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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>47731299
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How the fuck can i process audio better in my brain
>conversational language
>short - mid sentences with some unknown vocab
Fine, infer / look it up
>long/fast sentences using all words and grammar i know
Cannot understand at all

Feels like having to do 10 QTEs in a row of recollecting what words, terms, verb endings, etc mean
Should i just be listening and having a sort of subconscious understanding cause im trying to do that, not translate to English mentally
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I'm at a point where I can read basic level stuff (books, audio with JP subtitles, etc.) but how do I know what I'm interpreting is correct? I feel like constantly checking an English version and/or running to a translator/dictionary every time I get stuck isn't the most efficient way but it might be
you get used to shit. your brain will eventually start focusing on content words, and clusters of words and fixed phrases you hear frequently like ~なんですけれども, ~わけにはいかない, and ~だなんて信じられない! will start feeling effortless to process.
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learned enough jp to sekuhara my vtuber

she leaves a like on all my comments and tweets
why haven't you slid into her dms yet
what's the point of doing it where other people can't see
so she can invite you over? all vtubers are whores who sleep with their fans
my question remains unanswered
i'm a schizo and asked all 3 questions
Will an onaho make me better at Japanese?
marry a bba
if okayu invited me over id feed her fast food and milkshakes daily for a few months
you havent married or fucked any bbas
i literally had sex with her today tho
any niggers?
今日bbaとセックスしたけどね :3
関西弁もこなすメッシーの勝ちだね( ˘ω˘)ウムッ
ほんまにおおきに! ^^
You have to start thinking in Japanese. It sounds fucking impossible, but it's the only way to keep up, and the natural ability to do so is how most polyglots seemingly do it so naturally.

You should not look at a dog and think "Dog, that's uh... 犬!" You should just go "犬". Changing your internal dialogue and thoughts is the only way to "flip the switch" if you're not naturally gifted.
please provide a vocaroo before giving advice

yup this is the thread
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>I'm at a point where I can read basic level stuff (books, audio with JP subtitles, etc.)
vocaroo and i'll help you
posting a vocaroo before receiving help should be a rule
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
I'm depending on the sample sentence to remember my anki cards. It's over for me...
why do you even have that on the front?
why even do anki
helps with kanji and handwriting
coping mechanism
>t. half-literate
ok but for anything else
literally just immerse
you cant 貯める dictionary lookups
what else is there?
>helps with kanji and handwriting
you can literally write down what you read or do soragaki.
needs to be drilled for efficiency
soragaki is a meme
still perplexed at the 雪国's reading
yukiguni? seems normal what perplexes you?
kun + kun in a jukugo still looks goofy to me
what about works like 暗闇 or 潮時
ive seen them more often perhabs thats why i don't feel any iwakan with these
i'm the most worthless piece of shit to have ever walked the earth
phew, i was a bit worried that was me
kun + kun a jukujo
>a meme
just like (You)
yoooooooo i know this one let's gooooooo https://streamable.com/jmts36
stay mad
you're the one mad since you can't recognize that you're a crippled ankidrone
i only use it for handwriting nowadays so no
naw really im me so i know you are not
just me to you speaking right now
make a vocaroo stand up for yourself
as of now you are just a weak bottom tier no life ngmi pussy
change now for your own good
step up for once
ive had sex almost every night since i got married
were going out to dinner tomorrow so its probably gonna be 6 days in a row now
already told you to stop shouting 'vocaroo' without giving a concrete challenge
like, vocaroo what? what do you want from him? just 'vocaroo' doesn't mean anything and is boring, you're not giving the guy an actual chance to prove himself
メッシーはこのすばの冒頭を見事に読み上げていたね :3
lol ive had sex every single day since before i got married
i know he wont do it
why are you copying me
i think vtubers are sad
if i could add 40 pounds to each ones model then maybe i could see myself getting interested
but until then its gonna be a steady diet of bba av and my wifes manko
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why do you keep spamming the dake grammar
he finds it interesting i guess
new core deck just dropped https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/268028556
this should be the new deck we push to all the newfriends
>the dake grammar
だけ filters so many people nowadays
>Updated 2024-03-29
anyway as i dont particularly like any of you i will be leaving for now
i expect to see several dozen fake posts if i ever check
>This deck is the top 1000 loan words sorted by frequency, with their Hiragana, English definition and audio attached.
>3rd word is イデオロギー
i've been reading otaku material for 4 years and never read this before. perhabs if your a book nerd
no one likes you either, don't worry
dude unko just gtfo bro
literally every1 here hates you. djt isnt for u pal stop forcing ur shit
i like him
thanks but this place isnt healthy for me anymore
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RIP to the anon who said he was learning JP for this game only for it to be canceled.
This is what 6 year old Japanese children are watching on youtube
wow wonder what happened
too similar to ba?
project kissless virgin
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What 迷惑 did they cause?
A fellow /djt/er just made it!
futata challenge?
bruh she cuts this shit every 2 seconds
Maybe I should really consciously study these common phrases and such so that they eventually become subconscious
Really long conjugations really fuck me up

