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Last >>47627351

Heat Edition

▶What is this?
/egg/ — Era Games General; also known as the “Era Games Thread”.
Era games are a group of (usually) Japanese-developed text porn games.
They’re not exclusively related to the Touhou franchise, but it’s one of the series with the most Era games.

▶Games usually discussed here
eraTohoTW — Comfy Touhou dating simulator with time stop shenanigans.
eraTohoK — Tactical game about conquering Gensokyo through any (absolutely any) means.
eraMegaten — Dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei series, with tons of characters from other series (Fate, Touhou, Madoka, etc) included.

▶Useful Links
Guides and downloads for all Era games. For TW you should get the eng-development version, eng-release is several years old.
Japanese wiki.
Report any bugs you find over here.
Compilation of development suggestions for TW.
A link to the Flan dialogue folder + beginners’ template.
A folder link that contains the images used for the Touhou characters.

Git repository that has latest official builds to any of the games, you can sometimes find more recent versions than the ones on the wiki.
Git repository for a fork of eraTohoTW maintained by the /egg/ community.

Automatic translator which copies text straight from the game. Comes with an optional customized built-in offline model. The password for it is "era".
Direct link for the latest version of Sugoi.
Fetches the latest version of TW, K or Megaten from the official git, no login needed.

▶How to play?
Run anchor.exe (or Emuera, depending on the game), Japanese locale is advised so you don’t run into untranslated text.
If you wish to manually update, delete old files aside the sav and dat folders to avoid any bugs.

If you’d like to either edit or add your own portraits, the files are located within the ‘resources’ folder in webp format. You can use paint.net to edit them.
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First, to ask the obvious.
Second, to ask you to keep it to yourself.
The hottest dialogue in TW was when Momiji called me a two timer for sleeping with her despite having a lover, but then let me fuck her anyway.
>You disgusting cheater.
>God you are such a piece of shit.
>And I fucking love you for that, please claim my wolf pussy again with your giant cock
It would be even hotter if the other lover was your daughter with her.
>You incestious piece of garbage
>It wasn't enough that you cheated you had to touch our baby
>God you disgust me, fuck me, fuck me stupid please
She got some kinks.
Some advanced headcanoning
Asking again.
How weird would it be to put Devil Arm Dante/Vergil/Master as Item Synthesis, and what should be the recipe? Weapon + Sparda + ???.
I feel like Weapon + Sparda would be almost too easy but you can only get one one Sparda by playthrough.
The resulting weapons having better stats, and access to Devil Trigger skills.

Type A is so much better, it still not funny, Successor, Devil Arms, and Tool Knowledge should be a must have for all.

Don't ask why a Fire Emblem character is with Vergil I don't know either.
EraMegaten seriously needs it's own dedicated wiki.
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It would need for the EraMegaten section of the Erawiki to grow large enough, so...
Lot of girls have unique lines for this like Sanae alt dialogue, M'ai, Junko and probably a lot more.
Hottest one is probably Tsukasa with her entire set of unique lines including the special one where she push you down instead.
Basicaly pic related.
It already has one
The japanese one, while practical, is also very outdated in a lot of sections.
Random questions in relation to writing in TW
Wiki lists line counts for characters, does lines refer to each written reaction the character has or it like just one written sentence?

Other thing I wanted to know is whether the code base is good at handling dialogue having a cool down on use, so example being, you for some reason wanted a bunch of separate dialogue that triggers once every month, would this be fine or would this lead to a shit ton of global variables that need to be explicitly coded to update on the start of the new day?
Did you use contraceptive in eraMegaten, anons?
Nah waste of yen
If you are afraid of pregnancy you can just fuck their ass instead. It's nature's condom.
It's a Loyalty gain ability
If you're higher level than the Dumb character, they get extra loyalty at battle end
I see. I don't see many downsides of having children in eraMegaten compare to eratohoTW.
The only real downside is if a character isn't fallen pregnancy and birth can break them. But deflowering a non fallen character is a quick route to hate mark 3 if they aren't already nearly fallen anyway so it's usually not a huge issue.
eraMegaten lets you pull a Pokemon and go full eugenics by creating the Ultimate incest baby with godlike skills and resists
In TW, what do you actually give hus on Christmas Eve? I don't see the option anywhere.
The Christmas Cake in the shop.
Why would I gift someone Yukari?
Okina's not for fucking sale bud
The shop in the human village, right?
Can also be done on the screen while saving and loading, though the shop in the Human Village will be cheaper.
>Wiki lists line counts for characters, does lines refer to each written reaction the character has or it like just one written sentence?
Linecount refers to any line of code that prints text to the screen. This isn't a 1-to-1 match to actual lines of text, as they can print partial or multiple lines at the same time, but it's close enough.
>Other thing I wanted to know is whether the code base is good at handling dialogue having a cool down on use, so example being, you for some reason wanted a bunch of separate dialogue that triggers once every month, would this be fine or would this lead to a shit ton of global variables that need to be explicitly coded to update on the start of the new day?
I struggle to think of a good reason for why you would want this, but you could just store the last day the line was triggered and prohibit it from triggering again until a certain amount of days have passed, if you really want to.
could just make a DIM that copies the current ingame day and then compare the day in the talk file to it
>Linecount refers to any line of code that prints text to the screen.
>I struggle to think of a good reason for why you would want this
There's plenty of legit uses for this like for balance (if a character gives you a sake bottle in a greeting text, they shouldn't be doing more than once a month) or like if you gave a character dialogue for commenting on the start of winter, they should say that once and then not again til next years winter
But honestly I think I was just asking because it really bugs me when a character tells me some anecdote and then tells me again the next day, they should wait like 6 months, by then I probably forgot the anecdote and they probably forgot telling me it, just like how it happens with people in real life
Is the Sugoi link from the wiki (v8.0 public) more updated/better than the Sugoi link from the mega (v7 EGG)?
Oh, thanks.
I just found out you can evolve an Angel to an Archangel up to a Seraph, but after the final evolution you can evolve again into a regular Angel, do you get any benefits from this? has someone tried it?
It basically lets you register an Angel with all the broken spells from its stronger forms (and yes the transformation does loop)
What kind of Angel?
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Oh the Angel demon, that evolve into Angel (something) and Angel (something else) until Angel (Seraph). Gotcha.
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Does anyone actually know what increases date score?
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Check their 'cord or repo.
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text error
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He's scared.
Kagerou has a somewhat similar mechanic, if you don't see her for a while she'll mention how long it's been
I think Yukari also had something like that somewhere? Don't remember, I don't hang with losers

