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where is it?
Who’s Sakuya?
Anon I don’t think there’s any character called Sakuya here. Maybe you are hallucinating?
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I'm Sakuya
Sakuya is changing my NEET Pichuuns at the moment, please wait a while until she's ready to post on /jp/ again. I had a pretty messy day today so she's got a lot of wiping to do.
t. Koishi
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Why is everyone ITT talking about some "Sakuya".
Shut up and post some battle maids already.
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Guys, I've eaten "Sakuya"'s food and I'm not feeling very well... I might need to go visit Eirin...
Okuu meido drives me crazy
I love this elegant and sassy meido. Do you think I'd need permission from Remilia before courting her maid? Perhaps she'll want to know my character and quality of my bloodline before she lets me near her prized thoroughbred human servant.
that poor meido is starving!
she better take a few pounds
Remilia would never allow someone to court her meido
So if thats how Sakuya goes around, why doesnt she just kills her targets while they are time stunned?
You look like this irl
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Either Remi doesn't think the suitor is good enough for Sakuya, or he's so good that she snatches him up for herself!

Poor lonely meido!
I vaguely recall something about knifes just straight up shattering on impact if used in stopped time, but I might be hallucinating information from years ago
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I sure enjoy silver haired dorks
>flesh fang
Zun should have kept the glasses
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Dumb flat maid that can't do paizuri
Boobs would get in the way of fucking her on every table in the SDM, you have much to learn young padawan.
Why Yumeko is superior
Girls annoyed by their huge bazoongas getting in the way is hot though
A maid without panties!? How indecent.
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Has Sakuya lost here appeal?
The last one lasted nearly 100 days,isn't that enough for you?
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No matter how she moves, you can't see.
She has, her thread lasted nearly 100 days >>47189827 and consisted mostly of imagine dumping. Kaguya for example had 2 and a half threads during the same period of time and those were filled with discussions.

People have lost passion for Sakuya
Can't believe /JayPee/ is gay nowadays
Getting drunk with Sakuya and making mistakes in the heat of passion leading to both of us being uncomfortable and awkward around eachother!!!
Sakuya getting drunk and forcing herself onto you in the most disgraceful and slutty way possible, screaming so loud that Meiling asks her if she had fun over breakfast the next morning!
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always has been
What, don't tell me you actually believe all this time those otome-ge threads were filled up with fujo, do ya?
where is the dick
Cute confused maido

Wonder what made her have this kind of expression
It's the morning after >>47194887
Sakuya has the biggest ass among SDM members, doesn't she?
A shame that there's not enough anal hentai of her
How are you supposed to save the Izayoi bloodline like that?
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We had this talk in the last thread. Anal is inelegant.
I don't think Sakuya can actually give birth considering that it's implied she can't age as a result of her time powers and therefore probably any fetus inside of her wouldn't grow at all
that sounds... kinda fucked up
Not enough to dissuade me sophist.
Even if this was true, she could always use her time powers to restart her aging processes to allow for a pregnancy.
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You bet she does.
>braids coming from behind
Stable Diffusion apparently.
Sakuya asserting her dominance over the new butler...
Or so she dreams, truth is that no human is ever going to work at the Scarlet Devil Mansion because nobody's self-esteem is low enough to serve a bratty vampire.
I'm sure the SDM is an attractive place to work at
I will still try again and again while holding her hand and telling her how much I love her.
Anon is one dedicated man

