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previous: >>47218789
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daily reminder to read the guide
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I have reached 1000 words in my mining deck
nice, how long you been mining?
custom demands you show the 1000th card made
closing in on 10k myself on my main deck
>mining 10k words

let me guess you have cards for shit like 冷える and 冷え込む

if u mined things u couldn't read, you would have 5k cards max
here's a thought: why don't you mind your own fucking business, bitch
I started to study properly again this year, somewhat over 200 cards are from before that point, the rest are from the last six months.
i'm gonna learn japanese properly after i settle down with a gf for a couple years.

I started studying again in April after a ten year break. during those ten years i only watched anime without subs and chatted with randos on tinder. here is how i got back into studying:
1. download Ankidrone Starter Pack and do 10 to 30 new cards per day to jog your memory on the basics. set it so new cards appear before reviews as reviews do not matter. let the audio for the example sentences play. Delete the cards you already understand.
2. get a mining setup going with tatsumoto.neocities.org
3. pick one ln, one manga, and long anime you want to actively mine. work on all four of these together and decide which you want to tackle on any particular day purely based on your mood.
4. start making writings TSCs to learn to write. set number of daily new cards to whatever lets you finish in one year.
5. download condenser (impd — see tatsumoto's article about passive listening) and condense the audio of ALL of your favorite anime. listen to a different series each day as background noise.
6. at some point early on, read All About Particles for grammar refresher (the ebook is linked on the tatsumoto website).
7. start a common name deck. set new card limit to whatever lets you finish in a year.
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Nothing fancy, I'm a minimalist
i will probably stop mining long before I hit 10k
crippled. matt says you shouldnt mine and you shouldnt read lns
Not even audio or example sentence?
What a very natural and organic post, Tatsumoto!
matt says to jump off the roof
whatever works for you, man
grats on 1000 words down mined
no he doesnt
>download condenser (impd — see tatsumoto's article about passive listening)