Go to his Patr*on and pull v9, it's significantly improved on the backend
Aww c'mon!

Unrelated, but it's so weird seeing the Caliburn not having Exceed, even if it's it's just a Caliburn sword and not the monster that Red Queen is.
Then repo
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>pull v9
Thank you. Was able to find a link through unspeakable horrors beyond human comprehension.
Echo Building is just a smidge fucked, I think.

Also, Shadow Yukiko (forma de canabalism) can't use the Leanring Device/Watchful skill despite having human equip slots.
Aren't the Shadow Selves flat inferior to their human counterparts? (Which is very sad actually)
Watchful is coded to exclude demons if you have White Album on. Check that just in case.
Canablism Yukiko isn't a demon. I think. And I don't currently own White Album, so it's it definitely not that.

I have no idea.
That's more because Persona Users are pretty busted in general
Lol. Lmao even.
I'd say being able to cycle through three whole movesets and weaknesses/resistances without wasting a turn, Elemental Boosts, and equipment makes them pretty damn strong
Only their main Personas have an elemental boost, and only a a few of them have a unique skill that's worth it.
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Yukari complains you didn't come see her on the very first day, which is impossible if you're a fresh character and retarded.
Not sure if she has any other mechanics like that. I just freeload in her house, ignore her outside of meals, and sleep with her nine tailed baby factory.
Goofy old lady.
TW should really fix this, maybe some sort of force-move near to your location on the first day so you can ignore her even harder.
How do you recover in dungeons while grinding? Im at the sea ark right now trying to get some fusion materials
Have a Devil Summoner with Healing Wave/Stamina Song equipped, or Repair. Have Invigorate/Regenerate on your demons. Have a demon with dia/media/etc all. Bring healing items with you and hope that the enemies drop some life stones.
There's an item for it I think.
But generally >>47682756 is the way to go.
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It is assumed she brought you to Gensokyo. She expects you to come say hello the second you wake up, gets mad if you don't, then has the audacity to call you stupid and play hard to get because of your G rank knowledge. All of this with the hope you'll become a strong herculean man and sweep her off her feet when she confesses she loved you from the start.
If she needs a plan like that to catch a man then no wonder she has no friends.
>Yukari complains you didn't come see her on the very first day, which is impossible if you're a fresh character and retarded.
Yukari being Yukari.
She counts as a half-demon thanks to her role, despite being a demon race-wise even post cannibalism; just checked.

Absolutely. Despite having somewhat good resistances, their skillsets are super limited and they never get any elemental boosts. So they're mostly trophy demons.
This arrogant hang will be properly mating pressed.
Damn, it would have been funny to have Shadow Selves having a variations of their Human Selves moveset.
Eggs are to be fertilized anon. Not eaten.
gonna make me an omelette
>She counts as a half-demon thanks to her role, despite being a demon race-wise even post cannibalism; just checked.
And that means that Learning Device/Watchful doesn't work on her?
If she isn't in the active party nor in your server it should be working, since the conditions are similar to how White Album works IIRC and I know that works on half-demons. Yet it isn't.
She's at home in the base. Not in comp, not in party. Learning Device is equipped and doing nothing.
Put her in the COMP. It should work then.
how do you recover mp while exploring
That's a fucking classic. The author made more, but not all of them are translated, sadly.
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Chickens lay constantly, and so much they literally cannot be fertilized fast enough to keep up. Some up to 300 eggs a year!
Sparrows nest several times per year, laying an egg daily during each nesting for up to a week, though not all of them are guaranteed to be fertilized.
Crows typically only lay once or twice a year, but up to half a dozen at a time. Theres enough male crows with nesting being so infrequent that it's rare for a crow's egg to remain unfertilized.
Ravens nest even less frequently and for a longer period, but produce larger eggs.
You think Mystia and Aya would like that I'm allergic to eggs?
Last I've checked there's three translated ones from that series, are there even more?
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Should I feel bad for bankrupting Remilia?
There was a fourth one untranslated called Inubashiri Ryousan Keikaku. I think it didn't involve the husband or something, because prostitution and drugs are listed in the tags
>prostitution and drugs
Way to ruin the family wholesomeness of the series
No. Make her face the consequences of spending all the mansion's money on pachinko.
She has no choice but to join the organization and become a dark summoner slave trainer now. I hope you are happy.
That's probably why no one wanted to translate it.
Those are two different series, although both are about Momiji and a daughter.
It worked on me.
Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully he continues the wholesome one. What if they end up with a son?
A real man makes his son his woman.
A real man becomes a girl for his son.
Instructions unclear, turned everyone into futas.
This is the true way to nirvana and the ultimate evolution of the human race.
Generally you don't.
Like you'll eventually find items that give mp on use, and skills that'll drip feed mana back on turns but generally getting low on mana and having to either clear the dungeon or leave is by design.
Invigorate, chakra drop drops from mobs, occasionally a terminal or fountain. MP efficient mobbing is a very important thing generally though.
I wish more characters have a slave fall dialogue
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Generally speaking, pic related. Otherwise, see >>47682756

I strongly recommend picking up a dummy devil summoner to throw into your party and then just forget about forever. Give them Healing Wave and Stamina Song and maybe En Up or something. That way you refund at least a small part of your hp/mp after each battle.

