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She will magically make a kigu bunny appear in her top hat.

Useful links:
- https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1m0KiLcbTwbcg_WyN_eH4aye2fTo
- https://kigguide.com/ (biased)
- Art: https://www.pixiv.net/search.php?s_mode=s_tag&word=%E7%9D%80%E3%81%90%E3%82%8B%E3%81%BF
- Videos: https://www.findtubes.com/search/kigurumi
- Stick this in japanese sites: 着ぐるみ

Image Source: https://x.com/killuatsuna/status/1814857249350647967?s=61&t=aGB3NkpIm3YGeDtx9s_0Uw

Previous Thread: >>47311197
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first for Owari da
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Second for Touhou!
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Why has nobody done a tribute to this picture of Topis ass? I bet it would look really hot with cum on it.
ok Topi
Does Topi like tributes? Is that why Jake keeps posting them here?
I would plow that ass so hard
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>$50 for a strictly sfw cam once per month
worth it bros?
Every time I see something like this I wonder how much money I could get if I didn't feel super guilty about even thinking about asking for any amount of money at all.
you could be putting that money toward your own kigu fund so you can do your own, not strictly SFW kig stuff
>trans shark
Recommendations for low profile waist cinchers/corsets to go under the hada?

Ideally something that's designed to actually reduce the waist and not just hold your gut in
Lose weight and just skip the waist cincher. Save yourself the money and hassle.
I'm already thin and I'm fine with putting up with extra shapewear. I got one already but I realized it's a 'hold in your gut' type and not an actual corset
If you're thin then why do you think you need a waist cincher? Good hip padding does way more for your figure than a waist cincher will if you're skinny.
Do both, hourglassmaxx
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I want to be sexo. I'm already spending the money, might as well do it right
Do you have good hip and ass pads and shapewear for them? If not, spend your money on that shit first and then evaluate. Seriously there are a ton of kiggas who insist on wearing a cincher that don't need one. It's just more shit that will be visible through hada and be uncomfortable.
Seconding this. Problem with cinchers/corsets imo is that a thin waist will make your shoulders look comparatively broader, so I'd skip it if you're skinny already and offset your waist and shoulders with hip and ass pads instead. Will also make dressing, undressing and just moving around much easier.
Does anyone know the drama of why this emo dude has to publicly destroy his Kig? I saw him being emo a few months ago saying he got no friends (unsurprisingly) but now he went to publicly posted him destroying his masks everywhere. Thoughts?

I think this individual may be somewhat mentally ill
>Destroying wyuslop
based desu
I mean you gotta be fucked in the head to buy from Wyu in the first place.
>This page doesn't exist
Is that the kyubey that got shot up because it was fucking ugly? I can see it vividly in my mind if it is, but Elon won't let me see the xeet.
If you don't login you won't be able to see Twitter posts most of the time.
Looks like the guy's only come to realize Wyu is a piece of shit recently. Hell, if you buy from Wyu then switch to another maker he would go from shitting on you to openly doxxing your ass.
I don’t know how he’s still getting customers, he’s a massive asshole and his masks look like pure trash. Who’s even dumb enough to buy these.
Westerners, apparently. Fat bitches who would rather buy his masks and ride off his popularity than improve themselves.
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real anon 2.0

