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Last >>47333197

Fat Ghost Wife Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
what did that hotfix patch for eraAkumaMaid add or fix
Having to copy and delete the files was way too much work.
But it was way more painful than to search the file for the Summoned Swords, and then searching Vergil's file so that he also come equipped with them. Thanks again, Anon!
Maybe I should make Dante able to wield Yamato too like in DMC4 kek.
No Devil Arms skill tho. Sad.

I find it morbidly funny that Yamato is weaker than most high tier weapons. It's really about the Devil Trigger huh?
Oh and that Phantom Yamato is so much weaker than the real deal, it's not funny.
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Yeah, that quirk of the engine is kinda... disappointing. In terms of providing pleasure, in both ways, virgins are treated as 'worse' sexual partners than experienced ones innately across almost all era games, no matter how much love or loyalty they hold towards you. Or even if you treat them as soulless meat holes and focus entirely on your own pleasure which in part defeats the point as their inexperienced tight holes somehow don't provide it. I think that's kind of unfair. Unbalanced?
It is pretty common for a girl to get off during her first time being penetrated, but in game the first time is quite literally the toughest time to achieve an orgasm, everyone will instead get cascade orgasms starting on the next day. Then there's also the part of (You) not getting much pleasure out of a virgin, which isn't really realistic at all - there's being a dead fish in bed, and there's being a proactive partner(you still get only trace amounts of pleasure even if the 2hu is enthusiastically leading during her first time), both of these options should be available to virgins and non-virgins and somehow simulated in game. Actually, these are more mental or personality traits and less vaginal or waist skills or instinctive response to stimuli. Virgins could perhaps start out having extra tightness, providing extra pleasure as sort of a diminishing initial boost for pleasure (both ways) for the first few times they have sex.
Threesome with Yuyuko and Yukari...
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How do I progress the Shrine Maiden quest? I've

A) Got Kikue from Factory on the first trip
B) Went to Akasaka and dropped Kikue off with Hiruko
C) Beat up & acquired Modeus

But the request is still up. The JP wiki says something about Shinagawa & TDL but I don't understand.
I think it's unfinished
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I was wondering the same. Kikue's quest brought to the Chaos Hero, and then Shinagawa and then TDL and then Basi-something, but it seems like something is missing.
The basilica/cathedral is the last dungeon of the SMT1 line.
Basilica is the final dungeon of the SMT I routes
It's a pretty difficult route tho
I know I know, it's just that Kikue and her plotline seems to have just disapeared.
Even the way Shiinagawa/TDL and Basilica were introduced felt weird.
plap sleigh simple as
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Why does giten have to be the one route with forced yaoi man?
Just turn Ayato into a girl
Also FUCK the Ishtar bossfight
Because (you) are the heroine. It's a yume route I guess.
I can't imagine him as a girl at all man even if I do that
like >>47351127 said, it's a route designed with women in mind
It's also very weird since some routes actually let you pic the gender of the main characters.
In fact I was surprised to see Yu NOT being a girl, but I guess it's what not having a FeMC counterpart does.

P3P. In our memories forever. Fuck you Reload for not even making it a thing.
All the routes where you can pick a characters gender all have some basis, Hamuko and female demifiend didn't just pop out of the ether.
To find FemDemiFiend, the guy REALLY had to find it still.
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Alright guys hear me out...
FeMC pregnancy will never be implemented anon.
Wait, you never wanted to establish your dominance over the local PTSD afflicted man on the mad quest to collect bodyparts of his girlfriend for a pitiful belief that she is a goddess by fucking him in the ass so hard and long, that you become his new god(dess) so you could still collect the bodyparts of his ex, ressurect her, and immediately shank her again to establish your complete physical and spiritual dominance over the guy, so you could still go into the local big cheese's crib and kill him two times in a row so hard that he is forced to reincarnate into a mute loli who will later surrender her domain and powers to you in one of her individual endings, so you could make your own high tech utopian megacity for humanity and demons with too much blackjack and hookers?
I really wish loli Bael would get a balance pass one of these days. She just is kind of pointless ever since that FLY skill was made enemy only.
Can somebody explain how HUNT and WAIT works in megaten?
From what I read what I do is WAIT -> ICE HUNT -> HUNT -> SELECT ENEMY but then it doesn't do as intended...
>Needs to be unlocked by beating a Lv 105 bossfight
>Lv 20 AND cucked out of her signature skill
Bael really does need a rework
More skills at least
>Amon gets Debilitate through level-up
>It's still a enemy-only skill
Someone should really remove the enemy-only flag from Debilitate and Luster Candy
If I recall it's already a thing
You want to do wait->[element] hunt-> hunt type attack(devour, feeding frenzy, etc).
I do not mind the loss of the Fly Curse.
All of her skills are just shit.
Give her Vanity or something. Nope, take Twin Slash and Life Bonus or leave.
hunt type attack... does default hunt works? I haven't ever read "hunt type attack" I don't know if that is what says on the screen, literally or otherwise!
Thnaks for replying
Check your avatar tuner skills. You should have something in Almighty. The Hunt skills are what augment that (and its upgrades later) to hitting an element and awarding increased MAG and mantra mastery if it kills.
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>>47351544 (me)
Found it, you just have to comment out this section
or delete it if you're like that, and boom, you now have a usable Debilitate (Now Rangda can finally use the skill she has in almost every fucking game)
In this case the Enemy-only part was already commented out (and was made into an Expert-only skill, despite Amon learning it thru level-up) but for other enemy-only skills you just gotta comment out the "@敵専用_[Skill Number]" section to make them usable
Have they fixed the problem where the game will crash when trying to open the plug-in menu?
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>Fuck you Reload for not even making it a thing
But that's based though. Fuck the non-canon door wannabe bitch.

t. P3/FES purist
Blame Fatlus for making the trpg Nippon-only.
take financial responsibility whore
That's because Kikue's quest line isn't complete at all; the last 'quest' for it is the Factory. The rest of the quest line probably hasn't been worked on since 2021 or earlier, so you can pretty much consider it to be yet another abandoned quest line. It's most likely that it will never be picked up by someone else either as Kikue herself is from one of those SMT TRPGs, and given that the Chaos Hero shows up in the Factory, it's unclear as to how much interaction the quest line is supposed to have with the SMT1 quest line, unless the original author left behind a draft of future content for that quest line.
>Kikue herself is from one of those SMT TRPGs
Does the whole human cattle thing also happen in that JRPG? Because where the fuck did that come from
I have no idea on that part. Maybe that's part of the content the author was looking at? It could very well be that the author was going for the whole 'the Messians are trying to turn the Japanese divine beings and their worshipers into livestock', while perhaps though the Gaians are helping them, are trying to convert the shrine maidens and such into those lewd sex cult shamans that you can run into? Again, it's hard to say what the author had in mind unless they left a draft behind.
I'd be fine if there was just a "questline is unfinished, take this shit and we'll remove the junk from your requests". why is it even translated?
What's really made my brain burning is how is she planning to make this work without her husbando noticing?
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No, demi-nandi's are a thing in SMT 2 and they are humans turned into cattle. Factory was very dark and stupid place in SMT2.
You know what P3P brought to the table? Making Messiah viable and giving it a unique skill!
That's too bad, one thing is sure, I'll never pick it up since I know jack shit about about the TTRPGs.
I have some plan after learning how to code for SMT4 no review I'm sad, I intend to place an ending for P3, and essssspecially P4, but this. I know nothing of it so I ain't touching it.

I remember being really weirded out. What a shift from SMT1!
The fact that in some games, demons are born from human "OBSERVATION" doesn't help.
Humans are eating things that they birthed from their mind. And Demons are eating the things that birthed them.
Now, we just have to
>see if the demons who have those keep them when recruited
>if they keep them when recruited from the compendium
>implement the skill cards, looking at the files, I think it's already in there? There are some skills that are there that we can't have access.
>>see if the demons who have those keep them when recruited
>>if they keep them when recruited from the compendium
Tested these two with a Mithras and yes, she does
Haven't checked if the skill card exists yet
honestly what megaten needs the most is just a fucking guide to all the storylines, even if it's an extremely barebones list of each step.
it's such a goddamn nightmare trying to figure out which events or dungeons or whatever is a followup to what. the entire fucking game might as well just be random standalone events if you can't even establish a minor sense of continuity. I couldn't tell you where I am in the p2 storyline. I couldn't even tell you how many p2 storylines there are. I still have that "city where rumors come true" event but never knew what the fuck it actually does. I think I cleared the dungeon associated with it.Something something seven sisters? what? I don't fucking know. Did I finish that? Is it one of my two dozen requests or events?
Yeah neither wikis are exactly useful, but some people are nice and are trying to help. Like the fusion chart.
Diary.exe lists the steps for majority of plot routes (especially helpful for SMT if, where it directly states that you need one of the girls fallen to get into the next dungeon). It also has another tab specifically about the endings and how to get those.
P2 is simple, do the school, choose the innocent sin route(because eternal punishment is forever unfinished and buggy), do city where rumors become true, buy and spread rumors(some are mutually exclusive), do a dungeon that opens up, repeat until the route is finished. Also make sure to contract new longinus girls each time you run though it(the dungeons give you enough resources to do so if you explore them).
The jap wiki is usually enough to follow along for routes even if it's not perfect.
Quick question though.
How much MP does it cost?
I thought that was just generic "eramegaten is a hentai setting' moment.
What the hell, thought demi-nandi's are supposed to just be Nandi clones raised for meat since actual cows all died in the flood that took place during smt 1?
Wagyu! I wanna eat some Wagyu meat!
Not every plot are clearly told though.

