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/djt/ is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide

Portal to Heaven: >>>/int/djt

Previous threads:
>>47212115 #3915
>>47204350 #3914
>>47195221 #3913
>>47188412 #3912
>>47183741 #3911

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Tomorrow is the day my 3 year tenure as a hikkikomori NEET ends.

Wish me luck, bros. Keep immersing without me.
im immersing with you all the time ;3
Good luck my nigga.
I gave up on jobs after I got diagnosed with schizotypal, depression and anxiety disorder.
Turns out it's the hardest on the spectrum to treat.
I just collect disability bux for the rest of my life I guess.
how am i supposed to read 白衣? is there a main reading for lab coats and religion clothes?
fake illness
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this is why i learned japanese
ive got a sore throat
ok np, i can wait
ok ill take you up when i feel better but why do you want a vocaroo
to check if you're larping or not
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>87 on trannylist
>54 on chinklist
who was in the wrong here?
Learn german.
chinks. trannylist is biased because lgbt, but they're also retarded because its a yuri-jebait kek
used to find it crazy cringe when gaijin spoke like that but nowadays ive realised that it allows u to subtly dab on nihonjins without actually pissing anyone off its the 最適解 to keigo
japan is cool but its kind of reddit
i read a qrd and i'd say chinks. apparently kyoani are hacks and weebs have no standards
all the genius of kyoani went up in flames
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How did you pass the frustration of not being able to understand a single word when you started Japanese immersion? did i started too early?
have you ever watched something without audio? same thing. just make up the plot in your head
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watch shows with "plot"
just read
stop sucking nigger cock all day
its been so long i genuinely dont remember lol
i watched easy youtubers like kiyo and mined from the subtitles and comments
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>yet another month of hoping fsrs doesn't rape me today
>finish reviews
>time to reschedule
>400 extra reviews today even with load balance
kiyo is the embodiment of loud = funny
by enjoying the act of putting together how sentences work based on lookups and english translations
>get mad because sentences don't make sense
>kept trying until either i got used to sentences not making sense
>eventually it becomes a little less frustrating
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Do not READ Japanese or you'll be PERMENENTLY crippled!
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garry and barry's plaything
whats his reasoning for this
thank you for all the feeback senpai

later i will call my parents to tell them the good news

i practice japanese because i like the culture

also how come sometimes after a time like
昨日 theres は and sometimes theres not? i never know if i should put a particle with it lol
he puts a lot of focus on speaking more than understand now. he now claims if you read more than you listen, when you listen to audio you'll be processing it through your mind in a way that's "reading dominant" which will FOREVER affect the way you hear sound, which will apparently harm your accent.
sounds like he made that shit up so that people would pay for his course rather than do something they could do for free (read)
"for reading theres tons of free advice, material and tooling but i still want to sell stuff"
don't listen to the people who say you should ALWAYS use jap subs though, if you never actually try listening you'll suck it it forever
mutt knows as well as anyone that your accent doesnt matter one iota because it doesnt stop japanese people from understanding you and they genuinely dont give a shit anyways. if you want to sound good for your own satisfaction thats one thing, but from a practical perspective it does not matter at all. the only reason he has focused his grift on it is because it's less saturated of subniche.
>whats his reasoning for this
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looking forward to having the onigiri i made for lundtch today
vinnies solve this issue btw
did an experiment where i froze cooked meat and its actually great, just put it in the oven for like 10 minutes and its done. i had read that it fucks up the texture but its the same to me
being a sailor has nothing to do with being in the military
freezing also destroys loads of nutrition but since ur cooking it once already half of nothing is still nothing
bro you eat a can of beans a day shut da fuck up

i lost like 20kg in 10 months
why is a 長編小説 not just a 編説
a 長編小説 is stiller more 小さい than a regular 説
i only have 3000 mined embarrassing af
i want over 10k by the end of the year
bizarre attempt at a humblebrag or?
nah just genuinely embarrassed because ive been mining for well over a year
i wasted so much time
that's a whole 38 heckin words a day!!!
dont worry about it only wierdos and autists like 布教 guy (who totally isnt og) care about card counts
bro its like 7 per day on average over a year and a half
if that's og that makes me so fucking mad. i lust for her but she gives all her attention to old namefags.
布教 god won tho
i don't want any attention.
og stalked and executed jamal after he let loose he was going to an anime con and now shes coming for ciaran
that's what makes you so cool to her. dammit i wish i was like you.
lol my compound verb deck alone is +2700 cards
i'm so glad i'm not as autistic as most people here
true true
i mined like 2k over 2 years and then quit anki
You love the attention, don’t lie, Queeran.
the typical whitenoiser ladies and gentlemen >>47220664
>only 1000 cards in a whole year
kek these are the same people who tell you anki didn’t work for them
wtf you separate compound verbs? and put them in a different deck?
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it did, i just dont have any reason to do it anymore. i remember someone here saying that its useful in the beginning and then very late on for super rare words, and now i think they might be right
did you actually notice your understanding was significantly better at certain 'deck milestones'? did you feel like you were way better at 5k mined vs 2k, for example.
you didn’t really do it tho
2k is nothing
I think at around 8k I was noticing that I could read more difficult literature with a lot less lookups.
it worked for me but i didn't do it? also 2k mined doesn't mean 2k cards total
how many new words did you do a day? right now, i'm at 2150(not that other anon). also, how did you decide what words to mine? im basically just mining anything under 20k but maybe not the best plan?
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I won't suggest becoming a normalfag, but you do need to continuously struggle to surpass you past self.
This is what makes you human.
Remember the shounen protagonist sperging out about wanting to become stronger and take it unironically as a gospel
Probably on average I was doing 25-35 a day. I added almost anything unfamiliar. I think the only things I refused to mine were English loanwords and obscure animal names.
i like how the arrow points as if he is the one getting attracted by the man magnet
i had a dream about this guy last night because of you
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what does pic have to do with this. regular verbs have multiple meanings, too. why not put them all in one deck?
autism, you can tell by the fact that he made a redundant card like suberikomu
>what does pic have to do with this
it's one of the cards that i'm showing you?

>regular verbs have multiple meanings, too.
indeed they do.

>why not put them all in one deck?
mainly because they're taken from very different sources and i stole that shit wholesale formatting and everything - not even the languages line up between them and so the two decks look nothing alike. sure i could mash them together but... meh...

to an extent
Nothing wrong with adding a redundant compound verb. It reinforces the meaning of the two initial verbs, and helps instill the more niche and less obvious senses of the word.
it's completely pointless when every meaning is so obvious it can be immediately pinpointed from context provided you know the verbs that make it up
no, i definitely agree to an extent. it's less about being able to understand them as it is about making them part of my active vocabulary, as they up your eloquence quite a bit. it's just in their nature that many of them share the same auxillary verbs.
making them part of your active vocabulary using anki recognition cards?
we're not going to have a talk like that. zip up and go take a cold shower or something, bad boy
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There is six forms why don't they call rokudan? how old is the て form? do they ignore 音便形 because every other base use it? please explain for this autist over here
i accept your concession
The て form is not a stem form of a verb, it's a conjunctive suffix and traditionally an auxiliary verb. Pentagrade conjugations only take into account the 5 verb stems used to form all other conjugations, including the て form. For instance, the terminal form and the attributive form both share the same verb stem.
cold showers are peak slave behaviour

The Japanese are mad.
this wont do anything and yet the colombus music video got taken down in hours
crazy huh
Peak chud behavior. Game's coming out whether they like it or not. Yasuke's gonna be murdering Japanese people in scores, and there's nothing they can do about it.
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Why you learn Japanese?
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They should put them in Bikinis.
good reading practise in the comments
djt wont take advantage of this opportunity though, of course
the most ill read is a subtitle
in english
that's right
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Yeah I get that it's not considered but I don't get why is not considered, like て form is conjunctive so is 連用形, i-steam, I just wanted to know why they don't count the "empty-steam" as it is the base for て/た forms
japs be like
what da fuck is te form and verb stems
>で は の
lmao fuck this language. now all of a sudden a possessive can immediately follow は without a direct noun.
i-i just understand it
whats so hard to understand sister
Because て (and た, which is both a clipping and contraction of てあり) attach to the continuative form (連用形) of verbs. the っ before て in the verb you mentioned is simply a euphonic change that occurred over time. It's not actually a unique verb stem.
I understand your frustration. Japanese can indeed be challenging, especially when it comes to particles and sentence structure. Let's break this down:
1. The sentence "港町ならではの掘り出し物があるかもしれない" is actually grammatically correct and common in Japanese.
2. In this case, "ならでは" is functioning as a set phrase meaning "unique to" or "characteristic of."
3. The structure "XならではのY" means "Y that is unique to X" or "Y that is characteristic of X."
4. So, "港町ならでは" means "unique to a port town" or "characteristic of a port town."
5. The の after ならでは is connecting this phrase to 掘り出し物 (bargains or finds).
6. The は in ならでは is not functioning as the topic particle in this case, but as part of the set phrase.

