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Last >>47316928

Cute Jealous Wife Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
Parsee is smelly
Yes, early game eraMegaten is a chore, especially on the new save.
If you are not starting as a Demon Summoner Type-A, you are not getting a tutorial level where NPC carries your party, teaches you the basics, allows you to freely level up, recruit some starting demons and gives you some free items.
Without it, you are going to start without anything but Pixie and maybe one additional human. If you go into Echo Tower or Shelter, there is a very big chance that you are going to get wiped.
Firstly, you go into Yahigashi, an extremelly short dungeon with an NPC which is going to help you level up to Lv.10+ and evolve Pixie. You can't recruit anyone in Yahigashi, by the way.
Then, go to Harajaku. It has a terminal right at the start in the underground tunnel which allows you to save mid dungeon. Start exploring, recruiting demons (especially Petit Frost, he has two evolutions). By clearing it, you get one of the devil children with Summoner 5 (which you need if you are not a summoner yourself) and Cool/Veil, demons with multiple evolutions up to level 45 or something?
Arena and request fights are unfair and rigged in comparison with normal dungeon fights. Enemies have stats and HP sometimes multiple times larger than they should have on their level.
Remove aisloppa from tw.
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Please donate 10 Macca to man with Gun weak.
An anon posted that the yen values in game are actually meant to be 100 times as displayed.
Which means 10 macca is actually like 50k yen.
every other class can get summoner 1 or 3 at the cost of most/all of their other subtalents. which can and should be modded like so >>47319632
and both the female starting slaves start with summoner 1. you absolutely never would need to explore without any summoners.
what a bizarrely masochistic guide.
just, like, christ. grab some armor from the store if you're really so worried about getting wiped before you can reach reach the harajuku terminal and can't tolerate the possibility that it might take you two or three tries. it's really not that hard.
You can talk and recruit some demons before retreating. I think the starting fund are 3000 yen which is good enough to equip 2 humans with good starting armors.
>GitGud region locked me. Again.
Ok, fine. I will go and play some other games.
Stop being Russian.
What do you want to download?
Would you be fine with using mega.nz?
Nta but 60? Not 63? Laaaaame.
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So I have no idea what this mean, but if it work, it work, even if I feel dirty.
Now to say that Power Charge and Concentrate stack Gladi and Magici, and to put to take out the Uninheritable trait of items that REALLY shouldn't have it.
54 Scorpion Whips, everything is fine, but 17, Glamourous Axe, 18 Aqua Flails, 9 Answeller, 1 Living Edge What is that sword anyway?, and 32 Living Edge isn't?

Incidentally do you know how much the Regeneration and Invigorate skills cost in Mag?
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So, can someone explain?
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Good morning, thread! I know it’s been awhile… But we’ve got a new release freshly baked for your enjoyment!
The Kaguya portrait is implemented right? why not just copy that for the other portraits too?
I don't really use tentacles that much, but IIRC it all depends on the amount of Magnetite (not MP) stored and your own tentacle level, i.e., insufficient Mag when using tentacle skills makes 'em go berserk. Wearing armor/outfits with the tentacle trait also has a chance of inflicting you with [Heat] in combat, which is really annoying. The [Tentacle User] trait itself grants you the ability to summon tentacles during sex, but it usually mindbreaks your bitch in one sitting if you don't know what you're doing; it's a quite cost-effective gangbang alternative otherwise.
Oh nice, just as I decide to come back after a while.
>character updates
>reverse rape
Nice indeed.
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>New AI portraits from the KR branch
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When making a Meguca, how important is the Zoma used?
Should I be waiting until I've got a busted one or just bite the bullet?
I appreciate your team's work and look forward to impregnating the fairy cunny.
when are they gonna make it so running a date slightly too long ends the date normally rather than flat out cancelling it
sick of picking an option that inexplicably goes on for half an hour instead of ten minutes and my date just abruptly ending
Bitch about it to the owner and he'll let you in
The base Zoma is not really important. You can use skill cards on them later, and almost every Meguca has ok skills. I think only Sayak and Kirika get meh unique skills.
I want to destroy this bussy(female)
>no new fatty insecurity or weight gain implication dialogue with hashihime services or for feeding her jealousy after the mention of it a few months back
it's over
of course an update the day after i decide to download this
yeah i cant wait for the three fairies TL
Be the change, or something.
a taken character should not be changed without the author's permission, it's rude
The terms for all of Vinum's dialogues are very, very open.
Might as well just dump your entire fatfag folder now.
I give everyone full permission to do whatever they want with my dialogues.
Time to write gratuitous NTR. Hehe.
with or without their consent i still wouldn't, it's their creative input and i don't want to shoehorn stuff into it as soapboxy it may sound
so true
Did I stutter? I said "I give everyone full permission to do whatever they want with my dialogues", not "I give everyone full permission to do whatever they want with my dialogues, except for the stuff I don't like."
You're no fun. I expected anger. Boring.
Lol, a secondary is throwing a tantrum because a nonfeature was removed from the game.
>t. Tewie after I pay her 3 times to escape from the forest then ask her to teach me her ways in K
What about a Parsee that, while spiteful towards couples (or at least people being intimate within her vicinity), when (You) both start becoming more intimate with each other (You)rselves, instead starts being increasingly haughty about it towards the other single girls and openly intimate when in the presence of other girls who she knows (You) are also intimate with?

Essentially the trope of the girl who hates couples until she 'finally got it', and then begins shitting on other girls for still being single while making it fully clear that (You) are their property one and only.
Legit what kind of yap is this?
I got lost halfway into the first sentence.
Shorten it.
It does send me into liquidation that some JP licences specifically name fetishes they do not want to be added to their dialogues

jealous elf gets smug after receiving cocka
Much better. Sounds good too.
tldr; On Christmas Day: 'fuck couples being everywhere' -> 'haha just go get a boyfriend like I did, it's sooo easy'
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Works fine on my end. Getting the random song also gives the other one.
Since the script works as expected, we're just gonna run cleanup, instead.
Open the game with the debugger, load your save, and then enter the following into your debug console:
SETBIT FLAG:(楽譜フラグ開始番号 + 15), 1
This will set the "obtained" flag for the track you need.
Save the game afterwards and then open the game normally and things should be fine.
No idea?

>IIRC it all depends on the amount of Magnetite (not MP) stored and your own tentacle level
I have a lot of Mag on my character and tentacles. Tentacle level? You mean the how much EP or whatever I put into them?

>Wearing armor/outfits with the tentacle trait also has a chance of inflicting you with [Heat] in combat, which is really annoying
Tentacles trait? What?

>The [Tentacle User] trait itself grants you the ability to summon tentacles during sex
But I can already do that? I think?
Tentacle User is the class I suppose?
Oh yeah, how do I do so that any edits I did ISN'T wiped out by the next update?
>Tentacle level
Yeah. It also influences the MAG multiplier of your tentacle pit, up to 10x at level 450.

>Tentacles trait? What?
The Tactile Demonica and tentacle clothing do this; you need a lot of tentacle EXP and tentacle addiction or you'll orgasm and be inflicted with HAPPY as a side-effect.

>The [Tentacle User] trait
Anon meant the talent Tentacle Technique.
>Yeah. It also influences the MAG multiplier of your tentacle pit, up to 10x at level 450.
Please tell me it carries over to NG+.

