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Last >>47193285

"Reimu" Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
What's an Era Game and why should I care?
plap sleigh simple as
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Humiliate the maidens
Put the maidens in their place
And Soul Hackers storyline isn't even finished.

Then why imposing such stupid restrictions?
Obviously as an additions to EraMegaten.

What IS the point of having an Assistant?
Remind me again why we're getting an ESL to write new dialogue for Kutaka instead of just translating her existing one?
Because they're the Frost Five, so they get exactly 55 HP and 555 MP.
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I'm going to kill you now.
Stop defending such shitty designs.
do shithus even get translated? theres your answer
Eternity Larva is translated
It's good design though. The entire point is they get resistances no one else is allowed to have in exchange. You get to be immune to everything other than almighty and piercing in exchange for spontaneously exploding if those touch you.
Well if it's added, and it's shit, then that will encourage people to translate kutaka to get better chicken
And if it isn't shit, no harm done
>It's good design though
No, it's stupid. I won't budge on this. At best, this is a design, which is like saying bread is bread. You have dozens of demons with gimmicks, with much more freedom in making them.
And it's funny, because EraMegaten is precisely about freedom, so you can stuff that kind of arguments.
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Sorry anon, but you aren't getting your completely immortal demon unless you mod it in yourself.
>ESL Post
>completely immortal demon
...I literally made a post about how, even with Life Bonus, Surge, and Spring, he wouldn't even go beyond the 200HP. And I don't think putting even putting every stat point points into END would help that much.

My problem isn't that it isn't immortal, my problem is the needless nagging on the dev's part.
How much Agility is enough Agility for Haru/Diva?
Depends on what route you are doing. Take the SMT1 hero fight, you need in the 70s-80s to consistently outspeed the other side. Most don't need anywhere near that though. Really just toss a few points she starts to not go first as needed.
That reimu looks weird
Yeah but when you are against at max level foe, and you yourself are max at max level, you just can't say "Let' level up for some points in AGI".
I mean mag enhancement and incenses exist. But if you don't want to use those then just toss a point or two in every level to be safe.
I'd say she is to dye for.
>I mean mag enhancement
I always forget about them. You can throw ten points before it become too pricey to be viable.

Incenses on the other hand, are rare as steak.
But yeah I'm asking, when should I stop putting point into AGI, and when should I put point into MAG so she can cast.
...She is gonna be so frail tho.
She's begging you to impregnate her anon, you have to do so in a few hours
I'd just put a point every level until you hit the 80s and everything else split between ma and end.
Serious? Wouldn't that make her too frail to take hits and with not enough MP to cast her songs?
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Imagine making a game where bitches can roam free. Couldnt be me
Depends on what you consider too frail. For me hitting the 50s with en is usually enough for most things and that's easily attainable.
80 in Agi, 50 in End, the rest in Mag...
And honestly 80 agi is just if you want to be sure, you can get by with less in most things. It's just a few outliers that are super fast. If you aren't doing the harder routes or fights you can leave it much lower.
Probably going to end up keeping it at 50.
How are the stats in higher difficulties?
Does incense stat gains on humans carry on in NG+ cycles, or do they exist purely to be used within that run? Because I tend to forget they exist, and I only just realised that they have the [Uninheritable] tag so can't be brought into new NG+ cycles.

I do know that the demons registered in the compendium with them do 'carry on', since it does warn you about the increased cost to summon them.
No they don't sadly, every characters, humans or demons, that you bring in NG+ lose their levels and stats. Hope you got the Key of Norn to help.
Which kind of make sense, since you can buy them at the store for Macca.
anybody else theming their eramegaten playthroughs to pretend you can be encountered in other playthroughs?

1st run: sraosha - mantra - cathedral law ending
2nd: alice - first slave training ending
3rd: shionyan from dx2 - idol
4th: akechi - persona user - p2 IS ending
5th: baal - mantra - harder slave training ending
(you can't make your MC a party member on NG+ unless they're a half demon, so this is a way to cope unless you leave yourself souvenirs with fallen demons)
Interesting concept.
Since you can bring your old character as a new (I assume 'random') character if on NG+ you choose to not bring over your talents and experience, you could probably create a party of Expert (You)'s to break the game and ignore anything else exists. After all, the only one who truly knows (You) best is (You).
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So uhhh.
What should I trade the Pure Amethyst for? The wiki told me I should trade it for Ares' necklace, but it seems like the other items could be useful later one? The page is a bit empty. And where is Hinokagutsuchi? The demon told me it was in Bien, but I can't find it.
Ah good old megaten 1 bullshittery
Personally I just follow the guide due to how obtuse everything is
So uhh, it's copy paste of MT, and I should look at the guide for MT?
You need to have the tiny demon in the bottle from Seth's area to get to the hidden passage.
So it's after Loki?
It's what I did
Did it work?
Mostly, I think I still got stuck on the gem puzzle
Since you can't even read the OP, it's not something you should care about.
How are you supposed to use Devil Shifters
you can change your transformation settings so you're human on world map and auto shift for combat or vice versa but really it's kind of like persona users except your resistances get changed and you are more limited in comparison and your human form is weaker but it's less stressful to play
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i think i'm starting to get the hang of it. I ended up trying Harajuku & it went extremely well. Grinded for a long-ass while because all of the cool-sounding fusions required multiple harpies which were frustratingly difficult to get and now have what appears to be a reasonably coherent demon harem dungeon party. front has strike/havoc/slash and have some good elemental coverage. Noon of day 2 & I've made my first payment and have 75k and a few humans from a few requests.
how do i get started building a restaurant/brothel/idol workforce & making macca? do I need to get EVERY npc I want to work to a fall state first? that seems time-intense for a semi-time limited game.
Iirc, you should also try to give your human form Gunslinger stats, ie, AGI, END.
And then there's >>47208211

Good to know. Don't forget to analyze them fully before fusing.

>how do i get started building a restaurant/brothel/idol workforce & making macca?
Bad news, you need to train characters and rack up stats, then send them off. Sure you can also send them as they are but the lack of EXP will hurt them (and you)
I'm at day 42, and I still haven't unlocked restaurant and brothel.
It will only be time intense while you train MC's skills and get to know the system. Besides, you have more timeslots than things to do daily, mostly, so you have more than enough time to train. Working state is easier than fall, but they're not too far from each other.
>do I need to get EVERY npc I want to work to a fall state first?
Some can be put into the restaurant without needing to fall, but for most of them yeah. You can turn on non-training trust fall tho
They can do single or continued actions at the same time as you, like holding a camera or facefucking someone while you fuck them normally. If you and your assistant both have dicks, it also opens up threesome actions. I THINK that there are also threesome actions for both you and your assistant being female, but I may be mixing it up with AkumaMaid or SQN in that case. There's also a few talents like [Treatment] or [Youko] that has your assistant give passive bonuses just by being present.

As a side question of my own, does anyone know what the full transformation in the petit demo shop actually does? Does it actually change your class to half demon?
>how do i get started building a restaurant/brothel/idol workforce & making macca?
That stuff is all located in Work/Sale/Management in the home menu.
>do I need to get EVERY npc I want to work to a fall state first?
No, at least not for restaurant work, but it helps a lot. It's best you get a lot of EXP for the jobs you want before you put anyone to work so that the gain for Macca is actually good.
Performing concerts as an idol can only be done at night btw.
found the wiki pages for the jobs... it seems like brothel's actually easier to get.
6 of obedience+servicing+cooking (idk how to get initial housework exp for cooking 1 though) for restaurant vs. 7 of desire+technique+exhibitionism
Keep in mind that Brothel make you go bad and restaurant good.