No that I blame you, I'd do the same.
This dumb maid sure is cute
The cutest
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The funniest touhou character
Sakuya "Ordinary comedian" Izayoi
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Sakuya is a lunarian
Cute and funny you say?
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More like Trollkuya. Now get outta my store.
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I wonder how she feel about the fact that no-one ever laughs at her jokes
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The two already knew it was corny.
image dumps are not good and they are always one single fag, you can instantly guess the quality of a thread from looking at the post/file ratio
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Sakuya is not a dog!!!
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>The funniest touhou character
The comedy in question:
baste meido
To be fair, you need a very high iq to understand meido humor
That tracks with the manga panels posted.
To be fair, I think Sanae was the only one who actually had any idea about the 'scientific term' oxygen, as the the other three appeared representative of more archaic mind-sets. They probably wouldn't know much about gas or electricity either for that matter.
Not that anyone sane would go after Sakuya
Guess I'm not sane then.
Well her only competition are a bunch of dumb fairies so it's kinda easy to get athat titel
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>athat titel
You shouldn't talk.
Don't be mean anon, it's quite the shock to suddenly have your tongue removed from your mouth mid-sentence
She has, dispite being the characters who has appeared in the most media after Reimu and Marisa

How pathetic
She has not. Character interest is purely cyclical, even forgotten nobodies like Kaguya or Letty can become a roaring topic if enough moods align around that singular point at a given time.
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The Maido has superior intelligence
I really doubt Sakuya actually knew they were still within the atmosphere (or dimensional portal)
Well she said she "thinks", not that she knew 100% but notice the 3 manpu lines, indicating that she just now notices something before opening the window.
I think Sakuya just has really good intuition in regards to most situations as things still seem to work out, just not sure how she gets it. Repressed memories was one theory I had.
If you remember correctly ssib showed that the barrier never actually breaks meaningfully between the moon and gensokyo, you never leave the upper atmosphere in practice. It makes sense Sakuya was confused at there being air outside since she never saw the void and I doubt she had a traditional education.
Girls are cute when they are a little bit retarded
I never noticed but PCB Sakuya doesn't have her braids
I wonder what other type of excuse she has in store

I remember she wanted to buy broken cups from Rinnosuke to replace the cups Remilia broke because Remilia said to buy cups "just like these"
She was clowning on Remi, she wasn't really gonna buy them. She just wanted to put on a show that she could 'reverse' the damage that was done, using the cups she found that Marisa originally broke.
Which Sakuya later wrote a letter of apology to Rinnosuke for playing with his merchandise.
Why is Youmu being so smug?
I become smug too when I get drunk, or maybe just happy
She genuinely makes me laugh so she's the best
Why was Sakuya's red eyes retconned?
Maybe because red eyes make her seem inhumane?
Blue, Grey, and Red
This girl cant decide which one to choose
Not even Eirin can save you from what you just ate at this point anon
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Chuuni Sakuya who wears coloured contacts to feel special...
I can see it actually being Remilia who made her do that to look more cool
Doesn't her ability to manipulate time already make her special?
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Just Sakuya being Sakuya already makes her special.
Yes yes Sakuya is "special", very very "spacial"
Such arrogance...
Nothing wrong with actually expressing confidence as opposed to the fake modesty you often see with the servant archetype.
Remilia should buy herself a better sense of humour
you can marry Sakuya but Remi keeps your firstborn and can do whatever she wants to it y/n?
I do it and call that edgelord's bluff that she wouldn't get all moe over it.
she's the the replacement now that Sakuya's gonna live the married life
Does anyone in the household even know how babies are made?!
Turns out she's invoking the right of the first night and that's how she gets that firstborn.
I'm pretty sure Sakuya wouldn't be opposed to that.
I think Sakuya actually replied to her patronizingly, with Remi thinking she was cute/clever using the moon as a reference to Ran visiting the month before. The defeated look on her face the corresponding panel is priceless.
... Eh, I guess that's fair enough. Can't win them all.
I hope her cunny doesn't crush my dick for the day after though.
Definitely not on you
It wouldn't surprise me if that were the case

If I remember correctly Sakuya told Remilia to lean what a Maid is when ordered to look into how rockets are made in one of the endings in Imperishable Night
How barbaric and selfish of Remilia

