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it's a D I X I E Christmas season edition i tell you hwhat
>always reminds me of this
yep, he made it to the Czech news
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>got an important safety recall notice about a car
>its for the previous tenant
>throw it out
tasty espresso time
Eu vou tomar café também. Café preto.
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i have a lot to say about this but last time i did i got a 3 day break from shitposting
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all my bans have been undeserved and /dixie/ has faced persecution from a rogue mod before alongside /brit/
Why do they always ban under the "off-topic" false pretense? Why???????????????
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they just check whatever box they want
a few years back some autistic mod was pissed that /brit/ was moving too fast and had like 2-3 editions up at a time on the catalogue so he tried to enforce posting in the same thread til it hit p10 (for /brit/ thats like 400-500 posts), and he'd delete any new editions that got made
/brit/ wouldnt go along with this this because why would they obey faggotry
/dixie/ had a couple threads up (i think this was when congay was beefing with macon or finn and they'd fill threads up fast) so we got roped into the mod's autism and couldnt start a new thread, he deleted a dozen new /dixie/'s from several different posters

it got to a point where he was deleting any post about the situation or how to get around it, we figured by bumping old under-bump limit threads we could force threads past 310 posts to 404 faster
so his counter to our solution was to delete any thread we bumped and then to delete any thread further back in the index than ours
he pruned so many threads that /int/ was reduced to like 5-6 pages and it got so bad another mod had to step in and tell him to fuck off
I see. But yeah like you say that attitude exists in the West too.
>that attitude exists in the West too
And that's the end of the story of success and a better life for the next generations.
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>The Governor of Saxony-Anhalt Reiner Haseloff says the Islamist terrorist is a doctor from Saudi Arabia who has been living in Germany since 2006
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it remains so tiresome
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where is hinds
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where is pole
just summon him like i do
Do you know why he stopped riding horses?
Well yeah Akhal tekes are one of my favourites. Last strain of the turkmen horse, had a big impact on the creation of the thoroughbred
genuinely don't know what to do with myself
may go out and get some beer
or sit at my local bar
I want to fuck a woman
based hoss enthusiast
i told you my summoning works
also its none of my business why he stopped riding and if he doesn't want to share that's his business
are flags down
down for me
we're ALL playing vintage story
what should I do /POLE/
should I get a growler from the bar
defend your reasoning
alcohol makes you feel good
I want to fuck!!!!!!!
everything wrong with my life is because of pole
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everything right with my life is because of pole
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bama post
my suffering and anguish serve solely to amuse pole
I am nothing but a toy to him
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I'm the only mentally and emotionally stable man in the madhouse that is \dixon\
hey im a yankee and im obsessed with confederate history ive been obsessed since i was like 11 lol. is charleston worth a visit?
charleston is cool, old architecture, good food, and good museums
pole wore a hat
and he had a job
and he brought home the bacon
so that no one knew....
It’s DaedraFest.

Begone fake-dixi “Israel” VPN
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Leafs are often crypto-commies
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If you have a weird hunch he's a commie, you only have a few seconds to react. Then it's too late, and poverty or/and prison camp awaits you.
Walking time
It's nearly 2am in your country though
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Its supercomfy
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There's a fucking ghost following you
Do you know a blue house on my street
Fair enough