....still haven't unlocked them.
I never seen it, but it may be because I didn't saw the option, it's almost impossible to find yourself in that menu, even if you toggle off the options to hide actions.

>If you and your assistant both have dicks, it also opens up threesome actions
Ah yes, threesomes can only be made between two guy and one girl.
Weekly update:

- Pedy put Yuugi's jealousy events behind a toggle.

- Some more of Nagi's events got translated.
- Zeus from SMTV got added.
- Alice is now all translated (except the gloryhole events because they're mostly NTR).

- Some commands for MakaiRanch got translated.
- EraRL got an update.
- Strmesko and Namanicha are working on translating some of the era idle games.
- Maindev is officially dead. Namanicha is going to work on TW-LiG (a rewrite of a fork of TW in Python) instead.

- Egglaying and litters are almost done.
- Sleggy finished his MTL of Star. We're working on proofreading it.
>EraRL got an update
Never could figure out how to get off the flood in regards to H in that one. Couldn't figure out how I'm supposed to capture anyone and nothing ever tried to rape my MC despite that supposedly being a thing, so it was just an hour or two of me playing a normal roguelike.
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update: got waggy let's fucking go
Her signature skill is really good (Severe Water-element damage to all foes + chance to inflict Close) so I kept her as my healer/Water damager all the way to the end of my first run
Also good use of Mag Enhancement + Plugin leaves her with only one weakness
>Yuugi's jealousy events
Have we fallen ao far
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>Translated Star soon.
Guys stop, (You) dont know what you're doing.
It's not too late to come back.
It's especially bad because it's a fuckmonger who did it. It should be rejected by virtue of being from a dipshit.
>a fork of TW in Python
Oh shit, so someone had thought of it already.
Eat a shoe.
Total fairy translation when?
Whenever the devs review them, I guess. There's months-old MRs for Luna and Sunny.
Any way to get macca aside from brothel/concert/restaurant?
As it says, non-combatants can be forced in there. Affection/Love can be placed there easier (and is encouraged due to the restaurant giving bonuses for that).
As for training cooking, you can get that from the training action but it only shows up for affection/love path. (Same with singing)
Training and selling slaves is main of way to get a lot of macca and macca in general. Though in certain dungeons you can find Macca in chests.
The dungeon with the most Macca to get from chests is the Daimakyuu (MT1), which is unlocked by doing the Chaos route of Shinjuku.
Aside from selling slaves (which I've found to not be worth it unless they're leveled up first). It's pretty much 'random' in that you can sometimes find it as a colloseum fight award, or get it from requests or random dungeon chests. (Note it's not random random but like random in the sense that the predetermined places aren't going to be a consistent source of income for macca that you can expect)
The trick with selling slaves is to sell demons that start off at a higher level rather than low level humans. Obviously that's something you can't do at the start of the game though.
So what's the simpler/more effective strat for macca? Selling, whoring, cooking, or singing?
Perform a ritual sacrifice of an effigy of sleigh.
Personally I've found restaurant work to be the most effective out of all of them since Affection falls are pretty easy to get, which allows for the Housework command in training to level Cooking, and Affection/Love increasing how much Macca you get while working.
cant I just put sleigh in a brothel
what are falls and how do I make door-kun not hate mark me
He's a slut, he'd enjoy that. I don't want him to be happy.
thats someone's son and you're accusing him of being trans
Cooking or whoring(or meat toilets when you have slaves that can endure it without breaking) when you have a fuck ton of slaves is very good passive income, selling is the fastest but requires active effort. Singing is mostly for yen.
Sleigh isn't a man. No man acts like him.
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Did Reimu really just pay me to help her make a passive aggressive statement?
idk buddy sounds like you have a crush on sleigh
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consider this: redlight district
are lesbian brothels a thing?
Your opinion I'd invalid, /aids/ tourist. Leave.
I only seen it in miko's doujin
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What are the downside of impregnating Parsee via timestop?
Missing out on her reacting to you doing it
What did they do to my house
Roppongi looks different than what I remember....
how do you know what sleigh likes and doesn't like
It's a shit idea which encoirages slittery. Which means sleigh likes it.
i think you're gay, bro. like, not even in a denigrating way. i think you're just primarily straight up attracted to males. homosexually gay.
All 2hoes ate for me and me alone, not cuck, not brothel, purify only. This is what the eggs want. Boring stale cannula.
You're gay for defending him.
This thread is obsessed with defending an inferior fork.
one time, I saw sleigh dming 4 anons at once. Can you believe that?
are you sure you don't mean to say this thread is obsessed with defending a larger spoon?
what kind of shitty manga from /a/ did you read that makes you think short people instantly lose their human rights?
so true sis
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The introduction of this noncharacter is the moment the thread went to shit.
>- Some more of Nagi's events got translated.
My nigga.

>- Zeus from SMTV got added.
My nigga adding my two faced nigga.

>- Alice is now all translated
My Nigga.

> (except the gloryhole events because they're mostly NTR).
Tbh, what do you expect from sending your girl to the gloryholes.

>Pedy put Yuugi's jealousy events behind a toggle.
muh dick
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A what of a what?
nice hatemark speedrun fag
Ah so we can't.
So how exactly does updating work? I've always just started over with a fresh install when I decided I wanted to see the new stuff. I've been holding off on downloading AnonTW for over a week now because someone said the update was right around the corner, and now I think I'm impatient enough to just download it.
We can, but only if you commit yourself to the cause. I need allies and collaborators.
I will overthrow the tyranny of Sleigh with my own fork, with blackjack and hookers.
Who the fuck is Sleigh
This fox will rape you.
Male, Female, Trap, or Futa in Megaten?
iirc Trap and Futa are both able to do both male and female-locked stuff so is the only difference that one has a vagina (not that it matters when you can get pregnant as a trap anyways)?
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this new jealousy update is fire
Is this real? Since when was there an update? And do I need a new download or something?
>you also need 10 INT to finish the Shrine Maiden Rescue's third event

I haven't even done the first event, Where do I start them?
You know, I always was confused, since it felt like there should be more, but it just introduced me to the Chaos Hero, saving Kikue or what's her name from Cowification, getting Modeus, and introducing you to the final dungeon of SMT.
It left me... confused like I said.
the Rescue of the Shrine Princess request is the first step, and then you gotta save Kikue from the Factory dungeon as fast as possible.
You can also leave her for 35 days or more so she becomes a Demi-Nandi Queen, but I don't know if that's possible now because apparently there's a new ending with the same conditions?
Is there an actual update to TW?
The Sleigh update where you can court Sleigh
please be real
So is it an actual update or just a joke update? I’m more interested in the Yuugi Jealousy.
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It's over
When did you last update and are you using lazyloading?
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>Parsee walks in on Yuuka raping me, gets hate marks, and then decides to get revenge by raping me
This is getting too real.
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Got the update, what does the Expanded Relationship patch do exactly?
Expanded as in your anus gets expanded by 2hus with their strap-on
That's old, get a new version.
Remember to never overwrite installs, just transfer your sav folder over.
What does that even mean?
It's as if she's talking to a man and not a girl.
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I'm loving this new update.
Your map looks pretty detailed compared to one I'm using(Vanillia I'm guessing), is there a setting in the options to change it or do I download a tile set or something.