Funnily enough reading is just child play’s now, literally just a matter of knowing all the words
yay welcome to Japan <3<3<3
But 重箱 and 湯桶 readings are fine?
good. we should encourage anyone who would say and believe "i don't like you guys" to leave.
you didn't become japanese in any way but legal
and the idea that you call yourself japanese is pretty disgusting and insulting
i wonder about that man
Thankfully real books often make use of real words instead.
ayoooo sup quiz
but she speaks better Japanese than you, and her skin is whiter
so now that unko’s gone whose going to be the top dog around here with regards to proven japanese ability?
im not gone that was fake me
he was the one, though. we have lost our great wisdom (´・ω:;.:...
i don't go around claiming i'm in any way japanese
as for her speaking better japanese: yes, she has lived in japan for years and married to a japanese guy while i haven't spoken japanese in my life for shit, so naturally she would speak better, she probably couldn't read at my level though
as for being whiter: she is full of make-up and possibly had face surgery, you can't tell for shit, but she is from armenia in which case i doubt she is whiter than me

your not white lol kys
>but she is from armenia
oh yea that settles it then. quiz is whiter. edge case "whites" can't compare to germans or russians.
you know 日本人 also just means having japanese citizenship right mary?
when you get up and try to explain how something is supposed to mean this specific thing that only exists in your ideological nonsense narrative you're not being convincing
there is obviously such a thing as 'possession of japanese citizenship' which is different from being 'japanese'
you're trying to equate these things saying the latter is the former, when it's just not and no dictionary definition telling you that's what it means will change it
because any person who has a brain and eyes in their head can tell what a japanese person is and what a japanese person is not and that person is not japanese in any way, the only thing she has is a legal document giving her the same on-paper rights as japanese people
she (and you) will never be japanese
e__hc doesn't believe in borders.
>And when I talk to women I’m so Clostridium botulinum
how to say it in japanese?
that's in english so you can't say it in japanese
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okayu is a morbidly obese japanese woman
lmao she even uses the fucking geisha filter to appear mabushii white
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the irony of djters over emphasizing the value of speaking = fluency when the reality is 90 percent of you probably struggle to order food over the phone without stuttering in english is hilarious.
not sure why /djt/ is so obsessed with speaking either.

The majority of you do not have the skills, funds or means to move and live in Japan. Learning to speak just to never use it is retarded.
as for me i have never spoken english
bro there's apps to order food you don't have to speak to anyone
the reason djt is obsessed with speaking is because it's obsessed with diminishing other people's skills and accomplishments and speaking is a good bet because most people here do not care about it a lot and don't live in japan so don't even have chances to practice it
self own
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i never dissed overs from the deejaytea and never fucking will
imagine some seanigger saying "yeah just read not much speak much"
thats you with japa
nailed it
your post is cope from a half-literate gobling.
learning a language properly means covering all areas
i have 0 interest in speaking a language as cucked as japanese. I just want to read it for the games and porn
the games and porn are cucked too?
Sometimes. Though they have more freedom to escape the cuckdom by using less keigo.
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question for u guys
I was able to see 左手 and know what it meant because I learned both 左 and 手.

