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Last >>47297316

Check Up Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
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First for best Fallen demon, Halphas
plap sleigh simple as
Oh noooo, I'm going to have kinky nurse sex with my wife Eirin. Oh the humanityyyyy.
Fuck demons.
Reposting just in case.
Sorry for the late reply, I was busy being busy, and sleeping.
Do note this is coming from someone who only did the Isabeau "route".

Also, there are no Yamato Reactor, it's an Amala Drum! And Amala Drums are for teleportations. But to where? Clearly, the writer wanted to build up on something. Maybe Tayama's secret base or something.

I'm gonna be radical, I would be to take away The White and AUtraveling completely, I genuinely think it's not good contents and a waste of time. Also, I don't have the skills to pull it off, and I'd be stepping on too many toes and games.
I have two options to propose, but only the first one if really up there.
The character you spend the most time with joins you, not the opposite like in the main game. They go from Summoners to strong Shifter/Half-Demon because Shifters are shit keep being themselves, and learn from the transformation, and be weaker compared to the fully "transformed" characters who are bosses, hence the need for help other than the "oh shit shit shit shit I fucked up"
They are still L/N/C, but don't want to commit mass genocide because you were there to keep them in check. I have some idea for the skills and stats they would get.
A quest to kill Tayama, one or more for the remaining National Defense Divinities so they can join your side; to protect Tokyo and Mikado, and to further prove the characters who joined you are still themselves. Maybe add a Fall state to continue.
Don't ask me to give Jonathan "X of God" skills, that would be awkward, I mean if it's only Four I guess that'd be fine and it make sense with what I have in mind for him but still.
It's simple, it's easy. The reward you would get would be the demon fusions unlocked, maybe some Lucifer/Merkabath/Masakado Skyscraper's armors too, look I really liked Traje de Luces and maybe some characters that they knew from the manga.

The others will lose themselves into the transformation, and then die. If you think Masakado will be the perfect Nootral protector of mankind in my draft, you'd be dead wrong.

Actually my second option would have been to just do another sidequest that would free Krishna and set up everything in IVA, but ehhh.
Dante's dungeon... is starting to become annoying.
It give me an excuse to ANALyze my Megucas I guess.
Sorry Eirin, I can't get Sugoi to work like I want it to so I have to manually paste all your dialogue into Deepl to read it. That's why I haven't even gotten you to Yearning while Mokou has, and soon Kaguya will reach love. I hope Eirin gets translated soon.
Surely Eirin isn't the nurse. Does that mean anon...?
How does the gems in TW work, I'm struggling to get Urumi's lust higher than intimacy (5v8), I was sure I was trying hard not to raise favor so much but I went to bed and they both raised by 1 after I spent a whole day grinding Urumi's desire and nothing else
You're going for the lust route?
Just pay attention to what raises intimacy and desire. Particularly try to grope and molest her the moment you can get away with it, avoid headpats, serving tea(unless it's with aphrodisiac) and stuff, and dates. And keep in mind nearly anything will still raise her intimacy whether you want it to or not, that's what stone of mirada is for, even if it is more of a band-aid solution that mildly reduces intimacy gains.
I'll be honest with ya, forget what you were thinking, you're expected to interact with her consciously in almost any way for the love route and that's why most content is written with it in mind, and the lust route expects you to TSP rape her a lot to raise her stats a bit before her stolen virginity + developed lewd parts + rape marks makes her give you consent and you end up fucking her for real. The part about needing more conscious orgasms than tsp ones is probably not doing any favors to anyone going for that route, though, the prospect of doing something that will give you more "work" to do scares people shitless in any game. Even when it comes to doing more sex in a sex game, on the "I don't really care about this character and just want to fuck right away" route, and you're looking at maybe 30 more orgasms than usual with the girl being developed enough to cum every one or two turns.
It really begs the question of how exactly are you even flipping her skirt.
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It's crazy I don't remember the first DMC being this obscure and shit.
it's referencing Nelo Angelo's first appearance
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Well, would you let her do it?
Ose is the best fallen though. He has always been a bro in every game he shows up in.
Is it possible to change a character's daily schedule? I swear Reisen was going to bed at 10 or 11 PM before, but now sometimes she's wandering around until 1 AM. Can't think of any reason besides the fact that I got her to Yearning while I was using her work to grind my Mixing.
It's crazy to remember that DMC started as that. With Rebellion not being all that important and cucked by another sword, clunky camera and mechanics and horror puzzles.

Also gotta love how they got Stinger but not us. The assholes.
Is that Vergil's theme from DMC3?
Hey is that a reference to?
make her dress as sleigh
You have your sissy Ran thread to hang out in.
I don't get it
Imagine doing this dungeon.

With Vergil in the team. Too bad he doesn't react.
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So I decided to cheat edit my character into a woman to see if Eiki still randomly buttblasts me in public and what the message would be. Instead, I get pushed down and suddenly i'm wearing a strapon and she buttblasts herself despite me not owning the item at all.
On a related note, I ended up spending all 50 condoms I had so there were none left but ye olde buttblasting event (prior to me editing my dick away) still magically produces one and leaves you with a used condom, and then she gets mad that I came in a condom instead of on/in her like bitch YOU did this to me.
It's a reference to the fact she's going to massage your girl button until you can't get it up anymore and you surrender the pants to her.
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Remember kids, never follow women wearing funny hats.
Correction: the pants were already surrendered to her the moment you confessed. And it's just a precaution to make sure you only get erect when you're doing lewd things with her. She wouldn't want someone else taking what's hers. You cant be pushed down and raped by some other Youkai tanuki whore if you cant get it hard enough to insert. You don't even need to masturbate anymore when you have a lovely wife to take care of your E V E R Y need.
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Gang Leader/Boxer is a strange but fun experience.
You are not good in attacking because you only learn strike moves but enemies can't hurt you. So far, I didn't die once by normal means, only to instant kills. I am not exactly sure if Defense Mastery stacks with Fist Mastery's damage reduction perk, but I like to imagine that it does, making my banchou too stupid to die with his flat 45% damage reduction and 3 INT and 3 MA.
Small regen alongside with rare healing is more than enough to keep him going, taking hits and immediately slugging back. Counter may be the best damaging move my guy is going to have, because I am not going to start pumping speed for Multi-Strike spam with my incredibly small mana pool.
TW could do with a lot more loli/shota content, or at least content relating to if (You) are ignorant, even as an adult, being lewded upon without realising what's going on
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And just to make sure it wasn't some leftover memory because of cheat menu, I started a new game with a female char and bum(hah)rushed lewd times.

