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前: >>47703730
cooked rice lost. janny also
let bro cook
acquired 二つ
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just look at the views relative to the comments and likes to get a good idea. 2024 is peak anime popularity and its still growing arguably, there's been a trend for the last year of people visiting japan and with that will come normie interest in wanting to dabble with the language before they eventually quit. if you look at duolingo stats for example, it's the 2nd most popular language normies want to 'learn' behind spanish so there's demand. N5 and N4 content is always evergreen, but people have a bias for the current year tutorials because it may include some 'new techniques' for learning and that retard came in out of nowhere with a kurzgesagt-tier japanese learning guide for 2024. it's not hard to imagine the video picking up steam.
I thought those were free but $8, $9, and $13 a month!? Lol. Lmao. Imagine paying hundreds or thousands of dollars over the course of years for something that can be done significantly better for free.
I'm still in the beginning stages of learning.
I'm confident in my kana, Im on like week 4 of wanikani, but I don't really get where to go with my learning outside of grinding away Kanji there.

I've been using Duolingo because a friend of mine had an extra space on his family plan, but everyone tells me It's shit, and I kind of agree with how repetitive it feels, I feel stuck in place while I do Duolingo.
I'm reading Tae Kim's Guide, but I don't feel I'm truly absorbing the lessons, there's not like a worksheet after every chapter to prove I actually can form sentences the way his guide lays them out for me thus far.

I'm probably gonna start getting tutoring on italki or something, I've ordered a webcam and mic for that.
bro didnt even try to read the guide
Except I did, which is why I brought up Tae Kim, faggot.
all fake posts
here i am, first real poster
lol imagine trying to defend your reputation as if anyone on djt cares
just do those for 5 more years and you can pass n5 bro
fake me has posted around a 100 times over the past few days
someone clearly cares
Wanikani I actually like. It's slow, but I kind of need that slowness when it comes to learning new kanji. As it is I already fuck up enough with the current pace it feeds me kanji.
Right nows "days" and "things" are getting me. Like, why the fuck is "八つ" read "やっつ" but "八日" is read "ようか"

Duolingo I agree is TOO slow. Especially because I make sure to recite the answer without looking at the word bank ahead of time.

I'd like to pair Wanikani with something else to learn, but I'm not sure which is the most effective. Duolingo is just too slow and I've heard even if you're faithful to it, It's just not good.
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>it's not hard to imagine the video picking up steam
Trenton, I run multiple successful youtube channels, some organic, some fake as shit. You will never convince me that you haven't pumped the ever loving fuck out of your own videos lol
you forgot your name, fake you
why do you care so much bro
its kinda insane how comprehension shoots up incredibly at 1k~ vocab and then everything afterwards is a slow miserable grind
feel like my writing has improved a lot
wasnt too long ago that i had trouble writing dumb things like 犬
what a clown right?
ur writing might have improved but you absolute shit accent will cripple you for life
but muh reputation lmao
you get used to shit. your best bet is to make a table and shit for the topic you're studying and practice from there. e.g. 2日にスーパーに行きました。 12月25日はクリスマスです。7月4日はアメリカの独立記念日です
anything goes as long as it's an excuse to use the words (correctly). more often than not, you'll be able to find the names of stuff by using search engines, dictionaries, etc. like with Independence Day above
i found a book that answers my misgivings about other kanji learning methods like heisig and henshalls, in that you learn them isolation without context or vocab which most learners use as an excuse to hold off learning anything else in japanese for months or even over a year.
i found a book that does the typical memorize the kanji method you see in those types of books, but it starts off each section by giving you a few paragraphs of comprehensive japanese texts with a translation and explanation for its grammar on the following pages and then the typical pages of kanji to memorize. so you learn kanji but in context with accompanying vocab being used rather than solely in isolation. only thing i can say is it would probably be difficult for a japanese learner to learn the material with self study as opposed to a class which i think it was originally intended for in the 90s.
i can't believe this has just been sitting in the old japanese books i bought from the library years ago.
thank you for reading my blog.
I’ve begun doing a mandatory 1 hour of reading and 1 hour of listening each day and can feel the improvements
Makes me feel like I wasted some months only doing a few pages of a book and 2 anime episodes but whatever

I’ll eventually push up to 2.5/3 hours a day easily
make it 8 hours or you're ngmi
make me a sandwich and i won't shove my foot up your arse... if you're lucky
bro ive been doing between 8 and hours a day lol
why the fuck are you only doing 2?
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but that leaves no time for 抜きゲー
>bro i have no life
>his life is being a wagie at mcdonalds
really showed me bro
>his life is watching 8 hours of slop every day
not the own you think it is
little bro is doing a full work day of white noising
How can you possibly do 8 hours a day I mean literally what do you do
Also 1 hour of reading and anime is enough to make me tap out but I think having 2 sessions of each would be ok
he probably tells his folks that japanese IS his job lol
i work from home as a swe, i usually have tasks that take 30min to an hour max so the rest of the time im either watching anime raw, reading manga or consuming vtuberslop
i don't even like consuming media i like in english for more than 2 hours a day.

