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The wild and horny hermit
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more like wild and HUNGRY hermit amirite
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Built for Big Shota Cock
Self-inserting isn't healthy anon
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biggest copout in all of fiction
Who needs shota cocks and their immature sperm lacking nutrition
Just look at those THICC baozi built for DEVOURING
You two seem clueless here. The real reason why she fled from Gensokyo through the Hakurei barrier is not because of the search for her arm. She secretly kidnaps countless shota, takes their virginity, and then turns them into men without their consent. Most of Kasen's victims are afraid of mature women, they do not want to reproduce anymore. This is the real reason why the population of Japan is in sharp decline.
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Does her cup size increase by fusing?
The wind and horny hermit's panties!
not my kasen
she goes commando to tempt men but lectures you if you try to peek
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pink ho
>take possibly the most prudish character
>start claiming she's the opposite of what she is
>don't elaborate
Anticipating the question, I'm quoting "these guys"
pink lewd
I'll release my worldly desire inside kasen-chan!
You are going to get cucked.
Kasen told me I could cum inside of her for free. True story.
That's why when I do Kasen smut I have her prudishly lecture everyone on impropriety until her oni instincts overpower her sexual repression!
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I wanna try and draw Kasen tomorrow. How should I draw her?
Ass up
I'll never spends months/years training with Kasen, caring for her animals as we slowly develop feelings for each other. Why live?
To be wrung dry by her arm through the night as the pink buffoon bumbles about trying to get you to like her of course.
We did it!
Pic: me (on the right)
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happy, she deserves it
In loli (8yo) form.
Kasen if she snek
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i should've done this yesterday but I got preoccupied
i guess I'll try and do more sketches during the week if I've the time
looks good anon, how long you been drawing?
I've been drawing on/off for a while but I'm a slacker on persistent practice. Is why I felt like trying to motivate myseof someway.
Those sketches probably took a little below an hour in total, but I got busy inbetween.
>page 10
It's over for Kasen. Nobody loves her anymore.
Grimsokyoposter ruined everything
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well now I'm a little wary about starting a conversation about something because I know it's going to snowball back into grimsokyo arguing
I do like Kasen though, I think she's a good character
This, Im not even a Kasenfag, but so much grimsokyo posting gets tiring after a while.
Why Kasenfags are so horny?
every character thread is full of horny people
Yeah but it feels that all Kasen threads are about is hornyposting, like the Sanae threads.
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Kasen threads typical start horny then it leads to debating if shes a good person or not, arguing over the ending of WaHH, till finally no one is talking about Kasen but trying to rank who is the biggest hypocrite in Gensokyo, itll happen here eventually
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Pretty damn accurate.
Sometimes the horny part is skipped and it just straight to arguing.
Cant you guys just try to do what the Ranfags do? You know, ignore the resident schizo and try to stirr the thread back.
>Cant you guys just try to do what the Ranfags do?
Yeah but if she puts those bandaged fingers in my pooper it's going to smell rank for weeks.
She's just proposing to visit a tea shop together, there's no reason to decline
i hate tea
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You especially would know about that.
Who's the futa?
Neither, the arm is used to masturbate
all of them
Neither, I got them pregnant.
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What a slut.
You can't name your character the wild and horny hermit and expect that people wouldn't lust after her
>I think she's a good character
She's simultaneously a Sage of Gensokyo *and* someone who needs the most basic concepts of its operation explained.
Her character is a huge mess.
...wow, thanks zun!!!
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ZUN could (kinda) explain it if Gensokyo was really different in the past.
But we know ZUN won't elaborate nor use Kasen ever again.
lol did u tk kasen 2 da bar?
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I love evil kasen
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Woah... Ibara-chan really let herself go...
BSC (Big Shota Cock) bros...
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I bet she listens to really girly music in there
she probably even sings it really badly until someone gets in the car with her and she scrambles to put oni-approved music on instead
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Could Arm-Chan be redeemed if she wasn't sealed away?
