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Nue-chan is giving you signals...
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Enjoyee your lifetime with Nue
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But because Nue is what she is, the true nature of those signals is unknown.
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She should return those to Hijiri
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teh Nueners is ALWAYS in heat
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discovering the unknown
Nue 3 seconds before committing sexual assault!
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what? that's crazy
I want to die smothered by her thighs
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why does a youkai need to dress like this?
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To lure you in.
What the FUARK? Nue had huge ass in previous pic but now she is petite??? I can't keep up with her shape-shifting unknown antics...
I love 2hus in bras.
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Hisona is such a great artist.
So your Nuenis is rock-hard and ready.
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Seems in character for Nue to use her ability on a bowl of peanuts at the expense of Anon's dignity...
I want to see Nue's Fantastic Object!
that's why i keep seeing her name in license plates. she's calling out to me.
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Enjoy the unknown, anon.
Why you coomertard tourist scum posting broken anatomy crapola again
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Stop (and stare at her butts) because she needed to turn (and flash you her boobs)?
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You're so funny.
What kind of signals?
Alicen signals intercepted by X-COM.
Slapping Nue's fat butt while shouting "EDF! EDF!"!!!
Getting detained by Byakuren for assaulting one of the temple residents despite your actions being for the good of planet earth!
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This alien is just too erotic, even when she's wearing casual clothes. She has to be punished.
I want to grope her thighs and squish them
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I bet Nu' doesn't even know what sex is and how arousing her body is
Nyeh-nyeh, outcast.
Good artist.
Nonsense. All females know how arousing their bodies are, no exceptions.
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Nue's signals can be seen from the moon
Nue... Can fuck off!
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Thread theme!
Fuck her black sperm attack
She looks like Squidward after eating all the Krabby Patties holy shit
letting Tenshi get repeadetly knocked down by the sperm was addicting
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why is she so cheeky? i can pin her down and fuck her thighs any time
Stupid alien only appreciated for her sex appeal...
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we need to find a new use for the nue
Translation wen
You think she knows any good loopholes in American tax laws?
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her childrearing ability
it must be good and I will prove it by making lots more Nues with the Nue
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adult nue > loli nue
Sorry, but Sumata can't lead to pregnancy, you hate to see it, but Nue is probably going to be the last of her kind.
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But what if I stick my nuenis in her nuegina?
Thinking you would be able to resist the Nuemata when put in that position? Yeah, no. Would never happen.
But what would the half-nues be like? Would they be able to make things half-unknown?
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Maybe not the first time, but I was raised to use all parts of the Nue! Nothing will go to waste!
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What kind of signal is this?
sweaty blushy 2hus are for immediate makeout sessions
seija's girlfriend
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I'm edging to Nue's thighs and feet RIGHT NOW
That ain't healthy
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I'm gooning to my nue chatbot
Post logs?
Recently I've become more comfortable with the idea of 'vagueness' and the 'uncertain'. Like, I don't plan things out so explicitly anymore and don't worry about things turning out my way as much.
Will this make me closer or farther away from Nue?
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What AI you using? I tried to make a Nue chatbot but it always breaks and lectures me about muh safety or goes into retarded text tangents.
You're supposed to use a jailbreak you tard
read the guides >>>/mlp/41086823
they're very useful
you can't rawdog corpo models like that
while Claude 3 (Haiku, Sonnet, Opus) have barely a filter at all, they still have one