then play a vn or video game?
why are you learning japanese if you dont like the media?
Ah makes sense
I suppose if I added some YouTube videos + passive immersion my total time would increase a lot
Not that it’s the same since passive is inherently as valuable
life is about having to do tons of shit you don't wanna do.
I got to vol 3 of yotsuba based or cringe
me says yotsuba seems like a boring manga but you do you
>consuming vtuberslop
no wonder you're so bad at japanese
anons who watch vtubers are ngmi and never provide vocaroos
lol what a loser
acquired 悪趣味 from vtuberslop
and yet you still dont know japanese
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As someone who is only their second week into their first Anki deck (listening, no kanji until I finish this first deck) what do I do with the remaining free time I have after work? A lot of people here seem to think you should immerse in anime without subtitles or anything but I don’t understand what good it could do if I don’t know what the hell they’re saying, and I’m not going to magically understand it from watching. Should I just wait until I’m mostly through the first Anki deck? It’s ~2,000 cards so it should take a few months but I’m learning a lot so far. Should I watch an anime and decipher each line and memorize those? I feel like that wouldn’t be super helpful as most say that you shouldn’t try to push more than 20 Anki cards a day, so I don’t know why memorizing even more words wouldn’t be similar to that.
you dont need to understand, just immerse.
you pick up something simpler (e.g. tadoku for beginners) or you look up shit until your eyes bleed. your biggest problem will be identifying grammar patterns and making out expressions from loose words.
if youre still going through your basic anki deck, immerse and try to pick out the words and phrases you know as you do. Read and listen
The idea is to just immerse. The human brain is like a sponge, you pick up a lot of stuff unconsciously.
You won't know what the words mean, obviously, but as you immerse it will help you remember words, phrases, and intonations, as you learn later down the line.

I personally watched anime I already knew front and back by memory, that helped me.
Don't listen to the people saying "just immerse." You're wasting your time if you don't understand what you're looking at.
The reason why you dive into the written language is that it unlocks a way for you to look things up yourself and learn from what you're watching/reading.
Swap your deck out for the Kaishi 1.5k or the Core 2.3k and start learning to read.
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japanese is fundamentally a flawed language, what cure dolly said means nothing
looking up kanji is trivial now. if i can't hover it i just write it into ime pad. one and done. takes mere seconds
That's so slow. Just use OCR.
>but I'm faster than OC-
You aren't.
i don't remember asking for advice
I don't remember asking you for your kanji lookup tutorial, yet here we are
sorry bro but u got owned
stop talking to yourself. it's embarrassing
dame upperbro went hard
Nah, I think I won this one.
won the phonefagging competition
Cope samefagger
thinking isn't your strong suit
Winning is
also not it.
both of u dont know japanese, so who really won?
Anon's so mad I called out his samefagging AND his inferior kanji search method.
blackest nigger award
right here >>47715662
honorable mention to anything unko writes
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wasn't me
wasn't me either
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Woah, you've shown me undeniable proof, except you forgot to put the space before the (You).
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>first card in the deck is する
>don’t see it at all in the example sentence
??? Clearly I’m missing something
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する's past tense conjugation is した. It has an irregular conjugation.
why are uppercasers so fucking stupid bros? >>47715790
>Surely you aren't a believer in the theory of evolution... A pawn of that Darwin who does not fear God... How terrifying...
Based Phaleg. This is why I love SMT.
I'd be embarrassed if I were you, too lol
i wanna yaru if you catch my drift
you've earned your サイコパス
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
>Im on like week 4 of wanikani
You need to stop wanikani as soon as possible.
see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/what-are-the-downsides-of-using-wanikani
no one likes you
mean old unko just has to hurt people for no reason
he spittin facts tho
Current thread: #3957

Previous threads: >>47703730 #3956
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I will battle every day
To claim my rightful place
would rather watch that cunt and than vtubers
Unlike everybody else here I actually like Wanikani, which caused me to stick with it way longer than I should have. Ultimately it's a bad tool because you have so little control over the pace and content that it teaches you. This is a problem because you need to be using it alongside other methods. Pretty soon you're going to be learning vocab that outstrips where you are on the Wanikani path, and there's no way to skip ahead or choose specific items that you want to move up the queue.

The sooner you switch from it to something else, the better. Even other paid options like Bunpro or Marumori would probably be a better option at this point. If you like the way WK does it, then there's an Anki deck clone of it that copies its structure (including having you type out the answers) but is free, and gives you much more control over the pace of your learning. I switched to it and never looked back.
look i might use anki again some day but i used it for rtk and core6k and i'm worn out so i deleted that shit.
rtk's always been tempting because acquiring vocab with unfamiliar kanji is so difficult for me. But I just can't justify the time commitment
never do rtk because you're correct that it's not worth the time
how did you get started on this career path?
RTK is bad.
>doesn't teach words, the most critical part of a language. as a consequence, it doesn't take advantage of stuff like antonyms and synonyms: e.g. 開店 and 閉店, 延長 and 短縮
>no mention of rikusho. no mentions of keisei moji (~=phono-semantic compounds), or taking advantage of onpu(sound components) or ifu(meaning components)
>does nothing about readings. what's the point of knowing that 鍵 means key if you're gonna draw a blank when someone writes or says カギ?
>the keywords don't cover a kanji's multiple meanings. 存 means "suppose?" ok what about 存じる(humble form of 知る)? or 存在(existence)?
>does nothing about ateji. 多分(maybe, probably)? hurr does that mean "many parts?"
>listening, no kanji until I finish this first deck
I don't follow. Is this deck only for listening? Absolutely no kanji in it at all? No written Japanese sentence after you listen to the recording? Are you a beginner?
If that's the case, why don't you start with the regular deck? Listening can only get you so far, you need written language, especially in a language like Japanese where homophones are plaguing it. Especially, don't wait until 2000 cards.
>I feel like that wouldn’t be super helpful as most say that you shouldn’t try to push more than 20 Anki cards a day
You got it wrong, your main content consumption shouldn't be Anki decks, but the content itself.
Nowadays? That's an unanswerable question. It really depends on the kinds of videos you want to make and (assuming you don't have a larger account and/or non-youtube autistic community promoting you) how much cash you're willing to part with in order to convince a cold, unfeeling machine that your videos are more important than the 999,999 other videos that get uploaded every day.
>does nothing about readings. what's the point of knowing that 鍵 means key if you're gonna draw a blank when someone writes or says カギ?
to play devil's advocate, it would be faster for me to memorize that "鍵" = カギ when it comes up in my vocab deck or reading or whatever, if I already knew that the collection of squiggles that is 鍵 meant "key"
It just feels really silly not to learn at least a single reading/vocab using the kanji at the same time as brute-force memorizing all these keywords. I guess that's kind of the point of Wanikani, but that has its own problems obviously.