I can fix her
Maybe but it'd be pretty hard
Yes in fact
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I like new Onikasen drawings but I always feel like we're cursed with people not realizing the real color scheme is black/gold
Last words before death
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If you haven't read it, the kirisame magic shop story give this problem a better resolution.
/jp/sies, is it true that hermit Kasen is strong vs. romance, weak to lewd, and arm-chan the opposite?
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Arm-chan will give you the best hand job ever!
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if you asked to hold arm-chan's hand, she'd completely melt into a mess of stammering and blushing and she'd be thinking about it for the next month
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What if I wanted to romance the hermit, proving my worth by overcoming her strongest point?
what if i did it first
You're already too late anon...
you can't do one without the other. If you want The Kasen Experience™, you have to strongly court the hermit and gently court the arm.
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Boogie Woogie
How do you start with either?
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fuck, marry, breed
Starting with arm:impossible difficulty
You'll have to find a way to breech her sekai, either trick Kasen or sneak in and steal the arm. Then, assuming you defeated or snuck around her animal guards while she's out, you'll have to break the potent seals on the arm.
After you break the seals, armsen will rise in all her glory. After this, I hope you brought some offerings, Armsen will 100% some good old oni smash and slaughter.
If you can survive all the above you have a snowballs chance of hell of courting the arm.

Starting with Kasen: very hard difficulty
Memes aside, Kasen has little actual worldly desire aside from a weakness for sweets and propensity to get caught up in shenanigans. She has no interest in searching for male attention, and likely doesn't know how to approach it aside from raping/murdering men in her oni days. You'll be doing 100% of the work in this stage, and work you'll do indeed. Kasen likely has high standards, and you'll have to fill them by training under her and enduring Kasen’s lectures. Otherwise, you'll have to train under the tao or some other training regiment that would forge your body and mind via someone else. This option can have you snagged up by someone else, so be careful!
After listening to her lectures, going through harsh training, taking care of her animals, and gaining her complete trust can you even hope of getting a word of her inner troubles out. After this point your next death flag will be the awakening of Armsen, how well you've trained to tank an oni's worth of inner demons, and your silver tongue.
Left breed middle marry right fuck.
>training under her and enduring Kasen’s lectures
Thats my goal romance or not, shes probably the best person to train under. You could finish training to be as strong as a regular human could be in Gensokyo.
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disregard smelly hippie
acquire tall jock
That word doesn't exist in Oni language
They aren't going to understand you
That means I can't say "No!" to Kasen.
Leave the premises if you wouldn't make Kasen your wife.
both of them made kasen their wife though
they just also fucked kasen and bred kasen
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What drink does Kasen like best?
Let's not be mean...
Pure Alcohol that would make anyone else disabled
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A tanuki can and has outdrank her.
Probably something sweet. Maybe another Anon here is more versed in alcohol than I.
>a tanuki can and has outdrank her
uh, didn't kasen outdrink mamizou in WaHH?
If you cut off her arm, maybe.
It was the other way around, Kasen even deliberately drank hers on the rocks so she was having less per glass IIRC.
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No, Kasen won by tricking them into drinking oil mixed with sake. She does acknowledge that it was cheating because she was pressed for time and say that they should have a proper drinking competition later though.
that said Kasen is still an oni, or at least has an oni's body, so I really doubt anyone but another oni could beat her in a drinking competition.
Guess I did not, in fact, remember correctly. All the same I'm not sure. Maybe it's just off of a vague feeling but I honestly doubt Kasen, short of attaching her arm, would even be in the highest bracket of alcohol tolerance in Gensokyo.
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I dunno, Mamizou's line in >>46957954 about not even noticing when Kasen swapped the sake for oil because she was already smashes suggests that Kasen was already winning beforehand and just didn't feel like sitting through the whole thing.
Slightly earlier in the chapter, you can even see that Mamizou's got exaggerated drunk blushing going on while Kasen's not even phased. And Mamizou might have been cheating too because she even mentions sneaking drinks to her underlings if worst comes to worst in her inner monologue before they start
Kasen is so fucking hot, doesn't like being so fucking hot, and that makes it so fucking hotter.
