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Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
Guide: https://gohoneko.neocities.org/

Previous thread: >>47756656
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my life is falling apart because all i want to do is immerse in japanese
with pleasure
does it mean something like "being treated like a child"?
you're kinda close, but not quite there! (^_^)
"oya no kao sareru" actually means something more like "to be looked at sternly by one's parents" or "to get a disapproving look from parents" (^-^)
it's that feeling when you've done something naughty and your parents give you that disappointed look... you know the one! (>_<)
so it's not exactly being treated like a child, but more about feeling scolded or judged by parental figures. hope that helps, cutie! :3
Can the 2.3k Japanese deck be finished in 14 days? A short 2 week school break is coming up. Assuming I'll be using Anki for 10 hours a day, is it possible to finish the 2.3k deck in this time? I'm planning to finish about 230 cards per day and spend the last 4 reviewing them over and over again. Or should I do another more efficient method?
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no. just do it normally. rushing through it is a waste of time
is that image real
The issue isn't if it can be done but rather if it is even meaningful to do it. There is a to the amount of information that can be stored into short memory and then passed to long term memory. Not only that much doing that much new cards in such a short time span will guarantee an insane amount of reviews stacking for months. Reviews that will keep stacking since you will certainly have a very low retention rate. You're essentially trying to use a SRS application while completely removing the SRS aspect of it. Might as well stare at a blank wall for 10 hours straight.
listen to 841
returning dekinai here
I did some RTK and tae kim back in the day but lost motivation
going to try again, this time with core2k/6k.
is the latest version of anki good vanilla or are there still some plugins that are recommended? I forget the setup

btw dare I ask uhh.. whatever happened to m*tt?
nvm just found the anacreon vid documenting the drama
>this time with core2k/6k
why not core2.3k or kanshi?
>are there still some plugins that are recommended
fsrs helper
>why not core2.3k or kanshi?
honestly just comes down to an arbitrary choice in the end doesnt it? if you have good reasons to choose a different one, I'm all ears
my reasoning was 2k would be good to refresh my memory with what little I did know so I can get back into immersion
vanillas fine just turn on fsrs
matt went full scam with his mailing list and runs a glorified support group
it's not arbitrary. 2k/6k has shit sorting, pointless katakana cards, pointless redundant cards
ok like I said I hadn't really thought about it
cool thanks
i'll get fsrs too >>47769475
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Tae Kim Grammar Guide or Cure Dolly? or both??
imagine actually starting in 2024 holy shit
nigga youre like 18 so stfu
either. if something isn't clear check what the other says
it's a great time to start, japanese culture is better than ever >>47768736
im 23 and my wife is older than you
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is there a way to fix android displaying fucking chinese fonts by default other than switching the entire fucking phone to nippongo?
yeah so youre basically still a teenager. you dont get to pretend to be an old timer just because you married someone old
my phone doesn't allow me to have two system languages at once. when i select one it just switches to that until I switch back. i can add it as an input language, which I already have but it does nothing
Add japanese as a second language and drag it under english.
iphones feel more japanese
my phone isn't even old, why the fuck doesn't it allow me to add a second language? I can only change the system language.
are you sure? i'm reading that this should be supported from android 7
>Starting in Android 7.0 (API level 24), Android provides enhanced support for multilingual users, allowing them to select multiple locales in settings.
how do i translate porn without becoming lost in pornbrain?
turn your phone japanese bro
is there even money to be made these days?
yea, doesn't matter what I do, long press anything, there's no + sign or anything either. i either set my phone to uk or jp. both isn't possible. not inside the google settings either.

my original post said "other than switching the entire phone to japanese" so idk what your useless comment is for
embrace it
the only immersion i can do is doujinshi and videogames, i'm physically unable to give a shit about anime or tv shows
after some googling it seems the answer is that xiaomi chink phones are garbage and you shouldn't use one because they don't allow you to do this unless you root it and boot their shit
i dont know then. here it is on android 7 https://youtu.be/Vv2Be5lVB-c?t=36
maybe your phone maker fucked with the system or something
yea mine just doesn't even have the 2nd menu, it goes directly into language selection
its your only option other than rooting apparently and i doubt you would be able since we are having this conversation
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What’s a better Anki deck for begginers?

Kaishi 1.5k


Core2.3k Version 3
kaishi probably
Any reason why?
core has some words that don't belong in 2k