>The Tactile Demonica and tentacle clothing do this; you need a lot of tentacle EXP and tentacle addiction or you'll orgasm and be inflicted with HAPPY as a side-effect.
This make sense. Now I'll just need to get the Demonica. Or the clothing. You think they stack?

>Anon meant the talent Tentacle Technique.
Then what does Tentacle User does?
It carries over, luckily.

I've never used the clothing itself, but the Demonica is one of the best armors in the game from a defensive perspective. If you don't have anything equipped on your head, arms and feet it resists all elements by 50% and nulls all status elements except for FLY, ORGY and HEAT IIRC.

Tentacle User is just an adept who uses tentacle-based skills and comes with the Tentacle Technique talent by default.
*ailments, rather
Hi, I did what you recommend and removed the P2 character I had at the time, Katsuya and every character that showed up in the Velvet Room. The thing is, the error persists, and I'm at a lost on what to do. Discord has yet to respond as well.
Oh thank God.

>all elements by 50%
>Light and Dark instant kill
*chuckles* i'm in danger

So Tentacle User doesn't have any special commands?
After checking at addict lv.10, the armor doesn't resist Light/Dark/Mind/Nerve, but since it makes you immune to instant kills and ailments, those 4 are no longer dangerous.

Tentacle User has access to the Tentacles Frenzy skill and a bunch of ailment inflicting stuff. It's one of the weakest Adept classes in the game.
It must make you really suck stat wise though. You are only wielding one piece of armor after all.

>Tentacle User has access to the Tentacles Frenzy skill and a bunch of ailment inflicting stuff. It's one of the weakest Adept classes in the game.
Aww, no specific scenes or actions or anything? Aww.
Well here's goes my idea of a special class.

>Tentacle Frenzy
>meanwhile the Tentacle Weapon
Tentacles Frenzy, not to be confused with the Tentacle weapon's skill that generates tentacle energy.
>tentacle energy
The thing you use to level up your tentacles and inject MAG into people.
>tentacle energy
How many fucking mechanics does this game have
>The thing you use to level up your tentacles and inject MAG into people.
Why is it on a Weapon Skill? Why do they have the same name?
I thought it was just inject Mag into a character and that's it.

A lot.
To give you a way to gain tentacle energy without sacrificing your slaves and demons.
That make sense!
How useful this skill is? Because at the end of the every NG+, you are probably gonna feed all your demons and characters that aren't contracted to the pit.
Not super strong, but you can do it at the end of a run to avoid wasting your 80+ levels' worth of MAG.
Ah right, converting MAG into Tentacle Energy.
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These prank events are awesome. That guy who betrayed the fairies a few threads back got what he deserved.
How difficult would it be to implement getting extra subtalents in exchange for ending points?
"poor wallet"?
What are those yellow texts? Hastur?
Was Nemuno intended to be a landlord option? Seems weird that her dialogue for child characters has her acting as your stepmother when you can't actually live with her.
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Please, I'm looking at my updated as if it was the devil itself.
Make backups of every file you alter and then merge them in to new versions when you download a new one. You should probably use a diff function rather than just overwriting when you do, just to make sure you don't break anything in the process.
I'm thankful for you explanation but could you please explain it better? As if you you did for a child?
Gather every file you made a mod of, stash them away somewhere(ideally in a similar series of folders to the game itself so you won't forget where they go). Then when you download a new version of the game you open a program that can compare two files and point out the differences(or in other words diff them). You want to go over that to make sure that the only changes are the ones you made. If there are any other differences look them over for anything that might conflict with your modifications. If everything looks good, then you can merge your modded file into the other one, if something conflicts then you will need to alter it to not conflict. Usually you will probably be fine and can merge it in without issue. As far as what program to use, you can use VS code to do so if you like or notepad++ or any number of dedicated programs that only handle comparing files.
>Gather every file you made a mod of, stash them away somewhere(ideally in a similar series of folders to the game itself so you won't forget where they go)
So copy EraMegaten's files, but empty all of them, and put the modded files in? Yeah I can do that, this should be easy, hopefully.

>Then when you download a new version
Here's the problem.
I don't download it, I update it using the updater. Because fuck making a github account.

>you open a program that can compare two files and point out the differences(or in other words diff them)
Like what?

>You want to go over that to make sure that the only changes are the ones you made. If there are any other differences look them over for anything that might conflict with your modifications. If everything looks good, then you can merge your modded file into the other one, if something conflicts then you will need to alter it to not conflict
Like what and how?

>As far as what program to use, you can use VS code to do so if you like or notepad++ or any number of dedicated programs that only handle comparing files
How does it work?
Speaking of similar things, I feel like SDM could do with a bit of a change again, though not sure how it'd mesh together. When you choose to start in SDM, you can only pick to start in the Empty Hut in the grounds of the mansion itself; it should be changed so that you can either start off in the Prismriver Mansion (add a room below the Kitchen), and the Vacant Room in SDM itself.

Yeah, the Vacant Room in SDM is the room reserved for character(s) who move into SDM to live 'with' you. But isn't it a bit strange that if you first-pick SDM, everyone goes on about how you're the newly picked up butler/maid, but you live out in a hut just like Meiling? Any future spouse should be brought into that hut instead, really. Though I don't know whether TW can handle dynamic room ownership like that. Maybe leave the Empty Hut as a possible living location for (You) as well, but with Flandre as your landlord.