I'm guessing messing with Explore-[Dungeon Symbols] has something to do why your map looks different, but I'm worried messing with it might break something on my end. So, got any tips?
Oh, so there is a time limit for the Factory map. So, I gotta beat Janus(Lv.34) before day 35?
>the Rescue of the Shrine Princess request is the first step
I'm on day 3 and see nothing, though I'm only level 15
It's the fonts. You need to install the font from the font file, and then rename it to... something? Somebody help me in helping this man too.
Then you can activate it all in the option.

It's really fun actually.to have a map like that instead of the boring eraone.
Before day 15 of accepting it, actually
And you gotta clear it in 2 days after accepting it if you want the shrine princess to remain unraped
*in between 2 days
You must mean, uncowed.
Oops, well I guess that's something to do in NG+ run then.

Wait, so the NPC west in the upper factory is the shrine maiden?
>install EraMTFont in the font folder
>open up EraMegaten
>go to Settings under help in the upper left corner
>select EraMTFont in the Font tab (may need to press Get More Fonts first)
>lower the two size values down to 16
>hit Save and Restart
now you can change the Dungeon Symbols settings
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>prayed 10 times to oppantsu-sama
>thick sperm
>still couldn't impregnate the maid
You're not trying to fuck the nuclear maid right anon?
What are some good starting fusions?
the time-stopping one
After fighting the Four Heavenly Kings, it's interesting to note they have their nocturne Weaknesses.
>fast loading time
>uncanny fast and smooth dungeon movement and combat
>Nanobino as a starting class is an easy mode: uses demon's battle formulas and can start with cool passives for increased healing/overheal and lesser MP usage for skills. Unfortunately, Magatsuhi usage crashes the game.
>Tutorial with Raidou is available for any class but it is a copy of a normal shelter's map but with lower encounter rate and all detour doors are locked there, you just walk in a straight line and fight a couple of heavily scripted fights. The game forces you to recruit Ratatoskr and you don't get exp for beating Dantalion. Heck, it is so short that you can get only 1-2 random encounters during this.
>Training already has a new GUI.
>New Turns system are literally days but without daytime periods. You manually end them and you have a limited ammount of training/resting actions per day. Turns eternally work as days but slightly off, so you can get Demi-Fiend on a clean save by clearing one dungeon on a first turn and paying 10k to Phantom Society. I expect it glitching a lot of stuff in the future, like timed events in Factory, DeSu1 building, those events which end the day and some other stuff here and there.
tldr: It is cool.
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This is the third time that this dungeon has given me an impassable layout.
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Yeah those random request dungeons can get stupid like this. And the reward for those is not really worth it, even if you run through them with Estoma.
Any tips for leveling anon
You can grind in Harajuku until your party is level 11. After that you can safely clear the low level dungeons that are below 10.
Wow, I'm looking at a gamefaqs walkthrough of Megami Tensei, and it's a surprisingly short game.

>Hinokagetsuchi Sword:
>You might also want to return to Sky City for the best sword in the game. You can find it by going to the 4th floor of Sky City. By going to what was previously a dead end, you will find that Rusu tells you you can cast Map to open a secret door. There are holes all over the area that this leads, but if you can manage to make it to the Southeast most tile, you will fall straight down to the basement. From there, try to get to the Northern area of the basement to reach a set of stairs which will take you to the best sword in the game, the Hinokagetsuchi Sword.
>Map spell
Please tell me I don't need that.
No you have to go through the underground route that you get the codes for from a bar in-dungeon.
The overground route to the factory is just (as far as I know) a dead end.
Oh, I already beat the Factory and rescued the Shrine Maiden. Also, I was talking about the person getting pounded by cows.

Also Tips for Janus. He's weak to Force/Wind and likes to spam light based attacks.
So is the nahobino class just meant to be an Aogami fusion like smt v or did the dev have fun with it and you get to pick what God you're fused with?
Also how are magatsuhi skills supposed to work if they didn't crash the game? Free actions outside of the usual flow?
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Loki is such a piece of shit kek.

It's weird, because Magatsuhi is something that everyone can use in V. So I wonder what the hell the dev is smoking.
Well, maybe it's genuinely fun and balanced or something that just guarantee crits.
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>Loki joins the team
>level 40 like the randoms
>do a fight
>level up to 70
I'm sorry what?
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There are choices for the starter Nanobino. Error specifically mentioned "Omagatoki: Critical" so other should be there too, I guess.
This isn't how normal Nahobino works... Well it would have been awkward to have one person going "Young Man!" over your shoulder but this still isn't how Nahobino works, this look like "Avatar Tuner but OP".

>so other should be there too, I guess.
Oh God no.
Mari got crited and now it says that she is dead, that's not true is it?
The hell are those nahobino choices... Wait.
I guess this is just working with the assumption of you being fused with Aogami or maybe it's just a "You can fuse with anything" kind of deal?
Kind of a flavor fail. Would have preferred if it was a choice between Aogami, Tsukuyomi, the Bethel gods, and maybe a pick of series female gods for girl characters.
Do V-kun exists?
How do you mean?

Do note that the only reason Kei have access to Essences is because of Sophia. No other Nahobinos have access to that kind of stuff, let alone anything else.
>Kind of a flavor fail. Would have preferred if it was a choice between Aogami, Tsukuyomi, the Bethel gods,

>and maybe a pick of series female gods for girl characters.
*Laugh in Shohei and Nuwa*
Don't you have a software that lets you open hidden doors?
That exist? I know there's a soffware that show you hidden path (which isn't very useful)
I think that's it, it reveals hidden paths and doors
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Now this is just dickish.

Then it shows nothing. The Anon above must be right, it must be after Set.
Even with all the boosts and a dangerous day, it's still more likely not to impregnate her than to get her pregnant. Just keep trying.
Why don't you have the software that lights up dark corridors?
Your dick, your balls, your prostate... they aren't big and strong enough.

Make them BIGGER.
I thought I had it. The Black Tiles never bothered me, so... I guess it's a zone thing.
Now using the Light spell or balls help.
How do I know which monsters to fuse?
The jap wiki has a page for some early game recommended demons.
The land of the death requires an lightoma user to be in the party or a light item. You can't summon from comp and comp apps are disabled so you must have a demon with lightoma in the party. If you don't have that then bad end awaits you.
>oh boy a new weapon
>I wonder how is it
>it's nothing special but it's a new one so-
WHY. What is WRONG with those morons?!
Oh and I just discovered that the K Frost items I farmed at the casino are ALSO Uninheritable, I don't care that those can be used at level one, it was at a fucking casino. Are they important to the plot somehow?! Is my character gonna end up having fabulous secret powers revealed to him when holding the staff aloft, yelling BY THE POWER OF KING FROST, and instakill Lucifer who isn't even implemented yet?!

All of them. I'm not joking, in the long run, analyzing demons is good for you.
The wiki also got some good recommendations https://seesaawiki.jp/eramegaten_another/d/%a4%aa%a4%b9%a4%b9%a4%e1%b0%ad%cb%e2
Angel and Cheifei are gonna carry you.

