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ガイド: https://vndb.org/

Previous thread: >>47348885
fuck queef
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Why are you learning japanese?
I want to have sex with Hajime-chan.
Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/
im closer to god
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I'm confused bros could someone help a noob?​
俺の知る modifies the whole phrase 海岸線の美しい町並み and not just 海岸線 right?​
if there was no comma how would you know this grammatically? what's to stop 俺の知る from only modifying 海岸線 and causing a different meaning? (im under the impression that commas aren't necessary grammatically?)
>俺の知る modifies the whole phrase 海岸線の美しい町並み
Yes, since 海岸線の also modifies 町並み.
The best girl
still haven't done my second playthrough, waiting for the photo mode update
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When you need to emphasize something but it's already in katakana
popped a stiffy
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Got a new score again
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laugh while you can, but i was reliably informed that i'm nearly 84% percent to making it
holy moly just achieved the 2nd 連続射精 in my entire life (while watching CS-320)
海岸線の町並み is one unit with the additional 美しい shoved in. 町並 is the main word. the sentence simply doesn't end there. from a syntax pov it's no more complex than 彼女のきれいな目. this is about 目. you can say something about 目 by placing a sentence in front: こちらを眺める彼女のきれいな目. now make it the topic of a longer sentence with は. こちらを眺める彼女のきれいな目はいつになく寂しげな表情を浮かべて
bro is nutting to cs lectures :skull:
lil crooks ahh mfer
i was always able to do that if i wanted. i always thought the refractory period was a myth promulgated by less potent men. i don't become sensitive either after but numb instead so i can go extra hard
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happened for me like 10 times but its been a while
It keeps my mind sharp, and lets me consume Japanese media without needing to deal with localizers.
the only way to keep your mind sharp is by eating raw meat
they are now pre-sanitizing almost everything for the global markets before even releasing in japan
you are getting a "localized" product you're just not aware of it anymore
depends on the product really
yeah comic lo is still safe
im unemployed and do nothing all day
omega based
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japanese values have changed to be more western
my wife is japanese and i like some japanese media
mainly old video games which are cheaper in japanese
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all me
Who cares? Still beats tranny-lations.
self clown
they hated him because he spoke the truth
yeah its over. now kys
It's a serious issue that will destroy otaku content in the long run.
yoooo sakura miko first album
this but unironically

enjoy ur capitalism
inviting foreigners is good as long as they're not white (or western)
indian immigrants may rape japanese women but they wont force their disgusting western narratives everywhere
>159,952 watching now
next emersion
you guys have a whole board to spam your holocrap
there's a different thread or board for everything that gets posted here but immersion material is at least relevant to japanese
>complaining about on-topic discussions while contributing nothing to the thread
true true
vtrannies are the new bronies and they should all be exterminated in gas chambers
>it's on-topic because i say it is!
uh holoshitters? our response?
*sigh* it gets lonely being the only poster here who actually consumes japanese content
unko complaining about something as inoffensive as vtubers after trying so hard to force his ugly old obese japanese women fetish unto us is poetic justice
holotrannies are delusional
dont care he's inoffensive/insignificant too
>inoffensive as vtubers
Nothing inoffensive about your chinese streamer grift
>that image
you are a pedophile
he was at least posting japanese content back then now all he does is nag or shitpost
I'll take the hags over vtubers.
i played front mission ds for 2 hours earlier
because on modern djt nobody clicks any links anymore
mainly because most of the links have been vtuber slop for years
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They are both adults though
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all of you are niggers
your beloved anime wouldn't exist in the first place without western influence
i would click them (sometimes)
i dont think vtubers are too blame you can hover to see what a youtube link is about without any effort
the women i posted are just average japanese women
uhhh anime and manga was invented in japan sweaty
>le immersion
read a book, or listen to normal human beings speak instead of full-grown adults pretending to be anime girls, vt*bers are brainrot
what is the plant called that reaches up to the characters torso. they always run through fields of theses plants. it's used in sekiro and generally in feudal japan settings.
s-still a pedophile (more please)
old donald duck cartoons are epic
there has definitely been a shift in how people here react to other posts
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Are you me? I was literally going to play the uncensored version for the PS1.
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yeah bro is telling me to go listen to normies... on a fucking otaku board wtf man
cant tell if i like it
im not usually into srpgs but im giving it a chance
just make a goon discord server already and gtfo
i guess the difference between us is that you make posts solely for (You)'s and i make them because i want to share something i find interesting and dont care how its accepted here
that would be a disingenuous way to interpret my post
there is value in realising you probably shouldnt spam 5 yt links in a row that likely wont get clicked
i clicked them
disingenuous argument
maybe try making your life something other than corporate slop
i clicked on all the youtube links

native speaker proves pitch matters
sorry i lied i didn't click this one >>47359261 because i was already watching it
i didn't click them
hating something solely because it's corporate slop is definitely worse than consuming corporate slop
and what is that value? you can just ignore my posts if you dont like them
i bet you posted them too
theres at most 2 of you fags and you only talk to eachother so why make us witness it
how did we get to the point where people actively push against the idea of speaking japanese as correctly as possible? why would you not want to speak with correct pitch accent? do you really want to sound like the equivalent of an indian with a heavy accent that nobody can understand?
i strongly disagree and i think your opinion is downright subhuman
that doesn’t make any sense
It’s too much to think about as a learner.
it's too much to think about as a low iq
most learners dont care and thats ok
And yet Yuta’s "English" pitch accent is terrible. The guy sounds like he’s just been to the dentist.
i think i should be allowed to make posts here with like-minded individuals whenever i want, dont care if you hate witnessing them

