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Previous thread: >>47609439

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?
Surprised the nadeshiko one room hasn't been uploaded yet.
Related to the Amaranto stuff at the end of the last thread, would anyone happen to have a melonbooks account / a Japanese phone number for creating one? It looks like there's a patch for Amaranto that adds a route or something available for free, but the official links are dead and the only other one appears to be here: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=931878
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Masada wrote about his great grandparents and Senshinkan
Speaking of Suicide Fence, is the trial still available somewhere?
did you use web archive for those links
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Reading this makes me want to read senshinkan again
It’s last day of summer, go play Usonatsu or something
I am surprised how good the writing is despite being all ages steam yuri shit
I am guessing it’s even better everlasting flower
Pretty sure there's still almost a full month left of summer left, bro.
The first day of fall is September 22nd in the northern hemisphere.
>>47679937 (me)
There it is.
From what I read, it’s just a re-release of the one in BugBug 2018. Get the latter instead.
I couldn't find a working download for either.
thanks for sharing bro
I see a link with 1 seed on nyaa. May or may not work.
Didn't even load the metadata when I tried.
Fine. You drive a hard bargain.
https://gofile io/d/Ahw24z
Thank you, anon.
Why is it always the releases I want to read who are uploaded last...
Kira Kano?
Natsuuso > Usonatsu
Whats the correct order to install all the Hyakusen files? I think it would be

Main game
R-18 patch
Patch 1.01

And crack at the end but for the original files the txt included says nothing about install order.
I did. It goes to a Yahoo link with one snapshot from like last year or something that appears to be long dead.
New thread, same question. If anyone has an account there please share this free chuuni doujin:

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Always tilt your head with the patented light dutch angle™ so you can break your neck while reading eroge.
it makes me dizzy just by looking at it
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Man I'd love to know what percentage of light's scripts are their engine's tilt/rotate command. I bet you'd get some hilarious numbers.
Vendetta flat tummy and chest ぺろぺろ
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Based girlcelly
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The kenzen setting is so bizarre, it's like they know this type of world would be kinda messed up (see nukitashi) so they're actively trying to get ahead of it by thinking about the issues and coming up with responses to them in advance.
旭光のマリアージュ and gohell
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I think the order doesn't matter. I'm installing main game>patch 1.01>AP01>R-18 patch still works fine.
Waiting for those two as well, fortunately 百千の定にかわたれし剋 was uploaded fast. August is a month of many interesting titles, alive medium is alive and well
Where is go hell go reee
Thinking about it, it's kinda weird how light only included the 18+ versions of Masada's games on the WORLD BOX. Considering that both Dies and KKK have extra content on the all ages release. The same can be said about Silverio. This also irks me because later Magatsu Barai was the opposite (console > 18+).
I also recently read an interview in which Masada said that he didn't want to make a CS release at first but basically got convinced over time so I wonder if it has to do with that? Doubt it.

Autism. Ensemble? More like disassemble.
Wait, so no crack?
Haven't installed it yet, was just curious but I have other important things of the spiteful general kind to attend to.
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I love iryun servant heroines so much
Why's he referring to himself in the third person
Has PlayDRM, which was always known to be Enigma. Girlcelly upload has no crack.
https://pixeldrain com/u/zppS2Rrq
included the whole thing
https://pixeldrain com/u/GLmPMUya

I friend made me melonbooks acc so if anyone has anything from there you can ask
Managed to crack it with maidrmbooster
Idk if i did the patch thing right tho so check if this works https://pixeldrain com/u/jVXEVJGk
2DGF upload is now up and has a crack too.
So what's up with CatSystem2 becoming Unity with some extensions to read CS2 assets?

Marriage is on this engine.