>even if it's not perfect.
Understatement. One moment they tell you one thing, warn you it will have band consequences, but on another, they don't warn you.
The Demi-Nandis of eraMegaten are pretty much half-demons, since they're born from Nandis impregnating female humans brainwashed into thinking they exist to be bred by the Nandis.

In Kikue's case, she gradually turns into a Demi-Nandi herself because of her Devil Shifter nature; it's described as the brainwashing causing her Devil Shifter abilities to go crazy and gradually, and permanently, turn her into a Demi-Nandi
80 MP
No, it is stated that they are Demonoids aka Humans turned into Demons. They were spliced with Nandi to become Demi-Nandi.
I don't like fish. I desire some delicious EGG.
I can't believe there's an ENDING for it. What the hell?

I expected something 100 MP, but 80 is pretty fair actually.
Man, this could shake up the Meta pretty badly in a way.
Yeah, personally I think it's a bit of a strange ending to exist. I feel like it simply exists because the author wanted a reason why you'd deliberately leave Kikue to get completely brainwashed and turned into a Demi-Nandi? Which is why it was mentioned earlier that for Kikue's quest line, it could very well have been a quest line revolving around human and demon (regarding Japanese divine beings) livestock. Since otherwise, you'd either just do it as soon as possible since it's a time-sensitive request, or maybe leave it up until a certain point where you can turn an insane, half-transformed Kikue into Messian Terminator (in an ironic sense, as the insane Kikue can think of nothing but destroying all Messians as revenge for what they've done to her and her people)
What's more, is that to get this ending, you need to start it up relatively soon, as it take around 25 days for the transformation to "finish".
goddamn how long does it take for them to be able to get pregnant again, the baby was born in summer and it keeps saying i have to use a condom because shes expecting for some reason
The Kikue cow ending was added relatively recently, actually
Originally if you let Kikue at the factory for too long she becomes a Super Demi-Nandi that you can get as a party member (can also be either just a giant cow or a cow girl)
What even is the intent for the smt 2 storyline?
Was it just meant as an unseal the amatsukami thing (going by the diary title) since the rest of the smt 2 setting is kind of unworkable with the eramegaten setting (though in fairness the underground mutants and factory are already stretching it anyway). If I had to take a guess it was originally meant to be heavily tied to smt 1 given that chaos hero is part of the factory raid request. With the current save Amaterasu from getting raped in the Government building thing just being a workaround. Though given that I don't know the development history this is just a fucking guess.
Kikue did have an entire quest line originally,but it was removed because it plagiarized something.
Define, relatively.

>Originally if you let Kikue at the factory for too long she becomes a Super Demi-Nandi that you can get as a party member (can also be either just a giant cow or a cow girl)
Well it could have been something original.

I didn't even knew there was a SMT2 storyline.

>though in fairness the underground mutants and factory are already stretching it anyway
I can see it actually. Ninja Turtles did it before, it worked, why not a society?

>but it was removed because it plagiarized something.
It must have been pretty big on the plagia, because we are talking about EraMegaten.
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As I see it, MT2 and SMT2 were spliced together for the Lily Flower route. And yes, there are some dummy files indicating that OG dev wanted to implement the "liberating Japanese deities" ark from SMT2. Don't forget that Hiroko doesn't exist in a game.
I just find it funny that Lily Flower has so much stuff available even if it is clearly unfinished. Naoya's route is a joke. You pick it once to run through Great Temple to unlock bosses and that is it. Even its access to giant dungeon is now redundant, because of Steven's Mystery Dungeon with 300+ floors which you unlock with Debisama's ending.

If I remember it correctly Factory was tied with Yamataika mod (cool but obscure manga), which overhauled the dungeon and had a lot of additional events later if you played with it. It was removed, I dunno, a couple of years ago? I remember it being a thing in the pre-portrait era.
>Factory was tied with Yamataika mod
Is this why the wiki recommends you have extra events on to meet the Chaos hero? Also why half the fucking dungeon feels missing given that the underground route is the only relevant part while the rest of the map might as well be a noob trab distraction?
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you fight & get modeus from helltaker if you have extra on.
>why half the fucking dungeon feels missing
Because Factory is not a dungeon but a region in SMT2. You go there multiple times and it has multiple dungeons in it.
>As I see it, MT2 and SMT2 were spliced together for the Lily Flower route. And yes, there are some dummy files indicating that OG dev wanted to implement the "liberating Japanese deities" ark from SMT2. Don't forget that Hiroko doesn't exist in a game
That will be funny to finish, since most japanese deities except maybe Izanagi are all there already.
Meanwhile, Naoya literally just need to add some Bels, a Lucifer for the final Dungeon and here we go, storyline done. We are the champions. GG.

>Even its access to giant dungeon is now redundant, because of Steven's Mystery Dungeon with 300+ floors which you unlock with Debisama's ending.

>If I remember it correctly Factory was tied with Yamataika mod (cool but obscure manga), which overhauled the dungeon and had a lot of additional events later if you played with it. It was removed, I dunno, a couple of years ago? I remember it being a thing in the pre-portrait era.
Pretty fucking weird.
One of the weirdest addition to the game.
i think the devil children manga route has more text than the actual manga
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Remove aislop.
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>Naoya route
Desu, I dunno, feels like King of Bel overlaps with King of Chaos way too much. It might be better to fuse them together instead, especially since you have to fight Beelzebub and Lucifer in Amala. Now, the question is, would they do Megidoladyne justice?
Random dungeon you can enter after beating Kofun Labyrinth, still not sure what it is used for since the drops are pretty bad and you can't analyze demons there IIRC.
>Desu, I dunno, feels like King of Bel overlaps with King of Chaos way too much. It might be better to fuse them together instead, especially since you have to fight Beelzebub and Lucifer in Amala. Now, the question is, would they do Megidoladyne justice?
Meh. I don't think too hard about it, I think you shouldn't too. King of Bel is King of Bel DeSu and MT, Chaos King is Chaos King of SMTIII. Just another day in EraMegaten.

>Now, the question is, would they do Megidoladyne justice?
The skill does exist in game,
>[2004] Megidoladyne
>Rank:15 Hit: 100 Power: 300  44MP
>Affinity: Almig EX Range: ALL Type: Attack Attack Num: 1~1
>Heavy Almighty attack on all enemies.
>Gets stronger with every use.
I feel like making it interesting would be the biggest challenge of Naoya's route. A possible solution would be to make an enemy version, and a player version! BossLucifer use it once per turn at the end of his action and it's weak at first but quickly goes up, where if you are even allowed to get it, it would be an instant fuck you, Demi-Fiend Gaia Rage style, and then if the guy survive it's another fuck you, instead of a race for them to kill you.
Probably would need to have him summon demons each turns too, and give him Lucifer a lot of Resistances so you don't instantly kill him, but again, killing something strong because you are strong is one of the joy of the game, so who know.

>Random dungeon you can enter after beating Kofun Labyrinth, still not sure what it is used for since the drops are pretty bad and you can't analyze demons there IIRC.
Oh those things. I dodged them like the plague. It's not necessary for anything is it?
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<Last Command: Visit A Room>
Why is Reisen like this?
>It's not necessary for anything is it?
No. It has no rewards for it yet. Devs decided to make random map making and FOE's first. You can't even get exp from the dungeon. Its only appeal for now is deciding to test your team versus Lv 350 bosses.
>got 3 2hus pregnant
I will never financially recover from this
It's not her fault she kept stealing her panties while she's out doing laundry
>Its only appeal for now is deciding to test your team versus Lv 350 bosses.
Unicorn overlord event wen
When someone decided to be the change.
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The level of enemies at the last floors gets pretty high. Steven doesn't fuck around.
Better to make a mod about this than Sonic. Which was in Dx2 collab
Why is Stephen such a cunt since SMTIVA.
Axiom is mad because ATLUS refuses to make Raidou 3.
That's a lie. Axiom is a bitch and would rather kill itself and everything.
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You are not wrong.
he was freed from his mortal shell and human limitations
It's amazing how schizophrenic IVA is.
Eh. "Coquitoelcos".

