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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>47768704
too young
How do I form a habit of actually immersing and just focus on tasks better / not doomscrolling
I know it’s as simple as just doing it but I cannot just do it
she wasnt a virgin lol
I don’t play Fortnite
so between matt, anacreon, moeway and tastumoto do they all hate each other equally?
matt is the only relevant one there so i'll only comment on him. but he's a great guy living a great life and has no hate in his heart for anyone.
dunno but i hate them all equally
>Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
>Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
>Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/
Why there are 3 links
合法 or 違法
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forgot to do anki yesterday now the review pile doubled, time to kms
how many reviews you got?
小佐内さん… owari da! (´・ω:;.:...
dr k days calendars and time tracking help people with adhd and that it takes two weeks to form a habit
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do what you enjoy, but in japanese
if you enjoy doomscrolling, then start doomscrolling japanese videos
dont know why i just felt it out
aw fuck i got it wrong
So what's the word for coin landing on tail?
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update i can now write all the joyo by hand thanks to quizs deck
make a todolist writing when you want to do someting (e.g. 8:00 AM anime 9:00 AM jp books 12:00 yt)
Also listening to bgm while studying helps me, so you should give it a try
never heard katagata before in all the vinnies i've played
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>manko drawn as fabric
stop being weird and learn to enjoy bbas
roribaba i do enjoy
you think >>47789088 is 方々?
thats not a bba
the fake bunko is somehow even less funny than the real one
the fake isnt even here anymore
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my boss is not going to like this
this is why youre all ngmis
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とーゆー意味ーん? :3
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gooood morning
im a what?
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perfect communication :)
thanks gura
gura my beloved (*´ェ`*)
i hate hollow life and its simps
but truck on bros ygmi just keep consooming that slop
not a single person made it watching that slop
えー、多分 not gonna make itだと思うんだけど
not unko
what's the deal with the guy spamming tatsumoto
god you're so fucking bad
noooooo I am zapanese you know! ToT
you pretending to know how i write is just sad and you know it
too comedic to be japanese
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老舗もの chewy
>i no know how to write za engrish cuz i 2 baka 2 understand :-000
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why are you learning japanese
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is this translation accurate?
very cute
my chinese sucks but yes
please dont circumvent my filters
>my chinese sucks but yes
is that not japanese? it looks japanese. how can you even tell the difference
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who are you talking to
the kinds of squiggles along with their arrangement gives it away
Does anyone know a ludwigっぽい japanese youtuber?
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no one dies 2.0
what a shitshow
who is ludwig?
does anyone know of a vtuber who has a matterdaddy?
what's a matterbaby?
nothing much whats updog with you?
>how can you even tell the difference
by it not being japanese
but the characters look japanese, it's kanji right?
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aha you were talking about もじゃもじゃ :O
讓 and 你 dont look japanese at all get your eyes checked
yh dk bros
does this look like english to you?

>La tradition veut qu'elle ait été fondée en 1029 par saint Gurloës grâce à une donation du comte de Cornouaille Alain Canhiart ; en réalité, la fondation a probablement eu lieu dans les années 1040-1050. Elle a été l'une des abbayes puissantes de Bretagne et possédait de nombreux prieurés et autres dépendances. Placée sous le régime de la commende en 1553, l'abbaye décline quelque peu, jusqu'à sa reprise en main par la congrégation de Saint-Maur en 1665.
No but that's different because the Latin alphabet codifies sounds, while kanji codifies meaning
and sound
you're sort of an idiot aren't you?

>hanzi is japanese
>implying kanji arent borrowed
learn to read fag
kanji is shitty bastardized hanzi
the default reaction when seeing hanzi is to assume it's chinese, not jap
which one to pick
can't be sure, there's a conditional in the chink text
what the f
they were like 90% the same prereform
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i just understand it so it may as well be english
well ok smart guy then tell me, is this japanese or chinese >>47790365
he wont be able to answer that
he doesnt know japanese
you can tell from the hiragana dumbass

youtube-kun ;__;
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OH shit im retarded, i meant to post this in this thread >>47791095
sorry everyone
no i didnt i wanted to post it here

replacement immersion
whats your excuse all the other times you post that crap in here?
all me

forgot to mention, i'm trans
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mouー? https://streamable.com/3bhjf7
Damn I finally finished reading subahibi but it didn't make me not want to kill myself. I shouldn't have trusted a game so popular on reddit
もうひと頑張りなんだけどな ;3
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peak gambs moment
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>1 carrot slice
>7 fries
>hunk of meat

if this was america there would be 50+ fries
this is why japanese are thin
errybody know gambari just a counter suffix
>they're thin because serving sizes are small
fucking genius over here. the japanese islands couldn't provide enough produce for the entirety of today's population if everyone were to indulge themselves and got fat. don't overeat. you're being a strain on the system.
well you know what they say you're either a smart feller or a fart smeller
the man's live, huh?
guy loves listening to his own voice
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I want to immerse more but somehow always end up skipping immersion all day until very late at night
Idk how to just do it
dunno i just watch anime
drop more things, start more new things
i swear you people treat japanese like a job
you need an immersion buddy
if japanese never required "effort" and you just enjoyed it then you don't even belong in this thread. you never had to "learn" or even "acquire" japanese in the sense most people care about. no one relates to you.
i just listen to 三四郎オールナイトニッポン while i game and otherwise talk to and fuck my fat j wife
my brother from another mother
have confidence :3
you dont have a japanese wife
if you did you wouldnt need to pretend to be me
deflect it however you want we both know the truth
wapanese jife
i do and we have sex almost every night
stay mad anon
I have been to Japan but I still don't know japanese
why did you take my name then
even changing to 飯 when i did and so on and posting my vocaroos as your own
i didnt change to anything
ive always been some form of 米
Is this a good article?
sure dude keep wasting precious hours of your life running away from your problems
A larper
having no achievements of his own
continues to seeth
why are you trying to be me?
ok i'm back, what did i miss?
she kinda looks like my wife
post her
im not doxxing my wife lol
im sensing a little jealously
sry im just so enamored by you i had to pretend
im jealous of your wife we should be together instead
sorry i dont swing that way
every time i would post with your name or clone your voice for a vocaroo i would feel so good inside like you were really there and the loneliness would be gone for a few moments
thats why i spent the past few weeks making several hundreds of posts pretending to be you
have not been keeping up with the fake unko story arc
Man why am I even here
it's just unko samefagging to maintain his status as the thread's lolcow now that lil j is gone
its fine
over time ive come to accept that my lifestyle and relative freedom would be envied by some anons on here
im basically living out my ultimate fetish so its to be expected
you're sad queef
what do u think about this song
i stopped thinking long ago
do you still feel
had to close it when the rap part started
that its fucked up
it has 129,000 likes so it must be a good song
true i didnt consider that
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anime done right
wotd: 武士は食わねど高楊枝
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can someone remind me what that site was called that allows you to read manga and actually scan the text with yomichan/copy paste it?
its manga selection was limited but it was useful. i think it allowed you to switch between japanese and english versions too
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no :(
v-vocaroo? (´;ω;`)ウッ…

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