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talk to the hand
Instructions clear, I am now married to an arm.
Tell me how you did it
I opened up a strange looking box and an arm popped out. I ended up talking to it as instructed, and it followed me home. After a couple weeks I came home to an entire oni being there, instead of just an arm, and suffice it to say I wasn't given the option to not become her husband.
Is this how the arm took people's lives in the outside world too?
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This artist likes making Kasen seem like the prettiest 2hu
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She is, it's just that Sirogitune happens to be the artist that best captures that fact.
This guy gets it, that hermit is just too wild and horny
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Elegant and gorgeous were the words I would've chosen, but I suppose if her arm is attached, those two work too.
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Why do kasen gets drunk faster than other onis?
she lowered her alcohol resistance by removing her arm
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What's the connection between her and yoshika?
Yoshika was a poet and friend of Kasen before she became a jiangshi.
At which point in Kasen life were her and Yoshika's friends isn't known, but Kasen starts out WaHH reciting the poem her and Yoshika made so they do have a connection.
They probably never met because it's be a bit melodramatic for touhou, since them reuniting would probably result in Kasen getting very mad.
seiga/kasen pictures and stories have always left a bad taste in my mouth for this reason. The only time they interact in WaHH, yoshika isn't mentioned so kasen doesn't have a reason to get mad, but if she knew, she'd probably want seiga dead in retaliation for what she did to yoshika. I wouldn't even be surprised if kasen learnt about it post-WaHH and unsealed the arm so they could both get revenge
Honestly, if you told be Ibaraki-douji was going to appear in Touhou before we met Kasen, I'd assume she'd have some personal beef with Seiga due to the whole ordeal.
But ZUN also doesn't kill off characters and tries to keep the series light hearted, so it's something he'd avoid at all cost, even when it seems to not make sense as Kasen has visited Miko, the Myouren temple, and is friends with Reimu who's a youkai nerd who would know that sort of connection.
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Someone warn that poor villager! Look at the arm, that's not Kasen!
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>Complains about how bad Gensokyo and wants it to be destroyed
>Is one of the sages who helped create it, and actively goes out of her way to protect it at any cost

>says she’s on the side of the humans
>gets annoyed when Sumireko isn’t instantly terrified of youkai and whines about how humans are too arrogant and should know their place in front of their demon superiors

>Believes in redemption
>Instakills any vengeful spirit that gets in her path

It ain’t even a competition like >>46825230 says, she’s literally queen hypocrite in a world of gigs-hypocrites.
Anon, being annoyed with Sumi for being a suicidal retard who keeps poking bears with sticks doesn't make Kasen a bad person.
Kasen devised a plan that literally drove said girl into trying to suicide bomb all of Gensokyo out of pure fear until Reimu showed up and just knocked some sense into her. All because she was a bit arrogant to her one time.
I'm pretty sure the plan was to scare her into not coming back, no one realised she had the ability to blow the place up
The Youkai were all pretty tame and Kasen clearly didn't want Sumi to kill herself, nobody realized she could threaten Gensokyo that seriously until it was too late and Reimu had to step in.
Not to mention Sumi didn't even intend to kill everybody she just wanted to uncover and reveal the truth of the supernatural, which was her goal with the entire incident.
Her suicide bombing was the chuuni overreaction of a deliquinet psychic teenager who converted nced herself she was the main character.
And in the first place, poking bears with sticks is a retard fucking idea.
Pink Slut took couple of hundred men, maybe more.
Exactly, Kasens whole deal was she got annoyed that some bratty kid dared to act all tough in front of her, and decided it would be cool if she got everyone to gang up on her and beat the snot out of her to a point of suicide is bit hypocritical for little miss “I’m on the side of heaven and will berate people for being even slightly mean”. Also, youkai are powered by fear, so shouldn’t Kasen not want humans to afraid of youkai, why is she then making broad statements about modern humans needing to fear youkai when that’s just giving them what they want.