Then after that, it comes down to (You)r actual treatment in SDM, if you first-pick SDM as your home. If your landlord is Flandre, then you're not treated as a butler/maid but rather someone Flandre somehow picked up an interest in, and due to Flandre's nature, everyone decided to keep (You) around to keep her under control.
If Remilia is your landlord (start in Vacant Room), then (You) are treated as usual ('Outsider butler/maid Remilia picked up'). But if (You) are NOT a 'Free Man', however, you pay off your debt by cleaning and assisting residents of the SDM map (the money you would've earned goes directly to your debt instead of your wallet). It also changes how (You) are treated by the residents of SDM:
- Friendly Landlord Remilia: Same as usual, except (You) have a debt. The idea is that perhaps Remilia and/or Sakuya saved (You) from being Youkai food, or similar, and (You) wanted to pay them back. Your starting room is the Vacant Room. The 'voluntary indebted butler/maid' approach.
- Neutral Landlord Remilia: Probably same as Friendly Landlord Remilia, but it's Remilia and/or Sakuya who demand that (You) pay them back for whatever they did. Your starting room is the Vacant Room (or maybe a 'shared room' in the Maid Dorm if female? Do the hobgoblins canonically also live in SDM with the Fairy Maids?). The 'involuntary indebted butler/maid' approach.
- Harsh Landlord Remilia: Maybe similar scenario to Neutral Landlord Remilia, except somehow (You) pissed either or both Remilia and Sakuya off, knowingly or not (perhaps (You) did a cultural impasse, like accidentally leaking your thoughts that Remilia must be a lolibaba, or that when you appeared in Gensokyo (You) appeared near SDM and did something even the local Fairies wouldn't dare doing, or tried to assault them like a bandit). In this mode, on top of the usual debt, (You) are treated like garbage, like a dog. Your starting location is the Empty Hut. A minimum amount of cleaning/assistance of residents are expected every day or else (You) get punished, either with increased debt or if SDM residents get more lewd, start punishing you in that way (perhaps (You)'d actually like it that way, you masochist (You)?). Remilia, and especially Sakuya, treat (You) much coldly, and even Meiling feels sorry for (You), though she doesn't do anything about it and may even take part in any punishment(s) (You) are due to 'vent her frustration'. Maybe even make it like as if Incompetent Mode is always active for SDM residents, while the debt is there, because they don't consider (You) as having any real rights?
Get to writing it :)
It's funny, Vergil give us a Phantom Yamato and Summoned Swords why does he do that I have no idea, this is way too nice for him but he doesn't have them equipped, and worse, he cannot have any equipped since Summoned Swords are MC Devil Hunter only.
Does TW allow for characters to treat the MC differently based on whether they are a 'Free Man' or not? Not only for the Landlord specifically, but for other characters related to them?
That outcome was added later, and not by the guy that made pranks. Originally they made 2hus really hurt you, even if you were lovers.
Nobody has ever made a dialog for that as far as I know, but even if there is no variable for that, you can always make a cflag or some other paramater, sorry I can't into code so I don't know what I'm talking about, but if Tsukasa can react to traits, and if different characters can react to non-trait stuff like kids, there's probably some way to differentiate that, it's just that most characters do not utilize it.
>Summoned Swords
>Trish can equip them
>Vergil cannot
Their csvs are right next to each other, it's probably a typo.
>Originally they made 2hus really hurt you, even if you were lovers.
So not only does Vergil doesn't come with them, he got typoed.
>Nemuno has adoptive mom /ss/ dialogue if you're a shota
holy fuck based
Why waste your time making dialog for something nobody will read? Everyone plays as a free man, female player dialog is a waste of time, gay dialog is waste of time, peasant dialog is a waste of time, shota dialog is a waste of time, futa dialog is a waste of time, anal dialog is a waste of time, condom dialog is a waste of time, height based dialog is a waste of time.
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hey flandre & sakuya what should I do when i see someone make a post like this
>anal dialog is a waste of time
Buddy if you don't think I'm developing all of my 2wife's holes you have another thing coming.
Seija thinks you're a faggot.
Seija can have fun farting out my loads every day against her will
>shota dialog is a waste of time
fake and gay
Has it been 3 days already?
Your fetish is disgusting.
Shota is unmanly.
>Nobody is allowed to criticize poor game design, wasted effort, and objectively shit fetishes
everyone is allowed to criticize poor game design, wasted effort, and objectively shit fetishes EXCEPT for (You)
>censorship is good
>Shota is unmanly
there is nothing manlier than wanting to be a little boy who sexually dominates older women, anon
You're a closeted cheese eater.
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Everything is a waste of time baka pedy.
I bet you wish I were him but sadly me am not who.
megaten but i guess it applies to every game: how do you handle later trainings where you need multiple orgasms to level up anything, but multiple orgasms mean their stamina evaporates in an instant?
Mag Transfer ON with Mag Absorb Off? Leveling them up?
I give up and play a different game with a more balanced sex system.
no i mean like their sensitivities and acquiring lewd traits and such. with TW you can at least stuff them with gin gin X or whatever every other turn.
You raise their stamina with Mag, with the max Mag a character can have depending on their level.
I did grind a few to 3k stamina, but now that they're all around [Lewd] (not even close to [Whore] yet) and they're already exploding with orgasms.
If they're exploding with orgasms then just get them to whore by following the rest of the requirements. Even if you're really in to the idea of fully developing a character sexually you can still develop them further in ng+ once you contract them... And if you're just in it for macca then the money gain comes from leveling them once you're past the sell bonuses levels and states not from further sex levels.
How the hell do you manage to do that so fast?
But yeah, you need to pay attention to their stats to know what Fall Path you want, once a character is on a path, they can't come back.
get their stamina to 3k? that's just a bit of grinding. and i'm not concerned with getting on the wrong fall path or anything. lewd needs 10 sensitivities and whore needs 20, but now that I'm at ~10 sensitivities it's difficult to get higher sensitivities quickly because even 3k stamina isn't really enough for constant multiple orgasms.
As that anon, yeah I'm regretting it now, but I really didn't want to be caught by Reimu specifically. Felt like I'd see something similar to if I pranked Yukari.
Okay, get the easy ones out first. Since you're shooting for whore this roughly means around 5 for each type (unless you're deliberately challenging yourself to sell a virgin whore do make sure to develop A or V by now). Getting a character to 3 in every sensitivity is relatively easy.
Meanwhile the last 8 levels of sensitivity is just a matter of time. If you're training them then they're going to be building up orbs no matter what so just focus on other aspects while keeping the sensitivity grind on the back burner by just shoving a vibrator/cap on the current lowest and training something else.
I can almost hear the the voice acting!
Since it's time for me and presumably some others to start over with a brand new character, what new game bonus do (you) always get in TW and why? I might go with Mysterious Charm this time, but it'll make the grind a little less satisfying.
It's a community project. People are simply adding what they personally want to add. Everyone isn't just bunch of unpaid workers making a game for you.
Any work spent on something I won't use is a waste of time.
More shota. More anal training. More pegging. More futa.
Do you want me to sic my goons on you?
Add something you're passionate about, like being a homosexual for instance.
Beautiful. I hate having to save scum hate marks.
No thank you. Everything else is fine though.
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> >>47337610
My waifu can snap my spine like a Toblerone just by hugging me too hard. How am I going to abuse her?
>Penis in vagina. Where it belongs.
Exactly. Their futa penis in my loli's vagina.
Glad we agree.
It hurts her hands.
Yeah, but that's what physical abuse is for. She's a youkai. It's her own fault for not making me fear her enough. If anything, I'm making a sacrifice to ensure our relationship will be better in the future.
So, in TW, I shouldn't even bother foraging for blue/top quality items like the Dragon Gems if I don't have a lucky day? I spent two entire days foraging with Ex level and didn't get a single one.

Also, I was totally wrong about Momiji's gift. You don't even need yearning. Just beat her in battle and fight her again.
You shouldn't bother with TW period. Megaten and K are better.
I don't know for certain that all blue items are of equal rarity, but yeah if your whole stock is filled and it's the only POSSIBLE item you can forage and you aren't getting it you probably need more luck. Tewi's specialty meal is a good source of bonus luck.
Tewi was better before that gook rewrote her entire character.
Sleigh hired third worlders to expand characters for his form. Her, Flandre, Chen, Shou, and now Aya.
i really just don't get what the point is in making your fellow flips look bad like this.
nothing, tewi's amazing in TW. unbelievable amount of lines, has an event where you drug reisen and her and fuck them both senseless, actually uses her diary, immense reactivity even in threesomes, etc.
We need to expunge every addition made by someone who doesn't work for Pedy. Only then will the thread become great again. I will ride or dis with PedyTW.
Also what fork of Megaten should I install? I'm going to be getting into that game. It seems untainted by drama.
That sucks.
He should have told them to expand Remilia too.
Imagine EraMegaten... But it's with Touhou characters?
it's really not that much fun if you haven't played any SMT yourself. a lot is untranslated so you have to just be familiar with the source material most of the time if you want to know what to do.
So, eraMegaten?
It's too bad that we live under the tyranny of crypto-normies who only want vanilla.
I don't give a shit, tell me what fork to download.
No no, EraMegaten... but of SMT world, it's Gensokyo with Gensokyo characters.
JP, EN is very out of date. only things that get translated were added years ago & mostly incorrectly.
>be a dramafaggot
>go somewhere else where you aren't a dramafaggot because there are none at the moment
i'm so sorry megaten bros for what you're about to endure
Nue. Smol Nue, or normal sized Nue?