Can't she just find herself a husband instead of resorting to these incel behaviours?
I doubt Eiki will be happy about it once I die so no
Eiki can kiss my ass.
anon, are you or anyone in the Masion Mahayana Buddhist??. i think not.
if you are, you're entitled to legal compensation. contact your local shrine maiden for more information
I like her scarf, it looks really good on her. Although I doubt it will help much against the cold when HER FUCKING LEGS ARE COMPLETELY EXPOSED

God fucking dammit, do people in Gensokyo not understand how clothes work?!
Proper maids' legs don't get affected by the cold. It's common knowledge.
Sakuya's thread cannot die so early!!!
To be fair, Japanese, especially school girls during the winter, probably don't understand how clothes work either.
This dumb maid cant keep her thread alive
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you wouldn't peek on her while she's changing, would you anon?
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I would never.
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I-I would never!
Sakuya-san dressing up in a warm winter morning after viciously, mercilessly, passionately and lovingly having her way with me the previous night on room 221!
the pay is good
Does Sakuya even get paid? I know the fairies don't
Getting to dress Remilia every morning is its own reward.
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time power is very convenient

Fucking titless bitch.
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Only tender kisses for the elegant maid
>having her way with me
It wasn't consensual, was it?
What's she doing with her hand then?
Consent is a very serious thing, and the 'kuya is a known jokester!
Can you say no to Sakuya?
She could've just asked, it's not like I would refuse
Canonically she IS busty, it's the fanon that autistically forces her into flatfaggotory fetish shit.
I would.
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Maid stuff, you know the job
Sakuya gets turned in when it's not consensual, it's her fetish

She embodies the stereotype people have about those who can stop time
Good, naizuri is better.
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Sakuya will try her best with what she got at anything and she will look cool while doing it.
>the 'kuya is a known jokester!
Only within the fandom, people in Gensokyo genuinely believe she's being serious
The freaky flying maid coming at them at high speeds may affect their perceptions
How do I get in the position where this "maid stuff" happens to me?
the scarlet devil mansion is always looking for workers, anon.
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First you gotta learn the job.
But be warned that is a tough job.
Sakuya would molest Remi when she's sleeping. Why else do you think she sticks around?
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If Sakuya were in a band, she'd play drums or guitar
I have more faith she'd play the bass or triangle, and if she's feeling gnarly, maybe the pipes, but not the scottish one though.
I can see the triangle because Sakuya seems good at keeping time, but I think Youmu would go on bass and I can only see Reimu would go on a wind instrument
If there were others 2hus in the band then Reimu would go well with a light and fun instrument.
Whoever it wouldn't really fit with Sakuya's hardcore rock'n'triangle.
It could be a Jazz AND rock band
Nonsense, she'd either go harpsichord or organ, just to be special, like the special little sakuya she is
happy sleeping
SDM Band, featuring:
Koakuma on Drums
Patchouli on Triangle
Sakuya on Bass
Meiling on Bagpipes
and Reimilia on Saxophone
Flandre not invited.
Do they stand a chance against the Prismrivers?
they do have an explosive sound
>Meiling on Bagpipes
scottish meiling my beloved
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She'd be a huge fan of AC/DC
Did she tell you that herself anon?
Because I am afraid to tell you that in Sakuyaland that means she is going to tase you with a 12V car battery charger.
I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you this, but I really think you should know.
Not Iron Maid-en?
Strangling Sakuya with jumper cables...
Both, probably
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Cleaning after a big spaghetti mess
the ultimate working with Sakuya experience
constantly trying to injure each other but everyone else in the mansion thinks were getting along really well
Sounds like it could be a funny series of animated shorts
maid vs butler
and she would win everytime and in the last episode she gets completely outplayed but the sdm explodes
guys I don't think the 'ya is joking, I think she's just dumb
>I think
Exactly, you don't know. No one really knows.
I wonder how that Spaghetti would taste...
depends on if she was cooking for herself or her mistresses, unless she's a cannibal on top of being a butcherer of humans
Isn't Remilia stated to drink very little blood? I'd really doubt that she'd ask for full on human spaghetti, maybe a little bit of blood combined with the tomatoes but I'd doubt any more
the easiest way to get Sakuya in bed is to laugh at her dumb jokes
That's only IF you'd be able to tell when she's joking, vs. actually being serious at your own risk.
>Isn't Remilia stated to drink very little blood?
i was under the impression that tea she drinks was stated to be mostly blood, at least sometimes
>I'd really doubt that she'd ask for full on human spaghetti
i was really just implying the meatballs would be made of "the other other white meat" and the tomato sauce would taste a little copper-y, like you said. i'd rather not imagine what "full on" human spaghetti would be like