Holy based
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And another missing check I guess
Adepts are fun, but the fact you don't get to access to Items (unless you pick the option) for a bunch of them kinda fucks me up sometimes
>When you want to use a Bead Chain, let alone just a Bead, but the character's Item Mastery isn't enough enough and you can only use ointments or eat sushi and MRE packs for healing
I forget, does crisis powder still only require level 1 or did they change that? Recarmdra in a can is silly.
Item Mastery's pretty funny in-context because you can have 99 Intelligence and yet still struggle to comprehend how to use an item because your Item Mastery's too low
>unless you pick the option
You can pick the option?
I think so yes?
There's a points system where you can choose to get some summoner level, some item mastery level (If I remember correctly, could be wrong here), and/or the passives of the Adept classes you picked, but if you pick everything you won't have enough points to have the stronger versions of each
Is there a way to cheat yourself more points for that?
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What skill should I pick from these in EraMegaten?
Bisection is a high power single hit slash move that pierces when concentrating. Megido cross is a single target multi hit physical almighty move that has increased crit rate(but lower power than bisection), Third eye is a passive that increases her crit rate and reduces the chance of being crit, stacking with other passives. Not sure about brave step.
Hollow Bisection is Extreme Slash-element damage that bypasses all protections if you're a sword master and are under the effects of Power Charge
Medigo Cross is Medium Almighty-element damage that hits twice and has high crit rate
Third Eye allows you to see enemy weaknesses and gives the effects of Advice (higher crit rate) and Coaching (reduces the chance of being critted)
Brave Step is Rebellion (raises crit rate of everyone, fades over time) except it does it only to your side
I see. Nagi has a lot of Slash skills and I don't bother with crit so I guess Megido Cross is the choice.
What SMT V demons are available in EraMegaten? I only have Artemis. I saw Idun's portrait in game files, but that's all.
Idun's event unlocks after beating Odin at Lokapala
Lahmu is unlocked after beating the Tiamat/Apsu dungeon
The koreans added Amanozako, but dunno how to get her
And that's all so far for SMTV-originals
do i really have to farm encounters to get all the machine pieces or is there a faster way to do it?
I am pretty sure they only drop in Echo Tower.
You need two of each if you have both dwarf smithy and item crafting (why is this even off by default) toggled.
I remember an Anon from here added a modern Zeus (I.e with smt v skills) a couple weeks back. I forget how but I think they use demeter as a fusion component.
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Is this weapon's requirement really 40 END? It's a shame because I can have good resistance with it.
I've had some of them drop in the Tokyo Tower dungeon, if you're high level enough that farming machine pieces in the echo building is mind numbing.
Hitting 40 en by level 70 isn't really that hard.
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I'm curious if 40 END is really that weapon requirement. Ain has 50 END and level 85 but can only equip taishan tonfa.
Base END?
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Her base END is 30. With Mag enhancement it's 50. So this weapon need base END?
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Remove Aislop.
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yes, get notepad++ and open this file
> ROLE040_異能者.erb
go to line 155 and change it from 20 to whatever you want and you'll have more points
then just remember to touch this file up if you update

now you can decide how much fun you actually want to have! isn't that neat
oh uh, for the rest of the classes just look for the
strings in your ERB files in the other ROLE_ ones, you can even Reload Code while the game is open without having to restart it, just back out of the menu if you're on it as well
Does it work with Visual Studio Code?

>Insert Reaper into my Team
>give it every -barion spells ever
I don't remember needing it to be a Sword Master to Pierce, unless it's nanother skill?

The problem is that Megido Cross is Magical, and having a character being both STR and MAG is subobptimal.
Well I say that, but the spell has high crit rate so really...
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It's physical almighty.
I've heard some anons say VS code does some wacky shit to formatting, give it a shot first and check it doesn't do anything game breaking.
VS code only messes with encoding if you set it up improperly, I've never seen it fuck up the formatting of the text itself.
There aren't any other V demons in there sadly. No Amon there Sir.

It's less V and more like IVA and SJR but, some coolass based Anons added Cleopatra and Zeus.
The recipe is in the notepad but
Here they are.
>Isis x Titania x Lamia: Cleopatra
>Demeter (Goddess) x Thunderbird x Dionysus: Zeus (V)

Cleopatra got Dazzle Ray and Alluring Banter, while Zeus got Keraunos; Madness Glint, and Panta Spane.
This doesn't tell me how to actually do it, but I never asked. So I'm asking for your support.
Also yeah the "playable" version doesn't have as much skill slots.
Well I'm wrong, and that'd perfect then. I hope you got Invigorate Large though.
is there a reason you want to do it in visual studio instead of just using notepad to edit it? they are essentially just text files

if you want to mod the game more and don't have gitgud account to search the code, you can do
> ren *.ERB *.txt
in cmd once you've placed copies of all your ERBs in one folder to index them plainly so you can do windows search in there
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I don't get why people would even want it for the Touhou games that already have consistent styled portraits for basically everyone.
The ones in Megaten makes me question the taste of the Japanese.
>taste of the Japanese
>thinking these bugmen have taste
Rent a girlfriend is getting it's 4th season and there has been an insekai about being a vending machine.
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rentagirlfriend is trash kino
I don't think they take AI pics anymore after those were added. But yeah, they're extra shitty, mostly because of the uncanny valley 3dstyle.
they actually serve a pupose though, you can just easily replace those with your own pictures instead of having to dick around, so they're not TOTALLY useless
I play with pretty much full human parties, and should probably vary my weapon types more in eraMegaten, but I'm pretty lazy with my choices. It literally comes down to 'if back line, equip Thrown', while for the front line, it varies a bit more based on the character's 'canon weapon', though even so for most characters it's either a sword/katana or spear. If I don't know what their 'canon weapon' is (or if they don't have one), they're most likely using a sword.

It just feels like in most circumstances, for the purposes of auto-spamming, I'd want Slash for 'melee' since I can otherwise cover 'pierce' with guns. I feel like having Strike weapons like fists and quarterstaves isn't as good as just simply having more Slash weapons, given the likelihood of running into Slash/Pierce enemies.
my had habit is just running crossbows on everyone that isn't a front liner
What do you do in order to get the cooler UI for eramegaten?
I've installed the font but I don't know what to do after that point.
>Options Menu
>[992] Explore
>[45] Dungeon Symbols (stairs, doors, etc.)
It leads to another screen that also explains how to install the font and other things you'll have to change for it to function correctly.
Took me a long while to remember where it was.
Which characters is Megaten have endings? Does Nemissa have it? She's my main candidate for waifuing among "human" characters.
On the Ba * Bel app, will defeating Beelzebub in the Labyrinth of Amala enhance its powers?
I just familiarized myself with Visual studio more, that's basically it

>if you want to mod the game more and don't have gitgud account to search the code, you can do
> ren *.ERB *.txt
>in cmd once you've placed copies of all your ERBs in one folder to index them plainly so you can do windows search in there
Yeah that make sense, but it doesn't tell me what does what but yeah.
ED indicates who has endings in the list.
Other than that, generics that are translated have 6 each.
There's no FLAG:ベル神撃破 in Amala, so he doesn't count.
It would be trivial to add to every Bel bar Belberith, who has no designated boss fight AFAIK.
Nta but what does the FLAG does exactly?

Note the exactly.
Keep in mind that the page is outdated, so you probably have more dialogues than shown, so the it's probably true for endings.
Eirin translation when
It gives you stat buffs according to which Bels were defeated so long as you've got Babel equipped.
Belial = St+3
Jezebel = In+3
Belberith = Ma+3
Beldr = En+3 & Enduring Soul
Beelzebub = Ag+3
Abel = Lu+3
Babel = All Stats+5

This is non-cumulative and impossible to achieve at the moment.
Wait, the demons and stats boost are already in?!
And they don't even explain that fucking Beldr give Enduring Soul? The fuck?
Well, after you defeat Beldr, there's nothing stopping you from checking your apps.
I don't remember my apps telling what I gained.

