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ガイド: https://vndb.org/
ガイド: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
ガイド: https://djtguide.github.io/
ガイド: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

前スレ: >>47358410
is that kikou?
Mori is super crippled. We all saw those wanikani streams
Kiara can't read Japanese properly.
oh boy i can't wait to talk about learning japanese and not vtubers today
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what do you mean? studying kanji is how japanese people learn japanese
shut up bitch
oh ok then i guess im in the wrong thread :/
no don't go I was just kidding bro gosh. grow a pair of testicles
today's emersion
Does anyone here know any good non VN games to immerse with that are actually fun? I keep slacking on my immersion lately.
Yeah, I know tons. What genre are you looking for, and what kinds of games have you enjoyed in the past?
What's up DVT
Daily Vidya Thread?
Daily Virgin Thread?
Daily Vietnamese Thread?
daily VGODDESSES thread
No please, no more off-topic vt*ber discussion.
Wrong board
dekinai anti chuds mad
can't be mad at whitenoisers only pity
pitying your turned off monitor rofl
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I did 600 new anki cards yesterday and today.

1200 cards. That's two months of ankidroning that I did in only 2 days.

Worship me.
Now say that in Japanese sweaty
Actually impressive. Mined 120 myself.
quite happy to see jamel dead
Yeah you did all that but how much eroge did you read huh?
>2 months in 2 days
>he really believes this
i cant believe kinoko means mushroom instead of sprout
huge missed opportunity
Always follow the 4 rules of Japanese and sex:
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Dekinai Japanese Thread
Okay so become fluent using anki in only 3 weeks. Should be easy right? That's 2 years in 3 weeks
why are uppercasers so retarded
wow bro you mindlessly clicked your mouse for 2-3 hours in order to accomplish absolutely fucking nothing good 1
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seethefag is a newfag, too
who knew
>schoolgirls come 2 tokyo and sell drugs 2 survive
when will it get an anime adaptation?
i will save the most attractive homeless inaka teenager from there

stuff like this fills my soul and motivates me to give it my all
^ gmi
>so shouldn't this be [(こちらを眺める彼女)のきれいな]目は?
no, you cut off the particle の. it's on its own now. they're not independent words. they have no meaning when they're on their own. when you form sentences particles fuse with the words. you should think of them as inseparable lest you change the meaning of the sentence. in the same manner you ignore the な, that makes clear that きれい describes 目. what is the consequence of this here?

i explained this before when the initial question was about 俺の知る、海岸線の美しい町並み​ - 海岸線の町並み is one entity. you treat this as a single noun effectively.

AのB is not another subsentence here when it merely connects two nouns - 彼女の目は. it's merely possive. the fact that there's an attributive adjective shoved in there is of little consenquence in this example. her eyes / her pretty eyes.

something that veers more on the side of a subsentece structure is possible though when you think of that meme image with the cat eating the red-headed fish: この魚は頭が赤い like this この頭が赤い魚 > この頭の赤い魚... might looks the same structure wise as 彼女のきれいな目 but it's not. the の replaces as が in the subsentence about the fish. that's not the same. a subsentece is more easily recognizable its predicate consists of a verb, but remember that an i-adjective is a viable sentence ending.

>you make it sound like こちらを眺める and 彼女のきれいな are two subsentences describing the same noun rather than layered relative sentences
i hope it has become clear now that, こちらを眺める is the subsentence, and 彼女のきれいな目 is not.
didn't read all that
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my fellow americans
oh shit this is filtering me...
finna go to tokyo tower and beg kami-sama to send me to cephiro
2, like jamals n level
kokoni implies shes staying there so it has nothing to do with teiku or tekuru. thearu also makes no sense because she aint a thing. its obviously teiru
im weird
i like marine when she isn't seiso, when her yabai is her main appeal
*nods sagely*
you're not weird you're just a retarded cunt much like all other vsharts. i have a proposal that might sound a bit radical but makes sense when you think about it: kill yourself
yooo my favorite poster is back
also immersion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSndTjBn228
just so u know yabai is an adjective so u prolly shouldnt try to use it as a noun

though u can actually change it into a noun and then ull sound slightly less retarded