A friend recommended "Kanji in Context" over RTK for exactly that reason, but I flipped it open to the page with instructions on how to use the book and it literally says something like "Step 1: Fully memorize all of the readings and meanings of the keywords for each kanji" lol. Very "draw the rest of the fucking owl"
the jisho says 手 is used as a prefix when you wanna say "very ..." but every time i hear this being used i never feel that the character wanted to say "very..."
i feel like 手短な == 短な

maybe im having a dekinai moment but i don't feel it any other way
how do i stop getting filtered by kanji, the guide has some books recommendations but i was wandering if there's a shortcut, i downloaded an anki deck that was linked there to study the 200 radicals or so, but it doesn't have furigana like how the fuck i am supposed to guess their pronunciation in japanese, can someone pls tell me what they did to study kanji
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>if I already knew that the collection of squiggles that is 鍵 meant "key"
it's 金(かね, i.e. metal, because keys are made of metal) + 建(shares its on-reading ケン. people use keys(鍵) to enter buildings (建物)). you can also check pic related for 開
you can't break everything down like that though. 離's parts have nothing to do with leaving, keeping away, or falling back (see 離れる). its composition (naritachi) says something about a short-tailed bird and a creature sporadically tangling together and breaking up their fight, but it's not very informative.
in the end it's up to you to make sense of shit. there are like 350 distinct parts that make up the moon squiggles so have fun.
when you say you're getting "filtered by kanji," what's actually happening? Are you wanting to study kanji directly, or are you having trouble memorizing vocabulary that's written in kanji?
I'm not sure where you're looking that you think Jisho would tell you 手 means "very," but here it's referring to sense 5: trouble, care, effort.
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i was using this site

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wat do u guys think of my handwriting
sorry for the late reply,
but yeah basically i've been studying it through vocabulary and i've had trouble recognizing quite a few, that bothers me, so i decided to study it separately (while still studying through vocab) to reinforce it, but the deck i downloaded seems useless since it only gives me the meanings of the radicals in english instead of telling me how to say it in japanese, i also want to be able to write it so that's another reason i want to give kanji it's own "isolated" study kind of, so i was wandering how some of you are currently studying it, to be able to get better at recognizing it and writing it.
fix your か. it's too square, looks like a カ
pay attention to hooks (e.g. ほ's, は's left side)
your 「ん」s look like "h"s
stop trying to make holes on your desk
the angle on your へ is off
you might want to get some practice sheets so you can get the balance right
alright thanks for the feedback.

if you were to judge my english handwriting compared to good handwriting, would it be on par to my japanese handwriting or is the japanese worse
>tfw JLPT level N3, on the verge of N2
>still feel like I don't know SHIT
Anybody else?
right now the vocab that's giving you trouble probably look like a bunch of random squiggles, once you can break the kanji down into components and start recognizing them in other words then it makes them easier to recognize and remember. If you're really struggling then you can assign your own meanings to the components and come up with mnemonics for the pronunciation and meaning. The more retarded and personal the better. I remember when I first learned 難しい, my mnemonic involved a chinese guy (I recognized the left-hand component from the 漢 of 漢字) sitting next to a radiator, and it was "difficult" for him to move because his room was so cold.

Eventually you won't need the mnemonics anymore when you see the word in real contexts enough times
one of you faggots get in here and help him
Just looks like the regular text. Play it in English.
sorry but nobody here knows Japanese
thanks for your reply, i really appreciate it but i just have one more question, analyzing the kanji will help me recognize it's meaning but will it also help me write it down? or do i need to focus on it separately i know it will involve a lot of handwriting either way but the radicals approach will guide me through the right way of doing so, so in the end it comes out a separate kanji and vocab study either way right? (sorry if i'm saying something stupid).
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look at handwriting fonts さ and き aren't written like that

both ugly but japanese worse
>handwriting fonts
more like textbook typefaces (教科書体)
duly noted, thanks for feedback
just heard someone say 恋愛 like れんげあい (which is probably a kikichigai on my part)
i think i will never acquire how ng works
words with ん followed like a vowel are weird. like when they say ふんいき and it comes out closer to ふいんき or ふんぎき (with a nasalized g, like for the が particle, see bidakuon)
remins me of the infamous 場合 read as ばわい
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; ;
personally I can only remember how to write a small fraction of the kanji I can recognize. For me at least, writing is its own completely separate skill that I have to practice separately. And I also use the components to help remind me how to write.
Why does yomitan not recognize 希死念慮
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thanks but even after watching a few videos on this i have now idea how to nasalize this n
i wanna give up and just accept that this is one part of japanese that will forever elude me
Install a better dictionary?
pronounce "listening" and hold the last vowel in a hum
Yeah that was it, I was using one from 2021.
>Download new one
>Faggot formatting
>Download new version legacy edition
>Clean and simple
Much better.
>using an inferior dictionary because you're insecure about your sexuality and can't ask claude to write you some css




where are you guys getting your deck from
never used anki never will
posting japanese videos in djt is NOT off topic
worthless faggot janny was probably just insecure cause he cant understand the videos i post
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Can someone explain to me what I'm meant to study after memorizing the Kanas?
I used Anki and memorized both Hiragana and Katakana. I really liked it because the daily goals were clear (Do X cards, revise X*n cards).

I opened Genki but didn't understand how or what I'm meant to study from it
I tried looking into Kanji but didn't understand how I'm meant to both read it nor how to infer it's meaning.

