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Previous: >>47695800

A place for discussion of Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON works.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru - WITCH ON THE HOLY NIGHT
Mahoutsukai no Yoru:
An Adventure of First Love (Mahoutsukai no Yoru Short Story):
Witch on the Holy Night Material

>Kara no Kyoukai
Kara no Kyoukai Novels (Japanese):
Kara no Kyoukai Novels (English):
Kara no Kyoukai Anime:
Kara no Kyoukai Manga:

Tsukihime Complete Pack (Tsukihime, PLUS+DISC, Kagetsu Tohya):
Tsukihime Manga:
Tsukihime Plus Period - Talk
Tsukihime II Prelude

>MELTY BLOOD: Hologram Summer, Night on the Blood Liar.
MELTY BLOOD PC Collection (Original + ReACT + Act Cadenza + Actress Again Current Code):
MELTY BLOOD - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga:

>Tsukihime Remake
English Patch:

Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Fate/Zero (Japanese)
Garden of Avalon
Fate/strange Fake


>Other Type-Moon Works
Angel Voice / Notes:
Clock Tower 2015:
Fire Girl:
Tsuki no Sango - Coral of the Moon:
Tsuki no Sango Manga:
Haru to Tsuki to Sora to:

>Type-Moon Miscellaneous
BAMBOO BROOM DIARY (Nasu and Takeuchi blog)
Carnival Phantasm (Anime made in celebration of Type-Moon's 10th anniversary)
Encyclopedia of Type-Moon:
TMdict Glossary:
Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc):
Tsukihime Archives:
Type-Moon Comic Ace:
red garden doko
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best day of the year is here.
when the servant is sus
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I'm on the other side of the wall btw
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Foursome between Shiki, Miyako, Mio and Akiha
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Threesome between Shiki, Miyako and DA Noel
Why would she do it?
Threesome between Shirou, Archer and Lancer
Thats it. I am leaving and never coming back. I refuse to do exist with fag poster.
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See you tomorrow, Anon.
There is nothing wrong with gay. It means happy.
*licks you*
You’re gay now
how did you get bullied out of the thread by the most benign poster in this general
Homophobia mostly
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non canon
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Reminder that it’s canon he was a self hating homosexual who hated women
Touch a gay person and you contract the gay.
Do not corrupt my ritual posting you mentally ill faggot
Threesome between Anon, Anon and Anon
Based AkiKoha OP.
Shiki and Ciel are literally among the straight main TM characters.
Provide evidence to the contrary.
All of them are 100% heterosexual.
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TM used to have soul.
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Pathetic, frankly. A true homophobe bullies gays, not get bullied by gays. You disgrace our name.
Can you bully homos when being a Master seems to make you bicurious?
it doesn't
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Sex with Lanlan
>name: Lanlan
>summons a Lancer
That's kind of silly.
Get in here Sakurafags and haters, the one billionth Sakura thread is here
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Considering Sakura, and Shirou (and probably Iris in that OVA IIRC), does Avenger make you gay?
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>she looks like a new character

Still to this day has never left my mind lol. Its obvious takeuchi got lazy and thought its a hassle to draw her old hair style and her tatoos and just say fck it.
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Don't mind if I do
Could be worse, Nasu hates Ciel. Noel was by far the most interesting part of her route. True End was mostly about Arc. Poor girl.
How dangerous is it being around a drunk Lancer as a woman on a Friday night?
Only slightly. He's more pokey than rapey.
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You should be more concerned if youre a boy
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>Lanlan's Lancer
I prefer the old hair style but the tatoos were shit, would have changed most of them
Those abs would made for licking.
Lancer is 100% heterosexual.
Official Type-Moon works only.
Lancer is “heterosexual”, not heterosexual.

See, the phenomenon of guys who go “slightly gay” after a night of too much drinking, or smoking too much weed, is a very real thing. “Just help a bro out, bro”.

Smoke weed and drink beer at your own peril. No one is safe from the gay subconscious.
Dumb fujo/faggot.
I smoke weed 24/7 and I never EVER get the gay thoughts. I am safe, for now.
You havent smoked the right weed
Go away faggot God
You should ignore the faggot, he just want attention
Don’t say mean words
Post yuri to scare the fags away.
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I don't think Illya is supposed to be quite that smol.
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Shirou sure blushes around buff men a lot
will you ever shut up about this
shirou does a lot of weird things
he's an awkward teenager
I do that too, but that's because they're intimidating.
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saber is bae
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Everyone blushes in anime. Rin blushed when Shirou told her he bullied Issei into submission. Do you think that means anything?
>Rin blushed when Shirou told her he bullied Issei into submission
She’s a fujo
Blushing despite having no reason to do so when a man tells you he would let you sit on top of him if you were a woman is 100% heterosexual.
it would be a compliment, so that might be correct actually
who are we to interpret the reactions of someone warped enough to have a reality marble
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Akiha should ditch the fanfics. A proper prim and tidy girl would never imagine her older brother having a degenerate relationship with his best friend.
Why was Akiha such a fucking schizo, anyway?
>Why was Akiha such a fucking schizo, anyway?

