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>We apologize for the long wait for further information.
>Niconico is currently under a large-scale cyber attack, and it is unlikely that the service will be restored at least by the end of this weekend.

>We sincerely apologize to everyone who was looking forward to the video posts and live broadcasts scheduled for this weekend. Please wait until Monday for an update on future plans.

If you access the main page this message shows up

>Thank you for your continued patronage. This is the Nico Nico operation team.

>NicoNico is currently undergoing a large-scale cyber attack, and in an effort to minimize the impact, we have temporarily suspended our services.

>While we are working quickly to investigate and implement countermeasures, we are unable to begin restoration until we are confident that we have completely eliminated the effects of the cyber attack and that it is safe to do so. We do not expect the service to be restored until at least the end of this weekend.

>We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

>We will update you again on Monday (June 10, 2024) with the latest status.

> Services currently suspended

> Nico Nico Family services such as Nico Nico Douga, Nico Nico Live, Nico Nico Channel, etc.
Logging in to your NicoNico account on external services

>Current Status

> We are investigating the route of the attack and the possibility of information leakage in parallel with the restoration work.
> No credit card information has been confirmed to have been compromised (NicoNico does not store credit card information on its servers).

>Further information will be posted on NicoNico Info and Official X (formerly Twitter) as needed.
>We deeply apologize to all users who were looking forward to the video postings and live broadcast programs scheduled for this weekend.
>We appreciate your understanding and cooperation until we can complete our response.
Who are you quoting
you're mom
NND not working for the entire weekend is a huge kick in the balls for many groups of users. Download your shit and don't put all eggs in one basket people
I said all of this
I don't think anyone here gives a shit as the majority here hasn't ever even really used nico nico douga before or is even remotely aware just how much of the original japanese internet culture would be lost if that place went down for good. You can just go into the archives to check how the last thread discussing nico nico douga in detail was maybe two or three years ago it's all just a bunch of big circle jerks here that have barely anything to do with japanese internet culture and if it comes up it's the equivalent of "lol japan" and has no further discussion it's just people jacking it to their favorite touhou, vtuber, 3dpd, idols, and whatever other bullshit
It's hard to blame anyone here for Nico waning in relevance when it's just as true for the majority Japanese users. A lot of old culture would be lost if the site disappeared tomorrow, and arguably a lot of still modern culture like MADs would scatter into the wind too, but it's really not the otaku monument it once was. I've been using the site since SP1 and you can't really ignore that it's just kinda dead in most respects outside of huge events like Vocacolle.
>Nico waning in relevance
It was honestly never relevant here in the first place for it to be waning in relevance. I mean even in 2008 to 2009, although there were a lot of threads about nico nico, those threads quickly died off to shit like all of the weeaboo, touhou and fate spam and no one here really knew what the fuck was going on what the fuck it meant few people tried discussing those things in detail figuring out the meaning and a lot of them also just didn't by just regurgitating
whatever the japanese did in the hopes of people understanding what the fuck they were talking about. This could have maybe been all solved if there was a completely separate slow moving board created for the detailed discussions about japanese internet culture and anything even remotely off-topic banned
I was speaking broadly about Nico waning in relevance, not just on this site. /jp/ has historically been one of the slowest moving boards, so I'm not sure why you'd think introducing another would solve this problem if no one wants to discuss the topic at hand in the first place. Nico has failed on all accounts to attract or retain an audience, so why should it be surprising that no one cares what it is a decade after its height or wants to talk about it beyond twee nostalgia? You're perfectly free to introduce the minutiae of 例のアレ to everyone if you wanted to, but I doubt there is anyone really around to give a shit to begin with.
Futaba may is also dead and moving to private discords
So is this the next phase of the credit card companies' plans?
Just because /jp/ is a bunch of casuals doesn't mean the site is dying, it's still the place to go for all the good stuff and it can't be easily replaced because jewtube doesn't have danmaku comments and frankly it sucks huge nigger cocks when it comes to searching and tagging. And the most important part, they couldn't care less about taking this market over
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I don't think niconico will die just yet but then I remember what was thebfate of Zoome
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Look at the number of premium subs and try to say it's not. This is already outdated too after the latest Kadokawa report, they're going to fall below 1 million by next year at their current rate. This is also before accounting for the number of subs they are deferring with the payment processors now ditching them and the price for premium going up in March (https://www.famitsu.com/news/202402/29336168.html).