You didn't answer the question by the way, what is FLAG:ベル神撃破?
Not that anon, also from the dialogue during quest line, the game tells you're absorbing the power of Bel Demons so naturally you gain something. Maybe older versions of Naoya route didn't do this, so that's why you're now surprised. This is my first time doing this storyline btw.
I don't know why unbalanced mode isn't the default in eramegaten. We've been playing that way for years but why change it?
Yeah, it's definitely outdated. I'm fucking Sarasvati right now and she has many lines of dialogue, but she's not even on that list.
Based. Braman deserve to be NTR.
Homura U-U and Homura are actually interesting demons, they can use equips, Items, gain Pierce and some good skills.
It's too bad that her resis sucks and that equips does nothing.
Balance is a confusing term in the game. They constantly remove obvious "fun" stuff, like getting all those cool skill cards for Pierce and Knowledge out of glasses Homura or Fuuka and Rise multiclassing into Persona Users and Demon Summoners at the same time while thinking that the half of Adept subclasses being almost useless is perfectly ok.
Unbalanced content toggles make zero sense to me. Oh, that LV 75+ Zoma exclusive gun's existence sure is unbalanced, just like your wife getting stat bonuses from her sex stats or making custom multi-hit skill for MC which works from HP and upgrading old equipment into something still usable in Dwarf Smithy.
>still magically produces one
They just bring their own
>I don't get why people would even want it for the Touhou games that already have consistent styled portraits for basically everyone.
It would make sense if they had the exact same style as the ones we've got already, and gave the girls additional expressions and outfits (especially lewd ones).
Speaking of long haired yuuka, it'd be nice if we could have the portrait you've posted instead of the current one, which kinda makes it look like she's put some hair extensions on her usual short hairstyle.
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desu a big problem with era is the way images are implemented, if you want to faff about with adding more you need to edit the CSVs
and that's somewhat frowned upon
Yeah, sounds like the first step needed would be improving the implementation.
>and that's somewhat frowned upon
Fuck the Japanese. Just do it.
>It would make sense if they had the exact same style as the ones we've got already
It's not that hard to make/replicate that style yourself.
>and gave the girls additional expressions and outfits (especially lewd ones).
Pretty sure we had bunny suit variations for a bunch of girls but those got removed in anontw
>those got removed in anontw
Just checked, they're still there
>Just checked, they're still there
I've never seen them after updating, is there some setting that could turn them off?
IIRC they don't work on the zoomed in portraits
Or maybe the full ones, one of the two.
Yeah, you need to toggle the mode to full body to see them, every time it's bunny suit day.
And on the other side of the coin, there's Demonee-ho being allowed to hit 8 fucking times with an Almighty move that can crit, Cas-Ko trivializing 99% of the game with Aphotic Cave, Custom Skill Set-up, Black Wings of Love being able to constantly put the enemy at -3 defense, accuracy AND evasion every turn if Devil Homura's speed is good enough, and many many more
Balance is fucking weird in eraMegaten
>Yeah, you need to toggle the mode to full body to see them
>don't work on the zoomed in portraits
I guess I missed them on bunny day by only looking at certain characters then.
>like getting all those cool skill cards for Pierce and Knowledge out of glasses Homura
I don't get why they decided to do that, isn't that the thing about evolution? That you can keep past skills or whatever? But noooo muh balance. God Forbird that someone is using Pierce...
And let's not forget a lot of the Expert classes aren't that good either.

Obligatory lol lmao even. What even the fuck were they thinking in making Zomas? They are even worse than Persona User's interface.
Only way for them to be useable is for them to be made from a end game demon... but oh wait, NG+ reset that shit.

Their definitions of balance is actually sadly common, it's choosing that something is too broken either because the devs or community decided it was, so the nerf hammer has do the bonking, when there are far worse offenders.
Just look up at Elden Ring PvP.
>I don't get why they decided to do that, isn't that the thing about evolution?
Yeah about that, they removed the evolution last time I checked, Glasses Homura cannon mutate into regular Homura.
Once again, the wiki has outdated info.
I'm not blaming the translation team for the .txt telling us that, but I expect better from, a fucking wiki.

Oh nooooo God save us from a weak girl with Pierce and Knowledge the game is doomed in front of those specific skills, her definitely huge ass stats, and outstanding resistances!
Behold! The face of POWER! Vergil can feel the motivation and power from her!
At least eraMegatenP gave her an Awakening Skill
It's not a complete fix, but it IS a good buff (Enduring Soul + prevents Ambushes + increases the chance of catching the enemy off-guard)
I guess it can replace her normal Endure/Enduring skill but
>prevents Ambushes + increases the chance of catching the enemy off-guard

I feel like people are praising EraMTP way too much. Not enough careful hope or asking the obvious question of "Why. Not. Completing. The rest of the game then?"
megatenP is only a technical update and not a content update. Nobody ever claimed it to be a project that targets the story.
>"Why. Not. Completing. The rest of the game then?"
You are literally insane if you think the game will ever be 'completed'. It will always in eternal beta. The answer to that is (in politer words) "fuck you, I add what I want" and may shinto goddesses bless the dudes for the job they're doing.
>>prevents Ambushes + increases the chance of catching the enemy off-guard
It's completely useless for bosses yes but it's perfect for grinding
I've had many times where the enemy just sneaks behind me and kills all the shitters I was trying to level up in Sea Ark
Yeah that's fair. It's the salt in my brain that is talking.

>I've had many times where the enemy just sneaks behind me
A-Anon, don't you have the App for it?
There's an app for it?
Yeah, an app that flat cancel ambushes.
what am i made out of app capacity
Yes. It's the DNA of the soul.
It's called Hyakutaro, and it cost 800 macca if the wiki is correct. And just help Naoya for 5 free comp slots and do the police raid dungeon for additional +2 comp slots
I am going to keep praising P because the game now loads in literal seconds and not 5+ minutes on my toaster. The map movement and combat are also fast and smooth.
I feel a genuine catharsis.
I want to mock you because I don't have that issue... but I had that issue on different games or just in general on different potato machines, so I can only understand you deeply.
Does Pierce work for ANY Physical skills? Meaning things like errrr, White Dracostrike?.
Yes, all physical skills. However I think it doesn't allow you to bypass Repel
Yeah, not Absorb nor Repel. This is the Real Shin Megami Tensei experience. Pierce doesn't Pierce everything.
Funniest moment was during DeSu where Atsuro used a multi-hit all foe physical skill, but one the leader had reflect, so it bounced off on him. Funniest fail ever.
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>and that's somewhat frowned upon
Where'd you get that from? Resource files are completely different from the character .csvs, and there's absolutely no problem with just adding new files as they're all loaded separately from each other regardless.
The real problem is scripting them, since anything beyond a basic no-frills replacement sheet is either tedious (basic alternate outfits), a pain-in-the-ass (special variant expressions, outfits that overlaps with expressions), or the realm of the utterly deranged (whatever the hell EagloV is doing).
The imagesheets are prone to misalignment issues, too, which is truly mind-numbing work to fix every time.
Speaking of Piercing, do Trisagion, Ice Age, etc REALLY require me to use Power Charge to Pierce, or does Concentrate work too?
No no no, it's an error. You need to use Concentrate for them to pierce.
And yeah, Smile Charge doesn't work.

(Which is really fucking great devs, really, fucking great)
major reason bamboo forest is the best place to live. you can just pick up eirin and move her to her office whenever you feel like and get ball fondling impregnation service any time.
Probably an oversight, Smile Charge was added later than the other two charge skills
Also, speaking of, how viable are the Donums? Since they apparently fucking stack with Charge/Concentrate here instead of overriding it like in SMTV
From experience... I'd say they aren't necessary unless the motherfucker in front of you is a motherfucker cheapass boss and you just want to get on with it.
You need a character for them though.
Oh and don't forget the Power Charge/Concentrate enhancer passives.
It's also baffling to me how Eirin is NEVER available whenever I need her most.
Option to fuck Eirin while she wears Reisen's clothes when?
>The imagesheets are prone to misalignment issues, too, which is truly mind-numbing work to fix every time.
Oh hey i'm a fucking giga autist about pixel alignment, where do I sign up?
It's kind of dickish to show us all those weapons like Nightmare Beta or Artemis, but not allowing us to pick them.
I do love the implications that a big chunk of weapons we are picking up in the entire games are devils, hence the Devil Arms thing, and just sold everywhere.
Recommend use for the pure amethyst? This feels like an important decision.
wait it minute, is this hallway where you grind gems for healings to then grind xp from that Marsh video
Ares Amulet and Magatama of Heaven.
Read more for more bullshit: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/nes/578475-digital-devil-story-megami-tensei/faqs/67793

You can get another one by searching in the same chest iirc.
Huh, good to know. BTW how far into Daimakyuu do I have to explore to get Yumiko to cuck Nakajima?
When you write it.
Soonish to halfhish. You need to have Nakajima on your team, beat Loki with him, and Loki will say "I can ask my daughter to open a gate to the Underworld even if I hate but if my master is asking for it I can't refuse", find a room nearby,
Uhh, prepare some source of light though. As a skill or item, you will need it.