It's kinda weird. I guess they wanted the existing dev workflows to stay as they are.
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Doesn't work. You need to provide the DLL too. Dunno if the DLL is portable, but the 2DGF crack works so whatev.
Oh i didn't realize it created dll too
Well at least now i know how to do it i guess
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Damn, has it really been 5 years?
gacha must be destroyed
ありがたや Santa Kurausu anon
how did japan react to the MC of the last CRYSTALiA game? completely forgot about this until I just saw the FDs
Oh I was going to sleep on this but now I might try it
Just wanted to find some cgs and the first link i got on google was a hitmoe site which is the exact copy of hitomi except instead of cgs in the gallaries it has some crap ai ads lol
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Wait, wait, I wasn't keeping up. So this is basically The Latest Edition, except cucked up to hell?
He's Japanese.
sigh the new eushully is hitting the new low, everything else aside the basic game balance is so off its close to being unplayable
I read the comments in EGS the month it released hoping to see someone mention it and no one seemed to be bothered by it
Its pretty much safe to say its over

I just got soft-locked after 17 hours by picking a random quest(just like i was doing from the start because there is no indications which quests you should be doing and when) and overwriting my save afterwards...and it turned out, unlike every other quest where at the end you fight random 魔物 that has 12-20k HP, this quest has a fire boss that has 100k hp, double move and it oneshots my units through pressing defense + having the best available at this point fire resist armor(which i grinded to get 5 of)...and at 75k HP it enters phase 2 where it heals for 5k every turn, so I can't even cheese it by getting game overs and rebuying life.
I have no idea why that quest with an end game boss was available to me while my units are level 20, but now since I can't abandon quests, nor take multiple quests at the same time in this game, I'm fucked and gonna delete the game once I stop coping and seething. great "basic game balance" in this one for sure.
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omega lul even
He’s Okinawan. They exists.
>no original rance
>no kichikuou
what were they thinking by not including all the rance games for its fucking anniversary
I guess they don't care because Rance 1-4 and Kichikuoh are freeware anyway
they included 4 though (which indirectly indicates that the remake not going to happen in our lifetime...)
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Thanks friend, it's very appreciated.
Only american racists are bothered by something as dumb as skin color.
the remake is not going to happen in anyone's lifetime. all of the staff is gone.
Anyone have that pic of eroge author's faces (with just the back of Nasu's head)
Even though it still technically is for most of it, September never really feels like it's part of summer to me. June, July, and August are the summer months.

