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Post your /jp/ related original content, including art, music, videos, and game development
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I kind of get what shape the back there has, but I tried to get how the logo will lay there in my head (big mistake), so the trick with drawing it on paper is very useful, thank you
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I was watching /jp/s 4cc team and saw migu
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This one is kind of a mess but I like how it turned out, mostly.
sexo bunny
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some space left
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will color this later

What did she mean by this? Is she killing me for being a virgin? Or is she killing my virginity?

That pose, those legs...truly bunny sexo.

I loooove the hatching. It looks so nice in general


I think her arm's too small and kinda off place, and I'd make her boobs a bit bigger and perkier, but maybe that's just my preference. The face in particular looks quite cute, those angles are hard (I always mess them up) and she looks pretty cute despite the difficult point of view.

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