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previous >>47661113
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we support rito-kun
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cute boy
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I can't find info on this boy
we don't spoonfeed here
Is this where we post heroines
No. Please refer yourself to the HEROINES general thread for all your iLife needs.
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wtf is this thing
her name's already posted in this thread bruh
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it used to be an ano but it fell in a giant vat of radioactive waste. now it's a ghoulish undead monstrosity.
so maybe it is still an ano
that's near from death note
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this girl is mid apparently
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she's in the middle of the top 0.1% of beautiful women in the world
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lonely gangstas
fishing idol. still hot.
straight outta dr. kim's office
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I'm not going to say they are natty because I don't know for sure but they don't look all kimmed up and they are all pretty young. They're certainly not shying away from the idol makeup recipies. Their album is dope af and their producer is super cute and cool. Solidly in my top 5 favorite groups right now their shows look really fun.
the left two have the same jawline as anime characters
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yeah pretty much. manager-san is rocking that look too but even she is only 22
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is that Hana? love Hana.
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>MVs in the OP
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Age hit Girls2 like a truck, but then you have Yuzuha looking like absolute sex
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Yeah, I'm thinkin she cute.
yeah, cute dong
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>wasuta cum
What did she mean by this?
Shut up.
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>mfw i woke up again today
she even drew a cumshot on her bitch clothes or whatever you call those things idols wear.
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They're like the neojapos of idol.
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Fuck off anon. She is so beautiful I come in my pants every time i think about her
You didn't need to write this post
she cums in her pants when she sees all of the onnawota at lives
This is a falseflag to make Ruka enjoyers look bad.
bug idol
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go back to your kpop general
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She is so hot. She turns me on so much
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Ice the devil of /alt/
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ice the fatso of /alt/
any of these little fuckers ever shart so hard in their bitch clothes that they have to perform with like a huge dingleberry?
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What are the rules of oshihen? Like let's say your oshi graduates or gets kicked off. Is it fine to go to another girl in the group or will they look at you wrong?
they only care about the money
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has zero reason to return to idol.
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I am going to steal Ruka's look and then replace her in WaSuta. No one will ever know who the real Ruka is.
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Gamera can fly into space right?
I like this Gamera fangirl idol
Yes, quite often in the showa series
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>maybe gamera can give you a lift anon
He wouldn't because Gamera is the friend of all children but I would prefer that over some lame ass spaceship.
The buGGship is posh. SuperRaychan told me so in a dream. What amenities does Gamera have? I think he breathes fire or something which might come in handy but I doubt he is as comfy as the seats on the buGGship. Probably a good view but I still think I would prefer to ride with some idols.
>come with us on the TOROi ship anon
>it's posh and turtle-themed
>best of both worlds
>What amenities does Gamera have?
Nothing he's a giant turtle but he can fly up to Mach 58 in space
forgot turtle
not to shit on Gamera because he always seemed pretty cool but in space no one can hear you scream. there's no air so there's no sound. the speed of sound is zero so mach 58 doesn't mean anything. even if you convert that to earth values it's still not very fast compared to the speed of light and any ship worth it's salt ought to be able to far exceed the speed of light and travel beyond the third dimension.
Gamera is the scenic ride.
yeah but you're going to get saddle sore after a billion years of riding a turtle
There's plenty of room for a La-Z-boy and personal cooler
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They were a last minute replacement for Fishbowl at the Gyuzo 60th anniversary
good job but what happened to fishbowl?
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Sakina says fuck working. I agree.
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Katosan says clean your own damn toilet
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God i want to take care of her so bad. I want to pay for my sins. She can fix me.
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ain't nobody fixing nobody.
you just want her because she can't run away
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Narlows dropping like flies. Quite the tragic end to a group that by all accounts should have been very successful and had a long run.
Going out with nary a whimper.
Prime example of why you should put that mental stability clause in your idol recruitment flyer
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japanese idol thinking about potato
pudding has her own signature skateboards? that's dope.
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Where the fuck is Kanono? This bitch needs to come back to the scene.
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enapi and nano's last concert live soon

