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Discussion of the online games found on DMM/Fanza and Nutaku.

Previous Thread: >>47040192

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)
DMM/Fanza (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)
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>Middle School outfit
Cloto's new little sister soon
Reminder to buy the Magic based weapons from the Memory Shop for TSK.
They're the only Magic weps that give 16% Atk.
I'm curious over how Rawal and Solais had a second picture in the PV despite heroes not having AWs and summer heroes not having black versions.

also needed more little girls. Rawal a cute
Last year's summer units had me by the balls, but this year's a big skip for me, which is still relative because I kinda want the plat heroes
Might need Ema.

Weren't the heroes for summer last year also plats?
this is why I dropped angelic link along with them gating all progress behind player rank after a certain point.
>procrastinated so much I haven't done a single stage of the athenes event in girls creation
Is Apollo coming in Twinkle anniversary? Uninstalled after Claudia alt because needed space for another game but I can reinstall anytime and have enough currency to pity 4-5 times.
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what the fuck is this thing
A melon22?
Yeah they haven't done seasonal black heroes so far, but the second picture might implicate that they might not be off the table (or that they ordered two images and didn't know what to do with the second one so they stuck it on the PV)
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We finally got the multiple levels at once for Skill Leveling.
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finally a notice for free roll happening. although this time the event span until end of july and you can only roll 10 times maximum.

done with core 2.
core 3 reward is same like bridemaid kirika (a golden orb for weapon upgrade)
same. hope they fix this.
Don't forget to vote on the popularity poll on the top left
I hate liking several girls and not having a definitive favorite, popularity polls are my bane
Just vote for Claudia, she's the cutest.
God, Gilles is so fucking pretty I can't take it anymore
you can vote for several girls
The poll winner gets something apparently.
Maybe a buff. I doubt it's an alt.
time to invest all my coin into sasha
Sure but you're diluting your vote and basically not pushing any of them.
If I put all my votes into Cloto will they finally make girl Cloto real?
Koharuko needs a buff
how would the scene work? would he fuck himself?
Koharuko deserves the spot as #1 onee-chan considering how much she takes care of us all.
When big bully KMS devs tried stop us from spamming CT reduction or hard content, she was there to save us.

Sad nobody cares about her.
i actually quite like her, its just that i like sasha more.
Fuck this tower chicken, whatever, it updated today anyway. I'll just have to assume it was fire/dark weak last month and my main team was able to nuke it in a few turns instead of this mess I've been trying with a water/wind team.

Most high-end ingredients for meals is gated to story too, which you can't progress at a certain point without more rank=levels or more food to give to girls. I'm humoring it for now after finding out a fucking Korea vpn works but I'll be happy when it's no longer in my rotation.
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This guy is *drowning* in unicorn cum
did they change something with birthday voice lines in twinkle? koumei is not saying them on home screen and they were auto unlocked in the library
>max gold in Legend Clover is 999,999,999 before it goes to the present box

this game needs alot of quality of life improvements.
nevermind i was looking at june instead of july lmao
>Pater and Rabi in top 10
...What the?
>Tomaru in 22nd

I bet the KMS head dev made sure his waifu Meluel alt was released near the poll for that recency bias boost.
That's why they let you buy gold bricks.
>Tomaru in 22nd
I respect it
Is uriel a unicorn? Also good for him.
>he doesn't have 30 gold bars already
There's three copies of Shine in that team....
Rabi needs to be in top 3 if you ask me
Make it a gangbang with the entire Shinsei student council as futas, Anima can make it work
>Pater and Rabi in top 10
Extremely nice.
Other than Charlene being too low these partials are alright.
Keika being so low even though she appears in so many event stories made me laugh, it's really only because she's worthless in gameplay huh
>all 5 prereg girls and venus are in top
nice to see people don't hop to latest waifu train in tsk
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I'm probably going to skip her, but damn if MGR isn't catering to a slightly different audience this time
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Didn't show up until the last 10 roll, pain. At least it's the start of the month and I can replenish the tickets I blew. Exchanged for the other angel.
I didn't read the story, but I assume she's an oneesan that rapes you. There are good number of those in the game.
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At least I'm lucky in one game.
That's no mere oneesan, that's a proper hagcubus.
Nice, hope they put her in the permapool.
they ever put paid sr characters in the permapool?
I have 10 now, but I like looking at a large pile of gold coins instead of gold bars
>2700 point coupon festival

Too expensive
I want to say it happened with 藤宮, but don't quote me on that. may have happened in reverse order.

Do the tower enemies actually change stats? I haven't really checked since I already have 40-floor auto clear
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This happened at 46 rolls, last girl I purposely rolled that I wanted was six months ago and that was in a rerun. This is also opposite of the expected result, whenever someone ultra-plain is paired with a futa in gacha, rng always gave the futa if it gave anyone at all.

Something about being a bartender in a human village.
A wedding dress シハーブ was also in the event story, for the weirdos that like that.
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free rolls delivering
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cant wait to fuck Fiona's loli pussy
who is the girl next to fiona on the right?
>People don't even recognize Luriel anymore
Poor Luriel. Absolutely hated by KMS.
Power creep has not treated you well and your alt is just bad.
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not sure if this is a bit, but I'm talking about this girl
did you read the main story?
That's Fiona's sister, Fiona.
real fiona
Fiona's sister, Fiona...wait what, why do they have the same name? Not current with the story, spoil away. Journey > destination
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Luriel is best girl, please vote for her.
Will vote for the actual best girl.
Fiona fell into a coma so her little sister Elicia took her name and became Fiona
Claudia is the cutest and therefore deserves all the votes.
Such a shame you don't get to see the legs ingame.
>Meruel from free daily pulls
There was once a time you were useful, you gigantic tiddied osanajimi
Oh, smol Almo and Mamadalena took over the X account again.
Boob size ranking:
1. Koumei
2. Magdalena
3. Gloria
>tomaru's rank steadily increasing each day
>18th Tomaru
>17th Helena
We can't let this fake beat our girl!
Aigis' insistence on redoing its UI in ways that just don't add any QoL or improve the menuing in any single way is really funny.
I found some old screenshots from back when I started while looking for something else recently.
Look, it's even one where I was getting fucked by time and Aigis herself. There are probably anons with even older screenshots since I believe the pity thing was relatively new when I started.

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