It'd be a rather small game world, unless you invent new youkai types beyond generic youkai like 'Fairy' and 'Kappa' (not counting the 'unique' ones like Lily White and Nitori). Based on all the canon Touhou games so far, how many different choices would there be, anyway? Would they all actually be adepts/experts with fixed resistances, or like normal 'demons' except most if not all humanoid youkai also have that skill that allows them to handle Human equipment?
Honestly I'm surprised the extent of Touhou content in eraMegaten is just three mini-events and three converters
That's just that one sumireko fan game.
Another character ruined by CabalTW.
Yeah it'd probably be a small game world. I'm mostly blinded by the possibility of fusing both EraToho and EraMT. Dungeons, characters...
One of the thing that annoyes me in TW is that it take forever for everything, and the fucking drama;

>unless you invent new youkai types beyond generic youkai like 'Fairy' and 'Kappa
Considering the ammount of character of different races, that shouldn't be a probem.

>Based on all the canon Touhou games so far, how many different choices would there be, anyway?
Outsider, Magician, Half-Yokai?

A great game that.
Sumireko was a terrible character to begin with, you can't get lower than her.
speaking of which, i'm about done translating the conversion tables for megaten. will put it on the wiki, hopefully it'll be helpful for bullshit like narumi the kishin or ruukoto the fairy.
You work must be the stuff of God, because I never heard of Narumi and Ruukoto.
The cabal found a way.
Don't forget Shinmyoumaru being what replaces high-level Snake-race demons in the 2hu converter
The structure of that fangame would probably be a great way to create an expanded touhou crossover. Maybe something like yukari/okina shenanigans to get you two to meet, into 'the sleeper incident' but the entire thing is just a ploy to get sumireko knocked up by setting up dates all across gensokyo.
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i always go after them for almighty impregnation purposes in TW!
the issue with the touhou mod is that often the result of a fusion often doesn't make sense for its components. for example; you get Ruukoto, a robot, as though you're aiming for a level 10 fairy with the 2nd converter. if i'm comprehending it correctly, i believe there are 9 2hus you will never see unless you use MALE fusion components (like narumi). the 3rd converter also seems to have a lot of "the fusion result's base level isn't the same as the average calculation between the components".

i want to hit whoever made it this way
So what if.
There was a class for EraMegaten, and the gimmick of it was, that you are a human, you can choose four elements, except for Almighty.
You are insanely good at them, but you cannot cast anything else, or if you do, the MP cost would be off the chart.
How does that sound? No this idea isn't born from seeing the Magic focused classes sucking ass, why are you asking?
That's just master more or less.
cough cough
*How does that sound? No this idea isn't born from seeing the Magic focused classes sucking ass, why are you asking?*
Sounds like it would be a variant adept/expert.
Not really sure on how you'd flavor that, or how you'd make the magic focus such that it didn't 'suck'.
Custom skill aptitudes sound fun but there is no code for negative aptitudes.
Also, some elements were just made better than other. Mind and Nerve are unfortunately even more useless than Light/Dark outside of instant kills.
I guess you can turn it into Adept like, but you choose elements like sub-classes, and each one comes with its own lone element skill set.
I think the simple way is probably to just give it either an elemental guard break or a pierce skill of some sort at the high end, along with some sort of damage boosting skill like the elemental boosts that some persona users learn. But at that point you really aren't doing anything existing classes don't already, maybe toss in some sort of gauge skill to make it stand out.
Except it doesn't suck balls and isn't limited to random elements, or fire.

At first I wanted to make the element paired, like Fire/Nuclear but then realized that the number of elements were uneven.
Though I guess it's more like Proficiencies that aren't physical.
Passives would probably be okayish?

>Not really sure on how you'd flavor that
You. Very good. Very strong. At certain kind of magic. You can be the Avatar. You can a magical girl. You can be a support.
And not sucking dick.

>Custom skill aptitudes sound fun but there is no code for negative aptitudes.
Ah Christ. That's a shame.

>but you choose elements like sub-classes, and each one comes with its own lone element skill set.
That could be interesting, but horribly restricting without fun, and characters could just learn other element with cards.

Ah yes. Elemental Guard Break. One of the FUNNIEST and BESTEST kind of spells.
I hate it
You can always make an elemental guard break that does more than just break resistances, for example Luna has that water damage skill that breaks electric resistances.
>[Element] Maniac
>You pick what element to autistically focus on, and get a unique passive that boosts that element while weakening all others (maybe this could apply to the whole party and not just you if you want to make it more of a challenge class, trading coverage for raw damage)
>Get all the spells of said element + the Breaks
>Final skill is a exclusive one that also makes the target weak to your chosen element
>Almighty Maniac is locked until you achieve NG+ while playing as an Element Maniac
I'd rather kill myself than putting Guard breaks.

Only one element would instantly put you into either the Healer or Support Meta.

>Get all the spells of said element
>Final skill is a exclusive one that also makes the target weak to your chosen element
>Almighty Maniac is locked until you achieve NG+ while playing as an Element Maniac
But not bad ideas.
What do you have against guard breaks?
Make Luster Candy and Debilitate usable

is done and linked on main page. please point out any errors
Waste of MP. Waste of Skill Slot. Waste of Turns. Waste of Time.
>Literally only one of the Snake-race 2hus is a dragon
As an actual loli character who is both Child sized and Child-like, I was kind of disappointed that if you picked the option for the 'original' Sumireko intro (You) are actually classmates and that this is all just a dream you are sharing with her, Sumireko doesn't comment at all on the fact that you're obviously a loli for some reason. Unless it can be viewed as the loli (You) being some kind of young prodigy (in Outsider terms).
It's only really scary for enemies since now they can go through your defences.
... Or if for some reason you're building an all one element gimmick team that only uses that one element so you can deal damage with that element.
Yeah, it's the kind of skill that is useful only for enemies.

>.. Or if for some reason you're building an all one element gimmick team that only uses that one element so you can deal damage with that element.
That'd be really stupid.
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Haha, yeah. That would be silly, wouldn't it?
Oh dear.
Which is why I'm going to replace GV's Guard Break with Pierce and give all his attack Almighty when equiped with his accessory. And replace Blade's with just Pierce.
I'm a bitch like that.