Did anyone else play NikuNiku 2? My favorite part was when they finally killed that little fucker.
eventually tada going to make a mod remake by himself using quest assets out of boredom
what anon, you're not a fan of censorship and route cuts?
didn't he already make a balance patch for it not too long ago
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Any other games with 恋敵?
>September never really feels like it's part of summer to me
I still get 90F days in september
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Thanks anon, everything looks good. I see ryuugames updated their link today
> You need both Main Game + R18,etc to get complete scene recollection (12.5GB)
Wait what, that cant be right. Their original upload had everything, what did they add in the new links?
I literally stopped caring and just auto+revive spamming, I think they added that function because they knew they fucked up, randomly having characters dead on turn 2, running into bosses 10+ level above you one punching everything, nowhere else to go except the "ez mode dungeon" grinding levels for hours. wtf? but hey there's still bosses with dps check :)
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I don't get this ending line
So who kasumi was supposed to be in the end?
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Yup, I'm thinking it's kino.
Did you play Dies? Kasumi is the one Sakuya was writing the letter to. The characters visit her grave during the game but I guess they don't actually mentioned her name, just it feels like the sun or something along the line (Sonnenkind reference). She was reincarnated in Marie's heaven. I don't remember clearly but I think she is a historian or journalist trying to uncover the truth behind the expedience.
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Wait are you referring to this grave from the scene where she was talking with each character? I was pretty sure it was mari because it's the same grave cg from her ending
And i still don't get why sakuya wrote a letter to her then? Doesn't really make sense since they didn't redo the whole world again so sakuya is supposed to live in the same world after everything that happened
>they didn't redo the whole world again so sakuya is supposed to live in the same world after everything that happened
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? She's literally even saying it here...
Maybe my memory is bad or I'm retarded but wasn't Kasumi just completely fucking irrelevant in all of KKK? I just interpreted her name drop in the letter as just a fanservice/"btw we didn't forget about her hahaha" thing. I didn't draw anything deeper than that from it.
I was trying to figure out where kasumi is supposed to be the whole game so i thought the same but now the fact that all these letters were aimed at kasumi has confused me completely, not sure what i missed
>mfw plotchuds hookoids trying to piece together pieces of plot in order for plot to make some sense
Ok so you were right about it so they simply reused that cg then..
The letters make even less sense now considering this tough
Marie's grave is in France though. I think Marie is more associated with twilight rather than the sun whereas Kasumi was compared to the sun before. Sakuya even thanks Kasumi in your screenshot (Ouu is where the grave is). Also dead god stay dead (at least in KKK), if you read the extra chapter in Akebono I think Ren talked about this. There is pantheon though but it's a gacha so Masada probably just wanted to bring back characters for people to roll.
>make even less sense
Sakuya was also in Marie's heaven too at that point. They just replace Hajun's law with Marie's and let Yakou judges the soul of the dead and send them to the appropriate heaven.
>included the whole thing
>I friend made me melonbooks acc so if anyone has anything from there you can ask
You're the best!
How is the new ensemble game? I'm always worried when they do a non-trapge because they often fuck it up.
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might be the best release this year so far
It's been out for like 36 hours, have you been reading it nonstop? Is it really that good?
Like, it's actually better than Hakkenden or Unravel Trigger or Ouju no Shima?
Not that guy, but I read it for the whole day and just finished the first h-scene. The game has some surprisingly dark twists for an ensemble game, and it's a neat take on a revenge story. But I also get the feeling that its something I'm going to forget about quickly after finishing, it has all the qualities of a good game but nothing really elevates it to 'kamige' in my eyes, but that's okay. We'll see if that changes when I finish though. Easily better than Hakkenden and Unravel Trigger, which I thought were garbage.
>Easily better than Hakkenden and Unravel Trigger
Thanks, I'll give it a try.
I'm skeptical, but I'll give it a chance. I really liked Unravel Trigger.
I'm kind of skeptical about the game too, while it's cool that ensemble is trying their hand at dark fantasy, a lot of elements in this game are things I feel like I've seen elsewhere. The plot has some dark moments, but I also feel like its too simple, unless the other routes do something drastically different.
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You ever see a twist so obvious you're kind of shocked that the game treats it like a reveal?
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For me it's Charlotte, she fights for justice just like me. A kindred soul.
i didnt know jewha was getting a sequel
that kind of makes me want to read it now
I've heard Kitayama in too many BLge and otomege, it sounds weird to hear him as a regular old protag in the new ensemblege.
Finally, someone who really gets me.
>removing mentions of toilets or Korean food
but why
I'm a 3X year old man, I'm too old for cheesy narou-kei lines like this to get me excited, yet they somehow still do every time.
Hewwo friends. I bring news. Blue Archive's original team left the company and now they're releasing a VN at C105. Possibly R18.
He's just like me
>Blue Archive's original team left the company