but using adjectives as nouns is a nonlearning community trademark

yooooo i hope u trip and fall face first into the pit from mortal kombat
you're the one who trips though
im the trip that makes u fall yes u stumbled into that one... but its really too easy against esls
hope all of djt trips and falls face first into satans asshole for an eternity of fire and brimstone and suffering and screaming and anguish
average seethefag
have to think about the word 築地 almost daily its crazy
my boy jamel has been studying grammar nerd shit
suikoden 2 has the best jrpg battle system
i really prefer the usage system over mp, not sure how to call it but i think you guys know what i mean
my main hobby is fishing while listening to jp audiobooks. i also like to mountain bike and cook.
my main hobby is vtuuba
passively consuming video is not a hobby. also i told you above to kys
my main hobby is fun posting
so forrest gump on his lil dinghy who loves riding his bike with the seat taken off on the way home to cook dinner for his boyfriend is gonna judge me on playing video games sometimes

i wont insult ur japanese but how many audiobooks have u listened to and can u in japanese tell me about one of them
read that as fisting for a moment
>so forrest gump on his lil dinghy who loves riding his bike with the seat taken off on the way home to cook dinner for his boyfriend is gonna judge me on playing video games sometimes
all he can do in the face of being told the truth about his own loser nature is create complete fantasies in his mind (that include faggotry cause of course they do). it's ok bud, fortunately for you most people don't look down on ur loser ilk anymore
u just mad cuz u tried to judge me when u aint shit and of course u would dodge the subject of japanese entirely cuz despite it being one of ur "hobbies" u arent even write a paragraph about a single audiobook u read LOL
>u arent even write a paragraph about a single audiobook u read LOL
as an esl i can't parse this part
excuse me, audiobook u listened to... i was typing so fast with a dumbass grin on my face lol that naturally ud wanna say read after book but clearly thats not the case
Anyone read any vinnies lately????
true thats why you have to send superchats for it to count as hobby
what is my incentive to do what you say?
ima read some vinny today
the incentive mainly is to validate that the time u spent listening to ching chong noise wasnt just a complete utter waste of ur time that took u nowhere lmao
peak djt culture was when we first saw the clip of animegodfather driving on the highway acknowledging that someone lost their barrel
we will never reach that level of culture ever again
its actually horrifying to think that agf was driving a motor vehicle just full stop
ok but i already know whether it has or hasnt been for myself without doing what you said so i'll ask again what is my incentive here
i dont care dude go get on ur seatless bike and go make a cocksucka soufflé later

fishing is aight tho ive been known to do it from time to time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8pd8yfNBxM
concession accepted
yah i conceded ur fucking gay get fucked lol
Simply epic. What you reading bro?
wotd: 幽霊
stop watching over what i'm doing on my pc
cant watch amateur japanese porn cause it makes me depressed that that isnt me fucking the girl
some anon posted a semi amateur one where the girl was in a cosplay and the seikoudou was done 所構わずに
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*shivers* nihongo
not actually me but one of my many imitators
imagine thinking anyone would want to imitate you
this is wrong ame is fluent
>posting during fuwamoco morning
what's fwmc morning's schedule?
please use japanese terms when naming black people
月水金 24:00 JST
emulsion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ppS02FnRUw
imagine housing and providing for a トー横 middle schooler in exchange for H things
toe horizontal?
i looked it up on wikipedia but i dropped reading mid first sentence because it was in chinese
nakadashi for a HB pencil
yosh japs truly dont suffer
i look like that
i want fuwamoco to dominate me (just the cartoon versions tho)
crazy how janny wont do his job and ban the vshitter spam but will ban the bros being bros here

heres the solution bro have at it and tell all the bros
itiban hayai
what does yai mean???
that ure quizmeister
rereading some classic quiz seethe https://warosu.org/jp/thread/27783494
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so is this how you're supposed to use the hint field or is this giving it away?
you shouldnt use a hint field for this card
yes that's giving it away
that's basically a definition. try something like 彼女はこっそりダイエットを始めたの。
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i thought these kind of words and like onomatopoeias do better with hints
is this better/less direct?
What is the most accurate English translation of:


I believe that it means to entrust someone with something.
nigga wtf is that kanji, the word doesnt even show up in my yomichan
i beleive it means u dont know japanese
is that even a real word
yeah, /v/tubers are really dumb
>they streamed a JP solo stream today
my evening activity has been decided.
yooooo i didn't know they have a cover of the chobits op. jamel will love this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93FgkYhAQmI
yosh just mined like 30 words from music videos. Yorushika, world order and other pop songs
>9 fucking hours
oh man, i'm about to get REAL fucking good at japapanese
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yeah japanese is cool but pendamins are cooler
being doing a lot of walking this week bros
putting your ui in japanese a larp most of the time
no it's not, it's immersion, mom
nigger hasnt heard of ajatt
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just read a volume of dragon ball
i miss him
my ui has been in japanese for probably 10 years now
only my switch and ps are in japanese because then it starts the games in japanese
that's how i started and i know the most japanese out of anyone here you're on the right track
was my first raw manga too and im djts secret final boss
crazy how matt liked this post but didnt put calvin on the path to making it but instead watched on from the shadows for his own sick twisted pleasure
can't believe 150 guy ratted us out to the mods
there's no point in setting your phone to a different language for "immersion" cuz 95% of what you do is muscle memory anyways
and english is the best language for googling if you have an issue or need to find a setting
gonna add "crazy" and "wild" to my /jp/ filter
never seen a good post with those twitter sentence starters
i've made some crazy good posts starting with crazy tho
dame this bitch looks crazy wild
in the future ai will be instructed to rewrite posts before they are submitted to avoid filters like yours
i doubt anyone will care enough to do that
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no i'll do it when ai gets good enough. i want everyone to see my posts
crazy huh
anon opens every filtered post anyway
looks like shit
glad kyoani went up in flames
that's wild
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How long would you have to study Japanese before you could play this?
0 hours
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get THE FUCK OUT of this thread you racist filth
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yeah they dont make em like they used to thats for sure
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4 eps in and these idiots haven't managed to play a single song cuz they're too busy stuffing their faces
i'd stuff their faces if you catch my drift
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w!ld post
bizarre posts
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thinking about starting this
yh she looks perfect for sucking my big gaijin cock im looking forward to slapping my dick through her cheek when she uses it like a toothbrush
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used to have these headphones but they made a dent in my skull
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crazy how it was probably scenes like this that made matto want to become japanese
>mined 嬲
>"torture, torment, toy with"
>what a complicated shape let's look closer
damn japs
are you this guy from yesterday >>47364686
this is so fucking gay lol
i be reading 眼鏡 correct 99 times the all a suddon my brain goes gankyo
how could it not be he was probably listening to barry and gary having sex next door while writing this
no it's actually a kabuki play about a guy who's attacked by his daughter who's possessed by the spirit of his ex-wife for sleeping with a new woman
i changed my stance on duolingo
Good. It's truly the way to learn.
is it really the skull that gets dented and not the hair
my scalp had actual dents in it that took a while to go away, could physically feel it
what does ぬん mean in the beginning of the shikanoko song?
i don't think it means anything
it's just a cute deer sound
i wonder if there was ever a post on 5ch english board asking what wubba lubba dub dub means
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tfw ur still right anyways
not me, i was banned up until now kek
tfw encountering 目金 for the first time
why is the thread so dead?
jannies are kowai
dunno don't feel like posting anything.

I have been aware since ages ago of the "(verb)に" grammar usage as show in the first section, except it's only inside idiomatic expressions like 要するに and 思うに. Sometimes I find it in the wild in native Japanese writing (as 聞くに or 知るに) and I completely forget about this grammar rule until I look up again.
I'm wondering if there's a reference that explains its meaning better and more methodically. It's not on the DOJG as a standalone grammar point, and I haven't All About Particles around now to check.
It's apparent that even Imabi is struggling to find handy examples since he had to personally come up with the example sentences for better explanation.
bros im gonna make it
This guy claims to have gotten 180/180 in the JPLT N1 after spending only 8 and a half months learning Japanese by immersing for hours every day. His native language is english and japanese is the second language he learned. Is he bullshitting?

that was debunked
i deboonked him
why are you learning japanese?
i have some bad news. catalog.mokuro.moe doesn't have hxh but it does have the other popular 熱血.
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What does the ちは mean here?
ちは means houseは
ち is yotsuba's house
の家 (うち) -> んち -> ち
よつばちゃんち = yotsuba-chan's house
They're talking about blood
This is what I'm talking about how yotsuba kills dekinais
I've seen this a couple times now why would you use の here instead of が?
maeda immersion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8WIOZm37Ao
「よつば の うち」の転
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it's more likely to use it if it's part of a subclause so you don't end up with two がs
の replaces が when its modifying a noun with an adjective for clarity on what the subject is in a sentence, for example
instead of