it's curious that i've seen very little discussion on the fact that sakuya must surely butcher other humans for the vampires' food, if she truly is human as well i can't imagine that's exceptionally great for your mental health
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>sakuya must surely butcher other humans
Grimtard drivel. Use your brain anon, just once, please.
Vampire. Blood.
Where do you see human meat requirements?
>Where do you see human meat requirements?
where the fuck do you think the blood comes from, not like there's a massive network of villager bloodbanks in gensokyo that sakuya robs

remillia is a vampire, but she doesn't adhere to 100% of the traditional western vampire lore, so it's not insane to assume she physically eats human meat like other yokai in gensokyo do as well
Could Sakuya's time manipulation allow her to overpower a reality warper? Or is she not strong enough for that?
depends on if the reality warper can also control time, if they're just limited to space then she could possibly defeat them
it's worth noting that sakuya's only weapons are knives and that she can't really stab or slash someone when she freeze time, and if her target is durable enough to withstand knives then she's practically powerless against them
her time manipulation also isn't perfect, she can stop or slow down time, but she can't accelerate it or time travel in the past/future for example
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Anon, I know it must be hard for you, but please at least stick to canon. You're not in a grimsokyo thread. Behave.
Fact: Remilia drinks very little blood.
Do you understand the implication? Any human that 'donates' blood to her is very likely to survive. And it's smart to keep your blood-cows alive instead of killing them if you're in it for the long haul. It's just logical to keep the heart pumping and generating blood, and Remi is rich enough to just buy it if she needs it. And she drinks it, she's never stated to eat humans.
You can even see Sakuya asking Marisa if she came to SDM to be a blood doll, if you ever decide to stop being a secondary and play the games.
Next you're going to mention Flandre. She eats cakes and sweets made with blood. Not meat. Did you ever make a cake, anon? I can imagine replacing milk with blood, I can't imagine putting ground fucking meat into it.

Another thing. You see people dying in canon, but it's rare. RARE. It's like dying of natural causes even in real world, with all the medicinal advantages we've got. It's nowhere near what you'd need to feed the named population of youkai, not to mention all the generic ones and ones yet to be revealed.
There's also the whole Road of Liminality and Road of Reconsideration business implying even if you're suicidal(in other words, THE perfect youkai bait going into the heart of youkai activity), you're not guaranteed to die and you might find it in you to go back to your life.
Fact: Youkai feed on fear and emotions. As beings, they're especially strongly affected by belief, emotions, and feelings towards them. They don't eat human meat every day, most of them don't eat human meat ever. Some of them just can't.
And once again, it's smarter to keep your fear farm going and skimming the fear off the top instead of going full retard and killing things all day.