Imo, Yumiko isn't really worth it, neither does Nakajima. Yumiko's skill list is shitty, and Nakajima (and you) can wield Hinokagutsuchi, but it's not that good, it also has a fimmick of adding 1/10 of Yumiko's stats to the wielder (when she is on the team), the problem is that Yumiko is a Mag focused character, so the Nakajima/You will mostly get Mag/Int. I guess it's interesting if you run a Mag focused characters, but then, why bother with Yumiko?
They don't even have unique dialogues, and I was so sad.

Oh and don't forget to check up the events, they don't tell you about it, but check them. Try to save and leave the Daimakyuu to see if you Nakajima got anything to say, I think it's important.
Good news then, I beat Loki with Nakajima on my team, so I guess I gotta find the room then.
That can't be right. All of those skills test for either the charge (CFLAG:ARG:気合フラグ) or concentrate (CFLAG:ARG:集中フラグ) flags, as described; all Smile Charge does is set both of those to 1 in one action.
Also, I just tested this via Trisagion and looked at the code for Vapor Bomb/Killing Force/Ice Age/Asteroid Bomb, etc to make sure it matched. It worked.
I don't know what those ARG:Moonrunes are or does, but I guess it mean was patched recently?
Good to know.
The room is close.

....Good luck for Hinokagutsuchi tho. I mean I can show but I have something to do first.
This isn't a recent thing, Smile Charge has worked with these skills for a long time.
For the record, in this case, ARG is whomever used Charge (気合) or Concentrate(集中) respectively; those are the flags that tell the game the effect is currently active on whatever character this is.
Checking the wiki the final event for Melty Blood stuff and circumnavigated via a wisdom check? Does that mean having a high INT stat or something because Osiris is like Lv 109 and that's really high.
You can skip the first battle with 25 or more INT, but not the Osiris battle (which scales depending on your highest level character).
You can make characters cosplay as other characters you know
Well, I don't know how the scaling works, but it doesn't matter now. I beat his Lv. 109 ass thanks to yukikaze because it turns out he was weak to Elec. Thor Hammer for the win!
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I want to FUCK Mirai
Also, is this one of the endings that adds to your total score, meaning I can keep playing my current run to get more endings overall?
>because it turns out he was weak to Elec
It feels weird knowing Mami weak to gun, you think she null it or even resist it, but no, she weak to gun.
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>Weak to Havoc
>AKA the element containing all the bite moves
Megucas are fucking weird like that, being Demons (which kinda fit because when you think about it, they are Liches) instead of humans.
And no fucking way I'm putting a characters who isn't immune to Light and Dark on my team.
You sure? I remember we complained about it a few threads back.
...We still kind of need someone to mention the Charge/Concentrate thing though.
>lvl 62 cybele registered in my compedium
what the fuck?
And tentacles.
And vore.
Havoc is such a weird element.
it's the body part element
Still a weird and confusing element, some of the skills should be in other elements. Scratch? Clearly you are cutting your opponent so it should be Slash right? Nope, it's Havoc.
Claw? Same deal.
Mind Slice it has Slice in the name so it must be Cut- nope it's Havoc.
Madness Nails, has nails in the name so it should be Pier-nope. It's Havoc.
Swift Strike, Strike in the-NOPE It'S HAVOC BITCHES!
Melting Fluid is Havoc too.
Don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining about them not being what they seems they should be, I'm complaining because it make things confusing to me. Kind of like Wind and Force spells.

>Inb4 Penis Strike skill
...Man Tentacle Frenzy is such a disappointment.
I think of Havoc as mostly things that would tear rather than cut or stab.
Absolutely sure. The magical skills (Trisagion, Ice Age, Killing Force, Eclipse, Thunder Gods, Gigantomachia, Asteroid Bomb, Vapor Bomb, Vacuum Blade) Pierce if the Charge flag is up, physical skills (Celestial Bow, Hollow Bisection, Innga, Demon Rave) Pierce if the Concentrate flag is up; this is absolutely intentional on their part.
Every skill is correctly set up code-wise.

Vacuum Blade & Asteroid Bomb have the wrong description, both should say Charge instead of Concentrate.
>The magical skills
>physical skills
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...This is fucking retarded.
An honest mistake anon.
Smile Charge takes care of this. The skills never consume the opposing damage booster; Physical skills will never turn the Concentrate flag off, same for magic and Charge.
One cast is all it takes for your Hollow Bisection to pierce until the end of the fight.

Feel free to kick the bucket.
Same with Smile Charge?
Also how does Smile Charge work? It say, for everyone, the next attack, so it mean only the next attack after Smile Charge or the next attack or everyone?
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>Feel free to kick the bucket.
I mean, I guess, but are the japanese devs really expecting us to go on a Momoyo/Okina genocide just to get ten million Smile Charge skill cards?
Smile Charge is literally just a skill that grants both Charge and Concentrate; it works the same way as charge/concentrate do individually; the charge will last until the user uses a physical skill, the concentrate until they use magic. You could keep either effect through an entire fight, so long as you don't use their corresponding damage type:

1. Lucifer uses Smile Charge (Lucifer now has Charge and Concentrate active)
2. Lucifer guards (Charge and Concentrate are still active)
3. Lucifer uses a Hollow Bisection (Charge vanishes, Concentrate stays)
>>47324811 (me)
Actually just realized you can just get the original skill card from Momoyo/Okina, give it to a Slime or another demon with a really low compedium summoning cost, register that in the compedium, and now you've basically got a free Smile Charge farm (you still gotta grint loyalty tho)
Probably works with other rare/strong skills too
You know.

I think Awakening Skills should have their own slot.
Smile Charge isn't a "Rare" Skill, so you can duplicate the skill card with no restrictions; FYI, since people were bitching about Equipment Knowledge, Lv.0 can still be carded and duplicated as well.
I swear I'm gonna make some modifications. Like GV's so that when he equip his "special" accessory, his skills will be Elec/Almighty, and he'll be immune to instant death.
When I'll learn to do it.

That's not what I'm asking Anon. I'm asking if Smile Charge work for the next Physical and Magical attack, of the user, anyone, or everyone?
The target is literally Everyone.
Also they say the next physical or magical attack. OR.
I hate when SMT does this.
Only for the user.
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Then do they say Range: Every1 instead of Range:User?!
I guess it gives me an excuse to give her both Donum, but Jesus game, I'd prefer if you were optuse instead of lying.

Does Smile Charge stack with the Charge and Concentrate booster?
It stacks.
The Donums are a different pair of flags, so you can't pierce with them.
I'm so annoyed at this "Everyone", no it isn't. Gaaaah...

>The Donums are a different pair of flags, so you can't pierce with them.
Yeah but they stack with Charge/Concentrate/Smile Charge, no?
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They say that because the @SKILL_SPHERE_ property for Charge, Concentrate & Smile Charge is set to 4, which is EVERY1. It doesn't matter, since the @ACTION_ property is set up to only affect the user.
See how the Pow and Con only appear next Amon on the list?

The Donums stack:
Gladi with Charge/Smile Charge
Magici with Concentrate/Smile Charge.
So it's a codding error that was carried to the description?

>The Donums stack:
>Gladi with Charge/Smile Charge
>Magici with Concentrate/Smile Charge.
Thank you!