Akiha has daddy issues
SHIKI has daddy issues
Rin has daddy issues
Sakura has daddy issues
Shinji has grandpa issues
Shirou has foster-father issues
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I rather liked the original Tsukihime, but by far (pun not intended) my favorite routes were the far side (with Akiha being my favorite character, and Hisui's route being my favorite). I also read a bit of Kagetsu Tohya but frankly got bored and kind of dropped it.
I know the Remake is only Arc and Ciel's routes and that Ciel's route is apparently very improved compared to her original. I'm not sure if I should read the Remake now or wait until they finally do the far side routes as well. Because knowing me I'm just going to want to get to Akiha ASAP, but I can't currently do that in the Remake...
I'm wondering if it would feel off to read Arc and Ciels and then not be able to immediately move onto my favorites.
So yeah I don't know if to read the Remake now or wait until they at least announce a release date for the far side routes.
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If you’ve never had gay thoughts about Archer you’re not a true TM fan
>with Akiha being my favorite character

What's the appeal of Akiha
Remake is incredible but if you read it know you'll end up waiting forever again like the rest of us. Your choice.
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What scene with Shirou made you go "this dude is fucked up"?
I assumed he was autistic from the very beginning anon
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Someone found the foreign model Arc was based on
>Arc is Canadian
She cute!
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unprotected sex with Tamamo-no-Mae
white women...
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doesn't look half bad nowadays either
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would kiss
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bros is this real tamamo dialogue?
>Arc is Canadian
How will Nasu incorporate this into the lore?
He won't?
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It's as real as this dialogue.
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imagine if she sued type moon LOL

>local canadian sues Japanese company type moon for 1 bil.
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lets be honest she also has a bit of Japanese in her as well the OG Arcueid.
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Mordred a best. Fight me.
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Post your unpopular Nasuverse opinions
>Nasu introduced ANOTHER fucking filler arc in the middle of a filler saga
Red Garden never man...
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Trust the plan.
>Post your unpopular Nasuverse opinions

Nasu doesn't care about Red Garden and he only wants to write Fate
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Most precious girl ever
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Would Nasu vote Trump now that it's apparent that Kamala doesn't care whether cats get eaten by black people or not?
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Doesn't matter. FGO part 2 is still scheduled to end next year.
Yes 100%
Kamala was literally laughing at people in pain
I wouldn't say that's unpopular...
get out of here you dumb burgers
Obama chucked.