Also mentally ill people that got sweet tongued by him.
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And would you look at that, Wyu did exactly like I said he would do.
If this is true, isn't this basically blackmailing? Remind me how Wyu is still in business again?
floppy kigreasts
Because he keeps finding more retards who eat up his shit.
no offence but whats with kigs in SEA complaining about having no friends, many such cases where they feel owed kinship from buying a discount kigu mask
Because its the weirdos that are complaining. The rest are fine. We tend to ignore the weird ones to avoid unnecessary drama. The kig population in the region is already small as it is, and we don't want it ruins.
I'm not a weirdo, there's just literally zero other kig my city, matter of fact there're like 4-5 total kigs in my entire country including me.
It's Indos or Pinoys or Malays that buy discount masks or make their own (and fail miserably). The ones from Vietnam and Thailand are fine.
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Here's an example. View at your own discretion.
mfw I already have an idea of what vile sight is behind the spoiler.
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Conveniently the ones who can sue him live oversea and don't want to waste their effort.
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I think it would be fair to hear from Wyu's side too. Anyone got the info?
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Yes there's no way Wyu would dox peop-
My guy times and times again and again Wyu has displayed this exact behavior to anyone who he deems has "betrayed" him by displaying any sign of individuality instead of following him like a sheep. Once you get acquainted with him he thinks you owe your life to him. Outside of that he's generally a scum who tries to sell people poorly made masks made from stolen 3d models at premium price. Hell, he even tried to make kig NFT a thing, with arts he doesn't own btw, and once he got called out on his bullshit he removed all the traces and acted like nothing happened. He's not someone you try to understand or sympathize with.
more kigs should wear short skirts and pantyhose....
Kill yourself wyutard
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western kigs could NEVER wear yoga pants
Sezuna is hot
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>ones from Vietnam and Thailand are fine
Just fine?
I need mari to ruin me desu.
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I refuse the take that some kigs are too autistic to know better. Some of these people clearly just have a fetish for making people uncomfortable, yet dont have the body or mask to do creepy in an artistic way to any degree. Its beyond just a bad mask or bad figure, its maliciously bad.
For all the fucked up shit I've consented to I refuse to participate around that kind of perversion. Mutts seem worst for it, euros have their own share, various asian countries too like no chance >>47366712
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There's something very evocative about having these two images next to one another.
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*posts under your swimsuit pic*
nothing personnel kigga
cages are the best
Is Toki wearing her stockings backwards? Imagine helping her put them correctly while caressing her legs.
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boats! cute!
How does one determine if they're too fat to kig? Do you just look down and see if you can see flesh past the ribs? I'm not overweight, but I definitely worry I'm not the right shape.
Height? Weight?
I'm the 200cm 80kg one.
The mirror makes me doubt myself. The spirit is willing, but everyone looks way thinner than I am.
>20 BMI
you're approach underweight levels, you're fine bro.
My only concern would be that I'd bonk your head on the side of a doorframe while I was princess carrying you
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I think she's doing it on purpose to lure you anon. Devious
As much as I try to be supportive of large kigus, be who you wanna be and all that. But what da heck is that.
Padding test. I'm backlit here, the shapewear is more noticeable in person. Off image but ass is lacking. I think I'll order one more pair with hip + butt pads just to see if it's noticeably better. Otherwise I think these will be the measurements I use for the hada. Are actual hadas generally more or less 'revealing' (as in, seeing underlayers) than a generic zentai? https://files.catbox.moe/i0pfyz.jpg
When your neck fat spills out of the mask. That is when you hit the no-go zone.
I feel like they're the kind of people to find kig creepy, but they have fetish for creepy stuffs. So they intentionally made the worst shit you can imagine.
You guys underestimate how delusional some people can get. Being in hugbox servers (cough cough the animegao circle) definitely doesn't help.
the main benefit of :0 dedicated blowjob kigu mouths like that is that you can do the pointing soijak thing whenever you want
I think you need longer hip pads that go further down your thigh, almost to your knees. The hip shape you've got now looks a little odd.
Thanks. I thought the size of the pad was a little lacking so I added a small 1" thick square of foam in the center to add some more volume, but now I realize that messes up the curve of the leg a bit. I added another small "spine" of foam down the middle to even it out. This seem better? (before/after) https://files.catbox.moe/q2tyq7.png
Definitely better, but the bottom of the pad hits your leg at too abrupt of an angle to look natural. Maybe thin the spine a bit at the end?
I hate being poor
With a credit card you could be a kig that's poor and in debt
become a rich anon's kigu sex slave
Third time was the charm. Didn't get a pic but the transition from the end of the pad to the leg was basically invisible. Thanks for the review
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I don't know if it looks like that because you're backlit but did you tuck your dick? If so can you tell me how you did it without your balls hurting or your boner getting in the way? You could also point me to the tutorial you used
The padding I'm using slides into spandex shorts so I'm essentially wearing compression underwear. Additionally, the hada ($12 zentai) is a bit short in the torso for me so the fabric is pulling rather tight there. It all just sort of lays nicely.
>or your boner getting in the way?
I am flaccid in that image
The more I see bunny girl kigu the more I'm convinced by them. But I already had a choice...
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I see, thanks for answering
>I am flaccid in that image
I assumed that much since you have to be flaccid to pull it off. Whenerver I try to do it the little fucker gets hard and the whole thing falls apart. I asked in case you knew how to stop the boner, wishful thinking really