Redpill me about this drama?
I can't. The only "leak" there was said it was about money, but making a new doujin circle instead clearly won't bring you more money.
Get your gookshit out of here
>gook archive fotm
>VN that will be released at a japanese convention in japanese language
No I don't think I will
More cunnyge is always a good thing
>Saying ''fotm'' unironically
autistic trait. youre not special
Good to know that all westerners have to do is release their garbage in japan first to be able to get the seal of approval you retarded gook
You mean like Nekopara?
Ooohh he got you now.
Sayuri is a chink not a westerner, and she did more damage to this medium than nasu ever did with FGO by opening the gates to steam
Worst korea is literally more east than china
I will take chinks koreans damn even sea monkeys as long as there is a chance for them reviving lolige
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what happened
I don't get why retards like you yapping about reviving eroge when there is so much of already good shit released you haven't read yet.
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Bold words considering chinks literally saved Key from insolvency
I read every lolige already there is literally nothing left anon...
Move to loli doujins, then move to loli art, then start generating loli ai art using your favorite artist styles.
game balance and bug
No witch,no buy.
>ntrcucks want to get cucked
>get cucked out of getting cucked
absolute kinography
>subjected the industry to years of shitty all-ages nakigarbage
After Amayui 2 they should have made Grasesta 2.
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Holy shit this whole sequence made me cry as fuck, she was definitely the best character in this game
>Possibly R18
Hope so. Art looks nice.
I miss nukige like what SQUEEZ and May-be Soft used to make.
Huh why is it 99%, is there some secret or something
Is secret agent bad?
The design of that kunoichi heroine was the only reason i wanted to read it
Sorry for /r/ lads but does anyone have the patch/crack for KKK? Ryuu is vip shit/malware and theres nothing on nyaa
I’ve tried new ensemble trial version way back on June and felt mainly the text was so plain and bland, nothing special or engaging, the characters were also moving archetype
Maybe the effort went all to the story structure and narrative
Glad to hear it’s actually good tho, the art and setting are actually good
The usual method works.
What are the most essential prosege besides Oretsuba, Asairo and CC?
Saihate no ima
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Age gap romance is a major turn on for me, bonus points for the teacher angle. But do they deal with the taboo and fetish in Amairo Islenauts or is it just window dressing and irrelevant later on?
so where gohellgo torrent?
It's yuzusoft, so it's mostly lighthearted and they don't play it up for serious dark gritty drama, but yes multiple routes have it as a major plot point that if anyone finds out MC is dating one of his students he'll lose his job (and since he's on a magical floating island in the sky on a work permit, he'll get kicked out of the country).
Kyouto-ben characters all being tagged with Kansai-ben on VNDB is a crime against language. I only want the Kyouto ones.
it's spelled kyoto and it's part of kansai so where's the problem
Those are all distinct dialects. I like that one. Not complicated.
>it's spelled kyoto
no it's not
What's the funniest eroge you've ever played?
https://vndb.org/v7093 not eroge but i still have yet to find anything funnier than this
on a consistent basis probably Akatsuki no Goei, Kinugasa's constant manzai tickles me
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Me as a gaijin: H-haha y-yeah...
Yeah, gohell go isn't getting uploaded, is it. Guess I will go for the new ensemble
Anyone else get Bad gateway 502 when trying to access anime-sharing?
If only GIGA was still alive...
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>they put the portrait on the line
>name is still ????
gee, i wonder who is talking in that line. i'm completely stumped
That's the backlog, they forgot to hide it there lol
You probaby missed Niko's onsen CG.
I'm going on an imoutoge journey. GIve me your best imouto kamige. Games with good imouto routes are fine too and the less known the better since I've already read a bunch of the popular ones.
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if you already read the popular ones all that's left is the less popular, obscure, and maybe older games
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I like dangerous women
Albatross for sure.
It's not awful, it has some fun bits where MC does the
>stupid knights, honor is for losers *teleports behind you*
But generally I'd say it feels like a combination of Walkure Romanze (chivalry school with knight heroines all about fighting in tournaments) and Riddle Joker (MC infiltrating school undercover) but is worse than either. It's not awful, or even bad, it's just alright
If you read Riaimo already there will never be anything better...
Wait where is it supposed to be? I thought it was the choosing wrong choices in the lop thing but it got me nothing...
You should check a guide. I think it requires you to make some choices during that scene where you go through a bunch of rooms.
Why did they close it down if Entergram is still active? Do they really sell all ages that much more?
The console versions were probably just selling better given its market size
Thoughts on the new Ensemble niggas? 5ch seemed to be mildly interested.
I think it's the best eroge released since 2011
Ngl this is the best lolige i read so far
Same as this anon >>47694624
anyone here read Shinju no Yakata? how tough is it language-wise?
I've played it and it's pretty shit, quite buggy (chain attacks only ever worked for me with MC's friend and blonde bard prince for example), the game balance is absolutely atrocious and the story is a lot of wordswordswords that get really hard to care about after the first 5 hours. Just constantly repeated themes of nobles vs commoners stuff.