Also, consider investing in demons with nonstandard attack elements and bumping them up to row/party coverage. Several of the 2hu demons are like this - Lyrica has Mind, Lily White has Elec, Lily Black has Gravity, and Daiyousei does Wind.
You know how YM in her setup asks "Which [body] is the most conducive to bearing children"? IF the wording was ever so slightly altered, futanari supremacy would have been made manifest
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Eirin will cure you from allergies.
Same with lactose intolerance, you will NOT use that stupid excuse in Gensokyo.
Futafags are the worst.
I wish having the Tentacle technique talent didn't replace the description when you rub a girl's ass
It can't be helped, it's not wholesome,
Is Taimaninanon still around?
One can only wish.
If he is around I got a minor error I want to report, if not well I'll just fix it myself lmao
They shouldn't be. Shadows are literally just Personas that aren't tame yet, so they ought to have the exact same moveset/resistances. The only way they would be worse is because you wouldn't be able to rank them up from social links, but that ought to be balanced out by being able to directly mag enhance their resistances.
The boring, unfun answer.
Report it there or to the dev in discord then. They are cool.
clicking on the synthesis guide in the item synthesis menu crashes the game
More like casein intolerance, but I plan to get my milk straight from the tit of my waifu, so I'm fine with avoiding cow milk or goat milk.
Better yet, post a pic of the error.
Should be fixed for a while, try updating.
It's just Yukikaze calling you by her gender instead of yours when you abuse her, just a simple %HIS_HER(TARGET)% and %HIS_HER(MASTER)% switch up.
There's actually more mistakes like that in Yukikaze's dialogue but I can't remember the specific commands
Thanks for the report.
I'll give the file another check for grammar errors.
See? Nice guys.
we love our megatenchads don't we egg folks
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>be a fish
>lose a swimming race to a cripple with one arm and a cat
cats catch fish
arms are not aquadynamic on their own
Cats, especially the big cats, are excellent swimmers. They just in general don't like getting wet.
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I'm not a fan of most of the DMC classes, but bug report, when choosing Type L, Correction Nullified, this happen after the intro.
Ok but will she cure my orgasm addiction?
how do I cure my touhou porn phobia
You need to rest for a week and stop consuming porn. After a week, you are allowed to masturbate to Touhou porn.
I think I managed to fix all of the errors, let me know if you find any others.
that's not the problem though the problem is that I'm too autistic to stand touhou porn
Thanks bro.
Nice bro.
Are you a pirate? Is your conscience screaming at you for unlawfully thieving action? If so then mastubate with lewd Touhou works from Pixiv.
open your mind to enlightenment and accept that there are two types of 2hus:
1. Those that have sex
2. Those that right now aren't
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Allow me to be the one to actually ask you this: why?
Breed the NEET.
I just love touhou too much and hate how people just don't appreciate it enough for what it is, most people I've met are into touhou for the porn and don't actually know anything about the characters or worldbuilding besides the retarded depictions you get in Lost Word and MoP, that made me start hating touhou porn in general which of course isn't a bad thing but I realize how fucking autistic it is, specially when it gets me so mad.
In short, you are a pirate for Touhou Doujins. Shame on you, anon. If you are a pirate then you must love all Touhou works whether it is porn or not. That's the rule of piracy.
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What is this, anons? I'm new to eraMegaten so what is the effect of having a child? What should I do in this situation?
Just play TW as a lovey dovey life sim with your favorite 2hu and ignore the other girls
Do you want to keep your kid or not?
post your 1cc chart
I think so but what does training them mean? Do I have to train my child in sexual acts?
First one is spawning them as a unit, second is letting them go first some passive income.
Not necessarily, you just make them a willing party member. Whether you want to train them is up to you
That means you DO play the bullet hells right? Right?
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Inject yourself with wildly inaccurate 2hu porn to build immunity to canon adjacent 2hu porn.
Admirable. However the waifufag side of Touhou is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
Play TW and find a 2hu you like and talk with them, depending on whether you can cross the language barrier or like how the jap that wrote her characterized her or not then you can fall into a nice relationship. Romance can come later as it develops.
Let yourself be seduced by your 2wife and become lovers through a pure relationship. Some girls are sickeningly sweet.
Disclaimer: if romancing an beasthu and you arent officially lovers, DO NOT pet their head on dangerous days or approach them in heat. The chances of them throwing you to the floor are very high if they are at yearning or more with you.
I see. So the first option will make them become a unit. Thank for your advice, anon. I guess I will choose it. If I want to bring him to me in NG+, I just need trust fall.
So, what are the conditions?
If I had to guess its the reisen hypno PR when you fail that's up
Ah the ball buster artist.
What is the best way to use the high pixie i got from the start? I ended up having her up to level 32 since i never fused anything at the start, seems like a waste to just get rid of her as fusion fodder
High Pixie is a newbie crutch
You can register her on the Compedium so you can summon her again if fused, amd there's always MAG Enhancement
Personally, I tend to use my starter pixie to fuse zoma, because the length of time she was in my party means that I get a decent chunk of points to customize said zoma.