I know that it's not always the case that you'll be able to essentially guess what a word is by its kanji, but does it happen fairly often or not often at all?
yes it happens often
no it doesn't happen often
sometimes it happens
i don't know
im convinced there's a maximum of 4 ppl in /djt/ trying to learn japanese and the rest of u are larping
sound argument if you're retarded. stop treating japanese like it's english and not just a medium to consume the cultural exports. it and korean are the most useless languages when it comes to anything practical.
yes, you can but don't rely on it otherwise you'll be another 今日日 guy
im not "trying" to "learn" im acquiring
flashback to me mining 如何 as どう because that was the first entry in the dictionary but it was actually いかが
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I'm in a level were I can laugh off other dekinais, fells good man
I'm just here to argue with people
that's just a misconfigured dictionary problem though
Any cute girl vloggers for immersion?
doesn't exist
am i drone for mining 一番風呂
amane kanata ch.
takane Lui ch.

ur welcome
he's better than everyone here
miyu tokyo vegan girl
I like the transcription of his custom lyrics
It's a long shot, but does anyone know of a sonarr-like tool to download manga volumes from nyaa? Or at least something to notify you whenever a new volume comes out.
you can use nyaa's built in rss and match that with regex to automatically download new releases
i used to do it with anime all the time
>miyu tokyo vegan girl
always date vegans who have been vegan for 10+ years, you can nakadashi and they're so infertile due to poor diet they will never get pregnant.
if i get prescribed amphetamines some day then i'll be number 5
i remember being this hype about things
same, but somehow everyone everywhere forgot how to make cool stuff
nah nintendo still makes cool stuff and i get unreasonable hype for every direct.
once a year they make something cool yeah
such as?
>such as?

friendly reminder people who ask stupid shit like this just want to argue, ignore them
ayo, so is visions of mあna good? might want to use for immersion
it was okay but not as good as trials i enjoyed that one a lot more in virtually every aspect
nude mods when
I have to do it.
I have to finally start learning Japanese for her....
that's male ;3
there already were some last time i checked the v thread, and one that lets you upskirt characters because they disappear when you move the camera too close
what is it about cute anime girls playing dark souls that gets my coc so roc
more like reretard
does someone have the livestream where at one point a crowd gathers around a japanese woman with MASSIVE (and i really mean MASSIVE) tits in a cow bikini or whatever
>the sudden straw hat
I'm thinking kino
just like how you will never be german
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>Now all I care about is anime and gacha and jerking off
I was like this since the beggining
ugh..do i move to Boston so i can actually attend a JLS?

i hate being in the middle of nowhere...there's no JLS nearby...

and i'm not going to pay money for an online session..

NEETs have the power to learn japanese, the rest of us struggle.
id never move to fucking boston
How many of the "girls" using language exchange apps are catfishes? It's suspicious as hell that there are like 2 dozen women messaging me for every dude.
are you white?
Im not neet and im able to find 6 hours or so a day for immersion ur just lazy
i'm a neet and i don't even get 1 hour of immersion a day because i'd rather mindlessly alt tab between youtube videos and 4chan posts
you dont pay to learn japanese
if natives don't read then do we really have to?
unironically me when the ecchi scenes in a vinnie start
literally every person on djt who claims to read for hours lol
2 like my jlpt level
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literally not me
said no one ever
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is grammar infinite wtf.
its not as much as you think dakeguy
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this makes me really angry as i never skip any scene in no vn or rpg game that ive played
it was her going for another ending after reloading her save file
she already saw all those scenes before

hope you are less angry now
why are you lying to the poor guy?
yea it helps ty
>vn with no text, all the lines are voiced
i think i found the holy grail
yeah you found the worse one
stop trolling queef you little shit
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second time ive been accused of being mary despite posting here for years
who cares feel it all out works every time
holy retard
ok but why did u sign ur post
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I know what the words mean but I don't understand what it says.
feel it out
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feel it out
i've been called og so often myself lol
Is there a site with already available condensed audio from anime
just listen to youtube
nah, but the moeway has an audiobook sharing channel.
u sound mad bro
Nevermind, I'm a retard.
took you long enough to figure that out
what happened to mashiron
are grammar explanation videos ever worth it or should i focus on "immersing" + tae kim instead
You dont need a grammar guide just feel it out
tae kim has everything you sneed.
get the tae kim sentence cards to drill them.
aight unko
>just drill tae kim
sounds kinda gay bro
cure dolly helped me a lot but only after tae kim
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remember, you never hate localizers enough
i don't hate localizers at all
>instead of being proud in my accomplishments, i stroke my evo by tearing others down
what drives man to such egotistical pursuits
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How it feels watching an anime when you suddenly can’t understand what the characters are saying
how do i delete decks on anki? i'm resetting my progress to step 1 AGAIN.