There is no better option. Just pick one.
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I wish there was a way to actually track how far I’ve gotten
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Who of you is this?
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How many new cards are you getting in your decks a day? I’ve been doing the default 20
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is this really that uncommon? first time seeing furigana in this VN
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wasn't expecting to see B-カルボリン in my light music manga
easier to read that way
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15 my mining is starting to outpace it so I'll probably up it to 20
there are ways of doing that depending on what exactly you're aiming for. if you're looking to travel and expect to be using japanese as a spoken language a lot, streams, movies, videos of the "we asked a random guy on the street to explain why japanese are so evil and racist" variety are pretty good. same for reading comments and tweets online. if you're more of a reader, take your pick: there are vn holy grails of difficulty and basic japanese lit on aozora can be fairly challenging as well. there's poetry too.
Listening to Japanese songs you've been listening to since way before deciding to learn Japanese and suddenly understanding more and more stuff did that for me.
Well I’ll reach 6 months studied in 2 days
Can kinda watch anime only pausing for new words or really long sentences my brain can’t process
Reading is also just kinda an issue of knowing the words
I guess that’s about what I should expect
I do know that trying to write as of now is impossible
yeah i think writing is something you'll be able to tackle once you consume so much that your brain turns into GTP that generates logical strings of japanese.
have you tried finding an anime, book, manga, vn, or game that's out of your range language wise but you have a large interest in it? i had a few vns like that, they kept me going through my first few years of studying japanese. i used them to test my skill. every year i'd boot them up and see if i can properly read that shit now (it helped greatly that these vns started with somewhat challenging intros). when i got good enough i was able to confirm that i reached some sort of acquisition milestone and then i got to enjoy the stuff i was looking forward to.
i wonder man
just got back from the doctor for an ADHD consult and the guy told me I definitely have it, but I may also have autism. I told him I never had a girlfriend my entire life and he mentioned that I was somewhat fidgety and avoided a lot of eye contact. this plus all the other things we talked about led him to that conclusion, but since we were there for the ADD and not autism It wasn't a clinical diagnosis.
Being able to read in Japanese takes so much longer (without yomitan) because there is a prerequisite of memorizing hundreds and hundreds of On reading before you can properly sound out words
At least in Latin Germanic languages if you know the sound you can read any word
good, it filters hordes of the lowest ESL scum
do you have more of a broad range of interests or a smaller range of intense ones? i was wondering if maybe i'm a bit autistic but dr k said autists often have very specific intense interests which i don't believe i have. but maybe that's just how it is when you have autism with adhd
>i went to the doctors and they told me im a normal guy
i only have a few interests that i like to focus on a lot. didn't know that was a flag for autism tho.
oops wrong @
>At least in Latin Germanic languages if you know the sound you can read any word
No https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6E1gWLgdidw
is there a good setup for mining from manga?
I understand everything in this jlpt n5 study guide, and everything in Genki 1 and Genki 2

is there any good decks for tobira vocab/grammar? i have one and it's just okay.. the one in the cornucopia of resources was taken down so i can't use that one.

i'm hoping to take the n4 next year...
windows + shift + s and ctrl + v
why am i even helping a tripfag?


i've been using this trip for 9 years now. it's so i can find my post history
How do you guys force yourselves to immerse even when you don’t want to
How do you do any hobby even when you don’t feel like it
I dont
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i just always feel like it?
i guess.

I don't really like jpdb for the most part but you can steal the deck using some shit online. Btw you can use bunpro for a more ""structured"" way of doing grammar. Can also just read tae kim a couple of times. Personally focusing on these books feels a bit stupid but do your thing man
i jump between different mediums and works all the time and prioritize consistency over quanity. i also try to tie in my other interests by doing stuff like playing songs from anime or writing stories with light novel influences
get an older gf that you can talk to
I don’t want a gf tho
Also I may just be retarded and somehow form mental blocks / negative connotations for the most mundane of tasks even things I enjoy
post them
its not a hobby if you don't wanna do you
or do you mean days that just overall feel like you'd rather stay in bed all day?
浮く, 浮かぶ, 浮かべる are redundant
いたずら is 5k at best
言い方, やり方, 書き方, 生き方 are redundant with 言う, やる etc. just one of them would be more than enough
similar thing with 歴史的 or 文化的
非常口 is not even close to 2k and also redundant with 入り口 and 非常
交じる is definitely beyond 2k
that's just from looking through it for a few minutes
Idk basically just random chunks of time where I really don’t feel like doing it
But then eventually the feeling returns
For anime it’s not that hard but having to read a LN feels like a chore at this point it’s boring, I know how to read just need more words known
its a beginner deck. whats easy and obvious like transitive and intransitive to you isn't obvious to someone with no reference. also repetition is important for beginners, so 言い方, やり方, 書き方, 生き方 and 歴史的 vs 文化的 help cement concepts. that being said, kaishi is still better
>交じる is definitely beyond 2k
majiru majiru majinaika?
i didnt say they dont help anything, just that they dont belong in a beginner deck of a limited size. transitive/intransitive can be figured out from the context when immersing so it makes no sense to try to memorize it out of context. and cementing is done during immersion too. beginner decks are just there to help people start immersing in compelling stuff, not to cement things. otherwise people would be recommending grammar decks and stuff
nah it helps
there was a guy asking what 戦いかた meant just the other day
if he had done the core deck he wouldnt have been asking about it
please just use your own name i dont want this ngmi discussion associated with me
you've got the causation wrong. it's just that the kinds of people who are likely to watch videos instead of read articles are likely to not take action, and that's because dumber and lazier people happen to watch videos. but the act of gathering your information from a video doesn't make you less likely to do something.
its over bro
>that being said, kaishi is still better
it's not
okay, bro. im over it
>they dont belong in a beginner deck of a limited size.

you only found less than 10 cards out of 2000, removing them would make no difference
I’ve used SRS every day for more than 18 years, never skipped the day and I’ve always done my daily allotted flashcards. In other words, at the end of every single day, my total number of flashcards that I have to do is always zero. After about two months of daily use, especially after I was seeing tangible results from using spaced repetition, it wasn’t very difficult for me to make flashcards a daily part of my life. What has helped me the most has been doing them as soon as I wake up. Almost none of my cards have been made by other people, I have made basically all of the flashcards myself that I personally review. Because of this, reviewing my flashcards feels more like a personal thing, like looking over old entries to a diary. Like another poster mentioned above, the more you can make your flashcards, personalized and visual, the way more fun you will have reviewing them. each morning I wake up and I am a little excited about what flashcards I’m going to review that day. This morning I reviewed a couple I made from 2007, I was a little nostalgic as I read over them to be honest. I would say for the last 15 years, 98% of the time I do my flashcards as soon as I wake up. Sometimes something interferes with it, and I have to do them in the afternoon or evening, but otherwise they all get done during the morning. I noticed that if I do not do my flashcards in the morning and have to go about my day, I am grumpy
same for me except sri's