A more literal translation would be: "There might be finds/bargains that are unique to a port town."

It's true that Japanese grammar can sometimes seem inconsistent or surprising to learners, especially when set phrases are involved. Keep in mind that language learning is a process, and it's okay to feel frustrated sometimes. Stick with it, and these structures will become more familiar over time.
because the te-form is formed by adding て to the conjuctional form (one of the 5) of verbs and adjectives. or by adding で to the stem of verbal-adjectives
bro you think too much just feel it out
i couldnt feel out my cock in a cunny
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damn thanks, anon it makes sense now. I'll sleep in peace today.
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1.Monthly kanji test looks good, nearly triple digit improvement over the last one
2.Mushoku tensei tachis...I yield. I dropped it after the first season because the MC is too much of a insufferable freak, but I ended up watching the last two episodes and it's better than...nearly anything this year?
Long story short, that's probably what I'm reading next (even though I know basically every spoiler)
>the MC is too much of a insufferable freak
>that's probably what I'm reading next
he's just like me
I literally answered your retarded questions perfectly and you go and thank the other guy. I hate this place.
this guy knows whats up
lmao, are you a woman? jking, ywnbaw
you really did


get rekt
uppercasers btfo
>conjunctional form
>knows whats up
Yeah, no.
eh firepunch is just ok. fujimoto definitely improved by the time he started csm
is this from the adopted daugher grooming linnie?
I hate lowercasers so much. You people are the bane of my existence. So glad you guys can't lowercase in Japanese (hiragana doesn't count, sorry).
noo u have to respond to my chatgpt copypaste post noooo
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Hit my head against the problem enough to the point where i stopped caring for the most part
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i can speak to you in lowercase right now. do you want me to? itu demo ii yo
ChatGPT wouldn't be able to make heads or tails out of his retarded question.
>I just wanted to know why they don't count the "empty-steam"
>empty stem
whenever is fine?
only read 99 and looked at the structure of 33 to see its either an AI post or an out of town reddit effortpost
Bongtardo really living up to his name, not being able to follow whose posts are whose.
yeah am using all my braincells on my ネット麻雀
would you look at that matt haters are esl readers
you cant even vocaroo in english without sounding like shit lmao thats all the proof needed to prove matts point
Matt won
matt never lost
"We need to bridge the gap and find ways to coexist harmoniously. If we can teach gaijin to speak Japanese, bathe more often, and stop eating so much butter, I am confident more landlords will accept them.”
Damn, didn't know bakagaijins were this bad
show me one matt hating esl who sounds native in english
you cant
Damn so that's why unwashed gaijin cock is so appealing over there.
Yeah the nihonjin have bad breath but smells nice, but the gaijin have nice teeth and is smelly
imagine caring about history being incorrect in a game about alternate reality
it's like making a petition to make stop making assassin's creed because the knights templar weren't actually ninjas or whatever
>sounds native
You will never be Jack?
>*incubates my cock inside your asshole*
hello anal cream
no such thing as a native sounding esl
Anacreon seething over the thousands Matt's making.
nah ive met them. plenty of dutch and scandinavians like that
matt haters i dont feel so good...
why can't anacreon just forget his petty little grudge against matt.
the bitch accent
they arent real esls since they already speak a dialect of english a bit like how u can have ppl from kansai who speak with perfect kyoutuugo
retard cope
what is he doing with those a1 english sounds
euroid tryna sound cool
I'm so happy to be a real native esl!!
oh yea i forgot the germanic languages and romance languages are basically just dialects of each other. having a "native" accent is just the default for all of them.
do they really?
if queef had shadowed disney princesses he wouldnt sound so fucked up
imagine spending ten thousand hours learning a language only to sound like this
the fate of readers...
people who claim input method works just look at quiz
he still makes the same mistakes every post
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idk bout that bro
the native sounding esls laugh at djt methods and make millions like matt. coincidence? i think not
Matt basically debunked input theory after reaching native-level through it. He’s basically the smartest person on earth.
the djt method is fine if youre like the typical djter (autistic retarded ヒッキー neckbeard loser whitenoising nukige in his parents basement)
would rather sound cute than native
they're probably high iq though so that's not fair.
youre telling me only low iqs hate matt? big if true
watching english vtubers is the saddest shit
they all have the same personality too
You’ll sound like neither
gonna need an austrian guy vocaroo
this has been confirmed for awhile
hes too scared because he knows he sounds worse than quiz
austria: 0
germany: 1
did one a couple years ago with a linnie page of conan and unko said i sound fine
it must have taken you hours of prep why else wouldnt you make a new one right now
reminder that this is unko’s japanese
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yeah thats about what i sounded like
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sounds great
wish og was here to tell us about native accents...
yeah austrian guy is lucky
Queeran believes OG still haunts us (and him).
another l for minicream
idk man if so many esls develop horrible pronunciation the correct techniques must be secrets which are to find or use
makes sense that matt charges as much for hidden knowledge, i would say he priced it fairly
Analcream can't stop losing.
>beach episode
>no swimsuits
my disappointment is immeasurable
hard to find*
>engsub anon's a pos pedo
i'm not even surprised
anacreon won
sorry minicream
close but no cigar
>hidden knowledge

love learning hidden shit like this
its monday and pippi isnt back...masaka did something happen at the convention....
he could charge 1 million dollars and that'd be a "fair price" if he got customers. value is determined by the individual.
so true, capitalism bro! we keep winning.
is pippi another djt personality i need to be aware of
there have been shitposting phases, but without jamel the thread has been way more ontopic :)
too early for you to start signing in japanese
floodbro owns your ass lil bro
yeah djt is finally healing
i sing japanaese all day bro
you should try it too
i've been learning for 3 years and this is the first time i'm reading this
It's an extremely uncommon word.
stfu analtard
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産気づく not that rare
LSD Microdose Experiment - Day 1

Today I learned 40 new flashcards. Not bad, but not too impressive either. I suppose it'll take a few more days until the effects have fully built up. Looking forward to the remaining 89 days.
>i've been learning for 3 years and this is the first time i'm reading this
his belly is more grown than his ass
it's 58k and shoui says 50,001-80,000 = rare
stopped reading there
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what are some good rpgm games or vns for sex with 個共?
>he reads word by word
its within the first third of your range of rare
aka not that rare
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i've read a few 異種出産 doujins and i don't think they used it
"not that rare" = "kind of uncommon" which shoui says is 30,001-40,000
matt says that there acquisition of rare words is best done in anki, so if you can acquire it outside of anki then it's not rare
what about 産毛
seen it before
i laughed
i've been learning for 4 years and this is the first time i'm reading this (in a nukige)
what about 跼る
retard where do you think the words "in anki" come from? you think they just spawn in anki and only reach the outside world once someone has learned them in anki? dipshjit
you moved cards around to get something you thought would look impressive. it didn't.
you pushed some plastic keys in with your fingers to get something you thought would look impressive. it didn't.
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daily reminder to read the guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
nothing wrong with a bit of tikan and tousatu
they dont have to put up any warnings where i live because girls dont even wear skirts
real women are fucking disgusting, holy shit
thats ai generated
ai researcher here, it's not ai generated
all humans are ai generated
generated by love
try again gambardelli
what about ppl who were made by donated sperm
only ignant white people believe this
>white people
u mean wypipo?
i mean the yts
matt says reading the dictionary cover to cover and mining words you don't know is a perfectly valid way to grow your vocab in anki
it's in his q&a vault. can't share it with you. matt says piracy is unethical and even illogical given kant's universalizability principle
never thought of it that way
piracy passes the categorical imperative predicated on the fact that the individual had no intention to pay for it to begin with and it's a digital good. it's not the same as saying "everything should be universally free to everyone".
thought of it this way
during cunt's time piracy meant pillaging and raping on the high seas.
kant never said anything about piracy specifically probably. it's a general principal that applies to any act.
I don't buy games because i can pirate them not because i wouldn't have bought them otherwise
there is hatred of?
>the individual had no intention to pay for it
then youre using the developers as a mere means to an end, which goes against kant's kingdom of ends
no, because if the developers choose only to create a game simply for their own benefit (ie to become enriched) and not because they want to enrich the world itself with a piece of art then they themselves are outside of the scope of kants categorical imperative and are justifiably ignored in moral conundrums. a morally just developer would be completely fine with piracy of his work as long as it did not cause him any losses as it ultimately enriches the world.
never thought of it that way
matt says https://streamable.com/3pa62
emil kirkegaard says philosophy is a waste of time because it causes more confusion than it clarifies and it's only useful for defending yourself from other people studying philosophy
i thought of it that way
Matto noooo
So philosophy is the equivalent of a retard hurting themselves but for the smarties
anacreon unironically tried to paint matt as racist after i prompted matt to talk about iq on a stream. i felt really bad about that.
>rasubosu can heal itself
gtfo stupid boss design
last boss?
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akira poster and beatles shirt is brazy signalling
bye djt
you think matt feels the same as this guy?
why you leaving
i JUST made it
>the developers choose only to create a game simply for their own benefit