So, like. Turn her into a Sakuya.
If you equip the book of raziel converter you can evolve her into a sylph instead, which is probably the best route if you don't want to fuse her off.
If you fuse away your pixie then you literally have no heart nor soul.
Also don't fucking talk to me if you did so, I want NOTHING to do with you, I don't think you are people I don't even think you are worth the air you consume.
Kasumi/Sumire Wedding Ring scene makes me melt.

Here's what the MR says:

Reimu: Gets frustrated and forces herself on you after serving her alcohol while she's 75% drunk.

Seiga: Teases you during skinship, then leaves, only to come back, stalk, and rape you. Choice to rape her instead.

Miyoi: Gets you drunk after helping her with work, after which nothing strange happens and you have an exciting ocean adventure.

Meiling: Stops you for a strip search when you pass or enter the gate area, then escalates.

Yuuka: Expanded variety for post-Danmaku rape after the first time, only for shota.
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>only for shota.
>only for shota.
I will never forgive whoever did this.
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Masquerade is great. But damn...
I kinda hoped for something that bypassed immunity.
Weekly update:

- Sunny got a new alt sprite set.

- A whole bunch of updates from the JP side. Ui added properly, about 10 new guns and three armors, and a small Leviathan event. Other than that, mostly bugfixes.
- A couple fixes for crashes and bugs in Yukikaze's dialogue.

- More translations for MakaiRanch. It's taking a while to merge the update because the JP devs love refactoring huge chunks of the codebase.
- A couple more things got translated in AkumaMaid.

- I finally finished Reisen's hypnosis events.
- Orin and Arm-chan are getting JP dialogues.
As in, the demon Leviathan or something else?
Big preesh to the dev team. I am concerned that Tsukasa hasntt been updated; did her author die?
You'd think this would be a problem solvable by the miracle mallet. Shotafy yourself and trigger those /ss/ neurons in some girls.
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This is pretty nice but I'm mixed about the lower body/hips that could probably solved by erasing the lines parallel going to them.
I've never understood this autistic hatred.
Leviathan the demon. The event requires seeing her individual ending IIRC.
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>Orin and Arm-chan are getting JP dialogues.
Huh, that's pretty weird
It makes sense in context, considering what the rewards are.
It's justified
No, not really, but there's no convincing an autist, so I'm not going to try.
To think that most newfags probably don't know what that is
We're getting old...
I think people who don't use it at this point hate it because of the endless stories about powertripping admins, grooming, erping homos, scamming, annoying fags bothering absolutely everyone, etc. I've been on the internet for a couple years, I've heard/seen this kind of thing tons of times.
Personally I also hate how almost every other community demands that you join their circlejerk to get access to anything. Be it resources, games, any advanced tutorials, or even basic information. It used to happen with old forums, now everyone doubled down on this faggotry and you have to join a dozen of discords.
I think I remember hearing about some data leaks before, too. Funny how nobody even really cares about that nowadays, seeing how every service leaks everything at the drop of a hat.
>powertripping admins, grooming, erping homos, scamming, annoying fags bothering absolutely everyone, etc.
but enough about 4chan
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Is the era thread currently locked to page 1?
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man the nips are having a proper nightmare translating Parsee, thank you vinum for delicious role reversal
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Now that's funny
Yeah, the problem they're facing is that Parsee is mostly written in a way only a native (or close enough) English speaker/writer can write them; what is supposed to be literal and what isn't, and the emotion(s) to be interpreted by words only, can be difficult to grasp. Not only that, Parsee for AnonTW was written according to how Vinum understood and saw that character in either canon or TW terms, which may be different from the way the JP players look at her.

They do want to do a proper translation of Vinum's Parsee, so the people translating it on the JP side have been trying to translate it based on that. A few of the actions Parsee takes is different from the general flow of TW and how they think Parsee would act on a superficial level - save for a few other specific characters, most characters just let you s-s-shove it in raw and all quite easily once they have the appropriate stats, even if they're the one pushing you down sometimes. Additionally, Parsee is a rather specific kind of 'tsundere' that isn't like your typical tsundere, which can make her a bit more hard to understand while trying to translate her lines.

At this stage they're probably going to shove in a rough translation first before finding an English native-level speaker to try to translate the rest of it.
We have to write morenon-chatgpt dialogue for japs to translate to get back at them.
I think their model of development is biting them in the ass on that one; if there was a designated anon or two, they could just coordinate with vinum who's voiced willingness to do that, but because it's a free-for-all it's not feasible
I'm not going to give them that idea though, possibly because my Japanese isn't good enough to post there (but good enough to see deepL is fucking shit in EN->JP) but also because the readme is clear enough
This image reminds me, does TW have any routes yet that accurately show a Touhou as autistic? I've been waiting for that for ages.
no such thing, too many flavours
I guess Eiki, Ellen, Yoshika or olde Mai fit some types
I wonder if they'll even like it when they finish translating it
I get the impression the jap's interpretation of parsee is far different from the ones in the west
It's just a slow board.
>He thinks women can be autistic
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Who are you quoting? And yes, like 90% of the Touhou cast is autistic. It's actually hard to think of Touhous that aren't autistic.
I don't know man at the time I saw other threads moving to page 2 with posts that were posted 16 minutes ago while /egg/'s last post was 29 minutes ago while still at page 1
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>Who are you quoting?
>but good enough to see deepL is fucking shit in EN->JP
LLMs are the way, they're not perfect but they're really good, if given enough context. Give this one a try.
The bot chat shill takes every opportunity he can.
To help people? Sure
You're an unfathomable moron.
4X will remain unfinished forever huh?
One of these days I'll make my own space era game
Like TiTs? trolololol
EraRAI7 someday....
I'm surprised that's not a thing yet
Probably because RAI7 is already autistic enough to not need an eragame. And also because it finally got a sequel earlier this year.
What's the name of the sequel?
My favourite hus already have dialogue...
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Please God, let it get an English translation. I remember being on Hongfire every other day looking at the progress of the EN translation and seeing time after time it getting cancelled and a new team starting up
Write MORE.
EraMegaten question, is there a way to give EXP to human characters when they're not in your team?
It's kind of annoying to NOT have them level up, be it for fighting of work purposes.
This game needs an EXP share or something
Oh God there actually isn't? What a nightmare.
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You can equip learning device to help human characters to gain passive exp when they aren't in your team. You need to have item synthesis enabled or have analyze 600 or more demon for the "in search of the unknown" event.
Oh Thank God.
I mean with my 20 or so wives that'd be hard to equip them all, but THANK. GOD. And you.
I might actually have to contract Males Characters in a non gay way then!