At Yotsuba-chan's home
hey faggot there was already 5 repleis with the same thing can you shut up?
it means at the home of the girl yotsuba, who is the main character of the manga
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someone help me im できない
you can only help yourself bro
im できgay
im ゲーオタ
dunno i just put it in my head as something that is correct use and move on. all that detailed linguistic stuff will happen later
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i like this character she is cutwe
this is by no means limited to usage of adjectives. 水の澄んだ泉 is fine
oh man shut up nerd ass bitch
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yeah im trying to see if get a third dubs in a row now
theres no helping mne
okay that's enough japanese for today, who wants to talk about vtubers?
there's a ton of djt culture on the trash djt thread right now
Thx anons! makes alot more sense now
it's all based around this


don't give a shit about whatever grammar guides
get to a level where you will internalize what this means through the context of people saying it
How long do you have to study moonrunes before you can start immersing in VNs, manga and LNs? I want to learn japanese but I want to engage with content while I'm doing it so I don't get bored.
probably a minimum of 300.
as soon as you want, i'd recommend learning basic grammar first tho
I'm gonna cry I don't want to be a dekinai anymore make this hell stop
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What does the panel with だってとーちゃんはいいものなんだ。クーラーなんかないよ mean?
i don't know retard
since my dad's a good person, we don't have AC
yotsuba is not for beginners lil bro
interesting, mind explaining how you got that?
dont care still gonna try reading it
How long do you need to study Japanese for before you can start immersing while learning using Visual Novels, Light Novels, manga and games? Studying jap without engaging in fun content sounds boring as fuck.
wasn't this the chapter about global warming or some shit? yotuba thinks using AC is bad for the environment
nigger we already answered your question
well yea it is about global warming but she was more taught that it exists and is bad
what part are you confused about?
dad's a good person
we don't have AC
just feel out shit like なんか, its like inserting "like" into your sentences in English

Fuck, middle Japanese is undecipherable
ahh ok i was confused about the いいもの part and なんか, なんだ parts as well. but i see now that なんだ was just なのだ and なんか, as you said, I just had to feel it out and liken it to like.
idk japanese so how do i tell her that global warming isn't a big deal?
tell her that it doesnt exist
it's easy
noobs can't even appreciate why she says いいもの here
this is why yotsuba is only for advanced learners
enlighten me senpai whats the special nuance
who cares
i only know enough japanese to understand the surface anime slop
that's all i need
there's no point since you don't even realize it's not a normal thing to say in the first place and just take it at face value
thats fine im gmi without you
gay mass index?
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good advice
why does every "quirky" manga have to be about depression
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it aint about depression anon kun it's about mans ability to persevere and find beauty even in hopeless situations
no sex?
Yeah, he is. The only way to get a perfect score on that test in under a year (or even 2, let’s be honest) is to cheat.
My guess is he was someone from here or TMW trying to promote a guide in the style of a testimony to give credence to the VN/mining method.
It’s even in that faux-friendly Reddit style.
maybe if they used their dictionary, this wouldn’t happen
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Of course not.
neither did i
What kind of vocab should I look at if I want to play Dragon Quest games and other JRPGs? Any essential decks?
>I just had to feel it out and liken it to like.
yh or u could just look it up lol
>something like ... | things like ... | someone like ... | the likes of ...
Thumbnail looked like she had an erection. Extremely disappointed.
Why would you need to prepare to play a game? Just pause and look up what you don't know.
why do nips even leave japn for travel
because that takes forever
look up any game title + セリフ and you can usually find the entire script
it's stops taking forever once you read like 5-10

It takes a second if you’re using OCR. Are you playing on PC?
read your 語源




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do japs really
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Ever since I switch to watching mostly JP channels. Youtube keep reccomending me a crap load of videos about Americans moving to Japan like "starting life over In Japan" or "family new life in Japan."
Every week it would be a new channel making vlog about living in Japan for the time.
Is there like a mass white migrants flowing into Japan or something?
there's a full DQ11 deck on JPDB
fucking retard
the fuck does that have to do with anything? they still subvert cultures like no one else, retard
none of this matters when you still can’t parse the meaning off a single page of yotsuba even though you know every single word on it
crippling westerners is why i only advocate for bad learning methods
>i was merely pretending to be retarded
pretending to be retarded has been a thing since the advent of strategic warfare so im thinking ur a midwit loser

also check this out
cope didn’t click
is index worth reading
Realistically speaking, what did I gain from knowing that?
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lil bro?
"we don't have no ac"
is she black?
not that i doubt your expertise, anon, but how does this even fit to the elements the kanji is composed of?
it doesn't
i was just trying to add humor and a little "ackshuallyyyy" to the thread
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unko's alter ego in a nutshell
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I did it DJT. All from memory.

