000,000,000,000 penis
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>when you show her your nob
Sir Fear Farmer

i'm a deep cummer
Quite confident you shan't lol
just peng isn't it?
that was me trying to be humble but I can see how it seemed as if I was showing compassion to an attacker. I meant I might actually lose the fight. tbf though we are all nerds cus we fight in pyjamas known as a gi and basically play with swords so yeah
'Tis, 'tis 'ndeeeeed guvna'
parrots each other animals how to speak english
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a cu tld frai raio aim il l
nice on popcorn
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Well, as long as you have clarified...I am glad we sorted that out.
Anyone got one of those dry herb vapes? Might get myself an Arizer Solo 2
Support farmers, remember no farmers no food, no farmers no beer dee lads
already on 8k steps today
One of these men /brit/ would risk their lives to save. The other /brit/ would pay to see die.
raping? that's bang out of order
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Paprika, Chilli, Cayenne, Garlic powder, Onion powder
chuck that on some chicken
scranning some wee
fucking hate programmer humour
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I'd eat her cooch smegma.
haven't even bloody asked her out yet but im quite certain she will say yes
and the mere thought of meeting her is making my heart race and feel dizzy
time to man the hell up though. seriously what the worst that could happen. i sperg out and the date is a complete disaster. and? will she physically attack me? will i be harmed as a result of this? no. worst case i could literally just run away back to my car and drive away and block her
Good night gang. Got to get up for another great day tomorrow. Life is beautiful. Enjoy it while it lasts.
var whoAsked = PeopleWhoAsked[0];

Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
if scran
wee = ok
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love this energy hope you have a lovely sleep lad
*pisses and shits*
durr hurr hurr hurr

and that's not even programmer humour that's coding

go read the api document
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ...
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smegma is the fifth humour

my demeanour is decidedly smegmatic
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Good lad, this will have the incels on here fuming they just can’t comprehend this mindset
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Incels be warned, there are scammers after your dole money! (your fake internet money will be fine)
The photo man is here but she's a woman
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Got Mini Madness
why does this guy look like he's about to kidnap your cat?
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because of the color of his skin
Got the gay porn on I’m afraid lads
Why would you announce this to everyone?
britishers should not say "bro" or "yo"

"dude" was jarring enough
So anyway I met an escort twice. I was quite the horny young gent. Used to hike miles with a backpack and was a pretty horny geiser.

The first one was epic but I came too early so kept going pretending i hadnt. she was a milf.

second was this romanian girl who bounced ontop of me and didnt cum on my 6 incher I was really disappointed.

waste of money but the only tinder matches i got was black women, gays and low iq people...

im deffo on the spectrum but it was utterly heartbreaking.
might shove a newborn up my bum and then shit it out so i can know the joy of childbirth
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Tabloids pay decent money for the proper embarrassing stories
>the only tinder matches i got was black women, gays and low iq people
Better than you deserve
Might go and get a Big Tasty and a Terrys choccy orange pie for lunch de lads
unlimited cum
get a clue instead of eating that processed shite
Actually, it's not a bug, it's a feature
What happened to his hand?
Also what race is this creature?
Might get a McClue
corrrrr might do the same haha
timmy choking on his soylent reading this
but in all seriousness, i do consume my own semen
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I’m never ever going to be able to move out
wish i had enough money to pay a hitman to kill me
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>get a clue instead of eating that processed shite
I'm not sure but I did download it
Just pay a crackhead
diegosian post
if i worked at maccies, id be stealing a lot of big tasty sauce
wish theyd release it in the shops, baffling how heinz hasnt released a copycat
Should have your hands cut off for stealing you
i promise to never say the nigger word
Forbidden by the Heinz-McDonalds-Kraft cabal
Just creased my forces
reckon you'd get sacked in no time. bet they watch their wagies like a hawk
Neoliberalism was right-wing in the 80s, but since the 2010s it's been left-wing
>the only tinder matches i got was black women,
were they fit?
does maccas have big tasty now?? since when
Nah contractor work
mcdonalds marketing team in full force itt
just had a lush teams call with a pajeeta consultant in denmark
the definitions of ideologies don't change
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She's done her photos
Just doing her EPC now
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anyone do the weaver word ladder game?
the fuck is this then?
rorke (the dad) painting his granddaughters nails is not losing, plus youre a smeggy commmie virgin and hate white people. KYS because you cant change while rorke did, you loser
saw cute girl with blue hair in tescos today
Pretty fit yeah but i'm a bit scared of black people. I struggle to socialise with my own people.
with 4chanx you can give yourself as many you's as you want
got the radio x on
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aint dat rite LOL
How bad are you at posting loooool
nah this is yanks everyday lives here, nothing special
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>Palestinians are "facing diminishing conditions for survival" in parts of northern Gaza under siege by Israeli forces because virtually no aid has been delivered in 40 days, the UN has warned.