Why do you have a lvl 105 Amon (one of my favorite Doi's, and Megido Flame aaa~~
Funny that, I'll do BoF5's next, I'm a bit confused it doesn't have two endings but we'll see.
no more bigass dungeon pls
How did you manage to get a high level demon at such low level?
I debugged him in since I needed to test Megido Flame to make sure the conditional pierce was working.
Is this a different amon than the one that was already in the game or was megido flame added to the existing one?
He's just Tyrant Amon with Megido Flame as a CSTR skill added to his CSV since I like to keep my mods portable.
People cry about instant kills too much in my opinion. Just get party members to fallen, buy Death March or take Charon's free resurrect per day.
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>take Charon's free resurrect per day
Does anyone actually play on bitch mode?
>using bitch mode
NTA but people who tryhard and shit on other people just trying to have fun are morons. I don't play games to suffer. Go ahead and call me a bitch all you want, assholes.
bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
now what?
Yes, and?
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aww c'mon it's fine if you want to be a bitchboy just own up to it
SMTV Amon is love andd life.

Don't worry, I'm a bitch too then.
>since I like to keep my mods portable.
What does that mean?
I got a question, does Inherit Master's EXP mean I keep my level when I enter a new cycle?
You will gain all of your levels after leveling up once.
Do they still Human damage formula for Guns?
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Nah, just the exp. Some classes requires more exp to level like Demon Hunter, so if you're playing as a level 200 Adept at the end of the run, you'll end up as a level 160-ish Demon Hunter at the start of the next one.
Yeah, cut off also has that annoying every1 range that actually just means you the user.
A question about AnonTW. Those unique gifts you get from some girls like Suwako, Momiji and Nue are from being "Lovers", right? I only ask out of curiosity because I never stayed at "Love" for long with them.

Also, I'm playing on the release version so maybe this already got fixed.
When you hover over over Intimacy, it tells you how much FAVOR gems you need to level, but those gems are now named CARE everywhere else.
i just remove the instakills from enemies personally, 1:1 direct solution
[megaten] what are the best actions to farm submit & learning orbs?
I know Nue gives you a snake that helps dodge in danmaku and hide panties better.
Is that one of the things you're asking about?
I don't actually know either way since I usually avoid Suwako and Momiji and haven't pursued Nue in a long enough time to not be sure.
>>47326009 (me)
Just checked the wiki and it does say Nue's is unlocked at lover. Don't know if it's still true in current versions.
It doesn't list anything else like that for anyone else. Closest is Kosuzu renting out 3 books at 10 Intimacy.
basically all relationship-based unlocks in TW are either 5 intimacy or 10 intimacy.
i remember hoping waggy would stop hassling you about fishing at 5 intimacy and getting annoyed that wasn't the case.
I can't remember if it was surrender or submit but bride play from affection + actions stacks a ton of those orbs. For learning, affection also has singing and housework as actions that get learning while also gaining useful experience.
whore route unfortunately. surrender is super easy to find, but not submit. best i've got for learning orbs are footjobs, which give jack shit.
Handies, Butt Caress, Let Caress, and Foam Play?
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At least you have something you can alternate with footjob now? Especially since foam play can get simultaneous B and C orgasms.
Everything in the game is assigned an identifying number; Characters, skills, equipment items, items, you name it.
These are limited, and we were allowed to use the 9000 range in order to not create numbering conflicts with the japanese side.
CSTR skills (numbered 3904-3915) are defined in a character's csv file, they don't take up new skill numbers.
So I can just take my modified Amon and the skill file for Megido Flame, plop it into a new copy of eraMegaten, and it will work without any issues.
Yeah, connected the dots on that one when I had an enemy used it and noticed that the description was about them readying an attack instead of buffing their team for an attack.
If you want to buff the team there are other skills for that like the brave step skill mentioned further up the thread.
I'm going to play Captain Obvious just to make sure I got everything right.
In every CSV files, everything has a number I did tell you I'd play Captain Obvious, we can use those numbers up until 9000 so we can't fuck up what the japanese are doing.
CSTR skills don't have that limitation as they are tied to a character file, not the skill files.
Did I get that right?

If so, I see, so you can import it without any issues or conflict.
Nah, we are only supposed to use the range from 9000 to 9999. But you got the rest right.
Nah it's fine, a guaranteed physical hit + crit rate seemed way too good for a lower-mid level skill anyway. The fact that it's basically just a lesser power charge is probably the intent anyway.
That's it, that's fucking it, someone tell me where I can find the description of the the skills files so I can search Cut Off and Smile Charge and say what it does.
Go to their ERBs (511 is Charge, 512 is Concentrate, 534 is Cut-off , 578 is Smile Charge), modify @SKILL_EXPLAIN_ and SKILL_EXPLAIN_TOOLTIP_.
Huh, well I guess for Items it's really free and useful. 1000 Items people should be able to do something with it. Same with Rename. No idea where the equips are.
Funny the number of skill cards there are.
I can't find it? Or rather them.
Go to eraMegaten\ERB\RPG\スキル関係\支援

The skills are all in there.
Give me egg!
>no eggs
what fucking gives
Now I want to see a scene where MC is 'rescued' and forced to eat eggs.
Be the change.
Where can I find Masakado armor? I heard it's a better Tetrajammer. I helped Susanoo fuck Amaterasu and she is broken now. I have beaten both Law and Chaos's force.
Same place you find the sword I think
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What do you mean? I helped Susanoo and he gave me this sword.
Oh you need to be N/N then and pick the natural choice
I see. So I shouldn't help Susanoo fuck Amaterasu then. Oh well.
>I helped Susanoo fuck Amaterasu
Like together, or...
I defeated their big brother so Susanoo could fuck his sister Amaterasu into a broken slut. He gave her to me afterward.
Is the demonica copy armor meant to do something special or is it just a blank suit of armor?
Bright side you unlocked Susano'o for fusion
I do not think that's part of the bro code.
In fact, I believe you should've killed him for even suggesting that.
And then fuck his sister afterwards.
You can actually do that
There's an option to fight and kill both Susano'o and Tsukuyomi at the same time and then rape Amaterasu yourself
Clearly the thinking man's option.
Trigger it if MC fails the tanuki drinking party check.
Flan carried me to bed at the last banquet.
It's one of the two ways to unlock her for fusion too
There are two way?
Bros, how do I farm in EratohoTW?
One is raping her, the other is agreeing to her request
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If you mean farm while playing as a peasent, there is a spot on your map where you work.
If you mean gardenning, you have to buy gardenning tool at the flower shop in the human village.
If you mean farm some money, foraging stuff that can be sold to Erin is a good start.
Is it safe to update TW now?
Safe? On the Internet? It's less likely than you think.
What IS her request anyway? Here I save her from her brothers, thank me for it, is ready to ask me for something, and then decide my alignment is bad, that I should feel bad, and I that I should die.
Even if I let her go, she insult me, so slavery'oh bitch.

Unlocking the other two are going to be a pain isn't it?
Today I will stick my dick in crazy
you also need (or really want i don't remember) "Simple Pool" from Nitori and to gather any kind of water to... water. and obviously seeds from the flower shop in human village.
Something is telling me that my lack of Moonrunecraft skills will be an obstacle to what I want to do in the future.
>and then decide my alignment is bad, that I should feel bad, and I that I should die
What's your current alignment?
More like what WAS my current alignment. It was N/C.
I'm sorry you're going to need to be more specific.
Oh, I think it's Neutral-locked
Still, was a self entitled bitch.
Which is in character with what she is in SMT2.
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i want to let all the TW anons here know that I've been playing megaten for a about two weeks, completely learned the mechanics of training & combat & fusion and all that, and still do not know what the fuck they are talking about a solid 80% of the time.
Yeah, that's the same on the other side.
Again, I would like to point out that the Murakumo is a Devil Arm. Shit's hilarious!
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It's not much, but it's something. No idea how to change the target from Everyone to User though.
You think I could make it clearer?
@SKILL_SPHERE_ handles that IIRC.
Not really, seems clear enough to me.
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Sadly, that's not the case. "Req: Devil Arms" just means you need the sub-role to gain certain skills from weapons.
It's a TTRPG thing, independent from the homonym in DMC.
But it's less funny.
You guys weren't kidding when talking about spaghetti coding. The worrying part is that I can understand the logic and the biggest adversary seems to be the moonrunes.