Doggo seems happy
Is Kubitschek a Czech name?
i did not know that
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Blue house
>seems happy
Sure, she loves walking.
i don't know why but this a nice picture
Yep, it's Germanized version of Kubíček. Why do you ask?
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old president of brazil
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Doggo found dis
Eine Tote Maus?
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>headless weasel
Eine blau haus?
Eine Weiß hund?
Was ist das? Der Weihnachtsmarkt?
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Wtf is happening
Eine Tote Katzchën?
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I'm expecting a dead body on the next street
if that weasel wasnt headless and it had blood coming out it's mouth there might be poison around
be wary and protecc doggo fren
Du erwartest eine Leiche
>wasnt headless
Was headless, but thx
Einer dieser verrückten tschechischen Jäger wird dich erschießen und behaupten, es sei ein Unfall gewesen
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Gagarin was the world's most unlucky Soviet.
>he flew twice around the planet
>and landed back in Russia
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went for a beer at my local bar
was just drunk boomers talking about movies so went and then got some bock at the beer mart and am back listening to billy idol
feeling lonely
downstairs neighbors had some faggots over
came out the two and two queens out there
didn't catch their names probably jerry and randy or whatever
good classic faggots though none of this gender nonsense
>local bar was just drunk boomers talking about movies
That’s like paying to use /tv/
I think /tv/ has matured over the years and in some threads you see some really nuanced and observant opinions. It's not the spam and cunnyposting of the past
but the boomers were like using their voice search feature to look up the cast of Gladiator and stuff
was also a weird tranny lesbian creature working on its laptop for some unknown purpose was jarring
>good classic faggots
I like it.
“Israeli” VPNs scared of the worlds communities
Viva Philistina
Death upon the “Israel” cult VPN fake-channer scum scaring away the true community
You're more annoying than Brazilian incel.
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This is how he died
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My doggo sleeps like that
Are you going to bed
i really didn't like this joke i found it quite offensive actually
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When I was a kid one of our cats slept on my bed like this
I am already in my bed
Not my problem, all commies are niggers.
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dick, sie sind
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I can't..
you will
and you'll like it
5.39 am
10:46 in wisconsin here right
Man I guess I was the only one that stayed. Everyone has already left. This place becomes a ghost town during break. I'm only leaving on the 24th and coming back on the 21st of January. How are you??????????????????
I can't sleep, so you can take a guess.
>Man I guess I was the only one that stayed
I see young, hot blonde girls everywhere and yet, I can't find one to date me. It is unfair.
You have too much coffee. Quit the dark chocolate and the coffee.
Germans hate non-Germans it's the conclusion I arrive
What do you think of christmas I think it's lost all its meaning and I think it's a bullshit holiday, just bullshit
Maybe it's time for sexo with wild Brazilian girl. Just sayin
sure if she has white features and is white sure
Don't you feel kind of lonely in not having a girl at 34?
A very straightforward no huh
So cute
I don't understand it it's just a bunny
6.54 am, fuuuuuuuug
Tomorrow's saturday
it's Saturday
I was walking down the street and an old white American German guy who I think was pretty intoxicated screamed out at me: "HEY YOU WITH THE BLACK HAIR! HEY GREASEBALL! FUCK YOU!" Americans really do hate non-Northern European, but why
Further, I had red hair and red eyebrows as a kid
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21st of December and no snow
Not feeling Christmas this year

Wish it was over already
Looks cool
on my way to bed
It's after 5am where you are

Way past your bed time
It's 2pm in Czechia though
i didn't sleep a wink and now i'm hungry
i need to get a haircut because white girls hate long hair
gonna by on monday
i fucking love dixie music
recommend me something
i like dixie's land and susanna particularly much i think i'll try to learn either one on guitar today
To arms in dixie is pretty popular
I wanted to know Congay's thoughts on Surrat and Jefferson Davis what do you think about it
it should snow tomorrow actually
Here it's snowing heavily
For you. But you are the mountain people.
what do you think of snow i think it's pretty i find it pretty romantic it doesn't snow in brazil it only snows in the mountainous regions in the south in the german colonies
the first time i saw snow was when i was 5 in a trip to bariloche
prove it

>mountain people
yeah no, only the northern part
What's your altitude? Here it is 250m.
here's 418m
but I'm originally form 592m
Conway, do your fucking job, and dox him
A snowy Christmas is for plebs

Real niggas have a rainy Christmas
What is he going to do with my address? Send me pizzas?
If he really hates you he'll send you a Hawaiian pizza
lel, he really revealed his exact location,
I tried it for the first time in my life, and it's easier than I thought
you should delete this photo, anon
want papa johns or dominoes
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>Hawaiian pizza
man I love Hawaiian pizza with corn
What is Hawaiian pizza?
Typically it's ham or bacon and pineapple. A lot of redditors pretend to care very deeply about pineapple on pizza because it was a meme a few years ago to act like it was some unforgivable food sin
you should really delete this picture anon
he's brave and not afraid of you
He has no reason to be afraid of me.
Is it possible to send a postcard from Czechia to the USA without it being difficult? Just a postage stamp?
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YES :D :D :D Only 50 crowns :D :D :D
it's snowing something fierce
wish I had a bitch with me
mmmmmmmmmmmm daddy's home
Will the postman deliver it to you if I write the correct address and "student from Brazil" instead of name?
I'd eat it, personally
you fancy a curry mate
Yeah if you can have one delivered to me that would be great