I'm sorta stuck and looking for guidance.
I'm tempted to just load up Core2K or some word deck and to try and memorize by brute-force.
What are you even talking about? Those videos aren't Japanese and so far none of your posts have gotten removed.
i posted an abema prime video and got warned for it
nigger ass janny
Next goal would be learning some vocab from the core deck and getting some basic grammar down. From there you can make your own deck out of the words you encounter in whichever media you want to learn from.
The goal is to get to the point where you become your own tutor.
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Did this just happen? I'm not seeing anything in the archive.
use the kaishi anki deck instead since it was created this year and its words choices are more focused on anime and visual novels:
yea, brute forcing is direction you want to go since it gets you to where you need to be more quickly.
better yet, this place isn't even for you since actually want to progress.
go on this website: https://learnjapanese.moe/ and read the guide(actually read it); it will put you in the right direction. also join their discord since there tons of resources and people who can help more than anyone will here.
Congratulations. After wasting all that time you can download LunaHost and start reading visual novels with Jisho and DeepL open.
A quick tip: LunaHost has an option to automatically copy something into your clipboard so you can immediately ctrl v.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crNQVhLfFVs yooooooooooooooo
last night
And you're complaining about it now... why exactly?
Thoughts on my plan?
-10 new anki cards, kaishi deck then mining deck
-A cure dolly video whilst taking notes ( most difficult part for me)
-1-2 hours immersion
~sometimes practise with natives
Just make another card with やっつ ようか on the front.
because earlier he was busy fucking your mom

You should give a try to both.

Sounds like you deserved the warning then. Just a friendly reminder but not everything Japanese is considered on-topic.
i didn't get any warnings. time to do your english sentence cards buddy
cause i just woke up bih
What do you think getting warned means exactly?
drop cure dolly for a real grammar guide
also the immersion is pointless if you dont understand anything
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janny is aspeep for at least the next few hrs
why cant you just act normal?
I particularly like the 30-day schedule from this site since a lot of beginners seem to struggle with what they should actually be doing in the early stages
if shoui/james wasnt a tranny tmw would be a lot cooler
I'm only a week in.
Which guide would you suggest? I was thinking of IMABI but it seems daunting.
As for immersion, you are right it does seem useless for me right now. I admit I havn't done much but will increase it as I learn
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B面ヤバすぎる…チャプター1でこれ?_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
imabis probably the best out there
i wouldnt let his thoroughness prevent you from using it tho
Okay IMABI it is then, appreciate it.

しまったspoilしてしまった ;_;
noooo u spoiled my tranny indie game for me noooo
sorry ボンちゃん…人˘ω˘;)
Its either anime or shilltubers, no substantive essencial input for everyday conversational (formal or otherwise) japanese.
Not everyone loves the high pitched moege brainrot style of spoken japanese and it sure as hell isnt useful for you short term or otherwise.
Have fun!
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another day, another 20 words committed to memory.

And people say this shit is hard?
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落下中に下キーで加速するの知らなかった :3
vast majority of the good shit is

so is this a tranoid game or what? i've avoided it for a while because the gay memes people make about it.
Man you're gonna feel so dumb for thinking this down the line when you actually get good at japanese.
i've been making gay memes about you. that's why everyone's been avoiding you. that and the smell. god that smell
>i can't play this fuck hard meatboy clone that's 99.9% pure gameplay bc some mouthbreather somewhere said some shit about it and they might think less of me if i do eventhough they can never know and i actually kind of hate them
imagine being that fucking stupid
>be japanese
>have word
>could mean 40 other difference words
never heard of this but how you describe the game sounds very elite human capital. i'll definitely check it out.
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>using other words to clarify
>learning english first
nice fanfic. im just jaded when it comes to seeing the alphabet gang stamp on anything nowadays. if it has some significance in the story, i'd rather stay away from it. same reason why i didn't play ff16 either; no reason to randomly make bahamut a fag other than to brown nose tranoids who make up less than 1 percent of your sales
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use tsukubaU's VPN shit and find the server with the least connection. those typically work

Olivia You are my daily inspiration!
Why did Heisig use some of the most obscure english words I have ever come across when describing certain Kanji? I'm trying to learn Japanese over here ffs.
stealth n3
shout out to wisteri trees
I'm N1 with a score of 96%. I read daily pre-war japanese literature for a few hours each. Based on the kanji grid addon I know 4,000 kanji, can read/write 旧字体 and I currently have 30,000 anki cards all added from mined material myself.

I live in Japan and I legitimately feel like I'm a mentally disabled person compared to a native speaker. I constantly bump into situations that make me physically cringe several years down the line before going to sleep. Never will anyone "make it", never will anyone be truly fluent, it's so over.
working class ESL
dont like messing with vpns and gonna be in japan in a few days anyway
You are wasting your time. Create your own stories or mnemonics if you need to.
how did most people get it wrong tho
samui doesn't fit here because samui is usually used for the weather or you feel samui because your body is cold
suzusii is also used for wind, water or weather when you wanna find a place to cool down a bit for example during a hot summer day
hosoi means thin, no?

