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Previous Thread: >>47664913
Just imagine if Runa was still with them and among those who sang this song...
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I like Narumi but I find most posts about her to be almost intentionally backhanded, almost as if they come from the same shitposter.
Anyway, Meg.
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Riding Meg.
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And her friend.
>early thread
>machico op
>1st post about runa
Why do you hate this general?
But we love Runa here and we want to nakadashi inside her
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Don't engage.
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Dibs on left.
Dibs on right.
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Sumipe's legs wrapped around me.
I don't remember Ruri being such a semen demon
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Better late to realize than never.
There are definitely more than one shitposter, so if that's bothering you let me lay that to rest.
I don't know who you are talking about, but Yurishi unfortunately still kind of tries to hang on. Honestly it sounds like she got fucked over but Runa made her own bed. Regardless I wish both of them the best.
Ami used to be so beautiful, why is she so fat now? Did she eat Runa?
I love Koroazu
Prove it.
No don't prove it.
Koroazu making a Hasshy type PB.
She wouldn't do that because she's not a slut.
Her friends are bad influences though.
Doesn't matter, she is more pure than her friends are slutty.

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