>You mean the Einzberns, Matou, Tohsaka and the Holy Grail War?
If Nasu wrote Zero today, he never would have mentioned Bill Clinton
>remake was made mainly for that one girl who didn't originally get a route
>release the remake 10 years after its announcement
>"uhhh actually her route will be on the sequel"
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>No Arc gf irl
why even live?
Imagine your mom being the inspiration for your favorite heroine.
>remake was made mainly for that one girl who didn't originally get a route
who the hell gave you this idea
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Going by Japanese culture today, Rin and Sakura should both have full blown bush right?
If only fsn was an eroge.
So cute, thanks
>weapons looks more retarded as time goes on
>tfw Fate/stay night and Witch on the Holy Night are not woke
Who are you quoting?
Myself, five minutes ago. I even spelled the tfw part.
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Can't stop, won't stop!
kys faggot
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her being a cuckquean
Does Nasu have daddy issues?
Now we know what older Arc will look like
Arc doesn't grow old
>an Older Arc is a Saberface
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What am I in for?
I find it funny some dude in here adamantly argued Arc didn't exist prior to the planet's creation, yet Nasu just confirmed exactly that: https://warosu.org/jp/thread/44301160#p44331234
Feels good to be right.
I aint reading all that but I guess it depends on what you mean by Arc.
Arc existed in the same way Lugh beowulf existed 2000 years ago. The info dump outright states the soul of the planet exists in the same way nature and divine spirits exists at that stage without a physical body. Only obtaining a physical body much later.
So yeah, lol. Arc is pretty much the same as Beo, just much older.
Why did Shiki tear up in the attic? Was it just RG foreshadowing?
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I love this man, hope he's a schizo
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>Kohaku also does blackface now
Is she the most racist heroine?
Thoughts on this theory:
Why are straight men threatened by Garcher?
Yeah, there is no doubt Shiki was 16 Roa.
Women want to fuck him.
Men who want to fuck women secretly want to fuck him.
My main issue with this theory is that Ciel knows that the eldest son of the Tohnos is Roa's target since she remembers targeting him. So why would he go into Nanaya first?
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Also, wouldn't Roa himself have commented on being back in Shiki's body?
Nah because that would have killed the entire mystery in Red Garden. Nasu is never that overt with his foreshadowing.
Is the "naked cosmos" just as weird in Fate?
She herself is still only 900ish years old even if the components of the existence is older conceptually. Differences between the beginning of life of the individual. If you asked Arcueid about her beginnings, she'd tell you about meeting an old man(if she recalled) about 900 years ago.
The theory makes literally zero sense and is retarded. I don't know what explanation for the numbers on the coffin is, but it's not that.
Ciel doesn't necessarily remember everything that happened as Roa. Look at Shiki blacking out. Roa could have changed plans or maybe it was always fated that he'd be the eldest son on technicality.
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Fate/Extra has the faggiest heterosexual ships.
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Nothing faggy about turning one of Japan's greatest evils into your foxwife
She's a bislut into futa, doeever.
Kiara wanted to become the planet, I wonder if maybe she succeeded in OC3. Story is dumb enough already though.
It's not gay if it's Hakunon thougheverbeit
Bislut + bislut = Gay.
>become the planet
Complete global sexo?
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Surely Nasu wouldn't retread the same shit again...
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they cancel each other out from being gay
hakuno is the canon choice for cas-ko anyway
They are both Hakuno you moron, they have the same name.
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Makes them question their heterosexuality
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Does the domestic violence make less or more faggy?
I'm hyped for the Vlov & Shiki teamup against Nero in the true Sacchin route
I hope Satsuki's route is something wild and completely unexpected with a lot of chaotic DA Satsuki.
Lancer would do more than just lick…
My canada-jin wife
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Finished the remake, I don't understand the point of dickriding Arcueid so hard even in Ciel's route
Laughing everything off at the end of Ciel's true ending kind of feels like a slap in the face
Arc is precious.
>I don't understand the point of dickriding Arcueid
Arcueid is Nasu self-insert
All (near side) route leads to Arc
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Why is Akiha like this, again?
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oni blood probably
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>So it's the same type of Servant as Archer.
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Why is Kerry considered a badass sigma male?
because he prefers McDonalds over a fancy dinner
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Shiki simps for every woman he meets. Also having the biggest arc fanboy, Roa inside him.
Shiki is a VN protagonist.
Because he uses le gus ad his a le adult, that's it
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To me it's clear that Nasu rushed her route. Sony probably wanted an Arcueid gacha in FGO and set a deadline. Nasu just didn't care.
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Imagine believing this
The Arc gacha likely generated more profit than the remake itself.
He's literally me
Proof? And why would that matter? It's not like they're acting towards profits first and foremost with how they've handled Remake or Tsuki shit.
FGO makes absurd amounts of money, it can be estimated.
Almost all adaptations, FGO and other shit were funded by Sony. Modern TM is nothing without it. Sony absolutely has a leverage on TM.
And how was the remake handled?