Anon, Sumirenko was putting herself and everyone involved at serious risk, youkai, especially the ones that don't mind killing outside world humans are dangerous and being afraid of them is entirely reasonable.
Being not afraid of a bear is fine in theory, but there's a difference between not being afraid and actively stirring shit up.
Is scaring people straight a shit and ineffective method, yes.
Could Kasen have handled the situation better, yes.
But you're also deliberately framing things in such a way to exaggerate Kasen's actions.
Heck shimy, Koshi, and Mokou weren't even involved in Kasen's plan and Koishi scared her the most.
The problem with that idea was that Kasen was annoyed at Sumireko for just the idea of humans in general not being afraid of youkai. The plan with Sumireko was also stupid and over the top because all it took was Reimu just kicking her ass hard enough to end the incident almost immediately. The actual plan just seemed like an excuse to scare the poor girl for daring to not respect the youkai. Which wouldn’t be a problem except it came from little miss “I’m on the side of Heaven” Ibaraki. Also the others not being involved makes Kasens plan even worse, because Youkai are allowed to kill outsiders no problem and Mokou outright thinks about obliterating her. She literally could’ve gotten Sumi mauled to death.
Why is her arm filled with fartgas?
just because Kasen is annoyed at Sumireko over a general problem (another example would be a boomer complaining over kids being addicted to phones because they grew up with them, while knowing not all kids are addicted to phones or necessarily hurt by it) doesn't mean it's a defining character trait, Sumireko being insane enough to try and suicide over it isn't something she accounted for is all
>The plan with Sumireko was also stupid and over the top because all it took was Reimu just kicking her ass hard enough to end the incident almost immediately
Given that Sumireko went through with a whole ass plan with artifacts and everything to try and get to Gensokyo, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't try again. The Occult Orbs were also part of a Lunarian plot. If they already used Sumireko, who said they wouldn't use her again? 14.5 is part of why 15 happens where the Lunarians start killing forests and shit with purity machines if you check the omake (iirc) for 15.
Not only was Sumireko being stupid but it's not guaranteed she wouldn't just become part of a Lunarian proxy war if she wasn't respectful of Gensokyo. You can argue that Kasen wants to destroy Gensokyo, or something like that, but I think it's more that she's conflicted over its nature as time has gone on.
As for almost getting Sumi killed, well, she didn't die (maybe Kasen knew she could handle it?) and the times you mentioned like Mokou were not intended and were essentially mistakes.
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I miss her
you just need to give her the ibaraki stone so she can evolve again
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Really? I thought she was a special Trade Evolution that both Kasen and Udeko got if you traded them with each other at Level 50. Glad to know you can evolve to her with just one game!
You can also ask the old man in human village to show you how to catch Touhoumon, then fly to the Sanzu river and start surfing along the shore and Ibaraki-douji will randomly pop out
i thought she was under the food cart
>food cart
Makes sense
Ohh, because of the waves washing the old moss' beard. That makes sense for a secret Touhoumon.
This gives me Elfen Lied vibes
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shrine maiden
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Very nice
That person's been drawing Kasen like crazy recently. I like how simple but elegant his handdrawn stuff is
Schizophrenically funny
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could you fix her?
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If I had to deal with both at the same time, it might give me a little trouble.
But would you cum?
AI art that I created!
Why is she bathing like that?
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Nah, I'd edge.
How loud are the voices
Some duct tape would probably do the trick.
Better question, can you make her worse?
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This your “kind and peaceful” hermit, Kasenfags?
This is your "good phoneposting", iPhonefag?
Inside you are two oni...
One is a rapist, the other is a murderer. You are not going home
why are they inside me who said oni could be inside me
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You have it backwards. I am the one inside the oni.
Anon, what is the definition of rape again...?
Hello skullbro #10283
...are you saying Kasen has a dick?
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>Hello skullbro #10283
I misunderstood what she meant when she said I could bone her :(
If Kasen has a penis she can get inside me whenever she feels it.