And decided to be a bitch instead of a helper.
Thanks FAtlus.
I just realized but, Contracting characters like Dante or Copen really isn't a good idea, they are tied to quests that need them to be of a certain high level and they will come back to level 5.
It really is better to keep to Contract character you are sure you will use next playthrough, or characters that would make good MONEY MAKERS.

...Incidentally, what do you think of the idea of a Synthesis of Sparda + Rebelion/Yamato/Calburn?what the fuck is that last name
Last Bible is in a weird place where it feels like it being a megaten should naturally mean it should fit into eramegaten but it's such a fantastical setting that it would fit even less than some extra events.
For me, Goldfish is still the weirdest.
It's medieval-fantasy where either each worlds is a continuation of one another, or are just either completely different from each other, with them having the balls of killing the MC or making him go away. It really wouldn't fit well
Ah but you see, this isn't you regular Goldfish, this is a Demon Goldfish. That learn a strong water move at level 80.

What a fucking waste of time that was!
Does Last Bible even have something unique outside of Sol Lion and Great Will boss fight? That one Last Bible which is also a Wizardy clone had a couple of cool original demons too but that is it.
Nta but it has the Force (not the wind element), God Nakajima, reality altering books, and MC becoming Gods or killing themselves by Coquitoelcos which totally isn't a mistranslation for a deeper thing.
Also some weird Elric thing going on? El (You) and the Great Will are destined to fight forever.
So, it can work with Etrian Odyssey mod when some madman decides to make a Labyrinth megadungeon for it?
Probably not, it's Dragon Quest esque.

>Etrian Odyssey mod when some madman decides to make a Labyrinth megadungeon for it?
God this is making me rock hard.
It's also possible to do something since Etrian Odyssey is set in the far future, and V is set in the far past on Mars
Aside from what the other anon says,
The setting being in the Ancientest past by way of being the destroyed fifth planet could be a fun ancient history thing, or be an 'official' non-extra way to have some fantasty events.
The games don't exactly have good dungeons to steal so this would basically be an event/requests storyline anyway unless some mad man wants to fuse it with another megaten plot.
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>Let Yuuka punch me
>Fall down
>Try not to cry
>Cry a lot

How does someone recover from this? How have you not established yourself as her bottom bitch for all time?
>How does someone recover from this?
Keep training for revenge.
Weekly update:

- Nagi got some more translation.
- You can now find Naoto somewhere in Roppongi if you didn't kidnap her.
- The Kirara Fantasia event chain got some rebalancing and text fixes.

- EraRL got some fixes.
- EraAkumaMaid got an update.
- eraClickIdle got some cosmetic tweaks.
- eTC got a fix for Tengu News.
- eraSQR got some more translation.

- A guy in the Discord is working on an Aya OC dialogue for TW.
- I'm still working on the coding for Chen's dialogue and proofreading Luna's dialogue, as well as a headpat command for Megaten.
Ass fuck her.
Nagi, my half-russian waifu who doesn't look like a russian but I still love her.

>- You can now find Naoto somewhere in Roppongi if you didn't kidnap her.
>- The Kirara Fantasia event chain got some rebalancing and text fixes.
Very interesting update, Mr Joestar.
>You can now find Naoto somewhere in Roppongi if you didn't kidnap her.
I thought you could always do that?
I am on the day 25 or so in megaten, devil summoner with avatar tuner at lvl 30 all points to endurance + agi + int (not sure what int helps me here). I have Ayato and Yumi plus whatever demons at the same level. I've done events, requests, explored stuff... fuck I am reaching 90 hours I think.

And this game makes me feel so damn aimless. For instance, if I want all the buffs, what demons around 20+ lvl have those skills, what demons are good against fire, etc etc... most of my demons have medium strenght spells at best and deal 40 damage to low level enemies. I am not even sure what is the point of this message. WOuld anyone give me any general recommendation? "If you want demons with good buffs go here" or "recruit all demons in this dungeon trust me"
Here's the skill page (it's slightly outdated, but it's still 99% accurate) with each demon that learns each skill
Also, there's the MAG Enhancement option to upgrade skills if the character you want to upgrade the skills of has enough MAG to do so
This game in general kind of wants you to have a wiki open (or the game files since the nip wiki is outdated at parts)
mmm okay I'll take some time to "plan"
but I also have to look for where said monsters show up no? I wish I could dive on the files with ease, since it's all text there has to be folders with maps and what is in them but moon runes are like "lol, lmao"
Ass fuck her in a lovey-dovey way
Caliburn? It's the basic sword of the DMC4 church, Red Queen is a special custom prototype. It's "burn" since it's a rev-up, geddit?
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Uh...sorry, bros. I tried.
Of course it's a futafag who's having a problem with being the dom. Regular players don't have to deal with that.
She better put you into the amazon position while you ahegao.
Sorry anon, whoever has the larger cock tops. But dont worry she will lick the cum from your anus and then feed it to you mouth to mouth
>Short hair Yuuka
I'd strangle you in real life right now if I could (Not in a lovey-dovey way)
Desire lvl 13 holy shit you have premium ass
Genuine faggot, lmao. Playing a girl won't make you into one.
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Okay, but what if
>but I also have to look for where said monsters show up no?
if you're just at level 30, you can do a bit of fusioneering. 2hus are also very useful for getting high level fusion materials.
Oh that make sense.
But why do you have a relic of a holy sect as your main weapon?
It's the basic sword of the grunts, I meant.
Sadly generic.
Where does W&S come from?
Or God Forbid, Luce and Ombra.
Where the everlasting FUCK did Sparda found guns that are exactly like Ebony and Ivory, down to the picture, decades before such guns could even exist?
>Where the everlasting FUCK did Sparda found guns that are exactly like Ebony and Ivory, down to the picture, decades before such guns could even exist?
Same reason why SMT demons can use Gun-element skills
Machiavelli was a gunsmith, so they're probably his handiwork.
How do I get this ending, I feel like something is fucked up for me right now. I met all the requirements and rescued her after 35 days and she transformed into a half-demon state but I didn't get an ending for her. I tried going back to the request menu but it just says "Hiruko" will contact me after her rescue and nothing else. I'm still new to this game but there's so many fucking things going on and it confuses the fuck outta me so I'm sure I fucked up somewhere somehow.

Also what's the deal with Chiyo? An earlier version let her come with me with a follow command without using a comp slot but its gone in the recent one and I have to put her in my party like a human member now so now I just don't bother having her, kinda lame since she was useful.
>Also what's the deal with Chiyo?
Latest update updated her and Yuriko/Lilith, changing their CSV number (and leaving two Beast/Yoma slots open, respectively), and doing some rebalancing
Oh, makes sense. I guess having a free member for support stuff was pretty op.
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I don't get it...
At the start of the fight I choose wait auto and a spell like ice hunt and DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING and it works as intended.
But if try to do something else it stops and I can't wait again...
Likely Weiss&Schwartz to be the third variation on white&black.
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Well, it could be worse anon.
i feel like you deserve more ganbang experience for that
The +1 gangbang experience was icing on the cake.
I mean, the Gun element is less Gun and more like "Pierce".
Sometime. Shhh.

Acshually, Luce and Ombra are said to have been made by Sparda.
Also, they reuse the text of Ebony and Ivory "For Tony Redgrave".

Yooo it make sense.
Naaaaaaaaani the fuck?
This is some extreme form of schizophrenia...
Even Grimm would be confused.
Obviously, where is Alice?
Doesn't Naoto end up in the brothel normally? Or is the update so that you can grab a Naoto that doesn't end up in a brothel (and thus won't have all the related experiences)?
I'm pretty sure she only ends up there on the Naoya route, not the lily route where you would normally have to kidnap her to get her. I could be remembering wrong though.
I am going to Alice
huh, question about avatar tuners...
besides the karma terminal in tome dungeons, can I set the demon skills back in the "base" I am not navigating the menus correctly it seems...
...Did you fucking rape yourself?
oh so what were you never a teenager
MAG Enchance menu. Click "Transformed" at the top.
Somehow, yes. It happened while I was on the Sun, so I'm just blaming the Lokapala questline for raping my ass wider than the Milky Way and leaving it at that.
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I'm leaving, Alice.