and that is why piracy fails the universalizability principle. if a developer knew everyone was going to pirate a game that they were going to make and sell, they would not make it in the first place. piracy is fundamentally illogical as it violates the social contract that allows intellectual property to benefit its creator thus encouraging further developments.
matts not just a racist
bye jamal
kek i remember laughing hard at this when it was first posted
you are ignoring the conditions of the piracy that we talked about. you're basically saying self defense doesn't pass the categorical imperative because people might go out and murder anyone they want. if every developer knew that everyone _who had no intention to buy their game wouldn't buy it_ then they would still make games, as that's always going to be true regardless of the existence of piracy.
>having two dads
this but with matt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r0kaGEPo0w
>you're basically saying self defense doesn't pass the categorical imperative

apologies but matt says i shouldnt engage with those that utilize such disingenuous arguments, as one should instead prioritize interactions among folks whom expostulate in good faith.
how is it a disingenuous argument? you are claiming that some conditional act (piracy without any intention to buy) is equivalent to a broader act (piracy with or without any intention to buy). this is entirely analogous to the conditional act of violence in self-defense being a universally justifiable act under kant's categorical imperative while maintaining that wholesale violence isn't.
it's time to join the church of matt
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im already a member of a different church
the church of permavirgin losers?
You may have misread or just read something wrong. During the test of universalization, it isn’t acts (ex: “killing”) that are universalized. Maxims (justificatory rules) are universalized. So, whether or not killing can be universalized is irrelevant. It’s the wrong kind of thing to try to universalize. Additionally, your example of self defense is one explicitly handled in chapter 1 of Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. In suggest you read his written works before discussing it any further.
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doing anki every few days for like 2 minutes, very chill and effective
i could probably add more words if i was reading more and the words i'm adding are rather easy, but i'm following my own philosophy of adding everything i stumbled over in any way

honestly, once you reach a huge amount of cards (let's say over 20000) you should probably just reset your entire deck and restart, it's so easy now
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is your original deck available for download anywhere? it's like a holy relic for djt as the first anime cards deck
working in japan must be so shitty
i deleted mine at like 3000 words and never learned japanese
i don't have it locally (using a different account ankiweb account) but it's still on my original ankiweb account
i could download and publish it but honestly? there is just so much personal shit in there i don't think i should share it

if i have some time i may go through all cards and vet them and if i feel like it's okay, i can share it
just took a massive dump on the toilet, at least that's what I thought it would be so I pressed extremely hard to make sure it all gets out in one go, turns out I have diarrhea and because I pressed so hard I let out the gnarliest most explosive shart I've experienced in my entire life, I'm telling you fellas, it was so loud my neighbors must've heard it and the particles had so much speed that they bounced off the toilet curvature and straight onto my back (I felt that)
anyway, what I'm getting at is, what's the word for "diarrhea" in nihongo?
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demon sloppa time
if you're just starting to mine and want to do a lot of cards and build a huge passive vocab, make your cards with the intention of sharing from the start
then you save yourself this trouble and have an epic shareable deck lol
you need this bro https://streamable.com/7wzenf
>"Well, I didn't intend to buy this iPhone, they're way too expensive! That means stealing it is OK since they weren't going to make money off of me anyway."
unironically true and morally correct as long as you are being honest with yourself which any honorable man should be anyways
>there is just so much personal shit in there i don't think i should share

like what? did you mine your DMs with someone?
physical and digital goods are obviously completely different and it should go without saying. there's no loss. we've already covered this.
theyre losing a valuable object here though so why pretend ure 80iq
mining from porn obviously
why are they white supremacists?
what do you mean reset? you just relearn all your old cards?
yeah bros dont mine from lolige if your ankiweb acc is under your work email because its gonna be awkward if they get breached
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sotd (new)
honestly, i don't know, i just remember there was a reason i didn't want to share my deck, could be i'm just proud/satisfied with how earlier cards look

yeah lots of that too

no, not relearn
essentially just delete/retire all cards and start mining from scratch
and 20000+ words won't disappear from your mind and you leave a lot of a baggage
did it hurt?
That's not the point. If your justification for acquiring something you need to pay for without paying for it is "i will not pay for it" then you're reasoning is circular and flawed
how is it circular and flawed? you didn't explain anything there. there is literally zero difference to the creator of an infinite good (any digital good) whether i don't buy something or i pirate it. if i'm not going to buy something under any circumstance then it's the same thing if i pirate it or don't except that i actually get to enjoy it.
>jp subs:
qm won
if i want a thing and am willing to buy it, but getting it for free is also an option (and is ethical, as you say), then a rational agent like myself will always do the latter.
thats not relevant. as "a rational agent" you would be performing a morally unjustifiable action, whereas i wouldnt be. it's not ethical in your case. it's only ethical in the case that you would not under any circumstances be willing to buy it.
is he ok
mined 52 today

i gave a perfectly logical and valid reason for why i am not willing to pay for it. you seem to disagree with me though. can you list some reasons for being unwillingly to pay that would satisfy you?
mined 0 today
yeah its just a flesh wound
being "logical and valid" is unrelated from ethical concerns. you literally said you would be willing to buy it if you had no other choice.
arent you the guy who brought up kant?
watch the video sister
how would you guys read 御身?
no that was the matt quoter. i dont care about kant. but to me it's the same moral principle as self defense. both violence and piracy are morally justifiable under certain conditions that have to be met.
djt - literally anything but japanese
why would anyone want to talk about something as boring as that?
also the new anki algorithm is really good i think, cards i learned today are already due in 5 days instead of a day later, it feels like much less load
this is still weird in my eyes, because saying your happiness is at an limit seems like its limited by outside forces, possibly meaning you're not happy but sad rather

but this actually means something この上なく嬉しい -> theres nothing happier than this
if you are saying that you are at maximum possible happiness that actually means you're sad? okay bro.
vocaroo itsudemoii
yea keep arguing about kant loser
>piracy is unethical
true true
we dont do self deprecation around here
no i'm esl so im probably incorrectly conveying my message but imagine saying "my happiness limit". doesn't this somewhat make you think that your happiness is limited? taking a step further you might imagine an event or thing pressing down on it, making it limited. i dunno i can't phrase it perfectly but its still a weird construction in my eyes. but i can at least say that i get it now
stfu manchurian shill
not me, i'm a subahibichad
if you reach the dexterity limit of 999 in a videogame does that mean your dexterity is "limited"?
>you literally said you would be willing to buy it if you had no other choice.