Would it be heretical to give Dante and Vergil (and Trish and DH MC I guess) two more skill slots?
The Guard Breaks just need to be longer
3 turns would be fine
Still a waste of turns and MP. By the time GV and Blade can set themselves up, Copen and I and Haru can assfuck NotAsimov.
Not everything boils down to optimal play.
Oh I agree, but there's a difference between optimal play, unoptimal play, and boring play.
How long does the meshia chan event go on for? I know it happens every Sunday but since it's an auto loop I want to know when it ends so I can plot what endings to shoot for.
Final event is on day 28 from what I remember.
Oh hell, that's for next ng+ plus then.
Is GVdev still alive?
He's still active on the JP Discord, but I'm not sure if he's working on anything.
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>SETBIT FLAG:(楽譜フラグ開始番号 + 15), 1
That does it, thank you anon!
Hmm, I dunno then, might be better to wait for actual devs to help, but have you tried updating it first? My only recommendation at this point is to just rollback to an earlier save before you do the P2 event, at the cost of your entire progress after that. I'm not sure if it's been fixed already, but the Eternal Punishment chain can be quite buggy last time I played it back in 2023-ish. Would probably be better if you keep multiple savefile moving forward, at least once/twice every NG+.
>about to endure
Eh, it's fine, you're underestimating the amount of autism an actual fatlusfag can take (and emit). If our resident Frenchie fren can suddenly make Megaten relevant again in an otherwise TW-centric environment, I don't see how the dramafag can win against him, unless he's suddenly a Megaten scholar now.
Quick question, do you have some holes in your total character list? As in, missing a number.
have there been any major or interesting updates to the english branch of TW in the last few months? I was just looking to get back into it potentially.
Rumia now randomly eats your balls in your sleep, forcing you to obtain replacements by whoring yourself out to hags.
But can I NTR Yuuka by stealing her husband?
is there a way to cheat in MegaTen without having to use debug mode? At this point I just want to fuck around but debug mode makes you too OP.
There's been a recent release if you look last thread.
If you have original skill setup turned on, you can basically cheese the game since you'll always have the exact perfect skill to kill anything.
That opens up pretty much everything even if it's so blatantly OP that you're basically cheating anyway.
Who is the most rape prone character in TW? Yuuka? Seija? Yuuma? Hecatia?
How else are you going to one turn kill Brahman if you do not want to deal with his "I randomly completely change my resistances and skillsets every turn" bullshit?
Which character in TW has the most unique S&M content/dialogue if any?
From all the playthroughs I've done I've got to say Yukari. Every time I'd try to increase her stats she just wouldn't stop pushing me down. It made it really annoying to deal with her.
This, but with Okina. On my loli playthrough, every other day began with Okina rape once she hit yearning. Though it was admittedly funny to imagine my loli FeMC living in perpetual fear of Okina crawling out of her back to initiate another round of rape.
Okina is not for loli.
How do you get prostate ejaculation so easily? high A sens?
You can get prostate ejaculation in k games?
I dunno what that guy did exactly. Since it mentions anon being a virgin, I can't really see him as having high A Sens, though.
I dunn-

Ah shit, won't be modifying anything from him then, if he's in the cummunity that'd be genuinely disrespecful.
Pressing H.
Fuck that storyline, fuck most bosses on the sun, and fuck Braman.
Lokapala as a whole got nerfed in the latest update. No idea what they changed, but they probably made Brahman easier?
There is nothing disrespectful about modifying content, for fuck sake, this mentality needs to die.
I don't care, I'm not saying that against you, but I would rather NEVER, EVER play Lokapala. I don't even want to see it.
If it's broken into three, separated, well storyline storylines, MAYBE I'll look at it again, until then, I piss on it.
My mentality is as such: if one dev isn't there for at least one or two years, it's real free estate.
If he's still there, that would be rather rude.
What exactly did you want to modify?
Alter your mentality to: if it isn't worked on in two years, it's free real estate. Lurker's opinions shouldn't be taken into consideration. Either they actively work on it, or they forever hold their peace. Many people logon to their account and are only "active" by virtue of not leaving whatever server their one. That doesn't constitute genuine participation in the broader community.
Take the fuck out of the Guard Break skills from GV and Blade, and give GV: Elec Boost and the accessory making his skills into Elec/Almighty, and giving Blade Pierce and MAYBE giving her the Elec/Almighty deal.
Try to bring GV against not Asimov, you'll have a fun time.

Yeah I guess that's fair. And hey, it's purely for personal use.
I checked the license for the content and the author is fine with people making changes.
(\readme集\eraMegaten0.309用私家版パッチ纏め_Rev142\02_各パッチオリジナルReadMe集(今期分)\eraMegaten_5968\白き鋼鉄のX mod if you want to check for yourself)
That's great then!
...Not so much for the other bonus character but I'm fine with it.
>Try to bring GV against not Asimov, you'll have a fun time
I just beat that guy with Custom Skill set-up
Also, semi-related, but why are Boosts (and Amps I guess but those don't exist?) exclusive to Persona Users? They're a huge part of vanilla SMT demon building
I've always had the Original Skill 'unbalanced gameplay' option turned on, but is it really that powerful that it'd let you punch up stuff far above you? I've never used it so far, and I've always just beaten everything through sheer overwhelming strength, in that if I couldn't beat it now, I just try again after getting another couple of levels. If your level is that much higher compared to the enemy, they're not going to hit you unless they have 100% accuracy skills, love to spam constant debuffs while attacking multiple times per turn, or have some unique gimmick that makes levels not matter so much
I was able to create a 300 power twelve-hit 100% crit rate 100% charm chance skill and it costed amost nothing
I want to say that I don't know, but I may have an idea: It might be to encourage using the characters with unique Persona with those +25% X damage. It might be also not there to discourage power creep. Or that you don't really need them.
>Or that you don't really need them
You ALWAYS need more damage
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Yeah but then you'll be using a skill slot for it, so the meta will be
Life Surge, Mana Surge, Enduring Soul, Invigorate Large, AND X Boost.
Leaving you with only 3 skills, good luck making a demon with it, and that without talking about Fallen Demon, I don't even know if it transfer as a Persona, but that would mean 2 skills.
My Idunn, who is okay fine a Healing Demon only has Golden Apple, Amrita, Mediarahan, Rimudora. I would have replaced Amrita with Prayer, but it's impossible to inherit it or to get a Prayer card.

I can see this would be unfun for the devs, it's fun in it's own right, but after IV, IVA, and V/VV where the meta end up being the best demons including you having "Enduring Soul, Null/Absorb Weakness, Res Physical, Res to Ailments, Boost X, Boost X+, Super Damaging Skill That Pierce and is also probably Personal" I can see why it would be boring and a big nono.

Also let us applaud Izanagi No Ookami who is the same SHIT as he was in Persona 4. What a great reward for the storyline, an ending would have been better.
He's even more bad than he was the original since we are in EraMegaten, AND he doesn't have his normal res from either P4 or P5. Meaning every elements except Light, Dark, Almighty (yeah great idea for Light and Dark there)
Jesus fucking Christ.
>that pic
Man, I wish we could MAG Enhancement the -dynes into -barions.
I wonder if they just forgot, because you could always turn other heavy skills into severe skills (example: going from Autofire all the way to Spinning Shot/Heaven's Bow)
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There are so many things that are wrong in there.
The stats that physical oriented.
No Resistances whatsoever.
The Dynes, as you noticed. I'll remind you that to get it, you need to defeat a very difficult boss, it's almost insulting.
Meanwhile in Persona 5 Royal, we got pic related. Resist everything except Light/Dark/Almighty, powerful attack, buff, healing, and the neat thing is that the Picaro version got Heat Riser remplaced by Debilitate, and Heat up by Enduring Soul.
Also uh, in EraMegaten Victory Cry doesn't fully heal you after a fight, it just boost the evolution rate of the persona equiped.
The dynes are a result of it being made before the barions were added and not being updated, but there isn't really an excuse for the rest.
I feel like the worst part is being neutral to everything
It just absolutely cucks it, and by extension Yu, since Persona resistances ARE the Persona User's resistances
So I guess the dev jumped ship then? Sad.
I almost want to edit it, but I kind of dislike Personas in EraMegaten, they are an utter pain in the ass to use. Call me smooth brained or someone on crack, but having to click on P-Change to change Persona feel like wasting time when I could start blazing, and the leveling system is a pain.

