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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, and all other 07th Expansion works.

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

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07th Links:
Umineko colored truths script:

Previous thread: >>47378832
Satoko made a plate for Keiichi... so kyute...
The angel
>ignoring Rena making a whole pot for him and her kids
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Quality >>>> Quantity
Rena could make Keiichi an entire buffet but it still wouldn't be able to compare to the loving meal Satoko made for him
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very cute image.
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Dokkyun Heart Girl arrived! Troubled by the Sotsu sticker though...
So, what are we getting August 2nd?
>inb4 new gachashit game
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Back of the box. Now do I open it up, or leave her in the box as a precious piece of furniture?
Satoko is too DUMB AND COLORBLIND to be a good cook.
She would add Red40 instead of curry powder.
Read the VN, anon
Unpack her and hotglue her.
No balls.
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free my girls
Please PLEASE Make a video of you cumming on it PLEASE
I have nigger.
She is colorblind, end of. Like her DUMB BROTHER.
Can you make the dick visible the moment the glue comes out?
She is good at cooking in the VN though
Heh, she came bifurcated... lewd.
just how eva would've wanted it...
This nigga is REALLY gonna put her in a jar.
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...Too lewd.

I know the PERFECTO punishment for her.
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Oh god, Oh god, I'm gonna... MAKE HER PLAY THE BANJO!
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owo what's this?
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Just my banjo strumming finger, I'm afraid.
p-post her panties pls...
And uh, that's it. Gonna place her next to my Sayaka figurine. Maybe I can make a whole shelf of heroines who did nothing wrong.
>no hotgluing
Not only are you a banjo playing redneck, but also a yellow bellie'd coward.
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Because I'm autistic, I have to point out that the figurine's eyes are green, whereas her sprites have her eyes range from blue to blueish gray to gray.
ngl i was expecting a nice twist, like a hammer or chainsaw massacre
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Find a way to send me a Shannon figurine and I WILL take a blowtorch to it while blasting Rog Limitation.
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cool, excellent even
NEVER post your dick anywhere near these autists, they WILL save the webms and post your dick randomly in their little sub-communitiees for years to come
Ping me on IRC when the glue is ready
Jessica don't take that rose! You don't know what Kanon used to cut it!
beato paizuri
man that was always so fucking stupid. why did people think kanon's laser blade was a metaphor for a botched cock. you don't trim rose gardens with your cock. unless a rose garden is a metaphor for pubic hair. but what would that make the struggle between kanon and beatrice mean? yasu frantically jacking it to ward off beatrice with post nut clarity? fucking hell
it's the whole size thing, people like to joke about it because it implies kanon's cock is tiny and that is indeed hilarious
kinda similar to erika's ring scene in ep6, it's KINDA alluding to a sex thing and so people ignore everything else to drool over erika getting fucked/pegging battler over the surface reading
I might be remembering wrong but Erika slobbered all over that ring didn't she?
i don't recall her slobbering on it, but she was definitely acting ultra seductive towards battler the whole way through, biting his earlobe and shit like that
she DEFINITELY wanted to fuck him, no other way about it
they're both very obvious sexual innuendos and not even subtle ones
episode 2 is full of explicit sexual frustration, literally naked femdom battler, it's sexual because of sayos sexual issues
and the wedding band scene is sexual because Erika's a pervert (and represents the servitude of the urushomiya wives)
hotgluing is jizzing over it silly billy
>dickposter cord woke up
I refuse to do anything that might have a passing chance of relieving Yasu's sexual frustration.
I don't get how Kanon's laser blade is equal to a TINY PECKER doe, tldr me the details.
The ""cord"" obsessed twitter teen immigrant came back from school
let's examine the settings a bit of the marriage scene
a cathedral is where natsushis Kafka trial happens, showing how even justice can be twisted if enough people agree with a "logical lie"
it's also used to stage the forced marriage and rape of battler, again with Erika representing "logical lies". The social conventions of marriage, family traditions, nationality, forced upon individuals, like how the gold and sins of the family weighed upon and suffocated everyone's individual selves
on the other hand, an abandoned dark empty chapel, separated from society completely, is where yasu first discovers Gaapatrice
Someone post their fat cock cumming on ange now
Hi peckerposter. Came back from your goon sesh with the French homo obsessed with Bernkastel?
the graphics arent supposed to be literal, but Beatrice and kanon both remark that it's a pathetic blade, and Jessica reacts in shocked speechless way - this can be interpreted as *oh my god a fucking magic sword!?" but also "oh my god it's so small and mangled..." etc.
I don't think what Beatrice is mocking is his size
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also related
this is clearly alluding to "corrective* procedures on infants, not with extra toes but genitals, solely done to have them be more normal and fit into society better (cathedral, again)
yes it's more of how sayo sees themselves as incapable of performing sexually, either as a man or a woman. it's essentially a parallel to Shannon calling herself furniture to jorgi
>man that was always so fucking stupid
that's most of umineko
so this is a metaphor for the cliffjob?
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Yes, the genital surgery, but also enforcing social norms on children and people in general, which is directly related to the creation of witches. Such as Rosa berating Maria for not being "normal" (that's why the kids all bully you you freak), even if the thing itself (an extra toe) isn't a disease or often any real health issue.