Good fucking luck putting Black Souls characters in there and making them make sense in a storyline, because at the end Grimm is basically a master of every magic and weapons and armor, with even bullshit weapons, still couldn't escape the strongest deity of his setting.
Well someone put Fumika, and she isn't fery Fumika.
I think the Lokapala took the phrase "Fuck you" literally.
>A guy in the Discord is working on an Aya OC dialogue for TW.
Based, I love Aya but her dialogue is so painfully generic it breaks my heart
I'm just worried about what kind of dumb shit or memes will slip in to the dialogue. Oh well if its bad enough that'll finally make me get off my ass and do my own Aya OC.
Just have Mary Sue try to meld the PC's soul into Grimm or something, or set it after the end of 2 with the gang coming back to the real world. Wouldn't be the first time lovecraftian horrors have tried to pull something in megaten.
>or set it after the end of 2 with the gang coming back to the real world. Wouldn't be the first time lovecraftian horrors have tried to pull something in megaten.
This would probably be the best option. Just handwave it as Grimm fucking up with his newly acquired Power to Change and jumping into the megaten time and universe.
I mean, that's what Aya is, being painfully Japanese polite in dialogue.
Wowowow my friends! We don't even know what he will do with it!
Alright, if you want to avoid that then there's an easy plan B. Just have Yog send him over for the sake of training his soul to become strong enough to handle what he needs to face.
Spoilers? in MY /egg/?!
>Trying to make a special fusion for Satan
>Current recipe is Lucifer x Merkabah, SMTIV-style
>Test it
>Fusion doesn't work
I'm 100% missing something here but dunno what
Yo, I'm making a SMTIV scenario there.
I still think it being Mary Sue fucking with shit fits best myself.
That's even worse, Grimm's body and soul(s) as per word of Mabel, are breaking apart. There is no training to be done. He is already a master.

You know, I kinda partially agree but it would make things too wordly I think.
Ah shit, didn't know
I wanted to make Satan playable (and give it, Lucifer, and Bael better movesets) so I was fucking around with the ERBs
>Grimm's body and soul(s) as per word of Mabel, are breaking apart.
Just have it take place after vessel recreation, it's not that complicated.
>There is no training to be done. He is already a master.
Souls give strength, and what do you think will happen to that strength when his vessel fractures and causes them to escape? Mabel's already interested in seeing just how strong his soul can become in BS2 already, so there's existing justification for it too.
Wait that wasn't an accusation, that was just saying "Yo I'm working on something similar, that's cool!"
Sorta. Maybe?
I mean, I'm a bit salty no one reviewed my plot draft, but that's life I guess.
Mash it into a VV scenario with EXTRA turned on. The niggermen want souls, the qaditsu want mag, the two are working together. Leave it as just the qaditstu with EXTRA off of course.
>that was just saying "Yo I'm working on something similar, that's cool!"
Oh, that's cool
Still, have no idea how to make it so Lucy and Merk actually fuse
I have the unlock fight set-up (I just put a barebones Satan fight in the cementery dungeon for now), the special fusion condition too, and yet it doesn't work because ???????
>Just have it take place after vessel recreation, it's not that complicated
We don't even know if there will be a vessel creation or not, if it will be a new one, or not.

>Souls give strength, and what do you think will happen to that strength when his vessel fractures and causes them to escape? Mabel's already interested in seeing just how strong his soul can become in BS2 already, so there's existing justification for it too.
As long as the player isn't a drolling retard, Grimm could suplex Satan.

...I feel like I'm being a prick about Black Souls. Guess that's what passion does to you.

>Mash it into a VV scenario
But she only has keigo here, her shitstirring nature is nonexistent which makes her the most generic polite girl character
It may be another case of a dialogue being old, since the last update was in January 2016 - while FS was running, long before HSiFS and Lotus Eaters which heavily feature Aya

It's well made, but needs spice - otherwise it's like ramen without flavour, essentially oily water
I feel like if you NEED to fuse Black Souls with something SMT-related, Last Bible would work
Yeah most probably!
>Black Souls with something SMT-related
Do not please.
For the love of the actual God up in there do not.
>head to the moon
>christmas music starts playing
>fight great will
>super nakajima and grimm team up
Could work.
Hmm, I'm learning how to code by modifying or adding tiny things in, I may not know much but have you thought of looking at Satan's status screen, his file and comparing it to a normal ones?
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Fuck we could use God Nakajima as a reward for an unfinished storyline so he can replace shit one he is currently!
Since we are bullshitting shit that isn't happening either way, why not both? The unfinished story line unlocks the last bible line after you clear it and at the end of both you get god nakajima
>We don't even know if there will be a vessel creation or not, if it will be a new one, or not.
We will absolutely need a new vessel, and Mabel has said in her little Chaos Dungeon loredump that she'd help us when our vessel fractures. Also, without a new vessel we are explicitly told that we're completely and utterly incapable of utilizing the Power to Change, and there's not a chance in hell that Yog will just let that slide considering us becoming a Creator is the centerpiece to their whole plan to stop the upcoming niggerman war and prevent Azathoth's awakening. It's why we actually become a creator in the merge ending, as we're in a vessel that can actually utilize the Power to Change.
I also have a schizo theory that the vessel creation taking place at the start of BS2 is actually that event occuring, and that BS1 and BS2 are both technically dream retrospectives after the events of BS2 have already happened considering how the vessel creation scene in BS2 ends, Alice's Ribbon blurb in BS1, and some of Cheshire's dialogue in DLC 3, but that's a schizo theory for another place and time.

>As long as the player isn't a drolling retard, Grimm could suplex Satan.
The kind of combat minmax shit you'd usually find in SL1 runs doesn't translate very well to eraMT mechanics, unfortunately.
I think mixing stories in a reciped, ayyyy, for disaster.
You just have lokapala PTSD. Mixing stories is what crossover games are all about and I wish the game did it more.
>first spoiler
No I meant if we will keep the memories and the schizoness (which Grimm seems to be partially cured of). Like I and you said, Grimm's body and souls are starting to crack and can't take the strain of Black Souls anymore, let alone the strain of Grand Guignol's power. I fully expect a new vessel but what will be the new angle? No memories? A plan already set up without us knowing? We can't know and I feel like doing something would be a bit gauche.
>second spoiler
Great theory! Man. This is why I love the souls community. And so the Black Souls one too.
I have a personal theory that Grimm is actively starting to gain quantum and time travel powers that are outside the game's perspective, and that they are just manifesting themselves more after Mabel's "death"

>The kind of combat minmax shit you'd usually find in SL1 runs doesn't translate very well to eraMT mechanics, unfortunately.
I'm not even talking about SL1 runs or ratatatatatatattatataatatatatatat spam, Grimm is a fucking beast of a man. He take a sword, he can chop a dragon that is written to kill him, or a giant rabbit.
>You just have lokapala PTSD
Oh yeah. Not denying it.
But there's also the Tower of Confinement I kinda hate the last levels though it's a mix between SJR duh, and SMTIV's Blasted Tokyo it doesn't actively step on this storyline as AU doesn't seems to be a thing, and the Yamato Reactor doesn't even exist, but I feel like you could accidentally step on toes and potatoes if you mix things two much.
>No I meant if we will keep the memories and the schizoness (which Grimm seems to be partially cured of).
We should not only keep our memories, but start to remember new shit with GG and other niggerman interference out of the picture, especially regarding whatever happened before TCO's fall to the Earth in that memory flame there. The schizoness should generally start going away more and more, especially as the authors and their own quirks are dealt with (I.E. Lewis's cunnylust, Anderson's faggotry and murderhobo tendencies) too. The only real risk for that is if we end up not being able to handle the taint of sin on our soul along with the other shit we've had to deal with so far and crack under the pressure, as Lingeriena hints towards in DLC 3 during her fight I believe, though I think H should have put those concerns to bed for the moment.
>A plan already set up without us knowing?
I don't think Yog will bait and switch us here, what we've been told during DLC 2 and 3 should be the general setup for BS3. Awakening as a creator, creating your own garden, marching into battle against the elemental niggermen with your children and whoever else you end up reviving from Shatranj and the gathered fairy tales of the BS1 heroines, shit like that. It's the exact specifics of how that'll play out that's the issue here, not the broad picture I think.
>I have a personal theory that Grimm is actively starting to gain quantum and time travel powers that are outside the game's perspective, and that they are just manifesting themselves more after Mabel's "death"
If we're approaching it from the meta perspective, then in all technicality saving and loading are essentially just setting your own cycle start points (saving) and constantly reverting back to them (loading).
>Grimm is a fucking beast of a man.
He is incredibly technically capable, but his raw strength is still heavily dependent on souls, and technique only goes so far without the strength to back it up.
Yooo my dude, you liking the Black Souls talk?