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I don't get why Ena is living she basically started the group. Maybe she hated how they let Mai back in the group after what she pulled.
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Man I wish Yua was still in the group to see it grow this big. I remember when they were in small venues sub 100people at the start. They getting bigger and bigger ever year.
but who will be the hype man now? Enas job was basically hype man of the group
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Budokan soon.TM
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all my homies hate tokisen
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one menhera can ruin a group
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we love!
I was wondering when they would encore
someone in the crowd had to start the chant because everyone was too quite or afraid to start it lol
Yeah I heard him
I thought it was staff first then I realized it was soul
Pure kino
Are they going to recruit new girls to replace them? Go back to 7person group? Or upgrade some girls from the sister group like they did with Mai?
Less girls the better. Groups with more than 6 girls are cringe.
Why is Nano leaving though? Did she find a rich fan to marry?
LMAO they were trying to take a picture and got cut off with a video
kek they are retaking the photos
Can she do it
clap for the love of god
Double encore?
This dude
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hell yeah streamers
Always remember, as long as it stays dark the live continues
Man I feel old I still remember when I life started less than 50 people showed up to the first live.
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didn't this guy say 100 last time? bet he'll say he
was the only one there next
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why is aina looking like sex
I think I'm going to jerk it to aina MV
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iLife sucks you guys are gay af
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how many penlights do you own
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where do i know this girl from. is that nicamoq from 15 years ago?
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Nemless bullying her fan.
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cute boy
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Did the neigher get a tattoo?
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dunno why you posted that pic when you could have posted this one
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They won't let me grab her ebook
i thought that was a piece of lint the other day. you mean it's permanent? what even is that? tattoos are so dumb. like 1 in every 10000 tattoos i see i think are not awful. 1/100000 i think are cool. given those odds there are probably around 1000 actually cool tattoos on the entire planet
they must know what you are going to do with it then
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the duality of fishers
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someone needs to save ringosan from these whores. there needs to be some sort of idol protection services government department to keep children from being sex trafficked by predatory groups like this
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>mfw i woke up again today

i have got to quit waking up. this is a nightmare.
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rip in peace queens
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farewell literally whos.
we hardly knew ye
hope she got that hypebeast shirt at a thrift store
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stay pure Kyouka.
stay pure.
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who is this
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cursed digits trying to ruin ourgirl
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S tier beauty
my wife
what's her twitter
haha yeah all these bitches look the same they could be two different people and who would know
wow taiwan is disgusting. hope china bans idol so my oshi can't go there.
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This group paid for Dr Kim's new house
nice chub on leftmost pink
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very talented
A fan gave it to her so it's not her taste
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Mexican idol
Do you think she really wants to go to Mexico someday?
She should go to Brazil because I am from Brazil.
>another 15 year old
I knew it
she also just wore that same outfit that she wore for a week straight. that one must really be to her taste
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You didn’t tell us if you think she is cute, anon
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i don't think she is an s-tier beauty
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Charismatic non-binary lesbo
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kinda looks like a egyptian eye lol maybe she likes the BBC guys in Ropongi
I only want a Kyouka PB if she goes back to dirty blonde hair and gets a slight tan and wears her gyaru clothes. I miss that era of Kyouka so bad.
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She looks like a younger version of Mugi with black hair. Or at least she has the same type of stare.
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Softest tiddies in idol
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nah she looks like she can move her face
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Ice exists.
my cheki case broke. before i buy another cheap one what's something that i could use to really stick it to that fag paul allen.
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This meme was so shit lil bro.
mugifags out.
go make your own general
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>can't acess Twitter anymore
>$9,000 fine if you use vpn
It's over
you could buy a lot of pudding for $9000
>pudding poster is a br
you can't just get a handy from one of the big booty skanks in your favela?
this comrized lioks kind of normal. what's with that?
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It's getting more interesting.
I wonder who's next.
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All the girls are girling.
explain to me why i should care about this if it has nothing to do with iLife
It's high time that Brazilian idols rise up to fill the twitter void left by Japanese idols. Like that dance video of that wasuta girl I posted the other day. That was cute. Japanese idols have had a stranglehold on the idoling for too damn long. Why are we sending our hard earned Reals to Japanese girls. It makes no sense. Well no more! Brazilian idols for Brazilian perverts!
>still wearing crocs
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appropriate attire for a third world trip. you wouldn't want to get robbed of your ferragamos while touring the slums.
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why you post a bambi that is not usa?
kill your oshi and make one out of her skin
She is a bit shit at these other styles of selfies. I see why she mostly sticks with that same picture. This one is pretty cute but there is still something off about it. It's very low effort which I generally like but I expected more from her. Is she a low effort idol? That would be cool but I was not expecting that.
How would they know if you use VPN? It's not like they are on your computer lol
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JATown should send Nemo to Mexico to chow down on a big platter of tacos. Or to Brazil because I am from Brazil.
i'm not into kpop.
if you weren't using a vpn the entire time they could easily tell from your account activity. also if you don't use it anonymously or as a business.
>first they came for the idols and i did not speak out, because i was not an idol
>account activity
Do you expect you to be on the internet 24/7? Can't you just go incognito mode and launch your VPN?
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what does twitter even do besides look up pictures of idols? that is the only thing I have ever used it for. hardly seems subversive.
i meant your twitter account. you don't even need to access twitter to view it you know, there are alternative sites if all you want to do is browse which presumably aren't even illegal in brazil.
they banned it because they were operating without an office and thus weren't paying enough money to the govt.
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does visiting japan fix your yellow fever? or will it get worse?
I'm currently in Japan and 80% of the girls i see are beautiful.
It gets much, much worse
Dont worry. We will keep you updated with all the idols eating donuts and potato =)
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I know.
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Nah it makes it worse since there are cuties everywhere.
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Looks like Rena Takeda.
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Hanako said she brings a rubiks cube when traveling because she wanted a universal communication tool and everyone knows what a rubiks cube is but what exactly are you communicating with a rubiks cube other than "please be patient, i have autism"
Is there some sort of secret rubiks cube language that I am not aware of?
>that whole side is blue except she left the top right square yellow that means she wants a spicy chicken sandwich