i dont understand why you are always against while i let everyone post whatever they want and ignore posts i dont like
you're telling me that in your heart of hearts you don't care that i don't care?
>you can just ignore my posts if you dont like them
you are operating under the wrong premise

they don't hate it because they're not interested in it
they hate it because they're not interested in it AND it's popular

if we talked about untranslated retro games all day no one would bat an eye even if they aren't gamers
No one here is likeminded with you. We all hate vtubers and nobody beyond the age of 20 got into learning Japanese because of them.
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Do you guys have/had this pattern where you go through thinking
>hell yeah, I'm improving, just a few more weeks and i will be sooo good at this
but then some time later
>i got better, but still have some gaps to work on before i can really read/listen properly
and so on and so forth, like an optical illusion or like you're a donkey being herded by a carrot in front of his nose
but i love untranslated retro games
why tf can you guys not talk about that instead?
yeah that makes sense i feel i have the moral high ground here


i talk about many different things vtuber posting is maybe 1/5th depends on how many streams i care about are going on
I’d rather the thread die than have the holofaggots be here. Literally anything else but that. It’s like talking to furries. They never know when to shut the fuck up.
didn't click
Yeah those ups and downs are normal.
For me the absolute best moments after doubting myself were randomly listening to old playlists and suddenly understanding the lyrics.
Not clicking
gonna be my first vn to play https://x.com/kosu900/status/1813159668761678215
>but i love
>why tf can you guys
do you not see wtf ur doing
instead of starting ur own discussions about retro games ur complaining that we arent catering to u
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Why do you guys have against vtubers?
>her face filter distorting the text at 0:40
「なるほどなるほどなるほど」ってどういう意味でどう使う?#日本語 #日本語レッスン #なるほどなるほどなるほど
yeah that's what i mean you guys never start any topics only complain about what the few people who do post about
more emersion
sorry I'm still confused between whether to read it as "the woman who was staring this way's beautiful eyes"
or "the woman's beautiful eyes which were staring this way"
what if it was:
does the modifying clause always describe the last noun in the chain so this sentence is invalid because eyes can't run? in that case I don't understand how you would say "the woman who was running here's beautiful eyes"
True immersion: https://youtu.be/5F1DxePBO7I
hard to start a topic when vtrannies keep spamming their shit all thread long
whats hard about it just make a post
not really
you didn't even try which makes me think ur addicted to getting mad
thats nice and all but it has to be compelling to be immersion
if ur tryna get chicks in japan then having an english accent is a huge advantage over having a bitch accent
彼女 doesn't mean "woman," it means she or her, so it would be "her" eyes which were staring this way. If it were 女, then it would technically be more ambiguous, though ultimately the same idea.
shit excuse
i've tried many times faggot but you guys ignore it and just keep talking about vtrannies
yeah vtumorfags really are the bronies and flurries of the zoomer generation
only difference is back in my day we bullied those freaks and ostracized them from all our communities until they invented more genders and sexualities than there are kanji in the universe
you lot are letting the cancer fester but zoomers have always been a disgusting weeb culture
read the threads retard
>mommy the two vtuber anons are making posts again now all the other 30(?) posters will ignore my topics
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Can't y'all stop crying and moaning?

its 4
kys threadshitter
Can someone share 2000 Essential Vocabulary for the JLPT N3 book please.
tell 'em jamal
Try the Z-Library.
Thank you anon! Do you think these are enough to pass jlpt n3 or should I read some from n2 too?
what i learned today
vchads are the 主人公s and everyone else here are npcs who cant even start a topic of discussion
>npcs who cant even start a topic of discussion
*ahem* synecdoche in new york is an awful movie don't watch it
sasuga pleb
>the woman who was staring this way's beautiful eyes
what? what is that even supposed to mean? i told you the sentence was about 目. where is the は, dude? it marks the 目, no?

first, off
彼女 = she, 彼女の = her, not woman
こちらを = at me

(彼女の)目はこちらを眺める (her) eyes are looking at me
(こちらを眺める)目は… eyes (that are looking at me)
(こちらを眺める)[彼女のきれいな]目は… [her beautiful] eyes (that are looking at me)
all three sentences are about 目

first rule of thumb, if a verb directly precedes a noun, you are very likel looking at a subsentence describing that noun

second rule of thumb, the main word is usually the last word
japanese always zooms in from a wide angle shot with descriptions talking about whatever [it] is, concretizing until it finally drops that info at the very end for you

in english you do that first, you build relative sentences: the man who... bla bla bla
in japanese you say: the usually at the corners standing, always slightly drunk seeming, whom i had an unpleasant run-in with just last week, middle-aged [salaryman]は (topic starts here) to my surprise wasn't at the bus stop this morning.
just ate some period manko
not only that there is strong evidence that a janitor abused his power in favour of vtubers for years driving out a lot of people
All the vinnie readers moved on to themoeway discord too.
i got two 3 day bans recently as well
never report anyone though and ideally i wouldnt want anyone to be banned here
you mean in favor of japanese

You would rather talk about drinking period blood, than about Japanese culture.