Now now, don't go assuming. EMMM is the sort of guy who would surprise rip our throat-brain out.
>first spoiler
We're not even sure if Lewis is "still in there". Maybe the time traveling canceled his happy ending, maybe not.
>second spoiler
Ah but my friend, that's the thing: there is no Leaf, no TCO, no GG, no Mabel, there is only Grimm. Will we do what Mabel told us to do, what Grimm want to do, or what we want to do? The general goal is the same, but the way, could be different. And EMMM is a trickster.
I've read a cool and stupid theory that Grimm could potentially do a batism, cleaning himself of his sins, and memories, but Grimm and others before that would plan around that. Very linear though.

>third spoiler
Oh it's either that or meta. Remember before GG, you cannot save anymore, if you die to Lorde you don't go back to a bonfire but to the blood with the screen glitching and gaining a tainted black soul, around the actual bonfire the red messages that you see through the game, that are all but stated to be written by you from the past, are explicitely telling you that if you fucked up or aren't sure, you should "retry", when the only way out is quitting the game. Even before the point of no return, a message is saying "If only I had Prickett's Ring".

>He is incredibly technically capable, but his raw strength is still heavily dependent on souls, and technique only goes so far without the strength to back it up.
Raw strength or skills. Grimm beating the drake isn't that difficult or that easy, and the game basically go "uhhhhhh wtf", with what is essentially most likely Leaf just ignoring it EMMM like to give the player a lot of layway, and the clunkyness of the games are there to say something, the first game most of all.
But I'm going too far, what I mean to say is, tldr, Grimm stonk 'n' skilled, Grimm's the player, Grimm can be anything, a good little soldier who play his part or a little shit that "ruin" the "mastepiece".
I love black souls like the next schizo but at least don't make yourself look like an underage ledditor.
>We're not even sure if Lewis is "still in there". Maybe the time traveling canceled his happy ending, maybe not.
Assuming the timeline merge bullshit works the same for him as it does for Red, once they're merged again at the end of the game he should theoretically be freed from Grimm thanks to the events of G, as he is still supposed to be alive out in reality. Being alive and out in reality is what seems to have made Red's personal ending from BS1 her "canon" timeline, as opposed to C (dead) or D (straight up vanishes after the Shub fight and isn't recalled back into the garden by Mary afterwards), probably like how Grimm does in G from her perspective. I'd assume that if his soul was in fact bound to Grimm's vessel, he wouldn't have even been capable of leaving it in G, and with GG out of the picture in H there's nothing that should actively recall his soul back into Grimm's vessel either.
>there is no Leaf, no TCO, no GG, no Mabel, there is only Grimm.
No GG, but Mary is still around, TCO's probably going to Lewis in Shatranj after BS2 if Mabel's comments in front of the Chaos Dungeon hold any weight, and Yog should still be around, just not the Mabel role or persona.
Will we do what Mabel told us to do, what Grimm want to do, or what we want to do? The general goal is the same, but the way, could be different. And EMMM is a trickster.
Grimm wants the good ending no matter what, if there's any failure regarding that it's probably going to stem from his soul being too tainted with sin and it fucking up his creations.
>Even before the point of no return, a message is saying "If only I had Prickett's Ring".
Yeah, DLC 3 especially goes hard on the idea of Grimm being the author of 99% of the messages you see, on top of multiple messages having foreknowledge that Grimm shouldn't have unless it's already happened to him before, especially after the point of no return.
Anyways, I'm sure the other anons are getting tired of this tangent, so I'll stop here.
I'll just say then, it was a pleasure.
>there is no Leaf, no TCO, no GG, no Mabel,
Yeah, about that...
I'm going to Reimu.

>Something was written that refuses to be understood
Skill issue
Weird, looking at the accs of GV and Blade I'm left to ask, how do they change the skills? Is it tied the characters themselves?
The skills have checks for who the wielder is, and what accessory they're using. For example, Hell Lightning:

IF SKILL_CHANGE(ARG, [[キャラ:ブレイド(X)]])
IF EQUIP:ARG:アクセサリ == 5349
RESULTS = Azure Crashbolt
RESULTS = Crashbolt
RESULTS = Hell Lightning

If Blade is the one using the skill and has Azure Lightning equipped, it turns into Azure Crashbolt; if she doesn't have Azure Lighning, Crashbolt is used. For everyone else, the skill is Hell Lightning.
This kind of thing is done to avoid squandering skill numbers on duplicates of effects that already exist. If you see IF SKILL_CHANGE(ARG, [[キャラ:ブレイド(X)]]) && EQUIP:ARG:アクセサリ == 5349, it's checking for both the character and accessory in one go.
So multiple skills, in one file? Smart.
It's actually giving me a good idea of how it work.

If Skill user is X
If equiped with X
It's That.
Else (if one is missing)
It's That
The End
For everyone else
It's this boring skill.
The End.

Did I get it right?
Yeah. 4chan ate up the indents, but that's about right.
I may say something that sound like heresy, but this sound simpler than ruby.
It might be. The system is deceptively simple in some ways; getting it to do extremely specific things is the hard part.
I figured. I can't make sense of ruby, but this coding seems simple, but the deeper you go, the more complex it seems.
...Easy to learn, hard to master?
Complexity comes more from how everything is a duct taped together mess of over a decade of god only knows how many contributors rather than the language itself. When looking at smaller parts of code it's pretty straight forward.
How do you change the number of skill slot of a class or a character?
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Is the magical mallet the only way to get the self duplication skill in eratw?
RESULT_F = FLAG:スキル数 is 8 slots
RESULT_F = FLAG:異能者スキル数 is 12 slots
Uhhh, is that normal that this happen when you modify something?
Oh thank you, testing it right now.
>One-Shot Event [Something] is available!
>Event [Hibernation Device] is now available!
What the hell?
Hmm, it doesn't seem to work.
What you did you do?
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Try ROLE_SKILLCOUNT_ instead. My bad.
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Niiiiiiice. They added the new Training menu to the update! It's so clean and clear!
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The age of fanfics about multiverse gamer is over. It's the era of phantom society executive's isekai adventure under other anons.
I kind of missed the old training menu. I guess time will make me get use to it. It sucks that bathroom play is on other page.
This work now. Thanks!
Hmm, you think leaving RESULT_F = FLAG
@ROLE_CHANGEABLE_SKILLCOUNT_ 異能者スキル数 will cause problems?
It's mostly complex due to its simplicity. I wouldn't say era is hard to master, but every time I think of what a monstrosity every game is of nonsensical LOCAL variables I get the shakes.
I might be retarded but I don't see the point of it if you can just contract someone.

Unless the point is precisely to keep them in the freezer for a long time?