>Not really, seems clear enough to me.
I'm wondering how to say "if you use the Charge effect with a physical attack, and the Concentrate effect stay until you use a magic attack".
Except more coherently.
Anon, why aren't you supporting the up and coming definitive EraTW replacement?
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[ATW] I've got a couple bugs to report.
Context for the first one is, I was in muge's room with yuuka and muge (yuuka is lover, muge not even yearning), then yuuka's sleep time comes and for some reason she just goes to sleep there instead of moving to her (our) room.
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Also, it's still annoying how often girls give you consent for raw on dangerous days while not being even close to the threshold you would normally need when asking while you've got the initiative, it kills the fun of putting some effort to convince them. I know the threshold when the girl has the initiative is lower, but does the calculation really work properly?
(And yeah, I know common sense modification has probably made things easier this time, but this is just one example out of many I've had happen)
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Wish there was an event that could let Tokyo Tower Witch join you instead of kidnapping her to get her
she sure is flat
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Very rude. That's clearly a boy.
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not my fault you post such unflattering images
Exactly, that image makes
looks like the smt 5 protag!
muh better, gracias!
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Fine here
Be the change.
a world without personal car would be extremely law-pilled
Hating cars is Chaos tho
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>equip tetrajammer
>still istantly to stone curses
DYING and STONE are different ailments
Stone gets nullified by nulling Dark
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bemani marisa so cutes
I beat Mayone at the U.S Embassy
Now what
Very cute indeed
LOSARM status when?
So how do I do a successful date for Remilia? She doesn't want to talk to me anymore after I hypno raped her.
have you considered not hypno raping remilia if you want to develop a wholesome mutually affectionate relationship with her
iirc hate mark level III can only be cleared by burning 10 of her panties while praying
You can try dating her to remove the mark level II, and then gifting her a box of chocolates to clear the last one.
Trying to start a new game plus cycle, but I keep getting this error, preventing me. Anyone know what's wrong or has an update come out to fix this?
Woops forget the image, here you go.
She was asking for it literally, only got cold feet when she got <The strongest C and V orgasm> and kick me out of her room.
Thanks anon, I will be collecting 10 of her panties from now on.
He's wrong. Every day you must do the anger reduction hypnosis. It removes hatemarks. Just keep doing it until they disappear.
What is there to change?
The Light, Dark, Ailments, and Instant-Death are different things Anon.
You are immune to instant-death, NOT Light, Dark, and ailments. You are in fact Weak to Dark and Light by wearing it, which isn't anything too bad since most Light and Dark skills are instant death.
Go buy and equip an anti Stone ring.

>have dedicated two element for ailments
>STONE is Dark
Can't find it.
Or rather I do not comprehend it,

>; 範囲 1単体 21列 3全体 4 敵味方全体
Per que per que
>Hypno-raping an ignorant girl.
Could had the courtesy to do it whithout altering her judgment, how can she trust (You) after this?
Or at least as a last resort to help in case of an unfortunate pink wind day.
Hypnosis rape shouldn't impact their willingness to talk to you. Sounds like a bug.
[megaten] i have a slave that isn't recovering stamina and is stuck at 1/3000. never hit 100 stress, what do
>>STONE is Dark
so is CURSE
BRAND meanwhile is Light
SHOCK is Electricity, FREEZE is Ice, and FLAME is Fire
Dunno what SLIP is but I don't think it's counted under Mind/Nerve
Yeah that happens sometimes when you get too rough in training.
No clue what causes it other than that, the only cure I found is using the stamina heal medicine and waiting for their stress to go down.
As long as they aren't broken it will eventually fix itself too, but it takes a while.
Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck my life holy shiy.
I mean Shock Freeze and Flame make sense, but the rest makes me mad.
i was playing some eraAkumaMaid and am disappointed in some of the choices for the adult characters (beyond the fact a lot of them are unfinished). i've bitched about this before but the fact that you can't get shizuna pregnant is criminal.
bemani marisa in erabemani wen
No no she does, but she has been mad for three days straight and everytime I try for a conversation I would lose favor and trust. Not a while ago she finally forgave me but I still have 3-star hate mark. I assume its working as intended.
Are you complaining about the NTR teacher?
You're cucked out of something that you want. You know this joke was coming, and you honestly deserve it.
>you can't get shizuna pregnant
Seriously. Damn. Not even with the womb tattoo and asking her to not take the morning after pill?
I know her gimmick is the standard overworked husband thing but at some point reaching the logical conclusion for it should at least be allowed.
Technically the ailments aren't directly linked with their element, it's just that outside of making OP custom skills off-element ailments aren't really done.
Also correct me if I'm wrong but I thought slip was associated with gravity and flame was associated with high tier fire/nuclear.
i honestly never thought about it like that. that's pretty good.
im not a fan of NTR and dont indulge in it at all. i liked her route even if its not my thing at first. if it was me, i'd edit all the mention of a husband out of it but i'm far too lazy.
>Seriously. Damn. Not even with the womb tattoo and asking her to not take the morning after pill?
yeah. even if she asks you to do it raw she gets mad and takes the morning after pill once you cum in her.
Anon... Even entering her route/getting her as a character needs you to have the NTR toggle on.
>Technically the ailments aren't directly linked with their element, it's just that outside of making OP custom skills off-element ailments aren't really done.
Scusy, I don't understand what you mean.
I see your ban expired. What a pity.
how do i stop getting negative idol popularity with every concert
Pay them more money and fuck them more often.
wrong reply?
Stop singing like shit.
But... you do?
The game won't let you pick her unless you set H with mobs to ON.
What the fuck, is this a bot?
Pickles and ham don't make a sandwich, much like that option doesn't exist. Go back and play the game. Only then do I permit to share your opinion.
So can someone explain to me the tentacle? The weapon itself, the sex scenes, the why it goes berserks sometime despite having upgraded it a lot, why is is there, what are the Tentacle User only commands.
...in hindsight I wonder why there isn't an Hypnosis command in EraMT.