The advantage of EraMegaten's system is that you can equip with the best gear you can without worying about weaknesses. .An advantage that you can't really have access to with it.

>and by extension Yu
Funny that, Yu according to the Wiki, Yu's Izanagi doesn't even evolve. Meanwhile, Adachi's Izanagi (yes he start with Izanagi) can evolve into Magatsu Izanagi.
Meanwhile, both P3 Protagonist's Orpheus can evolve into Thanatos and then Messiah.
Yu's Izanagi-no-Okami uses another csv (3970) with better resistances and Myriad Truths.
The wiki page... didn't... said that and in fact mentioned the oddity of having to gain the card by fighting Margaret...
Still doesn't excuse us having a shitty version but well at ;least it's something...
Get used to browsing the game's files instead of relying on the wiki.
And for the record: Messiah is the one who needs a buff; the other modern protags' Ult. Personas have their uniques, -barions and access to Boost for one of their elements.
Messiah doesn't have Magic Skill Up and his only offensive Skill Potential is Almighty.
How can I tell skill affinities from other than the MAG enhancement menu?
Electric physical is already one of the strongest teams in the game. The last thing it needs is a buff. Honestly it probably needs a nerf if anything, not that I'm gonna tell the japs to do so.
The status menu?
Where? is that a new thing?
>Get used to browsing the game's files instead of relying on the wiki
But I don't know the way of the moonruuuuunes...

>And for the record: Messiah is the one who needs a buff; the other modern protags' Ult. Personas have their uniques, -barions and access to Boost for one of their elements.
Messiah doesn't have Magic Skill Up and his only offensive Skill Potential is Almighty.
Chie and her Dragon's Hustle. Heat Riser for everyone!
But yeah I noticed that every Persona User "below" 3 were kind of shitty. Sure, 2 cast got their persona slills like Nova Sizer and all but...
You wanna know what's weirder with Messiah? It's that P3P actually gave it a unique skill that boosted every damage done by spells by 50%, including Almighty. And P3R nerfed it to 25%, and for non-almighty.
Almighty, you know, one of the base of Messiah? With healing, strike? And it's not in EraMegaten. What the fuck.
Also holy shit, some boosters are all over the place, some Characters/Personas have them at base, some get them wayyyy later, on their final Persona, it's stupid
Click Status, choose on a character, preferably a demon or something who have Proficiency, search up a bit, and here you go.
P3 has the worst set of persona users overall and it's not even close.
It's a bit hard for me to tell, since Persona Users doesn't seem to be meant to be played with maximal efficiency and speed in mind.
But if you are telling me that the P5 cast is the best, I'll shit on the walls.

Messiah could genuinely be saved by just giving it this one "Magic Boost" skill. I still think it's the best persona of the lot of P3
what does original skill do? i don ged it...
The what?
Original Skill
P1 and P2 have powerhouse MCs and some decent unique skills on the other party members, mostly suffering from lackluster resistance sets compared to later titles. P4 has Rise(probably the best of the 3-4-5 navigators, even ignoring the old super Rise exploit that let her double up on classes, which are all pretty strong thanks to third eye abuse potential), Chie(hustle), and Margaret(Hassoutobi and excellent resistances), although the rest aren't super exciting. P3's only notable characters are Aigis/Metis(if you want to mess with ORGY) and Fuuka(who is strictly worse than Rise, even if she is my favorite of the navigators), there aren't any notable unique or even rare aspects on anyone else. P5's MC alone puts it above 3 if nothing else, although I can't say much about the other characters.
>Messiah could genuinely be saved by just giving it this one "Magic Boost" skill
I agree, more or less. It's not like it's got much else going for it anyway. It's resistances aren't terrible but it doesn't learn anything special.
You mean the Original Skill NG+ thing?
It allow you to make your own personal skill, that you then gain access to the Command menu of your MC.

It can be very simple, very complicated, it can be weak, it can be very strong. It can also be dirt cheap for what it does.
It either lets you pick any skill in the game and chain them together into one special skill for your MC... Or it let's you craft the most OP fucking attack skill ever that hits at 300 power, does multiple hits, has 100 percent crit and ailment rate, and you can change it anytime outside of dungeons to an element that a boss is weak to. All for the low cost of some HP you'll probably heal off if you have regeneration.
>P1 and P2 have powerhouse MCs
Bringing P1MC is cheating, True Vishnu is some delicious bullshit.
The problem with the "rest", P2 and P3 included is that they are hardcoded to one or two elements and weaknesses. it suck.

>although the rest aren't super exciting. P3's only notable characters are Aigis/Metis(if you want to mess with ORGY
You mean Orgia mode right. Right? Because I have no idea then.

>third eye abuse potential
What IS the Third Eye abuse? I keep hearing it, but I don't understand what it is. It just book your crit rate no?

It's so fun, but not exactly worth it either. Chie is a purely physical focused Persona User with her magic proficiency being Ice, and the MP cost of Dragon's Hustle is around 100. Haru or a DivaMC can do it but better. +1 in four stats is nothing compared +9 Physical or +9 Magical Attack.
You would basically need to make the same build as Haru, but with an lesser product.

>Margaret(Hassoutobi and excellent resistances)
One would think she is actual genuine reward. Too bad she doesn't have Pierce.

>I agree, more or less. It's not like it's got much else going for it anyway. It's resistances aren't terrible but it doesn't learn anything special.
>level up MAG and INT.
>Edit game so that Messiah get Magic skills Boost.
>Rip encounter
>gain back MP
C'est magnifique.
Doesn't it also gain Oratio or whatever the name is? (Gotta looooove how InO got Myriad Truth and Satanael Sinful Shell, but Thanatos and Messiah having their uniques? Noooooo)

>P5's MC alone puts it above 3 if nothing else, although I can't say much about the other characters.
That's be unfair. As much as I dislike Lolkopopo and Persona 5, that would be a disservice to Satanael as a Persona. The thing is probably the most OP Ultimate Persona in the whole franchise. It's resistance are stupid.

>although I can't say much about the other characters.
The curse of Lolkopopo strike again.
>You mean Orgia mode right.
Yeah, it shows up as ORGY as a status. It's mostly a gimmick but is at least something exclusive to machine maidens which are rare outside of Aigis and her sisters.
>What IS the Third Eye abuse?
Third Eye stacks with Advice, combine that with a high crit rate move or a multi hit move(or both, hello megidocross) and you can easily achieve a near 100% crit rate. The main issue with doing this on the navigators is while they learn third eye naturally you have to transfer over most of the other skills and building their default persona for physical is unintuitive to say the least. Rise just has the best resistance set out the three.
>but not exactly worth it either
More or less, yeah. But it's still enough to make her a distant 3rd place on the buffer list. You wouldn't ever use her over Diva or Haru from a strictly gameplay perspective but if we are comparing the Persona rosters exclusively then she is still worth mentioning.
>it shows up as ORGY as a status

>Third Eye stacks with Advice, combine that with a high crit rate move or a multi hit move(or both, hello megidocross) and you can easily achieve a near 100% crit rate. The main issue with doing this on the navigators is while they learn third eye naturally you have to transfer over most of the other skills and building their default persona for physical is unintuitive to say the least. Rise just has the best resistance set out the three.
Ah so it's a "Build your own Crit Machine" thing. Gotcha.