I'm saying that when the time comes, she won't need one
A hermit art, an oni tool, a magic animal, her prosthetic being able to become different appendages... Really, take your pick.
Can I at least beg for mercy so she won't jam it in dry?
yes, you can sex her first
You simply have to use your rod first before she can use hers... though honestly if Kasen's first instinct is to not only think you can't satisfy her, but that she needs to play the man... well its not looking good for you.
she thinks that she needs to play the man because she grew up either with shuuten-douji as her mother figure or her lover, and shuuten was big on the whole raping thing
Err, what's the downside here then?
I don't think you quite understood the question...
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Which one?
I can't be raped if I consent!
What's she thinking?
Probably about how "delicious" all these Outsiders look.
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Fuck. I forgot to attach the image.
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I really like the image of Kasen being a lot more conniving and malicious character even without the arm. Like the arm is over the top and aggressive? But hermit Kasen is more manipulative towards people under the guise of getting what she wants, and is just as ruthless and cruel. I felt it would’ve been a bit more interesting if she revealed she just played Reimu the whole time and really only cared about the arm making her whole again rather then the wish washy ending we got.
A case where she fooled herself into thinking shes righteous and thought she removed her evil, while she did that her cruel inner nature remains unchanged.
A sage is a sage, after all.
She would've been to similar to Yukari or Okina then, I like her self righteousness and hypocrisy.
Anon, would you like to talk about why you feel the need to samefag and constantly slander characters in threads made by and for their fans? Did your onee-san give you the bad touch when you were young, leading you to hate all older women?
The only person to ever slander any character is ZUN. Everyone else just repeats what he has written.
How do you still not get it?
Just the usual from you, then? Maybe >>>/trash/ would be more your speed.
>the usual
But that was my first post in days?
I like Kasen's shityness, she has her good aspects as well but without the bad she'd lack flavor.
But I do think Kasen would.be a good Onee-san, although she'd probably be a bit overbearing.
I mean that would fit narratively, she’s tries to act nice but she’s ultimately exactly the same as other sages, a manipulator who uses others to accomplish her own goals. Having her realize at the end of the series that she’s more like Okina/Yukari the she wants to admit and maybe even embracing her old oni self would be a cool twist instead of her just being the same at the series with no meaningful change to her character or her relationships.

I feel there’s a reason ZUN finds her hard to write because he basically did everything he could do with her and now she’s a bit redundant.
Her being entirely like Okina and Yukari would just ruin her appeal for me, I like her being self righteous and a hypocrite but I think that's going too far into Zounose territory.
Especially with hoe shitty her old self is and how the current her has no desire to be like that, I also don't especially mind her self righteous and hypocritical tendencies as their cute. I also like characters to stick to what they believe or don't change their actions even if they're self serving and hypocritical.
Besides what would Oni Kasen even want besides dead humans and a dead Seiga, one of which is never going to happen and the other of which is way too easy for her to get.
I mean, pretty much every major Touhou character eventually falls into the “Major manipulator who only really cares for themselves”. Byakuren, Reimu, Miko, etc. it’s a running theme that ultimately those who preach the loudest have the most to hide. You can’t really trust any of the leaders at the end of the day, Gensokyo isn’t a place for “good” people or heroes

Having Kasen be someone who does have sympathy towards people, but really will be just be as manipulative and scummy when someone crosses her just makes her fit in more. Having her Oni-side mixup with her normal hermit self and realize that the direct route of killing everything wouldn’t fly in Gensokyo anymore, and there are better ways to amass power like the other youkai do would be at least an interesting twist, instead of just kinda glossing over it with no resolution like the end of WaHH.
What reason would she even have to amass power, other than keeping herself in power?
At least Yukari has some vaguely defined end goal, an edgy Kasen would be too similar too any of the already existing characters for my liking.
Thinking about it she'd probably be almost identical to Reimu personality wise except she likes killing humans, and regular Kasen can already act underhanded.
Besides, Kasen as ZUN wrote her isn't someone who'd want to be the same person as the arm ever again so at that point you'd have to rewrite the entirety of WaHH, probably making it less slice of life as well.