going to skip the JLPT this year.
if you can't figure out how to delete an anki deck there is no helping you. how are you even capable of using 4chan
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we didn't deserve him
You ruined my day, anon
i figured it out...now to reset all my decks to the default..
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should i be able to read this
didn't mean to put you down anon. the vid was good for a few chuckles
jabberwocky is n6
this can't be japanese
Don't worry, I just got mad for having to reflect on my sordid way of life

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why do anons and some guides are against immersing with music? like seeing the lyrics once or twice to me was enough to learn a lot of words because of the sheer repetition, i can see how some words and grammar can be weird in casual speech but idk seems easy to filter
lyrics are a great way to learn especially when it comes to pitch accent
everything just sticks better
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they are well schooled and think that because the meaning of words in song can be ambiguous that they must have no value
songs are like fruit
you can't eat them whole
have to peel the skin with your nails
then scoop out the seeds

learners are fools
they always bitch and moan
throwing angry fits without fail
if it's not ready-made to eat
Started watching non English subbed anime 5 months ago and I’m certainly better from where I couldn’t understand anything but I feel like I’m just not improving

I guess I’ll wait until the end of the year to see where I am
Reading is only getting easier but listening honestly feels harder over time
Maybe full metal panic just has too much military vocab and long dialogues
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dont really remember the first season of this but the second one is just pure nonsense, complete and utter gibberish lol
>nigga realizes that immersion is a meme
>I feel like I’m just not improving
then you need to the bean counter's method
measure how long it takes you to get through 1 page of manga compared to months ago
count the amount of dictionary lookups to get through an episode and compare that with that of a few months ago
>casually decide to check out 5ch's english's 雑談 thread
>already feel like ripping my eyeballs out 5 posts in
jesus is that what i type like

I don’t feel like pausing every other sentence or so
It just feels like my brain is not even processing the noises at this point
>I don’t feel like [studying japanese]
the tobira anki deck on the cornuocopia of resources /djt/ was taken down

anyone still have it??

i finished genki 1 and genki 2 ,and i'm looking to progress to the next step
what I meant is quantify your progress, measure how much faster/better you've become. it's a waste of time and pointless busywork wasted to convince yourself that you're progressing in the end, hence bean counter
How would counting something like that help the number should be rather consistent as I still have thousands and thousands of new words to learn
wow this thread is so much more fun than before great job everyone
how obtuse can you be? just quantify shit, watch number go up (or down accordingly), get dopamine
Okay then I’ll watch a children’s anime and the number will go down therefore I’m better
It’s just an arbitrary number based on too many factors
Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.
nobody thinks any of you are pretending
i'm pretending to not be pretending to be retarded
wish i weren't retarded
is there an anki deck for children's nihongo?

i'm getting filtered by hanahira
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I’m new to Japanese (200 cards into my listening Anki deck, 70 cards into my kanji deck) but it seems like it would be much better to learn Japanese vocabulary through hiragana and listening BEFORE kanji, because ever since starting the kanji deck I’ve been having a relatively tough time memorizing the words and kanji itself, but whenever the words I already learned through the other deck show up I have it memorized basically immediately without any effort on my part. I know you guys swear by the Core2.3k version 3 deck but is there any merit to my experience and belief that kanji should be done after learning a good chunk of the vocabulary? Perhaps I’m wrong.

Also is anyone else in their 30s here?
this is the zoomer club old man
im in my 30s and i can already tell you youre the 800th person to come here crying about kanji
reconcile right now that the writing system is retarded and learn it
you asked for this when you thought learning japanese would be fun
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yeah he left he's learning chink that's the retirement club

how many 'quit learning japanese' videos are we up to now?
kanji is kinda fun imo
a little torture is fun occasionally
kanji is easy af cause japs always use the same 100 kanjis for everything. just learn the readings and feel out
who tf is kanji
it means feelings
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yh picked up
if only hanna minx kept making videos i would have made it by now
its only fun if theres mind break later
read more
I don't remember posting this
moe moe kyunn
can someone explain to me wtf ぷにぷに板 is and why every thread has schizos arguing over whether it's good or evil
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It's been a week-ish and going well. Thanks again for ironing out my learning method anons. I'm not reading it enough but I've started out on Remembering The Kanji. Looking forward to making some sense out of kanji.
Love you. ノーホモ。
Honestly lately I've discovered learning Japanese isn't hard. It's easy, actually.
interesting. i find it to be excruciating.
>stop at 300/1500 words kaishi
>haven't do anki for a week,
>I'm trash.