dammit why do i still laugh at the stuff you type
just trynna get this nigga off my dick
cuz it so bad
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Is the only way to build vocab seriously mining 10,000 Anki cards
no you gotta do it jokingly
pretty crazy if it wasnt for avgn i probably wouldnt be here
he got me into retro games and that lead me to japanese
avgn is gay and has shitty content
are you some dude whos salty i hate vtubers?
no why
its at least double that
is the only way to build a meaningful relationship with a japanese woman seriously becoming a dekiru
Anyone got recommendations for natural speaking immersion?
I've been watching this chick's vlogs since they're subtitles and her voice is relaxing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goVoG3ckHrs

and I'd like to find more like it.
literally any podcast for natives ever
only if theyre more than twice your age and lonely
oldest jap bitch i ever sexted with was 58 she talked about getting a donor egg and having kids
whats the hardest anime
ginga ayylmao densetu
Supposedly legend of the galactic heroes
the old hxh anime goes the hardest
i dare anyone to watch this and call the remake better
both good
>insert matt talking about terrace house
hisoka vs chrollo fight sucked if we're being honest.
3 days in a row of no immersion
It’s over
it never started
I had a good 6 months
All the ones I have DMed on Twitter back then were in their 20s I don't know how you guys can get older women
between manga, anime, VNs, video games, light novels, anime, podcasts, youtube, TV shows, and JAV surely you could find something to do
Nah just haven’t been in the mood played an anime episode for about 2 minutes yesterday and paused it that’s about it
is themoeway any good?
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yea japanese is cool but penguins are cooler
older women dont use twitter
>that meme song is giri giri dansu not "get it get it done"
life was a lie
no good posts
all 3 djts are complete fucking shit
someone do something
there are three perfectly good posts right above yours
good post right here
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I read that volume yesterday
with the rice shortage is it still possible to become a rice mogul and start a clan or no
wish i had a medical sex worker
wheres the sex version
Same for me with PS5 Pro.. うざい
belly button!
poorly drawn teeth!
stfu imoto
isnt imouto the bitch who couldnt vocaroo mareni lol
imouto never produced anything of substance because she was a he
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Why are you studying Japanese?
my dopamine
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i dont study japanese
vtubers are so boring

this is what young japanese kids are watching on youtube
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ムホホー! (*´Д`)ハァハァ
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this is 不曳だ right? how would you guys translate this?
youre a badass >:3
I want to go to the konyoku in Japan
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>all 3D models have been updated with spats

old hololive was better
I just started learning Japanese after studying it in High School and giving it up
Any suggestions for how I can learn to write the most beautiful kana and kanji? I know it won't help me read Japanese but I like kanji
Back in high school I was just focused on banging out the exercises and my teacher always criticised me
Do I need a specific kind of pen to be able to get those marks at the end of each stroke?
Back in highs chool I was focused on banging out your mom


Is it true there's only grannys in konyoku
pick up a brush pen
i think im immersing too hard with the zundamons nanoda
robovoice immersion is too ngmi for me
holy zun-kiri based ;3


Probably, I've been to finish sauna's and it was similar.
I've seen stuff I wish to unsee.
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somebody was like "hehe this is so funny let me waste 2 hours drawing 2 grandmas molesting a minor and post it on reddit for some sweet karma"



esl nigga
its ok nigga cuz i got that weed card
no thats me unko
just coomed twice in a row, felt pretty good
oh, coomed to jav, so it was immersion i guess
how many words did you mine?
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Now I understand how 礼 turned into れ
but why?
yeah lol
you just gave yourself away as the fake unko with that one
lol you caught me

what does メニューを繰って mean?
take a break from the japanese and do your duties
you can get back to it anytime, nobody cares about you being good at japanese and it's not worth being bad at everything else in your life
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I bet this choice will have serious repercussions after 11 hours of gameplay
did you ever notice the point in your learning where it stopped becoming about grammatical difficulty and mainly about vocabulary?
just got the jlab decks to try and make a listening deck. who wants em
yeah i think he noticed that with kachite
ill need to see some gmi certification before i can let you insult big q like that
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failed cards today
i knew 納得
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somewhat feeling 4
try again
sateoki to answer, Wasabi anon is probably the most exemplary learner of Japanese, sirankedo :3
I also convinced myself that 4 made sense but I've got no clue desu
turns out I'm not N2
冗談は置いておきたまへ 𖤐(ゝω・)vキャピ
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today's immersion
>grifting whore: :|
>grifting whore japan: :O
of course asexual anon has to come out and post now
this is wrong i love all whores
today's immersion
don't have a problem with whores
but I already just immersed to this >>47779405
sure when I was younger I could immerse multiple times in a row no problem but these days I need some time to recover between immersions
stopped repping 2 months ago
made new deck
draggin individual old cards into new deck
should i reset them?
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like half of my anki fails is confusing between しょう, じょう, しゅう and じゅう
i don't know, not really
i never really thought about whether me not understanding stuff was due to grammar or vocabulary
the only thing i noticed is the amount of stuff i don't understand going down gradually until i understood most things
the amount of times i had to look up 凛々しい because i can't remember 凛 for the life of me
I love you idolmaster
same, it's all kango readings
one problem in general that poses a persitent threat to the learners adequate understanding is that concept of grammatical person does not exist in japanese.