The implementation of the +18 stuff is also really strange, having to go to the main menu to trigger the scene after unlocking it ingame completely ruins the flow. You also usually have no idea wtf you will even trigger in the city since very rarely is a character actually attached to the event. To make it far worse, once you start an event you can not back out of it until it is complete which can take a while and with the aforementioned awful game balance it might completely softlock you so save every time you trigger something or you think a boss is coming up if you dont want to lose hours of progress to oneshot fiestas. Actually unlocking new equipment is also really grindy and limited in the start of the game, matters less later on but its real bad early on. Also figuring out what drops where has never been less convenient since nowhere in game does it actually tell you what monsters drop what from what I can tell.

And it's not like you even really get branching paths, there's just nonsensical triggers but you pretty much do everything anyway with very little choice that seemingly doesn't matter (until it does at the end but the route map function is completely worthless).

Anyway, the game kind of sucks. I'd take demon lord or castle/labyrinth meister over it any day.
What the fuck is the text supposed to be black and unreadable or is something wrong with my game?
Another one bites the dust.
What's the best Eushully game?
Are any of them like Rance?
It was my first game to read in Japanese. I still remember it very fondly and I really should reread it one of these days.
That's just an opportunity for you to stop being a hookcuck.
It's really easy to hook unity ge with https://github.com/HIllya51/LunaHook no reason to refuse technology and convenience
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why does she dress like a slut? I don't want other people to see her like this.
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The new Studio Pork in November looks nice.
Can someone help a dumb pointlet by sharing the new eushully ge save data?
No that's definitely a bug or some shit kek.
Any anons could spare a working link for the Sakutoki tokuten novel 凍てつく7月の空? I've been through the archive and the only link I managed to find was dead.
https://pixeldrain com/u/d4Qe1Xjd
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oh no
You work miracles anon.
Got you bro. http://www.light.gr.jp/light/support/dies_ikb01.html
Don't install the patch, the crack doesn't work if you do, just follow the steps here.
Oh nice it's fine now
What even causes this bug in the first place, if it was a common issue then everyone would be supposed to have it but it's only me it seems like...
I like her but the last time they hired her the voice volume was fucked up
It jumps around from very low to very loud
Hopefully it won't be the case this time
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speaking of DI ikb, anyone know how to fix it?
Do you have Japanese IME properly installed? That function should be found in IME related dlls.
I want to read it just for this stupid outfit but if it's actually good then I'll take it seriously
Yup, it still does not work. If I run the original exe(not the cracked one) it opens but it asks for the プロダクトID. The other light games work fine like Senshinkan and Silverio.
5 years since the last game with Oshiki art...
Is Clochette ever coming back?
Oshiki is still sort of active, judging by his fanbox, but who knows if Clochette survived. I hope they can put out some more games soon.
could it be they separated the 18+ to sell the game to a wider audience = westoids/steamcucks? I thought it weird when I saw on the upload that it included an 18+ patch.

I don't care about hooking and like the other anon said it's probably piss easy to hook nowadays. my problem is that UNITY sucks ass and often doesn't run at all. fucking Geminism freezes up when videos play and I can't get around it. have to wait for the westoid release which is also UNITY but maybe that one won't freeze. I hate whenever nips use this retarded engine when kirikiri, bgi and even siglus shit exist. it's not even like UNITY made eroge or rpgs have better features, UIs, performance or anything. they're only slightly more advanced than renpy-ge.
There's something about regional formats which causes various bugs in other locales. Try Locale Remulator, it helps with the latest not-ILLUSION release at least >>>/h/8178167
Anyone played imouto seikatsu? https://vndb.org/v49893
There is dlc that adds other chars routes but i can't understand how to get them, no matter what i do i'm always on the imouto route and it never gives a chance to h other girls, where the branching is supposed to take place?
If I played it now when it has other routes, there's no way I would rate is as highly as I did. Actual betrayal of the imoutofags. Disgusting traitor.
This imouto was honestly disappointing, they have her big tits and pubes on top of that which is unforgivable. Hope there are at least some flat chests among other chars
So is the cute elf fuckable?
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All 4 are apparently but i need to find some comprehensible guide for it because i don't get it...
This is a meta commentary on how imouto is always the right answer.
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Picked up.
Hope they are proper routes and so one night offs.
>中央値 7
what is your top?
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Is there any way to increase font size of Hajimete no Kanojo? It's too small.
Playing at a higher resolution.
doesn't change anything
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I don't know about hajimete no kanojo, but it works for imokano and probably works for hajimete kanojo as well
use garbro, extract init.ini from cfg.pak, make cfg folder, place init.ini into cfg folder, change MsgFontSize
It worked, thank you very much!
that is too many aliases https://vndb.org/s469
Wonder how many other games this works with, some of them are way too tiny
Vendetta hard carries her VN.
Chitose is pretty good too.
She is, yeah.
Vendetta has much stronger girls, Trinity has much stronger boys.
Different shit works for different engines, most of kirikiri vns can be dealt with through config edit. Some can be salvaged with external dll https://github.com/marcussacana/StringReloads?tab=readme-ov-file#font-modifier others benefit from simple font replace with https://github.com/arcusmaximus/VNTranslationTools?tab=readme-ov-file#vntextproxy

For something like monobeno you need to change font size, turn-off default wordwrap and delete all your saves.