Can't exactly see a reason not get a suit unless your character hates bunny girls or something
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>She will magically make a kigu bunny appear in her top hat.
That's not a female character
I will never experience this
goto any kig meet and you'll experience something similar
It’s really not that hard, all you need is to have a good mask, not be fat, and be a decent person and people will want to hang out
all of these are optional btw
all you have to do is have a mask of literally any quality and there will be someone horny enough
if she gets my dick hard she's feminine enough to be a girl
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so whats the excuse some have again?
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I wish I could shoot my load deep inside Topi's tight ass.
Have you considered asking politely?
Doesn't help that particular performer has said they don't care about what people say (only the bad, they listen to the praise) and are going to do what they want anyway
It's literally this easy
I mean they are allowed to do what they want
By the same means I dont want to associate one bit with those types akin to how no trap would want to with some middle aged unshaved overweight 'femboy'. Just like how buying a cheap victorian dress doesnt turn you into a cute girl, a mask especially a cheap one isnt a substitute for effort either.
I treat them with the same respect they have for the hobby.
>topi ass
Have you seen that freak's dildos
I have a hard day at work and then I eat garbage.
I keep telling everyone they can get their dream body in 2 years, it requires a lot of willpower, Jake said he was working on his weight 2 years ago, if he kept it up he would have a hot body by now, a shame since he is extremely handsome, getting in shape would make him a 10/10
Eat different garbage, if you can't beat the bad habit you can approach it in a different way, if you eat the same amount of garbage but it has less calories you will start to lose weight, cut on soda, if you try hard enough you can make it
Or replace a bad habit with a different one, I replaced soda with tea and I am high on caffeine all night so I don't feel hunger anymore
no, actually
This guy would be flabbergasted by elastic
your asshole can only take so many XXXL horse dongs before it prolapses
it's pretty great, you should try it
topi has some decent size ones but none are that crazy
topi could never
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enough about topi's ass, are you man enough for the challenge?
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>kigs pee in diaper while they participate con
what I’m gonna do with this information
Where did you even get this info from
Who's kig piss filled diaper would you buy?
Imagine the smell...
>one kig does it that must means every other kig also does
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Why would they pee into a diaper when their dicks are just poking out through the hada the whole time? They can just pee in public in front of everyone instead.
huh? i just use the female washroom like every other kig ive known
Couldn't you get in trouble for that?
I get that you dress as an anime girl and all but it would be bad if they found out you are a guy, no?
Zamn, they got the kigurumi peepee diapers
>you are a guy, no?
Anon I....

Its genuinely not something I've ever had to worry about but if a kigga is in the washroom and stuff ever were to happen, I'd try to cover for them. Reality is so long as you're just doing your business and not holding up others needing to go, no one cares. Heck no ones cared when I've seen blatant femboys enter at cons at least.
fucking linebacker ass shoulders, ugly kig, not worth it
holy shit how does a literal all-male community have this much cattiness and petty bullshit drama
I've never been to a con (since there is literally none that I'm avare of here) so I don't know how stuff like that is viewed there. I was genuinely curious, sorry if I came of as hostile or something
use the men's room like other crossplayers weirdo
never stepped foot in a men's washroom, not looking change that anytime soon nor getting a boykig
*enters women's restroom*
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ngl if the furfag kigs are gonna start wearing more latex im in
>tfw no cute kig to piss in your mouth
the pain only grows
based chudslayer
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american kigs btfo
I can agree to an extent on both of those points but there is a matter of bone structure as well as looking healthy outside of kig. When I am in kig I look pretty good, not the best by any means but very serviceable. but outside of kig I am getting to a point where I look a little off
oh look it's the same 5 kigus meeting up again
I don't really decide what I eat currently due to living with parents so I'm just trying to avoid eating a ton of the fatty trash they make to not gain weight, in less than a year I will be earning money and will start changing my diet because everyone here doesn't and they are starting to develop real bad heart disease and they are blaming stress and aging instead of the big fatty dripping with oil chunks of meat they eat almost 3x ´per week.
It will get better for me. Not right now, but sooner than I can fathom.
Intense breeding sex with Scarlett specifically
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This is true. They can do what they want.

It would be nice if they at least had the sense to listen to the criticism/advice instead of taking them like an insult and just stop listening to the hugbox telling them they're "the bestest looking kig ever"
Not a single good mask!
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post brutal kigumogs
Why are kigs so weird catty and flighty? Its like im dealing with actual women.
You can only get so many "hey bb wan som fuk?" messages before you lose it.
The sudden influx of attention and admiration given to people used to being completely ignored (the bi incels and trannies who make up the majority of western kigs) makes them go slightly insane
>big fatty dripping with oil chunks of meat they eat almost 3x ´per week.
sugar is the reason why we have an increase in obesity not "oil" or "fat" in foods.
It's both. But sugar is worse as the quantity per ml increases.
Also forgot to mention they drink soda like crazy. That's also a contributing factor to their issues. Switched to just water years ago when like 3 people in my family developed diabetes because they have been drinking different types of soda for 20+ years. They have not stopped drinking what's killing them.