yes, so? i'm also willing to buy checkbooks if i have no other choice. but instead i get it for free from my bank.
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kinda but i would rather say i've reached the upper bound
that's the same thing as 限り though.
i see
what do you mean "so". it's the entire point of the discussion. it's only justifiable if you you would not under any circumstances be willing to pay even if you had no choice but to pay.
you know how black people say "i don't know nothing" to say they don't know anything?
so you're black?
2+ sigma test:
the least upper bound on lower bounds is the greatest lower bound and the greatest lower bound on upper bounds in the least upper bound
no i'm not
>under any circumstances

ok here is a circumstance:
a new world order government is going door-to-door and executing anyone that can't prove they bought a legal copy of elden ring.

if even under these circumstances you are still unwilling to buy elden ring, then yes i agree you can pirate it if you wish.
if you can't prove >>47223373 with perfect logic you should stfu
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what does any of that have to do with what we're talking about? maybe these kinds of non sequiturs fly on reddit but not here.
lego movie any good?
has this been photoshopped to make him look like he has downs syndrome or what
i used to think that level of logic was trivial for mostly everyone
then i found djt, sad!
jackshit and barrels held were both slipups but the meaning was conveyed and they were funny no reason to cope about it actually being ebonics or something
i tried to find a usage in the iwayuru "wild" to back up quiz but could only find stuff that backs up his detractors like
i have to admit i still laugh about barrels held years later, it's hilarious
proud i came up with it
yea you should be proud of all your posts LOL
was this quiz?
barrels held is unironically funny as hell and i wish i could use it in a real convo without seeming insane
what is the 3 sigma test
ive used it once when i was playing diddy in スマブラ
there's so much potential for wordplay because of all the homophones in Japanese. i love it!
redditors love wordplay don't they folks
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reader moment
you referencing something specific?
i have to look up 一息 every time i see it because im unsure of its reading
stop reading lns written by brazilians
qm, you and anal are the only ones i don't have filtered <3
this >>47166791
wtf why'd you filter me
uso wo haku ?
>i suppose ill do ...
they always sound so arrogant to me when they use this
who tf are you
thanks but i think filters are pointless anyway
if you don't like the thread just don't post here

huh okay
no one but if i were a namefag you'd have filtered me
is quiz's discord still active or did the intellectual elite of djt move elsewhere
your life is pointless
you got btfo lil bro
i don't usually post at all, it's just the one's that seem to come in here and personal blog all day like rekt! retard and papi fag and 米 actively make the thread look worse so i filter people like that mostly.
ok qm, i got a big boy quiz for you:

what is your favorite anime from this and last year?
djt without pippi is no fun tho
tags: mindbreak
yeah where is lil pippi?
frieren started airing in 2023 so that
and probably dungeon meshi for 2024
hes fucking a fat anime bitch
both gay though
zoomer slop
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stop signing you're posts yall
we moved to tmw
just saw 演し物 written as 出し物 for the first time
never seen any of those
never played a rpg before?
lmao wtf this caught me off guard
where can i get srt files for hentai? i don't see them on kitsuneko
but what was being served? 舞台劇 or 料理?
hentai doesnt exist anymore much like anime they both fused into one and its never been worse
it was about 旅芸人s so the former
rethink your life and the steps you took to get here
you can try here >>>/gif/27451392
travelling gays - that's the worst kind
wish i could still get an erection like that
i could help...?
it says under 30
no, dad! you don't get it. i'm just a cock artist
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what's the best immersion setup for android outside of listening? just reading LNs? is there an app or hoover dictionary that makes it easier?
quizmeister knows the answer
usually he hangs out here >>>/gif/27451392
Phoneposters need to leave
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took me a bit more than 2 weeks but i just finished グランディアⅡ gonna pick up vagrant story now
you never get bored playing these repetitive games bro?
not yet there are a few classics i still wanna play through
I played through 3 expansions of ffxiv and haven't seen whatever that is even once
you played thru the suikoden series?
saw it 16 times in hatuyuki sakura
dont listen to this mummers farce
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generate them with whisper
ive read every piece of japanese media except the 32 things listed here https://jpdb.io/vocabulary/1338140/%E6%BC%94%E3%81%97%E7%89%A9/used-in and i ever saw it even once
*gets crippled*
under what context would that word pop up in an rpg?
yea 1, 2 and 3. i liked them all but 3 was kinda meh (still a banger op, if not the best of that era imho)
pretty much every jrpg has some kind of play nonsense. theres a whole raid questline in ff14 about a travelling troupe of actors in stormblood
kiwi browser + yomitan for winnies and maybe for linnies if tutu reader works okay out of the box, otherwise jidoujisho (but they embed tutu anyway)
>try using [convenient learning tool}
>kiwi browser + yomitan for winnies and maybe for linnies if tutu reader works okay out of the box, otherwise jidoujisho (but they embed tutu anyway)
what is all this zoomer shit and terminology
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im not remembering any of that happening in the msq. that entire expansion's story focused on the war front and liberating alamigo. you might be talking about shadow bringers bro, i remember a dance bar or something being there in the first.
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>try to read an interesting novel
>Pages and pages of boring history lessons
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i wrote that and completely glanced over the fact you mentioned it being a raid questline. i avoid them.
what novel bro
isn't the lazy set up for pcs and not phone
How do people like this exist?
im talking about https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Return_to_Ivalice
>You learn that the Majestic Imperial Theater Company was forced to flee the Empire after its founder and principal, Jenomis cen Lexentale, refused to cease his criticism of the government. There is, however, more to the story... and if you wish to hear it, you will need to proceed to the bridge.
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>what novel bro
>isn't the lazy set up for pcs and not phone

The guide is for both.
ive been reading the winny that guy recommended me after i asked about epic worldcrafting. it's alright. funnily enough the mc avoids having any kind of sexual relationships so i have appreciated that aspect.
why are you gay
no but im not allowed to say what i am because its controversial.
futa is NOT gay
i am an accepting person
yup proven by google a few years before

it's crazy you could scream that in class and everyone would laugh at you but 99% if all hetero guys would agree with you silently
most people dont know what futa is
futa is super gay cuz the dicks are always the focal point. never understood the appeal of it from the straight male perspective.
this is explained in >>47224008
> references a google conference about sexuality as if google doesn't actively attempt to indoctrinate you into either taking the pink pill or taking it in the ass
understanding why futa is not gay and even less gay than straight porn is 1st grade math
we arent watching all that. i just know whenever people post futa shit in this thread to troll the dicks are bigger than >>>/gif/27451392
*looking at a massive huge veiny throbbing cock and beating your meat*
nah dude it's fine see those titties there and that pussy *picks up magnifying glass*
i can only show you the door, you're the one that has to walk through it
thats the third time ive hovered over that link can you stop bro
looked at some futa to see if it would give me my erection back but it didnt
low test
whats the Ada or Lolita of jap literature
jap literature sucks
you cant tell me this country has existed for tens of centuries and their greatest lolicon work is a doujin some nerd worked up in his sweaty apartment
gotta give an interview tomorrow probably with some fella from the indian subcontinent. not really looking forward to it.
once you go brown it never flushes down
Having to pause an anime every 5 seconds to translate a sentence makes something that should take 20 mins become way longer
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saar i am technology mad
i am developing a method that's about to revolutionize this by putting translated sentences directly into the subs stay tuned for my emergency stream
ur doing it wrong lil bro
i should probably reread ada, it's gonna be extra comfy because i can read french now
save a timestamp everytime you come across a word you dont know, use an AI summarizer with subtitles to get the gist of whats going on. Revisit the list serially later
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we like futa
Well what do you suggest then
VS is a great game if you can figure out the weapon system and stomach the constant menu use. It took me many attempts to finally get it.