Pretty much anything you can get on Nico you can get elsewhere without shit buffering and eco mode hours. Almost every VocaloP figured this out and crossposts to YouTube as well, where they get far more views. Danmaku is a low draw when you can achieve the same thing with an extension, and YouTube is also trialing their own "timed" comments feature on mobile.
anon, niconico content may be really fun sometimes, but really, it's hard to defend a website with such shit service. not even pre-google youtube was that bad.
Well, fuck. I just subbed to danime like two days ago and I've only used my subscription to watch ONE episode of U149. I want my money back.
>Attacking NND
For what?
It's already fucking dead LOL
What kinda stupid fucking post is this? I can't remember the last time I talked about Youtube or saw a Youtube thread here, does that mean /jp/ doesn't watch Youtube either?
However, no, Niconicodouga has been in the red for like its entire lifespan. It only exists because it's in the same spot as Youtube but given Japan's smaller community doesn't mean it's not an automatic "keep it up forever" site. That being said I don't think it's dying and anyone who says it is, they're just doomposting.
It's fine to live with your nostalgia but when the audience is leaving, the experience/tech sucks, and the financials look bad then it's appropriate to acknowledge it's dying. Dying doesn't mean dead anyway, there's still cool shit posted to Nico for the moment. There's plenty more fat for Nico to trim before the videos get erased entirely, but that's mostly what they've been doing for the few years shutting things down, or catching up on shit like being able to post HD videos longer than 10 minutes that should have been fixed just as long ago.
That's way more than you'd think.
Chances are it wasn't even attacked, just got more traffic than usual and collapsed. That's nothing new, even back in 2008 tyhat was very comon, NND has always sucked. If I find anything interesting there I check if there's a bilibili or youtube mirror first.
Nico Nico Douga was created as a video sharing platform for otakus that is primarily dedicated to sharing videos related to otaku culture you dumb nigger when you compare youtube to nico nico in that case newgrounds was the precursor to youtube, no?
Are you going to be saying the same thing when they burn through through even more in the next few years at a rate that's only getting faster? They're well past half of their peak. That's a pathetic number for a site that has attempted to be a portal site for everything under the sun and has had Kadokawa backing it when anime is at maybe its most popular. It isn't only not growing, but shrinking fast.
The fact that Kemono Friends single-handledly revived NND when it was getting close to a deserted town yet Kadokawa intentionally proceeded to kill the whole franchise immediately turned the whole place into a graveyard since elevens were so disgusted they actually voted with their feet (see where 2017 lands on >>47042253).
It will take a while to die off completely since there's stuff like long-running premium channels with loyal customers (and even they are airing simultaneously on Youtube now) and weirdoes who refuse to use mainstream platforms, but like others have said it is definitely only a matter of time since Kadokawa is extremely good at making business mistakes and mistreating their IPs.
huh I didn't know niconico was part of kadokawa
Maybe Japan should've banned youtube like China did
They announced they'll be back on 16th. If they had a local rival, they would've lost the market already with this stunt. Imagine all the vtumors being forced to suck dicks for food this week
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I miss the 外配信 threads
>I don't think anyone here gives a shit
I can't speak for anyone else but I majorly give a shit. The loss of NND would be catastrophic as almost every MMD distribution uses the videos on there for links/passwords. There's probably thousands of model links/passwords that would be lost forever.

I noticed last night when I tried to use it was down which I thought was bizarre, but the quip just said it was maintenance. Seeing that it was a DDoS attack after all is pretty unnerving.
I think it's really suspicious that nico nico douga is going to stay offline until the 16th as cyberattacks never really take down a website for days... I know they told us that our credit card information is safe and another Japanese user said that the token used to keep credit card info is like somewhere else but never underestimate how incompetent UNEI is
While modern conveniences and stuff like cloudflare mean DDoS attacks are usually just a minor inconvenience nowadays, it's unlikely Nico's spaghetti code has ANY form of DDoS protection on top of what's probably a skeleton crew of people maintaining it.


Apparently this attack extended to a bunch of Kadokawa's websites too, not just nico. Somewhat depressingly, it's apparently been 16 years since the site has gone a day without a vocaloid song being posted.
I'm actually interested to know who did the DDoS. People hate Nicovideo or Kadokawa for multiple reasons, but why now they're attacking?
Got any specific details on this? because I just got into the server and it seems to be backfiring.
Probably wasn't anyone who had something against niconicodouga specifically, it was just a random target for a test of a new botnet I'd reckon.
Better yet for everyone, dethrone YouTube as the main video site.
Be carefull what you say for x think and what´s is gonna to happen in the future anon.
Reminder that it was only recently they let non premium users watch in 720p. Fuck NND.
Its owned by Kadokawa the fuck did you expect?
>a random target for a test of a new botnet I'd reckon.
NTA, but ain't it a bit too high profile though? I mean it's not to the levels of FANG associated, but it's still relatively big and important to be just a test I find.
Huge spam across a ton of threads. Even if OPs can delete/ban people from their threads, it's coming from different IPs so they can't efficiently deal with it, and there apparently hasn't been a peep from management.
Kadokawa never learns even with other people's IP. They had a voicevox/voiceroid shitfest that happened january~april this year.
Damn even futaba is being fucked by turbo autists, one of the first threads on their random board is complaining about it
>other people's
NND is and has always been theirs. Kadokawa was a major shareholder in Dwango since day 1.
I need a fix for some Touhou Banhouten MADs but the shitty site's still down. Hopefully they didnt delete all the full length eroge videos I uploaded.
I mean, that's actually why it makes sense to use it as a test target.
how do i join those private discords
>not even pre-gogle youtube was that bad
Retard, pre-google Youtube was the only time Youtube was GOOD.
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2007 era Nico Nico Douga bros, we're back.
Kinda related, there is an archive of older Nico Nico videos somewhere? Not from 2007, more like 2020 and newer, there is a mmd video I wanted but got deleted because it was raunchy and the nico jannies had a melty.
If you have the name or url end id code, you can try googling for a mirror.

Otherwise probably ask in the relevant topic board/thread if someone had a copy downloaded to share.
soon they will also block gaijins
Bring it back... I want to watch my otoMADs...
>searching and tagging
This. Holy shit I love the tagging system in NND. Youtube's hashtag is fucking SHIT. I can just click on a tag of a video genre I want to watch and get a list of everything that's related to it.
Hmm... why am I being redirected to https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/ when trying to open https://www.nicovideo.jp/?

How are you supposed to access that ニコニコ動画(Re:仮)they supposedly put up since 14th of June at 15:00 JP time when it's currently 20:26 and I'm redirected to https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/ instead? Have I overlooked something trivial? Do I need a VPN? Or am I just being simply too impatient?
The temporary site is only accessible in Japan, they mention it in the site FAQ (which is also unhelpfully only available in Japan).
And triple-ROFL indeed that FAQ (which is located here: https://www.nicovideo.jp/faq_tmp and is only mentioned this other FAQ - https://dwango.co.jp/news/5088891233107968/ - at the end of that ultra-long https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/225099.html page) also redirect itself to https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/
How do you manage to fuck up a website this badly? Do they not understand what backups are?
Ransomware fucked up their internal systems. They say some of their backups might be encrypted (they host comments and some nama stuff internally) but the video data is safe because that's on a public cloud service. Pretty much they need a ton of time to restore and rebuild from scratch because putting the site back up as-is would leave them just as vulnerable.
That's why you keep some backups air-gapped. Fucking amateurs.
Its probably a state-sponsored attack by one of the usual suspects.
So if they are rewriting nico what would you like to change?
Delete the Taiwan localization.
>danmaku comments
Pretty sure 99% of them died along with the Flash player.