That looks really nice, no, not the one in the left.
Tbh pigers like this make me think someone shouldn't do what they want. Well maybe they can do what they want in private, but haul their fat ass to the con dressed in fetish clothes despite it's not that type of con?
trash, absolute hot garbage, trash, trash, trash
Sauce??? Kig name???
What's funny is that some of them publicly complained as to why people at CON don't accept or support them. The level of delusion is off the roof for some people. Tbh, if I were to be a Tomb Raider fan, I would be pretty piss off to see that.
Time to sexually harass Topi https://x.com/Alien_Kigurumi/status/1816280508340240877
nah man calling that shit fetish clothes is an insult to actual fetishists. it just has the energy of a 50 y/o hairy overweight boomer who calls himself a femboy after buying a $20 victorian dress off amazon.
its a sort of disruptive coomer, community antagonizers who revel in provocative bad-faith misuse of the interest oft violating common sense boundaries in public settings. its not exclusive to kig by any means either
again you can be a "bad" kig, you can be the most coombrained too and still not be akin to these folk, its a special type of person
You don't get my point anon, I am talking about fat people, fatties, I want anons to look like a Greek God statue, they have the potential since most of them are white europeans.
>bone structure
I know, wide shoulders are bone structure, a big thoracic cage is bone structure, a giant pot belly is not related to bone structure but overweight and obese people still use that as an excuse, genetics are a thing but genetics don't make people eat 3500 calories when their entire daily routine only asks them to burn 1800 calories, your body shape is tied to your genetics, padding and corsets for your kig can only do so much, but genetics don't turn people into 33 BMI blobs.
The thing is fat people who have zero muscle and a huge fat belly still say "I am in my ideal weight", they are not taking care of their body and still pull out all the excuses they can find, it is about balance, they can do better, they should do better, they choose to do poorly and then they lie, they should be honest about themselves instead of falling into delusions.
>looking healthy outside of kig
>I am getting to a point where I look a little off
Be careful, know your limits, gaining muscle is okay, I get a little bit sad when I see Y-chan's skinny legs, that's their decision but I don't enjoy looking at nothing but bones, not my thing.
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Yeah that makes sense. There are many people I see in the community complain about their weight but also post non-stop pics of their ass. Greek gods might be a bit overkill but the sentiment is there. I will keep going to my journey for myself but now for you too Anon
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What would too much muscle on a kig be? I’m trying to get abs, but I don’t want to bulk up.
Is that a sounding rod?
no anon, pearl thongs are pretty typical for hetero sex lingerie
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plap plap plap plap plap
Anon ur a hero thank you
Whoa, source?, that looks great.
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Perfect body
post kig
honestly weird and pretty creepy dude
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Is kigsex actually good or is it just a meme?
What do you think kig sex is
>anon fell for the sex meme
Of course a canadian would enter the woman's bathroom in their anime bobblehead sex outfit.
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step aside vanny
Fix the mouth and we're good.

Also please take care of your wig people.
>pose looks weird (no idea why, could tilt the head in a different way, idk)
>messy wig
Needs to improve, but I welcome demon kigs as long as they are not obese or hadaless, I really like the color
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sex with turtles
They got the eyes right but the mouth is still boring. Go for a better expression if you want to kig as a demon girl, like an evil grin, or seductive smile, etc
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fat fucking kigtits
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Not sure if I did my best for her; even if she's not a exactly a demon
>using a boring bloated Dame mask for a sexy demon kig
look at that double chin. what the fuck were they thinking?
Is this you? Cute!
Not that kig, but it's definitely not the same kigu
I'm not selfposting but I definitely fall into the seductive smile I think?
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DESU, getting real close, face needs a bit of tweaking and it will be up there with the slightlly above-average work.
The point is... well done. But get it right, you are nearing right.
What do you do to prevent your wig from getting this way? Should brushing before/after each use be enough, or does it take more than that?
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>Greek gods might be a bit overkill
Pic related, dream big anon, we can't reach perfection but seeking it keeps us improving.
You are right but despite all the differences both races accumulate muscle in a similar way, my point stands, there are no excuses to be a landwale.
No idea but I don't think abs would be visible under the girdle/corset/shapewear, and if they are noticeable I can say abs look good in female characters too.
Brush and silicone spray.
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Perfect, to, breed.

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