Please find another thread and another board to shit up.
You are a hypocritical retard with no self-awareness and deserve any and all bans coming your direction.
i checked it out during one of my bans, took the n1 quiz and never opened it again
cant get into discord it feels cringe to use
this constant unending mentioning of his wife is the most ridiculous shit ever
>hey guys, don't you forget i have a wife now. i am in fact... not gay! ... okay?
yall trynna be rough but your shake your gay glowsticks at a screen all day and obsess about waifu products
on top of that you dont even know japanese
it was ridiculous
loads of posts would get removed for being off topic but holo en clips would never no matter how off topic they were
I don't really know, sorry.

it was an active experience i had in japanese
thats because holo en posts are on topic and new holo en debuts get stickied threads on /jp/
got some cooking ahead of me today. lasagne for 8
for the board yeah for this thread no
Anon (90% sure it's you og)

You would rather talk about the fucked up shit unko does, than about Japanese culture.

Please find another thread and another board to shit up.

You are a hypocritical retard with no self-awareness and deserve any and all bans coming your direction.
the "off-topic" report reason doesn't relate to the thread's topic, but to the board's topic
how much of a newfag are you?
>for 8

What's the point? My last Japanese instructor said that basically, from a social aspect, if you go to Japan as an attractive and outgoing foreigner, the moment they detect you speak English, Japanese is out the window. Basically you're a status symbol or a trophy for bragging rights - which I suppose isn't terrible.
You're tall, blonde, handsome with blue eyes? No Japanese required.
>90% sure it's you og
And I'm 90% sure you're Queeran, doesn't make any of us right.
Now 2 wrongs don't make a right and blah blah kys holotranny
why even have threads at that point
just have one big discord channel
None of us want to go to Japan.
That's never been true, retard.
True but you can't read epic untranslated porn games like that and we all know AI just ain't there yet. Even when AI reaches that point, learning to read those fucking squiggles makes you better than those fucking weebs.
clips are different from conversations. show me a thread where holo en clips were kept but other non japanese clips were kept
>epic untranslated porn games
jesus anon have some self-respect
other non japanese clips were removed*
But I want to.
bby gurl you always mistake me for ciaran
And you always mistake me for OG, lil C.
yeah thats fair and i only post en vtubers when the topic is related to japanese or when they speak japanese in the clips
the other vtuber posters seem to care less about that
I respect myself enough to not lie about the things I like. Can you say the same?
final boss time
yes but thankfully i don't like degenerate media so it makes it rather easy
There's nothing degenerate about two girls fucking each other. Everyone knows yuri is the purest form of love.
it's just thread etiquette
people usually don't post random shit in random threads, so there is no rule that states that a thread about toy story 2 can't have posts about inside out
imagine not filtering that homo
calm your titties og
id prefer if you went back to calling me 旦那
i dont filter
makes me sad that og clearly isn't here but everyone keeps addressing her
stfu og
i can tell the jack from the shit
who would win in a fight, matt or japan?
ah see that's the thing kami-sama disagrees
>それで、神は彼らを恥ずべき情欲にまかせられました。女は自然の関係を自然にもとるものに変え、 同じく男も、女との自然の関係を捨てて、互いに情欲を燃やし、男どうしで恥ずべきことを行い、その迷った行いの当然の報いを身に受けています。
you know how sailors used to turn gay on their ships and see walruses as mermaids because they were so starved for female attention?
its the same thing happening when the posters here think they identified og
japan won, lowdiff
need og's take on yuri
Isn't that what the dude who stuck his dick your ass called you? lol
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Great, now I don't have to play the vinnie.
You guys don't want to learn Japanese.
i dont wanna man
Says the holonigger.
i do but what is there to say
its just gonna happen naturally throughout the rest of my life
substraction addition?
Two sisters got their father drunk and took turns fucking him so they could continue the family line (his wife had just recently turned to salt for the crime of looking behind her).
thank you
Why didn't they just ask him nicely?
Dunno, ask whoever wrote the Book of Genesis.
yes and which line of people did they produce, einstein? i know you don't know, because you've never actually read the bible
>his wife had just recently turned to salt for the crime of looking behind her
disobeying the lord's angel and both physically and spiritually looking back upon the almost entirely corrupt city of sodom
Thank you very much kind anon bless you!
you can't have sex with an abstraction you idiot
>The Japanese language has three alphabets with hiragana and katakana having 46 characters and kanji having 2,500 characters

How the fuck are you supposed to learn this language and remember all this shit?
if you read every day for a few hours you see these characters so much that they will just stick.
You aren't. Please enjoy your stay here at DJT.
One symbol at a time
What crime did Sodom commit in this story? It committed the crime of refusing Lot's offer to let the men have their way with his daughters.
>kanji having 2,500 characters
who wants to tell him?
sure except the same exact scenario happens in judges 19 and they "accepted" the offer
it ended with their whole tribe being destroyed
>studio passione
at least it wont be censored then, good
judges 19 ends with the concubine getting cut up and her body spread along israel
yes and if you actually bothered to read the rest of the book, you'd see that only 600 benjamites survived after the message of her death was spread
yeah but it's okay because the Israelites gave them permission to steal more wives in judges 21
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lets fucking goooo
no one was willing to offer their wives to them and the men of jabest-gilead didn't show any remorse for their near-extinct brothers, so they too were judged for their evil and given wives from among them
so plotting to take innocent women is righteous but refusing Lot's daughters isn't
they didn't take innocent women. they had already sworn to kill anyone who did not come before the lord in mizpah. those women were spared death and given a chance to rebuild the lost tribe
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hate when the ratio of men to women at jap meetups is like 5 to 1. Its always like 5 guys surrounding 1 girl and then the girl 80% of the time is gaijin hunter which just means she instantly gets fucked by the nearest 6ft tall man of russian origin
Have to go to nipland for the women
seek help my dude
They murdered the tribe for no reason, losing one tribe that did not show up to save a tribe that committed a sin
where's qm, i need him to explain to me how to use the hint field again.
not assembling before the lord when the tribes were called together was always grounds for death, anon
it's all on the website
didn't really go over what i wanted to ask. for example, how you make a distinction between different pronunciations of words like 塵? or words like ねっとり, じんわり or むわっと. like do you just put a short phrase or something in the hint field to give you enough context?
i think ive seen qm do something like this