>a whole month just to bring the site back
There's no way a nearly dead site is gonna survive a whole month of being offline
You definitely haven't been to NicoNico in the last 5 years.
If you have Xitter you can search for #ニコニコ鯖落ち(X)動画祭り replacing (X) with a franchise you want to search for, e.g: #ニコニコ鯖落ちアイマス動画祭り and you'll get reuploads of 音MADs/MMDs/whatever video you were searching for by their original creator (if they're on Xitter). They may or may not be of full length.
Also here's a newly made NicoNicoDouga medley with recent trends and remixed into hardcore by a vocaloP
A week later and CuckoldCuckoldDouga is still offline. The incompetence is astounding, can you imagine youtube being offline for a week?
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We might not have another NicoNico thread after this one, so post your favorite NicoNico medleys!
This is actually a really cool stopgap measure. Probably their best way of getting people back into the website.
What kind of cyberattack takes a fucking month to recover from?
Ransomware attack from China that fucked their entire backend.
Is it sociopolitical or hatred towards KDKW/Nico or just for the fun of it?
I can use a JP VPN to access the site, but I can't see or watch any videos, only play the little game at the bottom. Reee.
Autistic retardation.
Well tell me when they unrestrict I'd like to watch it all again
i really like nico because they keep their features
i miss youtube comments boxes, video replies, custom profiles and random webcam nudes.
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I'd suggest to try setting up an MS-SSTP connection using one of the VPN Gate servers: https://www.vpngate.net/en/#LIST

If under Windows, you don't even need a VPN client.
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I guess I'm the only one here still waiting...
I'm waiting, but started getting out of the habit of using nico just due to Kadokawa's sheer incompetance...

I only went mainly for TRPG videos and voicevox stageplays so...
it's over
Damn, niconico is still not up?
It won't be up for another month, at least. They're coding everything again from scratch.
Sounds like a long time coming honestly
It's Japanese code so it'll still be a decade behind. Don't get your hopes up.
Who even uses niconico? They really fucked up by letting all vtubers to leave.
Cookie/Inmufags, in other words homos
otoMAD watchers. Most of the time they (someone else) don't reupload their MADs to YouTube so it's very hard to find. Although lately more and more authors are making YouTube accounts, so that's good I guess.
japanese cybersecurity is notoriously dogshit because they dont expect anybody to do anything illegal
pink きしめえええええええん
You realize the term vtubers is short for virtual Youtubers, right? They were never a NND joint. You can blame that group of people for many things but I don't think they really did anything for NND but sell some Chokaigi tickets for a year or three.
As for why people would use NND it's the same reason it's always been: the community. Say what you will about the horrid QoL features of the site but it's the only place where Japanese content can simply be pure unfiltered condensed Japan, and you can actually find more of things you already like with a functioning tagging system.
I really wish it didn't take some of them a decade to do so though, I never saw a reason why people couldn't just upload onto multiple sites since the absolute worst that happens is Youtube bans you for some reason, which they only sometimes do for otoMAD's and the like. I've even seen some creators upload their videos with the danmaku after they peak so you can still kinda get the NND experience even if the original NND upload gets killed.
And slightly related but while I get them being mad at reuploaders for being reuploaders, I also feel nothing but the purest form of hatred for NND creators who get entire channels taken down yet refuse to upload even a single work to Youtube. Wabisabi can suck my balls, upload your shit or give up the right to complain you retarded cunts, you're not Nintendo where there's at least some argument of profitability when it comes to not porting your 30 year old games, you're people who make videos on the internet using comedians and gay porn as instruments.
That's a shame. I recently picked up learning Japanese and was planning on lurking there to practice just like I did with 4chan and English.
Is 2channel/5ch worth it?
>Is 2channel/5ch worth it?
For learning Japanese maybe, there's still enough activity find some interesting threads. If you're looking for weird/autistic shit not really it's been bleached of that mostly (aside from the general "on fire" (enjou) shit that the outrage culture spews out). Most of the guys there are also old millennials and in the 30's, so there might be a gengap if you're younger (with already a culture gap).
you're either a bot or a legitimate retard
Dwango found out they can't compete with Google and their infrastructure…
If you just want to read threads every once in a while is good enough
Botnet tests happen happen all the time it won't be surprising this is the case here.
Why on god's green earth would someone target NND for something like this? Of all the possible places on the internet, what could you possibly gain from attacking that website? I'm baffled.
People still believe in Nico even it's decrepit. It's rooting for the home team (a Japanese-grown company) even when in pretty much every area they have fallen behind other global services. The tagging does make it pretty good for discovery with MADs and ボカロ uploads too, which are probably the two classes of creator that have hung on to it the most. Using YouTube you're more at the whim of recommendations or closesly combing your subscriptions.
If you're a company of any size, you're an attractive target for ransomware. Hacking isn't about doing it for shits and giggles anymore, it's a shakedown business where you encrypt valuable data and corner people into paying up to minimize downtime and impact. Kadokawa got hit so thoroughly by this that it's affected their publishing business too, and I imagine they probably would have paid up here if they weren't also projecting they could restore their core internal services like accounting and payments by the end of June.
It wasn't the case here because it wasn't a DDoS. They say it themselves, the problem is
which means some ransomware encrypted all their shit.
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Is this shit ongoing? I can't access my favorite ryona channels and now I'm pissed
Supposedly, things should go back to normal in around two weeks or so.
...I hope it's true.
Have they said if any videos were affected? There's still a bunch of stuff on there I haven't gotten around to downloading.
There's a report out that apparently has the messages from the attackers saying that the ransom was 1.7 billion yen or so in Bitcoin. Kadokawa is threatening to sue over people publishing it so it's probably somewhat legit. https://tp.kadokawa.co.jp/.assets/240622_release_zA69Tsjh.pdf

They haven't said anything close to that. They said "probably more than a month" last week when the placeholder site launched. If you want an optimistic take, they also said they plan to phase in functionality as they develop it.