Why do I even do this shit? Because I read 99% of my eroge on my tv while comfortably lying down on sofa. While most of them look fine, some have font too small for comfy reading, so I go out of my way to increase text size or change it.
>Because I read 99% of my eroge on my tv while comfortably lying down on sofa
Imagine someone walking by your house and looking in through the window and seeing a natsuha h-scene playing on your tv
I live on 5th floor, my tv can be fully seen in window, I never close my curtains while reading eroge or jerking off and my window can be see from neighbor commieblocks. Do I give a fuck? No.
Anyone have experience with playing VNs on a mac with emulated windows? Do games usually work normally without any problems?
https://vndb.org/s131 has even more. https://vndb.org/s416 is just one alias behind.
>downloaded an old VN with only one seed.
>kept VN on upload just in case someone else needed it
>open up qbit torrent
>someone is downloading that VN.
feels good man.
you are too good for this world
Chink bots.
So, if the censor law were to ever be repealed, does that mean we are going to suddenly get a rerelease of basically every VN to ever exist all at once? I can hardly imagine the scramble...
They would still have to release censored versions anyway because no otaku would handle looking at uncensored cock
Even if that law gets repealed by some chance, a lot of eroge studios don't exist already, a lot of illustrators are retired, a lot of source materials to do uncensored versions are lost long ago. My guess even if it was to happen, it will be a very gradual process of uncensored graphics being incorporated into remasters or remakes. Maybe there will even be optional switch.

But it's really doubtful that obscenity law will ever be repealed anyway. There is no political incentive or constituency to do it.
its fucking retarded since japs can get uncensored porn all they want from foreigners on the internet, all it achieves is making domestic artists less competitive and putting them in jail/fining them for nothing
Who gives a fuck? Just use ai to make decensored art out of existing eroge.
yeah man 'just use ai' to decensor thousands of cgs with no automatic way to do it without it looking like absolute ass
Who gives a fuck? The censored ち〇ちん and マ〇コ has always been a part of the experience.
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guess your uncle shouldnt stop fucking you in the ass since it has always been part of the experience as well
>with no automatic way
Should be possible with https://github.com/okgo4/ComfyUI-Mosaic-Mask but I don't care enough about mosaics.
Uncensored porn has no soul. No matter how much retarded and pointless that law may look like, it still ended up bringing only positive things to the industry
Weak retort. If you really wanted to look at dicks that much you could always just wait a bit before sucking them, faggot.
really telling that you immediately think of dicks and not uncensored vaginas when speaking of this
No need to uncensor the vaginas when I can see your mother's whenever I want.
im not actually sure how well the newer models (as in pony) can do it, but while im sure you could detect it, i would be worried that the inpainting itself would fuck it up badly, and you would need to at best check the result each time or reroll a bunch of times and at worst it would look like shit no matter what
I only tried few individual CGs and it looked great, so I can't share my experience with theoretical batch uncensoring. ebara, reweik and anime autism models worth a shot.
thanks i will try it, i have been avoiding it since when i last tried with 1.5 models it was difficult to get anything decent
Don't forget vae and 4th extract lora for some artist styles
*4th tail extract
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>it's another chapter of westoid coming to a different medium from a different country from a different culture where they tell that country what their laws should be like
The westoid special: you are now allow to have your own culture anymore
late in postgame events occur that let you H some other heroines. Maybe I've missed a few, I've found healer and mage at least
censorship good
why would you want uncensored art in a medium where most artists can't draw good looking genitals?
how are they supposed to get good at it if they cant draw and sell it in the first place
You don't get it. It's not about 'muh mosaic culture' vs. 'proper dicks'. It's about the artistic freedom of expression. Like, the law tramples on artists' right to draw human body (not swastikas, not religious symbols, not even fucking red cross, just your basic bitch anatomy).
No uncensor will fix that, AI or not. Not even their non-Japanese assistants outside of the country.
Anything that's not drawn by the original artist is not an uncensor. It's fake and I don't care about it.
them being allowed to won't magically make them get good, plenty of artists that haven't been able to draw a good face in decades
meanwhile there are artists that can draw genitals despite the law
Nobody even cares about that retarded law that hasn't been used in ages. They do it because it's tradition. You wouldn't get it.
>postgame events
Damn so i need to sit through all of this again? Even with a cheat engine it takes way too long
Are you even allowed to h imouto to be able to get the rest or you can do anything?
Why couldn't they make it free mode post clear without useless rpg garbage..
No reason to support censorship if you actually know what art is and if you actually read eroge about art like henpri.
i dont care about them being good or not, i care about them being able to try and compete at all
Can you guys give me any guide about text hooking with translator?
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>They do it because it's tradition. You wouldn't get it.
The law is an excuse for that "tradition" to keep ruining drawings. Remove the law and the tradition disappears with it because no one will pay for censored porn if uncensored porn is readily available.
Every time I read H-manga made in current year I get so salty it isn't even fun. Why are they allowed to have like a couple of thin lines while we have to suffer with jpeg artifacts x1000 here and there in our objectively superior media.
Stop ruining images already, you're the only country on the planet that does this stupid shit.
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I like her too.
>keep ruining drawings
such retarded westoid opinion holy shit fuck off
They can't because there is no competitive pressure to improve how genitals look when they are just censored in every commercial release.
see >>47712051
there should be "competitive pressure" to improve other areas of art that aren't censored then, so why are there still so many shit-mediocre artists in this industry?
The fact that you think it's not possible to be interested in a culture without making it your entire identity is a lot more indicative of your mental faculties than mine.
It's not possible to be interested in a culture while screeching "YOU'RE wrong, do it MY way!"
Isn't that what you're doing? All I did was explain why things are the way they are. It sounds like this whole time you've just been trying to pin your own insecurities with your argument on me.
why are there so many shit-mediocre writers
why are there so many shit-mediocre programmers
why are there so many shit-mediocre managers
why are there so many shit-mediocre politicians
why are there so many shit-mediocre journalists
why are there so many shit-mediocre games
why are there so many shit-mediocre movies