Yeah I ended up using the light balls.
>bad end
...A legit bad end?
i quit after failing to impregnate everyone. This is after I bought all the furniture from hardcore lumber chopping
Not a legit bad end but if you don't have an lightoma user, you can't see and need to reset the world (load a previous save) to escape.
That's a pretty shitty mechanic.
Weak sperm
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>can't ingregnate 2hus ;_;
I dunno man, to me it isn't a bad thing at all, it just means that I get to try again the next day.
Maybe it's just me. I don't feel bad over having to have more lovey dovey sex in a sex game.
You need a better and bigger equipments.
2hus being preggers doesn't stop you from fucking them again
?Yumiko doesn't join?
It means a harder time with lolis.
Yea, but it gives me a peace of mind when I'm working on the next girl in line.
You just need to push more.
Im still pissed off that Poops broke forbidden knowledge.
What he do?
It used to not have that bullshit. You could stick a gigantic cock inside Shimmy no problem. But nooooo, now it's "too big". The whole point of forbidden knowledge is to reject reality. It really sucks that Anon's devs still havent reversed that..
Nta but yeah, that's pretty stupid. Plus you would still have to deal with the consequences anyways.
Same. Can't have fun stuff like this anymore, even though nobody complained about it.
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>next girl in line
One human girl only
Just for that I'm skipping your turn.
Is it MGQ or what? Where's the Maledom?
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4X is dead huh?
Oh? is someone working on something?
No I'm just confused as to what you are talking about.
I'm talking about era4X, which is most likely dead
Oh yeah that's pretty dead.
Akyuu sex.
Akyuu impregnation.
Pure breed human children only.
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>finally found Hinokagutsuchi
>Only for those beloved by Yumiko
Now I wonder when she'll join, but I don't think she'll be worth it judging by the wiki page.
>Now I wonder when she'll join
Does she ever?
Just equip it yourself anon
The wiki page say so, it even has a gimmick in that it when she's in the team, it boost the stat of the sword by 1/10 of her stats. (which apparently mean that the best way to use it to make Yumiko a bulky monster.)

>Just equip it yourself anon
Anon, she's not in my team, she's not even in the roster so I can't give her Stockholm Syndrome, so I can't equ-
>can actually equip it even if it's a major downgrade
The fuck?
Huh, I don't know how to make her join then, is it connected to the gem puzzle?
I dunno. Neither the character page nor the dungeon talk about it.
Did you find her in the land of the death? If you rescued her, she will join after a few days.
>Did you find her in the land of the death?

>If you rescued her, she will join after a few days.
>after a few days
They couldn't just give her to us without being stupid, couldn't they?
Or hell, just telling us that neat detail, that would still be stupid.
Sometime this game is really retarded, no Sun level of retarded though.
To note, the wiki page
have been last updated the 2024-06-28 (Fri) 10:42:20
You wouldn't know it.
How are you supposed to find her? I got into the rotting sea of flames I think
Personally I had Nakajima, beat Loki-who is kinda OP by the way, only three-weaknesses what the shit- and Loki said "Yo nigga Anon and me are buddies, and yeah if he reaaaaaally want to I will open a gate to the underworld (because my daughter is Hel) to find her"
You have to go to a tile with a !, the one with the "scent of death" or whatever. Prepare Light spells and Light items before entering.
Yeah now that I think about it, I did benched nakajima at the time.
I'm not sure if you need Nakajima. I just brought him along because he asked me to do it.
(And it seems to be a good idea to bring the characters tied to the storyline while doing it, even if it's crippling)
You do need nakajima, I just found out about it a bit too late
>you can't just kidnap Yumiko
*deeeeeeeeeep breathing*
how do I get my 'hu to be okay with doing it outside?
Maledom shouldn't exist in 2hu. Normal women already have overwhelmingly higher sexual stamina than men. Give them youkai physical abilities, and it's fucking over. Every 2hu and human male pairing SHOULD look a scene from Monster Girl Quest.
Pussy submits to the cock. It's basic science. Can't beat the cock.
Fuck that shit. Literally shut down your computer and never write anything ever again on the internet.
I decided to try and kill Gaia for the Silver Relief, he threw it at me and it cracked... it won't break the quest right?
take her panties
fuck her in front of a mirror
things like that
you can also just hypnotize her if you are just horny
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Sorry, anon. It's just the logical reality of the situation. You don't stand a chance against your superhuman 2hu. You're so physically inferior to her that you might as well be a toddler. She'll pound your fragile, human form until your pelvis begins to crack. You already couldn't do the infamous 6-hour long lesbian marathon sex thing, but now you also can't overpower and dominate them. Without the physical superiority gifted by sexual dimorphism, you're just meat to be taken.

This is why Gensokyo is primarily a yuri and futa setting.
The moment you said a game, any game, should be like MGQ, you lost the argument.
Wrong, 2hu exist for men to breed and live happy lives, the only thing 2hu has in common with lesbians are the high rates of girl on girl violence
If you don't have a relief you are going to fight not nerfed Hecate.
But when he throw it at me, I still have the relief, it's just "Dormant", as the description is saying.
>the only thing 2hu has in common with lesbians are the high rates of girl-on-girl violence
Come on, man. I can't come up with a cheeky response to something this far out there. Touhou is one of the gayest fictional settings ever made, if not outright THE gayest.
It is not going to work.
I don't remember what relief exactly does tho. Does it change her resistances, powers her down, or blocks her from using the moon cannon?
In Era? I dunno. In MT:
>The Silver Relief will help you reveal a secret door that leads you to Hecate
Sure I could also give him all my Macca (which the original game didn't do) to get the "clean"... but I don't want to do that.
No. It is just a starting class for MC.
I dunno if it is even a complete thing or works properly due to a lot of innate bugs or bugs from brute forcing the translation onto it.
Aww that shucks
Go back.
Lots of exposure.
This dumb roomba a cute.
Thank God it work, talking to the Fairy next to Hecate reveal that it will work.
But only in the Full Moon. Hey wait a minute didn't they said that Hecate was in her full power during the Full Moon?
Probably nothing~~
I think the Medusa fight in the Tokyo Sky Tower request has way too much health for her level
Anon, this isn't a competition to be the most cancerous individual on /jp/.
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What, do you think you're some kind of manly Adonis for living vicariously through dating sims and only enjoying the finest of nonsensical harem writing? I lead a decent enough life that I'm not so lacking in love and affection that I need a personal substitute. I simply enjoy romance, especially pure and innocent romance. If it was up to me, TW wouldn't even have any sexual acts more intense than French kissing and butt caressing. All jokes aside, does some light tongue-in-cheek ribbing really get you so worked up that you feel the need to shit the place up with basedjack edits?
>French kissing
Fucking degenerate.
Tewi has a surprising amount of lines.
>Black Frost and Frost Ace don't have portraits
A crime
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Adding to that, this one conversation dialogue doesn't color her other responses.
I believe that is intentional, because it is not her talking after the first line, but her rabbit subordinates. I do think they should have separate colors, though.
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Eramegaten battlefuck has been updated on eng-dev.
>Level Drain
NOW we're talking
How good are buffers & debuffers in megaten? Worth their skillslots? I feel like I've done best so far when just focusing on damage&healing and stuff like happy & charm are too unreliable
Buffs and Debuffs go up to +/- 8 (debuffs only used to go up to -4 but apparently they got buffed semi-recently), so spam that shit as much as you can. Ailments scale off INT (and LUC helps a little), Charm and Shock/Freeze are busted
The absolute best is Diva MC, followed by Haru(for buffer). Debuffers vary a bit more but generally anyone with a few multi type or level debuffs works.