All video data is safe. They actually got extremely lucky with this becuase they just finished migrating video to AWS earlier this year. This is also why it's an open question as to whether they can restore live broadcast timeshifts, but they were quick to say videos were safe. All the live streaming is still on premises and got fucked along with most everything else.
Sounds pretty stupid to set the ransom so high that the victim doesn't pay.
>1.7 billion yen
probably it's related to this
From what I understand Mangamura was just known for posting manga 5 days before it got published by simply slipping money under the table of some rural manga stores, not exactly a group of hackers who're capable of bringing NND down to its knees. Especially since if the plan was to actively destroy NND (of all things...) then video data would've been the first thing completely fucked over. At best I'd say it's a falseflag but even that'd be stretching it.
Rumors are beginning to emerge that a dark society's plans are involved in this matter.
This is very interesting when considered in light of Japanese politics and other issues of the past 30 years or so.
It is like a "Shin Megami Tensei" story.
Of course, this is a black joke...
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>actively destroy NND
Honestly they were doing that themselves without outside help
>I'd say it's a falseflag but even that'd be stretching it.
The sad thing is. as much it is a stretch logically, it's still in the realm of believable shit they'd try, as their history of management stupidity is kinda consistent.
I meant that it'd be a falseflag in the sense that the attacker picked that number to bring attention back to the Mangamura settlement in an attempt to shift blame, rather than it being a member of Mangamura because again... pretty sure they were just dudes. And yeah the joke with me saying (of all things...) was that it's already something that's eternally on life support on its own, feels strange to pull the plug on that when you could instead hack into something like Uma Musume's homepage and do significantly more damage to Kadokawa. Or at least I think Uma Musume is Kadokawa, I don't know I just read one of the manga, the action one, and jerk off to the rare porn I see of them.
>Uma Musume is Kadokawa
Nah, Cygames is independent from the conglomerate, although anything Otaku related (that's not porn) published in book/e-book format will have Kadokawa take a cut usually.
People are saying how this will "revive" interest in niconico once they come back, but honestly everyone who didn't already before has moved to youtube now, and nobody's going to come back after like two months. The site is cooked.
They can't be dying to shit we've dealt with for over seven years now while our admin barely cares about this place
>Especially since if the plan was to actively destroy NND (of all things...)
actually no, NND (dwango) is a part of kadokawa and both server are actually on a same single node. kadokawa site was also affected by the ransomware but they recovered faster despite it still affected in publication delay
Don't really disagree, but it's mostly an acceleration of an exodus that was already happening. Nico has been sustained by niche diehards for the better part of a decade even before this, but it's still a pretty large niche (>>47042253). A pretty common sentiment I've been seeing from people is that they can't enjoy kuso anime without the banter of scrolling comments you get from Nico broadcasts, but those are the weirdos. Same as the people that enjoy Nico Commons and editing Nicopedia.

I don't know really, there's potential for it to refocus itself when it comes back, but they are definitely going to shed even more of their audience first. If they can't balance things by Vocacolle in August, their big banner event these days, that would really spell doom as I see it. Finding and exploring Vocaloid stuff is definitely something I've been missing since it's been down.
Partially NND survived for this long is also that Japanese Youtube is extreme cringe compared to it. To me as a bilingual it's like only one step above those shitty Indian shill videos. I understand otaku-kuns want money, but could you at least do it tastefully?
What kind of spam even is happening in there ? I'm suspecting one of them are posts with キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! Written in them but i'm not sure if it's just site culture, and the spam is probably proliferating in multiple forms anyway.
Have you heard of 22chan? Although it doesn't have a /jp/ board judging by all of the japanese internet threads it sounds a lot like what you're describing
that's just the default text for image posts
which ones?
I think there's also a bunch more scattered around that are not included in that tag
> 1. Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to content that violates local or Netherlands
Wait, isn't tw00t a Kraut? or is that another IB?
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Actually, 22chan died back in early 2022 due to twoot turning into a tranny (yes, really) not wanting to be associated with 22chan anymore, he axed the website. It was later revived by the remaining anonymous staff members months later while bunkering in livechan (precisely on Christmas I believe when the link to the new 22chan was posted). This was detailed in the memories thread but was somehow deleted afterwards...
oh yeah there was also that huge information dump about pedobear on the webm thread /b/558/#2899
>twoot turning into a tranny (yes, really)
No wonder his writing style always sounds like a faggot.
>This was detailed in the memories thread but was somehow deleted afterwards...
Is there an archive for that thread?
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So is the NewsPicks article about the 11.23 million USD (1.79 billion yen) ransom true? It's locked and got taken down. All I could find about it now is a summary of the article on ptt.
Google finally deciding to kill overseas competition eh?
>niconico is dead for a month
Well shit, there goes a metric shitton of touhou MMD's and 3/4ths of the music circles.
It's pretty incredible it's already been down around 20 days now, and likely won't be back up for another month. Hopefully nothing will be lost, but if anything was the blow to the MMD community would be catastrophic. There's so many niche and obscure models that will simply be impossible to recover in any meaningful capacity, a lot of the uploaders aren't even around anymore.