I know you're also going to argue against it all, but before you prove how stupid grimtards are once again, make sure you give us canon sources in your post. I'm tired of stupid secondaries taking edgy fancanons as gospel and I'm not interested in engaging with you any more beyond calling you out. Go to your dunce corner >>47274560 if you want to make more dumb posts like that.
She is capable of using other forms of attacks it's just that knives are her preferred weapon of choice, for her own idiosyncratic reasons, and she can accelerate time. Remember the bamboo shoots she ripened in seconds that usually take over half a centenary to grow?
Also I've honesty never seen where it was stated that she can't stab something suspended in time.
>she can't really stab
She can, she just doesn't because of danmaku rules. That's the point of touhou in the first place, dumbass.
And imagine seeing another time stopping threat, but just winning everything forever because her timestop isn't limited to 10 seconds. Wouldn't make for a good story. Or be as cute as a maid that's technically extremely powerful on paper but she uses her incredible powers to mainly dry the sheets faster and sweep the entire mansion at once.
Yeah I think it's more of a question that she avoids that due to the spell card rules which demand that an attack must be somehow avoidable and beautiful
If she wanted she definitely could stop time and murder you. But that's not beautiful
Her space manipulation is also much better than people give credit for since she manipulates the whole SDM.
>but just winning everything forever because her timestop isn't limited to 10 seconds
Lmao what drugs are you on? Sakuya's time manipulation isn't omnipotent you edgy kid, she obviously cannot win against someone who can just tank whatever knives she throw such as the likes of Tenshi and Yuugi.
Century*, goddamn auto-correct.
Tenshi sure, not so sure about Yuugi since they never fought. She fought Suika though and I'm sure the hides of oni aren't nearly as thick as celestials.
I never said it is, I said she could win every fight. Or she could at least avoid fights she doesn't want to take. But keep in mind she doesn't do it, since it wouldn't be fair and would go against danmaku rules.
She could get some beans in her timestop. She could grab Iku and bring her in front of Tenshi. The ability as described is OP, as long as you can think of a way to use it correctly, just like most other abilities in 2hu. And it's also why touhou doesn't really make for a good "serious" or edgy universe.
>you edgy kid
You're saying that after I pointed out that while canon Sakuya could stab people, she doesn't do it because it's not what touhou is about and she doesn't have reasons to do it.
What are you doing, Anon? Are you trying to accuse others of something you're caught doing?
how would a time manipulators pregnancy even work, like would it be part of her body and not be affected by it or would she have to be careful with her abilities as to not violently rip the fetus out of her body as she walks in stopped time
okay, here goes:

in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense, a book written by ZUN (in case you try to claim that's not canonical) there is an entry on vampires. in it, they say:

>Their main diet consists of the blood of humans. Those whose blood has been sucked by one will neither die nor become a ghost. They will turn into a zombie for a while before evaporating under the sunlight.

so, i was incorrect, the vampires, canonically, do not feast on the flesh of human beings, nor does sakuya have to implicitly butcher human meat for the vampires to eat.

later on, Perfect Memento goes on to say, when discussing the unseen vampire incident's resolution via contract,
>The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo.

why would they need humans from the outside world if the process of "feeding" wasn't destructive or otherwise deadly? why would there be a term stating that the vampires can't attack human villagers?

you saying this
>Any human that 'donates' blood to her is very likely to survive

proves to me that YOU don't know what you're talking about, yet you want to boogeyman any discussion of a part of canon that you don't like as being "grimsokyo", which i had never even heard of before.

all this disproves this idea that blood collection is done humanely - a vampire is not a blood bank, there's no point in them "humanely" extracting blood.