On debuffs and buffs, how does one go about checking them mid-battle? I can tell when my demons has power charged up by seeing a little icon when I choose moves, but how does one go about doing the same for buffs/debuffs, even more, how many stacks.
How do they end up looking? Primary int, secondary luck/mag, dump everything else for debuffs? It always feels like the backline never had enough skill slots and their stat needs are too high
The switch display button in battle.
Thank you
What's a good way to gain a constant supply of money (not Macca) in eraMegaten? All my money gets drained by the Phantom Society payments
Idol concerts, or just converting macca into yen.
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This is her longest rant, isn't it?
>Start new game in bambooland, first time somewhere besides the shrine
>There are visitors in the morning
Huh, I always figured the Hakurei Shrine was the only place that would regularly get random visitors. Are there visitors to every area every day, even if you don't live there?
>Are there visitors to every area every day, even if you don't live there?
Not every day but I sometimes get other peeps from around in old hell.
Afaik visitors will come regardless where you live, even hell or the moon. They'll have some trouble moving into the deeper parts of the map though.
You can turn those visits off in the options however, if you prefer.
Yeah, I figured the visitors were there to see Reimu, not (you). I guess it makes sense for them to visit everywhere. I notice a LOT of people in the village every time I happen to be there, but I didn't know if they lived there or if the village regularly gets visited by a lot of randos too.
I think village (the overworld version at least) has some special code that makes it get more visitors. In my experience 2hus tend to hang around their home area, your place, or the village, with only some going to certain places to work. Like Seija or Hina, they travel to set spots all over Gensokyo.
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>with only some going to certain places to work
Some characters ignore that, like Hecc. Probably a bug.
>Train outside in a storm once
>Thunderspook wipes about a third of my STA
Holy shit, is that new to AnonTW or is this just something I never saw because I was living in Hakurei Shrine up until now?
How about a new gimmick battlefuck class where they're mostly like normal human, but heals/buffs allies and damages/debuffs enemies by doing lewd things to them? And that these effects for allies get stronger or perhaps even weaker depending on the kind of Fall they have with you.

I swear I've read a manga that had such a thing before, where the girls had to do lewd things with the guy to unlock 'blessings' through the power of maidenly love (no penetration, after all)
So I just learned traps can wear female exclusive armor, but not male exclusive armor.
I don't suppose there's a guide to the personality quiz at chargen for megaten?
Training outdoors in extreme weather (thunderstorms, blizzards, etc.) always drained a significant amount of stamina, because they literally multiply the amount of stamina used. But because of that, it also raises max stamina. If you're able to mitigate the stamina cost a bit and are diligent in spending your time training during extreme weather, it'll probably eventually be worth it? Especially if you're the type to play in the same run/character for extended periods of time. You can drag others to train outside in extreme weather with you and they'll also get the gains. Though sex might be a better stamina training tool since it's available 'anytime'.
Traps are functionally female for the most part. The difference is that they are able to pass as both male and female in demon negotiations and that they are barred from a few specific things that won't allow you to substitute your asshole for a vagina, the Sucker events and the weird Interview quest chain for example. They also, obviously, can't use vaginal commands during training. It's not a tremendous deal, but there are some characters that have vaginal penetration and creampie lines but little to no anal ones.
>no anal ones
As it should be.
eraMegaten generally follows the convention for how training commands are treated in era, so unless you're looking for a [Slave], you'd almost never want to touch any anal commands at least until they've had a fall, anyway. Even then, there's much more effective ways to make someone surrender as a [Slave], like whipping them or using needles on them; maybe at most you might shove an anal vibrator, maybe. The goods being 'pristine' gives a great boost to their sales value, or otherwise gives a one-time huge boost for first prostitution.
If you have trust fall on and end up with a lot of fall state friends, then you can throw them into subcontracts. I find those make a pretty good amount for characters that would make pennies if you just threw them into the restaurant.
How do you anons make Macca? I don't have a single one on me
It wasn't the multiplier, it was the thunder that drained an additional 300ish STA over the 400 something from training.
Are subcontracts actually worth it for how long it takes for them to execute it? Or are you supposed to do the usual 'high level character + Coal Mines until 1000 or less stamina before sending them to their real job' combo as well? Since they take up to like 8-9 days to fill the Subcontract bar, I feel like it's a waste to do that unless they can rake in tens or even hundreds of thousands of yen when they actually execute it at high levels (70+).
NTA but so is it better to play as a man, a woman, a trap, or a futa?
I have no clue on the exact mechanics since there's no translated documentation but sending random mid level fall state friends (50+) gets me on the higher end of 100k to 200k
Oh, that's significantly more than I expected and actually worth it then, if the end goal is to amass significant amounts of yen. Assuming 200k yen, that's equivalent to 4000 Macca if the Macca to Yen exchange rate is left at default. Maybe 'high end' prostitution pays out more Macca in 8-9 days' work, but even with great multipliers, Restaurant work only gives like up to 150 Macca per day at most (maybe nearly 200 max?), with the average being more like 60-120 Macca per day with my characters. If I had known this earlier, it would've made my yen grind for Blood Oath Contract spamming significantly easier.

On a side note, did they change how the Sucker option works? I thought that it only made the Sucker event pop up a few time if you refused them as a 'do you really want to do this' kind of thing, and that was it, but it felt like it was changed at some point to make it so that (You) can still get contacted by an Executive at night regardless of whether you said no to Interview and Sucker events and whether you had any sexual experience at all?

I'd say futa, because you truly are treated as male and/or female in many events, so if you really wanted to, you could offer yourself regardless of who asks. Since you could also become pregnant, as a futa, you can become the mostly highly efficient mag-transferring machine by breastfeeding while cumming inside, or make lots of money selling 'precious body fluids' by attaching milkers to yourself while constantly shooting the white sticky stuff.
What is smart "enough" in TW? I grinded my way to C Knowledge already and I'm starting to train my Combat so I can confidently move without timestop.
If Futas are not your thing and you don't want to be a Trap either, then it's a question of generally, do you want stuff to happen to (You) or for (You) to do stuff? If it's the former, then choose Female; if it's the later, then Male. Though the gender-specific events aren't as bad as they are compared to say, TohoK (with their many 'if female, unconditional rape, if male, either you do the raping, get good rewards or both') general and exploration events. The only mostly unconditional rape stuff that happens to (You) in the game is if you agreed for The Interview, or you turned on the Sucker event in the Options, which both require your action to 'agree' to them in the first place.
I like traps. I do not like futa.
for archival purposes: eramegaten personality quiz megaten smt starter traits questions chargen character creation options

Q1: If you met a nasty guy...
[None] you'd be kindred spirits.
[High Pride] you'd turn them into a toy.
[Low Pride] you'd avert your gaze instinctively.
[Apathteic] you wouldn't care.

Q2: When something hurts...
[None] you wince.
[Docile] you cry out in pain.
[Strong Will] you bear with it.

Q3: Things that scare you...
[None] There are Some.
[Sassy] Nothing.
[Timid] A lot
[Lacks Emotions] ....?

Q4: On sunny days...
[None] you're as you always are
[Optimistic] you go out for a long walk
[Pessimistic] you crank up the AC

Q5: If there's a kid on the ground...
[None] you call out to them.
[Devoted] you help them up.
[Treatment] you give them a quick look-see.
[Perverted] you fantasize what happened to them.

Q6: About public appearances...
[None] you're so-so.
[Little Devil] you tend to rile people up.
[Captivating] you were called sexy.
[Charming] you were called stunning.
[Popular] you were talked about.
[Show-Off] you take every opportunity to make them.

Q7: Cleaning...
[None] once in a while is enough.
[Odor sensitive] is a frequent ritual.
[Odor insensitive] is too much of a bother.

Q8: Walking around naked...
[None] only after bath.
[Shy] is too embarassing.
[Shameless] is no big deal.

Q9: Kinky play...
[None] only as part of training.
[Curious] is nice to explore.
[Conservative] is just too spicy for you.
[Reserved] is just a bothersome part of the job to do.

Q10: About sex...
[None] you're pretty ordinary.
[Liberated] you're pretty open about it.
[Repressed] you keep it under control.