I wonder how something like this even happens. If it's ransomware, does that mean an intern basically just clicked on one of those "hot singles near you want to chat" emails and fuck everything over?
Hopefully We'll see them once they re-open everything
>basically just clicked on one of those "hot singles near you want to chat" emails and fuck everything over?
Well most of it is phishing and opening up a script to compromise the system (i.e. a excel with macro), so it's in the realm of possibility of that.
We already know nothing in terms of video content is lost, I imagine descriptions are fine too, but I don't think they've announced if the comments are still going to be around. We'll know when its back up.
It could be even dumber than that honestly. The japanese are uh, not very well known for knowing how to use the internet properly. There's an entire subsection of websites that just take 2ch threads and compile the best 20-30 posts that people make a livable wage off of doing purely from ad money, which doesn't imply but outright states that the majority of Japanese netizens don't have an adblocker.
>outright states that the majority of Japanese netizens don't have an PC and uses smartphones.
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There's also that but the matter of the fact is that the Japanese netizens, much like their 'net, is probably a dozen years behind the times at best. I would not be surprised if some IT dude who grew up in the digital age actually fell for one of those scams and got phished hard.
you 'd be surprised if twitter is full of bot masquerading as girl wanting to have FWB with you (just click this link to talk with me / see my sexy photos btw)

good thing I only restart my browser every few weeks so I had this still opened
What's this? catbox blocked in my shithole.

short and sweet
What's the Doraemon Flan one?
>The ransomware is affecting multiple other Kadokawa services too
>Retail bookstores are having trouble ordering books from Kadokawa publishing
>One bookstore says they sold out half the volumes for "Dungeon Meshi" and had to direct customers to other stores because they couldn't get more stock
>Another bookstore chain says they have to mail or phone their Kadokawa salesperson for their orders. Orders that usually take 10-14 days to arrive are now "we don't know when they will be delivered"
Anyone figured out the motive for the attackers yet?
move for ransomware? for the ransom money obviously.
Seems like just wanted money for now, and doesn't seem like directly a state sponsored, corporate rivalry, nor politics as motive.
Officially Dowango remains silent on the matter, but criticized Newspicks' as helping the hackers by revealing that information... So probably this is closer to the truth than false.
Russian hacking group
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Vocacolle was postponed. https://x.com/the_voca_colle/status/1805896315035165059
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I am kinda curious how Kadokawa does business as it was already suspected to be shady (to the point of being inefficient) in the Japanese media industry.
FUCKKKKK NO DAMN IT I was so excited for this Summer VocaColle...
>all data will be released on july 1st
wow, this will be big if true
source for this?
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it's real
Listen, I don't care about these guys black hat or white hat or grey hat or fucking rainbow hatting, but if you wanna fuck with Kadokawa can you, not (you) you but the people in that image, at LEAST leave NND out of it? Or at least die in your losing war faster?
>at LEAST leave NND out of it?
To be fair to these criminals, I don't think they had a choice as:
>"It took some time, because of the language, to figure out that Kadokawa subsidiaries' networks were connected to each other; and to get through all the mess Kadokawa's IT department made there. We have discovered that Kadokawa networks architecture was not organized properly...."

It's bit hard to read as it's kinda ESL, but it seems that the Blacksuits were surprised themselves that Kadokawa just has one control center managing the whole (or at least a huge part of) conglomerate without any protections in between. I think it was more easier for them to just fuck everything, and why not right? It's literally more extortion leverage for the same amount of work.

Like this anons said >>47174063, the Japanese are waaay out of touch of modern networking standards. This is not me defending the hackers by the way, but Japan has to get their shit together because right now it's like sheep going to the wolf's den (or as they say in Japan "a duck carrying the leek for a hot pot").
While it's not exactly out of the ordinary to manage an entire datacenter through vSphere... you really wanna make sure that the machines which can access it are locked down hard, as well as to make sure nobody can get access to the main Administrator account which has access to every single VM.
This is Japanese system engineering we're talking about though, so it's total ass.
>This is not me defending the hackers by the way, but Japan has to get their shit together because right now
And not like, you know, the REALLY think that Japan has to catch right now, globalization.
I'd even go further as to say it's not the sheep going to the wolfs den, but the sheep walking into a mountain known for wolves covered in blood and walking into the first cave it sees (with the stench of wolf piss and fur all around it). The fact, or at least "fact" as written on paper since these hacker types always love to play themselves up as bigger and better than they are, of the matter is that they managed to get in and stay in even after Kadokawa closed the network. Now i'm not a coder but generally speaking if your hackers are still able to access your network after it's closed, that means the rots already set in and instead of spending 3 days trying to block outside access you should instead just freeze the entire thing. Though the phrase
>our downloading scripts kept working even after [our hacking vector or downloading?] server's IP was blocked
is the most confusing part to me. I figured if an IP connection was refused there'd be no way to download through said IP connection, or maybe that's ESL for them saying Kadokawa's servers IPs were blocked?
>is the most confusing part to me. I figured if an IP connection was refused there'd be no way to download through said IP connection, or maybe that's ESL for them saying Kadokawa's servers IPs were blocked?
probably something like this
kadokawa blocked our (hacker) IP from accessing the server.
but it doesn't work because we set a script for the server to SEND their data to our IP so it doesn't matter if our IP can no longer access the network. and the hilarious thing is their security admins can't detect that data upload activity
They actually didn't do anything with Niconico and no credit card information were leaked.

It’s funny that they’re like “hey you’re so dogshit at what you do would you like any help”
So have the backed up all the video archives?
Or are they all gone?
It's on their dark web page. There's finally some coverage in English about this after they went public. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/blacksuit-ransomware-gang-claims-attack-on-kadokawa-corporation/
This is just the initial confirmed data, BlackSuit has claimed much more and I really don't have reason to doubt they are sitting on a lot. Kadokawa said they would provide more detail "by the end of July" but they're going to be pressed to say something quickly if the data drops July 1st like they threaten to.
bump for interest
>people reporting someone tried to breach their microsoft account using email used for niconico
etc etc
Luckily I made my NND account with a password I haven't used in a dozen years, so probably the only accounts that're at risk are like... I don't even know, Maplestory? Minecraft maybe?
Noone stores passwords as plain text anymore, not even technologically inept japs. Knowing just your email doesn't really pose any threat in itself, unless you have a really weak password that most email services nowadays won't even let you to use
I like it.
Honestly as long as you didn't use premium the hackers aren't even gonna bother with a nobody, Even if one had a credit card number on it there's like multiple fail safes that they have to go through it's just a waste of time.
At most is you getting more spam e-mails, or a scam calls if you had a phone-number/address on the account (which is honestly a the biggest threat for the senile elderly). At worst is someone pretending to be you, but it's a really niche case that it'll come back to you.
Even the two surviving posts in your list admit that people constantly try to break into Microsoft accounts outside of any data leak fears.
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now their negotiations with the hackers are getting leaked
And of course it's the russians since most of the world didn't hate them enough already. What a pain in the neck. I just want to use the MMD models.