front: 塵
hint: 訓読み but not ゴミ

but i would instead mine compound words containing all the readings and not bother with the hint unless there's no other way to do it
that's all explained on the website
Nothing personally; but some of these chuubas don't even speak the language we're trying to learn here, so it's a little jarring.
it's such irredeemably garbage "entertainment" with subhuman fans. they're like when that retarded mlp shit was being spammed all over 4chan.
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which vtubers have you watched to come to that conclusion
"how many episodes of mlp did you watch?"
don't have to to know it's shit.
This really is just brony culture all over again, even down to giving anyone who doesn't like that diarrhea the third degree.
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i dont understand how people can enjoy the taste of beer
actually same, coffee too
good ol' knob slobber
slobbin' that knob
isn't it kind of silly just putting "not ゴミ". its works i guess
>holobrony has no defense
if someone genuinely enjoyed the taste of poop you wouldn't let them hang around and pontificate on the subjectivity of taste. you would be disgusted and kick them the fuck out. same with vtubers.
genuinely good argument right here
eng sub anon spam is actually better than holotards
every second post is someone complaining about vtubers lmfao feels good to be vgod
why is everything spam to you people
you lost my friend
but they arent poop, theyre just cute girls playing some games and chatting
they're no-talent hacks with botted subs
no they aren't, not everyone can stream consistently for months and years like that and keep people company
talking to your computer screen isn't a skill retard
it is though, that's why they have castings and shit
castings to pick the most mentally ill girls for peak entertainment
i wish but unfortunately they cant pick the most mentally ill ones because they dont want to play russian roulette with their brand and investor money
destiny is more entertaining than vtubers but he endorses political violence against drumpfers
the fact that he does that only adds to the entertainment. unfortunately hes not a cute girl and theres only one of him, which are some serious downsides
Their "brand" fucking sucks and none of their women can sing save for that stellar stellar girl and the ukiyoe Japanese wave
I’d rather watch some tranny dilate while speedrunning desert bus blindfolded than watch that shit
you can just skip the singing streams
>I’d rather watch some tranny dilate
we know you would....
>unfortunately hes not a cute girl
so what’s holo’s excuses?
>y-tou can just skip the bag of shit and go right to rimming the dog’s asshole
You people have mental problems, I swear
never understood why people watch streams or lets plays of any kind. there's much better entertainment than just some random person talking off the top of their head.
what rimming its just cute girls playing games bro
they have no lives and require constant attention from women who will never love them
>using some loser's premade deck
for rpgs the extra commentary is nice
plus if you watch the vod you can skip all the grinding parts

but i mostly watch a couple minutes of new games to find a reason to not buy them
They’re ugly as sin. That pic of fuwamoco made me heave
>anime bad
>vtubers bad
if i can't watch anime or chuubas why the fuck am i learning japanese?
to stop being a faggot loser but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be working out for you
cards should be as concise as possible what are you doing with all that bloat

dunno i enjoy both
dame vtubers are getting rekt this thread lol
thats not the vtubers, just the people playing them. i dont care about how they look that much because thats not part of the character and doesnt appear on stream
me getting rekt
>the vtubers aren’t the vtubers
Uh, okay, anon. Whatever you say
old people with this much energy even when its just an engi warms up my heart