I am not looking forward to kanji however.
That's impressive. Hopefully one day you'll be ready to start learning Japanese.
You've passed the first test of learning how to ignore our advice. Let's see if you can pass the next challenge: quitting Japanese.

Ive already been spending 2 hours a day between writing practice and Duolingo for 2 weeks, when do I reach the starting line?
Too obvious. Gotta be more subtle, anon.
rikaitan has its own site now
add it to the OP as well
lil unko taking some Ls today





how are those english subs working out for ya?
manga and anime immediately, vns and lns 200-400 hours


english subs aren't hard to find at all you fucking retard
whoah whoah whoah cool it with the aggression that's a little japanese girl you're talking to
unko's a grown ass man anon
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unko's a grown ass, man
- anon
the biggest one there is
can you use niyotte like this: 「自転車によって学校に通っている。」?
all japanese posts look the same to you huh
his imoto persona is pretty distinct actually
double-spaced lines, overuse of kana, blog-style writing, etc. etc.
what do you want to call it? his strange fetish?
not a real word sorry
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so this bitch is a schizo?
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yh tired of lengths people go to suck big motor corporation cock at any opportunity. Prefer listening to kino japanese music making references to the バス停
Matt said he didn’t really like anime but he had like 10,000 volumes of manga on his shelf
are there some anime matt likes? sure. does he like anime in general? no.
are there some movies i like? sure. do i like movies in general? no.
He truly was the most enlightened out of all of us. His admittedly small ankles bear the most fangs from us.

matt was a k-on fan lol
matt was also a fan of taking kens cock up his ass
He probably hid it after realizing his taste was shit lol
matt admitted to watching k-on for nostalgic purposes while clearing out his room though.
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daily reminder to read the djt guide https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
from an objective point of view what medium is the best to learn from? novels?
already read it a dozen times
tatsumoto is part of my soul, my sword is targeted sentence cards
light novels. we've established on /trash/ that manga and to a lesser extent vns have visual aids which act as a crutch that will slow your learning.
visuals novels. we've established on /trash/ that light novels and to a lesser extent manga lack visual aids which act as training wheels that will aid your learning.
just read faggot
just read and just talk to women is the same thing but they're both right. Do things that make you read its that simple
#Cure Dolly
News articles (not Easy NHK or whatever, the stuff for natives) from TV networks, they are short enough, they often come with videos on the same page, the articles and what's on the videos follow the same text basically.
this guy is one of the laziest fucks in the entire world
one chapter every year is crazy. even the average 4chan neet does more
show us your chapter anon!
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*spills coffee* WOOOOPS!
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Why you learn Japanese?

I'm learning to understand my wife Nenechi.

love this language
ok, i'm finally hitorigurashing. i WILL read 2 hours of japslop daily starting tomorrow of course
wish i was blue archive sensei for real
dude gets to lick his students feet

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that doesnt seem right
they probably treat the 端 in 端から as a different entry
Is it ヴぇryuncommon for a girl to have a name 大地? In that case, how do you read it? Riku?
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both entries are treated separately. there is no overlap
double immersion
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Should I enroll in this japanese class?

to learn japanese? no
to find filthy weeb girls to fuck? yes
i wish i was sex
it's always korone-pekora-marine-miko
gambs... not like this
mined 身体部位所有者上昇構文
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>7 hours
yosh, my background noise has been decided
>special technique
what did she mean by this
I would enjoy this vtuberslop more with the chat hidden, do you really wanna be reminded constantly that there's a million other losers watching this shit with you
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immersion sisters?
フブキ doesn't show her chat on-stream
my chinpo? 旗竿
your chinpo? 雛形
nobody getting b& for posting immersion content here
he has finally found his home...
>通じる (つう)
>通る (とお)
>通う (かよ)

Fuck off.
>なんか ちょっぴり 寂しくなってきちゃった
Can someone explain me why chiau is used? is it because she has no control over kitta? I guess I understand when is a action done by the subject but I don't get what kuru is modifying
ちゃう/しまう doesn't add anything, don't worry about it.