Q11: To you love is...
[None] Feelings.
[Virtuous] Destiny.
[Virtueless] Pleasure.

Q12: Your small size...
[None] what of it?
[Move to Q12A] I stayed like that from childhood.

Q12-A: Any particular reason for your youthful look?
[None] Just a fluke
[Vampire] [Has heats] [Wings] Vampire bloodline.
[Youko] [Has heats] [Animal ears] [Tail] Kitsune bloodline.
[Has heats] [Wings] [Tail] Succubus bloodline.
[Divine] Angelic bloodline.
[Fallen] [Wings] Fallen bloodline.

Q13: What's your sexual reputation? (Also affects Mayone & Dolly Kadmon dialogue)
[None] I'm clean, absolutely clean.
[Desire:LV 1] [Technique:LV 2] [Abnormal EXP: 2] [AbnormalEXP 性欲処理係] Serviced some people but not planning on going full-time soon.
[Desire:LV 1] [Technique:LV 2] [Masochism:LV 1] [Submissive] [Abnormal EXP: 4] [AbnormalEXP 精液便所] [Chefei II / "Chefei"] Professional cumdumpster, bar none.
Decided to do it my own fugging self. Some things I noticed: There doesn't appear to be a Succubus trait. Angelic bloodline doesn't give wings. All tested on male, but females don't get any succubus trait either. IDK how to get childlike trait; it's not from the initial stature question or the youthful look question. You can get Chefei and your normal starter. I don't know if any of the sexual reputation options have any long-term changes. Your guess is as good as mine as to the untranslated abormal stuff means.
someone copy/paste to wiki so I don't have to bother pls
Well, then if you want to experience many of the female events while being 'male', then go with Trap then. Most 'gender-specific' events are written up in two ways - they either check to see if (You) specifically are male or female (with a few events checking for either futa or trap), and/or pretty much go 'has penis?' or 'has vagina?', or both. As that other anon mentioned, Traps can be considered both, but when it comes down to the genital flag check, since you don't have a vagina, you automatically fall into the male route. Pretty much no event that I know of has the option of 'if Trap, give anal instead' during the genital flag check. Which could very well be fine for you, if you didn't want no anal for (You) in the first place, anyway.
>level drain
Does it at least let us ejaculate inside now?
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It's enough when Yukari stop calling (You) a retard.
As far as I can tell, if you pick the 'Professional cumdumspter' option for your Sexual Reputation, when you 'select your previous profession' (outfit selection), you can pick Cumdumpster, which also changes the intro, in that (You) were just another toilet stall in someone's public toilet, but then you (or your dick/pussy) caught the eye of a Phantom Society executive and you were pulled out from there to be given a chance at 'freedom' (as a professional devil summoner). Mayone actually gets insulted if you ask for her instead of the usual Dolly/Mari question because she looks down hard on you since you were a literal toilet.
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Zombie girl came into a clutch as my immortal shield, She took far more punishment than I thought she could giving me time to win. I wish there was a way I could reward her in game
Cumdumpster outfit (fem only) comes from the 3rd sexual reputation option & appears to override your actual outfit choice, but they all have their own intro, including the 2nd which isn't tied to the outfit you choose.
nvm it's not overriding costume choice IDK what I did. You can be dressed like a nun or shrine maiden or w/e and be a pro cumdumpster without the outfit.
Ok got it, cumdump outfit is not just the sexual reputation question; you need to also have your pussy's border policy set to open borders, so no males or traps. Other sexual experiences don't seem to matter.
I saw her Ran rant while I was leading Ran around and tsr the shit out of her.
>level drain
Oh god save us from this nightmare.
Okay, but what are the best?
(Someone please put that into a doc to put on the english wiki if possible)
talent effects can be found through [998] DemonTraining.exe
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>I wish there was a way I could reward her in game
Anon, there's only one solution...
>Anon, there's only one solution...
Can you headpat people in this game?
Tragically, no. But with an Affection fall, you can do skinship during training.
Is it a funny rant or a mean spirited one?
But I'm not a necrophile
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True. The unclean and rotting flesh grosses me out, The only reason I even got Zombie chan in the first place was because she asked to join me. But I do wanna reward her
Keep her as party member until she reaches a fall state then fuse her into a 2hu.
>Keep her as party member until she reaches a fall state then fuse her into a 2hu.
I may not like zombies, but I don't want her gone. I like her
Dick her, coward.
Then keep her around. You can give her new skills via skill cards. Stats can be kept up by keeping her in party and using mag enhancement. Eventually Trust fall can become sworn friend, and be contracted so you can have her around forever.
That's not anwering my question of, what are the best.
Got Nemissa and I started training her to advance the plot, but it seems her training text is untranslated. I'm no translator, but I don't wanna copy and paste stuff to understand her. So, where exactly is training text stored?
NVM the eraMegaten folder has stuff to tell what I have to do.
On MC these are practically inconsequential. These are the traits that change the point thresholds for training actions.
Does anyone know a translated ALL.ERB file that I could use as a basis for a translation?
Sorry, I should've mentioned that first. It's for eraMegaten.
Do I actually get anything for making futaba from the idolmaster event fall in love with me or is that just mayone being an idolfag
If you want translated example, search for EVENT_PUB304_女_若者_ALL.ERB
If you want a translated template to get what means what, EVENT_KX1_ALL ENGLISH VER.3.3.ERB
thank you
Having [Love] increases the payout from Concert, I suppose. Having [Love] also relaxes the hidden points requirement for a character to do Concert, I think.

If you're actually asking what you get out of the Idolmaster event, it's Anzu turning into an Outsider as well as an actual Ending. To save you time, make sure Anzu is at least Level 60 as that's the requirement to proceed with the event eventually. But you'll want it more than that, maybe 70 or even 80, if you plan to bring her to fight the final boss of the Idolmaster event, SLEEPING BE@UTY.
I'm more asking whether or not I need to keep my relationship with her pure and avoid lewd/submission based on what mayone says in the initial event, or if that's just flavor of her being an idolfag.
I'm not sure if the idolmaster event specifically needs Anzu to be in Affection/Love, but it could be more of a warning of 'if you make her Lewd/Slave right away, she might not be able to Concert for a really long time, or at all'. Since I think by default, she's not eligible for Concert and thus requires Singing training to be able to do so?
It doesn't really matter since MC isn't getting trained , but like if you're shooting for night queen or idol then pick traits in alignment with that.
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how to quickly get Fear gems on era2huTW?
I tried Hypno spanking and barely got 10 fer gems out of 5k needed on a full 1 day TSP session
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Any tips for quickly getting a big workforce in megaten? Or do you really just have to go all in on quality over quantity
I guess you should first check demon experience. For example, ame-no-uzume is a demon you get around lv 9 and she has 100 singing exp the second you get her. Silky a (lv 7) demon has 150 houseworkEXP the second you get her, great for resurant stuff.
Midori Komaki / Dolly starts off with 25 SING EXP &10 Live EXP and Jirae Curupira 30 SING EXP
NTA but where do you find these demons? Please and thank you
>But only in the Full Moon.
It is so over that it is not even funny.
Have fun getting blasted every turn with a party wide moon cannon with 700 base power
Do you like the Isora grind? If so, it's easy. Turn on Untrained Fall, and grind that Loyalty.

Pretty much all characters can work in the Restaurant if they have Affection fall, so once you start, you can get 4-5 characters ready to Affection Fall per time segment, and sets them up for Husband/Wife fall later on if you want to Contract them this way and not through the power of friendship (Blood Oath). With an Avatar Tuner, you could possibly do as many as you want in a single time segment? The only thing that would stop you is your own sanity from doing the Isora run almost infinitely.
This still doesn't answer my question.