the last thing that is left is tumetai which is fitting because it gets used for beverages, beer and ice for example
normie garbage
it's time to stop reading and time to start speaking all day every day with natives just like matt has been doing. that will take you to the next level.
I think this is a good case for immersion because I'm pretty sure I first just learned all those words from flashcards as "cold", but 冷たい is the only one that remotely sounds right
>or you feel samui because your body is cold
im pretty sure its tumetai when you touch something cold tho
dumbahh niqqa
the kanji koohi community leaves comments for every entry of heisig where they recommend good mnemonics and substitutes for heisig's words. or at least they did back when i did rtk. you should use them together. only takes a click to move between the entries.
ive seen やる used for 宿題 more oftenn than する
I have been in Japan for 4 years. I already speak all day every day, I live in the ど田舎(total headcount of people speaking english: 0, besides I'm an esl myself and I'd consider my spoken english way worse than my japanese as I have never spoken English in my life), work full time in a (od course only japanese) company and even my wife doesn't speak/understand my mother tongue. There is literally nothing I can do to speak more japanese than that.
Any updates from berseria anon?
not really
all words mean 1 word
berserk anon?
explain 侘び寂び in one word then
it means wabisabi
don't go smart ass on me boy
not sure but im my educated guess is that it may mean Aethetic sense in Japanese art centered on the acceptance of transcience and imperfection.
describe one such situation that makes you cringe pls
Should have listened to matt and ken
we are so back
matt is right in the uncanny valley because he's like a native white guy but not quite. and also because of his height
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that show got so boring i hope todays episode is bearable
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Bro just keep on talking to cute japanese jk girls and you'll prolly make it quicker than you think!
I talk to my Chinese girlfriend in Japanese since her English isn't very good. Today, she sent me a full moon face emoji. What does that mean in Japanese?
my most recent card is 破竹の勢い
estimate my nihongo level
lol i learned kagi from tales of phantasia
got it from my first vinnie so dunno
jisho is wrong lol
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I really like this lil fella
i miss the kirby anon
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fuck now I can't unsee it
me i am actually ひとりぼっち everyday of my life
i just use the calendar app on my phone to setup some animu to watch at night time before bed
I only saw 3 on those vending machines so it must be that
redpill me on 流石 it doesn't make sense as an ateji
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everybody just assumed you knew
You have us
>toaru kagaku no railgun is on abema
kek, do retards really think this? if you can talk the talk you can listen the listen
I will walk the walk
>dmm bitcoin
i cant remember why i made a dmm account probably for some game that shutdown
>talk without listening
you must be deaf then
are you retarded? they literally made a song about that
is this a larp, because your apparent stats and your problems don't match up, and considering you didn't provide us with an example that makes you cringe, im gonna assume you're lying.
For me it was Kantai
yeah, lil bro is daydreaming again
i cant belive i almost have put 1k euros into dmm + dlsite

at least i get to read a few doujins earlier than sadpanda bros
dunno if this is a w bros
I am learning Japanese to escape western culture.
Hyper-moralism and politics killed every piece of media and especially social media for me, so the only thing left right now is Japanese media.
yea there is no hyper-moralism and politics in japan
based. all the more reason to give it my all
leaving western media for the same reason.
there is no hyper moralism anywhere in the west either
based industry supporter
im playing it
already love the mc
im lovin it
You being happy is the most important part
Western twitter and jp twitter is like night and day
twitter isnt culture
there is no war in ba sing se
the gameplay in missions isnt half bad
now if only this wasnt gacha shit and the story was interesting then i could actually play it
It's unknown why it came to be spelled that way. Only a folk etymology remains.
From the site you referenced: "WaniKani users end up being unable to read kanji with multiple readings. On top of that, this sort of knowledge is impractical because in Japanese kanji are always used to write words."
Bullshit. Wanikani drills radicals, kanji and words, and there are also phrases. You will definitely lean multiple readings.
Get the Wanikani Ultimate 3: Tokyo Drift Anki deck and use it. It is very beneficial as part of a learning program.

Here's a thought: Why do they teach formal speech first, other than "you should learn how to be polite first"? Seems backwards. I think you should learn it they way Japanese learn, which is hearing and speaking informally at home as a child, and the other thing is informal (short form) is used in a number of important phrasal constructions, and it seems like short-form conjugation of verbs and adjectives would be better to master first, rather than second.
yeah berubetto is great
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Why you learn Japanese?
wow i wanna fuck her
lol bro wanna fuck a neural network
>bob cut
>lace choker
>sleeves with frills (best on a rock tho)
>soft skin
>neotenous face even into adulthood
>natural black straight hair
the only race where god actually didn't roll dice and deliberately made a 10/10 build
>neotenous face even into adulthood
god tier feature

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otaku culture
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are you doing a core deck?
there're literally 5 watchables animes and they are all adaptations of superior source materials

grim medium
which ones
Can 一人 mean number one? For example.
Does that mean "I'm from the team" or "I'm the number one of the team"?
This is completely true, and why I practically stopped watching anime. The best anime are usually downgraded vns or lns.
There is 0 chance to watch anime and use it as immersion. You have to use vtuberslop and youtube videos because the quality of modern anime is so horse shit
s;g, clannad, logh, monogatari, sac 2nd gig
no. hitori only refers to 'one person' or 'alone'
this just means "im one guy from the team"
Alright. It just made sense given the context. Thanks.
post the context
lost me. never looked at the manga, but you're not about to tell me some late 80s manga is better than the anime
the made in abyss adaptation eclipses the manga
pe*oshit aside, it will never be finished
Proud メスガキ魔法少女 who has never lost a battle or something.
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a low budget 00's anime isn't any better
quit spamming vtuber shit
VNs and LNs are literal slop, anon.
so is the illusive samurai actually any good
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no, webm is me shorty after seeing a post worthy vtuber clip
it's you acting like a faggot?
whoever animated this did a very epic job
that's so good
thanks for posting
vtuber anon on suicide watch
watch the first 3 episodes and find out
personally i think its kino
i think the general consensus is that it's flashy but underwhelming
watched around 9 hours of vtubers today.
thats a lot of losing anon are you okay
vtards are dekiru it's okay
theyre the ones who never produce vocaroos
not sure if you don't recall moes dekiru arc, bunko
but these are the immersion guys that suck up 12 hours worth of japanese every day
every vtuba fan here has probably the power of 4 qms combined
true true
>Get the Wanikani Ultimate 3: Tokyo Drift Anki deck and use it. It is very beneficial as part of a learning program.
Am I stupid?
There doesn't seem to be any readings on the deck I downloaded. Not to mention, it doesn't give me an overview of the 15 cards I'm about to go through, I'd have to get it wrong first to even learn what It's about.

Part of why I've avoided anki is that I feel too stupid for it, it seems like you have to do a lot of customization to even get it working properly.
I'm here to learn Japanese, not become a code monkey.
vtubers cant teach you japanese

dame i fw this type of girl
how many times you gonna post her
the way that vtubers make ppl in this thread seethe is amazing.