>or have analyze 600
Why so?
It's a reward for analyzing 600 demons if you don't want to activate item synthesis I guess. Oh and you can only make 1 in each NG+ or so I have been told in the thread.
Oh really? I may have it then.

>Oh and you can only make 1 in each NG+ or so I have been told in the thread.
What kind of stupid design is this?
I guess japanese devs think exp share is too OP so it's from Item Synthesis which is an unbalanced content. You can at most get 2 from each NG+, 1 from making it in item synthesis and 1 from the reward for analyzing 600 demons I think.
*deep sigh of deep frustration*
Well it's not like it's catastrophic or anything, just annoying.
welcome to megaten in general, you will grind grind grind and be happy you get two dialogue lines every three hours
Don't be smug, I can debug
I might be retarded but I can't find the fusion recipes I've unlocked are. Megaten. Are they not listed in game? Do I just have to guess? I just did PMMM dungeon and it said I can make a few.
I'm still mad MC talent limit still can't be disabled, why did they have to add such a thing?
Yeah, the game doesn't actually give you a list of recipe you unlocked, you have to remember them and then find them yourself.
There is a .txt file to help for the recipe though.
I mean it make a certain sense, most MCs are about their things, imagine if everyone had Gunslinger, Tool Knowledge 3 and Summoner 5.

I'm mostly mad about things that are purposely overpowered like Devil Hunter Type B. Aka Vergil.
I think it's for class balancing. What's the point of different devil summoner types if you can just make a gunlinsger level 3 that has 5 emulator slots.
Do note that Devil Summoners don't have MP too.
Yeah well let me choose to disable it then, you can turn it off for NPC but why not for the MC too?
>you can turn it off for NPC but why not for the MC too?
Wait, you can do it without going in the files or?
Why is she bleeding?
There's an "unbalanced" content toggle that you can turn on when you start a new game
Oh you can disable the limit in there?
I wasted my Rin.

But well, I guess you'll have to go to the files for the MC then.
only 36HP at start
it's simple, they got banned or are afraid of being banned since they know the only way they can post is anonymously since if presented with a choice of having to put up with their posts most people have chosen to cut them off either irl or virtually so it's a sort of looming dread knowing they will never not be moderated due to being repulsive
True, not like the mods here are any better
Is there any good futa content in EraAkumaMaid?
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fucking weebs
*judgemental look at Yukari*
How quickly would things get out of hand if I modded the game so that Yukari got aroused whenever I did literally anything?
Isn't that only so pre-role system characters aren't brought down when updating to newer version?
lol you don't even need to join discord to get moderated loser
sucks to suck, maybe try a 4th time? LMFAO
Which stat in Eramegaten covers magical defense?
>ST - Increases Physical damage from weapon and skills. It also slightly increases HP.
>IN - Affects accuracy of magic attacks, inflicting status effects (includes instant kills), increases resistance to magic attacks, healing effectiveness, and negotiation success. It also slightly increases maximum MP, magic damage, gun accuracy, and gun damage.
>MA - Increases magic damage and maximum MP.
>EN - Greatly increases maximum HP and defense. It also slightly increases physical damage.
>AG - Greatly increases speed, evasion, physical accuracy. It also slightly increases gun damage and gun accuracy.
>LU - Greatly increases critical hit rate. It also slightly increases all types of evasion and status effect infliction (includes instant kills).
Endurance, and to a lesser extent STR.
sasuga /egg/ to give two contradictory replies
It's both.
I wish we got a IVA scenario.
Best we can do is Lokapala
t. eraMegaten devs
Going through it right now, the jumping puzzle was surprisingly pretty fun. Although it feels like if you take out the Persona 5 characters not much changes story-wise.
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FUCK. THAT. And it's glitched too. And it's retarded.

Yeah the jumping was fun. But crossover had nothing to do there and was overall a retarded waste.
Honestly I don't even know why the mods find that message so offensive it needed to be deleted, besides it's not like I'm all that satisfied with how they handle this site either
How many times can I enter Heaven before Nanako gets hurt? I know the dungeon gets easier if you come back two or three times, but I don't remember how long it takes for her to get hurt in the process.

I want a tartarus knockoff that randomly generates floors of mementos from one of like a dozen patterns and every however many levels there's a block you can't get passed until your fame/arena fame/trainer fame gets high enough.
If you are talking about Palaces, I think Events could be used too.

But then again, it seems almost silly to do things in Palaces when you could just shoot the people in the real world.
Hmm, deciding if they live brainwashed of die...
>And it's glitched too
Is it really?
It has some glitches, notable the event at the "base" that doesn't properly go away.
Which one? the trafficker one?
No the trafficker is good. They go away properly, it's the events with the main characters, and Persona 5 supporting cast that you can enslave.
You don't need a mod for that. That's already my reality, every time I see Yukari she pushes me down.
Hifumi and Sadayo's events worked fine for me, is there a recent update that botched it?
I dunno, it's been like that since I played it.
So what specifically happened in your game?
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Is there a guide on how to get the unique characters in 4X?
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fuck you asked me in detail
Well you see pic related? I did all of them, but they come back. Except Futaba's it seem.