why do you want to not be able to see all they have to offer from the best artists that have tried their best to compete instead of them being retarded by this stupid law and insist on focusing on the bad ones
Hello, Stockholm syndrome. Proud of your brainrot, I see. Here's a hint for you: there is no mosaic IRL.

There is culture and there is shit eating, one does not need to include the other.
There's no giant nipple fucking tentacle rape irl either, doesn't make it any less great.
Because 95% of everything made is garbage. And it's true for eroge too
this is one of those times where I think you guys argue just for the sake of it.
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you can see everything in one playthrough since the game enters endless mode after the staff roll. I had no issues with any of the sim/rpg elements, the latter take a backseat in the postgame anyway.
>There is culture and there is shit eating, one does not need to include the other.
so youre saying every jap is shit eating subhuman? the fuck are you doing in this fucking thread? fuck off tourist and stop eating "shit"
back to r*dditbro
No because I'm not talking about my own way, I'm talking about the way it's already been done in Japan for a long time while you are the one whining about changing things for no good reason other than to appease you.
I mistook your post above for the anon I was arguing with. We're talking about the same thing
>muh irl
You're the one saying removing the law will make shit artists suddenly draw good genitals lol. For a lot of the ones that can draw, you can already see their effort in games with thin mosaics and that slight blur is hot in itself.
I assume pregnancy is considered to be a bad ending then because it didn't enter the endless mode after it
I don't get why people are so obsessed with genitals in the first place, if anything mosaics stimulates artists to make various unusual arousing poses that aren't simply genitals on the screen which is what makes eroge so much hotter than literally any other type of porn
This >>47712529 is a shit eating subhuman indeed, and he calls it culture.