on the one hand any spoken real-life sentence between actual people will always allow the inference of the relationship between the speakers or the parties mentioned, curtesy of honorifics. while on the other hand, more often than not, one is not granted this lifeline in neutrally written sentences or factual texts. as such, the system of honorific lanugage is therefore not an equivalent replacement (or even a reliable one, as honorifics aren't even immediately necassary grammatical structures but rather an lingusitc expression of social conventions that need to followed but might also be broken just the same) .

together with the ever-popular omission of personal pronouns at just about any given opportunity this leads to countless instances where, when given a excerpt from a text, the reader cannot in fact be sure who the agent of the described actions actually is:

i, you, he/she/it, we, you, they did that? who can tell? it never changes...
what initially might appear as a blessing to the early student can prove to have rather challenging outcome over time with its dowsides all its own
so is 99 percent of kansai just replacing だ and やand ない and へん?
>having to reply just to ask "what else, then"
the negative is a bit more complex than that
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grammar, vocabulary, pitch accent, set phrases of every day life. they all exhibit differences to varying degrees
unironically, im not autistic enough to use with it looking so dated and it probably being buggy. i want to get away from microsofts os real bad, but don't want to give up native .exe compatibility
>try to dl kklc
>60 kbps and fails every time before finish
its ogre isnt it
no thats just their crippling prevention(tm) mechanism
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memorization helps immensely with acquisition
reverse engineering a kanji thru kondasha kanji learners course actually gives me a boner
what N level am i if i dont even need to look at the options
how often should you do "review forgotten cards" or "review ahead"? is it never, or is there a place for it?
just get a japanese girlfriend that translates everything for you, no need to learn the language
don't even worry about those options.
font too small, what is that? 腔? 膳?

how many did i miss?
額 is ひたい in my case, and the one you weren't sure of is 臍
ahh of course, ty anon
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just mined heso
desu a bit embarrassed ひたい isnt the first word that came to mind but i dont really mix up the readings in context so its whatever
私には相対している人間がウソをついているかどうか、おおよそ見抜くことができる。昔から交渉事で他者に欺かれる経験がないことが自慢でな。what does でな do in this sentences. i know what the its saying, but not sure why it ends like this
the sentence goes on. it probably explains something else.

昔から交渉事で他者に欺かれる経験がないことが自慢で 私には相対している人間がウソをついているかどうか、おおよそ見抜くことができる。
wtf there was a arrow that 4chan ate up

昔から交渉事で他者に欺かれる経験がないことが自慢で (-> thats why ->) 私には相対している人間がウソをついているかどうか、おおよそ見抜くことができる。
yea that makes sense actually, but what about the な. i remember cure dolly saying that な when used like this acts as a way of "thinking to oneself out loud" is this the case?
dont think about it too hard, just acquire
its just like people saying yeah at the end of their sentence
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When do you start really picking up a lot when watching Japanese content? I’ve been at my Anki deck for only two weeks but outside of a word here and there (ここ, 何, 彼 and such) I don’t know what’s going. I definitely don’t expect to know more than I already do, but when did you start noticing a huge improvement from when you started? A couple of months? I’m kind of tempted to abstain from immersion until I get better.
when you get to intermediate level which im at
What would you qualify as intermediate and how long did it take? Congrats, by the way, and こんにちは to you as well
2 weeks is too early. i'm still learning, but i never felt some big burst of progress. it's always kind of felt like whittling down a stone, i only notice improvements when I've revisited things that i tried to consume in the past.
OG digimon adventure is fun, easy to understand dialogue, simple plot and battles
To bad about the future betrayer bitch
Am I crazy or does newer slice of life anime (I guess 2015-onward) have insanely fast and abundant dialogue? I never noticed this until I actually tried to watch anime sans English subs. Are there any anime where every character isn't a motormouth? I know there's Non Non Biyori which makes sense because it's a totally laid back show to begin with.
karakai jouzu tagaki san, but yeah most modern sol romance shit is no longer iyashikei
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How long did it take you to realize that yomitan is killing your gains and that the less you looked up words, the faster you learned?

Also, how long until you realized listening was more based than reading?
>yomitan is killing your gains
if you look up words too frequently and too effortlessly, you don't remember anything

Try reading your VNs with no texthooker, and use the weblio app on your phone to look up monolingual definitions instead of yomitan
thats what ankis for
imagine if immersion could make you improve as fast as Anki could. You'd quadruple your improvement speed
我が物顔 is a whole word wtf
be real can you read this and know the meaning?
couldn't read it without hovering
im nip but cant read this
read that as hasha
my wife doesnt even know how to read that
why you here in the japanese learning thread dumbass are you here to feel good about yourself fuck off we are 頑張るing every day while you just like to watch? fuzakennna
ok so are you gonna explain where you got that word from or is this just jisho guy trolling us again?
I'm having this problem
it pops up in 火狩りの王 apparently
I hit play on anime and sometimes have like 5 minutes or more where I just have 0 idea what’s being said
It’s like I have to consciously remind myself of word order and such things despite having listened to the language for months
I don't think I was quite ready to move on to sci;adv vns after finishing nekopara
whoever dropped the はいよろこんで in the thread earlier got me hooked on it
came up on 42 mined words today
yooo i thought nabiku means to waver/bent due to the wind blowing but it seems to mean "to blow" as well?
Any good matome websites? The only funny story I've read so far is about a guy who shat his pants on a night bus. Everything else seemed boring
guys this is it
this is how you 10x your listening ability by using this simple trick:
setting up the jimakus to appear 1.5-2 seconds earlier allows you to preread what is about to be said so you'll be able to hear most of what they'll say without using the jimakus as a crutch while they're saying their lines

you now own me 1000000$ for hearing this advice

do this for 100 shows and youll be able to hear everything without jimakus
Four days in a row with zero immersion