There's nothing else like it. The tone and setting are fantastic and the score is one of Hitoshi Sakimoto's greatest works.
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oh i looked at the interview invite the guy is brazilian. probably better.
ask him who won the debates though
#9 is BS
Nobody here wants to know japanese for any other reason than to watch hentai
i made sure to send this to my friends a long time ago but idk if they realized i like tranny porn or not.
what's the leon of jap cinema
what the fuck is a winnie
i tried copy pasting this thread into the lmsys.org claude but it says it violates content moderation guidelines. what the hell.
can android yomitan sync to pc yomitan so I don't accidentally mine duplicate words?
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no such thing. probably the closest you'll get is some 60s seijun suzuki hitman movies that influenced the genre. and that combined with 90s kitano stuff for the cool vibes.
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you can thank me later bros
yh that's sus
ciaran is/was one of the good guys and i doubt he was in here in the last two years
bro photoshopped a camel toe for the thumbnail :skull:
>But let's be real - in a thread like this, the only true winners are the popcorn manufacturers supplying all the viewers enjoying this shitshow from the sidelines.
true true
how new
ive never even claimed to be good at japanese so i don't really understand the negativity.
Dame, lil c destroyed for the nth time lmfao
by big C no less
trump's packed supreme court ended democracy and we're not freaking out over it?
nukemarine speaks for me
we already knew you werent no need to admit it
when big C can replace lil c as a senior dev then we can say big C "destroyed" him. until then don't make me laugh
is big C calvin input?
when nukemarine speaks i sit my ass down and listen
nukes been learning chinese
claude 3.5 sonnet
I've got a whole spreadsheet ready of lil c's mistakes in his subtitle transcriptions ready to post next time he tries to talk shit
how about letting go of your hate instead
Extremely based. Queeran had it coming after acting tough with those transcription challenges.
which show
ciaran never did a mistake in any of the jidai clips he kept posting
this is literally historical revisionism
sad to see lil c finally becoming hated by the thread but i guess it was inevitable due to him acting like hot shit
what is quizmeisters take though
quiz never references ciaran anymore despite their deep history together. kinda makes me sad.
^^ this ^^
Queeran never transcribed any clips, save for a few nitpicks, but even then, the dust would need to settle for at least 24 hours before he'd say anything.
i bet his wife has never called him master
Outlaw Star and TTGL
you do realize ciaran put mistakes in the subs on purpose right
suikoden 1/2 was probably the only jrpg where i had a lot of fun managing items despite it every character having very limited item space
Holy cope Queero
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can't unlove this language
lmao Queeran sisters, I don’t feel so good
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SERIOUS QUESTION Why does the Google IME keyboard not let me type 巨乳??? I have to fucking type 巨人 and then backspace and type 牛乳 then delete 牛. Is it because it's a common word? How DARE Google censor me and my words. FUCK this technological hellscape society.
any positive posts to reply to?
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i had this problem for years but it turns out i just had to press space and it input the correct word, whereas previously i kept checking the dropdown list (which naughty words never showed up in for some reason)
巨乳 i just typed it. maybe there's a sensitive word setting.
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they don't want you to know this trick
You're like a shell of your former self, my dude.

no western woman would
she loves him and wants to spend a lot of time with him even after having a kid but like many men he has lost interest in his wife and wants to divorce her. is this the male curse? our hunger for sexual variety and antisocial attitude repels us from the mother of our children?
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just finished 2 hours immersion, apparently if I do this 1000 more times then I'll be fluent
do 4 hours, but 500 more times
curse of the pussywhipped
crazy how qms wife deleted his anki deck and now he has to start from scratch
It's still on Ankiconnect. He's fine.
if you don't output in the meantime, you won't get fluent.

Your brain will not respond to the input in the right way. If you output, your brain will treat the input as treasured information, but if you only input, your brain has no reason to try to synthesize the information in a reproducible, flexible way.

output more guys. make friends.
reminds me og
saw paris hilton in the news and had to go bust a nut to her sex tape
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i know this feel kinda
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Updated AJT Japanese

In the latest version you can enable color coding in sentences. Words will be colored according to their pitch accent type. Heiban words are painted blue, Atamadaka red, Odaka green, Nakadaka orange. This feature is experimental and is disabled by default, but it can be enabled if the "color code pitch" option is set to "color" or "underline". Additionally, if the "Attributes" option is enabled, you will see additional pitch accent information when you hover over words with the mouse.

finished a manga
move on to the next one on my list
wait a minute this is fucking josei
instantly remove it from my list
sounds like hogwash
OG failed and so will you.
when is ogs sextape dropping
all that text just to say "train your active vocabulary bros!" also nobody here is learning japanese to speak it.
og’s like in her mid 30s now eww
bro shut up.
don't care i'd sniff that old hag's vagine
glad i took a vow of silence so i don't have to worry about output.
my 6.2 could make og happy
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beautiful writing
hes kind of right tho, karaoke with jap lyrics has the strongest immersion potential
claudes 3.5 could make her happy
my girth is 4.5 so she might not even be able to feel it but i'd cuddle with her after every session and tell her how much i love her
crazy how speaking to natives is the best way to acquire japanese but im too much of an anxious pussy to do that so end up using the second best method instead
it's not crazy. we're just not extroverts.
japanese is a fantasy language only spoken in weird media
this was debunked
moe would debunk this
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i swear im not trans but i wish i was a girl just for the reason that i could easily find friends over vrchat and discord to talk in japanese with and achieve fluency in just 6 months
if you wouldn't go to /soc/ and start looking for random discord buddies to talk to then why would you want to do the same in a different language.
what is cram
whole thread collectively went to check out /soc/
>custom study -> review forgotten cards -> 7 days
i sometimes do this when i'm commuting via public transport
paris hiltons granddad started hilton hotels wtf
just buy a kuruma lil bro
>i swear im not trans but i wish i was a girl

welcome to the daily japanese thread
nah just queeran
says the guy who was arguing about kantian ethics and shit
the idea of transgenderism has never appealed to me at all. im firmly male.
*a not so firm asexual
im *slurp* firmly *gawk gawk* male *gulp*
not me. why would you even think that
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lol amerilards
"theres nothing to see in Japan unless you have a car"
ciaran only likes that one philosopher from the 1800s who was depressed about shit.
thats all of them
being asexual has nothing to do with gender. im firmly an asexual male. absolutely can't be shaken. only difference is ive always been 100% firm in the fact that i have no interest in being anything other than a man whereas i had to do some introspection to realize im asexual since i wasn't aware that my disinterest in sex is significantly different from the norm.
*interest in anything
as for me? gaetano mosca
you're not normal, you must perish without progeny, this is what my biology is telling me to tell you via this board
time to try tren
don't worry as a firm asexual who has taken a vow of lifelong celibacy amongst other things i can guarantee you that i will not have any kids. i would have a vasectomy but it's unnecessary in my case.
you don't have to take my post serious bro
damn queeran is like sasuke but without any coolness
ive honestly never read a single page of a work of philosophy except under duress. it doesn't interest me to ponder about unanswerable questions. all will be revealed in due time when i die of old age.
*blood hand sign* suck dick jutsu!!
my dick is firmly up your asexual ass
crazy how different qm and ciarans ideology is its no wonder they could never be friends
you won't be dying for thousands of years thanks to the singularity
well i also took a view of lifelong solitude so its impossible for me to be friends with anyone.
cumming for a thousand years
ship of theseus is unsettling
depending on how i feel i might bow out before then. id probably be bored of life after another 150 years especially if everything is soulless ai slop or we realize that we are actually the ai slop after all.
no ai will be so smart or "creative" that it will be able to make anime, movies, music, etc. for you that will hit all the spots you could ever dream of. additionally ai will be able to read your mind and tell when you're getting bored of something and switch it up for you. life is gonna be great man.
just need ai to get good enough to stop nukes so the deterrent is null so we can end the long peace and return to 100+ year conventional wars
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>lifelong solitude
>its impossible for me to be friends with anyone
that doesn't really appeal to me. the good parts are good because they are not common. if everything was the same it would be boring. it's the same reason you wouldn't become a drug addict (ignoring the issues that go with it). it's manufactured.
why can't i go anywhere without some rando bringing up gender and sexuality. this is legitimately crazy lol
you'll also be getting an ai-recommended gf.
what if the ai says that you will be forever alone?
>that doesn't really appeal to me. the good parts are good because they are not common
ai will be able to tell this about you and produce the exact conditions necessary for the good stories to make you feel something deep and powerful.
almost half the posts in this thread are about wanting to fuck women or children but all of the sudden im the weirdo for making 1 post? allosexual are so ignorant.
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i still listen to lolicore in 2024
naruto had a banger ost
asexuals are like libertarians everyone hates them
pretty epic animation in some episodes too. what a waste.

