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Thread for the goat herself
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possibly the most precious smile in the world
Fake and gay. The real Yuuma has a sharp and scary smile but is still precious!
I wonder how much oil is in those sloshers
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The appeal of Yuuma is that you can just dunk her headfirst in an oil barrel to get the other one back and then explode her to get the first one again.
Plus you can't actually see her teeth in any of the 19 sprites, which doesn't necessarily mean she doesn't have sharp teeth still. ZUN will break eventually and canonically give her sharp teeth just like he broke and changed Cirno's wings from being connected to her back to being disconnected.
The funny dinner plate and cutlery on her clothes can stay though
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Yuuma is multifaceted
Yuuma before and after getting gangraped by 4 flans futa penises
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enough to satisfy the United States greed for oil

That smile could bring world peace
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You want to get praised again? Good job, keep it up~.
Looks like a cow.
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is she the fluffiest hu
even fluffier than unzan?
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i think she'd be more tangibly soft, though i do respect a good fist
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need yuuma feet
Reminder that Yuuma is for lovey dovey handholding impregnation with full eye contact and the lights on
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Can Chiyaris thrive in a Yuuma thread?
Song for both of them:
Yuuma is for sunrise to sunset power blowjobs.
I know she’s evil and I should hate her, but…
When she looks all sweet like this >>46604152 a damn bleeding heart like me finds it hard to despise this taotie. Damn this cute gote gangster.
Purple aunn
Gaining favors with the yakuza from hell!
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evil is just a moral construct that prevents you from identifying with that which reflects your own capacity to hurt, and right now it's in the way of you appreciating this taotie fully. get with it!
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Purple Aunn is precious.
I want Yuuma to piss on her face while I piss inside her colon.
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sleepy gote
Human piss centipede?
Grrr, stupid cute headpattable boss lady. I don’t want her damn favors.
But maybe a small show of affection couldn’t hurt. Right?

Morality is relative I’ve heard. Still, she is objectively dangerous and takes advantage of human spirits like the other leaders. So I’d still be careful around this toothy spork Satan.

I would put a blanket over Yuuma here.
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given that she's mentioned to be a loner in 19 and the type to just let the gouyoku alliance get on with things themselves, I wonder how much human spirit abuse she actually did rather than it just being her alliance.
Dammit Yuumer, stop looking at us with them big ol sweet eyes.

She does seem pretty laid back and hands-off. I’d still be careful around her but damn it all does she male it hard. This awkward heart-gesture blush thing isn’t helping much.
Imagine ruffling her hair, petting her and feeding her whatever hellslop she likes all while she constantly reminds that she's your senior but she lets you pick her up and hug her like she's a child.
We can dream and become a bit sad at the lack of such a wonderful reality.
Don't make me cry...
Would you work as her hairdresser? She needs daily haircuts... but the pay is good.
I could never cut such beautiful, perfect hair! I'd rather play with it and wash it!
If Yuuma's hair is left untrimmed it would be a quality of life issue or even a health issue soon enough.
Rubbing yuuma taut round bulging noisy belly after she vored someone
I’m sorry man, that’s just the shitty and disappointing reality.

I’d brush her hair but I don’t know how to do haircuts. And I don’t think she would appreciate a buzz cut.
19 Yuuma > 17.5 Yuuma
No. Cutlery buttons are stupid
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not only are cutlery buttons wonderful but it's such a ZUN thing to do
Does my pay involve keeping what I cut?
I wonder what the market value for Yuuma hair is.
Just be discreet about it. It would probably be worth something, quilted armor made from taotie fluff would surely have magical properties.
turns out this was just a WIP
Sleep on yuuma!
Are you encouraging her to keep sleeping, or expressing a desire to sleep on top of her?
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she can go have her own thread
Yuuma is going to be pleased to find breakfast on bed when she wakes up.
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She wants to be with Yuu
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k but wud u risk a receiving a blowy from the scrote gote?
Yuuma forma th19? Yes.
Depends. Are we in love or is this a fling? Yes if the former, no if the latter.
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That can be arranged.
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Soft and fluffy!
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i'm gonna punch this stupid retard goat in the face
free castration
You say that in just about every Yuuma thread, but have you actually done it yet?
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Big fat tails
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I fully believe that her sexy shoulder window was a result of ZUN's wife seeing her design and making him make it sexier
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how could this happen to me...
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wonder if we'll ever see giant yuuma mentioned again or if it'll just stay as a final boss contextual powerup
How did I never realize until now that her spork would be normal-size in relation to her giant form?
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the gouyoku clan signature armpit
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An average (norwegian) milk goat weighs about 50 kg. She produces about 700 liters of milk a year.
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Use freedom units I can't read that.