>More or less, yeah. But it's still enough to make her a distant 3rd place on the buffer list. You wouldn't ever use her over Diva or Haru from a strictly gameplay perspective but if we are comparing the Persona rosters exclusively then she is still worth mentioning.
The fun is sacrificed on the altar of the meta, but rezed in the heaven Special Persona User.
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...I advise to play the game leisurely instead of obsessively browsing the wiki (which is obsolete and/or holey). It really diminishes enjoyment of the game, seeing it as a grueling checkmark tribulation.
>somehow lost my old tw folder and save file with maxed combat and everyone beaten
>use the updater to download the most recent verison
>need some .net framework shit to actually run the game
What's up with that?
What do you think I'm doing? Or do you honestly expect anyone to level up every single characters?
not that anon but that's kinda the point of having so many characters AND the ability to NG+
Plus you kinda have to if you want the 100% compedium completion reward
Uhuh. And I'm sure everyone does that.
Not either of those two anons, but I certainly make an effort to use different characters each loop. Perhaps not absolutely everyone but sticking to the same ones every time isn't as fun as switching it up for me.
I unironically do. It's fun to make different teams each NG+ run. Plus in the case of the demons I can register them in the compedium for later use
Fair. Thumb up guys.
pre-Egg soon bro
You could play eraMegaten like Pokemon, except you gotta Contract all the humans and demons. Or at least the humans and some non-summonable demons, if you don't care about the ones that you can just grab off a dungeon or summon them from the compendium.

Every NG+ has the contracted characters give significantly less Labor yen/macca, but when you've got over 50 characters Contracted, even the paltry amount of macca nets you a sizable amount per night until you hit an Ending or you hit enough NG+ runs that the cap no longer matters. Besides, they keep their skills (if you choose to do so), so you could bring over characters that all have high rank Hit All or high power skills to make any new NG+ run a breeze.
I just intend to contract my favorite characters and demons, as well as those with unique dialogues.

>Every NG+ has the contracted characters give significantly less Labor yen/macca
Wait what?

>but when you've got over 50 characters Contracted
Good luck managing them. Holy shiiiiiiiit.
>Every NG+ has the contracted characters give significantly less Labor yen/macca,
Just make them idols/work subcontracts/ rent them out/ throw them into the buildings.
The penalty only applies for whoring/restaurant.
>Angra Mainyu kills himself TWICE to a reflected Maragibarion in the Ronde request
Lmao this fucking guy
>Lucifer is now available for fusion!
What the fuck I thought you couldn't use him, is he a Special Fusion or just a regular one?
>Every NG+ has the contracted characters give significantly less Labor yen/macca
That's completely wrong, at least for things like Restaurant. You have x0.05 penalty for NG+, going down to x0.5 penalty for NG+11
What the hell is this? You contract characters, and they bring less money?
Are talking about Baby Lucifer?
I'm talking about how the Ronde request, apart from giving you Babyfer, also unlocks Lucifer for fusion
I thought he was enemy-only
Once again, the wiki didn't told me that.
I hate life.
are you going to put it in the wiki now that you know?
It's just so your inherited maxed gloryhole princess gigawaifu doesn't give you millions of macca outright after starting NG+ (same reason why level resets to 5).
After any ending or 50 days you get full value.
Of course. With my non-existent account and my non-existent knowledge in japanese.
wiki's severely outdated
kinda like Lucifer himself, dude's got three skills and two of them are ma-dynes
He probably meant the english wiki
Sounds a bit dickish to make it so after NG+, which is one of the concept of the game. Doing and redoing.
Also seems like to be a nightmare for your alignment.
Or when you want to go for an ending like Amala.
It really doesn't matter much at all. Especially since the penalty reduces the more endings you have gotten and it's pretty easy to go into even the first NG+ with several under your belt without trying to.
>It really doesn't matter much at all. Especially since the penalty reduces the more endings you have gotten

>it's pretty easy to go into even the first NG+ with several under your belt without trying to.
>be me
>who's such a jew that I wanted at least 6 endings just so that I wouldn't have to give up my gears and items, even the useless ones
>now I have like 8, soon to be nine
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Why does Dante has Affection and Trust for me? Did I fuck up somehow?
I can't seem to use a light stone on my MC... are my only options to either put a bunch of people in the kitchen or donating to the lily community chest?
Good news if you donate enough to the Lily chest you unlock Gabriel
*slightly less whine*
By the way Lucifuge is unlocked with the other community chest
Unfortunately yes.

This is completely retarded gamedesign.
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but it's so much easier to get dark alignment...
>dark alignment
No, it's pretty normal, especially if you have mysterious charm. Nohomo bromance and all that.
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If you have mercy events on you can get trickle of good boy points by showing mercy too.
I don't think Life Surge and Enduring Soul is mandatory. Depend on the role, not many characters need these 2 skills. Mana Surge and Invigorate Large are a must have for MP character through.
So he won't want to suck my dick?
How do I change that little problem?
Life Surge, maybe not, but Enduring Soul? Nope, if a character get killed for some bullshit reasons, you will want it.
A lot of RPG taught me that, but especially SMT since it's the only series that allowed to use that sort of things willy-nilly, where in most games, it's just a one time ever thing.
Go to 2754_幻影剣.ERB and replace the line:
SIF ((NO:ARG == 0 || NO:ARG == 4998 || NO:ARG == 4999) && (CFLAG:ARG:あなたの専攻分野 == 7)) || NO:ARG == 3505
SIF ((NO:ARG == 0 || NO:ARG == 4998 || NO:ARG == 4999) && (CFLAG:ARG:あなたの専攻分野 == 7)) || NO:ARG == 3505 || NO:ARG == [[キャラ:バージル]]

If you don't want Trish to be able to use them, just replace 3505 with [[キャラ:バージル]] or 3504 instead.
FemDante and FemVergil though

Wow, I expected a guy for it, not a clean clear cut answer. Thanks a lot!
I tend to be so overleveled for the content I'm doing that the only time I might need Enduring Soul or Invigorate is when I'm doing Extra scenario fights, like the Rabi Ribi ones (especially Miru), or if I choose to fight more gimmicky bosses like the Boy and the Dog. Otherwise I tend to just auto most normal encounters and only use actual skills against bosses, so it's pretty rare to run out of MP before the target actually dies
I ran out of MP once when I was fighting Metatron and Mara. I still don't know what gives Invigorate (Large) skill card.
For persona users it's pretty easy to get enduring soul on gear, I think one of the craftable guns gives it. For the MC specifically, just slap the Spiegel set on them for a bunch of skills. Same deal with the surges, just slap on a yasaka magatama. Persona users might not get resistances from gear, by status immunities(null dying from tetrajammer and similar as an example) and skills still work.
>For persona users it's pretty easy to get enduring soul on gear, I think one of the craftable guns gives it
Question would be, is it good or not.

>Spiegel set
The Spiegel what.