I assume Ryukishi researched intersex surgeries due to wanting a gender ambiguous culprit, and related it to another more innocuous toe surgery as a clue.
That'd be sooooo hot if she was
Hate it when people miss the point and make it about trannies.
why would you get rid of an extra finger
you can press keys faster and stuff with it
Nice GET
It has to do with many things at once, because Umineko isn't about a specific "current event" tangible concept, but a core theme. Someone feeling alienated with their employment is as much about trans people, is as much about Kinzo having an extra toe, is as much about Eva feeling trapped in a disrespected woman's role, is as much about Sayo feeling worthless without fertility, is as much about witchery and dual personalities and magical swordfights, and so on. Ryukishi is able to "see" the patterns between all of them through "love" seamlessly. This is why Umineko is an impressive work of art, as pretentious as that might sound.
Would Beatrice make fun of someone's dick size?
i think hes just kinda all over the place its not on purpose
Because it's not Normal.
Society doesn't care about what's most "useful", only what's most normal, even if it's worse for everyone involved. Eva was industrious, talented, and skilled, but Kinzo didn't care, because social norms dictated she can't be the head because she's a woman. Thus she has to surgically remove many parts of herself to succeed despite the restrictions put upon her - eventually creating a Black Witch, spawning from the excised excess removed by social convention and tradition. This is also of course what happened to Sayo in totality.

Eventually, Eva got to reattach the lost parts of herself in the Golden Land, separated by social goats - by being able to be a loving doting mother to Ange, as she always truly wanted a daughter.
Supposedly she's especially mean if you got "dat tbp doe"
It's absolutely on purpose, with dozens of examples, some extremely obvious. It's not "random tangents to fill a word count".
Pink panties?
so do you wanna kiss about it
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skibidi nogi
>It's not "random tangents to fill a word count"
funniest shit i've ever read about ryukishi>>47400568
oh god yes anon!
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*kissy sounds*
I guess I'll say it like this: it's really easy to write a lot of words when you're riffing off of a single theme - or rather, a single element.
>tiny battler penis
i mean he tied things into each other, but when you write so many different tangents thats hard not to do
there's still tons of loose ends, he just shotgunned a bunch of short story ideas and some of them stuck
Yes, obviously there are tangents and short stories. but it's not accidental that they all share universal themes. Ryukishi starts with a few core ideas then lets them expand and grow outwards, but they're still all connected to those core ideas in some way. Yes, even, I'd say, the boxing scenes.