1 x Chicken dopiaza
1 x Keema naan
1 x Bombay aloo
3 x Poppadoms
1 x Mango chutney
1 x Raita

Thanks lad
got to leave my comfy apartment to go buy stupid christmas presents
If you say "Happy Holidays" you are a satanist.
I think it would probably get delivered anyway
>christmas presents
like what
>I'm only leaving on the 24th and coming back on the 21st of January
expect delivery around January 22
sister wants some coffee pour over and some other stuff for people
>and some other stuff for people
like what
gift card
kitchenaid attachment
picture frame
small rug
like what
Happy holidays lad
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naperino timerino
/dixie/ is dead today so I'm going to post some Dixie music

was thinking of going to a dance thing tonight but may not
don't feel like going alone
it's weekend let them enjoy it outside
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about 2 sexdates tomorrow
but I don't want to
but it would be a shame to cancel it
I can't interact with women when I'm horny
why are you like that
I don't know
do they know about each other?
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is it moral?
I don't know, I guess it depends on each person
I don't offer a "relationship"
they basically know what they're "buying"
I'd say it's not immoral
I still sometimes think about how I meesed up an extraction of DNA with which we were supposed to work with for the next 3 labs
my brain loves to remind of shit like this
my own brain hates me
it happens to everyone, I get flashbacks of my fuckups too
>I can't interact with women when I'm horny
Surely that's the precise moment at which you want to interact with women

Speaking of fuckups I've definitely made many when talking to women I liked

But nevertheless, some of my interactions succeeded, so it was worth trying
>But nevertheless, some of my interactions succeeded, so it was worth trying
This is something our Brazilian incel refuses to understand.
don't even mention him
I'm sorry, I'll send him a postcard in January, should I include a note from you?
just wish him a lot of black women in his life (in German ofc)
lel, is it moral?
but noted, it will be there
is the whole postcard thing moral? idk
still, do it
>is the whole postcard thing moral? idk
Sure it is. It's just a friendly greeting with no side intentions.
Give me your adress, and I'll send you a postcard, too.
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Where do czech zoomers even find people to play vidya with these days
Back in my days it was shit like gamepark, but what the fuck do you do now, I haven't been on czech internet since 2010 and now I want to explore it again.
>and now I want to explore it again.
Boredom and fun I guess, haven't used the language since then so it could be a way to derust
you should play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory with me
Last time I played that game was when I still had czech friends.. it's too old..
>it's too old..
Yes, I'm always the youngest dude on the server, I'm over 30 btw
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>I'm some Finnish general
>we are leaving the Ottawa Convention
>land mines on the border with you-know-who
Sir, a second Czech has hit /dixie/
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I want a Mediterranean female to make love to
One wild brown favela lady for me
pole is in his rascal era
I'm trying to hear the difference between AAC and LDAC, my ears are probably totally fucked up.
I had to google LDAC, some Bluetooth thing

I dunno why people love wireless Bluetooth headphones and speakers these days, when older wired headphones and speakers sound much better, and they cost less, and you don't have to worry about charging them

Sure in some cases wireless might be convenient, but often it's just unnecessary
>some Bluetooth thing
yes, it is codec with high bitrate
>I dunno why people love wireless Bluetooth headphones
it's very comfortable (I was skeptical, been using it for a year or two)
>wired headphones and speakers sound much better
there is no doubt about it

I've been a "wire" guy for a long time, still have interesting headphones (thank you https://audiobudget.com/), but times have changed and even bluetooth headphones offer very good quality (I am not able to hear the difference).

>don't have to worry about charging them
My daily headphones are CMF Buds Pro 2: 6 or 7 hours of playback, 10 min in box, and this shit is charged for another 6 or 7 hours...