also she wasn't even getting paid to model these korean clothes she just felt like trying them on and kry just went ahead and let her so she didn't sperg out and cause a scene.
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at least they got to visit london
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Happy 15th Anniversary
did they leave their tart cards in that box?
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what even is that stupid tattoo it still just looks like a piece of fuzz
maybe it's a dinosaur skele
seeing the idols in person definitely makes you want to kys and be reborn as their child
Who would want to go to that shithole? I'd prefer going to brazil.
Dream job right there.
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self headpat
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anniversary for what?
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stay out of brazil.
you know nothing of brazilian culture.
boy cute
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You can't see from that angle but she's freakishly tall by idol standards and aloof like Tol Devil but with lanky limbs. C cup size breasts though, one grade from D, not bad plus her face is good.
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strange looking hat. is that traditional japanese garb
finally some brazilian idol
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>stay out of brazil
Dont need to tell me twice. Gatekeeping that hell hole is very easy.
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tim looks like a dude there
which i suppose is on brand
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unfiltered kyouka
Cute, maybe I am just a sucker
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chubby fingers
I pete my own head all the time...
American 'culture' and it's consequences.
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plap plap plap GET PREGNANT
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only a bit spooky
i did think that but it still looks all messed up especially the head
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I miss DKI.
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would appreciate it if that dude stopped lewding aina
remember when that anon thought pikarins room was staged with thousands of nerdy tchotchkes for her youtube show. that guy was dumb
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That's a pretty eye
It's Red Riri from iLife. She is known to have very pretty eyes
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i thought he was in school. living in the dorms, going to parties, trying to help his nerdy roommate lose his virginity.
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Twin bobs
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I want to take a look too…
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lmao bet this chick hates post boxes
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^this bitch looks like a wet fart
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Purin is cute and we all agree
we do not like nor respect the "idol" known as purin
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Real idol hours
very /alt/
>iphone 8
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Trve /alt/ hour.
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It's SE2, actually.
I wonder if it's a different maid outfit or she somehow managed to get rid of bloodstains.
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>the perfect bob doesn't exi-
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>Am I a joke to you, anon?
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i swear there is a monkey with that exact same haircut but I can't think of which one
you are pleasant and unassuming riko
All these bitches look the same.
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she does. she's very dark.
She looks special.
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>fake shiny post boxes with their fake shiny postbox lives
>ha. i see right through you.
>pretending to be happy about collecting mail...
it's a birthday card! it's a love letter!
>yeah right...
>it's a funeral announcement.
>it's a bill someone can't afford.
>it's a wasteful advertisement that goes right in the trash.
>it's junk.
The capuchin
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yeah that is it. she probably went into the salon with an issue of national geographic and said "gimme the capuchin"
it's pretty spot on, i would like to see a capuchin with glossy red lips now to compare
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those are bigger than peaches
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Milk gang. Causing havoc on the streets. Blocking entrances and exits with their tiktok shenanigans. Aggressively forcing flyers onto uninterested parties. A true menace to society.
>i would like to see a capuchin with glossy red lips now to compare
They definitely have that somewhere if not there's AI
What are they feeding 16-year olds down there?
Also, me in the back
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Uncanny resemblance
I just realized I have more Twitter followers than you Riko. Bow down before me. Humble yourself, know your place and take my advice about making your selfies more interesting and maybe one day you will be on my level.
Other than that you seem like a nice young lady.
meant for >>47709806 obviously.

Milk and her gang would make a formidable adversary if they were monkeys though. I thought about a movie about gangs of underground idols battling for supremacy but once again i realized that is pretty much just the plot to "Idol Is Dead" again. Every time I think I've got a winner that always happens.
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Guitarded headband idol will be practicing her guitar on stream today at 2100. She will also be drinking. Maybe she will get super-smashed like she did at that yukata talk event the other day and do something that the management thinks is "strange" and "too revealing" like on her workout stream. Anything can happen.
Katosan NO!
real queen of alt
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I didn't know but seems like Mei from KMYD the autismo sister joined a new idol group.
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I can fix her
why do people like this decide to become idols?
Saw an ad wit ano at family shart. My day is ruined.
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Why not
It's up
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Talentless whore.
>finale of third bis
this implies possibility of fourth bis
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pls no more bis
your oshi works at a whore house
My oshi could fuck hobos and still be more dignified than ano.
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check it out.
it's Momi.
While Ano desperately tries to be Ano so bad Momi refuses to even attempt to make an effort. Good job Momi.
average purin fan
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Finger Runs.
They're complete slobs.
They pretty much walk around in unmatching pajamas all day.
I like that.
Japanese idols are always making an effort but not Finger Runs.
I like to think that their apartments are also very messy.
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Must be nice...
I want to touch that
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>get on it

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