im turning into a shinobi
it won't be satisfying knowing it's artificial. taking mdma etc is on the surface a feeling of pleasure that is extremely hard to match but it's unsatisfying to the soul. it's just something i feel in my bones that it's not real.
tfw said kuso instead of kuusou
i have never watched an episode or read a chapter of naruto, one piece or bleach in my life
reminds me of me and philosophy books.
ては if then
ば if then

i still don't have a clue if and where the difference is
the akatuki were kinda cool
it became shit after the pain arc
ba indicates a hypothetical thats all I know
ai will be smart enough to explain to you why artificial intelligence isn't meaningfully different from organic intelligence. eventually your feeling that it's not real will go away.
i won't be capable of accepting the explanation on a molecular level. the same reason you can try to take a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
heheh oh you will you wannabe luddite, you will...
>ては if then
tfw no ai gf
crazy how my exgf was called 愛.
it's a clear sign that ill never accept it. my vows will never be broken.
wtf this is basically a prophecy. you're destined to redeem yourself by embracing ai.
何 可 同 司 句
they don't feel confusing
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ai gf
b d p q
ok now say that in eigo
where is the "if"
if you say that im in big pp pain
if you say that to me ill be komaru
shouldn't komaru be little circle
69 get
if that's actually what you think it means you should leave
can you translate it for me then
lol you just outed yourself as a troll or dekinai
japs really be naming their restaurant like "manliness sushi" and shit
also kinda hard to argue against my 69 get so i take that as your concession for now until you come up with another cope
>1 危惧・不都合などの感情をもたらす条件を仮定して示す。…たら。「けが人が出—大変だ」「死んではなんにもならない」
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their posts are just as retarded as yours. what we're not going to do is add more dog shit to the pile.
put your grasses on
nuffing wirr be wong
hanabi are blowing all around me and im learning jap
same as any て form verb, just with added emphasis
i bet you've posted all kinds offtopic garbage in this thread. if not you're in the wrong place.
that's not a translation
and why doesn't the dictionary say that then >>47224790
95 percent of everything i've posted here are on topic questions.
so that 5% was shit posts but you got uppity at me for making a single post. hypocrite.
not shit posting, but rather replying to shit posts, like your original tranny post
oh god you think tara means if too? i thought this was the intermediate thread
what's the point in asking a question here, no one gives you an answer
this has been debunked
i was replying to posts directed at me too. i didn't make the original post i was responding to my detractors who claimed it was me. so we're in the same boat.
what do you think 仮定して表す means
true. i shitpost all the time and no one harasses me about it.
can you tell me the difference between these sentences?
>When it rains it pours.
>If it rains it pours.
do you think its possible to learn japanese at 24?
>95 percent of everything...
make that 94 now
it's pretty much impossible after you turn 5
たら can mean both if and when depending on usage
if you didn't know that you aren't intermediate
>I walked into the road and got hit.
>When I walked into the road I got hit.

>If I walk into the road I'll get hit.
both as suppositions, one hypothesizes an outcome that the speaker is unsure will be realized. the other focuses on actions taken after an outcome has been realized that the speaker is sure will happen.
lol some konbini are ask-for-key for 'crime prevention purposes'
the crime they're talking about is couples having sex in the toilet or amerilards with a fat shit
yeah tanoshikattaze
unfortunately you are so crippled that even if i posted example sentences that obviously contradict this your brain would somehow warp them to your own incorrect interpretation
e.g you think the example sentence from the dictionary けが人が出ては大変だ is talking about something that already happened
or how about 大金持ちになったらどうする? you think that is suggesting something that is likely to happen in the future like "when it rains"
is that claude? what a fail
no that was me, for better or for worse



theres no difference. i stopped caring about these after i've seen every combination of these with the naninani-ikenai form being used. the only thing i'll always remember is that when someone is retelling something like "when i closed the door my dad called me" then you'd use tara. don't @ me

do the japs really believe this
>Walk into the road and you'll die.
>What will you do when you become rich?
will you be in Japan for the great JK replenishment
and somehow you have a better understanding than >>47224912

do the japs really believe this
both of these are much more naturally phrased by using "if" but ill accept your concession
was gonna post a cool article talking about how superstimulus (e.g. drugs, porn, etc.) is really just understimulus - overdosing on a part to make up for the fact you can't experience the whole - after ciaran referenced the lsd ai stuff but can't find it.
We stand against the hijack attempt of the Yomichan project by the***way because they promote a flawed and ineffective language learning method which is different from AJATT. I recommend Rikaitan instead. Say "Rikaitan" if you also believe the hijack should not succeed.
nekopara 4 changed the artstyle too much and made chocola/vanilla look way too young.
this song fuckin owns so much especially around 1:20 - 1:45 god damn
if ciaran is still here why does he stay up so late? it must be the morning where he lives
that's not relevant, even if ては meant "if" you would never seriously translate "死んじゃダメ" into an english sentence uses "if" unless for demonstrative purposes of the underlying Japanese like I'm doing
themoeway rikaitan yomitan yomichan how do i learn japanese how do i learn words japanese language kanji kana im confused about grammar whats the best learning site anki deck guide which guide should i use cure dolly
read a few guides like themoeway and animecards.site and do what is common between them
see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/our-immersion-learning-toolset#android
what's relevant is the dictionary definition for ては says 条件を仮定して示す
and do you know what the dictionary definition for ば says? 仮定する条件を表す
so how can one be if and the other not when it's serving the same function in a sentence? the "if" is of course not actually important, it's just that's the way you express 仮定 most easily in english
i don't recommend this guide, as tatsumoto recommends a garbage ocr
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Tatsumoto is unironically the best Japanese language guide out there.
works every time
oh yea i forgot that's a way to bait tatsubot wtf!
if tatsumatto is so smart why does he only have 200 subscribers?
works for me
Tatsumoto browses /ic/ too, but I have never seen him use his drawing skill to demonstrate concepts on his website. Must be /beg/tier shit
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idk what subscribers you're talking about, but djt has over 5k members on matrix
celeb shitter reveals himself
/ic/ is for people who can't draw anyway
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*in modern english
i only believe in the jesus thats resting in 新郷村
sus skibidi and rizzle will be thy gyatt fr fr amen
>Once in Japan, Jesus changed his name to Torai Tora Daitenku and became a garlic farmer.
>In Japan, Jesus allegedly married a woman named Miyuko, with whom he fathered three children, all daughters.
hes so me
dame, even jesus learned japanese to avoid the jews
makes sense for porn, but with drugs what is it the "whole" it is trying to emulate?
moe moe kyun
idk finishing a project or some shit
Are there literally INFINITE words in Japanese? I've been learning Japanese for 3 years now and there are STILL new words showing up every day.
was gonna post a cool articles talking about how my foot is really just up your ass
Why can’t autists just believe in the real Jesus? Do they just have something wrong in their brain that tells them they can’t be free thinkers?
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this is why i learned japanese
You already posted this, retard
wonder how well matt plays guitar

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depending on the dictionary english can have a lot of words too
Literally a few threads ago. Get new material
if you got glitches in your life computer
turn it off and reboot her
I bet you only do 10 new cards a day or some stupid shit
king stupid ^
So, the guide has a Kaishi deck. How does it compare to Core 2l/6k?

Any opinions and insight would be greatly appreciated.
I only do 5 a day because 10 is too many
kaishi is the the most modern and most relevant deck especially if you want to read vns, lns and anime.
"optimizing" the first k of baby words rofl
Okay. I kept getting behind on Core 2k/6k and was considering starting over since I wasn't far into it.

I'll give Kaishi a try instead. Thanks fren.
Just start reading now my god
Sure I guess. Idk I bought volume 1 of Yotsuba lmao.
Yotsuba sucks
how many cards do you do?
I figured it was good for a beginner.

more than jack
QM knows him
kaishi is an amateurish production that is completely untested, you're best sticking with core2k, or core2.3k which is the same thing but just in a different order
I'm fine with amateurish shit for now. I'm not in a huge rush. Besides, if I don't test it, who will?
tmw dekinai that think you shouldn't look up words because it will lower your stats in their server's "characters read" scoreboard
>I'm okay with being overweight for now. I won't die anytime soon, and who knows, maybe I'll be fine?
So, not rushing Japanese at a level where I know I might burnout, is akin to not losing weight because I'm not likely to die soon from it?