It bother me too that literally one section is in another page, but that's a small sacrifice for everything to be clearer.
It shouldn't, considering that's how Adepts & Experts have it set up.
You can send characters to other anons.
Still no sign of Calburn and S&W though.
Eh that's a way to do multiplayer.
Devil Hunter type "Show-off" starts with those.
I thought they all started with their own weapons? Type B outright mention his personal weapon.
Caliburn & W&S are the "Show-off"(Type A)'s weapons. Much like how Slayer has Dojikiri & Summoned Swords, Upstart has the Evil Legacy & Delphinium, etc.
? Yeah I don't see them.
Two items and Devil Hunter Coat should be equipped at the beginning of the game.
Thank you very mucho
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Unfortunately, nope.
A jp update broke it, please wait warmly.
Thanks, so I'll need to givem them to myself them to myself.
Erm, meant for >>47362920
Sleep brained as fuck..
Pushed a fix to git, should work now.
Thanks for saying, didn't know japanese devs slipped a reset in.
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>should work now
Nope sadly.
Are you pulling from eng-development from git?
Ah, no, I'm using the auto updater.
You're probably getting release, try again now
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A lot of new things. But yeah, it work, thanks. It's like getting the Master Sword.
I know that half-demon characters can give birth to full demons if they're impregnated by a full demon. Does this apply to demon hunters, demonized humans, or people infected by the atma virus?
I'm stumped here. I've done everything correctly and they just don't want to fuse
Look for CHILD_ROLE in EVENT_P.ERB, it had a list of caveats
If I see it correctly, he's coded to require an unlock to be fused. Throw in a
CALL LIFTING_A_BAN([[キャラ:サタン]]) in whatever event you make to unlock it.
I did it, and it still doesn't work
>>47363827 (me)
It unlocks the Satan fusion but when I go fuse it it doesn't work
Post special fusion code.
;Lucifer x Merkabah: Satan
Thought so, do lower number ingredient first.
>It fucking works now
The game orders the ingredients that way to check for special result. There was a similar bug with some 2hus who had it wrong too.
Oh, I see. Good to know for the future.
Ah, so that's why Cleo's original recipe didn't work during testing. Thanks for the tip.
Thanks. That was an interesting read. Not really sure what the specific comment about how both parents are treated as mothers if a tentacle was used to impregnate actually means though.
Probably a check to prevent errors when grabbing info about father, since tentacles are neither an existing character nor a csv.
I decided to update to the latest eng-release for eraMegaten (my last version was eng-release downloaded on 2024-07-02), and I see that males are no longer in perpetual Heat. I feel like this should be more like an option instead, because everyone knows silly males (and probably futas) think of sex all the time
Modding eraMegaten is fun
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who changed Meiling's lines???
It is isn't it? It's complicated, you will fuck up, you will ask for help, but this is fun.
This is kinda like Dark Souls-I'm going to hell for saying this-it's difficult, but fun and you can always talk it out with people explaining to you what is wrong.
>It's complicated, you will fuck up, you will ask for help, but this is fun
It's complicated because half the shit is in japanese, but once you know what to fuck with it's surprisingly easy to work with
Although I still haven't touched requests and events, only things I've done so far have been making Luster Candy/Debilitate usable by demons, reworked Satan, Lucifer, and Bael's movesets, made bossfights for Satan and Metatron in Zoshigaya Cemetery that unlock them for fusion, and special fusions for Satan/Lucifer/Metatron, basically just a small buff/special fusion unlock mod
May post it here later if somebody wants it
>It's complicated because half the shit is in japanese
Yuuuup! :D
Ok, how do I turn Shinmyoumaru into an onahole in TW?
TW is a wholesome game, not a game about turning inchlings and fairies into living masturbation tools. It's why they're able to push down a giant of a man and have the strength and elasticity to straddle a gigantic dick that is bigger and wider than them to the hilt without complaint, like as if the lower lips of smaller beings have permanent magic that automatically shifts the actual size of your dick into the biggest and longest they can handle with their body. No rough stuff allowed unless it happens to (You), that's allowed to a certain point
that's fucking dumb.
use SOME suspension of disbelief. or handwave it away. if you can't fuck her, why is she in the game to begin with? it's a porn game.
Quit evading your ban. Inchling sex isn't kosher.
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You can, its just our resident schizo having a moment.
That's not authentic inchling sex. Nobody's writing dialog for her, nobody ever will. She's a non-character. A useless paper doll.
oh my b. bit too sleepy to properly discern
The command isn't the problem, it's the fact that the command is the only option available, unless you decrease your own size in an immersion-breaking manner. Imo I think the size check is stupid. She's a youkai. Your cock should be able to do full throttle fairy size insertion sex, cowgirl style, koonago fetish sex easy peasy lemon squeezy, you feel me? Ignore the sperg.
This is what I want:
Or do it like pixie.
Imo Forbidden Knowledge should do away with any and all restrictions.
One day, she'll enjoy it.
Especially if it's an giant barbed cock
We recently had a size scaling update go through, did it make it harder for inchlings or easier?
Did we?
Imo, there should be a second tier of Forbidden Knowledge that just straight up removes negative size checks.
I support everything you posted, pointless restrictions like that are just stupid and only serve as a block for people who enjoy minigirls. Writers, and regular players.
>them pics
Fuck yeah that's what I'm talking about.
Neat. A pain in the ass it took this long.
Alright guys hear me out:
Ball dancing with touhous in TW.
Sir, there's a limit of 1 Mob Character registered per Outsider. You can't claim that the Inchlings and Fairies tied up in your backpack and currently fitted into your dick as 'sex toys'
Hypnotism and Brainwashing in EraMegaten.
So.. the two brainwashed erotic dancers of TW?
I was thinking of something tamer, but yeah.
Obviously they would be options for training.
For some dumb reason that just makes me imagine a fucking special gauge during training that's built up by orgasms/leveling. That you can then burn to do shit like suppress orgasms for X acts, remove/add traits (even physical once you get good/get the equivalent of mixing knowledge), remove marks/memories, etc.
No clue how it would be balanced.
I'm surprised this isn't a thing in banquets because
we really do need more activities in them.
For the depravity end in megaten, do you need 2500 combined prostitution and toilet XP or 2500 of each?
Huh, I imagined it like half a cheat, half a convenient thing, you use one of the two, and the Character is perfectly fine with what you do to them, only gaining the + and none of the -.
Except for Abnormal EXPs, because then they realize that something happened and won't be happy about it, kind of like the Strong Drug.
It would use your EXP in it and the Willpower of the character in question.
This how I imagine it.
I believe it is a good thing for the characters you developed (like Dolly) but already contracted someone in the current lap or for someone you get extremely late at some time limited routes and don't have enough time to make them fall, like Alex or Hazama.
Don't you have infinite days?
Yes, but it is complicated.
Multiple routes are time sensitive and some of them even do not allow you to continue.
Ah, and contracting them cost money, so freezing them is useful right?
But how do I do that? I tried lubricating her a lot, but that didn't do the trick. Do I need to raise my sadism or something? Because I can't find an option to train her hole size.
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Will we get Sonic in eraMegaten?
Whats your current body and dick size? Because if you're too small the setting disappears too. As child-like body and small penis you can't do it, but normal and normal will let you.
I have already done with her using normal size, small size, and the horse size too, never tried the biggest one yet.
Was this only updated on this recent release? Mine was updated earlier this month.
I'm being confused as to what is making GV and Blade's personal accs giving them ElecAbsorb.
The @防御相性 part.
Actually that's the thing that is confusing me the most, why is it needed that the Water and Nuclear part are repeated? It's in the character itself.

; 0-剣撃  1-飛具  2-打撃  3-戦技  4-火炎  5-氷結  6-電撃  7-衝撃  8-神経  9-精神
;10-破魔 11-呪殺 12-地変 13-水撃 14-疾風 15-重力 16-核熱 17-万能

6-電撃 and 電撃 being elec, but with 13 水撃 (Water) and 16 核熱 (Nuclear)
I don't think those two are necessary, so I'm not sure why they were added.
Hmmm, lemme try real quick to take them out, leaving only the
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Yup, can confirm, it's not needed at all. No error or anything.
I also did it reddit, one bigger edit.
That's dumb. Shota dick is the perfect size for an inchling.
Listen, if I want to stuff a shorstack full with a giant dick, this my right.
Why don't you weirdos make your own fork?
Because making ideas is easy and actually doing something is hard.
Nonsense, it's far too small. Inchings wouldn't even be able to feel it.
I hate ban evaders.
What other powers does the MC in eratohoTW have aside from The World?
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Oh fuck
Goodbye, anon.
It's probably also due to P existing so you have an option to move characters between the two versions.
Saves from original game are compatible with P. Not vice versa tho.
https://wiki.eragames.rip/index.php/EraMegaten/Parameters is this page uptodate for megaten?
i am phoneposting so i cannot translate easely, whst is tje P? And well, is it translated to english even... from what i have learned lurking is that it loads faster
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I still don't know how consistently keep my kudos for the GV characters
That is what I meant, you aren't forced to remain on P wolith your chars.
What exactly give Skills to the Accessories in the files?

They have to dodge? Deal damage? There's a reason why Blade doesn't have that and it's because she is a STR focused character.
Maybe Yuuka really just want a hug.
I guess if you want to have a MCDiva on your team too instead of Haru and playing as one.
Don't get hit, do combo. So raise your evasion as far as you can via equipment, and try to defeat enemies while fulfilling the conditions that give you the most kudos.

Does it only increase when you hit do a kill? it always drops when I fail to kill enemies fast enough and pretty much unusable in boss fights.
what are those?
It increases on hit as well, but defeating enemies with certain skills boosts gains significantly. Read the skill descriptions if you want to know the conditions and values for each.
Hmm in that case why do the timer still goes down even when I kept hitting them then?
Yeah I weirdly got that but

>@装備追加スキル_5055,ARG,ARG:1 = -1
> CASE 0
> RETURN 2402

>PRINTL Increases maximum HP by 30%.
I've looked it up, and 2402 isn't Life Surge, it's a weapon. And the weapon is weirdly coherent.
>@装備追加スキル_2402,ARG,ARG:1 = -1
>SIF ARG:1 == -1
> CASE 0
> RETURN [[スキル:見切り]]
> CASE 0
> RETURN [[スキル:影騙し]]
The [[]] seems to be the skills, but nothing on the acc.

>Does it only increase when you hit do a kill?
No also, on hit, crit, weakness, evade and iirc also immunity?
That's why GV and Copen are AGI focused characters.