Oh and it's been waaaaaaay more than 3 days and Futaba still isn't trained or ready to fight, so I decided, way after the 50 days to take her, and then I came back to Lolkapala, to take picrel they decided to say "It's fine she's ready", but since I took her in, there seems to have a conflict since nothing happened.

Ô YHVH! Make it good, put a SMTIVA and a P5 storyline and my life shall be yours! (not)
Must've been something wrong with your save then.
You'll need to explain it to the devs anyway so why not do it here lol
I'd rather forget that part of the game.
In fact I want to forget it so much, that if I want to get anything from there, I'll just use the debug menu.
Pleasure overload from plapping.
Oh hey, the people that whatshisface from Persona 3 will sell you can be put to work in my restaurant from the word go, no need for training or loyalty grinding. Neat. 50 free macca a day isn't much, but it's free.
Name? I need Macca
It's a request named Research Material Collection iirc, sent to you by the shady scientist guy from Persona 3. You unlock it by default once you head to Tartarus, which I think just unlocks at level 10?

As you climb Tartarus the shadows will drop Lead/steel/silver/gold medals that you can trade to him for points, and then you can trade those points for various background characters from P3. If you've done Yukiko's Castle, you can tell him about it, and a few days later he'll have some P4 characters to sell as well.
This applies to all Non-Combatant characters, including those you pick up from 'Bonus from the Organisation'. If the MC is assigned to work in the Restaurant, Non-Combatant characters who are also assigned to work in the Restaurant gains Loyalty. In this way, you can achieve Friend/Affection Fall with them with the appropriate setting activated - especially important is Affection Fall, because then you can start Training them into Combat Training, among other Training types (including housework (cooking) and singing training).

But yeah, especially for the 'Bonus from the Organisation' human characters, I always try to ensure that the characters I get from there are always Non-Combatants for this purpose. Everyone else you get from there that can fight requires 'training' first into a Fall State otherwise.
nta but that's good to know
I literally just figured that out today, yeah. Normally I ignore that one because why would I want some faceless goon when I could have someone I actually like, but if they can be put to work immediately then that's actually valuable.
>have analyze 600 or more demon for the "in search of the unknown" event.
How do I unlock that event?
I miss sleigh like you wont believe
whyd the dog wet the bed
Automatically unlocks on Day 10
It's a good event since it gives you a ton of rewards for just fully analyzing demons
It's also a really good source of Macca for future playthroughs
Personally, I like to use characters with unique dialogues or interactions or just special in a way.
Using a faceless no name character is no fun, but using Love Plus or Super Mahjong characters? That's a bit better.
My God I'm collecting them like Pokemon.


Reminder if you want to complete the Compendium.
There are 1076 demons. I'm at 789.
Have fun motherfuckers, I sure won't.
Never heard of it and went down a rabbit hole. Thanks for the new game.
Best I found from hongfire's corpse was an alpha build and the place those fags went to didn't have anything. Otherwise the only place I've seen any puttering with translation is on fag95.
Oh, and I'm only on day 9. Makes sense. I can probably reach day 10 later tonight, just need to get through another dungeon and then do something with tartarus. Should be fairly quick.

Is there a way to tell how many I have without checking the event?
Unfortunately, no. Unless you feel like counting every demons in your Compendium.
Nope, but Eligor in the event tells you how many you have fully analyzed currently and how many you need for the next reward, and he even gives you tips on things you can get to fill out the compedium
But it's an event that doesn't make time pass so you can just repeat it as much as you want to see your current "score"
Ah, well. I'll just rest until morning to make it day 10 and then reload back to day 9.

412, apparently. Not bad given that this is only my second run, and I've only analyzed like five demons this time because I haven't found any new content.
Not bad at all!
I seem to have at least another 200 sitting at 10% analysis because I fused everything I could one account of wanting to be able to recognize them in a fight, but I didn't bother doing anything with them once fused. So that's up to 600 'owned', but I'm already on a new file so I don't actually own them anymore.

Ah well, I'll make do.
A terrible mistake.
Not that I blame you: in 100% Analysis, there is 100% Anal.
I don't. Good riddance, fuck him, secondary anal slop freaks like him deserve unironic death.
Just curious, in eramegaten, are there any challenges that scale with your level? I think the random fights in the arena are like that, is there anything else besides that?
The Revue Starlight fights
The regular Kirara route final bosses are similar but they scale based on Kirara's level, not yours
>The regular Kirara route final bosses are similar but they scale based on Kirara's level, not yours
Nta but does it mean you can cheese them if Kirara is low level?
Those bosses are very mean holy shit.
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trips of evil
I'm working on it. I'll fuse what I can since I'm not focusing on recruitment for my second run, and then drop it in my party for a dungeon or two. That should get their analysis up bit by bit.

I'm not really planning on this lap taking forever, I just want the executive end from paying my debt and then to restart. Given I'm now on day 10 and my debt is at 15/35, I should be done by day 30 at the latest. Maybe a bit longer if I try to grab a Servant or one of the longinus harem girls.
Can you add Sleigh to MegaTen so I can rape him?
The only thing I know about touhou is that I really like porn where sakuya gets raped via timestop. Which would make you think I would play the game where that happens, but I don't generally find text based games to be erotic, so.