i don't think it's ever been established how sakuya obtains the blood that she cooks with, but someone who's subordinated to a vampire working in the name of her mistress has to handle preparing food for her - again, i was wrong, it's not literally human meat, but it is blood, and god knows how that gets into the kitchen.
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Your spacing sucks. Condense it, you don't need to hit enter twice.
>so, i was incorrect
Damn, I did NOT expect you to admit that you were even in part wrong. Still, shame on you for taking fanon as facts.
>why would they need humans from the outside world if the process of "feeding" wasn't destructive or otherwise deadly?
It's already been implied that direct feeding on humans is deadly, those people turn into ghouls and wither away(though it might be typical youkai overblowing their legend, it's not the first time this happened). And Sakuya prepares food for Remilia and Flandre, in the form of tea, sweets and such. And it's been implied that SDM keeps people around for feeding purposes.
If you can't connect the dots, then let me spell it out for you. We've never seen Remilia drink blood straight out of someone, leaving that person for dead, but we have seen her drink her special tea.
Get it? The way to circumvent the curse...? It's to drain the blood, presumably via a syringe to prepare that tea. Do you drain 6 or however many litres of blood a human has to make a cup of tea? No. This doesn't mean it has to be fatal in any capacity at all. In fact it would be wasteful to get rid of any contracted out human. Like I said in my previous post, you don't kill your milk cows because you're hungry right now.
>>Any human that 'donates' blood to her is very likely to survive
>proves to me that YOU don't know what you're talking about
Nah, this just proves you didn't give it any logical consideration, instead flocking to the single digit IQ take that every youkai kills at least one human every day when it's been repeatedly proven that youkai don't do that anymore, not even considering Reimu's and the others' threats. They need humans and their fear/belief more than ever before.
>"grimsokyo", which i had never even heard of before.
You're not serious, are you? Stop being a clown.
>all this disproves
It disproves nothing, you didn't back your point up. Nothing in canon even implies it's done in some cruel or murderous fashion, like I asked. You conceded that they don't eat meat, which is utterly retarded by the way, and then you pull cruelty for no reason out of your ass again. Not even the animalistic and "wild" youkai are cruel. Hell remember Kisume? She's supposedly one of the most anti-human youkai out there and the worst she did was throw some bones at kids to scare them, bones which she either cleaned up herself or were illusionary in nature by the way. Rumia? Who's retarded enough to keep her ball of darkness up during the day blindly flying into the trees? It's like they're avoiding killing or even hurting people on purpose.
I'm serious, go to that thread and hang out there. It's prepared specifically for midwits like you.
isn't there an official source that says that Flandre eats human meat?
>Your spacing sucks
He's a redditer.
I interpret her timestopping ability by Sakuya actually accessing different time dimensions that humans can normally not enter, making it 'Sakuya's world'.
This interpretation however, necessarily means that there has to be additional time dimensions aside from our normal 'going forward' one
what a nice thread filled with so much teaching and learning being done
could sakuya be a good teacher?
Depends at what, cooking? probably, sciences? definitely not
The quantum mechanics of housekeeping.
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I think she knew something about thorium decay products, so maybe?
Most of the SDM dialog, other than the endings, should be taken with a grain of salt, as it was mostly Zun 4thwall shitposting. How the heck would inhabitants of Gensokyo know about the Washington Convention anyway?
disregard the funny dialogue? why do you hate fun
I discovered the appeal of Sakuya just now.
That theory is interesting but it mostly just makes me wonder how she ended up in the SDM, the former vampire hunter one you can plot out quite easily, same with her being someone raised by Remilia.
I like the idea that they change in colours when she uses her time stop ability.
Never go into Patchy's room without a properly filtred mask, the smut she takes there...
Obviously a guitar, you can't have a maid without hard rock as Zun said.
you kind of ignored my other quotation from perfect memento, the one that specifies the terms of the contract that resolved the vampire incident. here it is again.
>The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo.
i am genuinely asking here, is this contract meant to apply to all yokai? the way it's phrased in the book implies they were singling out the vampires here, and specifically excluding human villagers from being preyed/fed upon and bringing the vampires/other yokai special humans from the outside world makes me think "feeding" is deadly, even if it is possible to extract blood humanely.