You see, and this appllies to everything, you need them to be good. Really good.
-400 at the something was fun
Oohh, it's 114 kun.
i know what i did and i did it because i love milfs, man. curiosity got the best of me essentially. i would love if the game had milf content that wasn't some form of cheating or incest (the gym teacher who is unfinished or your mother, who is also pretty unfinished). anna, the milf femme fatale is pretty good but i've played her route before and i don't quite get the ending (using sugoi and i feel it doesnt quite translate it right). the newest nurse doesn't really interest me too much but i'll play her route as well at some point. also - you turn it on but there are no H with mobs events yet.
1.単体 Single Target
2.1列 1 Line (backline or frontline)
3.全体 All allies or all foes, depending on who SKILL_TARGET is pointed at
4.敵味方全体 Everyone on the field
No, I replied to the person whom of which I intended to reply to, in which for this case happened to be you.
Netori is not Netorare. They are not equivalent.
>Netori is not Netorare. They are not equivalent.
i don't like either, personally. but i do like the idea of fucking older women.
Only a cuck fears Netori. Anyone who has ever had a waifu is logically stealing their waifu away from their intended partner.
i see where this conversation is going. the resident shitposter trying to get some easy bait huh...
Anon, NTR is a blanket term covering not only NeToRare but NeToRi, NeToRase, and whatever else niche combinations the japanese can think of. I don't really care about the fetishes personally, but please at least learn the language before you open your mouth.
I see... but then why is it put in japanese and not in english? Is it flavor text?
I also noticed that is no User target. Is it a limitation of the system? If so should I change the description to showcase as such?
Practice with them more duh
Why do you think there are subtle distinctions? They aren't equivalent. Netori is based, especially if it means I can fuck some hot milfs.
Just get Haru and Rise
It's only by game design that shock is mostly caused by electricity skills and some havoc skills. Nothing is stopping a skill from being made (in custom skill or making one yourself via csv) that causes shock but comes from pierce.
Though again by game design, most ailments are associated with an element (electricity causes shock) so that you're not blindsided.
The sexual harassment commands should have TEQUIPS. I wanna grab my waifu's ass and have the other characters in the room watch uncomfortably/get turned on by me and my wife wantonness. Same with kissing, like them shooting me looks because I try and have a conversation with them inbetween tonguefuls of my wife's mouth.
Foul Shitposter
which characters do people recommend for eraAkumaMaid? i like most of the male characters so don't recommend me those.
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you created me
Characters reacting to you performing actions on other characters would be nice. I want Remi to get jealous of me headpatting Flan.
What's their alignment?
Sounds like a gateway to cuck content.
Fouls are always Dark-Chaos
Yeah, like Parsee having a reaction to you talking to others in the same room. I want them to watch me do skinship to my waifu and have them get a little jealous.

I think that if you're gonna say stuff like that you might want to stick to VNs where there's no one but you and the person on the screen, it might make your life easier.
Women cucking each other is based tho
I see! What you are saying is that those ailments are hard-soft?-coded to be on those elements!
Though this is only really useful if you're planning on making custom characters with their own skills.
Not him but I've thought about stealing from that one fork and taking their sprites and reverse porting then back to Megaten.
anyways, there should really be more kikuri content in TW.
What would you even have her do?
Hit my cock with a comically large bronze coin I must.
well idk, but she's kinda the goddess of matchmaking and the progenitor of shrine maidens. she's also quite cute, you see.
Because most of the original devs and contributors spoke japanese. So it came naturally to them. Translating system internals can break stuff and makes porting stuff over way harder, so we don't do so over here.
For example:
The Korean version has its flags and variables in Korean; porting over a few characters required matching those to the JP originals by hand; adding the colosseum fight with the Velvet Twins would've meant translating the code for the event itself on top of the text.

There's no user target since that is done in @ACTION_.
You know how people toss coins into fountains to make a wish? That, only it's a cum fountain.
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You can while she's asleep.
does she have any dialogue responses for it?
Sounds like a bug that needs fixing.
This all make sense, and it's intuitive. So you know that if you are hit by an element, you'll get the "chance" to also get the ailment "tied" to it. That's smart.

What fork?
If everything was made in english, it would have been easier for everyone though. After all, english is the most spoken and used language in the world, and the simplest.
Well I say that from my tiny low spot so I might be wrong.

>There's no user target since that is done in @ACTION_.
So the EVERY1 for convenience? I'll put "Next Physical and Magical attack done by the user will be boosted by 150%" or to push further "User gain both Power Charge and Concentrate, boosting the next Physical and Magical attack by 150%."
...I'm way too passionate and autistic for something as stupid as personalizing the description of a skill don't you think?
A fork of AnonTW, a dude has been making a lot of sprites for characters. Seems like it'd be simple to take the sprites and port them to other games.
>Seems like it'd be simple
Knowing nothing about how it work, I fear for the worst!
>Seems like it'd be simple
You'd still need to add skills, stats, and the like if you want to port them to eraMegaten
The sprites are the hardest part, isn't it?
Naw, the hardest and most time consuming part is writing dialog for them. Skills and stats are far and away the easiest. Even events aren't that hard, although it depends on how much effort you want to put into them. Sprites depends entirely on how much you can into art, but even for a noartfag like me it's not that hard to take some shitty AIgen as a base and go in and use it as a template to make something usable.
I mean it's relative. Making resistances, skills, traits, and stats does need you to have both megaten autism for balancing and knowing when X skill fits and knowledge of the anime you're stealing the characters from in order to make sure they can have the right flavor for how all of it comes together.
Why would I write dialog when I can take the pre-made characters and have someone else to do it for me?
Return home and get your cash.
Because most of them won't have any dialog to steal to begin with, and a character stuck with only generic dialog is lame.
Nowhere in this conversation did I say anything about stealing dialog.
>Seems like it'd be simple to take the sprites
>take the sprites
>the sprites
Please, work on your literacy.

I don't remember so but I'm not 100% sure.
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>Raw for thee but not for me
Thanks, mom. Very nice.
If all you are taking is the sprites why the fuck are you talking about having to make skill sets? If you aren't adding characters then there is no need to add skills or stats to begin with. And if you ARE adding characters then there is still dialog to add, which is far more involved than stats and skills. Stop being retarded.
There is no requirement that I must add dialog myself to add characters to the game. That's the part you refuse to understand. Am I speaking to 114-kun right now?
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You asked what the hardest part was, I answered. Maybe you don't "have to" add them, but a character without one is pretty lame. Just because you don't like the answer doesn't change that.
A character can be added without dialogue. Ergo, no, its not needed. Only the things which are absolutely necessary meet my question. You just want to demand I do more work than I was willing to do. Now I'm doing any of it. People like you don't deserve contributors.
Nta but the dialogues are the funniest parts.
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Again, you asked what the hardest part was. You just don't like the answer and are now throwing a bitchfit. If you can't handle the answer don't ask a question. No, you don't have to do it. But that doesn't change that everything else is pretty easy nor does it change that it's boring without the flavor it brings. I never demanded you do anything at all by the way, you do you.
Would you still be willing to work if I apologized on that guy's behalf?
What all do you keep when you NG+ in TW? Do you get a bonus for girls you previously got to Love?
>What all do you keep when you NG+ in TW?
Everything, but can sacrifice some skills for a permanent TSP boost
>Do you get a bonus for girls you previously got to Love?
Yes, and can edit them too with that bonus
Nta but what is the maximum Za Warudo point you can have?
IIRC you can only "spend" S or Ex ranked skills to boost your TSP. which isn't easy to reclaim, so there's no meaningful cap to TSP. it's also not really that much even if you trade in a lot of skills iirc
4k normally through training, and unlimited NG+ bonuses but good luck farming that much
if you're regularly draining your balls, 4500. you get a day long TSP bonus
What happen after blowing billions of cumshot inside a 2hu after Time Resuming, must be comical.
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what do you do with all your fodder humans in eramegaten? are public toilets worth the investment, or one of the other shops (strip club, exhibition threatre)

and when picking out someone for the toilets, what do these square symbols mean?
The filled square symbols represent willing to be trained which is basically fallen/demons. Crossed out mean uncooperative which means they're not willing fight anymore but can still be trained, and not filled out means normal human that's untrained and isn't a slave.
As far as the fodder human units... I don't really see the point. You can scavenge more than enough macca via maps and colloseum fights to get to the mid levels, and once you're there fusing up a good mid level demon to train and sell is much more worth it compared to using a noncombatant/ low level human.
If you're low on macca just train and sell Tamamos, Belphegors and Succubi
>There's no user target since that is done in @ACTION_.
Answer pls
Feed them to the tentacles I guess. Or train them in something they are good at so you make macca or yen out of them.
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Please educate me on what on what I did wrong, while I look up Cut Off.
In ye old days (when the original english translation was made), the 4th option was called like that, "all enemies and all allies". In the newer templates it's called "special". SPHERE is just an indicator for the game to let you target particular enemies(1), front/backrows(2), all enemies(3), just give you a description and OK instead of targeting anyone(4) or, newly, columns (5). That is all. I'll make the game translate it to SPCL later.
Use wide % sign instead of %, programming language uses it for some things.
I want to fuck Mirai
>In ye old days (when the original english translation was made), the 4th option was called like that, "all enemies and all allies". In the newer templates it's called "special". SPHERE is just an indicator for the game to let you target particular enemies(1), front/backrows(2), all enemies(3), just give you a description and OK instead of targeting anyone(4) or, newly, columns (5). That is all. I'll make the game translate it to SPCL later.
This make more sense.
Well Cut-Off is "fixed" now, I'll probably have to see if for some stupid reasons it doesn't glitch out.