I sometimes use Denon PerL PRO - and it's better than with wire. But I guess my ears are ruined because even expensive wired headphones don't make any difference.
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The white man marches on, Muschi
Fair enough. I just use a pretty cheap pair of wired in-ear earbuds I've had for years, they sound alright

The thing about batteries though is not just charging them, there's also the fact that all batteries eventually lose the ability to charge at all. So then you either replace your headphones or try to take them apart to replace the batteries

Maybe it's not a massive issue. I just dislike how modern electronics are designed to be disposable. Once the batteries wear out they just expect you to buy new stuff.
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genuinely just need a girlfriend again
tired of being alone
it's not for me
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>i suffer in the uk
Welcome to the club buddy
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posting white girl to trigger Muschi
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>also the fact that all batteries eventually lose the ability to charge at all
that's what everyone was telling me when I bought my first phone with fast charging (18W), now I use 65W and 80W, battery after 2,5 years with 65W still works the same (more than 800 !!! cycles)

>So then you either replace your headphones or try to take them apart to replace the batteries
I like to try new things, so I'll replace those headphones in a year or two anyway.

But still haveKZ ZS6, hybrid solution from China: 3.5 jack, USB-C cable, bluetooth module.
If the battery dies (didnt happen to me), you can just buy a new bluetooth module.
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white girl winter
>that's what everyone was telling me when I bought my first phone with fast charging (18W), now I use 65W and 80W, battery after 2,5 years with 65W still works the same (more than 800 !!! cycles)
I guess if you take care of a battery then it should last for quite a while, but batteries still do inevitably degrade over time

>But still haveKZ ZS6, hybrid solution from China: 3.5 jack, USB-C cable, bluetooth module.
>If the battery dies (didnt happen to me), you can just buy a new bluetooth module.
Fair enough, that's interesting
>f you take care of a battery
do not care about battery, charging on max when i need to (= every time)
the exponential probability distribution can reasonably estimate the lifetime of a battery or the probability that it lasts more than a certain amount of hours
I've had a couple of batteries fail on me because I left them plugged in too much so now I try to take better care of them

Admittedly the batteries worked properly for a few years before failing, but still, they died before the rest of the devices did
more often that not batteries leak battery acid
>Admittedly the batteries worked properly for a few years before failing, but still, they died before the rest of the devices did
I only use my headphones and my mobile phone, I'm changing the device before the battery dies. So OK for me.
currently pretending I'm going to be sent back in time to the classical era and planning what I could buy to fit in
Yeah fair enough. I'm probably over-cautious with batteries now.
would you go to the sauna with me
I like saunas but I'm not going to get a flight to the US just to go to the sauna with you

Maybe ask an American
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>buck status
>not broken
I like steam sauna and Finnish sauna around 80C.
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I posted a rude comment about Slovakia on YouTube (it's a video about Slovak politics). Half of Slovakia is now threatening me with death.
what was the comment
I was just thanking God for January 1, 1993.
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ok now provide context pls
On that day, the independent Czechia and Slovakia were established.
would you go to the sauna with me
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Some people say that forcing children, the mentally ill, and pygmies to work in the diamond caves is morally and ethically wrong.
I say those people want to condemn these lesser beings to lives of mediocrity instead of giving them the chance to shine, instead of allowing them the adventure and opportunity to partake in exciting and profitable work to better themselves. So what if the mortality rates are above 50%? Those young men and women lived more in that mineshaft than they ever did in the orphanage, asylum, or gorilla infested jungles they wallowed away in before their employment.

Deep in the darkness of the earth those tiny and feebleminded people seek out treasures we could only dream of, gems that have been sought since mankind learned to admire beauty. They bring us these fragment's of mother earth's splendor for little more than the cost of a Walmart™ Rotisserie Chicken per six laborers, which is considerably more cost effective than Guyanan or Botswanan mines. Moreover the workers recieve bonuses for diamonds found, encouraging them to participate in the industry and motivating them to squeeze deeper into the narrow shafts and crevaces below our feet. The rate of loss is kept absolutely minimal and any rumors of animals that deep in below the ground is preposterous, regardless of rumors spread by our foreign competitors of morlocks or subterranean tribes of pale blind injuns.