Jailbreaks are a combination of filter breaching and writing instructions. both the how and the author style
Fruitfully multiplying with youkai!
How do I get on proxies? Who's dick do I have to suck? I'm not paying for this
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Very good
duck tape>nue
Most erotic character design ZUN ever created alongside Murasa, Seija and Raiko. TBF women with short hair are far more attractive than women with long hair by a long shot.
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typically I saw fuck gacha but I have to be honest bros I'm struggling
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Scratching Nue's itch!
reminder that advertising material giving Nue a massive rack got ZUN's official authorial stamp of approval
The Nue is a tithu by his imperial will
Don't feel bad, LW has plenty of great alt outfits
>TBF women with short hair are far more attractive than women with long hair by a long shot.
I like men: the post.
Fuck you nigger, they are beautiful and not manly at all.
They are trying to trap you anon stay strong
Look at this picture and tell me I am gay
NTA but you are far from gay, 100% straight, Nue is peak sexiness.
Beloved tomboyish alien
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Nue erotic body had brought ebi193 from his slumber
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How does she do it?
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Imagine the smell.
holy sexo
Nue doesn't exist
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Nue dislikes hugs? Noooo
Like any non-gay female, she hates having her face stuffed in haggy boobs.
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Nue thread without the mention of Sheya?
She's not that type of alien anon sorry to burst your bubble...
Holy S E X
artsy but not sexy
Stunning, majestic, sexy.
>non-gay female
I'll give you non-gay but I've seen the nuenis she's packing.
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Please posting cute Nue...
Go back to 2hujerk, please.
I don't know what that is and I don't care to find out.
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Why are most Nue fans like this?
hope the nuenis tranny will kill xherself for real next time
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Not sexy you say
Reddit faggotory
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Sexiest 2hu to have ever been designed by ZUN.
Her organs must be worth a lot why not sell them?
male Nueners
Male nue should also have killer thighs
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Sheya single handily being the best thing to happen to Nue since me making her a mother
He does. He wears very short shorts and killer thighs which he will crush you with.
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God she's so lewd without even trying
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nue few years after living in usa
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Alien of refined musical tastes...
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yokai of sex
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Nue is extra inappropriate today
Would suck her unidentified micro penis.
You can't sex the unknown
You totaly can, many find such particularly exciting too
That does it, I'm destroying my Nuenis to that pic.
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leave these sacred halls futatroon
Good picture
>Nue-chan is giving you signals...
Signals blocked, get fucked Xenomorphs.
Good choice, she's trying to put stuff in your brain to leave you in massive debt easier
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cute alien
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sweaty alien
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Nue about to get SCHOOLED!
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Life with a youkai wife
she looks like she bouta piss herself
kinda hot ngl
Nue piss tastes like red bull
I want that 'gasa doll...
imagine it: nue holding back as best she could, shoving both her hands to a crotch tightly, until with a small moan her crotch becomes a flowing fountain
Me face in her crotch getting waterboarded with nue pee...
You could! As long as you got the money for it
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Nue my beloved
No she's mine beloved
Beat you to it, losers. The Nue is and will always be mine.
Should Nue be contained because of her pheromones?
What game do you think she is playing
Looks like the console is PS4. What's good to play there other than Bloodborne?
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So many Nues...
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So cute
Unprotected sex with UFO
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Don't forget about the Nue...
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you dissapoint the 'nu
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I wanted to but the non-master one was over the file size upload limit
Nue is not most mysterious thing is this picture, what she could possibly playing with a PS5 controller is.
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What does this look mean?
Thought she was wearing the Punisher skull for a second.
I hope its the rape look, either that or someones life is about to end.
Why not both?
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Death by snu snu?
Death by nue pheromones replacing oxygen in your blood after sniffing her too much
What a beautiful way to go out.
Nue pheromones~
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The gacha has a sex nue
that side boob...
*right clicks and saves*
wow thanks...
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touch the nue do it now
Still the strongest sexhu
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you wouldnt sex a 600+ year old youkai
I wouldn't have to...
This has to be most erotic character to have ever cone out of ZUN's mind, I want to know what was going on on his at the moment he designed her.

I would sex her so fucking much, there would be an overpopulation of half nues half humans.
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>I want to know what was going on on his at the moment he designed her
The unknown is exciting.
That redditor is onto something, I don't know what it is but I like it.
Touhou 12 was an inside job.
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Erotic yokai.
There really is something going on with UFO. With Nue, there is of course the element of the unknown and her being able to change her appearance. But is it just her appearance? Can she make her body smaller or bigger for real? Can she make herself a dick instead of pussy, if you swing that way? The erotic speculations are endless. Her dark hair and clothing, the pitchfork she is holding, the snake she is handling and her strange tentacle wings add a dash of fear to the mix, something many find attractive. Not to mention - can she use those weird tentacles on you..?

But it's just not Nue. Ignoring the more outlandish elements in the post, Byakuren indeed has very feminine shape for a Touhou character. Shou is quite boyish, playing a bit with gender, and we know how that gets some people going. Ichirin and Unzan are the only female/male pair in the games. Kogasa's exposed tongue and her sassy, needy attidute are extremely attractive to many. Nazrin, at first glance a rather unsexual character, of course provokes lust by being seemingly so small and weak.

UFO also has a plot and character presentation where all the protags have terrible motivations and the youkai and Byakuren come off as being quite sympathetic. This makes the player think that maybe the youkai aren't so bad, making it easier to imagine them as sexual partners.