Moral of the story, who the fuck is sleigh?
A traitorous normie who slandered Pedy and deceived the thread into supporting his inferior vanillashit fork.
Who the fuck is pedy?
The most important contributor in the history of Era games. Without him, the majority of the games and content wouldn't be translated.

I will find you and destroy you.
You can just add him yourself you know.

Please don't have a stroke, anon?
Funnily enough I still have a(mostly) up to date build I downloaded from Hongfire all those years ago, though most of the translation work done with it was on the ui. The rest of it is very easy to edit with notepad but it never really got far.
It's been years and I don't know if the site is even still up, but prolikewoah's /hgg/ was working on it once a upon a time.
They even have their own /egg/ thread.
Well yeah, it's the remains of 8's /hgg/ which is where era threads originated.
>The regular Kirara route final bosses are similar but they scale based on Kirara's level, not yours
They actually do scale based on the master's level (and only up to level 100).
Mines are level 110.
Are you using enemy enhancement?
Just to be sure, you're talking about the Fennel + Archive fight, right?
Ah, no. I'm talking about the "postgames" bonus bosses.
Those are all a static level 110.
Sorry for the confusion!
And scaling?
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I think you accidentally a word
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what's the correct formatting for a macro? picrel doesn't work, and removing the JP text before F1 disables it entirely. It also says it can be done in game, but I have no idea where.
>it can be done in game, but I have no idea where
You just type it in, like you would any command (instead of clicking the option); for example, in TW
will run the Forage command, skip to the end of the prints, and do that 100 times
I think the spaces between must be removed though
How does the whole
>"Equip weapon/Acc"
>"Skills are modified"
Work exactly?
Asking because of... reasons.
From a coding perspective or from a gameplay perspective?
From a codding perspective.
I want to add the almighty element to GV's skills by equiping his Acc.
Go to @SKILL_TYPE in the skill file and add
SIF SKILL_CHANGE(ARG, [[キャラ:GV]]) && EQUIP:ARG:アクセサリ == 5349
above the existing code.
(This makes it Electric + Almighty. Modify it according to what is already there for the other elements.)
Thank you! I'll try it.
Oh wow you want to make GV OP?
The funny part is it's already op.
It's more complicated than that, but he's full Magic Elec, there is no way to change that.
Obviously you could give him bullets, but come on, Asimov and GV's Boss version have elec/almighty hybrid.
It's a sharp contrast to Blade who is physical Slash Elec (and then Slash/Elec), and Copen who is hybrid.
Basically, I want tit to be convenient. To me.
Guard Breaks are boring. >:(
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Did my eyes deceive me or Master Spark really has 800 power? Touhou characters are very strong, even stronger than most demons.
I think your eyes are working.
It's funny that it's Nuclear element, when it's a bit more complicated when you know the lore.

>powers up at very low HP
What is UP with this fetish in Touhou and Melty Blood?
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100 hit rate AoE is mental, it's literally a fuck-off beam it should be (and is) quite dodgeable
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Like this, then?

And probably modified the the text so it say so, but I think I can manage hopefully.
Is the 2hu mod for megaten good?
I guess you've got IN and it's final word system to blame. Marisa and the rest of the crew have souped up versions of some of their spell cards including Master Spark.
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The code has to be below @SKILL_TYPE.
800 power all target in one of the best non almighty elements plus a conditional damage bonus for merely 25MP seems kind of overkill. Interestingly, the wiki says it's only 300 power which seems much more reasonable.
Below the @ sign where the function begins
The 800 is the power it has when the user is below 5% HP.
But you said above, which actually confused me and is why I'm asking.
Thanks for the help.
300 power seems more reasonable because staying at low HP is pretty dangerous.
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Whelp, trouble in paradise. There's a lot of errors, and it doesn't seem to work for Flashfield.
You made sure to not fuck up the encoding, right?
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Errors in questions.

Meaning? It's all UFT-8 with BOM CRLF.
Can't speak for Flashfield though.
Oh and Electric Discharge too for some reasons doesn't show up the blue writing.
After testing GV, it's weird because everything work perfectly with him.
Tbh, I don't have any idea of what is wrong, since I'm pretty sure I haven't even touched half of these files.
Check every file you've edited to see if they are still in the correct encoding.
That's the most likely cause of this error.
why does oku get lust and sexual frustration faster than other 2hus
like, i can cap frustration from 0 to 70-100 in a single day of skinship and activities, not even dates
Skills are UTF-8 with BOM CRLF Ruby. Charas are UTF-8 with BOM CRLF CSV. Normally everything should be fine, right?
No definition of "something" in base.csv?...
High lust affects frustration gain. You hugged her a lot and now she's addicted, on the verge of orgasm every time you do it.
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Oh God. I'm retarded. Let's play a game of "what is wrong in picrel".
And I only noticed it because I decided to download another game and compared both files.

Now this.
>Connecting to DDS-NET...
>Warning Lv1:RPG\スキル関係\外部作品スキル\SKILL3636_雷撃鱗.ERB: at line 595:Function declaration argument variable "ARG" is being used inside the function that is not using them (This behavior is not recommended, consider using #DIM instead)
IF EQUIP:ARG:アクセサリ == 5349
>Warning Lv1:RPG\スキル関係\電撃\SKILL949_大放電.ERB: at line 134:Function declaration argument variable "ARG" is being used inside the function that is not using them (This behavior is not recommended, consider using #DIM instead)
IF EQUIP:ARG:アクセサリ == 5349
I guess this is telling me to take out ARG at the lines, right?
Nice Spaces 4 bubba
Help instead please.
Change it to Tab Size 4 and save again. Did you add those lines it complains about?
>Change it to Tab Size 4 and save again

>Did you add those lines it complains about?
Well yeah, as it was suggested earlier, but as shown there >>47706353 the though it was bit too much, so I decided to take out the ARGs from the lines and there's no more errors.
All in all it's a bit of a minor error, since it doesn't actively stop me from playing, it just made the game load a lot. Which is still a pretty big deal.