we've moved away from impd. we now use https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/condensed_audio/
Why would I do that? If the kana reading is somehow not enough, I can summon the audio in literally two clicks.
This can be useful, but I mostly don't bother
this matt guy sounds stupid, maybe u should find some other guru
shut up tatsumoto
sounds good bro, good luck on words like 人気 and 擦る
this but without the butthurt sarcasm
nobody says moto or tat* to refer to minishart though
How do you mine? With Yomitan, audio and example sentences are usually included. You just need AnkiConnect.
if you're not willing to お後を追う matt-sama then i'm afraid there is no hope for you. if matt-sama says you're jumping off that roof, you're going to jump off that roof
qm really changed the game when he invented the hint field
We stand against the hijack attempt of the Yomichan project by the***way because they promote a flawed and ineffective language learning method which is different from AJATT. I recommend Rikaitan instead. Say "Rikaitan" if you also believe the hijack should not succeed.
wtf i love yomitan now
85 iq minishart said he doesnt who is posting most of the time
makes sense he projects it onto the thread when he samefags as newfags
just install rikaitan
This is a troll thread, right? Even the real Tatsumoto is more subtle than this.
nah at 85 he really thinks it looks organic lmfao
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this is the hardest kotd ive completed yet. although im not 100% sure on it so will need to wait for expert confirmation from an rtk chad.
matt says ajatt cripples people forever
when matt learned japanese, ajatt was very different from 2024 ajatt
consider that if the writer can't take 2 extra seconds to write correctly, then perhaps what he has to say isn't actually worth listening to as he cares little for it so why should you care?
so it's not even real ajatt anymore? wtf i feel scammed
it's an art form. this was painstakingly crafted.
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>it's an art form. this was painstakingly crafted
So does this mean that I shouldn't start mining until I complete KanjiTransition? How many cards should I get under my belt before I start mining?
just tried that with it and it only got 4 of the characters right. rest was gibberish. ai not at that level yet.
I would say you need to start mining after you complete KanjiTransition. If you start earlier, it's gonna be very difficult.
if you really must mine then do audio cards only and use gpt or claude for the definitions
tatsumoto really changed the game when he invented targeted sentence cards
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whatever, I can get a better idea of how it's supposed to sound from audio immersion. most words are straightforward enough
>How do you mine?
1.shift+hover for yomichan, ctrl+c, ctrl+v in the dictionary, take a look at example sentences and audio, decide if I want to add to deck or not, ctr+v to deck
khatz's ajatt is not the same as tatsu's ajatt. in fact, there are a lot of significant differences.
qm is the father of intelligence based japanese learning
quiz said work smart not hard
qm was only motivated to do what he did because of matt's influence on the thread.
i hope you're groaning bc the joke was cringe and not because you think i was being serious. fuck each an every one of them ecelebs they can all rot face down in the gutter for all i care
other thread got deleted so I’ll ask again
has there been anything of value to come out of these threads in the past year or so?
schizoposting about nameless fags
Thanks anons, I'll do that then. I'll be back once I've completed the deck in 63 days.
well now that you're here we harbor great hopes for the future
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kek tranny
too soon. i hear it was a 火葬式
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never forget. i think you could've made n1
dabにふす - dab guy
I assure you I'm the most cisgendered person in this thread
like hell I’m staying in a cesspit like this
thanks m8
you employing terminology like that, the precise meaning of which being not quite clear to me - and i would like it to remain thus thank you, makes that claim appear quite improbable
but you're already caught like a 蠅 on some 粘着テープ
if someone asked me to summarize qm's personality for them, it's gotta be reinhard+okabe+light
>I don't know what cisgendered means
>but I disagree
Disingenuous, tranny obsessed, terminally online, etc etc
good post
i'm freaking out over the impending trump dictatorship
alri nukemarine
whats the best place to dl dramas?
cant believe i scrolled past this legendary moment
You are the perfect "sheep" that every capitalism organization wants and needs . Congratulations .
Discord DMs hours before:
>Nuke: So... I see you've shaved. Looks good!
>Matt: Skip the sweet talk, come over right now and impregnate my bussy
almost got an erection today
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I will now consider white women again
i don't like the artificial look but she's kinda ugly without makeup so maybe her caking so much on is for the best
not really the perfect sheep would buy them without asking
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congrats bro hope you get a full erection soon
ankinegroes be like, I can get a Good erection in 21.8 seconds AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN leech
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Watched Kagemusha today, despite it pushing three hours long, me and my playback speed control button managed to do it in one go
Well...I'm kind of baffled to be honest. A lot of good visuals, but content wise there's just...not a lot? I get the story, but most scenes could be shortened without loss, and some of them are just some dudes marching for minutes.

Why is this supposed to be a masterpiece? Am I just stupid philistine?
>my playback speed control button
youve got issues
Well, sorry for not watching men dancing, walking from place to place, running around and screaming, or doing nothing at all diligently enough
yep have to 2x through like half of each movie you watch. movies are so slow
just watch youtube shorts movies arent for you

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Okay smartass, do explain what exactly is the value of watching soldiers march for 90 seconds straight?
Why do I have a premonition of you sneering again or simply disappearing from this thread after this question?
whats the value of watching anything at all?
for entertainment which watching some cucks walk isn't!
not surprising since people sleep on the train all the time and you wouldnt think anything of it
matt would remind you of the cup. i cant tell you exactly what the value is without rewatching the film. but just because you are unaware of the purpose because you don't think about what you're watching doesn't mean there isn't one.
purpose is relative
when you think about it djt is just like a cup and we the posters are the fluid contents
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Maybe I just don't get cinema, but I only got more convinced that anime is a more exalted artform.
Time to go back to what I was watching