a lot of writers, most writers actually, do not do this; either they have an extremely small scale story where it's a little easier to deal with this (but can be limited in terms of expression), or they have a giant story where almost nothing has anything to do with each other. Ryu, though, wants a giant story centered around comparatively small themes, as an expression of his "witchery", as Yasu feels when she tricks the servants. This is also what she represents in a metaphorical way - the small heart invisibly divided in equal measure to each part of the story. Readers who can "see" the patterns are the ones Featherine wants to reach out to, so the witch can feel a little less lonely.
As for loose ends, you may mean details like what's explored in the manga - I view them as interesting trivia but not really canon in terms of expression. How Ryu writes his stories is just as important as the content itself. Little details on the cutting room floor aren't really the point of what's being expressed, it's not a "math" type story (as should be clear). When people think of "big stories" they think of a spreadsheet turned into a narrative, probably a war epic or something with lots of years and numbers. This isn't really Ryus strength as a writer, and it's also not really the kind of stories I think are very interesting, albeit they can be "impressive".
Probably the clearest example is how many readers call the prologue to Episode 2 "filler" and skip through most of it or start rolling their eyes. They may not like it since it's not epic mansion murder mysteries, they're little romance short story tangents, but it's not "filler" in terms of what the story is actually trying to express.
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>Paris Olympics
Comrade Mario was right.
Nice dick, (K)anon
I hope jeshkanon is appreciating his new figure!
Your Rika obsession is going strange places
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Rika-sama taught her after all. Whose iron chef tutelage comes from Hanyuu-sama.
Remember to thank Rika for saving the yellow from the streets.
Why are satokeifags so insecure they have to crop Rika out of pictures?
We're talking about the guy who copy & pasted entire conversations from another OP into his own to pretend like his thread is popular.
It's mental illness the likes of which would make Yasu blush.
Weird he didnt crop out Mion, because lately he's been having a weird obsession with Mion"trannies"
The first act of 2 is really good in a return read. Sayo's really laying it on thick, and people are looking right over her confession to stare at Godzilla. Beatrice is a genius distraction.
>"I did it."
>Ma'am, can you be quiet? We want to see more of the witch.
>"But I did it."
>Yeah, that's great. When's Beato showing up?
Rereading first two episodes everything is so frustratingly obvious
One: Beatrice needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.
Two: Whenever Beatrice not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Beatrice?"
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is that why rikaschizo seethed? Lmaoooo, imagine calling others losers, while cropping out Rika to at least somehow get attention
Higurashi Bus Stop?
"R-remember the time anon wasted 5 minutes copy pasting my post and that made me seethe so much I spent the entire Christmas day alone pushing two entire threads to bump limit"
Imagine bringing your most shameful day of your life up, get a life Lmaooooooooooo
What does the OP even have to do with SatoKei, or even security?
I swear these threads give the most pathetic insights in the transexual mind
Are you no longer a satokeifag?
I still am, why?
Are you a 47402181 otaku?
Why is he trying to dodge everything that has been said and still op has rika cropped out along with the teacther to make it look like its a failed attempt at cropping but we both know what was the final goal, obsessed fat-rat
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so why did you crop out Rika? Surely you are not loser enough to need rikaschizo's attention 24/7
Rikaschizo doesnt exist, it was your schizo mins creating him
Why retards still trying pin rikafans as schizo. They just posts pictures while retard posts rika with ears of animals or some shitty edits of rika to paster rikafans. Now this is a schizo behavior, mods get it? Range ban the faggot on medication.
I am being mindful of this website's bandwidth that's all
Hi cord
thanks rrato
Satokeifags are really the bane of these threads
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Hell awaits for those who treat others like things they hate
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Rikafans are gonna burn in hell?
"Hell" yeah
The way youve been treating way worse than others, sewage of a being
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Ratofans share with the rats even their jewish dishonesty, such vile beings, not much different than their dirty rat
This is some fine projection, shitokonigger
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Project some cheese inside your stomach, while you endlessly seethe at all the other better written WTC characters
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>jewish dishonesty, such vile beings, not much different than their dirty rat
The jew is seething at pinocchio now? This is a new one.
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>better written
Rika mogs her in all departments
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Meanwhile rato when confronted with ShiToko
so, are we all in agreement that Satoko was raped?
I mean it's pretty obvious once you read Tatarigoroshi
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Do you think it was Teppei, or one of his buddies?
Troonppei doesn't have a penis however
Oy vey
Wait what's Tatarigoroshi? By Satoko I meant the trans witch from the forest that was raped by Kinzo, isn't that her name?
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ah, so it was one of his buddies, I remember it was said he gambled away her virginty on her birthday
must be so uncofortable for Rika-chama to live with that whore, having a new man come to see her every night
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yep, Satoko is the tranny witch. She's lesbian btw!
No you are thinking of Beatrice/Yasu, the raped trans uncle of Battler, not to be confused with Troonppei, the trans aunt of Satoko.
Yeah, you are definitely thinking of Yasu, she calls herself a transbian and dates Jessica too
Rika doesn't like on Rokkenjima, isn't she the Rat that lives with Keiichi's girlfriend
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what the fuck was ryu thinking drawing such sexy sprites for satoko?
"K1 will impregnate this at all costs"
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You just KNOW that those bratty tits didn't grow so big all on their own

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