>it always drops when I fail to kill enemies fast enough and pretty much unusable in boss fights.
Generally when you are in a boss fight, you want to bust out the big moves that drain the kudos. Not immediatly, preferably when you are sure you are gonna get hit for the last time, but still.
Try anal. That usually calms her down.
You do have [Forbidden Knowledge], right?
>I've looked it up, and 2402 isn't Life Surge, it's a weapon. And the weapon is weirdly coherent.
Nah, 2402 is indeed Life Surge.
Skills can be assigned in two ways: Either by using the skill number (As is seen in your accessory example), or by the name listed in the rename file (As is seen in the weapon example).
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Oh, I don't, I just saw the [Inchling] tag and I got curious how does one do that. I will try that later, thanks!
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I loooove AIsloppa
You're in a position to fix the problem in front of you.
Tell me more.
Looks mid
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Yeah, that's the problem. It is the perfect size.
You're not gonna be sleeving someone that's already relatively close to your size.
I don't want to sleeve them, I want normal sex. You should be able to have normal, non onahole style sex, with forbidden knowledge, or some weird custom second tier of it, with an inchling, with a horse cock.
This is the real reason why Shinmyoumaru shouldn't be onahole'd. Do you not have a heart? Why would you rob Seija of her only chance at romance?
Seija gets romance, too. It's called my dick.
They all look like using the same base? Japs really have no taste
eraFL is mostly still a onedev production, but fans of it have been contributing portrait pieces and even dialogue text for generic characters and (You), new unique characters and dungeons which are taken in as patches.

While it's based off the K system, it has a bunch of fancy stuff that does make it nice, like a dynamic portrait system (can make portrait and clothing change according to Default / Night ('sleepwear', only relevant in Territory mode) / Questing / Bathing/Showering / Performance (music/dancing). Also has a minor base building mechanic via Territory mode, though nothing too indepth right now other than a place to train some stats, lewd your roommates and train slaves you've captured (requires Dungeon installation) which can be made into party members
The vague ad to lure you in.
They all have the same base because it's how the portrait system was designed in the first place. Maybe eventually there'll be more body/face bases to go off, seeing as there aren't any proper 'male' portrait pieces yet (you could make a feminine looking guy, I suppose). But since there's only one body base, it does mean that people can contribute portrait pieces to it much more easier. At this stage, more than half of the portrait pieces are actually from user contributions than the dev themselves
It's completely untranslated, I assume?
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>*look up the wiki*
>"Mana Sure is indeed 2405 三分の魔脈
I'm an idiot. Thanks for teaching me that info, I wouldn't have guessed alone.
So to add Mana Sure to something, I'd have to do
>@装備追加スキル_XXXX,ARG,ARG:1 = -1
> CASE 0
> RETURN 2405
Or [[三分の魔脈]]?
But if I want to add both Life Sure and Mana Surge, I'd all have to do
>@装備追加スキル_XXXX, ARG, ARG:1 = -1
>RETURN [[三分の活泉]]
>RETURN [[三分の魔脈]]
(XXXX being the ID of the item being made or edited)
Or 2402 and 2405, and doing CASE 2 skill name/ID, CASE 3 skill name/ID etc?

...The rename file?
Behole, the next tier! Forbidden Knowledge II!!

I don't care, I want my Shinmy.
You have to add "スキル:" to it (like [[スキル:三分の活泉]] ), but yeah that's how it works.
Do keep in mind that you can only assign 3 skills to a piece of equipment.
>...The rename file?
There's a page for it on the English git, but it's totally untranslated. It uses a whole bunch of fancy menus that will wreck your clipboard outputs if you allow for '< >' to be copied, but since it's based on K, a lot of talents, traits and actions are wrapped around '< >', so making eraemu hide it would hide those as well. Translating it to English would probably need those replaced with '[ ]' or similar, unless it also causes triggers to break?

That said, the dev does have eraFL on gitgud as well, though they also run a discord as well. But the eraFL thread on the JP era community board is pretty active though.
Sukiru? Interesting. Can you put other things as well? Items?
What happen if you put more than three skills?... Stupid question, probably an error.

>...The rename file?
I'm an idiot.
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>I don't want to sleeve them, I want normal sex.
Yeah you can do that. The discussion was about inchling onahole, not normal sex. Stop changing the subject just to have something to cry about.
Make me, contrarian. I'm allowed to have problems with the faulty and nonsensical mechanics.
>Sukiru? Interesting. Can you put other things as well? Items?
Characters, skills, items, dungeons, and whatever else is in Rename.
The main advantage of doing it this way is that even if the skill number (or character/item/whatever) gets changed, it will point to the new number without having to change anything.

>What happen if you put more than three skills?... Stupid question, probably an error.
Anything after the third skill just doesn't show up.
Just put the options of both with Forbidden Knowledge.

Here. Now praise my Genius.
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Works On My Machine
And now you get to watch me fuck your wife for being such an annoying retard.
No I meant, what if you put an Item in it or whatever. Does it use the item you got in your inventory, or the effect of the item? I shudder to think what would happen if you decided to put a dungeon in you item.

>The main advantage of doing it this way is that even if the skill number (or character/item/whatever) gets changed, it will point to the new number without having to change anything.
That's what I got, the number could change, but why would the name? That's pretty big.

>Anything after the third skill just doesn't show up.
Aww, that's boring.
I wonder what would happen if you put 3 skills on each pieces of equipments.
For science.
Now try as a giant and with a horse cock. It doesn't work, retarded contrarian. The only options options available are inchling onahole. Why do you insert yourself and your shit spergouts into every single conversation about TW?
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>horse cock
Sorry you should take your complaints about Pops' fork to him, not us.
Quit being a contrarian, 114-kun.
>she isn't getting a screaming ahegao of pain and pleasure
>she doesn't get full of cum
>not even breathless
You failed, and so did the devs, for shame, even Fenoxo did the cum volume that tsk tsk tsk.

I love how between Normal and Large there Luminiescent(?!?!) and Bumpy.
What the fuck does that even mean.
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Bumpy is the weird warty gross goblin cock you see in basically every rape doujin and I fucking hate it.

Luminescent I think is a joke, otherwise pic related
>No I meant, what if you put an Item in it or whatever. Does it use the item you got in your inventory, or the effect of the item? I shudder to think what would happen if you decided to put a dungeon in you item.
Pretty sure if you tried to put something like that in the skill part ("アイテム:フェムトファイバー" for example), it would just return whatever number it corresponds to (In this case, since this is item 2416, it would give skill number 2416 (Makakaja-Auto)).
Obviously, doing this is really dumb.
Luminescent should have a joke(?) dialogue about it where your shining dick is so bright that it shines through the body to give a rough x-ray display of the penetration act, which causes increased shame. Especially if having a luminescent dick also means luminescent semen, bright enough to shine through the womb and make it obvious to everyone around them that there's something shiny in their womb that can't be hidden away with thick clothing, which also gives a bonus of letting (You) know just from looking at their belly (womb) how much semen is currently still sitting in their baby room
I know Wriggle has dialogue for it.
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Some do, I know the 3 fairies rape scene has a comment about it but they have a case for every dick size.
the what
>he doesn't know
Sounds about right. Seems like a fun time from the hour I spent on it, but it's an utter pain to run through MTL.
Aww that's sad, I expected it would do something fun like teleporting you in the dungeon.
But why, can't it be two, or three of them?
Are you telling me your dick can't be large AND warted? EraMT let you be all of that.

>and I fucking hate it.
Yo some of them are cool looking.
Most are indeed ugly tho.
Personally, I like the bumpy cock.
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What if having a shiny dick, while your genitals are exposed, negated the effect of Dark Zone for free? Except if it is the only thing used to light up the Dark Zone, it causes increased arousal for females and bisexual males, including traps per movement tile because it being the only light source and so openly exposed makes it real difficult to ignore, and against enemies attracts an increased VIOLATE target priority on top of the standard 'genitals are exposed' priority for the same reason
>One of the demons available at the strange demon shop is straight up a fucking goldfish
it's not a goldfish, anon. it's a DEMON goldfish.
Please, it's a DEMON Goldfish, it learn a very powerful water skill at level 80.
Be nice to it.