Of course I don't think some people would mind that.
There's just something about Sirogitune's art, particularly of full Kasen, that manages to be seriously stunning. The sarashi, the relaxed posture, the half-lidded eyes and hand-gesture that makes it seem as though she's just waking up. There's a sort of vulnerability to it that mixes with the fact that we're talking about one of the most infamous Oni of the Heian Era to make for prime youkai moe.
Don't engage with the grimsokyofag. He's not someone you can have any actual sort of discussion with.
People keep their guns aimed at grimshitters, when they should be aimed at the one who let them in.
If you want to hold a mod's family hostage to get them to mass-ban grimshitters, be my guest.
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>What reason would she even have to amass power, other than keeping herself in power?
Same thing every other bloodthirsty youkai wants in Gensokyo, insurance. You can’t do the same shit you did before in the outside world because if the rules, so youkai try their best to be the top dog in order to control the rest. The Arm would either end up like the other Oni being stuck in former hell, or be like the Tengu, Tanuki, and Kappa and find ways to manipulate the game to be on top.
>At least Yukari has some vaguely defined end goal, an edgy Kasen would be too similar too any of the already existing characters for my liking.
She doesn’t really need an end goal anymore than normal Kasen did. Hell, her having the end goal of getting her arm back ended up being the reason she’s pretty much MIA for the past 5 years outside of cameos and guides. At least with her becoming a menace of another person manipulating characters like Reimu or interacting with the other Oni she’d have something to do.
>Besides, Kasen as ZUN wrote her isn't someone who'd want to be the same person as the arm ever again so at that point you'd have to rewrite the entirety of WaHH, probably making it less slice of life as well.
I don’t think she’d go back to being exactly like her original self (she couldn’t anyway with how Gensokyo works) but coming together to form a new character that meshes both worlds together I think would be a better ending than her still just rejecting the arm and going back to status quo. Having there be either tragedy in her fall back into her true self or have her be revealed to be a bit less benevolent then she let on also add a little bit of stakes to her and Reimus relationship. I mean, it’s not like Armless Kasen wasn’t also implied to still be as bloodthirsty as her arm was.
GrimGODs know canon unlike cuteniggers.
Cherrypicking details that suit your agenda while ignoring the plethora of counterevidence is every bit as bad as yuritroons.
>mod's family
If only it was that simple.
Mods didn't write WaHH and everything after it. Mods didn't open the gates from the inside. Mods didn't retcon anything. ZUN did.
Grimshittery is a symptom. Stop ignoring the cause.
I'll be the first to point out how ZUN is a hack, but even stuff like Fortune Teller's introduction and the Zashiki Warashi chapter are a totally different beast than how Grimshitters like to insist that there are no good people in Gensokyo whatsoever. They see that the characters aren't the moeblobs Cutefags think they are, and immediately jump to "Everyone is a double-crossing devil" no matter how often people point out evidence to the contrary.

We can't force ZUN to learn how to tell a story. We can refuse to engage with Grimshitters until they go outside to bother others for attention instead.
You've no right to complain then. Keep tolerating garbage, enjoy your company of edgy children. Maybe one day you'll see what we've lost
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here we go, they're about to start going at it again
At least the rest of the thread was fine.
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No, I think it's over. And besides, there's nothing to stop us from discussing thread related.
For example, what do you think Kasen's favorite sweets would be?
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>Everyone is a double-crossing devil
They are though. There’s like… a handful of characters that aren’t con artists trying to steal shit at the best of times. Hell, WAHH has multiple chapters about how pretty much everybody from the Kappa to the Hermits are all just the same flavor of snake oil salesman.
I'm still not fond of it, anyways it's just personal preference at the end of the day.
That’s fair, it’s just headcanon anyway. I just wish Kasen had more shit to do since ZUNs effectively shelved her forever.
Anon it took ZUN over a decade to get back to Flan, I won't count Kasen shelved until at least a decade has passed since WaHH's end.