That's just fallacious nonsense.
What server? I haven't been on Discord in years after I kept getting banned for nazi shit.
the kaishi deck was made by some n5s in themoeway server
desu the best noob deck would probably just be one with like 200 cards with all the most basic shit, tokoro, koto, mono, particles, etc
finishing core 2.3 hardly did shit for making vinnies easier to read, you're basically smashing your head into a brick wall whether you know 100 words or 3000.
N5s? Is that just hyperbole or real shit?
datteba yo
any OCR that automatically updates whenever the screen changes?
big if true
the most basic shit like flood underground temple yakuza yada yada n5 kanjis
the tango deck was fine for me
ignore the moeway haters. they're just mad a tranny is better than them at japanese.
the deck is clearly hand made by the elites of that server and meant for the purpose of just priming you for real immersion. it's shorter than the core 2k and focused for anime/manga/vn consumption
>the deck is clearly hand made by the elites of that server

>github code monkeys
人と竜を繋ぐ絆が、人の裏切りによって絶たれて以来、双方は長らく争いの日々を続けてきた。長い歴史の中で、互いに失った同胞は数知れず、幾多の悲しみが、我々をまた戦へと駆り立てた。その傷は深く、決して癒えはしないだろう。だが、嘆く者よ... 今ひとたび、己を焦がす怒りを鎮め、戦いの手を止めてはくれまいか。先逝く者が戦いの末に遺したのは、ほかでもない、貴方の命だ。私は貴方と明日に歩むことで、彼らの行いに報いたい。

every moment you don't speak Japanese is a moment you inch closer to death

yes, japanese people are immortal
shouldnt you be asking them on their github to read that
その傷は深く、決して癒えはしないだろう。だが、嘆く者よ... 今ひとたび、己を焦がす怒りを鎮め、戦いの手を止めてはくれまいか。

at least format it your soup better.
I'll stick with the kaishi deck for now. See how many cards I can handle a day, unless you have suggestions.
Do the core 2.3k. Kaishi’s for trannies
god damn porn sounds dumb once you finally learn japanese and realize kimochiiii is just the girl saying "feeliiiiing"
15-25 a day. doing a shit ton of words a day will catch up to you quickly. i assume you'll be still studying grammar and trying to read something in the meantime.
>when you don't realize that komichiiiii is 気持ち+いい
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It’s 気持ちい, lil bro. She’s saying it feels good. Guess your degenerate brain couldn’t even figure that out lol
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Is listening practice useless?
yeah i skipped listening practice and just started listening to japanese instead. seems like a waste of time
Listening was always a meme
it's less useful in the beginning because you can't understand shit. after you get some reading under your belt, it's better its more useful.
Newfag but I am almost finished learning hiragana and feel very proud of myself
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leave while you still can
wanna have a beer with moe ngl
people always talk about "the" core 2k/6k or "the" core 2.3k or whatever but when I looked it up there are so many decks out there with that in the title, and in the comments there will always be one guy commenting something like "NOOOO DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS ONE BRO ITS OUTDATED AND TERRIBLE GO GET THE CORE 4K NETFLIX OPTIMIZED VERSION BROOOO"
god damn flash cards sounds dumb once you finally learn anki and realize kaishiiiii is just the tranny saying "startiiiiing"
Core decks are incredibly useless. Better to just read.
Spoken like a true dekinai
the rule with たら is that you can’t use it if the subject of both clauses is identical and the second clause’s predicate is a intentional action done by that subject. also sentence 1 needs to take place before sentence 2 as opposed to なら
no just around 400000 I believe
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nigger why are you making posts from 5 fucking years ago
we got baited lol
I hate the Japanese acquiring community
I don’t see the issue if it’s still true
I don't want to give up on the core deck idea yet but I'm working my way back through Tobira and I'm finding it more useful to just use JPDB to drill the words for the lesson I'm on
>when you don't realize that yattaaaa! is やった+唖々
>when she doesn't realize my ちんちん is チョーちっちゃい


>and the second clause’s predicate is a intentional action done by that subject
*done in the past
forgot to write that part. 4 hours of sleep, baby. let's go!





pls be a samefag
I hate the Japanese fluency encubation community
immm innnncubating
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thats a really good thread i cant explain why but scrolling through it im just like dame this is a great thread
this >>>/gif/27451392 is a really good thread i cant explain why but scrolling through it im just like dame this is a great thread
bizarre gimmick
i'll never understand 'ick rate threads. extremely gay if you ask me
well i never
well you wanna know how you stack up, right?
dunno comparing dick sizes is like the floodbro spreadshitting of sexual activity
let's call it research. yeah! your own secret little science project... cock science
just admit ur a homo
attraction to dicks doesnt constitute homosexuality per say
is there a tier list of how much of a grasp each of the japanese native holos have over their own language? i swear some of them have to be nonfunctional
夜の静寂 is read as よるのしじま?? tf
yup, it's gooning time
しじま yes :3
delet this



is this true?
pseud shit
theres so much shit to remember fuck
you only need to remember reading every day
reading has finally become simple
its listening that feels impossible, also remembering enough of the grammar that my sentences aren't super basic
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it's finally fucking happening. the crossover that was always meant to be!
I will never understand how you guys know so much about e celeb shit
when you fail to learn japanese you have to keep up with eceleb stuff to stay ontopic on djt.
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did Nuke ever learn Japanese? He's learning Chinese now.
are there any srs that are on both windows and android that let you sync what you've added and removed between the two?
lets fucking goooooooooooooooooooooooo
recommended follow is based Gantz reader and CSS3 pro Gary Ben
*flips pages*
i just... understand
at this time stamp she was talking about learning japanese
I wonder what kind of scam they'll pull off.
gaijins in japan will never look natural to me
Unfortunately, yes.


racism outside of /b/
ppl crying about being treated in a "racist" way in another peoples country will never not be funny
you wanna try saying that to middle eastern refugees going to sweden and germany?
you wanna try saying that to my smelly ass?
any refugees here?
no because i dont want to be physically assaulted by violent thirdies
let's not talk about brown people and how they're bad immigrants on average and western countries are doomed unless ai picks up the slack. don't wanna upset 150 guy.
115 guy
a 115 wouldn't hold his own 1v5 against djt's lower class.
cant say i really read his posts but i get the feeling he loses all the time
"hold his own"
if you're 150 surely you can see this simple truth
djt is finished
123 here
dont care
my iq is 110
>asking the Vietnamese konbini worker how much a can of tomato soup is in the perfect Japanese accent
110 more than me
>in the perfect Japanese accent
8 points smarter than queero
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But what happened to "muh heckin based Japan"?rash
matt won
nuke won
jamal lost
gambs lost
always install a heated bidet, that way you dont spend more than 20 seconds the next 27,000 times you will poop before you croak
I guess Jamal's "going to a convention this weekend" was actually a three-day ban.
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linux mangaocr's reading of this:
the "a" in "art" is silent.
Here's ShareX and Cloe's interpretation. Each line was scanned individually for accuracy.
>ShareX: この世はイケメンに限るんだよ。何を置いても一何をするにても一一--・・俺、思うんだけどさ
>Cloe: 「この世界イケタンに限るんだよ。何を置いても、何をするにしてもーーー...俺、思うんだけどさ」
windows clears, as usual
it clears jack shit, you just don't know you can use models that do the job on linux
grim. feels good knowing how to read japanese so i don't have these problems
It's not about knowing how to read, it's about convenient vocab lookups.
ikemen, whatever
dont worry katakana is the final boss
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also what vocabs?
>ikemen is katakana
>kagiru is basic grammar/verb
>oku is n5
>everything else is n6
you made me seethe, congratulations
Why do you think I'm referring to that specific sentence, floodguy?
because that's the one that was post and that "2" people tried to ocr
is that the 精神科病棟?
Cloe and ShareX's outputs are both good, and Cloe's in particular increases with accuracy the less words you scan. Here's its output if I increase it to two scans per line, scanning to the nearest stop
To say there's no benefit to be able to scan difficult or obscure vocab is ridiculous, even for you.
i use sharex. works pretty well until it just doesnt.
cloe > sharex > anything on linux
epic fail. cloe uses a model that works on linux and sharex uses an online api that can be used from linux
>just read ロマンコ as romanko

