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The emoji touhou
Was getting caught in Hopeless Masquerade part of her plan?
First for kokofeet.
I don't think so. What has she done to deserve one?
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I love Kokoro so fucking much
inb4 yet another image dump thread
Please get out of my thread.
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I'll try my best to keep my autism in check
Reminder that the Kok isn't emotionless; she's expressionless. You can definitely get a positive reaction if you start touching her, just don't mind the poker face.
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And by "autism" I mean "endless unwavering love and loyalty to my adorable little menreiki daughterwife"
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She shows a lot of emotion, you just need to know where to look
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Footfags are the linux users, vegans, or troons of threads. They will bring it up and insert it into everything.
Skirt holes...erotic...
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Or like bronies, furfags, or ntrfags.
It's the same behavior.
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Then this image must be completely wholesome.
Which mask is the horny one?
mask of hope iirc
What would Kokoro's bush color and smell like?
I only just realized after staring at this image for a few mins that the holes and skirt were reversed, I hate that it took me that long
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Haha Kokoro eat bread
Bread eating dorks are always adorable
Tell me about the masks. Why do they wear Kokoro?
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The skirt holes on her desing are too... distracting...
Is that the whore from Little Witch Academia?
Do you even know how little that narrows it down?
Yes that's Akko
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I'm sorry, I only know some of the girls through porn; I've never watched or read any of the works, so I cannot ascertain how cock-hungry they actually are.
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Dont worry, neither have I, I also know them through porn and I have cummed so much to them than for me theyre all sluts.
This is the face of autism and i love it
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The cutest face of autism ever
Smiling practice for Kokoro!
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why does she look like a huniepop character in this image
Most Desired Trait: Talent
Least Desired Trait: Sexuality
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>page 10
What all do you keep when you NG+ in TW? Do you get a bonus for girls you previously got to Love?
God DAMMIT this is the second time this week I made an era post in the wrong thread. No clue wtf is wrong with me.
I love her skirt so fucking much. Really sexy and makes my imagination go wild, while also keeping an air of innocence
The ultimate sexy/cute design
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It's super adorable
I wonder how many times she's practiced at this point...
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I want to wake up next to this face everyday
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Boobs or no boobs? I like boobs.
I'm sorry anon but flat kokoro is justice
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cute autists
I realized I have not drawn any kokoroppai this entire time
Imagine, Miko and Byakuren quietly seething as they see you walk around holding hands with your pregnant wife Kokoro
I hope to see buttons flying.
Sorry Anons I'm on team big Kokoro. I think above average at least suits her the best
is there any 2hu more hotly debated in regards to boobs vs flat? It seems like with most characters it's mostly settled
Boobs are nice.
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Patchouli, probably
Huge Kokoro milkers
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Based on kokoros huge milkers
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No need for buttons for the erotic belly dancer
Bigger... >>>/d/11067866
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Kokoro paizurers
No. Kokoro should be flat and delicate. There are plenty of other 'hus more suited to be breeding sows with cow tits
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Bathing friends
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>skirt holes are zun original
That was pretty obvious, no?
Why her skirt have holes, was it the moths?
It was me
You need to attract viewers as a performance artist. It's part of the game
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found a better quality version
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Sexo tanned leg spots
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That penguin looks a lot like Kokoro, but it'd be silly if it actually was her
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Maybe they should retool it so it's about girls learning how to be prostitutes. They could call it "Little Whore Academia".
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Imagine taking Kokoro's mask and giving it a big smooch right in front of her
Kokoro's mask is Kokoro so that's functionally equivalent to smooching her
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You would get no visible reaction just a blank stare from her face
Kokoro's bra...
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