Current immersion:
no ones seething we just dont like you
she gives me lewd moe vibes what can i say
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man, djt has gotten so much better and it only took one filter.
we all know you still click the + from time to time
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want to make /djt/ usable? filter lowercasers and jp posts
very based but you also filtered yourself ironically
> filtered yourself
lil bro...
I am very smart
unfortunately he falls under the category of lowercaser
jp twitter is so polite that I cant help but randomly bully them sometimes
File deleted.
That's weird, the W3 deck definitely has readings. Maybe you just haven't got to them yet? It probably starts with a big chunk of radicals.

>it doesn't give me an overview of the 15 cards I'm about to go through, I'd have to get it wrong first to even learn what It's about
It's fine to get a new card "wrong" in anki. Just flip it, learn the mnemonics, and hit "again." As you immerse you'll eventually start learning tons of words outside of anki, so you want to get in the habit of looking at new cards and judging whether to know it already or not. In fact that's a huge benefit of the anki version over the original wanikani site.

Other not ideal things about the W3 deck: they included spoken audio files for the vocabulary which is good, but by default they play automatically even on the meaning cards. That makes it too easy to remember the kana when the reading card comes up, since I just heard it ten seconds ago. I had to go into the card menu and comment out the line for the audio on meaning cards.
i have relearned 七輪 so many times looool
japanese from zero:
>Tutor paid!

only a matter of time now bros
you forgot bunpro, ngmi
pay me half that and ill show you the real way to succeed
do the thing where it pretty much deletes the post, too so you don't need to see the stub.
I did like 35 and even got to some vocab and finally it gave me a reading, guess I was just being impatient.
Out of curiosity, what else do you personally use?

I need to figure out more solid material that anki/wanikani on Anki can be supplementary to.
I'm really trying to go hard. I'm not sure if I should be immersing this early on, but I've started putting on anime I've watched before without subtitles. I don't understand pretty much anything outside of basic phrases and words, but it is interesting what I do pick up and recognize from my learning.
ya already did
the results have been insane
also, don't tell namefags they're getting filtered. otherwise, they'll just keep switching shit up to annoy you.
just filter all namefags
doesnt matter, its a filter on all names/trips
i mean posters who make retard names like this. is there a global way to block it? thought you had to do it individually
if the name is not "anonymous" it will filter
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best language
i dont care
unko on suicide watch
cant really watch him when the entire thread has him filtered lol
dont bully him too hard or he'll start spamming hag porn
he cares so little he announces it and links to it again lmao
i also don't care but reply every time
cause that's how that works fellas
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>Out of curiosity, what else do you personally use?
In terms of apps and stuff? I've tried pretty much everything (Wanikani, Bunpro, JPDB, Marumori, Renshuu) and I just keeping coming back to Anki. W3 Tokyo Drift deck for kanji, Kaishi 1.5 deck to plug up holes in my basic vocabulary, Tatsumoto's tango decks for N3/N2 vocabulary since I struggled with that on the JLPT, then my mining deck.
whats the first vn u guys read in jp? im thinking of going with nekopara
Yosuga no sora
when you get an anki card wrong how long do you stare at it before clicking again?
0.1 seconds
nibba staring at onki lmaooooo
nekopara > totono > satsukoi, but i like to tell people satsukoi was my first since in hindsight, i didn't learn anything from the first two and was just going through the motions
im an og ninja so its gonna be that loli yuri eroge where the girl wakes up the other girl in the beginning (im bad with names thats why i can't name it now)
>so you don't need to see the stub.
I didn't think this would matter but holy shit it's so much better
Angel Beats
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dafuq angel beats was a vinnie?
and a bad one at that
all posts with my name on apart from the op are fake me
what brings someone to pretend to be a lowly namefriend for like 125 posts over a couple of days
especially when the posts like >>47722384 are things i might actually post even down to the file name
simply pathetic and the wotd is キモイ
all me
>nooooooo guys dont filter me that was fake me!!1!!1!
any matt updates
Is it bad to read vinnies where I often understand only about 50% of each line? I look everything I don't know up but I'm wondering how well I will actually learn. Should I go for something easier or power through?
no still 5 4
just read 種馬 as shuba
my nickname
No one cares about your """reputation""", lil bro.
nah bunbro is our bro with all his flaws he is still a djter
i am allowed to comment on things without considering how threatened you may feel
micropenis energy
no way loool
epic insult
when did you have sex last?
epic comeback rofl
KEK are you nuts? Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!
One thing I can tell you for sure is that if you've been duped into following Mehmet's Them***y guide, your best option is to stop now. He just copied what matt said, changed a couple things and put his patreon links all over it. His half-assed "guide" is full of malware, and he scams people for donations. He doesn’t even know Japanese unlike the creators of the official djt guide. Also, avoid the anki decks he shills or you'll get crippled.
Beginners, be sure to use only the /jp/ guide by Tatsumoto if you want to make it. tatsumoto.neocities.org
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as a software engineer who currently works with centos as our os, and has worked as a redhat administrator, i will never take linux seriously. Terrible kernel, terrible support, terrible software.