"we are offering our help to make Kadokawa's network better"
And why is it that people obviously doing bad shit try to spin themselves as robin-hood style heroes when all they're doing is basically blackmailing some poor japs for unreasonable amounts of money, I doubt they barely even understand what the demands are.
A bunch of hohols and trannies isn't most of the world
That was over a week ago, we knew it was BlackSuit well before they publicly took credit.
Here's the video for reference. Take it with a grain of salt, but if it's true it means that this is basically a no-win scenario for Kadokawa. And of course, NND has to get caught in the crossfire.
Honestly, as much as the Japanese media themselves shill the "we are behind globalization" meme, Japan already was heavily globalized by the late 90's.
The big 3 major auto corps all had foreign factories by the late 90's, and still are able to keep top market share of around 19% (Toyota+Honda+Nissan). As well as small manufacturers able to supply critical parts in their own niche.
Service Industry is shilling to everyone who wants to visit or go into the Japanese market.
Even the anime industry who were slow to this are now, generally, able to catch up with the global market (although the competition is higher).
So it's not really globalization per say that Japan is lagging behind, rather a majority people (especially politicians) do not understand what that entails aside from very few competent worldwary people; and to be fair that's not just Japan's problem, but a lot of countries. The boomers there are more willing to sniff the "good ol' days" copium, rather than to have some sacrifices to lubricate the post-bubble economy.
it's joever
>to be fair that's not just Japan's problem, but a lot of countries
fair point
There's also the matter of the better half of SEA and the Western world they ticked off the moment they started openly petitioning to China for aid.
>not even pre-google youtube was that bad
As opposed to post-google youtube, where there's immense intentional slowdown if you dare use so much as one single adblocker?
Can an archival team please just scrape the entire website (not just the vids, but all the artwork, livestreams, etc)? It's bad enough we lost everything on geocities.jp, and most recently all of the BBSes hosted on teacup
If you're still using AdBlock in 2024 you deserve to be taken for a retard by websites, because you are a retard. Same if you're using any other good adblocker without any scripts that specifically avoid that nonsense. If you wanna get mad about a recent Youtube issue, get mad about the Youtube search feature becoming completely unusable by forcing a dozen different results such as recommended for you or viewers also like in the middle of your specific search parameters.
yt's search engine was always dogshit. If you want to find something specific, use quotation marks
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Except that also doesn't work. Let's just make up a random example, if I look up "Dark Souls 3 Int Build" I'd get about 5 videos for that specifically, then a "people also watched" for another 5 or so videos mostly about cheesing bosses or other builds with a single video about a hybrid Int build, then I get another 3 of people doing things with an int build, then I get a "For you" tab which gives me videos from my feed I might have missed that in this instance is only 3 videos but I've seen go on for about 5-6, then I get a previously watched tab for another 5 videos, then a couple of videos/streams with maybe 200 views about int builds. Then it ends. At roughly around 20 videos.

You and I both know there are not only 20 videos on Youtube about this particular subject. And on top of that it still doesn't change the fact that there shouldn't be a variety of different splits in the search engine about things that aren't related to your topic of choice in the first place. At most I could get a "people also searched" tab but when I see one of those scroll by, it's the horizontal scrolling bar akin to the main pages Shorts menu that's worthless for actually finding videos. For example I just threw in a random indie game I played the other day and got this midway through the search. I also have no idea why fucking Markiplier is there as I've never watched him once in my life?
just use invidious, problem solved
These fuckers deserve to have their fingers cut off, this is so sad.
Some people just want to see the world burn. What's really sad is that it seems like kadokawa actually DID pay them already, but they retracted the original offer with some excuse and are now asking for even more from them.

It's kind of surprising it took so long for something like this to happen, honestly. Japs are easily exploitable as evidenced by the fact they hurriedly paid the first ransom amount, these guys will probably try to fleece them for all they can.
Is there even anymore fleecing to do? It's the first, if they don't follow up on their threats then they have no more chips to play. Either they're going to release it or they aren't, Kadokawa paying anymore money won't change that.
>July 1st D-day
>nothing burger happened
The video data itself seems to be fine as it was on a non-Kadokawa cloud, so some data center not on Japan probably. Would the new system (the so-called ":RE") made by the IT staff at Nico be able to read 15 year old (some of them flash-based) videos? Now that's a different and worrying story knowing how competent they are...
It's still technically July 1st in Japan.
And also russia where apparently the hackers are from.
It's already July 2 in Japan. Looks like nothing happened.
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Time's up. Data is starting to come out.
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キタ━━━━━━━━( ・∀・)━━━━━━━━!!!!
there's absolutely nothing interesting in there
I'm feeling sleepy. let's go back to sleep, bros
Everything isn't even uploaded yet, people are making some hasty claims. There is for sure personal information about streamers in there that could be damaging.
>a non-Kadokawa cloud, so some data center not on Japan probably
It's AWS, they even gave a big talk about it at AWS Summit a week or so ago.
This kind of feels like watching history going down. I wonder how big of an impact this is going to have on the future, I imagine Kadokawa's headquarters must be in a state of meltdown right now. And going by >>47210267 it looks like they were in a bad spot even before the hackers. Curious to see what the long term repercussions of this are going to wind up being, if the leaked data isn't too damning maybe they can still bounce back, but otherwise this will probably blow up even more than it already has if it ends up doxxing some famous vtubers or something.
Of course nothing interesting would be there, the only thing anyone here would care about relates to NND but there's nothing important about it we don't know. I don't give a fuck about a buncha employees names, all I care about is if NND is coming back up or not.
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What happened?
The reputational damage is definitely much bigger than whatever is going to be leaked here, but Kadokawa is also fucking huge, so it'd take a lot to topple it. It doesn't seem like the data leaked here is going to be as catastrophic as people thought it could be. My read right now would be we're going to see more leadership shakeup and everything under the Dwango banner (Nico specifcally) might struggle to justify having more resources put towards it. If you believe their latest announcements, they should pretty much be back to normal on publishing this month. Still a good opportunity to short them.
Do dumb motherfuckers like you know how to read the thread?
So who did it? Was it an inside job? NK hackers?
Calm your tits
> It doesn't seem like the data leaked here is going to be as catastrophic as people thought it could be.
They only leaked 100 GB out of the 1.5 TB so far.
I stand by the characterization still. Everything we see indicates that a Windows workstation was compromised, not something like database dumps that would expose general user information. Some people, like streamers and N High School students, probably got exposed. That's still way less dramatic than what people have hyped up. 1.5 TB is amazingly paltry for a breach this big, even if it's mostly text data.
Figures as much as everyone does it.
1) The don't actually have 1.5TB and bluffing for more money by threatening to release more.
2) They do have 1.5TB and threatening to release more if the don't get paid.