Time to start over
Anyone know if the migaku kanji god addon is worth using? Or does anyone have a recommended kanji deck.
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almost done with the writing deck
i can basically write this from memory with my mouse
why start over? that's the nice thing about anki, you either remember the card or you don't. Just stop adding new cards and go through 100 reviews a day or whatever until the backlog is cleared
hotogi inside a hayashi
nioizake, sandzukuri
nioizake = メ thingy with 4 dots(top to bottom, left to right order) inside ukebako with a sajinohi below
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so who won?
the one whose translation is in the game
do people say conventionally attractive in real life
not unless they were trying to imply something else is unconventionally attractive
actually yes at tech companies
I've heard women say it a couple times
do people say イケメン風 in real life
Does this mean 1 in the morning + 1 in the afternoon i.e. 2 in total or 2 each time?
8 piza total
Now I know what this sentence is saying but can someone explain why


What is this tamaru
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bro watch a shounen. just once. you will learn words
shut up faggots i already replied first
i didnt see it
i didn't care
thats what we call a 見て見ぬふり
thats what we call a 知らないよ
次こそ負けてたまるものか >:3

First time seeing this
cause you never watched a shounen bro
少年舐め回したくて辛抱たまらん! (*´Д`)ハァハァ
is it worth studying radicals or should i just focus on vocab?
stick to vocab
you will acquire radicals naturally through vocab
>wait until nearly midnight when I want to sleep to do 2 hours of immersing
>stay up till past 1 am finishing
>lack of sleep
>wondering why it’s so annoying and hard
I just can’t bring myself to do this shit before work and then delay when I get home
im sad i didn't make any friends learning japanese and instead just devolved my communication abilities as a human being
were not good enough?
none of you are my friends you just bully me
not true ive never bullied anyone here
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I'm learning :3
飲みません かな?
i feel bad for saying this but the fact your brain convinced you that duolingo might be a good choice tells me you're 100% ngmi
the brutal honesty of djt is what makes this place great
its the only reason i still come on here
you guys are just being bullies again
No thanks. I'm going to finish the course in about two months at 2 units per day, then move to my Kino no Tabi light novel set. High school shit. Big boy shit. Don't @ me again.
I’m immersing 2 hours a day

I need to try 3
Then 4
(Can I count passive listening)
the FUCK is ポエマー? POEMER? please tell me its some language and not waseieigo
nuke logic
Good luck baby girl!
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キノ好きなら魔女の旅々もいけるね! (ㆁωㆁ*)
Well I can’t do more then I can’t do more than an hour of anime and hour of reading each day without feeling insane
2 hours of study/immersion is pretty good for a beginner
it could be better if you don't want to get to reading stuff quickly but you need to keep in mind that it shrinks your range of compelling input a lot because if you don't know the language it's much easier to read with a dictionary than to listen.
>is there any merit to my experience and belief that kanji should be done after learning a good chunk of the vocabulary
that's not your experience, your experience is just that learning less is easier than learning more
>Also is anyone else in their 30s here?
cute bba
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almost done with the writing deck
i can basically write this from memory with my mouse
I don’t wanna immerse I wanna play pokemon
But then I regret not immersing earlier in the day
play pokemon in japanese
wanna play with my dick in japanese
got a big date with the missus tonight
wish me luck bros
not really
>Encounter a word that I know in kana in its kanji form
>Look it up on jpdb
The core2k really is kind of shit isn't it?
i dont trust jpdbs stats on that one
yeah this shouldn't be in 2k at all
what percentage of girls channel users are men? I can't believe there are girls this racist, they keep calling koreans トンスル人 and stuff. no way chudettes like this exist irl
id guess the majority
women here like to act tough towards korea while listening to kpop
1549 is a good sample size though.
i guess i should say ive personally seen it written more times in kana than kanji but it might be more represented in subtitles and vns
i've literally never seen itazura written in kana, what the hell are you reading moeblob slice of life vinnies?
why lie on the internet?
>Anime 39 (2%)
>Live action 2 (0%)
>Visual novels 296 (56%)
>Novels 612 (41%)
>Non-fiction 10 (6%)
>Web novels 340 (32%)
>Aozora Bunko 220 (38%)
Mostly vns and novels apparently.
interesting guess its more common than i thought at least in literature anyway
we already knew you can't read buddy no use coping now
reading isnt the only way to acquire jap
bbas on skypech taught me more about the language than you could ever know
kachite ? kachite ?
qm read endlessly and look where it got him
read jack shit endlessly ye
at least he knows it
jack shit that is
lil freddie...
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how can I expect to make it when learning materials are sabotaged
don't use "learning materials"
real dekirus use the mistakes as practice to increase their gains
euphonic changes
no one says くださりました
no one says おっしゃりました
please point out a mistake other than i dont like it
part of language learning is dealing with extra-linguistic elements, i.e. not sounding like a sperg
god forbid someone teach you some manners
the fact that you missed the point so badly means you're clueless and ngmi
What is the reason for people who learn japanese always tend to be rude? I know this site just tends to lean in that direction but even the most carebear places like reddit always have people who are more stern/tend to be rude. Is it just the difficulty of learning the language or is this some elitism (maybe both?)
most people are eternal dekinais and feel inadequacy
im one of the last people here whos actually proven their skill multiple times and am extremely helpful to those that need it
you quickly get worn out from retards who don't read faqs and then come to ramble about how 'japan should finally ditch the kanjies' and how they haven't learned a thing despite their 9001-day streak on shitlinguo
date time with my beautiful wife
you guys are missing out on the spice of life
ここのポスト見せたら間違いなく破局 0〜('、3_ヽ)_
Does any Anki Savvy person in here know why the fuck the back of my card appears as *blank* whenever I use Anki Mobile to go through the deck?
For some reason though If I preview the card in the mobile app using the edit note it shows up as normal.
Why is 劇作 げきさく and not げっさく?
just do some trial and error to find the problematic part. maybe first try removing the entire script tag temporarily
how exactly do you think a sokuon works?
soukon deez
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deepL more like deepNTR lmao
howd those pronouns get in there?
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>she really had a girlfriend
I know it's yuri (ㆁωㆁ*)
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try writing making it more straightforward next time retardo
deepl can sense the level of retardation in the user's brain and responds accordingly.
the restaurant ended up being nicer than we both expected and the food wasnt that pricey for the area either
now time to watch a movie and go to bed
who asked? not me
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Finished Tango N5 and started reading.