It’s over
おまいらぎゃるがん2が安いぞ急げ! >:3
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acquired from kkk
it took me 1 second to realize that you cannot and never will be able to produce any evidence for this and that you suffer from confirmation bias
may I suggest an altnerative way
audio first then learning how to read last
looking up words by hearing in romanji on jisho
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Is there a way to learn with either gaming or reading a visual novel, with ingame-tools that would allow me to copy some words in jisho if possible? I tend to remember kanjis better if I learn them in context, braindead flashcards are completely useless.
you sound brain dead yourself
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今さらGBやるなら聖剣伝説くらい :3
I got it right in 1 try I am so good at japanese
I've never spoke jp. I learn jp to read chinese powerpoints
dont respond to unko
it's easy if you already know 駕御/駕馭(がぎょ)
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this improved the thread experience by 200% im not even joking
your ability to read is directly proportional to your vocaroo performance
your ass is directly proportional to my foot
we missed you austrian guy
good to see you back
I could but only because I have an immense hatred for 書き換え字.
the retard that spends his life in the /int/ djt correcitng the italian retard that spends his life asking questions in the /int/ djt?
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i was always here though?
cant get into this reddit shit and im speaking as a reddit user
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consider going back
morbido owned
i was already on 4chan back when people used digg over reddit and i didnt even know reddit existed
>Four days in a row with zero immersion
see you tomorrow I guess
Hello!!! I was playing White Album 2 with the DeepL option in Textractor and they just throw me a "error while translating" and i looked it and it happens cuz DeepL free subscription have a limit rate of translation :C cuz that i was wondering if anyone knows something like another translator that can translate English->Spanish and i can use it with Textractor ywy, thanks for reading and i apology if some part doesn't make sense that is everything im reading you guys :D
beatles never made a white album 2 stop lying
acquired 蜃気楼
no its only in 18% of vns and 2% of animes
the rest being n8
n8 isnt real, there is only evidence of n6 and n7
vtubings a bit キモい
green chick needs to seriously back off the mic and work on that accent
momoi is so cute
get a life
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Why are you studying Japanese?
to say congrats to you >:3
Hello anons, please help me understand this grammar としては vs にしては:

He's a beginner, but he's so skilled, such that his skill doesn't look like the skill of a beginner.

For a beginner, he's skilled. His skill is still within the range of the typical beginner, but he's at the upper bracket or top 1% of typical beginner.

Am I correct?
i dont know japanese but according to the grammar dictionary youre correct
just feel it out
yes the latter defines a role the former contrasts the role
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oh god please no
its over
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the only thing im grateful for is that vtuber enjoyers are the biggest ngmis of the thread
actually I'm the biggest ngmi here
>you can steal the deck using some shit online.
How, any link pls
more ngmi discussion
ngmi :3
you guys have any good netflix recs? my old lady wants to watch something funny before bed
ユルサン! >:3

today's immersion
>grind anki
>grind grammar
>start immersion
>words end in shit like tierundattedakarundesumaimashita
What the fuck prepares you for this? Genuinely. Or am I just supposed to guess what sentences mean and understand 50% and just figure it out over time somehow?
California is unforgivable! >:3
How do you guys understand audio better
Reading is easy, infinite time (not that I don’t make an attempt to read quicker) just you and the words
But idk how to process audio better
Should I be attempting to conscious remember what each word and particle and their specific order in the sentence means
Or just let the audio enter and have my brain subconsciously process it with me only looking at the animation/subs on screen
acquired 10円ハゲ
think ab what u would do in english and do that
the desire to understand what the cute anime girl is saying is vital
listen to audiobooks that you've already read.
sokoani episodes of the shows you watched(even if you think the show is shit it's good immersion material)
view deck -> save to csv
after learning around 1200 kanji and about 100 hours of immersion reading my brother is about to give up on the "reading" method of learning japanese
he feels confident that speaking and listening to japs will somehow be easier to acquire the language and that later on he can go back to reading books
is he right?
i feel that its too early for him to give up on reading, I think he should have at least 1000 hours of reading before "giving up" on this method of learning
>What the fuck prepares you for this?
you JUST said you were grinding grammar
600 even, but definitely not 100
>is he right?
he's an idiot and so are you. you don't give up on reading when trying to learn a new language. that's giving up on learning the damned language
he should quit and start learning chinese
official anime immersion thread >>>/a/270953250
like a phoenix rising from the ashes
京アニやったぜ! (゚∀゚)アヒャ
The fuck is sokoani
I might do this for some stuff I read in Japanese, and stuff I’ve read in English like Monogatari
世界が広がる 推し活英語 https://amzn.asia/d/aoDHStN
he just told me "that`s not what I meant"
he actually wants to go the normie route and go to classes in real life the "normie" way, hes tired of reading grammar books and trying to learn on his own
he wants a teacher to tell him what to do
is he still wrong?
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エクボやばっ! :o
Are you good?
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ye ol' two dads
wonder if a phantom troupe member will die in the set of chapters that will start dropping next month
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daily reminder to read the official DJT guide
DJT guide v3.0, written from scratch by 出来るやつs: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/
new - rikaitan site: https://rikaitan.github.io/
>ankidrone as a name having clear negative connotations in the community
>doesn't decide to rebrand
>here my updated 3.0 guide!
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We stand against the hijack attempt of the (former) Yomichan project by the "moe way" because they promote a flawed and ineffective language learning method which is different from AJATT. Moreover, "moe way" has been a bad actor in the Japanese learning world for a long time, and we can't trust them.