It doesn't really matter because the end result is them still trying to get more money from Kadokawa. It's not like they back down strategically anytime soon.
So anything interesting get leaked?
Unannounced games/anime/projects?
Famous vtubers?

Or is it just a bunch of business documents and personal information on some salarymen that the average person cares nothing about?
Mai Kadowaki address and a niji
Only interesting info for psychopathic jap stalkers
>and a niji
There's hundreds of them, one of the actually famous ones or a no name?
Everything is getting ransomware these days
I dont know her so no name
Apparently they found Shinzo Abe's bank account info lmao
Got it, thanks for the info.
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If you want to hire Tomino to give a Q&A about Gundam, some high school only had to pay him like $750 to come.
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Summary of the leak
Pretty much all of it is only going to be interesting to terminally online Japs.

They also keep blaming some guy named Nakamura who works at Kadokawa or a subsidiary as the person's PC that was ransomwared in the first place.

Anyone hoping for a big Hololive/Nijisanji/VSPO leak is going to be disappointed. Any documents that dealt with them used the corps as middle men so the only names/addresses are for the corp as a whole.
The throngs of small independents that got leaked don't have that luxury though.
Many of the NND holos were there before the corp even existed though
is there a torrent of the leaked files yet?
>They also keep blaming some guy named Nakamura who works at Kadokawa or a subsidiary as the person's PC that was ransomwared in the first place.

>Anyone hoping for a big Hololive/Nijisanji/VSPO leak is going to be disappointed. Any documents that dealt with them used the corps as middle men so the only names/addresses are for the corp as a whole.
iirc, there are small vtuber who later got recruited into big agency as well right?
these leaks dont seem to go that back in the past, best you can hope is if they remained active in NND with their old account
I think the leaks of the vtubers in this are from recent-ish documents. So nothing that'd be far back enough to capture the old accounts of current Holo members
Otherwise these dudes in this Jap thread would've immediately figured that out since their old NND accounts are basically common knowledge already.
They're on some onion site, I'm not going to bother geting them because it's like 800GB
I have no idea, some of the Japs were also out of the loop and confused on who this guy is.
They kept referring to him as "中村"、"ナカムラ"、and "nakamura" which are all super generic ways to type the name so I'm guessing it's just some random officer worker.
They were saying stuff like "this guy is probably afraid to show back up to work"
I assume they found files with his name all over the place in the leak and figured this is the guy.
Yeah that seems to be the case, it would have to be someone still active or from a recent gen that was on NND before
good, I was actually worried about it impacting my oshi but it looks like it will be fine
>Any documents that dealt with them used the corps as middle men so the only names/addresses are for the corp as a whole.
Not a vtuberfag but that's an interesting insurance policy if stuff ever gets leaked, I wonder if that's done intentionally for when stuff like this happens or if it's just an unintentional beneficial side-effect of being contracted.
That's pretty typical for any talent agency, it's not like the individual talents are the ones negotiating contracts.
>the person's PC that was ransomwared in the first place
I wonder how he/she was phished if it was true...
>Anyone hoping for a big Hololive/Nijisanji/VSPO leak is going to be disappointed.
I wasn't even thinking about vshits but now I'm sad they aren't getting publicly named and shamed.
>Anyone hoping for a big Hololive/Nijisanji/VSPO leak is going to be disappointed.
there's already one from There's already one from hololive >>47225526
Good, hopefully the rest of them get got and you fags can keep crying about it in your general. We're talking about NND, vtumors have no place here and you fucks need to stop trying to shift the thread into irrelevant e-whores.
that's not a torrent
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It is strange how the discussion shifted away from the loss of NND and years of culture into people frothing at the mouth to find their favorite e-girl's address, but admittedly not really much else people can talk about on the topic anymore now that stuffs getting leaked and the topics bound to change one way or another. Truth be told I don't particularly care about any of that beyond maybe laughing at the few names from Kadokawa that worked on post S1 Kemofure getting their shit shoved in, but the most important part is I just wanna know if NND will come back up or not and if somehow we can get back to business as normal. Which I already know we won't but I wouldn't still be on this board in 2024 if I weren't at least slightly delusional.
Actually, another good thing to come from this would be the remaining people still on NND deciding to start mirroring their stuff on Youtube. Which is a decision that should've been made by most like a decade ago but at least their hands are getting forced now, I guess? Since I imagine even long-gone creators are coming back once they hear the news of their card potentially being leaked.
Dwango has been in contact with Yajuu-senpai?
syamu's doxx information was leaked?
Karasawa (the famous japanese internet lawyer) bank account details have leaked (more fuel for the koushinites)
The real names, addresses, and payment details of voice actors have been leaked.
Kenmomen found and superchatted to Abe Shinzo’s support group's bank account.
N High School students' lists, grades, and future school destinations have leaked.
Resumes from people who applied for jobs in the 2000s have leaked.
Employees' family information (dependents) has leaked.
Individual viewing histories and credit card information have been confirmed leaked—important to all netizens.
Only half of the total 800GB of data has been released, so a second wave is expected.
daisuke watanabe's full doxx information?
paychecks for the Nico Nico Superconference were leaked out and it turned out that Hiroyuki was paid 2 million yen 3x more than the 2nd person's payment on that list. (Why is his payment this high?)