>Laughing everything off at the end of Ciel's true ending kind of feels like a slap in the face
It's not her true ending, there's a reason it's called the “extra” ending after all.
Please don't say things you don't mean.
Unless there will be a "Ciel True" I think Ciel extra is the true ending. It's a three-hour-long ending that ends the same way as the original ciel true.
Not my words, Nasu made it clear that it wasn't her true ending years ago.
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Why would nasu put so much effort into making an ending that is not canon?
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>Laughing everything off at the end of Ciel's true ending kind of feels like a slap in the face
That's completely in character though. Arc was never some bitter enemy or something. Did you want Shiki to endlessly hold a grudge or something instead? That would make zero sense and isn't the kind of person he is.
>how was the remake handled
Far and away the best thing they've produced in over a decade? I'm not sure why you guys think there is anything wrong with Ciel Route. Remake was nearly done a decade ago, so not sure why you think Sony is telling them what to do regarding it either. I'm not saying they don't have leverage but Tsuki and Gacha shit are different. We already know they wanted to have TM do a Tsuki collab and Nasu told them to fuck off.
It is canon though. Calling something True, Extra, No designation, Normal, Good, Bad doesn't mean it's not official.
>It is canon though.
Yeah, I probably should have said true ending instead of "canon". It just feels really lame that the weakest ending in the vn is considered the real one while "Ciel True" is relegated as some extra ending.
I don't a fuck what Nasu says. It's exactly like a true end for any character in every VN I've ever played. It's Ciel true.
I find Ciel Normal one of Nasu's best endings. As for the extra being "real"... they already reference it plenty? It's real, it happened. Normal is the one better setup for sequel stuff though. We might get a True ending, that one would probably save Noel.
I don't think any of the routes in blue glass moon were called true endings.
That's a very low bar and the remake still was a massive downgrade compared to Mahoyo. And the remake's not even finished.
If Nasu really wanted, he would've released the full game long ago. He had more than enough time and also for completely new ips and games. The truth is, Nasu's old and addicted to Sony's money. Sony's a big corporation that doesn't care about art, only milking consumers.
I'd say TsukiR clears Mahoyo many times over honestly. Unfortunately Gacha has fucked TM over and prevented a timeline where we got R and Mahoyo sequels.
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True End
Ciel's ending absolutely said "Ciel True" on it originally. I would post a screenshot but it looks like my saves got fucked up because of the whole yuzu drama.
Yes, you're correct.
I love this. Also cute DA Noel.
>route is called Ciel true ending
>Ciel is written out of the fight and basically acts like a mansel in distress for the entirety of it
at least the Warc fight was entertaining
There is nothing wrong with Ciel needing to be saved. It's better for it and suits the focus of the scene. She also shits on Arc in the worst way possible.
"heroine needs to be saved" is the norm for any character route ever. No idea what you're complaining about.
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>not wanting to save the heroine
Low T
>route is called Ciel true ending
Not anymore.
shut up nasu
That's like saying the route is bad because Shiki was observing Arc and Ciel fighting for an hour.
Remakes can be faithful or they can do their own thing. TM chose neither. The remake tried to be Tsukihime but it didn't feel like Tsukihime. Not to mention it was bloated, the art and music weren't impressive.
What is wrong with what I said?
I disagree. It's honestly everything Tsukihime should have always been and more.
It's very hard to take "criticism" like this in good faith. Can you elaborate on literally of these points. I guess art and music are subjective and all, but it blows your average VN out of the water in this department so your criteria appears to be absurd.
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I still see arguing Archetype and Types are different. They are clearly meant to be the same thing. Dino Arc's case in LB7 is just an exceptional case resulting from Malla taking over a chunk of the Earth.
Kuku is kinda even more weird. She's also not the real thing but also a mix of a bunch of shit and an alien(literally immigrating to earth).
It's pretty weird. Da Vinci and magecraft world in general really doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about. Though to be fair that's probably because it doesn't exist in Fate. Seems even more certain now since UO was described from the direction of Tsuki.
See, you're comparing the remake to an average VN instead of the original because the remake feels more like an average VN than Tsukihime.
Tsukihime's about vampires. It's gritty, bloody, claustrophobic, either the old mansion or dirty back alleys. The sense of uneasiness and danger never completely leaves you. The original's psychedelic backgrounds and music really helped to reinforce that impression. Everything worked together.
The remake is the opposite. It's too shiny, too comfortable. By themselves the backgrounds are pretty, the music is professional. So what? They add nothing to the work. It's like the remake was inspired by typical high budget Hollywood movies, expensive and pointless.
The remake made Arcueid look and sound like a high school girl. Even though she's a vampire, True Ancestor. She should be cool, alien and intimidating. The voice acting in general was off. I liked Akiha though, she sounded like she could split Shiki in half at any moment. That's the stuff. I'm sure her route will be a joy.
Ciel's True End was longer than HF's entire last day. Even though the latter had much more going on. Nasu managed to pack in HF's ending many iconic scenes, perfect pacing of pure awesomeness. A good chunk of the remake's script is just a waste of time.
Yeah, clearly AE has to be the best source for this kind of info.
This more or less feels like some tryhard hipster perspective. Basically some meaningless "high budget is bad" nonsense. It's hard to take seriously.