Tried Senren Banka and Future Radio. I couldn't understand shit and the VNs were too boring.

Then I started Amakano and sticking with it, but my grammar is poor and my pace is sluggish.
You're actually writing on paper right? Right?
based but also self own
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Anki needs a mascot.
daily check in
about 50 posts from fake me over the past 24 hours
see you in 24+
She's not sexy.
is that a prerequisite?
you are the fake one
bro im on my オナ禁
why are claiming self own to a literal 初心者. average iq here has dropped fr fr
I think somebody just heard "self own" somewhere and really, really likes it
muted and coomed
anki was tough today and my ass was throughly kicked by


and more fuck
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all of my failed words today
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she's literally me
this one isn't a word but the other 3 are very common
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Why are you learning Japanese?
post your hand
I daisukibidi you anon
ur the first human to ever say that according to google
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小猫 my beloved
cunny ToT
i'm aryan
i wanted to see your rashes bro
you are literally her, right?
*figuratively me
luckily i read from left to right
Alright the fucking 2k/6k deck is teaching me filmmaking words
I think at this point I’ve squeezed what I can from this and will just mine
Will still do reviews from this deck but take the news words a bit less seriously
why are people using decks that have been outdated for several years
why are people using decks
im using my dick
im gonna deck you
oh yea the japanese language changed so much in the last 3 years, deck is outdated now
not the language but peoples ability to make beginner decks
beniggers dont deserve decks
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All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Essentials is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Essentials.
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it was a mistake. shitty language, shitty culture
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the entirety of japanese culture is basically watching a twitch stream 24/7
see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-kanji#learning-radicals
Stick to Ankidrone Foundation

m*gaku is just a scam
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This happens in your first week in Japan as a foreigner
水くさい can only be acquired when you read up the gogen
Thought it was Juu-NaNa, but my card said Juu-Shichi
this shouldn't be a card in the first place
wat is this
your card is wrong
or maybe you just read the dictionary entry
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i said acquire not know btw
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pretty sure you're trying to cripple me
true true
definition looks pretty concrete to me. no different than ringo
have a feeling we're on track back to the golden age of djt where new threads were only made once the old ones archived
*nods sagely*
new guide for a new thread. BASED.
of course there has to be that one guy to ruin everything
havent read in years and still know these words
just keep at it bro, the future is bright

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