Kinda. It does.
I blasted her before she could move.
This dungeon is a dick move and an half.
>"It's paper it's shit"
>"Oh yeah that's good. Oh wait you got a lot of it, give it all to me"
>"Need to have X, X and X traits.
>Kill him
>"Woah okay *throw it at you and break it*
We should have an update this weekend or next right?
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Nta but doing a new dungeon and fighting in it with humans is also a good way to max out loyalty.
Loki and Nakajima is ready to be my BFF, and Haru being ready to want the dick even deeper in her heart.
Look at how happy Nakajima is!
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>Loki is ready to be my BFF
Know what? His Experience and Abnormal EXP? (which is riot and a treat to read)
Got an event where Nakajima asked me to specifically bring him to the Loki bossfight, do you get something if you do so or just extra dialogue?
Nakajima being angry at him. Loki telling him that he and I were pals, and that, if his master (you) wanted, he could open a gate to the underworld to save Yumiko, with Nakajima bowing and asking me to do so.
Apparently it's the only way to get Yumiko.
Man, the Rotting Sea of Flames is a bitch.
Is there any points in Jezebel? He only has a special nuclear skill that hurt everyone, and he's not in the Compendium unless I missed him. What is his purpose on my team, when I'm supposed to be killing and absorbing the Bels?
Lily Flower (DeSu1+MT2) and Naoya (DeSu1+MT1) routes aka eraMegaten's actual story routes are unfinished and never will be.
There are no other Bels in the game (except for Beldr fight on Giten's route). You play Naoya's route only for getting into the megadungeon to unlock all boss fusions (someone actually cleared it in one go by abusing Invigorate and saving middungeon; went in it at level 25 and came out at level 80). Then you go to Lily Flower route which also stuff to do, like unlocking Alice, or fighting Raidou, or clowning on Pazuzu. It is also not finished but it has way more content.
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>unfinished and never will be.
Never will be unfinished? kek

>There are no other Bels in the game (except for Beldr fight on Giten's route)
What a mess, is it the real first series of content ever made? If so, it show. The route is about killing Bels to gain powers and becoming the King of Bel, but it has two Bells, one that you kill, the other that you don't. What the actual fuck?
The dungeon is about you geting an army, and from what I'm seeing, there's Anfini and Lucifer to do, so what the actual FUCK 2.0?

>Then you go to Lily Flower route which also stuff to do, like unlocking Alice, or fighting Raidou, or clowning on Pazuzu. It is also not finished but it has way more content.
Why would you fight Raidou in the good path?
It doesn't seem to have more content though, since you just talked about Alice and Pazuzu.
Guess I'll see to it in my NG+, which will be Law route so I can get Jesus Armor and weapons.
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It's the oldest route in the game by the original dev who hasn't been seen in over a decade.
>There are no other Bels in the game
Technically Belial but he's unrelated to the Bel thing outside of appearing in the Lily Flower route because Alice
Depending on how much Anfini Palace is, it could trivially easy to finish it, literally just adding Lucifer, or Lucifer (MT), since there are thousands of Lucifers, as a boss, and an ending making you the King of Demons or something.
Now for the Bels part, that would need some serious overhaul, maybe modifying the App so that every demons with Bel in it's name in your comp or team give you a stat boost or I dunno.

>a decade
I do not comprehend this level of shittiness.
It feel like we are talking about rocket science. Does this dungeon have more spaghetti code than usual? Does it has sentience? Will it kill anyone that try to finish it?
>Why would you fight Raidou in the good path?
It is just a first Raidou fight from Nocturne Maniax. You actually need to go out of your way to find it and explore already cleared dungeon for it.
Ah bonus fight. Gotcha.
...Does he joins?
Something something doesn't want to mess with someone's work in case they come back
Just make a Lucifer boss fight where he's level 120 like in the original MT and tough as nails, with the reward being that you're able to fuse him now (special fusion obviously, either the DeSu formula (Metatron x Loki), or the SMTIV Apoc formula if you want to be extra evil and need people to unlock Inanna in Lokapala) and maybe an ending
>Will it kill anyone that try to finish it?
Yeah, any japanese man would spontaneously catch fire from the shameful display of disrespect. But also, nobody wants it enough to develop it, I suppose.
Nah. You have Nagi for that. She is literally female Raidou stat/skill wise but she gets even more skills through her route.
Maybe in the drafts of those routes it was a thing. Allegedly, there are some original dev's plans and graphs on development of those routes somewhere on the getuploader
Dark Summoner-chan too.
Yeah,Dark Summoner is fun. All of her classes are fun.
At this point, fuck that shit. One years is perhaps understandable from a jap, their society are shit, known to be shit, that demand a lot from it's people. Five years is pushing it a lot. After ten years, it should be over and people should be free to finish the unfinished things.
One year, that's a lot. That's also a lot of things, like a part of your life and life is short. That's the real disrespect.

Actually might try to do that if I feel like it, and understand how to code, because if this is hard to me, I'll have no chances to do my small thing.
Two problems with that though, finding a proper skillset for him and finding a story reason as to why this Lucifer is there, however how small and why we can kill him.
Like I said, there's like a ton of Lucifer out there.

I'm not that evil, and I prefer to ignore it. Forever. Someone should just mod it so that you decide to instantly unlock everything including the ending.
It's the perfect example of someone working hard, but not smart.

Yeah but.
Having the two III characters bro!
I like Lokapola's bosses with those phases which can completely change their skills and resistances. But the story is just there, not even going to talk about that travesty. Just mad that Demon Roots mod is locked behind its ending for some reason. Is there an explanation for this thing game-wise? Like, the Sun fucking with them?
Who knows, maybe the sun powers the reincarnation of the characters or something like that
The first bosses of the Sun are fine, then it's just beeg numbers imo, so the phases are wasted.

>Is there an explanation for this thing game-wise?
Hell if I know, I never played Demon's Root or started the storyline.
I forget the exact justification, but I think it was something like after the bad end dungeon in Demon Roots they get deconstructed into solar data or some shit. Hence needing access to the sun.
Apparently, you only need to finish the Sun once, and it'll keep track of it in future NG+. Thank God for that.

>they get deconstructed into solar data
Oh fuck that.
>bad end dungeon in Demon Roots
Oh, THAT thing.
It can't be helped, demons and demon sympathizers get what they deserve.
Oh neat, my Naje comes prebaked
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>Maitreya, Inanna, Mitra-Buddha, and Idunn are all locked behind Lokapala
Just wait until you learn what the writer did to them.
I've read nothing but horror stories about the Lokapala route.
Why did the author think it was okay to mash 3 unfitting games together? There surely are better options to mix with DDS2 than fucking Persona 5.
Fucking THIS. What kind of IDIOT does that? This guy does.

And with IVA too, don't forget it.
Maybe he wanted to emulate the story structure of the unfinished main questline, that's why he just mashed a bunch of things together with no rhyme or reason
And no one said "wait a minute, this is terrible"
Calm down, Zelenin.
Persona 5 could have very easily been its own route but then again half the Persona routes are unfinished so maybe that's why it happened
Apoc is kinda fucked because the main character and main girl(s) were tossed aside into Rag's Shop
Oh great, the orbs on the walkthrough of MT and EraMegaten aren't named the same.
Maybe that's also why the main quest never got finished
Yep fuck that puzzle
Oh yeah, sure, a big dungeon that is MT with an ending is terrible, gimme a break.
DDS 2 would actually work well with main routes. The Sun being the thing is kind of a giant escalation and a plot device for a lot of stuff.
It could work though, if it was an only dungeon or something.
With only the DDS2 crew.
Hear hear, Good People of this thread!