I use a macbook and windows PC at home.
i mean for me it was a couple of hours ago
it took you hours for an epic comeback?
I was just shitposting a random thought that popped into my head but apparently got into the middle of another namefag hissy fit I guess? another W for filters lmao
> Can someone explain to me what I'm meant to study after memorizing the Kanas?
Did you read Tatsumoto? If not, do it now https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
it will never fail to ne ironic me how the majority of linux shills have never worked with linux in a professional environment and are only troon hobbyist.
man dont you me im playing a game the ping distracts me
working with computers is not real work
i'm a software engineer with 10+ years of experience, and i must tell you i hate working with anything except the GNU system. The reason is pretty simple actually. . The GNU system and Libre/free software, by their nature, are inherently more constructive and extensible.
I prefer GNU/Linux because it just makes everything easier. It's more user-friendly, which is great for beginners. This means you won't have to jump through all the hoops like people do on Windows. With more simple and convenient software, you can carry out your everyday tasks swiftly and efficiently. For instance, in i3wm, you can set up key bindings to perform any task with just a few keypresses. Most of the time, you won't even need a mouse. I have a binding that lets me add an image to an Anki card with just one keypress or extract text from a manga page with another keypress.
There's also more software for Japanese available on GNU. Some tools like impd, transformers_ocr, and gd-tools, which are covered in our Japanese guide, only work on GNU. While Windows offers a wide range of software, much of it is either useless or comes with malicious features.
If you're debating whether installing the GNU operating system is worth it, consider that it only takes about 20 minutes to do so. Mastering a foreign language will take years, so this is a good investment. In return, you'll save hours each week on various tasks.
chatgpt reply ^
>I opened Genki but didn't understand how or what I'm meant to study from it
Avoid Genki. Never open it. It's explained in the guide. https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/are-textbooks-bad
i like debian kde because it just works and barely has updates to download
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>I'm sorta stuck and looking for guidance.
Read Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese
thread nosediving in quality, who could be behind this...
thread is actually not bad once you filter out all namefags.
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that's a copypasta
gonna filter the word filter
its annoying to hear the same post this much and i bet he unfilters the posts all the time anyway
no one uses kaishi garbage. we all made it using Ankidrone Essentials.
read the 1 that doesnt shill linux
t*tsumoto is a pedo
get that shit outta here
dont care what os shitters use
then shut up
most of his recommended matrix servers cater to pedos
The author of the bottom post was american. He wrote that just to take the screenshot. Today it's well known that a lot of Japanese people use GNU.
non-pedo servers have strict rules which is bad for DJT since DJT (the matrix space) needs freedom of speech.
its extremely weak when literally every single insult you try to make is "no you"
do better
yeh cuz ur a pedo
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Hey bud! it looks like you might be replying to a namefag, try out this filter to make your browsing experience better!
I don't read vns because reading most vns requires running nonfree software. Manga, anime or LNs are much better because you can consume them with only libre software, e.g. mpv for anime, nsxiv for manga, crqt-ng for books.
VLC is king
>I'm tempted to just load up Core2K or some word deck and to try and memorize by brute-force.
All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Essentials is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Essentials.
no but i prefer freedom of speech
ankidrone essentials seemed kind of weird to me and I didn't see how it was any better than Kaishi. Like 歯 was in the first ten cards or something like that. But maybe I just had my anki set up wrong
I also got turned off of Tatsumoto's decks when I looked into his "N5" deck and there were a ton of ateji kanji in a row that you absolutely do not need to know at N5, like 仏蘭西 and 印度 and 珈琲 and shit.

I wish guys like this who are obsessed with getting attention from namefags would actually at least reply to them, so their posts get hidden too. It's basic courtesy honestly
new filters:
Just read tatsumoto and you'll become fluent faster than with any other method.
average US salary compared to most other professions says otherwise
might start filtering the word 'iq'
flawed logic
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the first card in Essentials is 私
> To comply with the AJATT philosophy, as many words as possible are written in kanji even if they appear written in kana in the Tango textbooks.
It's not about passing the shitty N5 test, it's about actually becoming fluent. You either know the proper spelling or or you don't know the word.
don't. i'll be fact posting about it some other time.
just got student on tmw discord gz me!?
Coworker makes a mistake at work and I say while smiling "そういうことは屢ありますよ". First of all I meant to say 時折 but even then it still make it sound like I'm shitting on him when in fact what I meant "そういうことあるあるですね". This guy probably secretely hates my guts now.
what does that mean
nah youre overthinking it its fine
writing it in kanji would make you look extremely gay though
There aren't any young persons here, they all flee to the city to get education or a job. There's not even a 高校. On the bright side I've been immersing in a dialect with an insane 訛り like you wouldn't believe it's Japanese.
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You know about Japan time? Wrote those posts at midnight, I'm now awake and replying.
uh-oh bros, i might be in love
Never joined a learner 'cord, is it as bad as it sounds?
japan should not be one timezone
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ok now read this
is this ai
>writing it in kanji would make you look extremely gay though
After practicing writing in 旧字体 for years and only typing on a computer, on the rare occasion I'm asked to fill a form or something I barely can recall 新字体 and I look like a fucking retard than cannot write.
lol retarded
I'm esl, literally don't care. On another note, took the toeic and got 満点. Explains why japanese people are so bad at English.
never gotten below the 99th percentile on a test
you also never got any pussy. your point?
do you know japanese though?
prove it
where is big j
didnt unko practically fail the n1 with a pathetic 160/180
if you wanna talk the talk
almost 3 years ago
i dont wanna do shit cuz i know japanese and enjoy the benefits every time i interact with the language. when youve made it you dont give a shit about 'proving' things to fatherless failson ngmis whove made their low level of skill their identity
youre grinding things i mastered years ago cope with that
where is jamal
where is makopi
where is bunko
where is og
where is moe
where is 4bc
where is ciaran
where is britbong
where is yanis
where is qm
where is anacreon
where is morbido
where is imouto
where is toucan
where is floodguy
where is tatsumoto
where is mlen
started crying when i read this
ive read and discussed novels with japanese college students irl conversations are a low bar. im never going to vocaroo in djt because i dont want some person irl linking me to this place but if you really think speaking sol anime tier japanese into a mic is some high standard that just shows how big of a fail noob you are
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watch loveless
>ive read and discussed novels with japanese college students irl
if you think this is a high standard then bro..
vocaroo is good because even a really simple text instantly shows how bad most shitters are at actually pronouncing japanese
the fact that you cant see this just shows how big of a fail noob homo you are
signed your lil bro
respectable score
we cant all be like qm and get an impressive 169
he took the test after me and started studying before
he also has like 10 hours of output max
youre a low iq druggie loser who lifts boxes in a factory for minimum wage and got so drunk he doxxed himself to prove how hot his mom is. you know nothing about protecting your identity online and it shows
he also has a job, wife, college classes, and kid to take care of. him being better at japanese than you is just a fun side hobby of his. he mainly focuses on writing computer software and studying european linguistics
if you cant get a perfect score on a language test, it simply means you don't know the language.
a single voice clip would not dox you
writing japanese ittは尚更
i mainly focus on plapping my japanese wife and lifting heavy shit because she earns a lot anyway
so you think youre an expert what can or cant dox people? lmao
im not putting my voice out there james. if you can link an uncrackable voice changer i might do you a vocaroo but its pointless to go that far for something that doesnt prove anything. anyone whos listened to anime for a few years can read some baby japanese and sound convincing