? I don't understand, I haven't changed the % that was there before.
The problem came when I decided to chance Smile Charge to
>User gain both Power Charge and Concentrate, boosting the next Physical and Magical attack by 150%. Stack with Donu Gladi and Donum Magici.\
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Forgot pic.
You added another one, the "\%" part changed to "%\%. The \% is telling the game to write the percent symbol instead of treating it as a programming operation.
TW devs, I need help. I think the music section is somehow broken. I'm just missing 2 more to get [Perfect Pitch], but I can't get the final Hisoutensoku even when I've fullfilled the conditions.
Will we be getting all of his pixelarts in TW? I NEED Alice/Okina/Byakuren/Sexfox/Reimu to be ported ASAP.
With my lack of coding skills and Nipponese, I think you've got a problem with a P2 chara. Did you take the Eternal Punishment route, perhaps? And if so, did you give them EP-associated chara a new persona? It's probably that. A quick fix would be to tentacle/sell/remove that character from your roster. Try NG+ using other savestates first to see if the problem persists.
I always give Phys repel to the MC. Combine that with Drain, the enemy would have no choice but to keep hitting themselves once they got 0 MP. Even better when you combine that with MagVit40, Battle Aura, Anti-Most, and Null Curse; you're now not just a human, you're the King of Bel/Administrator outright.

DeSu 3 when?
>DeSu 3 when?
Never ever, those fuckups at Atlus would rather milk anime from the Personas they are making.
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What \%?
(Pic sorta unrelated, I just did something different, in case, it did not work either)
This manga has everything: gore, edgyness, drama, kids doing stupid things and facing consequences of their actions, kids getting ryonad every damn time they don't curbstomb their enemies, kids engaging into Dynasty Warriors scale of enemy killing and also primitive and stupid demon designs still looking imposing and menacing.
I didn't expect much from it, but it was very enjoyable read.
So, an actually good manga instead of a slopfest that sell well for the virgins otakus who would read shit if it was given to them?
dust and the nekomata were absolutely fucking
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Depends on what you think is "slopfest".
It is short, like 30 chapters long, plot moves quick and it has a plenty of fun and strange moments. It also has this very minor Narutaru (Shadow Star) kind of vibe to it, because of disconnect between the "cute" artstyle and "not cute" events happening in the plot. Nothing too excessive but still jarring.
Sounds like a great time honesty.
In your crash log at >>47332217
>...next Physical and Magical attack by 150%\%.
Delete the first %, it wasn't there before. To handle a % symbol properly, in some places it has to have a \ before it.
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You mean, like this?
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Oh great.
Better, but you have to make sure the file you are saving is encoded as UTF-8 with BOM. Dig through the vscode options.
What's wrong with EagloV?
>Better, but you have to make sure the file you are saving is encoded as UTF-8 with BOM. Dig through the vscode options.
I didn't understood a single thing. I'm using Visual Studio Code it might be why.
Anon use save file as and make sure it's set as UTF-8 with BOM and not as whatever default you've been saving it as.
There isn't any "UFT-8 with BOM" when I choose Save As.
Click on the encoding name in the bottom right (Probably Shift JIS or UTF-8) and then choose the Save with Encoding option and select UTF-8 with BOM.
For each of the brothers, if you're FeMC (or futa, I suppose), you can choose to have sex with either brother as well if you helped them mindbreak rape their sister, since they kind of start looking at you like you are their shrine maiden. I don't remember if choosing to 'offer yourself to your god' in this way guarantees impregnation.

In eraMegaten, it makes 'sense' because Law represents the Hebrew God and his Millennium Kingdom, while Chaos represents Satan and Hell. The 'Neutral' divine beings in this scenario are the local gods and goddesses (in this case, the Japanese ones since it takes place in Tokyo) that were sealed away by the forces of Law and Chaos as they 'clear' the upcoming battlefield/territory of any unknown elements.

The only reason why Kikue, despite being a 'local' shrine maiden, is Chaos aligned is because the survivors had to turn to the Gaians for help after the Messians destroyed the forest their shrine was located.
Satan is law, you mean Lucifer as they use the jewish interpretation where the two are separate entities.
Oh, is he? I've only ever remembered killing him in one of the boss fights, around the same time you also fight Lucifer, so I just assumed they're both D/C
Sounds like you were on Neutral route where you fight Lucifer, Kuzuryu, Satan and Trinity.
I've written lines for a command where she blesses your relationship (1.1x favor/reliability gain, 2x Love EXP gain, 1.25x Intimacy gain; 1.25x, 3x, and 1.5x if you provide 10 pairs of the girl's panties), I just haven't actually coded it yet.
Yeah, it was the run where I did the Neutral Cathedral route, and also fought the boy and his dog and won, all in one time period
Yeah, specifically Satan takes the roll of YHVH's judge and enforcer while Lucifer takes the roll of opposing YHVH and generally being the top chaos guy. Satan is a pretty cool guy though, don't let him being law aligned fool you. Especially in SMTII.
>Probably Shift JIS or UTF
Ah, this make more sense.I was searching like an idiot. Sorry but I'm new to coding, I have no idea why this worked or why it caused problem in the first place, but it worked. Though there's still the \% in the menu description, and it feel dirty.
Now to Concentrate and Power Charge... just to explain it stack with the Donum.
Then I'll go into something even crazier.

Steady boy.

He is so fucking based in there.
Where do you fight the smt 1 protag?
In the cathedral. He is just chilling on an outdoor floor a few up on the main building. There is no reward.
it's Alice day today! Make sure you get Alice drunk and molest her!
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Alice day was about two weeks ago.
>TW devs, I need help. I think the music section is somehow broken. I'm just missing 2 more to get [Perfect Pitch], but I can't get the final Hisoutensoku even when I've fullfilled the conditions.
It worked fine back when I did it. I'll try to take another look at it sometime soon.
It involves thousands of lines of code to stitch together images from many constituent parts that far surpass every other image in the game in complexity.
Better hope it never breaks, because just looking at it is enough to drive a man insane.
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the progression and balance in eramegaten is so ass
how do you play that shit
Slowly and in bursts.
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Utterly deranged in a good way. EagloV's Marisa, Eirin, and Mokotan have different standing art (as in not just the outfits) for when they're preggo, in heat, filled to the brim with jizz, wearing lingerie, etc. I reckon that would be a bitch to code and test. Hell, mine still at times would show their face as a fucking Nopperabou.
>I'll try to take another look at it sometime soon
Thanks anon, I appreciate that
>the progression and balance in eramegaten is so ass
Eh, just like base Megaten then?
>how do you play that shit
Like how you would play normal Megaten

that actually sounds pretty rad. not too OP, perfectly in-character.
Rebellion isn't in DMC1, it shows up in 2. And yeah, Vergil themes are remixes of Nelo themes IIRC.
Hi, did what you recommend and basically removed all Persona Users and the error still persists. And I have yet to see a response from the discord, so yeah, I'm at a lost on what to do now.

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