Tentacles exist in the game's world, mosaic does not. It does not belong, and it's pure damage intentionally done to the product before shipping it to paying customers who have no other choice.
Does a turd taste better with enough spice on it? How about adding spice to food instead?
>food analogy
how to spot a fucking murican tard
What's stopping eroge from using bars instead of mosaics?
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All me
>they're releasing a VN at C105.
Is that プロジェクトKV or something else entirely?
yea and it definitely isn't going to be just vn https://x.com/hoihoi44693214/status/1830299831258227074
real posters are busy reading ensemble game
tell me if it has a true route or i can just read chloe route only
has mandatory order route, chloe is the second one
sad don't feel like sitting through forced shit again
Unless GHG gets uploaded tomorrow, this might be the first time I will actually receive a VN before it gets uploaded, for a monthly release.
So like how it is for most people?
Expected as much from the PV. Thanks for the news, I'll follow it.
most buyers are japanese, so they get them on release day, not one week later.
What motivates the VNDB accounts that rate 1000s of games they haven't played?
it's so your account doesn't look suspicious when you start giving out 1s to popular new releases and shitting up character entries
Any quality nukige like imouto paradise with hot situations?
I don't have a mac but playing most any VN on a virtual machine works just fine.
Those are probably just bot accounts to shill nukige trash while giving highly rated VNs with low scores at the same time.
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can anyone confirm?
what is this from
i have an itch for characters with this manner of speech
setoguchi's carnival but i don't think that itch of yours will be satisfied due to plot reasons. in case you do want to play it, keep in mind it's kinda fucked on modern OS or at least in my case. if you're having problems with sound just keep bluedisc mounted at all times when playing
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kek, how did it get so bad
How is it even possible to fail this hard having 20 years of experience in making rpgs? Tf is even going on in their company
Now THAT'S kamige
Can you type out the text so I can machine translate it?
Sure friend give me a second :) I will PM it to you
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I just use a 4K so the font is already the perfect size, lying in bed and using that TV is a drug I can't get enough of
Honestly full front shits of gaping pussies or vaginas disgust me.
Same with uncensored cocks.
Also it adds to the obscenity when the lewd bits are censored. I also like when I hear a beep coming from a cute anime girl.
Damn if not this tweet i would have never know that there is a yacht racing spocon game
Now is it uploaded anywhere? i see sail 2 on as but no sail 1
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>bunker buster
What the fuck was that
>receive a VN before it gets uploaded
Which is decidedly not
>receive a VN a week after release
Even if both are true.
Brain damage: the post.
Someone posted a huge writeup on 5ch and oh my god it's bad
Post it.
Now I have motivation to play this. You know all those manga/anime/LNs about playing kusoge like the MC in shangrila frontier?
I can finally self insert as a kusoge player.
Unfortunately it's the boring kind of kusoge with a bunch of grindan, story that drags on and on with nothing happening and enemies swinging from doing 1 damage to 1 shotting at the drop of a hat.
yeah it seems like one of the major complaints with this game the retarded balance aside is the ingredient gathering thing which forces you into a loop of gather > go to dungeon > leave dungeon > gather. that doesn't sound superman 64-like kusoge fun
how about just using cheat engine? is there anything worth in the story?
i don't think anyone's here is playing this and if they are they are probably silent due to crippling pain. judging by the eushully thread on 5ch: there are people criticizing the way the protagonist is written, criticizing the way story events are written (you're essentially forced into helping this or that person out), criticizing the lack of ero characters and the way ero content is handled in the game. 5ch anons probably aren't going into the story much to prevent other people from reading spoilers but even if you cope like this every single thing points to a lackluster game writing-wise
why does it sound so much like eushully is the next in the row to be eos now...
What a fall from grace I mean the last few entries weren't anything 10/10 worthy either I still enjoyed Grasesta but this is a new low lol
Is this like top gun but light?
Yeah, I can forgive shitty gameplay if the characters are good and the h-scenes are hot, but sadly that's not the case here.
What the fuck happened to Eushully?
all ages pivot attempt somehow done in the worst way possible. there were literal nintendo switch allagesge coming out at the same time as this that had more H appeal
money bad...
This is what you get when trying to appeal to zoomer audience and create a game with all ages in mind.
Speaking of 百千の定にかわたれし剋
Can anyone reupload the save file from baidu so I can stop grinding random encounters?
they should've made IM2 remake or IM3 instead, desu
why does rance even have routes
playing ix and im just doing the heroine endings and its just such a wet noodle to do this after the actual ending
just do 50 playthroughs bro for endings that may or may not be referenced in the sequel bro you some kind of casual bro
this shit used to be nice and straight forward, linear
i dont want to imagine what rance x is going to be like in terms of branching and subsequent playthroughs
What are you on about, almost all alicesoft games are made with the assumption that you are supposed to do multiple playthroughs, it's pretty much impossible to get all the content without a guide and even with the guide it can be pretty damn challenging to do in one run
no i understand that, i just don't appreciate having to do a bunch of heroine endings after finishing the "true" route
you can save the main endings of X for last so should be fine to you
what the actual fuck why this new trapge has a literal nigga in it
This is some dreadful looking art.
Or more like based.
Enjoy seething everytime censored VNs get released.
Was he trying to copy Ryuukishi with that art? holy shit

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