Around April, Nakamura copied the personal information of N High School students from a separate server to his personal folder on the server (perhaps for work efficiency?).
In a normal company, this data should have been deleted, but it was left as is.
In June, a vulnerability was discovered and exploited, leading to infection with ransomware. Data related to Kadokawa, including NicoNico, was stolen by hackers.
After confirming the stolen data, the hackers demanded a high ransom by July 1, believing they could succeed.
Kadokawa determined that the data did not include personal information of N High School students or NicoNico users and refused to pay.
Since the ransom was not paid by July 1, the hackers who planted the ransomware released the information on July 2.
Personal information of N High School students was found in Nakamura’s folder.

Yeah and where will all of the more explicit stuff go exactly? There is a big separation of culture between Nico Nico Douga and Youtube users. They don't want to mix with each other.
They'd get edits, mostly. I've seen more than a handful of New Years Dreams and the Gachimuchi Festivals get censored versions on Youtube and rehosted elsewhere, though I think last years for the latter was a bit scuffed and had it be a torrent for a month or two. But even then that's a subset of a subset of the amount of content in NND that could easily just be reposted to Youtube.
>credit card information [has] been confirmed leaked
Well, it's been years since I last had premium, but I may as well play it safe...
Fuck me. Does this mean I have to scrap that credit card that I was using for premium and get a new one?
For safe measure you can (and for the best you should) deactivate it and most companies will send you a replacement. Granted them actually using it is probably is very low, as most companies will have several multiple safe guards and the risk is higher for the criminals to be identified. That being said if you don't want to take the risk, and make the criminals lives harder you should.
Pretty sure if your credit card number is or you believe it to be in a data leak you can just cancel it and get a new one with no issues, but frankly even if there was an issue or hit to a credit score it'd be worth it just so you don't have to deal with arguing for a potential fraud claim however many days/months/years down the line.
What about Paypal?
Not that anon but I remember using Paypal for the monthly payment.
Paypal is fine, they can't charge more than you authorized and you can easily cancel/refund too.
Sorry, the only thing I know about Paypal is that my artist friends fucking hated it being the only payment processor for years. No idea what you'd do in the case of a credit card leaking, but if it's any consolation you can take your time and figure it out since it's incredibly unlikely if that was leaked the folks on Teh Dark Webz would go after you first. Unless your Paypal account is something like aaaaaaab and it'd be at the top of any list. Point is you can take a couple days of research though I'd still recommend trying to figure out what the proper course of action is ASAP.


I mean it depends on how Nico or Paypal did the transaction, and that we don't really know without looking at the data. I'm pretty sure it's not stupid like giving Nico the Paypal address with password or something like that (which defeats the whole entire purpose).

Honestly Paypal is pretty shit on keeping data FYI, as they had multiple leaks and even selling of data. Like they already had a leak in December 2022, so if anything would of happened to you probably it already did.
Just in case anyone's curious. Type in your e-mail address, and you can see data breaches that's associated with that e-mail. If you are associated, at the very least change your password.

>syamu's doxx information was leaked?
might be old, i think i've seen the pic before
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>Kadokawa determined that the data did not include personal information of N High School students or NicoNico users and refused to pay.
Great job, retards. Did the hackers really not make it clear that they actually had the stuff or was Kadokawa just bullshitting?
from twitter sauces, so far only half of 1,5 TB are done uploaded
Jfc anon pls tell me you have 2FA
One thing is to be sure is that BlackSuit is not above doing anything for money, as they did ransom a whole school district in USA, Georgia in 2023.

I hope there's more than one person with the name Nakamura working there
even if there are multiple nakamura, there can be only one related with N high school data. detail here >>47226511
just post normal xitter links instead of this captcha bullshit
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>Individual viewing histories and credit card information have been confirmed leaked—important to all netizens.
you're missing a very important word here - "not"
I think it means not verified as in we still don't know yet...?
It means people looked and didn't find it.
After this many hours, you can consider yourselves safe.
There's 1.5 TB of TEXT data on a onion link that barely loads in my browser (I am unsure if its as slow for everybody else), and I am unsure whether everything has been released yet of that 1.5 TB of data or only half of it. I'd still rather keep an eye out as maybe they're keeping that for the last...
Also I think it's rather shameful for Dwango to tweet out an official statement at this point saying that the information leaked by users from Blacksuit's website might be completely fabricated.
>Currently, in collaboration with external experts, we are verifying the leaked data to determine whose information was compromised and what specific information was leaked. At this point in our investigation, we have not yet identified the scope of the leaked information. Some of the information rumored to have been leaked online may be fake or fabricated, and we are cross-referencing with internal records to determine the actual data leaked.
This is standard boilerplate for any leak like this. You don't want to make huge claims, like viewing history and credit card data being leaked, just to throw people into a panic, especially as it's likely not everything has been posted yet. Never mind people like >>47226511 badly translating a bunch of posts probably using MTL and getting half of what the people chasing the juiciest details said wrong.
>TEXT data
There's a lot of random junk in there. I found a Splatoon trailer.
The nakamura guy was found watching gay porn and torrenting an eroge when the hacking started
Are you talking about watching gay porn or watching "gay porn"? Because with how god awful the translations are in this thread I'm expecting you to not fully understand one of the two things he could've been watching, though not that it truly matters.
he's probably talking about inmu
I know. That's why I felt the need to clarify because if someone in this thread doesn't know what Inmu is, he shouldn't be posting in it.

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