Finding gear that give you immunities to ailments should be easy, but are they good, and can you be ailmentproof?
Hmm, so if I want to make my own modded version of EraMT using the method of "copying every folder but deleting every csv or whatever that I haven't modded" is there any files I should absolutely keep for any reasons?
The simplest source is from the shop lottery, although you probably want to save scum in that case because fuck gacha. You can also get the skill from the shin draupnir armor piece which you get by having the dwarves upgrade the weaker version(acquired from beldr if I recall correctly) in the one of the dungeons you go to along the shrine maiden rescue line.
>Question would be, is it good or not.
For a persona user, absolutely. It's annoying to farm though since you need a bunch of drops from tartarus to make it. Definitely worth it rather than using a slot on the skill on each persona though.
>The Spiegel what.
The special armor set and weapon from the persona 1 routes. You can find them in the dungeons. It's meant for persona user PCs.
I know about Shin Draupnir but I want to give Invigorate (Large) to demons. I guess it's gacha time.
Ah Synthesis, right?
Yep, for the gun at least. The set is just found piece by piece as you do the route. If it recall right, if you want the full set you need to be doing the snow queen route and make each of the girls fall before a certain point for the chests to appear?
>I guess it's gacha time
That's hell you are walking into. Stand proud, you are strong.

Ah Christ, I didn't want to do Thanatos again after being cucked from an ending.
Oh well, the lootgoblin in me is stronger.
what determines how many points you get for a zoma? the template's base level?
The real peak is being able to auto-battle, and having your dedicated healer with Invigorate Large cast Mediaharan to heal the team when they are a bit too hurt.
While I do have someone who can heal in the middle of a fight, if for some reason my team is taking that much damage over time, I use those sort of skills off a demon I have out of party. After all, I run full Human parties, so demon slots are pretty much only there for exp leeching purposes (White Album), and I also use Harmonizer while always having a Summoner Level 5 character in the team. Since I sometimes rotate the other members (my MC is currently a Devil Shifter), I sometimes end up with another character with Summoner Level 1 or 3, so my Human only party only gets stronger. It's significantly easier to just melee or gun auto as well when they hit the level required for me to just slap on the Panzer (female only) set on them to be lazy, since the full set gives Null to Slash, Pierce and Strike to make auto'ing even more easier.
Bold of you to assume I meant in the middle of a fight.
TBF the original P5 cast doesn't have their Royal Personas, so they're missing their unique moves; as compensation, their evolved Personas have way better resistances than in actual P5R.
Giving S.E.E.S access to their Theurgies would be nice too.
Actually, I think Akechi and Kasumi got their Third Personas.

...I'm also vaguely salty because while some are clear upgrade, some aren't, like Raoul. Even if holy shiy, I love the fact that they seems like genuine fusion between the two personas (except for Raoul).
Give them access to their what?
>atlus is so creatively bankrupt they added gauge attacks to the worst version of 3
Oh. Sasuga demake.
How the hell would that work?
I guess if it were the nahobino branch you could just refluff theurgies as magatsuhi gauge burning skills, but without that mechanic... I guess all of the P3 characters get their own gauge like a lot of extra content characters?
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Nta but Theurgies are basically Fusion Spells from before, Magatsuhi skills, or Whatever they are called in VV. https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Theurgy

>Oh. Sasuga demake.
Rip Slash Pierce and Strike.

>I guess all of the P3 characters get their own gauge like a lot of extra content characters?
See this is why I don't want a Magatsuhi skill, there will be a big fat rift between those who have the normal ones, and those who have special ones. Just like in the original game.
>Rip Slash Pierce and Strike.
Wait, they also got rid of elements in the demake? Holy shit, I wrote it off well before it came out but the more I hear the worse it gets.
All three of them are now under one element: Phys.
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You know, now that I think of it, although Pokemon can be quite hard to add in Eraten, Digimon Survive should be pretty doable innit? It's literally DeSu lite
>Invigorate (L)
You can just grab Huang Long for that, his whole being is literally made to be fused/carded to make your uber magic attacker complete with Invigorate (L), Regenerate (L), Concentrate, Heat Riser, Megidolaon, and Samarecarm. You'll only need to grab Holy Dance for big dick damage and Enduring Soul for survival after that. And perhaps change Heat Riser/Samarecarm/Regenerate to Fallen Demon, Concentrate Booster, and Mana Surge if you can afford them and already have a dedicated support/healer.
>snow queen route and make each of the girls fall before a certain point for the chests to appear
Just the final dungeon IIRC, and I think you've got to make them bitches all have the same fall states. Or I might be mistaking that with Hazama's questchain.
>I didn't want to do Thanatos
Do eet foar Elizabeth.
>It's literally DeSu lite
One or two of their games got the same chara design. (And cucked us of waifus)

>Do eet foar Elizabeth.
She's shit though.
In this game I mean, she come with a Pixie. A fucking Pixie. Talk about a reward.
I'm fairly certain you are getting hazama's stuff and the snow queen route mixed up. I don't believe the fall route matters.
Looking at the files can allow you to see some dank stuff.
Item that allow you to have Philemon and Nyarlatotep as your Persona holy shiy
That's why I said P5. Those 2 basically mog the rest by virtue of having Hereward and Ella available. Raoul is made with technicals in mind so he's gonna be a pain to rebalance over here; the one in-game right now is just Satanael with a namechange and no Phantom Show.

That's not true. Messiah gets Resist Phys that encompasses them all, but Slash, Strike and Pierce are still separate elements in P3R.
More like made with boredom in mind lololololol
But man, he got that style.
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Fake tits, fake ass.
Pretty face tho
I don't get it.
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>Character exclaims about how they've been a virgin for hundreds of years
>Character exclaims how they have years and years of pent up sexual frustration
>Current frustration at 100%
>In heat
>They still for some ungodly reason take ages to cum despite my character having maxed out sex stats
Way to break my immersion I guess. This makes no sense.
Sounds like your own skill issue.
It's directly proportionate to loyalty of source demon.
most anons in this thread would need to go jerk off in the bathroom to be hard for sex irl
In TW, I'm outside of my home, and I have Yuugi saying that she wants us to get a room, but how do I do it? I can't visit a room, when I explore another place, she doesn't come with me, and I can't lead around.
Can you timestop carry?
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arigatou sensei
I can time stop, but I can't carry or gather. I remember being able to go visit the girl's room before, but now I can't for some reason, and I'm at the streets of Underworld, where her room should be visitable.
Im a bit curious but why is there no temporary translation option that has every bit of dialogue done with deepl or w/e. I know it wouldnt be entirely accurate but It would be better than having to open sugoi every time you want to play.
I would like that as well. Though there is a slight problem of mistranslations or the machine having the wrong context at times, and you sure as hell aren't going to get specific references and puns.
translation is just one element, there's also editing and coding - for instance, to keep within the character limit of a row
it's so much pain in the ass that at that point it may as well be done fully to begin with
It's an important filter.
Really, cause it feels more like an annoyance with how often sugoi breaks and you gotta reboot it, or how often it misses dialogue
What kind of a fucking psychopath *wants* a smaller PC? Your airflow ends up all fucked in a tiny shitcase.
how small is the character limit..
The Qadistu in eraMegaten when
Also, another thing I noticed is that I can't use the Electric Massager in time stop when I'm outside my home for some reason. I can still use all the other tools, but not the massager.
More like the Retardistu.


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