The solution to that puzzle is
Left eye with Orb of Resolve
Right eye with Orb of Silence
Forehead with Orb of Malice
Or pic related.

Keep it safe in your pockets, or a future wiki.
I am ok with Persona 3 not having an ending. It already has everything except for bomber kid and gun Jesus. And you can simply get Messiah without suffering that much.
Tartarus could be a more grounded version of Sea Ark, it just needs bigger floors and more floor presets (which is going to be a huge pain in the ass to do in ERA).
But the handling of Persona 4 and 5 just nonsensical to me. They could have done anything with those but they didn't even tried (except for Nanako's bad end which they overdid. Like, I fully expected Namatame doing that but not a giant severed arm with a sword and an inflatable castle).
In Persona 4's case it's just missing Izanami and a fix for Ameno-Sagiri's fusion unlock
Why did they change the puzzle?
Hard disagree on P3, you do a dungeon, the least you could do is giving an ending. Saying a Persona is enough is like saying a demon being unlocked is enough.

>It already has everything except for bomber kid and gun Jesus
Yeah, I'm surprised they aren't there.

And Ameno-Sagiri is just glitched.
And somehow Izanagi no Ookami is unlocked by beating Margaret.
They changed it?
>And Ameno-Sagiri is just glitched
Yeah, that's what I said
I think someone here unfucked it but dunno if the fix is on the git yet
Someone did, I dunno if it's in the patch yet.
What the hell is the Blue Salon?
Why are all encounters low-tier demons at lvl80. Why do they have busted skills that are somehow in double.
How are you supposed to invite a character on a date in TW if they disappear during their "active hours"? I want to invite Nue on one but she always is gone during them.
Invite them to your home place
Can't do that either. It just brings up the active hour restraint again.
Is it normal that it is so... empty and big?
Pray for them to come tomorrow then
Wouldn't have thought of that thank you anon
They're easy to get through early fusions
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That's when he stopped developing, huh?
...You think any tears would be shed if it was done away?
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So I have some questions.
One, this is the "end" right?
Two, was MT's version that big?
Three, what the fuck did he smoke when making it?
You've never made something to piss people off?
Well I can say that I will unmake something, and it will probably piss people off.
Also, you didn't answer the questions.
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Well you know BUZZ LOOK AN ALIEN
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Right there in the flying aztec super weapon driven by hitler you stupid heeho.
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>Persona 5 could have very easily been its own route
it still genuinely baffles me considering how much stuff in P5 fits into Era
themes of rape, blackmail, forced prostitution, drug abuse, marital rape/domestic abuse, etc
You don't. This isn't a game about training up slaves, so there aren't really any actions that build up fear or pain gems.
But why?
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>there aren't really any actions that build up fear or pain gems
it's over
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I can't believe I've been TSP spanking Joon for weeks for nothing
I was wondering why a session gives 1k Fear points but only 10 fear gems out of 5k I need to get from Obedience rank D to Obedience rank C
Go for Loyalty, instead.
I don't want loyalty. I want the greedy moneybag whore to fear me.
this desu
That's why you have her fear you leaving her for someone else because she loves you so much
TW needs to get an influx of non-vanilla mods.
Be the change.
You are going to make a guy that doesn't even play the games very angry
>non-vanilla mods
Define them.
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>non TSP Rape aka regular Rape
>Proper Slave Training mechanics
>being able to render a 2hu into a horny slut without ever having to raise affection
pretty close to vanilla, if you consider all the degeneracy out there
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No it doesn't.
already exists, get the capture skill and win a danmaku battle
>being able to render a 2hu into a horny slut without ever having to raise affection
Easy to do with the right drugs. And also rape.
None of those mechanics are properly fleshed out.
>non TSP Rape aka regular Rape
sounds good but you'd need to implements a whole new system for that when you try to do it with gods

>Proper Slave Training mechanics
That's what K is for and why nobody does it for TW

>being able to render a 2hu into a horny slut without ever having to raise affection
Isn't that what pushover mode is over?

Yeah, nobody really wants to do it, if you want it - go look over in the pops branch and do it yourself.
You don't like danmaku rape being cancelled because the girl decided she wanted to stop?
K is a shit game. Everything good from it should be ported over to TW.
>Everything good from it should be ported over to TW.
Go ahead and even try it.
>danmaku rape being cancelled because the girl decided she wanted to stop
that's retarded what the fuck
>racks fingers
Like I said, none of the mechanics are fleshed out, and we've got the usual threadshitter bitching about people who have a problem with that.
Get a life, threadshitter.
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>Highly Modifiable Weapons System
>Employ an arsenal of lethal and non-lethal ballistic weaponry from the Late Medieval era to the Spacer age which can end a life in a mere couple of shots, as well as supporting an on-the-fly attachments system for various parts which can be scavenged or bought, giving your guns an edge on the battlefield. Need protection? Replace your sight with a gun shield. Need a support tool? Equip a corrosive grenade launcher. Want to shoot ice bullets? Put on an elemental barrel. You're not limited by just the gun itself.
what? you don't like American 2hus?
How does getting a relationship approved work? Do the two characters have to be friends?
Afaik you just have to push them down together or make one walk in on you fucking the other and join in instead of running away.
Guns are the one good addition he has made. You can never have too many guns.
Turn out that everything was a lie, your time stopping power, your victory in danmaku, your hypnotic abilities...
Lies, all of it.
Your only purpose is to get pushed down by everything eventualy, pay child support when the unavoidable happen and keep the place clean.
TLDR: (You) are an actual sex slave trapped in an elaborate illusion.

Or that was what used to be posted here sometime to explain around that TW realy wasn't made with rape out of TSP in mind, and how you still had to pay child support even if you never interacted with a girl that you knocked up.
How high do I need to get Kaguya's favor until I can go logging in the bamboo forest?
Please don't tell me the place is actually owned by someone else and I'm a colossal retard
Basically every unlock in TW is 5 intimacy. IIRC waggy letting you fish at SDM is higher.
You /might/ be a colossal retard, you're supposed to grind out either Eirin or Tewi if I recall correctly.

>How high do I need to get Kaguya's favor until I can go logging in the bamboo forest?
>Please don't tell me the place is actually owned by someone else and I'm a colossal retard
Another anon, falls for her tricks. Just make sure you impregnate her
That's the plan, I picked up Kaguya and Mokou fumos in Japan so I figured it was my duty to pick them up in game and make them both my wives.
Clearly, I've started New Game+.
I'm fundamentally misunderstanding something about COMP.
I thought it was like, comp is my smartphone; limited storage but mobile, while my home server is unlimited storage but only usable outside of dungeons. So I got the software that lets you send demons to your home server and the one that limits your demons to 6 but doesn't take up COMP capacity. But now, whenever I fuse out in the field, the result appears to go to the home PC, and I can't summon them.
I got a Pixie and a Harpy, put them both in my party, fused them into Seiran, and could summon Seiran as usual.
Then I got a Zombie Girl and a Pixie, put them both in my party, fused them into Wriggle, but could not summon Wriggle.
Then I got a Zombie Girl and a Harpy, put NEITHER in my party (but still both clearly in COMP), fused them into Koakuma, and could not summon Koakuma.

If any of your fusion materials are present on the home server instead of your comp, then the resulting fusion automatically gets sent to the home server rather than your comp.
Yep. Can't beat the cock.

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