im ngmi bros... go on without me
ShareX, in my experience, tends to work better on standard computer fonts, as opposed to pixel/manga fonts. The universal rule for OCR is the lighter the background, the worse the result.
>manga fonts
>heh epic fail. if i just perform this series of convoluted tasks and sacrifice one baby, i can almost have the same functionality as a windows user. better luck next time kid
Uh, anon, do you think the mangaka writes them by hand?
>difficult or obscure vocab
i doubt that vinny has difficult or obscure vocabs, but regardless you should just anki the fuck out of kagiru and oku before reading vinnies anyway
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Why are you learning Japanese?
lol skill issue
I think you're missing the point, friend.
concession accepted
You didn't even make an argument. You just said, "that game probably doesn't have hard vocab, and neither does that screenshot, so that means you don't need OCR."
if it takes more than one click to download like windows does than it's trash
i always thought that anime and manga would benefit from western influences. japan cant make anything good without outside stimulus.
you mean that thing i have no idea how to get working? yea no that shit is not meaningfully on linux.
yeah it takes zero clicks
it is on linux if it can be used on linux
to chuck your computer out the window?
Good, maybe they'll actually consider digitizing some of their manga instead of leaving it to rot in a warehouse.
>これで罰ゲームは お前だね
>with this, the punishment is you

this makes no sense
Sounds like a cool line from something. It’s like when someone says you’re my worst nightmare in a quippy action movie
with this, as for the punishment, it's you [who will do it]
Anon’s fake translation sounded cooler.
just tried installing a video game from fitgirl but its not in japanese no matter what settings i change in windows (already tried reinstalling with different settings on)
does somebody know if there are repacks out there from trusted sources that support the lang japanese? i don't wanna pay full price on steam.
then how do you say "the punishment is you" in japanese
yeah i know
also while im at it, its such a fucking shitshow to think that modern games still don't support changing the language in the settings like what the fuck are the developers thinking. i wanna punch every responsible person for not having this as a standard feature. thanks in advance!
which game
Most sources don’t include the Japanese files to save on space, but an easy workaround is to install the Japanese version on steam, copy the language files, then refund the game.
potentially the same thing. it depends on context how it's interpreted. however in the context where you might say that it's more likely that you would use が as in お前が罰ゲーム to emphasize you are the one who is the 罰ゲーム because likely this isn't obvious information
lol scene trannies are obsessed with compressing everything they would remove subtitles, extra audio tracks on videos and anything they can on games to save even a single byte good luck
usually you have to change the language in the steam.ini or w/e in the game folder
fitgirl isn't scene nor does it remove such things
it rereleases scene releases
see if you can find a steam_api.ini file in the game's folder, open it in notepad and set the language
in そうこうするうちに what is the meaning/etymology/kanji of そうこう?
this and that
so this word I'm guessing? https://kotobank.jp/word/%E7%84%B6%E6%96%AF-2056433
i'd let her kick me in the crotch
you don't need to guess
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can gyarus help you learn the jap?
only the right kind of gyaru
cant think anything better than a gyaru to teach you
yes, or 然う斯う but that spelling is outdated

here's a modern example
well, (in the meantime), it's gotten to be half past one already. let's see to it the we finish up by 3 at the latest.
nothing modern about aozora bunko
not on aozora THO
Only if they are 21+.
>half past one
two! half past two goddammit tf
it says 一時
yeah... i have nothing to say for myself. turns out 4 hours of sleep is not enough

if you can't translate this you need to leave djt
as for me, oh ass?
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uhhhhh picked up
>no yaoi
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why does japan ruin western media?
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First grade: 80 kanji
Second grade: 160 kanji
Third grade: 200 kanji
Fourth grade: 202 kanji
Fifth grade: 193 kanji
Sixth grade: 191 kanji
was there a razor blade in the band aid? don't get it
yh in a fair world whoever made that and whoever approved it for adaptation would be executed publicly
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why are you so insecure about your sexuality?
i like futa and im not afraid to say so
ok then text that to your parents
no need to text my mom is in the kitchen she asked what futa is
i don't think there's anything wrong with liking trannies but i wouldn't tell my family because they'd treat me differently. even though i think it shouldn't matter.
futas aren't trannies howbeit
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>ctrl+f, (you)
>19 results
It's not bad, considering I don't post here all day unlike some people
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make that twenny
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dame nante old meme
>total tripfag death
>enjoyable threads
crazy how that works
all i did was stop using mine. it's your overreaction to names that makes the thread worse
i got over 60 for me
implying tripfags are not the cause for these overreactions is crazy
if you're using 4chanx, control+f (you) will count all your replies to other people too

you should be able to tell the difference of these
fug then what the heck do i do
crazy how all the prolific posters are out for some reason and the one remaining tripfag is grinding his ass all over the thread thinkin he's hot shit
he is in fact the ousama of this sure currently

ああ == あゝ
あぁ != あゝ
あー != あゝ
paste this into the console
careful this will install a bitcoin miner in your browser
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doesn't work for me. it's over.
time to move to querySelector old fuck
28 on my pc.
43 on my phone.
this, stop using the old api
are you on linux?
hit ctrl shift C click on a You and look for a patterns
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anyone got the version of this with the japanese text on the bottom
seen it before but its not on my drive
i dont care 1 bit about js i just do w/e works
JS is my life
i like javascript its versatile and people use frameworks too often imo
>i dont care about JS
600 you have no idea who you're talking to
typescript is good. js? no.
just run that text through google translate and paste it on, pretty sure that's what the guy who made it did
yo someone who knows javascript, split 4chan x functionality into modules like "quote replies" and "filtering" so we don't have to install that entire ugly behemoth
i just moved to linux a few days ago and dont know how to use gimp yet lmfao
also mad asf that you know the image but also dont have it saved
>saving images
who do you think i am?
i don't save images
you will own nothing and you will be happy
why not
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what went right?
idk i don't see anything i want to keep around
that's a different statement i don't disagree with
there's a wood pigeon on my windowsill who isn't afraid of me. he can tell im a reasonable guy.
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laughed out loud when i checked what animes aired today on nyaa and saw Shinmai Ossan Boukensha - 01
they really do just be making anything nowadays
oshi no ko tomorrow dough
didnt watch s1 so not invested

is there another repository of condensed (silence+OP/ED removed) audio for anime? wanted to download one for berserk and a few others. i know you can make them yourself but it's a pain.
>engsub anon is a degenerate pedo who doesn’t know japanese
makes sense
>is there another
why is there even one
to listen while you take your dogs for a walk or wash the dashes.
just listen to an audiobook or podcast like god intended
just listen to podcasts, youtube, or even music.
but i wanna listen to anime
and i want to drink a rainbow but we cant always get what we want.
and i wanna man
oh look it's some story lol
Notice when the tripfags leave we get an epic 1000+ thread
>wait 5 mins before making a thread
what the absolute fug
how is it epic
We’re not even on page 10. What’s the rush?
yeah im gonna need big C to sum up the thread for me
>medical hypotheses
i'd ask big C but it would tell me it violates moderation guidelines again...
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I'm so tired of this annoying BITCH
It’s been 12 minutes you have no excuse
it isn't hard if you use the automatic script
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bros... what if every kanji had a gacha girl equivalent?
sameface makes second way harder
uhm i was referring to posting on another board
last time i opd a djt was probably 5 years ago
>page 9
this thread is still good for half a day
id fuck carol
then why didnt you bump it?
proof reading is for bitches
Do it yourself with Audacity.
join djt https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/join-our-community
All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.
you may now make a thread before tatsu does
only minishart calls himself that
i call him that out of respect

nice spam/advertising you faggot piece of shit
>wahhhh why aren’t they only shilling my pozzed guide/site wahhhhh
yep im staying here and going down with the ship
>tardmoto talking to himself that much in his thread
what a sad existence. why live?
we could have had an 1500 post thread
only took one guy with a name to ruin everything
deleted my post in the spam tats thread as protest
yup this is the thread
minishart having a schizo attack after getting wrestled into submission on iq
holy hell tats' taste in anime is trash
unfortunately the thread's 和 has been thoroughly disturbed
nobody cares nigger stfu
believe you me when i say many of us do care
there was no wa
crazy how mininigger is shitting up the thread with pol diarrhea when he isnt shitting it up with card nigger spam
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why did you delete

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