The choice is obvious, an investment in the Ozarkan mining industry is the most profitable and humane natural resource extraction on this planet earth, but that won't be the end of it.
New Ozarka on Mars is already being prospected by the Waltons, and recent Landsat 8 scan of the region shows much promise for beginning the tunneling beneath the red world sometime before 2050.

We look forward to doing business with (You)!
is that a yes
I'm also currently contemplating a bath and wondering what I should watch while doing it
no sauna for me, ty
and i recommend you watch the 90s berserk, english dubbed
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no I don't like it I like the eng sub version
i'd argue 90s dubs are worthy in their own respect, but subbed is always a patrician choice
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they're generally decent for the bigger anime like Cowboy Bebop is good and I wouldn't feel a need to watch it subbed, Berserk is probably fine
what bothers me is when there's something that's clearly a traditional japanese phrase or drinking song and they have to dub and localize it to something stupid
I also don't like hearing big hollywood actor's voices for studio ghibli stuff that shit is just jarring
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Sleeping. Sandals from May to October. Like I said.
berserk being from the 90s is about the same quality as bebop, it's a solid dub
its not til the 00s/10s that dubs really went to shit
plus western voice actors are such awful cunts i dont want to even listen to pirated content with their trashy asses talking in it
based christmas shrub
ive been wearing moccasins all day
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too tired for the bath
won't be going out
going to bed soon
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It's only 8:30 pm EST though
>A bomb has exploded in central Stockholm, Sweden
Anyone who's surprised, raise your hand.
and it's 1:30 am GMT so why are you still up?
I drank last night and I've been feeling a bit ill all day; I shouldn't have but in any case I don't have anything else to do
may as well go to sleep
Big if true

>and it's 1:30 am GMT so why are you still up?
Because my sleep schedule is bad

>I drank last night and I've been feeling a bit ill all day; I shouldn't have but in any case I don't have anything else to do
>may as well go to sleep
Fair, that's a good reason
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A blue house under the stars
Why don't they never say why? It's only because we are poor and unattractive for NEETs from the Middle East.
I like arab women
I want a christian arab wife
>I like arab women
>I want a christian arab wife
this or jewish from Israel, they are hot too
or Druze or Yazidis
I'm not afraid of a woman from a religious culture. My benis and libertarian positions destroy all religious issues.
Also, it is very easy to infect any woman with the ideas of heretics, astrologers and theosophists, and completely destroy her strict religious positions.
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Mr. Postman
There's something undeniably striking when a blonde, blue-eyed girl wears blue eyeshadow. It enhances her natural features, making her piercing blue eyes stand out even more, drawing all the attention to their captivating sparkle. The combination is effortlessly chic and unforgettable.
I'm bored with these thoughts.
What are you sending?
postcard to you
thank you
not yet, I'm guessing the voyage will take about 5 days, so not until the second half of January
If you were playing a game of Russian roulette with a six-chamber revolver that has two adjacent bullets in two of the chambers, and you shot yourself once and survived, would it be better to spin the barrel again or to continue shooting without spinning? Which option would give you a higher chance of survival? think about it it's fun
is the mail good in muschi republic? in brazil it's god awful and in the us there is also a lot of complaints about the mail. how long does it take for it to get where you want it to go? i also would suggest you to send it only at the end of january when i come back i'm leaving on the 24th so probably my flag is switching temporarily
that's exactly the kind of logic riddles I hate, I will never get it right

>how long does it take for it to get where you want it to go?
from Czechia to Czechia 48h max, from Czechia to XXX - it depends on the destination and the post office of the other country
The answer believe it or not, is that it's better to keep shooting yourself which is really weird i honestly thought you'd have a higher chance spinning it again, anyway.
That's actually pretty good. In the US it's really fast if you go with amazon or fedex but the US mail they say it's not really good, really
The problem is that after one headshot you don't want to increase your chance of survival, you want to die.

Czech e-commerce is the most aggressive in the whole EU, other delivery services need only 6 - 24 hours.

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