I think they could've at least stuck arm chan in old hell with the rest of the oni to mellow out a bit, especially since old hell is currently sealed,
Or just leave her unsealed in Kasen's dojo. She clearly was capable of feeling more emotions than just malice and hate, and Kasen literally has an impenetrable senkai that nobody can access without knowing the route (which she changes) aside from literally two, possibly three people (tenshi and komachi, maybe reimu since she managed to enter Kasen's senkai in the WaHH epilogue despite not having talked to Kasen in a year) all of whom already know about arm-chan because they were in Avici too.
Hell, invite Suika and Yuugi. They'd probably love it, and Suika not even getting to see merged Ibaraki-douji was such a blue ball that I'm still not over it.
Exactly, Flan is the most popular Touhou character of all time and it still took him
A decade to even mention her. It’s gonna be the at the last remaining chucks of our planet spiraling into event horizon of the black hole our sun has become before we ever see Lewd Pink again.
Like I said, finally letting Kasen either embrace or at least tolerate her arm would’ve been way more interesting then having her show up to just Reimu, lose, then have it never be brought up again of acknowledged by anyone all because ZUN hates the status quo being changed.
With how Touhou is that's more of a fanfic/doujin/writefag thing, Touhou doesn't have status quo changes.
So I guess search those or write one of your own since ZUN sure as hell won't provide.
Makes sense, whole point of Gensokyo is the past not wanting to die out as the new age arrives, so it hides in its utopia of a world where tomorrow never arrives and nothing ever changes. When the new meets the old, the old ways dies etc.
ZUNs a hack yes, we know.
Why does she wear a bra on her head? Why is her arm covered i toilet paper?
She's a perverted mummy
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I still wonder how some people get Ibaraki-douji's modified color scheme wrong
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What is she thinking?
How much fat Dragon dick can she fit before it starts to hurt
beautiful art, wish I could wake up to her looking at me like that.
Waking up to Kasen at all would be a dream come true.
You’d have to deal with her pets as well.
You say that like it's a negative.
Everyone should get along! Imagine what Kasen would think of you bickering like housewives that don't get dick.
Well, you might wake up with bird shit on your face on occasion.
I dont care what a pink slut who bangs shotas thinks of me… she won’t even bang women like a normal hermit freak.
people took a character who wants to abandon earthly desires and maybe her the horniest person in Gensokyo
She doesn't just have worldly desires, she has an entire world's worth of desires.
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Probably because she does a bad job at getting rid of worldly desires and she’s a total fraud who became a hermit because it seemed like a fun thing to do. She didn’t even know being a hermit was a religious thing until like… 1000 years after she pretended to be one.
Reimu's big sister or Reimu's mom?
Reimu's big sister who also has to do the parental stuff
Yukari is Reimu's legal guardian, Kasen is kinda like a big sister to her
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Reimu's cook
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join the ibaraki army!
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Wish they would fight for Yoshika's hand
Sauce, boss
Skullbro, they don't pay you enough for this!
How did you even get internet in a sekai linked to the deepest part of hell?
My theory is that she wasn't introduced through a game but a manga, therefore the fans took over in creating a personality for her. And knowing the internet...
There's no need for theorizing. It's a long-running Japanese meme about pink-haired characters, but I guess /jp/ isn't actually that familiar with Japanese culture.
Why don't the other pink-haired characters have that reputation then?
I mean, Yuyuko and Kokoro both have tons of porn. Though it didn't totally overtake their character.
What's it on?
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There is a certain graph out there ranking the "purity" of touhou characters by counting how many lewd works there are of them on Danbooru, and Pink Lewd outranks them all. All I have is a excel spreadsheet of the data but I can't find the image of the graph on my drive though. But Yuyuko is 28th place for example. Sanae, Komachi, Reisen, and Koakuma take up 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place
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The Japanese are perverts yes, don’t need a deep dive into extensive nippon lore to figure that out.
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would Kasen get mad if Reimu called her auntie Kasen?
Rest well, Kasen thread

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