Looking at it, Berserk and Havoc Bite MAG Enhance into pretty powerful stuff, and Vapor Bomb's nice, so it feels like a high-investement character. Also gets Aqua and Bufu (holy shit when the FUCK are the japanese letting us MAG Enhance -dynes into -barions I'm losing my fucking mind)
And it can swim in the air! How fucking cool is that??
I'm baffled there was a time it wasn't possible. I'm reeing at seeing skills like Trisagion being Junk Gacha only, and Prayer just... fuck no and you lol.
Why the fuck not? I dunno, you are going way too far with it.
>Can MAG Enhance Feral Bite into motherfucking Eat Whole
>Can't MAG Enhance Bufudyne into Bufubarion
Actually insane
Fuck. If I want Law of Cycles I have to side Coobie instead of Homerun? Damnit, I just wanted the ultimate meguca.. Oh well, I'll get it ng+ but man if it wasn't for the jp wiki I would be lost 24/7 in this game but even then it feels like I lose a lot of info from the mtl. Still enjoyable though, glad I decided to give this game a shot.
wasn't there.
I kinda get it why they don't want to, like Yumi learn naturally Bufubarion and Mabufubarion, but when you get the cards, all bets are off, no fun, just meta.
Sometime I wonder if they shouldn't just make certain Adept have Proficiencies.

Funny story, I'm looking at Eat Whole like it's a trap, I read the description, I see what game we are in, and I'm just like pic related.
No, but... if you could just MAG enhance into top tier skills like that, why would anyone bother with Skill Box? Don't you want to experience the sense of achievement whenever you open a Skill Box? It's not a Gacha, after all; it's a Skill Box that just so happens to have randomised Skill Cards in them as a prize for (You), so (You)'re always winning.
I thought you needed to do both path to have both "demons" needed for it?
Dude what the fuck?
I think that's for Devil Homura, Law of Cycles just needs Madoka/Homerun for her fusion + the fusion item from the Coobie route.
Yeah, Law of Cycles is unlocked by Kyubey, siding with Homura unlocks Kriemhild Gretchen
you still need both routes for Devil Homura, since the Kyubey ending forces you into NG+ if I remember correctly
Siding with Homerun gets you the Material Summon for Law of Cycles as a Persona, while siding with Coobie lets you 'pull down' Law of Cycles from a concept to a demon in Megaten terms.

Ultimately though, it's designed this way because to get Devil Homura, you need to have Law of Cycles as a demon in your party while doing the part after you defeat Walpurgisnacht (Homerun path), so a 'full clear' in this sense requires you to do both sides but an efficient one would be Coobie -> Homerun

Just be aware that unlike Homerun Ending, getting Coobie's Ending forces a new NG+ run (cannot continue the same run), so be prepared for this while you're a Dark Summoner (Coobie Path locks you to Dark, I think)
It's a poor parody of EA trying to justify paid loot boxes where getting 'nothing', literally, was part of the prize loot wheel in that players feel a sense of achievement when they open loot boxes
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Alright, thanks for the knowledge bros. I'll prepare myself for an early ng+ cycle so I don't waste too much time on that.
Yeah I know, and I'm like, what the fuck dude.
imo the Kyubey route is the harder of the two
Both routes have a "bring at least one Meguca (Homura route) or Witch (Kyubey route) to weaken the final boss" gimmick, but in the Kyubey route the final boss of that route can just instakill the Witches, plus there's another fight before it
I'm so confused but basically Homusexual unlock LoC as a Persona and Kriemhild Gretchen fusion.
While Beebitch, you unlock Devil Homura, and the capacity to unlock LoC as a demon.

....Please tell this is it.

It's sad that the Meguca are that weak. I just used Almighty instead of bothering.
Megido and Holy Dance is one hell of pounding.

I'm not too well placed to have an opinion about it, but I think the Meguca should have been characters, and the Witches demons. Take that as you will, it's not much.
>I'm so confused but basically Homusexual unlock LoC as a Persona and Kriemhild Gretchen fusion.
>While Beebitch, you unlock Devil Homura, and the capacity to unlock LoC as a demon.
You're mostly right. Only wrong part is Devil Homura. Her fusion is LoC x Homulilly, and her unlock is in a dungeon accessible only in the Homura route
I don't remember having unlocked Devil Homura though?
Did I miss something?
You need to bring Law of Cycles to the dungeon.
But with the Megucas as Demons, you're able to have the paradox of having Homura (non-combatant version), Glasses Homura, (normal) Homura, Homulilly and Devil Homura in your party all at the same time! And if you're a Persona user with Law of Cycles as your Persona, then it's like as if Law of Cycles is surrounded by many Homuras

The fight, and unlock for Devil Homura only triggers if you have Law of Cycles in your party when you fight Homulilly in that dungeon as a powered up final boss fight instead
Awww, shit, so I need to do Kyuu's route and then Homura again?

>But with the Megucas as Demons, you're able to have the paradox of having Homura (non-combatant version), Glasses Homura, (normal) Homura, Homulilly and Devil Homura in your party all at the same time! And if you're a Persona user with Law of Cycles as your Persona, then it's like as if Law of Cycles is surrounded by many Homuras
I mean, what's stopping them to be characters anyways? Except maybe for Devil Homura and Homumily?
Persona Users are SHIIIIIIT.
I'll never understand how you look at a character with 24 skill slots and 3 sets of on demand resistances and think it's shit. You can complain about the amount of investment needed but it's objectively one of the stronger classes even for characters with mediocre base persona.
Just to clarify: I'm in Shinjuku, and just fought the Orc & met Kaido. The wiki says this is the point where I have to choose between Naoya and Lily Flower. Lily Flower is the one that has content, and Naoya is an unfinished mess, yes?
>They made a girl version of Basilisk
Lily Flower has content but Naoya has the Daimakyuu, which has FIVE demons locked behind it (Minotaur, Medusa, Hecate, Loki, and Set)
It's a pain to use and investment. That's what.

At best you pick one great demon as your persona and call it done, and even that is too much because the how you need to level up your persona.
It's slow and tedious and not fun.
And Lucifer (El Diavolo del DeSu forma).

One day.
Persona Users do best when you use both the Persona software as well as Harmonizer, since they're still Human. With those, they can get some ridiculous stats, though probably not on the level of some demons leveled from level 1 (via Happy Birthday) with those +1 stat on level up plugins
also i just want to say i fucking loathe how all of the dialogue/scenes in shinjuku disappear as soon as they end
that hasn't been an issue in any other dungeon. it was especially egregious for the needy streamer girl event. I right clicked so I could get all the text for deepl, but it just fucking disappeared.
Check your log. it should all be there still.
twas not, that only caught the RPG-style dialogue with the box around it. normally I just have to scroll up if I miss something.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying it's bad. I'm saying it's a pain in the ass to manage so much they make Expert classes look easy.
Having two kind of EXP bars? Fuck no. Having two kind of stats? The second EXP bar being about fights and not EXP? Fuck no.
I personally assumed luminescent was just a censorship joke.
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If I ever get around to writing my OCs i'm going to put a luminescent dick check where if you whip that out then she'll strip down and two exceedingly bright sunbeams suddenly appear on her.
What if having a shining dick added a bonus effect to Peerless Body, especially when used while nude? Though there'd have to be a female equivalent to this effect. Maybe if Peerless Body is used whilst nude as a female, one of those really bright sunray censorships will happen, the one where the sunray is coming out of the point where their nipples and genitals are?
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Against if you haven't unlocked Yamato-Takeru
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>Registering a lvl 1 demon in the compendium via happy birthday software doesn't reduce their cost
So what happen if a character who have Pierce, use a Fire/Pierce physical skill against something that is weak/normal to fire, but absorb/reflect Pierce?
I THINK it hits with whatever the target is weak to
your demonfu a-shit
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So what did I do wrong this time? What I did was changing 専用防具_アクセサリ_碧色の雷霆 line 86 into this

@装備追加スキル_碧色の雷霆, ARG, ARG:1 = -1
___CASE 0
______RETURN [[スキル:三分の活泉]]
___CASE 1
______RETURN [[スキル:三分の魔脈]]
Wrong encoding, open it again and make sure to save the file as "UTF-8 with BOM" (byte order mark). Notepad has encodings in "save as" window at the bottom, vscode has it somewhere in options.
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Well the thing is... it's already UTF 8 with BOM.
Not the file the log is pointing at.
I'm sorry?
In the error you posted there's a path to a different file, some accessory 5055.
Yeah that's the accessory for Mana Surge. I dunno why it popped up when it got nothing to do with it... from what I know?
Oh it worked now! Thanks.
...And now by removing it, Blade can't equip it anymore
Compound skills use the most effective element against the enemy.
Wait, it's worse than that, it's not even there anymore period. The hell?
Oh thank god. I won't have to look at Rangda or Elephant-Man with the fear of god.
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Nah, it seems it's not my fault after all. I did that with the rest of the LAX accessories, and when you unequip them, quit the thing, and then come back the the acc menu, the accs are gone.
Weird. At least it's not my fault.
Wait what the shit, I decide to equip an acc, and now they are all back?!
Try changing their accessories through the change equipment option in the Party Setup menu.
The code for the CSTR equipment is somewhat janky and sometimes they just don't show up when trying to change it through the status menu.


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