I recommend Rikaitan instead. Say "Rikaitan" if you also believe the hijack should not succeed. Rikaitan is the true successor of Yomichan. It's a browser extension that lets you look up words on web pages (a pop-up dictionary). Rikaitan is free/libre software. It is maintained by the AJATT community and everybody can contribute if they want to.

>doesn't decide to rebrand
why? ankidrones should immerse instead of doing anki.
I took some anon’s advice here a few years back to learn Chinese first, and I just want to say it’s a huge mistake
see https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/can-i-use-netflix-to-learn-japanese
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I just learned some hiragana. I've practiced for the last 10 days for 5-10 minutes a day!

I will be speaking and reading Japanese soon.
is the tatsumoto poster a bot
wotd: 顔面偏差値
kao men hen sa choku?
こんちゃ! こんちゃ! (*´ω`*)
gan men hen sa chi
I made a mistake in writing - こにちわ
I think this is better? こんにちは
yes こんにちは is correct :3
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I’ve reached half a year of Japanese study, idk why Anki didn’t track that second day there but I have not missed a day
we don't believe you
You better believe me right now
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I want to have sex with Mirimu
sounds great! ;3
kakkoii sounds right but kakkoyokata? wtf?
Can someone explain to me the difference between 代わる and 代える?
I’ve realized it
AJATT is the only way for consistency
Eliminate the ability of choice over what you do
This should hopefully make it so I don’t delay my immersion until like 11 pm
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Congrats. If you have serious intentions of learning Japanese then you’ll have to put it more time than 15 minutes a day but it’s a step in the right direction, so today we celebrate.
yea celebrate by posting a racist conspiracy theorist. that makes sense.
it's just a past tense
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Maybe too late but whatever.
I had this problem and did this:
>Enable Developer Options
>Enable USB Debugging and USB Debugging (Security)
>Setup adb
>Open PowerShell (if you are using Windows) and run these commands:
>>adb shell
>>settings put system system_locales en-US,ja-JP
>Reboot the device
Ignore Xiaomi shit
how did it?
it says こう can't you read?
try archive org
are there any anime/manga/vn when a character gets bullied at school so hard that he goes on rampage and kills everyone?
no you need to learn chinese
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not everyone but yeah
fuck anime is gay
vn >>>>>>>>>>>>> wn >>> ln >>>>>>>>> manga >>>>>> anime
どうして ;_;
quality of story:
manga > anime >>> wn > ln >>> vn
true true
whats a wisual novel?
kino. name?
factually correct and also very based
ViVid Strike
i ended up dropping it but that clip was cool
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web novel
is it the true in the English version? :)
You can't even speak English so I wouldn't worry about it.
let me know so you can help me learn English ;3
You’ll be ok
i still don't know when to use shikamo vs soremo vs soreni vs soreto
rikaitan is trash too.

all you need is a paper dictionary
wakari masen :3
i've seen it written like that before and knew the meaning but wasn't sure if it was read differently anymore
I don’t get how people learn with eroge
The horny mind is not the same as one that can pay attention to reading
lol i admit when i read pure nukige with the intention of jacking off i skipped a ton so i see what you're saying
but if it ends up being unexceptionally compelling you do end up reading a lot too and the better you get the more you can read in horny mode dick in hand too, i guess you're practicing to read fast
I also just require too much yomitan to comfortable read with one hand
>lol i admit when i read pure nukige with the intention of jacking off i skipped a ton so i see what you're saying
not even have you not completed a single vinny you don't even read the lore intensive H scenes ... my disappointment is immerserable, qm : (
the buildup definitely made me read for longer and i used mtl during h scenes
vns suck as fap material because of the pacing even within the erotic scene. doujin does it better.
i've completed a handful, but true i've started reading and quit a shit ton probably easily over a 100
dunno, few VNs have managed to hook me, maybe 2-3 at most, i want to like the medium but it rarely clicks with me
maybe this guys isn't such a 物凄い faggot after all
vns are rather expensive when you think of them as educational materials :/
even moreso if you think of them as what they actually are: trash
how is free expensive
i still respect qm, but damn... i didn’t want to think of him as someone who uses the CTRL key.
i didn't actually literally skip things
i just meant that when i was really horny and reading a jackoff-game i would essentially gloss over a lot of text, basically reading really fast and just ignoring every time i didn't immediately click
don't think i never literally skipped until the porn, like the build-up is important too

oh and i never did this for games i actually cared to read, like rance for example
which game makers do you like? if they don't make a profit, they'll go out of business
you sound like someone who votes
light (already out of business, blew all their money on making a failed gacha game). Only vn company I'd really care to support. To be fair, I did.
maybe they should make things easily purchasable in the west if they cared
last time i checked dlsite is literally blocked in germany, they redirect you to google and i've bought stuff on there
clearly they don't give a shit about western fans and they don't expect any of us to know japanese, so i'll happily keep pirating
that's the same thing. and don't ever tell me anything about what you did when you were horny ever again. the thought of your pale hairless atrophied chest is revolting
お前がばら撒いてるんかーい! >:[
yh qms right
rate my method qm >>47782426
Is it immoral for a dekinai and a dekiru to be in a relationship. Seems like the difference in ability could cause a power gap.
shouldn't be an issue for you, now way you can find a dekiru gf
the dekiru gf hates pirates though
lol where did he go
I cannot fucking understand anime anymore
I’ve seen like 4 months worth of anime in Japanese but now I just don’t know what the fuck anyone is saying ever
Idk what happened
Did my brain reset this is all literally just meaningless noise to me
could just be the show you're watching
i often have shows where i understand 100% of everything for all episodes and then i put on some SOL shit and all of a sudden i'm not catching what they're saying
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we should do calligraphy, too φ(..)