you lost this time lil bro
you been having a lil melty this whole thread
vtubers connoisseurs prolly know more casual japanese than me who reads mostly nukige and doujins with the occasional animu.
vtumors seething is hilarious
the constant reaction images to have to reaffirm they didn’t lose is the icing on the cake
i havent even been talking to you
this is some projection
how does projection work in this scenario? are you implying i am the one posting vtuber reaction images to save face?
i'm implying that you're the one seething
are you implying reaction images can save face?
no but it wouldn’t surprise me if a vtuber doesn’t know that lol
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Well I must be doing SOMETHING right cuz this other girl I did エロイプ with and had 0 intention of messaging again came back a few hours later asking for more and was accepting a bunch of requests for pics and videos. She also didn't catch I'm a foreigner from my jap so either I'm learning okay or I'm just being hard carried by my ちんちん.
can you also show me these reaction images you're referring to?
You're being a degenerate manwhore for women on the internet, congrats!
you must being going blind lil holotard which i guess makes sense given what you watch
dunno fuwamoco look pretty cute irl
they look like literal mutt goblins
i could sharpen my knives with those chompers
thought you would have nothing to show
*pukes in mouth swallows then pukes again*
anon-kun... your eyes...
Big vtumor L this thread yikes
millions of people have done it, so it's evidently possible. you are just retarded.
more like big samefagger approaching meltdown
t. homosexuals
yep its him again
they look like literal dog shit, no pun intended lmfao
anime is great. only vtubers suck dick.
they look cute with the face filter, watch a video from when they did idol stuff and they look like 4/10
Nice projection
pretty sure i saw a jav like that once
hey thanks a lot anon!!
watching other people play games is relaxing, much less effort than playing it yourself
zoomer brain
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np i saw a pic of a 彼岸花 in my twitter timeline and remembered your post
let's plays were around when zoomers were 2 years old
too many vtranny copes in this thread
im out *superman flies into a billboard*
21 of all the 250 games i've completed have been watched through streams. its more comfier sometimes to just watch a game
needing someone to play the game for you is the beginning of cognitive decline
next someone's gonna be chewing your food
you unironically didn’t beat the game
it's really not and you didn't complete any games.
it must be hard being a white woman itt when people constantly extol vtubers or japanese women or underage girls or fat old ladies
considering watching the last couple chapters of ff7 rebirth because the game is boring af
she obviously knows you're a foreigner she just thought you lived in japan because there's no other reason to use those japanese websites
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i shouldn't have... watched other people... play... video games......
you can offset that and get the necessary intellectual stimulation by engaging with djt every day
nah just look at og it all goes out the window when a live one appears
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WS = [W]atched on [S]tream
Almost everyone in this thread is some 2/10 nerd simp otaku so no
t. photogenic, blue-eyed white man
if you are a white woman itt dm me
also im not having sex with you unless you're at least 8/10
it's more likely that people are around average, just autistic
>Xenoblade Chronicles
lmao i watched a cutscene compilation of one of those too because the game sucked major balls but the characters/story seemed interesting enough
Thanks, I was about to tell you that Xenoblade definitely didn’t have a WonderSwan port.
you just eliminated all of djt and active vtubers
my honest reaction to this information
all djt users are 10s
not clicking kys
there are no female djters
biboo is cute
im only having sex with you if youre 10
wow vtuber anon’s still sperging out
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6.2 x 5.2
i can last
a debu

don't tell me I didn't try

bizzare post
>obviously knows you're a foreigner
Other than just trolling, what makes you say that? Honest question. If you think there's an overuse of よ I've seen worse by actual japs.
>"japanese" thread
>entire thread is in english
the 6 incher guy killed the vibe, post some cute vtubers
so much vtuber hate but you have one as your op lmao
himari is the only chuuba i like
literally entirely so I can dig into manga/movies/games I think I would like that have never been translated
yea seriously my girth is less than his
pathetic trash thread kys
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The estimation made by this site seems quite generous. I take special to care to add every meaningful word that I encounter to anki, thus helping me having accurate statistics when it comes to kanji. I currently have 2.800 kanji studied throughought my anki decks to which I have practiced both reading in words and writing. This site gives me an estimate of 3,200 which seems much higher than it should be.
I also do not get the point of testing one's ability of kanji by presenting kanji in isolation and not within words. There is no way to get meaning statistics from such a innacurate testing method.
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i feel raped

trip attack person?
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lol if only that stupid bitch knew how difficult it was
my nihongo is so jouzu that japanese girls im meeting keep accusing me of having dated japanese girls but i've never even had a gf lol
did he died?
djt won
nuke lost
man if you don't read enough every day for natural exposure to act as an srs, then not using anki will really slow you down if you want to understand most of what you're reading.
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monogatari has so many comfy pop songs like this in them, best of which are ofc by satou chiwa
holy fuck am i miserable. all i do is fucking work all day.
if you cuddled with me every day you'd feel better
i dont like men
bro let democracy lose :skull:
fuck off jesus no one likes you or your book
me either but i like comradery
its on pisscord is it not?
you could buy a 熊の縫い包み instead to keep you company
just dont?
this is why we have vtubers
oh that's why? i thought it was because of us being into sucking each others cocks. huh
true i havent worked a day since i started watching vtubers
bro your akasupas?
>I also do not get the point of testing one's ability of kanji by presenting kanji in isolation and not within words
I count it if I know at least one word that uses it.
Good enough to test general kanji familiarity.
Making the same test for vocab would have its advantages, but also a lot more labor intensive.
tried to submit a change of a character description for a light novel on anilist and the retard who obv never read it rejected it and said i was just paraphrasing. then i realized im the retard for even trying.
save that shit for your esl websites
ive submitted two new pics for characters and both were accepted
you should see the esl description they let through desu
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watching vtubers roughly coincided with when life got much more shit so
all my stuff was accepted too
dropped this parry slop the millisecond it became apparent theyre going with the contrived variation of the "mc is super strong but nobody knows/can figure out its him" trope
seiso lolichuubas are very weird
do we have gawr's opinion on lolicon?
refusing to read
only emmersing in audio/video
i will NOT be learning any radicals or kanji
i WILL continue to look up things by typing in romaji