>It's gritty, bloody, claustrophobic
It's funny you typed this up because that exactly how I would describe the scenes where Shiki is down in Vlov's lair. That was incredibly intense.

>See, you're comparing the remake to an average VN instead of the original because the remake feels more like an average VN than Tsukihime.
Uh no, I compare the original Tsukihime and Tsukihime Remake to other VNs because they are also VNs. It's the sensible thing to do.
Your feelings are wrong. Nowhere in the post it was implied that having a high budget equals bad. Mahoyo's an AAA game compared to Tsukihime and it's a masterpiece.
>Nowhere in the post it was implied that having a high budget equals bad.
>It's like the remake was inspired by typical high budget Hollywood movies, expensive and pointless.
If that's not what you meant, you should phrase your words better.
>AAA game
It's this guy again. Your opinion is shit buddy.
Deep down you know it's true.
Pff, nah.
vampires are stupid anyway
Where would she fall in it? Did she record anything?
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I'm doing a bit of study of Japanese every day. Slowly but consistently. I hope to know enough to somehwat understand Red Garden when it comes out.
It's always been obvious that when it comes to Tsukihime Nasu only cares about Shiki and Arcueid and nothing else.
>It's like the remake was inspired by typical high budget Hollywood movies
It will never not make me laugh that Nasu LITERALLY said that the wanted to go "Hollywood" with the remake. I hate Japs (and the entire world's) love for Hollywood.
what's the YHVH of the nasuverse
Whatever lies beyond the Root/Swirl of Radix.
He just meant big budget and flashy. If he meant anything deeper than that, he would have made Ciel black and Neko Arc wouldn't be racist.
Is remake Roa/SHIKI now just old near side Roa with different hairstyles?
You mean in terms of appearance?
This isn't gay because they are french
>FGO have multiple oni
>they are just plain horny
>worst thing a oni did was Shuten shoving her hand in Guda's guts to fix his mana circuits
Oni in fgo are truly a disappointment
I have it on good authority that archer dresses like a woman behind closed doors
They are too cartoony, which can't be helped due to the nature of FGO. It would also be hard to take Akiha seriously if her only appearance was in the non-serious jokey parts of MB.
Why do all Shirou's love interests (Saber, Rin, and Sakura) have homosexual tendencies?
If you are doing actual reading and not only learning words, you'll be totally fine.
girl on girl is hot
simple as
Yeah, I'm doing some reading since every kanji word comes with a sentence showing the usage of the word.
I plan to read a VN or LN novel when I complete the deck.
You're good anon. I'd love to delude myself into thinking Red Garden is around the corner, but we've probably got the rest of the decade to go.
what about boy on boy
Disgusting, cringe.
sounds kind of gay desu
Hot and illicit. Cute and canon.
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My dumb sister said she’d lick Archer’s armpits once
Post a picture of your sister, anon.
Why are women so fucking nasty.
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There's nothing nasty about armpits
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The funny part was them saying none of this shit mattered despite the chapter title. Everything Tsuki related like Ciel has been pushed to side shit.
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Why does Nasu have a hard-on for Arcueid wank?
she's a white woman that loses to nihongo cock
It will probably matter though.
Wasn't there supposed to be Strange Fake news today?
Women’s pits are clean and hairless tho
Maybe partially? I guess BB's third asc could be the Archetype of moon dubai or something.
A anime teaser
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Tohsaka suckin shaheen oil money.
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That's gimmick infringement
Finished reading TsukiRe. What do you guys think about it?
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Arc did it first. Saber is the copycat here.
Pure unfiltered kamige. If Red Garden lives up to all the hints the first part drops, this will be Type-Moon's greatest work.
>Differences between the beginning of life of the individual. If you asked Arcueid about her beginnings, she'd tell you about meeting an old man(if she recalled) about 900 years ago
That would defeat the purpose of the Archetype having the records of the memories of the planet.
I was glad it was over.
Best thing Nasu has written. I thought it was too short.

It wouldn't since there is a difference between the individual's beginning. It's partially aphilosophical thing. What's the significance of gaining a body, mind and concrete form? It's not much different than saying Arc isn't exactly the same as what was the brain of the moon. If Arc became a new TA and ceased to exist through Luminary evolution the new stronger TA could still have the planet's memories too I imagine. Also what happens when something like Kiara fuses with the planet and becomes its brain? You'd think it would somehow gain access to the records upon filling the seat. Basically two things can be true at the same time and both the before and after of Arc's 'existence' matters, not just for the earth and moon but the individual too is how I see it.
Normal Arc is stated to be the mind formed by the vessel's experience but Princess Arc is the archetype before the vessel's creation, and she identifies herself as the Earth, the literal thing.
So that's probably the difference.
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How did YOU get into TYPE-MOON?
She's also identified as Arcueid because of Shiki and CM because she always is and both Arc and her princess aspect are just the same person anyway. It's basically the same in concept as making a separation between Roa and a new host. I'm not saying Hime is Roa in this case mind you, but more of Arc/Hime as a holder of records.
I still think Arc must have had some degree of awareness as a disembodied soul prior to gaining a body since she was stated to be the same as disembodied divine/nature spirits.
I knew about FSN and its long list of derivatives for a while, but I started reading OG Tsukihime and became a regular here around the same time, so I guess /tmg/ could be how I got into it too. Inb4 that being a shit way to get into it, this general is the best one I've ever been in

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