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Parsee is super adorable. Parsee is one of the few things that gives me joy in life. I understand her struggle. God I fucking hate other people.
She is big girl
She's pretty cute
I love Parsee!
For a second I tought this was catlice, how are they so similar.
Parsee is a good girl deep down. It's just not so obvious at a glance.
Also, damn Reimu, can't a girl have hobbies?
If they were freshly washed, I'd be 100% down.
that's just alice
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Los- I mean, Blondes unite!
No, it isn't. Parsee's last spell in which she throws needles aimed at the player is called "Shrine Visit in the Dead of Night", so it probably was actually Parsee that Reimu saw.
At this point who isn't visiting Reimu's shrine in the dead of night?
people like to say that parsee isn't binded to her bridge now
but underground youkai still must be always inside
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Parsee has friends though. Unlike Alice
it could also be, cursing Reimu is an average hobby for your everyday youkai or weirdo.
you mean underworld? but some youkai did manage to leave hell.
Canon lesbians!
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it was supposed to be her in the center of the picture
Built for impregnation
she'd own kuromi merch, literally one of those menhara girls
>page 10
Who is she jealous of in this instant?
Well, there is another youkai that keeps 4(!) threads in the middle pages with little to no problem... There goes the blond- I mean, losers unity >>47324389
Would she really prefer being bullied like arisu?
Parsee should nail straw dolls behind Alice's hut
And give arisu more friends to animate? Can you even curse to death a youkai magician?
You won't know until you try
Well then, Anon, Parsee needs your help. She will try to curse Alice, but the Dollmaker can't realise what's going on until it's done. You need to keep that Margatroid's company for a whole week, to keep her distracted. Parsee can count on you, right?
Sorry, I'm not that much of a masochist. Can't she just do it while Alice is asleep? she'll know when Alice goes to sleep because she always cries very loudly right before.
Well, Parsee certainly will find another Anon then, one that isn't a coward. She will later give that Anon a smile! Maybe even a praise! Think about, doesn't it make you jealous? Don't you hate how braver people then you accomplish something and get rewards, while you stay with nothing?
My reward is not talking to Alice, but you know what, maybe I am that much of a masochist. I will heroically endure entertaining Alice so no one else ever has to. Besides, seeing Parsee's reaction after cursing her former "ally" will be priceless.
is parusee jealous of alice because she samefags, ban evades and spam her disgusting threads?
parsee is much better than that!
I tought there'd be another autist she would be jealous of.
fap to parsee picture but on the last second switch the image to someone else and cum to then
Very mean!
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Middle of the hour of the ox. Well, I guess it is time to begin. Hopefully anon had kept Alice occupied...
This plan cannot backfire for sure. Alice will be cursed and anon will come back for the smile and praises! Nothing can go wrong!
I don't think this will work. Alice reads /jp/ all day, she will just tell anon she has to go to the bathroom and peep out the window for a bit to make sure the ritual fails.
'Keeping occupied' includes not letting Alice go to bathroom unsupervised, I think. But we will know if Anon realised that once the week have passed.
Now Alice gets to enjoy night after night with anon, who doesn't even like her, while Parsee fails again and again to curse her. How has this plan backfired this hard?
I fear for the health of anon. I hope he isn't too scarred from such endeavour.
What would hurt his health, talking to Alice or what Parsee will do to him once the plan fails again?
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Expecting something to change once you start instead after you finish leads to nowhere. There will be a plenty of time for self-loathing when you end and still fail.
This time it will be different
yo what's the source, she's looking stunning here
yum yum thanks
wouldn't the candle wax fall on her face? burn and hurt Parsee's cute face..
jesus that must hurt like hell
I had a nail go straight through my foot once, it's not *as bad* as it might seem. There's only so much pain you can feel from something like that. The worse part is that it still hurts a lot and for a long time after you pull the nail out, even if it isn't as debilitating as at first.
The real problems are possible infections, long-lasting damage, and possibly disabling your ability to do anything with affected parts, at least for a while.
Though as Parsee is a youkai plain ol' nails like this barely even tickle her, even the ones that go straight through the bones. She's probably just baiting for attention. A youkai equivalent of shallowly cutting yourself around the veins.
Paru butt sex
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Staying undetected while nailing dolls with hammer requires quite a skill. Or a lazy shrine maiden.
This time I will go to the bathroom with Alice to make sure she doesn't ruin it. She was weirdly ok with it.
the shrine maiden will only move for the *clinks* in her donation box
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Who have (You) been jealous of lately?
I shouldn't talk about that stuff... already talked too much about my problems in the last thread.
When a female youkai effortlessly and savagely, usually via her ample bosom, outshines other female youkai in the onsen.
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This method of cursing is deeply connected with the hashihime story. If anyone can curse a youkai magician with it, then it must be Parsee.
I'm glad to see Parsee finally has some purpose in life.
do you think Parsee has ever gone behind the Hakurei Shrine to pound nails into dolls and found Alice there already doing the same thing?
Rude! She is armchair psychologist lately, giving counsel to other youkai underground. Cursing is more of a hobby at this point.
Maybe? I think Reimu should sell timed permits for such shrine usage to prevent any awkward situations. The profits would go for shrine maintance, so that cursing is still possible.
Anon, you should know that Alice is inocent of most of the accusations thrown at her. She only nailed straw dolls at the back of the shrine ONCE. The proof for this is that Parsee was the one identified by Reimu, who was already biased against me, and Parsee's last spell references the ritual.
>biased against me
Don't even joke like that Anon.
Parsee is a renowned therapist! She doesn't have the time to waste with some shrine maiden she barely knows, or has any relation at all!
It's not her whose childhood was ruined by a religious freak.
Why does she molest every man who tries to enter Hell? What's her problem.?
Nah best part is these curses are mentioned symposium to be weak to the point of non-existance and only affects the caster really. Its basically harmless and thus only is treated as a light annoyance
Anon please, everyone knows that Parsee's mandatory penis inspection is a vital part of the security of old hell. Shes very well respected for this selfless duty, Satori and Yuugi are only too happy to let her get on with her duty!
So she's a massive slut on top of... everything else? No wonder she's alone.
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Sometimes it feels like it's not going to work, despite the effort. Staying motivated is the key. And jealousy is a valid motivation.
post fat parsee
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this is the only one i'm giving
so huggable
i can almost feel her soft lumps and bridge smell
I would hug a fat parsee and I don't care if society doesn't like it
I am society and I don't like it.
I will guilt trip paru into gaining alot of weight by staring at other girls while we walk together
I don't care!