sorry not sorry!!
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the replacement is in :moai:
lolitubers should manifest in this dimension and bounce on my cock
i would the panko manko
glad people are finally waking up to how garbage vtuber content is
stuff for 90iq filipinos and emotionally stunted manchildren
this is one of the greatest tropes in anime though
it's literally in the title of the show ur 60 iq if you weren't able to figure this out before starting the first ep
based, also,
turns out i didn't have that much left
yoshi, only one part remaining
me on the left
i didnt read the title of the show i saw an isekai slop poster and downloaded the ep
>she played ace attorney
subscription earned
guys if you're enjoying the stream, please consider supporting. we only have $15 in tips with one hour to go and I have a lot of big bills coming up which sucks.
never donated a single cent to a vtuber but i will support her through exposure on goofy image boards
same same
very sad state ur guys lives must be in
hate to see it
could be worse
they could be degrading themselves for japanese sluts on discord
ive heard vtubers talk about degen stuff like porn so im not sure how much better it is
turned my life around to the point where i'm going out with different girls every single day but i'm not fucking them
not sure what to think about that
despicable where has decency gone
>wasting your own time just for validation
i don't think it's a waste of time since i'm developing social skills while talking to them and i want to find a partner eventually
my oshi is anti porn
>my only anilist friend hasn't posted any update for years
post your anilist and ill become your friend
get a life retard
when is 4chan finally adding ids so that retards stop accusing me of samefagging
doesn't 4chan x identify samefagging?
>vshitter in shambles
>jamal nowhere in sight
*cracks knuckles* yup its another golden era
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4chanx used to have a feature that allowed you to identify whether someone's post is the first post of an IP (provided the post came after you entered the thread)
this can be used to identify samefagging but it's obviously not very reliable

now that ip counters are gone, it's not possible anymore
how's it even possible?
every time i get drunk someone tries to have sex with me
thats not how bodies work
bizarre post
>spamming reaction images again
>n-no i never post reaction images
lmao caught in 4k
bro you've been seething about vtubers the entire thread find a therapist or smth this is bordering on derangement syndrome
lil bro you’ve been posting vtubers for over 24 hours straight
gotta stop projecting my dude
das rite. you let him know. tell him about himself, g
Mr. pot, I’d like to introduce you to Ms. kettle.
1 or 2 posters are responsible for 90% of all the insane posting here they just never stop
damn the salt
vtubing is a disease
there's literally a separate board for this shit lol. niggas can't just follow rules its crazy
ちんちん... are you in grade school? It's おちんぽ
Moot had to banish all the bronies to their own board, but Hiro doesn’t seem to care about these guys spamming their cult out of their containment
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i started trying to learn nipponese the other week, how did you guys initially manage to stick to it?
hanahira with a text hooker
i just instinctively understand it
im a gay nigger
said jamal
nomura is a fucking hack
check the thread on /int/ the thread here is just memes and shitposting
what was jamals take on the assassination attempt

the first good post on r/learnjapanese ever
dying for an anime where i will watch the entire cour in a day but alas
utterly bizarre post
last anime i did that for was sao alicization
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エロイプ means phone sex not sexting
yoooo i know this anime
Originally. It's just used interchangeably now cuz nobody gives a fuck. Hang around those places for a while and you'll see.
ok but the fact of the matter is you have 0 proof thats actually a woman
chinese man admits he cripped himself when he learned english by trying to memorize every word he didnt know


the ball is in your court, cardfriends
thank you for wasting my time. he said nothing about anything you just said.
what did he say then esl-san
Any of you read any vinnies today or did you just bitch at the holofag all day????
never read, never will read. especially not a vn
>i'm going to know more words than any english professors by simply just look up every word in a dictionary
all he said was that he believed his method of learning english was inefficient, that method being trying to commit to memory everything he came across. so much so that he even almost memorized the section placement in the dictionary. after that he went back to coding. so like i said, thanks for wasting my time.
i havent read in some time and i havent mined at all
so what you're saying here is... itsu... demo... ii yo? you just won't sound as good as usual, right?
That's fair but also I'm obviously not gonna post the shared pics on fucking 4chan, so I'm not sure what do you want exactly. I can only say suit yourself.
ok esl sama, so does his english sound good after nearly 30 years or does it sound crippled like I implied in my original post?
sounds like it's high time to stfu sirankedo
guys looking up random esoteric shit like kolmogorov complexity on wikipedia. pretty sure he's fine
how would the pics be proof
i spoke with my japanese wife in japanese a lot today
concession accepted.
your dog shit eye catching headline is incorrect and really only you care about foreigners sounding like foreigners when they speak english.
i literally said "crippled", esl sama
maybe learn english before you learn japanese!
"crippled" can imply both! :D ydeke
also, you ability to speak has little bearing on your ability to understand the language. you also keep dodging the fact that you literally made up a headline based on a two minute story about him using a dictionary.
why? i want a good anime but cant find any what the fuck is bizarre about that
le sorena
couldnt read 偲ぶ earlier
delet this
I don't like that bunko and I are the only two people here that read Japanese. Like shit man, all I read is porn games, anyone can do that.
i don't like that you simply won't stfu
where did bunko get his name
made up the headline based on hearing his crippled english. not sure why this is so hard to understand. maybe youd better return to your vtuber streams instead of trying to win a pedantic argument
he used to shitpost about reading 文庫本
cause he was obsessed with reading stuff from aozora bunko
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nah i used to ジャケ買いする random novels and just read them
its been a while though
>made up the headline based on
stopped right there. ty
i read japanese but it's just dragon ball
no prob, seems like u really needed this win. hope it gets better for u bro
interesting. personally i refuse to read
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my nigger
bunko did u actually get married or do u just call your gf a wife
he knows death will do them part pretty soon anyways due to morbid obesity so he tied the knot
he married morbido gal...
yeah we got married
had to go to the japanese embassy and shit
she weighs more than me
Hey, good for him. Architecting is based.
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The 沈んじゃったり is just 沈んでしまう correct?
are u gonna try for a (geriatric) pregnancy?
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just finished this book, but the very end got really flowery and i couldn't understand it well and now im sad.
she self-architected though
we are trying but not doing any treatment
yes it's しまう+たり
lightning kill brunhild?
thanks for the confirmation anon, I was pretty sure but wanted to make sure
after that, the final segment in the cabin
obesity will further increase the risks of a geriatric pregnancy. dame just thought about how much she'd weigh post birth with the baby weight and all, easy triple digits
>easy triple digits
no need to sign ur post there bubba
well yeah i doubt its gonna happen because it hasnt yet
which in some ways is a good thing because having kids seems to destroy almost all relationships
I’m not sure I’m following. He didn’t really make a point about why it was inefficient, just that it *was* inefficient for him to look up every word. He also claimed that he would do 100 lookups in a day. With Yomitan, you could do 1000 lookups in an hour without breaking a sweat.
So what is his point exactly? What would be the alternative to looking things up? Go by feel? Abstract etymologies and intuit meaning from context? I can’t really understand the point he’s making when lookups are so trivial now.
Also, his English is excellent. Don’t let his accent fool you, he’s extremely intellectual and can articulate very complex subjects in English. Does he sound like Keifer Sutherland? No, but that man definitely knows English.
Thanks for reading. This will be my only Reddit post for the day.