read this to learn about kuru and iku after te form
>ちゃう/しまう doesn't add anything, don't worry about it
so this is the power of jp djt
なってくる to become, came to be (like this)
なっていく go on to become (like this)
not spacial movement
Use your dictionary. You can see they’re both being used as auxiliary verbs.
>くる: 3. to come to be; to become; to get; to grow; to continue​
>ちゃう: 1. to do completely​ (contraction of ..て or で plus しまう)
we need to keep these out
more like 犯美
just saw 雨が止んだ spelled as 雨が歇んだ and i'm mad about it
Is Bilingual Manga down for everyone? I can see that they have a offline version on GitHub. Does anyone have any experience hosting this? I'm not a very technical person :/
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started trying to read this yesterday and im mad af because its supposed to be easier than the last shit i finished reading, but im getting rolled. i want to punch something. i feel like people ignore writing style or something and only focus on whether or not something has "difficult" words to determine how hard something it. fuck the guys who reccomended this shit to me.
writing style is definitely way more important than words since you can look those up but you can't look up all the hidden shit some authors assume you are reading between the lines thanks to the context you have from being a japanese native
vocabulary means shit. there are like a trillion idioms. just because you know all these simply words 目から鼻へ抜ける or these 目に角を立てる doesn't mean you understand the meaning.
you can look those up easily though, that doesn't make something hard to read
yeah, but you're looking up words that you allegedly already know. what's he doing with those n5 kanji?
just read kuma kuma kuma bear
bear bear bear bear?
why would i read stale moe garbage. people like to throw the word slop around, but that shit looks like shovelware in book form
Never understood people who read stuff they're not interested in just because it's easy. Unless you're an actual autist who can only get off to 13th century samurai dramas there's surely something accessible that matches your interests.
>there's surely something accessible that matches your interests.
reading that kuma trash precludes any possibility of the reader possessing a soul
what do you like
can anyone please recommend me some good long form content I can watch on youtube for practice, I can't take watching vtubers anymore. difficulty is not an issue, it just needs to be long and not boring
just type in オーディオドラマ and go crazy
for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjB0Z7hd65I
Kanji aren't words and they aren't used on their own.
So studying them on their own is a waste of time.
What good is learning 寿 (longevity) and
司 (director) when you won't know that if you stick them together you get 寿司 (sushi)?
What good is learning the 20 different readings for 生 when you're not going to know which reading is used when you see it in a compound?
There is no systematic rule that will tell you ahead of time which reading is correct.

You can spend 10 years on kanji, memorising everything, and still not a single bit of japanese. It takes Japanese kids 9 years to study kanji, but Japanese kids are already fluent in Japanese.

Just learn VOCAB. Learn the words as you come across them, like you would in any other language.
Learning kanji on their own is a colossal waste of time and won't get you any closer to learning japanese.

(t - wasted months on kani when i was just starting out)
>Kanji aren't words and they aren't used on their own
>they aren't used on their own
>Kanji aren't words and they aren't used on their own
>pretending not to know what he meant for brownie points on the DJT
>teaching and not being able to get your point across well enough, but hoping the other guy who's new knows what you're talking about
>uppercaser making a post so stupid he immediately distances himself from it by pretending to be someone else backing up their nonsensical babbling
nah i want whitey points
mined 45 today
kanji don't exist
mined 0 today
You know he meant that kanji primarily appear in compounds, not that they can't ever be found in isolation. Every single learner knows that implicitly. The second you see 猫, you'll know that.
Feel free to think I'm him, but be real with me. You think telling someone to not learn kanji in isolation is "nonsensical babbling"?
i don't think you're him, i KNOW. and i'm going to be real with you: "Kanji aren't words and they aren't used on their own." is an insanely stupid statement and you deserve to be ridiculed for it
Well, this is embarrassing since I'm definitely not him, but either way, it's obvious he misspoke. Everyone knows that a single kanji has the potential to be a word.
not only that, a single kanji can be serveral words, genius
Wait, really? Man, that I didn't know. You really do learn something new every day.
seriously? you yourself mentioned 寿. that's actually two different words already on its own. じゅ and ことぶき - 新年の寿 daaame you can do that? 成婚の寿を述べる that's nuts. 業 is 3 different individual words rolled into one fucking kanji ごう、ぎょう、わざ. you can use them all on their own
Damn, you're retarded lol
idk i think the upperbro won here
>racism outside of /b/
Not on my djt
yea i'm telling janny...

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