Did you just say... oil?
I am sorry to inform you that the greek lampad clownpiece does not care about oil
try again and post the yorigami sisters this time, at least they have a canonical interest in the stuff
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i'll give her litters all right.
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Nu goat > old goat
Is she a goat or a sheep?
You'd have to get a solid answer out of an anthropologist whether the taotie was based on goats or sheep. It's still up for debate.
a mutt of a goat and sheep
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No matter if she’s a goat or a sheep, she’s a cute little monster gremlin.
Cute and pretty, makes one want to >>46680980 her
I want to plap her on this position.
I will do this to you in prison
I still want the goat to eat me...
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what special power would she get from absorbing you?
At best she gets famous big black cock and at worst she gets small white cock.
What special powers would her litters inherit from you?
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the same fortitude and determination that will get me past okuu's furnace to old bloodpool hell, or if not that, the strength of my love of small plush toys
I want a spinoff game where you play as a powerless/average human and have to ask Yuuma out.
dumb fucking goat
fucking the dumb goat
dumb goat fucks each other
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I wonder how much oil is in those sloshers
Slacking off again, /jp/?
Dumb sheep
Clever capra!
Guhehehe... Chiya-chan...
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Toutetsu-sama is my religion.
Who bit her and why is she pointing at her mouth?
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Whoever bit her is no longer among us after she bit back.
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Another Yuuma game?
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and you never will.
why are they lusting after yuuma's body? were those two lesbians?
They both have penises so no.
Did you inspect them closely to find that out anon?
I'm a big girl penis fan I've had up close inspections of every hu's penis.
interesting. which hu has the highest quality penis in terms of size and shape? and will they satisfy yuuma's sexual urges?
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Smelly fox saggers
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How did you manage to look at all of those up close
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Why was she eating Ketchup with a spoon is she stupid?
It's strawberry jam
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Do you think she has PTSD about eating apples now
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Oh no, Toutetsu-sama has been pinned down!
She tells Flandre in the rematch that apples are one of her favorite foods
I'm going to side with Ran and help defeat the gote
She went from molesting little boys to molesting goats. What a pervert
Goat starts another gang war
What the actual fuck are those eyes look at the irises it's like they took some kind of morph tool to make them deformed
Id say the person who made the drawing thought that assigning the eyes the same curvature as the head was a good idea, I didnt notice until you pointed it out.
It looks kind of like they have bulging cheekbones that jut out super far from their faces and super sunken eyes now that I look at it again.
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if that artist didn't post WiPs on their twitter, I'd be 100% certain this was AI
what the fuck are they thinking with these eyes?
It's cute, why the hate?

Makes me think... is Tsukasa to Yuuma what Chen is to Ran? In the "Ran molests Chen" branch of fandom I mean.
I feel that the "well hung Chen molests Ran" part is more prominent. Maybe.
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Leave Toutetsu-sama alone yurifaggots
...image i posted was from yuri artist, fuck me
Eh, just because someone posts yurislop doesn't mean everything they create is repulsive. Separate art from artist and all that.
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Cute pictures.
There is nothing wrong with yuri. The problem is when fags use the same joke over and over again, it gets stale.
Whenever I see yuri, I think "I could fix them".
To me the only difference between cucks and yurifags is intellectual honesty.
Yuuma nikki feel
What would a Yuuma nikki game be like?
Full of oil
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Artists are really enjoying pairing these two together
It should be UDoALG Yuuma, taking it easy and going sightseeing
They cute
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Yuuma should hang out more with her fellow Yakuza animals.
New thread:
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Why, this still has another month to go?
It's bait, or a joke.
It's supposed to be one of those threads about people getting transformed into Touhou characters.
Actual new thread:
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i get why they kept flan out of the reflection but i don't understand yuumas hand
Okina is such a creep
there's an omake on his twitter and I don't understand SHIT
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I'm really bothered by this now that you pointed it out, I can't stop looking at it
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More goat and fox
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“This is fine.” - Chiyari probably
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deformed grublins
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Did Hecatia lend Yuuma her power?
How can someone this cute be evil?
She's not evil
I though taoties were evil creatures by default? Among other things like being a Hell gang boss.
You make some good points, but she's still nicer than 90% of touhous
>but she's still nicer than 90% of touhous
That’s not a high bar to clear honestly but yeah, she seems cool enough the cute spork Satan gremlin. I want to headpat her.
I don't trust her
I trust her.
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just like the old days
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maybe >>46889857 was right...
They're perfect together
This is activating both my neurons and my fight-or-flight instincts.

She’ll look like this >>46890146 when you don’t trust her.
But then she’ll look like this >>46893873 when you do.
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Yuuma is gentle
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she wants you to insert borger
Would you let Yuuma have "just a nibble"?
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Just a nibble for Yuuma would also be “just a scoop” of icecream with her big meme spork.
I'd allow a lick
Translate it weebs
She's not cute
best of the little touhous by far
Could she eat a whole tub of ice cream in one bite?
this is the best yuuma height
TL please?
Let’s agree to disagree. Better not say that to Yuuma’s face either!