what do your parents think
would be cool to know spanish but i dont care enough even though i could do it in like 6 months
his mom prolly thinks better her than me
if you think it would be cool then you care bro
notice how i put the word enough there
he wasn't making the point the op was making. op is retarded
keep yomichanning every word u dont know and u will definitely know japanese and you definitely wont be cripped
>don't know word
>forget word? hover
>stopped forgetting word wtf
>still hover just in case
keep it up brotha ull be a nihongo master soon after memorizing the english equivalent of every japanese word
thought this place had above avg iq
yep unironically
no theres only four or 5 guys above 100
but above average dick size was confirmed
>but above average dick size was confirmed
how was that confirmed?
popup dicts are cripple machines if used incorrectly (how most use them)
sorry bro if you hover you dont know japanese
how do you use it then
every now and then for a word you've seen multiple times or one that is particularly memorable. if you have to look up a word 30x you are not ready to acquire that word
from the teachings of jamel and ciaran
pretty sure every single 4chan thread that isnt about sph fetishism will have a average reported penis size significantly higher than any scientific studies
reported how? by who?!
self reported
that can be partially explained by people being more likely to share their size if they're above average
self owned
don't think we've had anyone at all sharing their size in here so that says something
calvin did
5.8x4.5 here
i bet that guy who says women cant cum cares the most about dick size of anyone here
that's me and i do care a lot about dick size.
17cm x 15cm here
sounds like a recipe for some well done whitenoise
packing 30 x 5
whitenoise is when you are not paying attention when you have something on in the background. if you are actively paying attention to something it cant be whitenoise. even someone with 80iq can acquire stuff if they are paying attention to something theyre enjoying and its Comprehensible Input (CI)
8 inches. Never measured girth.
thats not what whitenoise means
"never measured the only important part"
wish i had a bigger dick at least a few times per week
do you think ciaran busted out the ruler and meausred that guys cock?
if not why do you think a woman would
whatever the ambiguous definition of whitenoise today is, the fact is if youre paying attention and enjoying it you are not whitenoising
it's good that women are driven more by emotional feelings than physical ones so you can compensate for your average dick in other ways
of course women will settle for average or small but it doesn't feel good to be settled for. that's why you target ugly fat old women. you want to be worshiped.
glossing over something when reading would also be considered white noise, wouldn't it.
how you gonna prove they are settling?
you are literally just being insecure unless she directly says something to you or someone around her
I'll do it next time I fap. Never seemed important to me. It's been called fat though.
if u want. the point i was making is that nothing is 100% whitenoise if you are paying attention
sex is a skill so you can still level up even if you have a 6 incher. if you think about it most people are awful at most things so sex is no different
my girth is crazy apparently, only 8 million people on earth have a bigger weenie than me
fucked this girl on molly one time and i couldnt cum for an hour and a half and at the end she was basically delirious thanking me and telling me she loved me even though we knew each other for a week. thank you drugs.
before i lose my virginity i'll be asking this place for tips. not now since i won't remember.
Most people also have far more experience than 4channers so you're not helping the case here.
sounds like a hellish existence
so i met this J girl shes 22 and im preparing to sex her. Is N1 required for entry?
how many people on earth?
return immediately
nah nuke has a nice plapmommy wife and he is like n3
bruh jewish women don't give a fuck about japanese
why? shit was cash, never spoke to her again either lol
why would it be?
its 1 inch long
i unironically use male pornstar manuel ferraras techniques when i have sex and it works very well
would unironically rather fap to some good jav than have casual sex
like whispering in their ear?
yeah but you're married to a fat middle aged woman in ur 20s what you would or wouldnt do is irrelevant to any sane person
why did nuke fail
yes, that one was really hard cause its fucking cringe but i do it all the time now.
what do you whisper, but say it in japanese
lol im so damn based
lmao i cant
never thought of that tbqh, idk if i could. what i say depends on the girl cause some like to be called nasty whores while others like sweet nothings type shit cause they need further validation beside my dick being inside them that i do in fact find them attractive. i have no idea how id say any of the stuff i do in japanese, none if it works. tbqh i also kinda mumble most of the time like manuel sensei does too
janny's NOT going to be happy when he discovers the sex discussion bros
i at most say a couple of words but i could never whisper man it would be so gay
but they'll love the passion even if it feels corny to you. i'm a virgin but i'm right about this.
i'll miss you guys
calling it now
the posts are gonna get deleted and then suddenly someone "randomly" posts some loli or holo porn and it stays up after which they start spamming 5 yt links to holoshit in a row suddenly making a dead thread extremely active with posts less than 30 seconds apart reacting to these links
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you married so far down you could get a stick off the street and stick it up her ass and she'd be happy about it
virgin bro is right, women love feeling physically desired. but more so desired in the sense that you want her how you want her so you take her and she's along for the ride and less of the pussy worshipping type shit
why does this happen every time
now i know why the caged bird sings
she can read your thought though :O
>you married so far down you could get a stick off the street and stick it up her ass and she'd be happy about it
and yall just jealous because you dont have the t levels to do what im doing and stay hard