played this demo and it sucked
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(JMDict) 求: request, want, wish for, require, demand
just goes to show much better it is for lurning
>Cosplayers invade Shibuya from Akiba
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How many anki reviews do you do a day? I was at a point where I was doing 3 hour reviews daily and got burned out.
How do you keep them from adding up?
>Add 20 new vocab cards a day
>Do this for 1 month
>At the end of the month the review card list is more than an hour each day
yeah looks lame, for some reason japan has something with lame unresponsive action rpgs with boring ass lame stories that don't even manage to look good on paper
another one i have in mind that i actually played to completion is astral chain, looks like similar kind of slop
That’s probably true
It’s all the military / fast speaking in full metal panic that’s fucking me
All the normal shit is just fine
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i did one day of reviews this month which took about 12 minutes but this is very late stage learning

when you're early and adding a lot of cards you need an efficient card format, you shouldn't take more than 5 seconds per cards on average

for that you need an efficient card format and review method like anime cards

that way daily reviews should take a maximum of 30 minutes a day, anything over that is really painful so if you're over 30 minutes you need to change things up
if you aren't already, doing them on my phone and spreading them out throughout the day instead of doing the entire day's worth at one time made it a lot more manageable.
my reviews while shitting have a higher success rate anyways
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I need to get mobile then. Better than this. Thanks for the suggestion

Do you mean if you don't recognize the card within 5 seconds to press HARD and move on?
What efficient format did you use before you arrived at late stage?
I can't do the 3 or really crazy 6-8 hour anki grind a day anymore because I eventually take weeks off and I don't want to do that
moe is right doe
why would an elephant and a monkey dine on a frog's head...
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is there some simple, decent-looking Anki mining note setup guide? I've been using JPminingnote for some few months, but the format apparently isn't compatible with doing cards on your phone, and I'm not going to be able to do Anki behind my PC for a while because of sudden developments at my job.
>Do you mean if you don't recognize the card within 5 seconds to press HARD and move on?
you shouldn't even be thinking about it for 5 seconds i feel like, if it takes that long just fail the card

>What efficient format did you use before you arrived at late stage?
i still use the same, anime cards
you don't have to invest long hours into anki, like i said do a max of 30 minutes

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thank you! would you also happen to have any opinion on sentence vs vocab cards for a somewhat beginner-stage learner? I'm not sure on the exact amount(I deleted my previous deck at 3k mature), but I'm probably around 4000~ vocab known and currently reading summerpockets reflectionblue while texthooking some stuff here and there if that gives you any idea of my level, and not completely sure if I should stay with EN-JP, use sentence or vocab cards etc.
crazy how i can just watch any anime and i just… i just understand it
i can watch any anime and understand almost none of it
I can watch Takagi and understand everything. wagmi
don't do sentence cards because they are a waste of time and take too long
do the card format linked, and don't read the sentence every time only for failed cards, keep average review time under 5 seconds, your number one goal should be to correctly answer and learn the readings/meanings and your number two goal to make it as fast and painless as possible, only use the sentences to remind yourself when you fail
how ab u stop watching coal drop the T and watch akagi
I was thinking more of the spacing and new additions. Sorry I'm unfamiliar with anime cards. Is that a particular deck or something else?
I wanna watch akagi but i don't know how to play mahjong :|
well u dont need to know all the hand scoring just the basic rules
thanks! (^o^)/ I'll set it up then. I was only using sentence cards at the start because I thought having more context would be useful to get used to reading and retain meanings in general, but it seems much faster and a good idea to move away from it yeah once you have a little basis.
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I just need a J-E dict for a few hours while I don't have wifi. What should I use, 斎藤和英大?
spacing? anki takes care of intervals

>new additions
you mine with yomichan on pc and jidoujisho on mobile
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Yomichan is good. I'll check out jidoushjisho. Haven't tried that yet.
You can watch it without knowing the game. We pretty much all knew hack shit about it back around the time it aired. I literally had no idea how the game was played at all but you can largely still follow it by the narration.
wait so you virtually read no vns to get to the point you're at? did you really comb through like 100 jp subbed anime to fluency?
ah wagatta, kenkyusha with EPWING it is
Thread is almost dead so feel free to respond next thread if anyone cares
How do you guys get your immersion hours up?
I am watching 1 hour of anime a day and was reading an LN for an hour a day, but that’s it
I can probably force myself to do just that but I can’t find a way to do more
I don’t really know, would passive listening / Japanese only twitter and YouTube really count as much immersion?
Or should I just not worry about the literal time each day
lol what
I just wanna get my numbers up but can’t force myself to watch like 10 anime episodes a day so wtf else can I do
listen to a podcast or something throughout the day faggot
immersion isn't real, you should read and look up words

also stfu
do what you enjoy the most and do it in japanese
if you cant do that you are either
1. depressed and using japanese as a way to escape from it (more common than you'd think)
2. have concentration problems
Does that really count, listening to something while doing an English activity? Gacha on Eng account, writing, etc
is studying japanese as a way to escape depression a bad thing. i feel called out (not that anon though)
well it depends if you will actually enjoy and use japanese when ur out of it