Naturally. And with no spork assistance.
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it's just ahaha Yuuma is short so Ran has to kneel down to talk to her unless she flies joke
Not really, the joke is that Toutetsu flies BECAUSE Ran keeps kneeling down to talk to her, because it's a force of habit she's picked up from dealing with Chen.
now that's a funny joke
[Making a deal]
Y: Ran!
Y: I've got your master

Y: If you don't want her to get killed
Y: You'll have to become my ally* Ran

Yuk: Shikigami(you) are tools.
[Memories with Yukari (official work)]

R: Fine! I won't become your ally so...
R: ...instead you can kill Yukari-sama
Y: eh?

*Not sure what translation of nakama fits better but ally sounds more gang-ish imo(don't know Yakuza/gang talk tho)

Rock paper scissors in a mirror against a vampire.
It's on the booru
Goat feet
Show and tell me more, please.
Goat pantsu.
Goat pits.
Goat butt.
Goat horns
goat teeth
goat piss (soon)
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Yuuma should be the one molesting Ran
Yurislop is yurislop.
At least there are some images of faceless men manhandling the gote
It's canon though
It's canon that lesbians do not exist in touhou according to zun and Ran and Yuuma love Animal Realm cock. It's just that Ran prefers peace so she gave up her knotting adventures to settle down elsewhere. Yuuma is still the throat goat though...
>it's canon that lesbians do not exist in touhou according to zun
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Silly fox, there's no goat milk there.
Does the flavor of her milk depend on what she eats?
Tuna flavored goat milk? Please no!
Are you mentally defective? Serious question.
Very cute evil demon
Would you risk giving Yuuma a headpat?
Would you risk NOT giving her a headpat..?
Hmmm, would it be insulting to patronize a big bad boss like her with a show of affection like that? Or a slight against her for not wanting to acknowledge her cuteness and give her the attention she would enjoy?
>Or a slight against her for not wanting to acknowledge her cuteness and give her the attention she would enjoy?
That is beyond ADORABLE.
She a cute evil gote. But unfortunately she likely has to keep up her tough lady image in public to maintain her position and reputation.
Nothing about doing something off scene and behind closed doors however where her adorable appearance can be properly acknowledged and appreciated!
Finally, a good Yuuma pic.
>Only a sporkful...!
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I really like this image of Ms Yuuma…
I don't get it, she doesn't even seem that evil
yeah she got territorial over the oil but that was because she drank it and took on the resentment from it, after flan blows her up she seems pretty nice
Her subordinates seem to like her, she's probably chill.
>Her subordinates seem to like her
Ran? Nope
That's more of a Ran problem, it's not like Yukari beats her with the parasol for fun.
>it's not like Yukari beats her with the parasol for fun.
I would believe that actually.
Ran wasn't her subordinate. At the very least they were equals, but Ran's appearance in CoLA helping Yachie do computer virus chasing implies that Ran might have been above ALL of them.
Toutetsu's actual eagle subordinates all seem to like her though.
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God, the boss is so fucking cute
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Fuck the sheep
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What monster would unfluff the sheep's hair?
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Bad chupa
>At the very least they were equals, but Ran's appearance in CoLA helping Yachie do computer virus chasing implies that Ran might have been above ALL of them.
In what way?
19 is fairly vague about it, but you could interpret it as Ran having been in the gouyoku aliance in the past, which I think would make yachie wary of bringing her into kiketsu headquarters to mess with their computers. The vs dialogue in 19 also makes it sound like yachie and toutetsu both knew her, while saki knew her by reputation, so she must have been important.
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Where did the spoon go to?
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Yuuma doesn't deserve this...
She's an evil goat. One of the Four Evils in fact.
I'm getting her another one. She'll love it!
But you'll make her personality sickly sweet if you keep feeding her sweet treats.
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she would eat it off the floor and we all fucking know it
I want to imagine based on this looming perspective that Yuuma is leering at a very tiny guy she just found.
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here's ur eagle gang bro!!
Normal sized guy and final form Yuuma
That works too, although I figured she would be more red if it was her final form.
I want to see a story where a vorefag harasses Yuuma but it freaks/amuses her instead of makes her want to eat him.
Like the horny elf and the based orc comic? Yuuma would be chill like the orc.
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This is false, she's not supposed to wear anything under there
She doesn't wear anything under there so she has easy access to stuff interesting people up her "other mouth"
One day Yuuma unbirth enthusiast anon, you may get “eaten” by this hungry gangster taotie.
And I wouldn’t mind having that done to me too or just getting bullied by the huge goat girl.
You've got to annoy her emough for that
Why do people give her big tits?
Fuck the sheep...
Every day...
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you know how voracious she is? every day is bare minimum, it's more likely that she'll want at least three times a day
I can do more.

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