I was writing this tongue-in-cheek, but the restriction of having to create every frame at least checks the worst excesses of artists that got stuck too far up their own asses
youtube shorts are even better cause they need to pack all the "content" into even less time
i'm gatorade
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Sensitive my ass.
Straight up retarded take with how often they use still frames to pad out run time, and limit the amount of things that need to be animated to save on budget. Now if you said manga I would understand.
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reject matt-dernity
embrace tradition
im piss
Oh, there you are.
Sorry, was taking a piss - I assume you were in the middle of explaining what was the of these dudes marching?
It’s pretty offensive. If someone called me that, I’d seriously consider not inviting them to the next family cookout.
because it's entertaining same as anything else. the fact it doesn't entertain you because you have dopamine withdrawal is another matter
I see it now. I am a stimulus starved zoom zoom and you are a refined cinema appreciator.
But is there some kind of limiting principle here?
I assume that in this hierarchy of yours, a turbo autist who watches paint dry until he shits himself surpasses us both.
just because you don't understand cinema doesn't mean it's the same as paint drying. nothing is for no reason.

todays reading
today's thing im never reading
斜陽 better

I hope this isn't too difficult for you.
sorry i dont use harmful formats such as pdf
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big c summary of last thread
plz be patient I'm trying to tone down the cringe but it's not working
to tone down the cringe you must use 3.0 or 2.1
every format that can contain is text is harmful, matt says
wait so matt says you shouldn't read and krashen says you have to read for fun? who is right
he doesn't say you have to read, you can just do audio
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how long should it take to read ln? this one's 120k characters and it's been a week so far.
Matt and Ken debunked this
a few hours for me
read more is just a shortcut for immerse more that avoids the reddit buzzword
Matt and Ken debunked immersion
lingual steve owned matt so his opinion takes precedence
no they only debunked immersion thats not intact, intact immersion is still okay
その傷は深く、決して癒えはしないだろう。だが、嘆く者よ... 今ひとたび、己を焦がす怒りを鎮め、戦いの手を止めてはくれまいか。