but we can do better. stream right now and ill point out your mistakes. ill even give you free lessons on why you suck
>anyone whos listened to anime for a few years can read some baby japanese and sound convincing
why are almost all vocaroos here extremely bad then?
because they are made by true beginners like flood guy. something to do with the willingness to vocaroo being related to the dunning kruger effect
weird how the dunning kruger effect can never apply to you
it could have years ago
what if you only think that because you are at the top of mount stupid rn
why dont you guys settle this like men?

unlikely because im not the one posting >>47723060 >>47723071 or still grinding middle school kanji
you can be able to write kanji without knowing japanese and vice versa
sure but you also have trouble reading japanese that goes beyond conversational and complain about it in the thread
like what lol
i dont keep track. someone posted common words from a novel recently and you said you didnt know any of them so stuff like that
i said my wife also probably could not read them
its also possible to know how to read words most japanese people cannot without knowing japanese
yes but we are talking about you not knowing a good chunk of the language used in writing. that means youre not good
i assume you mean these posts
reread this >>47723302
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okay you are fucking retarded so ill have to explain my post. yes "its also possible to know how to read words most japanese people cannot without knowing japanese". but if you dont know a good chunk of the written language you are not good.

you dont know a good chunk of the written language. so you are not good. understand?
so my wife is not good at japanese because she cant read most of those words?
yeah she isnt. there was a related discussion in the trash thread recently in the context of english and yes if a native doesnt know words like travesty or fails literature class in high school they are not good. any other native would say the same. this whole conversation has been about how simply
>speaking sol anime tier japanese into a mic
doesnt prove anything and why you begging for it is a huge self own. you can now see why you never scored the 99th percentile on any test. its because youre a blockhead.
those words are a lot rarer than things like travesty you fucking retard
most japanese people cannot read most of them
no need to cope. everyone knows you married a retard because thats what retards do they either die retarded or marry other retards
i guarantee you the vast majority of japanese cannot read those words
in fact i would bet most can read exactly the same ones i could
>in the context of english and yes if a native doesnt know words like travesty or fails literature class in high school they are not good. any other native would say the same
nope. you're talking about a select group of people who want to learn japanese because they like japanese culture. these people are above average intellectually. in their circles, not knowing the word "travesty" would mean you're stupid, but it wouldn't be surprising if the average person doesn't know it.
i dont need your guarantees. that is not the only example btw you are clearly terrible at written japanese. no wonder you dwell on n5 conversation vocaroo tests. poor thing. its all you have
well theres not much for me to do if you are willfully gonna be ignorant and out of touch
its over
there isnt much for you to do because you cant do much
you never point out any mistakes in my written japanese and you never respond in japanese yourself
i dont read your shit japanese but i made you an even better offer. stream right now and ill point out your mistakes. ill do it till you are red in the face and stop streaming
so you comment on my japanese without even reading it
literally worthless posts
Unko giving this lowerbro the BIZNISS. It's hard to argue with his thinking.
because i dont read it now doesnt mean i have never read it. and even if i would have never read it wouldnt mean i wouldnt know how good your japanese is lil 90 iq vocaroo champ
go ahead and write some good japanese just like once lol
you clearly have the time
why are you scared shitless of streaming? because you know ill make you my bitch lol. come on loser lets see if you can do better than bongtard. he lasted 15 minutes
you are not in the position to call me scared
yes im in the even better position of making you my bitch. stream now and ill show you
why would i care what someone who says most native speakers are not good at japanese because they cant read obscure kanji thinks
they are not obscure kanji but i told you
>that is not the only example btw you are clearly terrible at written japanese.
i just wrote that did you already forget? retard. why should *i* care what some idiot noob grinding baby grade 4 kanji thinks? did your pea sized brain ever think of that? did it? because it should have.

but enough about your clown acts. shut up and stream. now
ok but the vast majority of japanese people cannot read those kanji
the conversation ends with this its fully over and you embarrassed yourself yet again
i said shut up. don't you get what that means?
and stream. now
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still scared shitless of streaming i see. change your diapers and get on it. im taking you to your djt grave today
Why are lowercasers so UPPITY all the time? Unko was just minding his own business when this TMW guy starts going all crazy.
I think he should make at least one vocaroo to show that he's arguing in good faith. Demanding a stream without demonstrating any skill is just bad etiquette.
yea gonna drop everything in my life to stream for you rn sure
i forget katakana more than I forget fucking kanji
well if this was irl i would kill a limpwristed ron weasely motherfucker like you at this point because you have been annoying the thread for years spamming "vocaroo!" "vocaroo!" despite being a mediocre utter failure. if youre so good why are you scared to death like a sissy when it comes to proving your own skill? need your mommy to hold your hand while you stream so you dont piss your panties or do another tougimiti?

fucking worthless loser. you couldnt even get a respectable score on the n1 a literal pre beginner test. noob trash
heres my proof
lol sissy unko ran away after talking shit and bragging about his and his retard hag wifes japanese. oh well of course he was going turn out a coward just like his worthless father another boondoggle
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bros i only wanted to take a few days off and i stopped adding for 2 weeks. gonna 吊る
so you just gotta add 280 new cards in one day to make up for lost time
that's like, two episodes of LOGH, no biggie
imma 弔う
Is Abema free?
how the fuck do your translate hentai. what are they supposed to say in english
dunno ive never had sex in english

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