>The UN said all its attempts to support the estimated 65,000 to 75,000 people in Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia and Jabalia this month had been denied or impeded, forcing bakeries and kitchens to shut down.

>Earlier this month, a UN-backed assessment said there was a strong likelihood that famine was imminent in areas of northern Gaza.

Hahahahaha that's great news. I'm going to have two pasties
i'm a bit scared of black people ahahahahaaaa
13% of the population
50% of the crimes
legalise sprinting at women at night
might buy a THIRD bowl for the flat
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finally some good news
hopefully a tour is on the cards
where's the fun in that
israel is a comically evil country
>Hahahahaha that's great news. I'm going to have two pasties
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bit disrespectful
Miss the boys
Made some very good tunes over the years
Just got three on one post so obviously not that bad dickhead
died in a dream earlier but didn't die in real life. So That's that myth debunked then lads x
If you got arrested there would be no impact to society (your mum would hope you hanged yourself in your cell) so get on with it
sent that paki flying
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f tr cra alai uail dil im o
unfunny virgin freak meme
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Calling it a reunion is a bit much isn't it?
was about to say something about islam but then i remembered i could literally go to prison for what i was going to post
this country is a fucking joke
i bet i'm allowed to say that
>you're a paki if you don't support palestine

What the fuck
13% of the population
50% of the crimes

wand erection
maybe he's really serious. women are pretty evil you know
lol are you actually scared of them
You're a fucking slug
aint readin allat lil bro
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Done you there
what an odd thing to say. do you normally randomly blurt out unrelated political waffle in the middle of a conversation?
pakis (You) support israel mate, not sure why you're acting like everyone else doesn't know this
deport him
Why are you saying things that obviously aren't true?
Not really
Not sure we'd care to meet the taoiseach
You would though, probably lick his arse hole clean
aren't pakistanis mostly muslim?
muslims don't support israel
it's much more than 50%
? I never said that you're not a virgin
Not sure he does talk to anyone apart from himself
100% of deflowerings xx
parrot just flew right past my head
lads would you rather be an povvo but attractive woman, or a rich but ugly man?
looool rasheeds been done
Indians support Israel pakis support Palestine but you obviously knew this
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just won a game of solo squads on Fortnite during my lunch break, thought you lads should know that
The Liam Payne funeral live blog is great reading. The coffin's just arrived!
he wasn't in the middle of a conversation, he was trying to start a conversation
it wasn't a great opener, but at least he's trying instead of just shitting on people who try
13% of the population
50% of all crimes
probably some rapes. not as much raping young teengaer girls as pakis the niggers
yup, confirmed paki
go back to mumbai
Back in stores today lad, The Big Tasty and The Big Tasty With Bacon return, plus the new Cheesy McCrispy and Cheese Melt dippers.
fucking hell all the stars are there, Simon Cowell
>Breaking: Niall Horan arrives
Spaffing in trannies
when someone says they might do something, they're also saying they might not do that thing
lil timmy be like nooo it aint my swc doing the fuckin so it must be rape! ;(
cope on likkle boy x
she cute
here's one I made earlier
might reply to that post
I think it's cus I've had about 5 mental breakdowns in my life. And im autistic (though never diagnosed)

Therefor anything other than living the neet life and doing a bit of excersise basically rapes me.

I can't even go to the pub.

Black people are foreign and I don't know how they will react to my eccentric ways. Even chavs give me shit sometimes.

Even ol' mousey at my old work gave me shit cus I speak utter shit sometimes. That and my friend warned me the black folks will do you in.

When I was at Uni I just locked myself in my room and watched films.
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that's what people say
pic is how people act
white people are the best race, thats why. im allowed to say that because the only people tat matter here are whites, and if its someone with a problem, its the self hating whites (they dont matter)
this chart SCREAMS "only white people are the best race"

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