Thank you for your patience.
It works regardless of spacing when I copy/paste it in, but I still don't know how to get the F key commands to work.
also, it doesn't seem to do continuous actions...
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nvm just realized the game gives the (different) numbers for continuous actions.
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Have you tried these shortcuts? Do you have the keyboard macros enabled in your emuera?
that seems to do the trick arigatou
although macro.txt doesn't record it.
Well what it's complaining about is the fact that the lines you added never get used anywhere. This isn't really a problem, but you can just set them somewhere and forget.
It does take longer for the game to load though. Or it might my imagination.
If it has to run lexical analysis for more than once per file it can add up yeah, but like I said if you simply set that arg somewhere it'll stop complaining. Even if you set it to nothing.
I just took it off. It seems to work?
Sorry for the late reply.
I assume you tried to add some lines to the skill descriptions when you got those errors.
The cause is the functions not having ARG set.
You can fix this by changing "@SKILL_EXPLAIN_3636" to "@SKILL_EXPLAIN_3636, ARG". (same thing for Electrical Discharge but with 949 instead of 3636)
dumb horny rapist bird
>I assume you tried to add some lines to the skill descriptions when you got those errors.
I-yes too? Flashfield and Electrical Discharge doesn't show the new "description", read, just a blue text, doesn't work even with what you told me.
Does anything that calls SKILL_EXPLAIN even pass an argument along? Because I don't think it does and it's not really going to help that guy if ARG is fixed to a value of zero.
>from 0 to 70-100 in a single day of skinship
Once you've gotten very close to kaguya, she'll do the same in less than an hour.
What are the stat caps in eramegaten?
>spend most of my time in the casino instead of romancing my 2hus
why am I like this
Latent homosexuality.
I think i just lost a suspend save by being retarded, is there any way to recover it?
At least 6 digits, but gaining over 15 digits of EXP causes an infinite loop so I can't test any further. At LV380295, I reached 570388 Str.
What the fuck?
>570388 Str
Turns out i was playing Disgaea without knowing
don't worry I got distracted gambling on the megaten casino for 4 hours too
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Testing only.
No one could even dream of reaching the amount of EXP required without going insane. Pic related is the absurd amount of damage a 2450 power skill deals to superboss Satan, followed by a loss of all MP and all but 1 HP.
how do I make myself as rapeable as possible in tw
A shota wandering into a hag den.
>HP and MP
WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS A G? What the fuck even is Final Call x49?
turn on incompetent rape mode and you'll get grabbed randomly any time you're alone, its actually obnoxious how frequent it is even on the first setting
Don't worry about it. As I said, this is a test save. The game's impossible to play like this because the game can't even process MAG gains since you've got over 4*10^18 total at this point.
>Final Call x{n}
That's a skill I've been fucking around with in my free time.
Scales with up to 100 demons in your DDM server, in contrast to Complete Summoning Art scaling with up to 50 demons in your party & COMP.
Billion. G is billions.
I have it set to max and I'm considering turning it down so I can actually talk to a girl without getting pushed down.
>because the game can't even process MAG gains since you've got over 4*10^18 total at this point
I have become brain, world destroyed.

>That's a skill I've been fucking around with in my free time.
That's a custom or a skill you can learn?

Why noy making it B then?
Billions wtf
Because G(giga) is the SI abbreviation, same for K(kilo) for thousand.
>That's a custom or a skill you can learn?
Normal skill since setting CSTR skills for the MC is a PITA, locked to the reward from Marebito's 3rd route.
I dunno what is a PITA, but it's funny how a skill like that is locked behind a path.
...Marebito has multiple routes?
Pain in the ass.
Marebito has 3 routes: Nagi, Orphan & Kushinada.
And to put into perspective how absurd that level was, the same skill with 76Str@Lv87 did 1692 damage to Satan.
>The sheer length of the Gunvolt Xi2 route fights
I custom skilled Mother Computer to death but holy shit. I feel like the route expects you to have a full team of like 10+ demons you can freely swap so I guess it's on me for forgetting to train stuff and just bruteforcing it with a single team.
Shame none of the bosses are fusable, they look cool
I have no idea who Orphan is, but I got the gist of it.

>And to put into perspective how absurd that level was, the same skill with 76Str@Lv87 did 1692 damage to Satan.
That's a lot. Only 76Str?
Tell me the joke, it's Devil Summoner MC only, right?
Shame that Copen, Blade and GV can't learn their superbosses counterparts skills. HMM?

I hope the writing will be fun, giving the finger to Asimov was some funny shit.
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what did it mean by this?
Fuck the mini CPU.
The weapon is supposed to be Devil Summoner MC only; I disabled that check since you canonically use it during the event story regardless of class and only you can do so in-game.
fuck your daughter
Gonna ask how you do that, but that'd be later.
What a waste, I missed it that storyline on my playthrough.
You can get most of the bosses in that route
You can? Did I miss something?
You did the extra events yet?
Completed all the main events of the route
What about the extra events?
>>47709372 (me)
Found the sub-events relating to them
>2hu pays me 20k to have sex despite the fact we're lovers already
how should I feel
>You bang her so well that she wants to pay you for your services
You should feel happy anon, it happens in real life as well.
Hey anon, Tewi wants to apologize to for playing that prank on (you) the other day with a special performance in the NEW THREAD

fuck pedy
What did he do this time?

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