135iq vs 110iq
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felt like watching some epic fuckin anime then remembered such a thing doesnt exist anymore
good thing there's plenty of good old anime just waiting to be watched
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arnheid and gardar getting killed off and removed from the story was pretty epic.
i got btfo'd. tf is this triple negative shit
whats your issue
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how about this
idk who the fuck they are but I do gotta finish that show one of these days I only watched the first 1 or 2 seasons idr
cant invest myself into something that looks like shit
fuck that show right up the ass
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looks better than 99% of modern anime
looks like a modern anime
matt was right
season 1 of binland saga had some epic fights but then the mangaka become a stupid retard and slobbed the knob of the "weary warrior becomes a pacifist" trope too hard
It’s really just a double negative + a rhetorical question asked in the negative.
don't worry about them. they are tear bait slave characters intended to pad the story by an extra 8 episodes. their introduction is when the show starts its decline so you can drop it when you get to that part.
I unironically thought that was attack on titan I never watched midland saga.
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2005 game ahh colors
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its the student council of generic character designs
alright, fuck it, I can't learn japanese. I should have listened to her.
a more skilled writer could make a story about pacifism interesting. instead we got a karate viking telling a king that violence is wrong and the king suddenly agrees and tells his bloodthirsty warriors to go home.
yeah he should have known his place as a hack shitbird that is good for nothing except mindless action
its that bitch from high school of the dead
are there any epic fight scenes in kaijuu 8 gou? i lost interest 4-5 eps in when all i was seeing was horrid character design, boring slapstick and "mc needs to hide who he really is" trope.
yea there are
heavensward was a great expansion.
i cant exactly 掴む the コツ of イントネーション yet but i will 頑張ってみる
talking is kinda gay thoughbeit
glad i took a vow of silence so i can safely ignore vocaroo requests.
youve already read too much when writing that post your intonation is permacrippled
remember the best way to learn is to do nothing and pay matt money monthly forever
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who's gonna sue him when they don't become fluent?
too bad stormblood was trash
so it's not that she hates it, but if anything, she doesn't not feel that she doesn't not think that she isn't not unhappy? am i getting that right?
and yawntrail is even worse
If you're subscribed to Matto monthly, isn't his financial incentive to keep you subscribed as long as possible, so his goal is to teach you as slowly as possible without letting you give up
this is the 3rd time i've seen someone say this. the first new expansion being boring off the heels of a arc reset is not a good look
Did Anime Godfather delete his channel?
an rtk chad got back to me turns out i got some of the 3/4th line wrong but we move.
they intentionally made it boring because autists complained the last arc was overwhelming and they needed a break from serious storylines.
maybe I'm just getting old but it feels like the story is on a 7th grade level or something to me.
are there any rpgs that dont have cliched stories full of tropes
I thought shadowbringers was cool
Disco Elysium.
I play ffxiv because someone made a launcher plugin that copies all dialog text to the clipboard. it's so convenient for hooooovering
might rewatch shirobako again
will never watch sirobako
I watched the first episode then dropped it when it aired.
you should watch it its really good
yea carson said shirobako is among the first 20 anime any new anime watcher should watch
agreed in the sense that it shows this rose tinted view of how anime is made where everyone cares and puts all their heart and soul into the production. if you watch it after a few hundred chuggs at the isekai diarrhea faucet it rings hollow.
I’ve never heard of Carson, so I’m gonna have to ignore your advice.
i like new game more
i thought violet evergarden was cool
it has more soul than new game and less coomer bait too. also every single op and ed slaps
good thing im not a new anime watcher and i mean that in several ways
lol'd when they asspuled the guy out of his grave in violet eversharted so they could pull a super saccharine movie tie in
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stopped trying to read whenever this cunt showed up. he always spoke in riddles and it pissed me off
ya i didnt like the movie
put it in my english deck (i'm eop)
most esls would know that word
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so did nuke start learning chinese to stop people from making fun of him for not knowing japanese despite living in the country for decades?
don't put this in your deck, you'll never see it again
nuke ascended beyond japanese like master oogway
you'll see it again itt when i seethe about frieren being shit for the 50th time
you mean esl?
listened to a chinese erhu symphony today while working and it was lovely. god i love the erhu
It’s a well known fact that Nuke mastered Japanese before moving on to Chinese.
nuke hasn't posted any videos in 2 years.. what happened
Thought I was being retarded but it's just Kasumi being retarded.
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lmfao nuke is still posting giant advice posts to both chinese and japanese learners on reddit. dude has 0 humility, imagine failing spectacularly at something for over a decade and then having the audacity to think you're in a position to give others advice. unbelievable.
>imagine failing spectacularly at something for over a decade and then having the audacity to think you're in a position to give others advice. unbelievable.
Just white people things
please just stop shitting on the street rajesh you have toilets now in most of the country
how are there people at post on reddit for years
I learned Japanese did you white boy?
idk why can't i post there. it's just another forum like 4chan
cuz mods are crazy if you dont fall in line and ban/shadowban you
i have redeemed japanese sirs
guzeng better
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as for me
back to your anki cards slave den
bloody benchod i beat you bloody
nuke is laughing at your pathetic karma
his karma is probably all from his TDS posts on /r/politics, i just post on niche hobby subs
yugioh card game sub?
actually yeah sometimes lol wtf
im unstoppable
hello garyben
*flips through pages*
how do you go about reviewing monolingual cards where the word has multiple meanings? like if I'm just remembering 1 meaning for whatever context i saw it then I'm ignoring like the other 8 it seems detrimental what do?
its sad how all the great djt moments happened 4-5 years ago and now all we do is endlessly refer back to them. mutts scam stream being the biggest event in recent memory is depressing. we're due for another gary ben or agf
>You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.
I'm liking this a lot better but all the rare kanji/ateji are kind of annoying. I get the logic of why they're included but how often do you really see 珈琲 and 仏蘭西 out in the wild? Seems like a waste of time.
he's back at it talking to himself
tatsuhomo dont you have a front to go die at
if u can't tell the meaning from the context you made a shit card. delete it and add more or better context next time
matt says no
i just see a card and know if i know the word or not by pure feel

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