your other reply is based though which is why i usually barely speak except telling her what degrading things i want her to say about herself
ive fucked some ugly fatties and managed to stay hard, though afterwards i kinda wished i hadnt
casual sex is for gay retards
live ur truth bro
yeah bunkos right on this one
do not live to spite G-d. find some purpose and seek fulfillment
its not because of god or anything but just think about it
its a lot of effort spent just being part of some roasties hoe phase having condom sex or risking stds
>its a lot of effort
skill issue + cope
its obviously more effort than just having a wife that you know you can fuck every day
>that you know you can fuck every day
it's not consent just because she married you.
well yeah a lot of relationships consist of women barely tolerating sex
that is the real skill issue
maintaining a womans attraction for you over a period of years is way harder than fucking a random slag once or twice a week dude, especially if the "i can do better" thought starts creeping into her mind
"not yours" rhymes with "divorce"
>skill issue + cope
this as a male you need to be pretty damn attractive and pretty good with women to be able to get casual sex on the regular
people who are not good enough cope with the whole purity shit
it's called being realistic. most marrieges end in divorce and most divorces are initiated by women. women lose attraction if you dont put in the work which is more effort than casual sex. less reward for just fucking around of course but less hassle too
most marriages are terrible and most normies are gay as fuck cold people
why should i care
talking to you is like talking to a child
it's like bizarro world coming onto this website and seeing this so obvious cope laden puritan act that people put on here. of course its the people that cant get laid that think getting laid is bad lol.
you won't be happy leading a life of hedonism
it's called a cope for a reason
>talking to you is like talking to a child
no but really
i bet a vast majority of those marriages never had any real attraction from the woman to begin with which is why so many men get rejected by their own wives and gfs when they want sex
the fact that a lot of men dont want to eat pussy and prefer dicks and watch porn also doesnt help
i actually have a gf atm but it's always the extremes with you fucking weirdos. oh you fuck women? you are living a complete hedonistic lifestyle with 0 fulfillment or meaning in it at all. that is not a reasonable assumption
most marriages start with actual attraction but that can naturally fizzle out cause of kids, lack of effort, routine, boredom etc. hence we circle back to the original thing you argued against which is that casual sex is less work than being married.
for a lot of people i guess you are right
feels good having based taste in women
dude has to call himself based
its the difference between being irreplaceable to ur women cause of how awesome u are vs being irreplaceable cause she's so bottom barrel she can't even do better than the turd that is u
would love to have a peek into matto's love life and give him some advice
matt already had a dead bedroom with the bitch before they even got together
do you think his gf is real?
queeran got a gf in japan so there is no reason that mutt couldnt either
i think he probably has a new gaijin hunter "gf" every other week and fights with them about pedantic things. probably treats them like he treated yoga
that you jamal?
I have been reading pre-war novels for a few months. I can say that my japanese improved a fair bit.
matt got that super gonorrhea that doesnt respond to antibiotics
matt could probably give a motivational speech to make the gonorrhea go away
>first rule of thumb, if a verb directly precedes a noun, you are very likely looking at a subsentence describing that noun
so shouldn't this be [(こちらを眺める彼女)のきれいな]目は?
you make it sound like こちらを眺める and 彼女のきれいな are two subsentences describing the same noun rather than layered relative sentences
if matt got gonorrhea he would plaster is wall in std awareness posters and make onkey cards for his std medication directions
Did this interpretor san make it?
jamal is the chrollo lucilfer of djt
as in hes a side character and way older than the main cast
chrollo pilfer
im feitan btw
i'm the big guy in the hunter exam with his stomach hanging out
What do I do after memorizing the Kana, start grinding Kanji? Tae Kim? Vocab?
i'll let you know when i finish grinding on your mom
shut da fuck up nigga we are roleplaying hxh here
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he'd be unstoppable if his hair grew back
yo wtf
that's a BIG snake...
who pooped on the anime pillow
yall ruined djt with your unfunny posts
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japanese is solved, the debates and drama and over. djt should be decommissioned
回文全部イカ くコ:彡
it's done. this will be the final djt thread.
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this is the episode where we get together and watch some of the key and emotional moments
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remember when yoga said itsudemoiiyo?
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nothing is ever gonna top mattos epic itiban tuyoi gaijin moment

new? new what?
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>studying kanji
When are you going to start learning Japanese?
I study primarily by reading for hours daily, I just use kanji tests as a proxy of my familiarity with 常用漢字
wotd: 半端者

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