>It's to drain the blood, presumably via a syringe to prepare that tea. Do you drain 6 or however many litres of blood a human has to make a cup of tea? No. This doesn't mean it has to be fatal in any capacity at all. In fact it would be wasteful to get rid of any contracted out human. Like I said in my previous post, you don't kill your milk cows because you're hungry right now.
is there an actual canonical source for this practice? it makes sense, logically, and you could easily say whatever makes the most sense is what goes on, but we're talking about vampires here. is remillia a special case? she seems to suffer from all the usual weaknesses of vampires, again according to perfect memento.
i tried to make my post readable but overcorrected :(
poor sakuya. she works too hard, fell asleep standing up.
dumb maid lol
If I saw her like this I'd put my finger in her drooling retard mouth
Beautiful eyes.
What if she starts sucking on your finger, haha
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I wouldn't write her off as just being arrogant or conceited, like there's the narcissistic, "me, me, me!" power mad types like Remi and then there's just "ooh, you cheeky little shit!" types like Sakuya.
Most certainly she can be smug and tends to get rather mouthy but mostly done in a more flippant, playful manner, you can tell on the side of her work, she really like to tease and lark about which I think that's just how she vents.
What makes it even cooler she just doesn't afraid of anything no matter who's she's facing, even if it's disrespecting the likes of Yukari or Shiki. Guess to her they may as well be just another chore that needs to get cleaned up.
There really is just something more charming I find about her kind of confidence.
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Right on.
The Scarlet Devil Mansion's band would be a thing to see.
patchy starts dying five minutes in
Do any of you guys hear a motif from Luna Dial in loads of other songs?
Obviously there's cute devil, but I remember there being a few other times it shows up if you listen closely
I can totally see Remi deciding to form a band and making everyone go along with it
Hey if they let her stay sitting and no one starts smoking she'll be fine! probably...
They just don't get to say no.
I mean, the SDM isn't shown to particularly mind Remi's antics. Wanna go to the moon? Sure. Wanna bring all these goblins to live with us? Neat, we could use the help. Wanna kidnap a villager to make him your husband? Me too.
>Me too.
... so does this mean they all share one guy or...
You must (sexually) defeat each member of the mansion to get Remilia's hand in marriage
But what if I like her employees more?
Do I cash out at Hong and Sakuya for the dynamic duo harem of every man's dreams? Do I *have* to continue on with this?
So many questions, so little time...
Nobody canonically knows when Sakuya rests and sleeps so she's probably takes a nap, eats, bathes etc. in time stop to be more efficient
And "other things", don't forget.
She wouldn't be /ourmeido/ were she not a closet perv now, would she?
I wish I was the targed of Sakuya's "others things"
What If I wanted Sakuya instead? Or does getting Remilia mean I get all of the SDM as Mistresses?
Miss Izayoi I would like to apply for a job at the SDM, where to I send my resume?
The Gauntlet follows the same order as that of the EotSD:
And finally Remilia with Flan acting as a hidden boss who automatically activates once she hears her sister scream in pleasure.
This is probably where everyone stops. That little devil can't be beaten at her own game plus she's super addictive, more so then anything else the human world has to offer, so everyone loses their interest to continue on once they get a taste of Koakuma
Bold of you to assume I would want for more than china wife
I would persist through the lake, get past the gatekeeper, sneak through the librarian and go across all the fairies just so i could walk right up to the maid and try to give her a smooch before being frozen in time
If you beat everyone without using a continue Flan comes in Akuma style and makes Remi cum instantly before engaging you
Everyone who attempted to get Remilia's hand in marriage has had their way with your china wife while everyone past Koakuma has remained pure since overcoming that little devil is impossible.

tl;dr Koakuma and Meiling have been hogging all the sex for themselves leaving nothing for the rest of the SDM outside of some fairies but they don't count
That Micky isn't nearly hidden enough.
Just don't die, easy peasy
Sakuya must be courted, she's not some common harlot to be simply kissed just like that.
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How would you woo Sakuya? With a bottle of French champagne? One that has always been celebrated for its excellence?
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give her delicious food and laugh at her dumb jokes
It's not really "jokes" as it is like that jovial, situational play-on-words, friendly trolling Japanese do.
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Where did Remilia's hat go?
Marisa took it, and Sakuya is aiming at her right now.
wouldn't the explosion coming out of the barrel incinerate her face off?
shell be fine
Just a prank, bro
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that's what a joke is
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It'll grow back

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