there are quite a lot of cases esp ajatters that end up throwing it all away and saying fuck those chinks
慈愛に 敬愛に 純愛に 情愛に 親愛に 性愛に 友愛に!
can you read these?
Should I quiz myself on On readings it really seems like a cheat
Maybe I’m just retarded but even though I’m at 3,500 words on Anki I still don’t even have a lot of kanji memorized and words that should be simple are like brand new
I cant anymore with this language.......
makes sense to me
what do you mean virtually read none? i said i read several to completion including multiple rated 50+ hours and read like a hundred to the midway point and then dropped them
swear to god people here read whatever they want
Honestly I think passive listening is bullshit and your mind is largely going to just filter it out. I think if your doing 2 hours a day and keeping up with it, it's better than forcing yourself to do more. I'd say go at your own pace and don't force it too hard.
stfu negative nancy
after all who cares if it takes 2 years or 20 years
well i wouldnt say 20 more like 2-6 is reasonable but yea doesnt matter if ur having fun along the way cuz itll just happen naturally
the only annoying bit is doing ur reps
i appreciate your positive outlook
Passive listening has an underlying purpose thats not immediately apparent: make your brain feel comfortable listening to a language other than your native one.
If you just cram in words and expect to know how to decipher real time speaking without your brain having enough training to recognize the language flow properly you will have lots of troubles ahead.
Don't meme about it, take each and every single step seriously if you aim to truly be better or else you can just be like that foreign guy that trained precisely only kanji to pass that ridiculous Japanese Exam and be one of the very few foreigners to ever do it but then completely suck at actual communication.
>make your brain feel comfortable listening to a language other than your native one.
aka an utterly useless skill
lotta dunning kruger radiation coming from that post
id blow my brains out too if i had to watch hours of anime everyday to learn jp. thank god im a semi normie and i can enjoy youtube and occasional otaku content.
>i casually watch autistic japanese targeted youtube videos
>im somewhat of a normie
okay retard
ur saying my polish, german and spanish is... useless?
! >:O !
you need to find anime that is compelling and interesting to you
I like anime, of course I watch things that I compelling lmao
No way am I gonna watch a full 13 ep season every single day just for immersion numbers to go up that’s insane
Has any of you by any miracle have this book
in pdf or some way for me to read?

I was reading this one in particular before losing access to it.

If anyone has it, i would be super super grateful.
damn look at the size of those. unironically hot
any thread that does?
lol but also true
12ep@22min is 4.4 hours (264mins) is doable, just read for another 3.6 hours and you've pretty much done a work day worth of immersion, no this isn't even hardcore like the ajatt method
How can you possibly have interest in one show for that long
That’s 3 movies worth of the same series, every single day
Let alone having to I dunno go to work and do other shit
You’re insane
I read 20 pages of manga and watched a 10 minute youtube video today, a good day of immersion
for an otaku NEET this should be baby easy but honestly i can only clock in around 4+ hours when im reading vinnies i never manage to listen for more than 2 hours max anime
same, plus ~6 hours of immersion on djt when people post japanese sentences.
if it was compelling you would have no problem watching an infinite number of episodes
if the content is compelling you have to force yourself to stop
clearly it's not compelling
by that definition nothing in life is compelling except strategy videogames.
That’s a fair point. I’m awake for 16 hours so I should just consume content for 16 hours, if I can’t it must secretly be bad
It's just more compelling to post here for 16 hours a day
whats with all the ngmi retards
and youre a pussy lol
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maybe that is the case for you
or you just need to search more for what compels you
nah i probably just have undiagnosed adhd. need drugs to fix me.
All you gotta do to not make immersion a fucking chore is find some funny youtuber you can kinda follow what they're doing even if you dont get what they are saying.

like this.
from seeing these dumbasses win at crane games, you get shit like ぐるぐるアタック meaning "spinning spinning attack" and some casual expressons.
i think qm isn't far off. people usually keep doing a thing because they get something out of it: fun.
if you're really having difficulty consuming a lot of japanese its either like he said, not compelling, or you think you're into japanese while not actually being into it at all
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i just remember guragura because gura is a drunk retard
nobody cares kys
i think people just take learning itself as a chore and dont do it.

all you gotta do to get works in your head is to play japanese shit even with subtitles.
So when something like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsurtt6kMSA is around you might not get most of it, but you hear "ooooh mahou shoujo means magical girl" when you read mahou or shoujo it on some textbook.
anime sucks just watch something thats actually good. like vtubers
Yes you should consume for a long amount of time and push yourself to do more but seriously suggesting to watch a season of anime a day is just asinine
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also this shit has her spin when she says guruguru
i hate vtubers. i wish there were a lot of female japanese streamers who were real.
started bobbing my head side to side
I don't like anime (nothing against it, i don't watch TV shows or movies either), manga or light novels. Are videogames and porn (not JAV) good enough for immersion? What about japanese boards like 5ch?
you dont live in japan
yes, just play them in japanese with subs.

if you are at a point you care about reading kanji like, for real, get the subtitles in japanese too
I immerse with hypnosis asmr
not sure why but i feel most motivated during rainy days
never thought about it. rain is comfy though
Someone 16 hours have gone by and all I did today was watch one anime episode and write 1k words of a story
How can time pass this quickly
did u do ur reps tho
just took a shower with my wife
just took a shower with your mom
mom is this true
thats not funny

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