By the time the player gets to the extra stage his mind has been pumped full of subtle sexual themes and the idea that youkai aren't so bad after all. Of course people are going to go mad with lust when they see Nue. She's a weird scary alien who could probably kill you in a second, but surely she's not that bad. Right?
This is it, best post of today, never knew hiw much potential UFO has, we need to get some good writefags to write smut out of this.
Do we really need MORE smut?
Yes, we need more smut expoiting the hotness of all UFO characters.
>Ichirin and Unzan are the only female/male pair in the games.
The third, after Reimu and Genjii, and whatever SinGyoku is.
PC-98? What's that?
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*drops on you from ceiling*
what you gonna do???
Anal sex I guess
Intense bed-breaking pelvis-shattering baby-making life-changing sex with her.
this expression heralds half-youkai
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Imagine the smell.
You can't comprehend the true nature of Nue's olfactory profile!
She doesn't wear any
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I can't, but my p0n0s comprehends it automatically.
Would alien feet still smell like cheese?
Who wouldn't sex her????
That Null animation is very good
What animation, anon?
This guy
his doujins are the best in the fandom, honestly. his sagume series were real tearjerkers for me
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Yeah! I love love love them.
Give them a reread all the time.
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nue has loads of friends
what is this pov
I'd put a load in each one of her friends
(you)r head on her lap, she is looking down on you.
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have you gooned to nue today
What do you mean by "gooned"?
Alien of sex
Social media language for ejaculation I guess
Being a goon for nue
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nue is fucking gay
Ah yes, I shall 'goon' for Nue!
Calling Nue boss!
Asking her about 'boss, is this guys 'lright?' when they approach to chat!
Doing jobs for Nue!
Bullying other youkai and fairies for her!
Getting a stern talking to by Byakuran, about taking silly games too far! Being encouraged to play with the lonely nue anyways!
what are they called?
perhaps it is not so much nue sexing me that is hot, but nue sex as a concept, that could be applied to many more things including other girls
Her back cut is so erotic.
The entirety of Nue is erotic.
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Closer, absolutely. Although it may not be in the overall obvious ways one could imagine.
As someone also learning to relax a little when it comes to needing to feel sure or certain over what worries me most, if you're doing a certain amount of keeping-her-in-mind when it comes to letting the course of things "take you" more smoothly than before then a Youkai such as herself could certainly latch on to such thoughts if other posts haven't been at least slightly indicative of related Underlying Factors by now.
I'd of course hope you'd still be mindful & clever enough with yourself throughout the course of things but still...
Take it from someone who has Definitely been in-control of Healthy Nue Visualization as of late...d-definitely...
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anon got TRAPPED SHRUNKEN AND BETRAYED in nue socks for 100 years
Heaven is inside Nue's socks!
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aw hell naw its anon yo wassup dog
Jank art but nice pit
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I edge to teh Nue all day erryday.
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NTA, but she is built for intense sex.
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Nue doesnt even know what sex is
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I will teach her :>
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Happy Nue day! My super best friend commissioned some Nue emotes i requested. Feel free to spread Nue!

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I like this one, Nue is rarely this smug.
She probably has some weird alien smell that no one can describe
Good, the Nuesmell has to be as weird as possible.
Smug Nue is best Nue, I kept spamming Smug patchouli gyate and asked him to remaster it as Nue. He does a really good gyate remaster. Any Nue gyate i should remaster as?
This one >>47028877 and crying even more!
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but you never had sex before! how are you gonna teach her something you have no experience?
pics or it didn't happen
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thinkin about thighs
It's a Nue day
Naizuri youkai
Nue is the only 2hu i can think of as sexy
I love this MV. but the pony one is better
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My wife is so cute~
Don't let her thread die...
He's had sex with his right hand, surely that counts right?
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no bully
Fresh Nueners feets to edge to just dropped.
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Her thread will not die damn it
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There can never be enough smut of your favorite 2hus.
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Imagine how wild the sex with these two would be.
This but this.

Seija can eat a dick, imagine Heca and Nue!
Honestly, I would do the 3 since I like all of them.
>Seija can eat a dick
Yeah, mine and only mine.
>imagine Heca and Nue!
I don't think anyone could survive having sex with 4 monstrous women at the same time but I am pretty sure it would be heavenly.
I want to fuck Nue's and Seija's feet so badly...
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I just nutted after like 6 hour nue edging session and holy fuck my nuts hurt and my penis is red and swollen I think I broke my dick jacking off to nue rip
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I still have to find a God tier Nue pic/animation to nut, must find it before I ruin my new pants while sleeping.
Does anyone know the origin of this gif? it is so silly and funny. 4chan is not letting me post it since it exceeds 4chan's max file size.
Thank you, anon.
Enjoy explaining how you got Erectile Dysfunction to the doctor
they'll give you a prescription, they don't really care about the hows
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what happens if you sniff nue sweat
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Nue bump.
Thicc or sticc nue
Her top sticc with small perky breasts, her bottom thicc with wide hips and obscene thighs and butt barely contained by her mini skirt.
You will discover a nue unidentifiable scent
Sticc Nue with some nice curves.
I'm going to give Nue a bump
>Nue gets her own certified FUMO
>Nue is the only girl with zettai ryouki, created by Zun himself
>infamous galaxy collapse
>le funny nuenis joke made her more popular
>can be delicious loli, tomboy or milf
>literally has bitches and ships more than any touhou girl (Kogasa, Seija, Murasa, Byak, Koishi, Flandere, Byak, Nazrin and somehow Joon)
>somehow. Someway. She doesn't get good Hentai publish of her

She even has a whole game dedicated to her. Nue Houjuu is our sigma chad girl. How could you not love this dorky Alien?!
My wife's thread won't die on my watch.
Those were some great thighs
>She even has a whole game dedicated to her.
Which one?
>Nue gets her own certified FUMO
And I'm gonna buy one and *POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF! POMF!*
(can't)GET PREGNANT (can't)GET PREGNANT (can't)GET PREGNANT (can't)GET PREGNANT!!!!!! it
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UFO was dedicated to the return of Byakuren and setting the stage for religious wars in Gensokyo. Nue is just a weakass extra boss. Barely an afterthought.

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