Tubby Parsee is cute! Cute!
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Fat Parsee likes leaning on the bridge!
I am fatter than a fat parsee...
Sorry about that. Thankfully Parsee is nearly double my weight so that means it's OK for me to date her!
It's OK patchouli I still love you
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Tommorow's the last doll. If it doesn't work by then... Well, certain anon will have much explaining to do.
It's not my fault! What am I to do, go with her into the bathroom to make sure she doesn't look out the window?
Convince her that you like the smell or something; be creative!
imagine being parsee
parsee, please, don't be unreasonable
Did it work?
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It is done.
Now, let's look at the catalog...
Ugh, all of Alice threads are still alive! Whole week of cursing and nothing happened! It was pointless, pointless I say!
Anon, you were told to keep Alice occupied! Do you mind telling what were you doing through that whole week, beyond getting cozy with Margatroid in bathroom?
Be a little patient, it might takes a while before those threads die.
I'm starting to think anon caught feelings for a certain puppeteer.
Nothing ever works, nothing is just in this world. Shrine Maiden is lazy, yet she always succeeds, unlike that black-white witch that keeps working hard. No matter what you do, there will always be others that are better, luckier, more liked, more beloved with no effort and for no apparent reason. Some exist only so others can look better in comparison. And what those unlucky souls are given by the world? Only jealousy and hatred.
who gave parsee the ethernet cable back, this is like the third time this week
Magician youkai probably can't even be cursed. There's no shame in trying the impossible and failing.
Maybe try to take revenge on her in a different way.
She started using a VPN so Satori doesn't get those weird adds anymore, so now she has no reason to take it away again.
Is Alice really more lucky than Parsee?
In a certain way, maybe? 'Bad luck is still luck' or something like that.
I'm happy that something makes you happy.
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and who told you they deserve to fail, or you deserve to succeed?

tsk, tsk, parsee-chan. so close, yet so far...
You forgot one. >>47397435. So really, Alice has only become more popular thanks to those curses...
popular? please anon, you must be new. everyone knows alice creates all those threads. and the mods do nothing!
So why doesn't Parsee create more threads? Is she just lazy?
That Bridge is most certainly not going to survive her leaning on it
Then she can lean on me!
Because Parsee hates lying. Much negative can be said about jealousy, but it stems from your autentic desires, not some deception.
Unlike puppetry, which is an art of peddling inanimate as facsimile of life.
So Parsee is an honest girl, that's really sweet. You know, I think Alice and Parsee have a lot in common. They play with curse dolls, they have trouble expressing their feelings to other people, they're blondes, they have negative reputations and hopeless hopes when it comes to dating. Have they considered just being friends?
parsee does not have enough therapeutical training to deal with alice.
They could have been friends, but Alice decided to have FOUR THREADS all to herself.

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